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Sunday Communications Limited

Sunday Communications Limited was one among the six mobile operators launched in Honk
Kong in 1997. It was a very competitive market and with the introduction of MNP (Mobile
Number Portability), competition for subscribers became a virtual free of all. Sunday with its
innovative market approach started gaining popularity and positioned itself as the lifestyle
brand. Its unique advertising strategy that translated a lifestyle enhancing services helped it to
connect with the customers.
Unlike its competitors, Sunday focused on an innovative marketing approach with a series of
creative and unique advertisements that were well received by the audiences. It was praised
for its originality and creativeness. This uniqueness and brand awareness helped Sunday to
achieve more success. Their ARPU and locked up period was much higher than the
competitors. This was attributed to the companys differentiating marketing as well as its
bundling strategy.
Despite all the successes, Sunday claimed a mere 9.8% of market in 2000 and 8.3% in 2005
and now Sundays wacky strategy was no longer new and exciting because copycat market
diluted the effect. With similar advertisements, offers and services, customers are confused to
differentiate and choose. In 2004, Sunday reported a 78% drop in net profit owing to
declining revenues and substantial investments in 3G and in the summer of 2005, PCCW
made a successful bid for the company.
Sunday has built a strong & unique brand image and should keep this brand image with
enhancing its originality and creativity. If PCCW decides to do away with this brand image,
then it might lead to drop outs of existing customers. Its core strategy was to capitalise on
the convergence of wireless communications and data technology to develop innovative
lifestyle enhancing services as well as business to business solutions therefore user friendly
and innovative services should be its focus to enhance the customer values. Adding services
that relate to consumers life as well as having different strategies for 2G and 3G should be
the focus.
Therefore it should create a strategy that would align with its core strategy and keep its
existing brand image by focusing on the latest trends. For 2G users, it should focus more on
the existing locked up users and provide them with better services as it is a highly saturated
market. And for 3G users, it should again come up with some unique & creative
advertisements that would capture the lifestyle of the early adopters and resonate with them.

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