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SUBJECT: Var ]ov HAD Jose Yel Yo Ly & WFQ [EECLASSIFIcATION AUTHORITY DERIVED FROM: EBT AUTOMATIC DECLASSISICATICN GUIDE DATE 05-17-2016 BY: UNITED STATES Gt Memora ELSMGOKA2 — wre eRNMENT Ace. Dv, —— ltr. F, S@putman om ee 1-Mr, W. A, Branigan um 1-Foreign Liaison Unit vate: September 23, 1974 WASHINGTON LATVIAN SOCIETIES INFORMATION CONCERNING On September 23, 19 y advised that ¥, September 19, 1974, a group of about 12 individuals conducted a protest demonstration at the al: Australian Embassy, Washington, D, C, The purpose of the demonstration was to protest Australian recognition of Soviet acquisition of the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, In this connection, Mr, advised that the bi Prime Minister of Australia will visit the United States during » the week beginning September 30, 1974, He will visit with President Ford at The White House, One of the individuals conducting the above demonstration indicated they planned to protest the Prime Minister of Australia's visit to the U.S. and will demonstrate at The White House on October 4, 1974, , the tentative date of his visit with President Ford, Mr, advised that this information will be Be furnished to Secret Service during conferences dealing with the >7¢ security of the Australian Prime Minister's visit to this country and has already been furnished to local Metropolitan PD, »é Mr. requested that the FBI furnish any information which may come to its attention concerning demonstrations at the Australian Embassy or any other data which might have a bearing on the security of the Prime Minister's visit to the U.S. UNRECORDED COP\u"HEDIN— Ss SSSCSCSC«“*#é ACTION: r For information and route i i idling. Cos be eee une x \ ie hp REC-34 £ ser arian pea grea en Se it an S d L) DECLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY DERIVED FROM. Rae FBI AUTOMATIC DECLASSIFICATION GUIDE + SOUP tors tomtom" DATE 05-17-2016 BY: F1SM65K12 UNITED STATES GOV@NMENT e..-: QOUpPaNTIAL, Memorandum o | DIRECTOR, FBI pate: Nov 1 vom Lee, saw vors [Ke sdiyecr: VISIT TO U.S. OF AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER (EDHARD) couck-WHIrLam, : BEGINNING eae! 7 sl Is = AUSTRA! - Re Bureau teletype, 9/25/74. Visit of the captioned individual was handled in land 146, Manual of Instructions. accordance with Sections 1974 No further action being contemplated by the NYO and this matter being placed in a closed status, UACB. G? Bureau (RM) New York TJID:de ae 6 Wik (3) a) Puy is AVE BBE 13 1974 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on she Payroll Savings Plan a K; JECLASSZFICATION AUTHORITY DERIVED FRG "BI AUTOMATIC DECLASSIFICATION GUTOR ee ae rae unireo STATES DEPARTMENT oF Justice OCT #1 1874 Tenia and RatatzatonSevce Instcins: Any hardin ees shal e ina aia Its, All Sptish anne sh father's neue at and the mother's name following. v7 Sue's: All Spanish canes shal by Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation ' a Department of Justice ‘Washington, D.C. 20535 2 aE dena Gough Suhr 9/2 i The alien listed below has been admitted to the United States under the provisions of Section 101 (a) 15 (A) dr z Section 101 15 (G) of the Immigration and Mationality Act. fine pra es att Ds ar WHITLAM MARGARET ra oF RF o pee isadasid Song hte lwhizlar; | oh ES BERET ROOTS BSE Gs BF ET Ae? ¢/0 AUSTRALIAN @NBASSY, WASHINGTON, D.C. [AIRLINE AND FLIGHT WO. OR VEREEU OF RRRWAL Qawras 150 ‘Waal, Svat, Ciy, Province (ia) and Coury of PERMANENT RESIDENCE PARLTMENT HOUSE, CANBERRA, AsCeT., AUTRALTA BIRTH DATE [sue as qo RoTateencns* sare nts reer ae 1s WL 9/27/14 Honolulu, Haw wow 14 976 ee ee ee) PURPOSE AND LENGTH OF ADRISHON ACCOMPAERG SPOUSE (PHD MINISEER) ck GFFTOTAL HISSTOK DALATTC gg span ‘DEETINATION NEW YORK AND CANADA Other agencies are requested to furnish any derogatory subversive information regarding this alien to the F. B. 1. a cc: CIA Deputy Associate Commissioner é- é State Department Travel Control DCIL 2019 TE 05-17-2016 fee / E FR ss SELASSIFICATION AUTHORITY DaRIVED _ SE AUTOMATIC DECLASSIFICATICN CUIDE aoa BY: ELIMESKI2 + UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF Justice OCT 2 1 1974 Immigration and Natoraliz: Service Instructions: An, _.nduritten entries shall be in block capi | letters. All Spanish names shall be hypifated with father's name frst and the mother's name following. pgiatemealahy Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation ‘| ? Department of Justice = Washington, 0. ¢. 20535 DATE 9/20/1 lien listed below has been at Section 101 (a) 15 (6) of the lami 'Y MAME (Cepital Letters) WHITLAM EDWARD ‘COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP AUSTRALIA ‘UNITED STATES ADDRESS (umber, Sree, City, Hate, Zip Coda C/) AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, Dec ‘AIRLINE AND FLIGHT NO. OR VESSEL OF ARRIVAL QaNTAS 150 ‘Neaber Ses Cty, Province (Sate) and Country of PERMANENT RESIDENCE PARLIMENT HOUSE, CANBERRA, A.C.T., AUSTRALIA ‘BIRTH BATE RTH PLAGE ans MELBOURNE, ViCey Al DATE RRO PLACE OF ROWSTION ty: ; 9/21 Honolulu, Hawaii “NOV 14 1974 — ? PURPOSE AND LENGTH OF ADMISSION = AUSTRALIAN OFFICICAL MISSION DURATION. OF ‘STATUS a Serna -—— Bid NEW YORK AND CANADA ce: CIA Oe State Departnitnt Doig g wav wr + UNTTED STATES Govan gr e M ion 10 : DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: 5/16/75 “p10 THE-UNITED STATES, 5/7=8/75— s ( PFO Wi (00: WFO) Re Bureau routing slip to WFO, 4/17/75. On 5/12/75, GARY YAUGER, Foreign Branch, U. Secret Service, advised that Prime Minister. of. Australia, the Right Honorable E. GWHITLAM arrived in Washington, D. ¢., 5/7/75, spending the/night at the residence of the Australian Ambassador and left on 5/8/75 as. scheduled. elf tad YAUGER advised that the Prime Minister enjoyed a peaceful visit and encountered no incidents. No further investigation is being conducted by WFO. Bureau. - WFO @DS:pkh Q) 5 § MAY 39 co Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on te Payroll Savings Plan ® ar (he Lame aye + Pedezal Bufead of Investigation Records Bri 7 - * AUG 2 eee J Eopne Searching Unit - Room 8527 rere 7 ciition ea AZ Tetum to Z Tylle of References HEqUeseT? Dpeccr Reque: aT Search) [AIP References (Subversive & Nonsubversive), [Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only Main _________ References Only Type_of Search Requested: TJRestricted to Locality of (EJexact Name Only (On the Nose) C Buildup [J variations wiieee 5 EE Localities 5 7 Re___Date 8/20___intiais Det Prod. FILE NUMBER SERIAL, [pean eee = Bor BD SS ae 2-89) . Federal Bufeai of Inuestigation Reconds “6 - - AUG 2 O87 a [Name Searching Unit - Room 6527 ( (tenon bie cn te ward ta File Review 2 Return to Room Ext ‘Type of References Requeste Regular Request (Analytical Search) ‘All References (Subversive & Nonsubversive) [Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only Main _______ References Only Type of Search Reques Restricted to Locality of ([JeExact Name Only (On the Nose) Co 1Buildup Variations Subject Birthdote & Place Address Searcher Rp Date So taste: Der FILE NUMBER 3 TAL ND) Eee E; ry (iu) AID 6 2- 77787 - 305 = fol Lier ~ 24S4¥9-/, 2 feo- 2G/ AFT =f 700 - G¥Jo00- 27/ stp, 9/ ) THER. 422 (Re A SopvieeUnt—Room 6524 Bttention ee 21Atretun to [ze oon Ext Type_of Reference! Type of [E{Jexact Name Only (On the Nose) (1 Buitdup (Variations D 2. Subject Birthdat Address Localiti Searcher Re____Date S22 initials DW Prod. Mee oo 7321-1165 Ate HLL [Name searching Unit - Room 6527 (24s ‘LoJRegular Request (Analytical Search) ‘All References (Subversive & Nonsubversive), 1633-60) + Federal Bureau of Investigation Recorde Br “AUG ZV WS ig Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only Main ______ References Only ‘Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of 2 & Place ies PELE NUMBER SERIAL ( loo~ 395259 -4 Joun dovecas; 6 2-77787- 32. mi

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