2012-12-12 PRODUCT NEWS Attachment - ATC Refund

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Amadeus Ticket Changer Refund launch in Scandinavia

Product Name
Amadeus Ticket Changer Refund

Effective Date
12th of December 2013

Main Benefits

Provides automated ticket refunds based on CAT33

Increases efficiency & productivity by reducing the time spent on refunds
Minimize the risk of errors, helping to secure revenue and reduce the number of ADMs
Uses recognized industry standards for consistency across all sales channels
Improves customer service with fast, efficient handling
Minimal training required, uses current Auto Refund expertise

5-10 % of all airline tickets issued are refunded and Amadeus is the first GDS to fully automate
the otherwise time-consuming ticket refund process. Amadeus Ticket Changer Refund is a new
feature of the Amadeus Ticket Changer product suite which uses the data stored by airlines in
ATPCO Category 33 - Voluntary Refunds to fully automate passenger refund requests.
ATC Refund is a comprehensive solution which can handle all types of tickets and all types of
ATC Refund significantly reduces the time spent by agents reading fare rules and making the
various calculations involved, such as the fare amounts to be refunded as well as the tax and any
applicable penalties. It also helps to eliminate the risk of errors which often results in Agent Debit
Memos (ADMs) for travel agencies.
To order Amadeus Ticket Changer Refund, contact your Amadeus sales representative today.
Also please visit Amadeus Learning Services for upcoming webinar course to learn more about
Amadeus Ticket Changer Refund.

ATC Refund is a feature of ATC that is offered to Amadeus customers using the Central Ticketing

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Amadeus Product News

ATC Refund has capitalized on the existing Auto Refund solution to simplify the work of travel
agents who benefit from a familiar working environment.
The TRF entry is used with option /ATC to process automatic validation and calculation. A refund
can be requested by the ticket number, from a PNR or from a query report.

by ticket number
ticket number element in a PNR
specific item in the query report

The TRF input will trigger the automatic calculation of the refundable amounts by Amadeus
Pricing Engine. The result is then automatically displayed in the refund mask, filling in the
following fields: Fare paid, fare used, fare refund, cancellation fee, tax refund and refund total.

A separate display of the tax breakdown can be made using the TRFT command, showing paid
taxes, used taxes, refundable taxes and non-refundable taxes.
You are able to do updates in the refund mask with TRFU/ entry, but the Data Input Status
Indicator will change accordingly.
To process the refund enter TRFP and to ignore the refund mask enter TRFIG.
Please refer to the below HELP pages:


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To view airlines available in Ticket Changer Refund

Help pages regarding ATC Refund
Help pages regarding Automated Refunds and updates
e-ticket information for a specific airline (XX=airline)

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Amadeus Product News

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