Bulletin - July 23, 2016

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from the life
of Jesus as
in the
Desire of

Todays Worship
Welcome to His Temple. May the Lord of

worship - july 23, 2016 11a

The Temple reveal Himself to you as He

did to His Child, millennials ago.

in my

Invitation to Worship - Cristian Iordan


TODAY La Sierra University presents the

Finance CommiJee


Zeal for your house consumes me. - Video

Transfers IN: Roy Tambanua from the

Azure Hills Church; Andrae Chambers
from the Berean Church, Atlanta, Ga.

An exceedingly wealthy man radically

changed his life when he met Jesus. The
dramaBc story will be told on Wednesday
at 6:30p in HJMC Hall.

Montecito Music FesBval Orchestra in

concert, here at Campus Hill, 4:30p.

Prelude Angelica Prodan


TOMORROW! Register now, if you

havent already! Then come with your
family and friends and parBcipate in the
most fascinaBng Bible adventure of this
summer! Parent cafe lounge available.

Songs of Praise Jozsef-Imre Fustos

Today at 7p in the Oce Conference

room. Important agenda to be discussed!
Board meets next Sabbath at the same

Todays owers are given by Stephanie
Duggan in honor of her son MaJhews
10th birthday.

The second oral commemorates the rst

anniversary of Don and Rita Bender. May
the Lord conBnue to bless your marriage

Intercessory Glenelle Clarke

God has a plan Sidney, Riley and Nathaniel

Childrens Story Martha Saucedo

Church potluck takes place next week,

July 30th after church. Please bring salads
and vegetarian sandwiches enough to
feed 10. Salad and drink will be provided
by the Hospitality Team.

Oering of Gratitude Jeevaka Weerasinghe

Oertory Lavinia Nastasa

Scripture Reading: John 2:14-16 - Forrest Greenman
Special Music - Michael Wiafe

Bullets in the Church - Cristian Iordan

Lord, I want to Be a Christian #319 William Wright

Benediction Cristian Iordan

Postlude Angelica Prodan


Campus Hill Adventist Church 11057 Hill Drive, Loma Linda, CA 92354

909.796.0222 | campushill@gmail.com | www.campushillchurch.net

Study Time - 9:30"

To Serve You"

Leader: "
Special Feature: Why Christians Suer"
The Weight of Gethsemane"
Lesson: Jesus on Community Outreach"
Teachers: "
Class 1: William Wright"
Class 2: Josephine Perez"
Class 3: Bashar Fargo"
Class 4: Mothers Room: Tom Gibson"
Class 5: North Wing: Dorothy Donesky

Julio Tabuenca, Sr. Pastor: 909.771.4179

Cristian Iordan, Worship, Media: 909.553.3996
Shiphrah Fepuleai, Young Adults, Women:
760.224.4404 pastorshiph@icloud.com"
Viana Vidales, Youth, Children Coordinator:
760.670.6220 vianabv@hotmail.com"
Gabriel Katrib, Visitation: 909.478.9707"
Lourdes Gudmundsson, Head Elder: 951.522.5210"
Judi Wright, Adm. Assistant: 909.796.0222

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