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196,"_____ allows the transmission of short text messages among mobile devices s

uch as cell phones, fax machines and BlackBerry devices.","Short Message Service
(SMS)","Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)","Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP
)","Service Management System (SMS)",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",16,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
201,"_____ are forms of delay-modulated codes where a logic 1 condition produces
a transition in the middle of the clock pulse, and a logic 0 produces no transi
tion at the end of the clock intervals unless followed by another logic 0.","Bip
hase M","Biphase T","Biphase L","Biphase S",,"Digital & Data Communications",8,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
206,"_____ are multilevel binary codes that use more than two voltage levels to
represent the data.","Dicodes","Diphase","Biphase","Bicodes",,"Digital & Data Co
mmunications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
210,"_____ are rules that govern a communication exchange.","Protocols","Ordinan
ce","PBX","Tandem exchange",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",2,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
214,"_____ are unidirectional amplifiers having 20-25 dB gain that are placed ab
out 75 km apart used to compensate to losses along the telephone line.","VF repe
aters","Loading coils","Loop extenders","Echo suppressors",,"Wire & Wireless Com
munications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
218,"_____ are used to interconnect two telephone offices.","Trunk","Local Loop"
,"Exchange","Tandem",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Q
222,"_____ are usually of two knob types (one for bass and one for treble).","To
ne Controls","Volume Control
","Tuning knob","AGC",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",2,,"Objective","William
226,"_____ can be a terminating network element or a regenerator. It able to acc
ess, modify, terminate the overhead, or originate.","Section Terminating Equipme
nt","Presentation Layer","Line Terminating Equipment (LTE)","Path Terminating Eq
uipment (PTE)",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",2,,"Objective","William Quiming"
230,"_____ carriers involve the transmission of PCM-encoded time-division time-d
ivision-multiplexed digital signals. They utilize special line-encoded signals a
nd metallic cables that have been conditioned to meet the relatively high bandwi
dth required for high-speed digital transmissions.","T","E","D","All of the abov
e","","Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
234,"_____ commonly called the Manchester code.","Biphase L","Biphase M","Biphas
e S","Biphase K",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quimin
238,"_____ contains the speech transformer and transmission regulation circuit."
,"Transmission Unit","Handset","Transmitter","Receiver","","Wire & Wireless Comm
unications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
242,"_____ coupling provides the maximum voltage gain.","Transformer","RC","Dire
ct","Impedance",,"Transmission Fundamentals",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
246,"_____ data transmission is one in which the corresponding significant insta
nts of two or more sequential signals have a constant phase relationship.","Isoc
","Synchronous","Plesiochronous",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
250,"_____ data transmission utilizes a timing clock to provide synchronization.
","Isochronous","Isochronous",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
254,"_____ detects the satellite signal relayed from the feed and converts it to
an electric current amplifies and lower its frequency","LNA","Horn antenna","Sa
tellite receiver","Satellite dish",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
258,"_____ dispersion is caused by the difference in the propagation times of li

ght rays that take different paths down a fiber.","Modal","Material","Wavelength

","Delay",,"Fiber Optics",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
262,"_____ divides the frequency bandwidth (spectrum) of a broadband transmissio
n circuit into manysub bands, each capable of supporting a single, full time comm
unications channel on a non- interfering basis with other multiplexed channels."
,"FDM","TDM","WDM","CDM",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",1,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
266,"_____ ensures that the transmitter and receiver agree on prescribed time sl
ot for the occurrence of a bit.","Bit or clock synchronization","Modem or carrie
r synchronization","Character synchronization","Message synchronization",,"Digit
al & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
269,"_____ generates light beam at a specific visible frequency.","Laser","Light
waves","Infrared","Flass fiber",,"Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming
271,"_____ has a lever spring that is used to initiate or terminate a call.","Al
l of these","Plunger","Switch Hook","Cradle","","Wire & Wireless Communications"
,1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
273,"_____ has been the dominant networking protocol.","Ethernet","ADSL","RADSL"
,"G.lite",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
275,"_____ in a cellular system performs radio related functions for cellular si
te.","Base station","Switching system","Operation and support system","Mobile st
ation",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
277,"_____ in superheterodyne receivers refer to the erroneous frequency differe
nce resulting in an incorrect frequency being fed to the IF Amplifier.","Trackin
g error","Mixing error","Crossline","Crosstalk",,"Satellite Communications",3,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
279,"_____ interconnect the Iridium constellation with PSTN, making communicatio
ns possible with iridium phones and any other telephones in the world.","Iridium
Gateway","Terrestrial Wireless Switch","Ground-based Station","None of the abov
e","","Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
281,"_____ is a broad-bandwidth, low delay, packet-like (cell relay) switching a
nd multiplexingtechnique.","Asynchronous Transfer Mode","Dense Wavelength Divisio
n Multiplexing","Wavelength Division Multiplexing","Frequency Division Multiplex
ing",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
283,"_____ is a circular container, which connects the telephone to the line?","
Connector","Termination Box","Station Protector","Cabinet","","Wire & Wireless C
ommunications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
285,"_____ is a component in the telephone set that has the primary function of
compensating for the local loop length.","Varistor","Capacitor","Resistor","Indu
ction coil",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","
287,"_____ is a component in the telephone set that has the primary function of
interfacing the handset to the local loop.","Induction coil","Resistor","Capacit
or","Varistor",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",2,,"Objective","William Quiming
289,"_____ is a continuous tone generated by the combination of two frequencies
of 350 Hz and 440 Hz used in telephone sets.","Call waiting tone","Dc tone","Rin
ging tone","Dial tone",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William
291,"_____ is a data communications network designed to provide two-way communic
ations between a large variety of data communications terminal equipment within
a relatively small geographic area.","LAN","WAN","PAN","Ethernet",,"Digital & Da
ta Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
293,"_____ is a device in data transmission to interface a data terminal equipme
nt to an analog transmission line.","Modem","RS 232","Connector
","RJ-11 plug",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1,"_____ is a device used to convert a time varying electrical quantity to an ap

propriate form.","Transducer","Codec","ADC/DAC","Modem",,"Modulation",2,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
297,"_____ Is a form of BPRZ encoding that uses one cycle of a square wave at 0 p
hase to represent a logic 1, and one cycle of square wave at 180phase to represen
t logic 0.","Manchester Code","Dicodes RZ","Dicode NRZ","BPRZ-AMI",,"Digital & D
ata Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
299,"_____ is a geostationary satellite providing mobile phone coverage of Europ
e and Northern Africa.","Thuraya","Ellipsat","Iridium","Globalstar","","Satellit
e Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
301,"_____ is a group of wireless specifications developed by the IEEE. It detai
ls a wireless interface between devices to manage packet traffic (to avoid colli
sions, etc.)","802.11","802.11a","802.11b","802.11e",,"Wire & Wireless Communica
tions",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","comm_obj_002.rtf",
5,"_____ is a hollow coil of bone filled with liquid and containing thousand of
fine hair attached to the nerve ending.","Inner ear","Outer ear
","Middle ear","Combination of all",,"Acoustics",2,,"Objective","William Quiming
304,"_____ is a low-cost, short-range radio link between laptops, mobile phones,
network access points and other devices.","Bluetooth","GPRS","WAP","3G",,"Wire
& Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
307,"_____ is a modulation scheme involving conversion of a signal fromanalog to
digital form by means of coding.","PCM","PAM","FDM","TDM",,"Digital & Data Commu
nications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
309,"_____ is a network interface protocol defined in CCITT Recommendation 1.122
""Frameworkfor additional packet mode bearer services,"" as a packet mode servic
e.","Frame Relay","File Transfer Protocol","Header","Internet Message Access Pro
tocol",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
311,"_____ is a part of a driver to a line the voice coil and cone to prevent di
stortion.","Suspension system","Frame","Magnet","All of the above",,"Wire & Wire
less Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
313,"_____ is a satellite that rotates around the earth in a low-altitude ellipt
ical or circular pattern.","Nonsynchronous satellite","Geosynchronous satellite"
,"Prograde satellite","Retrograde satellite",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
315,"_____ is a set of rules governing the orderly exchange of data information.
","Protocol","Ordinance","Code","Polling",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
317,"_____ is a shipboard equipment which measures the distance between the ship
's bottom and the ocean floor by sending ultrasonic pulses via a transducer whic
h are reflected at the sea bottom and received with the same transducer.","Echo
depth sounder","Compandor
","Transcoder","SONAR",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",1,,"Objective","William
1,"_____ is a short-term variations of the significant instants of a digital sig
nal from their ideal position in time.","Jitter","Distortion","Latch","Amplified
",,"Noise",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
321,"_____ is a standard for connecting fiber-optic transmission systems.","SONE
T","DSL","DLC","SDH",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",1,,"Objective","William Qu
323,"_____ is a standard for data transmission contained in the first three laye
rs of the OSI reference model.","X.25","X.400","X.323","X.52",,"Digital & Data C
ommunications",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
325,"_____ is a technique used in communications and input/output operations for
transmitting a number of separate signals simultaneously over a single channel
or line.","Multiplexing","Encoding","Modulation","None of the above","","Telecom
munications & ECE Laws",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
327,"_____ is a technology used in telecommunications networks to transport larg
e quantities of data over digital transport equipment such as fiber optic and mi
crowave radio systems. Its basic data rate is a data stream of 2.048 Mbps.","Ple

siochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH)","Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)","Sync

hronous Optical Network (SONET)","Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)",,"Telecommunica
tions & ECE Laws",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
329,"_____ is a telephone wire that connects two central offices.","Trunk line",
"2-wire line","Leased line","Private line",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
7,"_____ is a type of loudspeaker driver with an effective diameter of 5 inches
used in mid range audio frequency.","Mid range","Tweeter","Woofer","Tweeter or m
id range",,"Acoustics",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
332,"_____ is a U.S. cellular radio system that combines existing voice processi
ng with digital signaling, tripling the capacity of today s AMPS systems.","N-AMPS
","NTT","TACS","D-AMPS",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",2,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
334,"_____ is an antenna with a number of half-wave antenna on it.","Antenna arr
ay","Tower","Omni-directional","Rhombic",,"Antennas",2,,"Objective","William Qui
2,"_____ is an electronic instrument used to show both the carrier and the sideb
and of a modulated signal in the frequency domain.","Spectrum analyzer","Oscillo
scope","Digital counter","Frequency analyzer",,"Modulation",2,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2,"_____ is an electronic noise produced by thermal agitation of electron in con
ductor and semiconductor.","Thermal noise","Internal noise","External noise","Fl
icker",,"Noise",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
340,"_____ is an open-ended slot antenna.","Notch antenna","Rhombic antenna","He
lical antenna","Cassegrain antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
342,"_____ is defined to be the maximum rate at which information can be transmi
tted through a channel.","Channel capacity","Coding","Baud rate","Bit rate",,"Di
gital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
343,"_____ is hand operated device which translates movement of click-button ins
tructions into movement of the cursor on a CDT screen.","Mouse","Laser pointer",
"Joystick","Optical pen",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
344,"_____ is known to be the first satellite capable of receiving and transmitt
ing simultaneously.","Telstar I","Syncom I","Sputnik I","Score",,"Satellite Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
9,"_____ is measure of how much sound is produced from the electric signal.","Ef
","Sensitivity","Frequency response
","Distortion",,"Acoustics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3,"_____ is measured on a circuit when it is correctly terminated but does not h
ave any traffic.","White noise","Galactic noise","Impulse noise","Atmospheric no
ise",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
346,"_____ is measuring the propagated field strength over the projected service
area.","Radio survey","None of the above","Radio sounding","Radio monitoring",,
"Radiation & Wave Propagation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
347,"_____ is more prevalent in analog signals that have steep slopes o whose am
plitudes vary rapidly.","Slope overload","Quantization noise","Peak limiting","G
ranular noise",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
348,"_____ is needed in order to send characters in binary form.","Code","Bit","
Character","Digit",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
349,"_____ is not a functional area of network management.","Documentation Manag
ement","Configuration Management","Performance Management","Security Management"
,,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
350,"_____ is satellite that rotates around the earth in a low-altitude elliptic
al or circular pattern.","Non- Geosynchronous Satellite","Geosynchronous Satelli
te","Prograde Satellite","Retrograde Satellite",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

351,"_____ is selecting the best value of a parameter from a continuum of possib

le values when given a collection o9f imperfect measurements.","Estimation","Tra
ffic","Decision","Nyquist","","Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
352,"_____ is the advantage of the balanced transmission line compared to unbala
nced line.","Low attenuation","Easy installation","Low radiation","Tensile stren
gth",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4,"_____ is the amount of output signal voltage produce with 1 microbar (74 dB S
PL) 1000Hz signal in microphones.","Sensitivity
","Dispersion",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
354,"_____ is the amount of voltage induced in a wave by an electromagnetic wave
.","Field strength","Magnetic induction","Power density","Receive voltage",,"Rad
iation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
355,"_____ is the angle between the half-power radiation points.","Beamwidth","C
ritical angle","Angle of elevation","Azimuth",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3,"_____ is the bad effect caused by overmodulation in AM transmission.","Interf
erence to other radio services","Increase in noise","Deviation in the operating
frequency","Decrease on the output power",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William
4,"_____ is the circuit used to detect frequency modulated signal.","Discriminat
or","Modulator","Modem","Detector",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
358,"_____ is the first serial Direct-To-Home TV communication satellite.","Ekra
n","Orbita","Syncom1","Telstar","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
359,"_____ is the horizontal pointing angle of an antenna.","Azimuth","Angle of
elevation","Beamwidth","Right angle",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
360,"_____ is the master control center for cellular telephone system.","Mobile
Telephone Switching Office","Cell site","Central Office","Branch Office",,"Wire
& Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
5,"_____ is the maximum sideband suppression value using filter system.","50 dB"
,"60 dB","40 dB","100 dB",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
362,"_____ is the measurement of a unilateral antenna properties of directivity.
","Beamwidth","Bandwidth","Antenna gain","Phase angle",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
6,"_____ is the method of determining the bandwidth of any processing system.","
Spectral analysis","Fourier series","Frequency analysis","Bandwidth analysis",,"
Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
364,"_____ is the method of encoding audio signals used in US standard 1544 kbit
s/24 channel PCM system?","Mu-law","Newton's Law","Shannon's Law","A-law",,"Digi
tal & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
365,"_____ is the microphone characteristics that results in a boost in frequenc
ies for close microphone spacing.","Proximity Effect","Field Effect
","P.A. Effect
","Reverberation",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
366,"_____ is the mode of transmission in PDN in which data are transferred from
source to the network then to the destination in an asynchronous data format.",
"Start/stop mode","Synchronous mode","Packet mode","Circuit mode",,"Digital & Da
ta Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
367,"_____ is the most-widely installed LAN technology, and it is specified in t
he IEEE 802.3 standard.","Ethernet","Bluetooth","SNA","ATM",,"Uncategorizedd",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
368,"_____ is the only cellular system allowed inside the US","AMPS","TACS","PMS
","GSM",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","comm

369,"_____ is the Out-of-Band signaling between Toll Central Offices (Bell Syste
m Standard).","3700 Hz","3825 Hz","2600 Hz","800 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
370,"_____ is the process by which a system accepts input, processes the input a
nd if necessary, requires appropriate response data to the originating terminal.
","Interaction","Data processing","Local-area networking","On-line processing",,
"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
371,"_____ is the process in which the same set of frequencies (channels) can be
allocated to more than one cell, provided the cell are separated by sufficient
distance.","Frequency reuse","Frequency division","Frequency allocation","Freque
ncy distribution",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
372,"_____ is the process of demagnetizing a picture tube with 60 Hz alternating
current from the power line.","Degaussing","Focusing","Implosion","Convergence
adjustment",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
373,"_____ is the progressive decrease of signal strength with increasing distan
ce.","Attenuation","Radiation","Modulation","Propagation",,"Radiation & Wave Pro
pagation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
5,"_____ is the random and unpredictable electric signals from natural causes bo
th internal and external to the system.","Noise","Interference","Attenuation","D
istortion",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
375,"_____ is the ratio of a wave's velocity in a specified medium to its veloci
ty in a vacuum.","Transmission coefficient","Reflection coefficient","Modulation
index","Refractive index",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
376,"_____ is the ratio of operating time to total lapsed time as percentage.","
Availability","Grade of service","Life cycle","Duty cycle",,"Wire & Wireless Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
377,"_____ is the ratio of reflected voltage to the forward traveling voltage.",
"Reflection coefficient","SWR","VSWR","ISWR",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
378,"_____ is the ratio of the active time of the pulse to the period of the wav
eform, and is one of the primary factors to be considered when selecting a line
encoding format.","Duty cycle","Waveform cycle","Pulse cycle","Frame time",,"Dig
ital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
379,"_____ is the signal which causes suspension of the operation on the sequenc
e of instruction and the initiation of another sequence of instruction due to ex
ternal event.","Interrupt","Stop bit","Iterative loop","Decision point",,"Digita
l & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
6,"_____ is the sound of the talker's voice in his own receiver.","Sidetone","Du
altone","Echotone","Anti-tone","","Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
11,"_____ is the sound power measured over the area upon which it is received.",
"Sound intensity","Sound pressure","Sound energy","Sound Pressure Level (SPL)",,
"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
381,"_____ is the termination of the inside plant cable and the outside plant ca
ble.","Main Distribution Frame (MDF)","Cross-Connect Cabinet","Termination Box",
"Connector","","Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming",
13,"_____ is the transmission of sound from one room to an adjacent room through
a common wall, floors or ceilings.","Flanking transmission","Reverberation","Re
fraction","Reflection",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
382,"_____ is used to convert analog signal into binary digital form.","PCM","PA
M","PTM","PLM",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
15,"_____ is used to measure speech volume.","Volume unit meter","Speech meter",
"Volume meter","Audio frequency meter",,"Acoustics",1,,"Objective","William Quim
383,"_____ is used to specify the speed of fiber optic networks conforming to th
e SONET standard.","OC","STM","STS","OSI",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"O

bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
384,"_____ is when an area of cell or independent component coverage areas of a
cellular system, is further divided, thus creating more cell areas.","Cell split
ting","Cell segmentation","Cell dualization","Cell sectoring",,"Wire & Wireless
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
385,"_____ is widely used in cell phone networks, but also in many other data co
mmunications systems. It uses a technique called ""Spread Spectrum"" whereby the
data being transmitted is spread across multiple radio frequencies.","Code Divi
sion Multiple Access (CDMA)","Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)","Digital Sub
scriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM)","Wavelength Division Multiple Access (W
DMA)",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
17,"_____ it is the continuing presence of an audible sound after the sound sour
ce has stopped.","Reverberation","Flutter echo
","Sound shadow","Sound concentration",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quim
7,"_____ locks FM receiver to a stronger signal.","Capture effect","Hall effect"
,"Image frequency","Homing",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
387,"_____ occurs when the microwave beam is at point of grazing over an obstacl
","Reflection",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
388,"_____ of an antenna is a measure of how the antenna concentrates its radiat
ed power in a given direction.","Gain","Efficiency","Power","Polarization",,"Ant
ennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
389,"_____ of AT&T was the first active communications satellite. It is the firs
t satellite designed to transmit telephone and high-speed data communications, a
s well as the first privately owned satellite.","Telstar","Westar","Syncom","Ekr
an","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
8,"_____ otherwise known as muting or quieting is a device that cuts off the out
put in the absence of a carrier to eliminate noise.","Squelch","Hybrid
","Noise limiter","Echo canceller",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
391,"_____ proposes a station in geosynchronous orbit to relay communications an
d broadcast television on 1945.","Arthur C. Clarke","Herman Potocnik","John R. P
ierce","Jim Williams","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
392,"_____ represents the average period of time that an equipment will operate
satisfactorily over an indefinite long period of time.","MTBF
","Reliability","MTTR","Outage",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
393,"_____ sets a limit on the maximum capacity of a channel with a given noise
level.","Shannon-Hartley theorem","Shannon theorem","Nyquist theorem","Hartley t
heorem",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
394,"_____ started an 800-MHz cellular system in 1979 in the metropolitan area a
nd has 600 channels and used 25-KHz channel spacing.","Japan","Sweden","Germany"
,"England","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
395,"_____ stuffing is used when the frame rate of the SPE is too slow in relati
on to the rate of the STS-1.","Positive","Negative","Polarized","Unpolarized",""
,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
396,"_____ switching provides direct switched connection between components arra
nges in N X M array of lines at crosspoints.","Circuit","Message","Packet","Dire
ct",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
397,"_____ technology runs at speeds up to 115Kbit/sec., compared with the 9.6Kb

it/sec. of older GSM systems. It enables high-speed wireless Internet and other
communications such as e-mail, games and applications.","GPRS","WAP","3G","EDGE"
,,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
398,"_____ theory is deciding between a set of hypotheses when given a collectio
n of imperfect measurements.","Decision","Estimation","Traffic","Nyquist","","Te
lecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
399,"_____ twisted-pair wire cable has a special conducting layer within the nor
mal insulation, which makes the cable less prone to electrical interference, or
""noise.""","Shielded","Unshielded","UTP","Category 1",,"Transmission Fundamenta
ls",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
400,"_____ uses a star topology.","10Base-T","10Base-5","10Base-2","10Base -F",,
"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
401,"_____ was a delayed repeater satellite as it received transmissions from ea
rth stations, stored them on magnetic tape, and then rebroadcast them later to g
round stations farther along in its orbit.","Score","Anik D","Ellipso","Courier"
,,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
402,"_____ will use two coordinated constellations of satellites, Borealis and C
oncordia. The Concordia orbit will have seven satellites and the Borealis orbit
will have ten satellites. Concordia will focus on the bulk of the world's popula
tion between 50 degrees South to 50 degrees North.","Ellipsat","Thuraya","Global
star","Iridium","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
403,"_____, also called digital pulse, is a wireless technology for transmitting
digital data over a wide swath of the radio frequency spectrum with very low po
wer.","Ultra wideband","WAN","Broadband","LAN",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
404,"_____, launched in 1962 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administratio
n (NASA), was the basis for Telstar 1.","Relay 1","Syncom 1","Westar","Early Bir
d 1","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
6,"________ is a group of bits that act as a single unit of information such as
a letter or numeral.","Byte","Bit","Binary Code","File","","Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
405,"100-Mbps (Fast Ethernet) Ethernet is a LAN specification that operates at 1
00 Mbps over","Twisted-pair cable","Coaxial cable","Fiber","None of the above","
","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
9,"103 type and 202 type modems use what modulation scheme?","AFSK","PSK","MFM",
"SSB-AM",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
407,"123 EBHC is equal to ________ Erlang","4.1 Erlang","2.05 Erlang","3.41 Erla
ng","0.34 Erlang",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
408,"200 callers generate 100 requests during the busy hour. The average holding
time for the calls is 300 seconds. Find the total traffic handled in Erlang.","
8.33","8","9","9.33",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Problem Solving","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
409,"214-056 twin lead which is commonly used for TV lead-in has a characteristi
c impedance of::","300 ohms","52 ohms","75 ohms","600 ohms",,"Transmission Funda
mentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
410,"24 8-bit samples plus framing bit are multiplexed at 8,000 frames per secon
d. The T1 bit rate is","1.544 Mbps","64 kbps","16, 279 kbps","16, 279 bps",,"Dig
ital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
411,"267 EBHC is equivalent to _____ CCS.","320.4","8.9","890","3204",,"Wire & W
ireless Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
412,"3 Jumbo Groups is composed of how many VB Channels.
","10800","32400","3600","600",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
413,"36 CCS is equivalent to:","30 EBHC","60 EBHC","30 Cm","100 Cm","","Wire & W
ireless Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
414,"420 CM is equivalent to ____ CCS","252","700","504","264",,"Wire & Wireless
Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
415,"5 Erlang is equal to_______","150 EBHC","18500 CS","350 CM","190 CCS",,"Wir

e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",

416,"A (75-j50) ohm load is to be matched to a 75-ohm line to gi9give SWR=1. Wha
t is the characteristics impedance of the 9quarter-wave transformer, connected d
irectly to the load?","90 ohms","100 ohms","10 ohms","150 ohms",,"Transmission F
undamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
417,"A ___ connection provides a dedicated link between two devices.","Point-topoint","Multipoint","Primary","Secondary",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
418,"A ___ consists of communications media, devices, and software needed to con
nect two or more computer systems and/or devices.","Local area network","Wide ar
ea network","Computer network","Telecommunications model",,"Digital & Data Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
419,"A ___ filter passes the lower frequency portion of a signal but attenuates
the higher frequency portion of the same signal.","Low pass","High pass","Band p
ass","Band stop",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
420,"A ___ is a device that is a source of or destination for binary digital dat
a.","Data terminal equipment","Data transmission equipment","Data terminal encod
er","Data transmission encoder",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
421,"A ___ is a matched tapping device for insertion in a CATV cable which intro
duces a loss of only 1 dB in the transmission and provides a spur outlet.","Dire
ctional coupler","Splitter
","Attenuator","T-pad",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
422,"A ___ is a time-division multiplexed digital transmission facility capable
of supporting 24voice channels, (each encoded as a 64 kbps PCM DS0 signal), produ
cing an aggregatemultiplexer output signal at the 1.544 Mbps DS1 rate.","T1 Carri
er System","T4M Carrier System","T2 Carrier System","T3 Carrier System",,"Transm
ission Fundamentals",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
423,"A ___ is channel termination equipment used for combining (multiplexing) ind
ividual analog channel signals on a time division basis.","D type Channel Bank",
"D1A Channel Bank","D2, D3 Channel Bank","D4,D5,D6 Channel Bank",,"Transmission
Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
424,"A ___ means wireless communication between various components attached to t
he body, such as data spectacles, earphones, microphones and sensors for medical
applications and for work and leisure.","BAN","LAN","WAN","MAN",,"Wire & Wirele
ss Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
425,"A ___ signaling uses analog modulation with large bandwidth in analog wavef
orm, often in FDM.","Broadband","Base band","Virtual","Remote",,"Digital & Data
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
426,"A 0.02 Erlang per line rating would mean.","2 calls lost per 100 attempts",
"2 calls pushed through","20 calls lost per 100 attempts","200 calls lost per 10
00 attempts",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
427,"A 100-foot diameter plastic balloon with an aluminum coating which is used
for the first transatlantic transmission using a satellite.","Echo","Courier","S
putnik I","SCORE",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
10,"A 2 Mbit/sec PCM transmitting system was measured to have a bit error ratio
(BER) of 2x10^e-6 during a one-minute measurement period. How many erroneous bit
s were received at the receiving end of the system during the measurement period
?","240","200","250","230",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming",
11,"A 200 kHz carrier is modulated by a 2.5 kHz signal. The fourth pair of sideb
ands are spaced from the carrier by","10 kHz","2.5 kHz","5 kHz","15 kHz",,"Modul
ation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
12,"A 24 voice channel is sampled at 8,000 Hz and encoded into 88-bit PCM word w
hat is the approximate rate of the data stream?
","1.544 Mbits/s","6.28 Mbits/sec","44.735 Mbits/sec","2.048 Mbits/sec",,"Modula

tion",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",

431,"A 2-wire implementation of HDSL.","SDSL","IDSL","HDSL","RADSL",,"Telecommun
ications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
7,"A -30 dBW is equivalent to:","0 dBm","0 dB","0 dBf","0 dBW",,"Noise",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
433,"A 50 ohms coax is connected to a 73 ohms antenna. The SWR is","1.46","1","0
.685","2.92",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming"
434,"A 50/150 fiber means","The core is 50 um while the outside dimension of bot
h the core plus cladding together is 150 um","The cladding is 50 um while the co
re is 150 um","The core is 50 um while the thickness of the cladding is 150 um",
"The cladding is 50 um while thickness of the core is 150 um",,"Fiber Optics",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
435,"A 5-unit transmission code:
","Baudot code","Hex code","ASCII","EBCDIC",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
436,"A 600 W line is to be connected using a # 18 wire (128 mils). Determine the
spacing between wire centers.","10 inches","20 inches","15 inches","25 inches",
,"Transmission Fundamentals",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
437,"A backup system or device put into use when a primary system fails or is un
able to be accessed.","AUX","Backer","Secondary","All of the above","","Telecomm
unications & ECE Laws",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
438,"A Backward-wave Oscillator (BWO) is based on the","Traveling-wave tube","Ri
sing-sun magnetron","Crossed field magnetron","Coaxial magnetron",,"Microwave Co
mmunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
19,"A baffle with two openings at the front in which the back pulsations are bou
nced back and fourth through a maze of small boxes is referred to as :","Acousti
c labyrinth","Infinite baffle","Bass-reflex baffle","Klipschorn enclosure",,"Aco
ustics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
13,"A balanced modulator used to demodulate a SSB signal is called","A product d
etector","A transponder","A converter","A modulator",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
440,"A band where most military satellite often operate.","X","Ku","C","L",,"Sat
ellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
14,"A bandpass filter in the IF section of a receiver will","Improve selectivity
","Improve fidelity","Improve sensitivity","Improve image rejection",,"Modulatio
n",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
442,"A base-to-mobile frequency assignment of a GSM system.","935-960 MHz","890915 MHz","825-845 MHz","870-890 MHz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
443,"A basic method of charging telephone calls that includes the subscriber s b
ill, a listing of each toll call made, numbered called, date and time, charge ti
me and individual charge entry of each toll call.","Detailed billing","Tradition
al billing","Time-based billing","Bulk billing",,"Wire & Wireless Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
444,"A basic method of charging telephone calls where each subscriber line is eq
uipped with a meter with a stepping motor at the local exchange where all call a
re counted on a line basis.","Bulk billing","Traditional billing","Time-based bi
lling","Detailed billing",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
15,"A BFO is used in the demodulation of which type of signal?","SSB or CW","QPS
K","FM","AM",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
16,"A binary square wave has a bit of 20 Mbps, what is its fundamental frequency
?","10 MHz","5 MHz","20 MHz","40 MHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quim
447,"A bit which is generated by the data source and not used for error control
by the transmission system.
","Information bit","Frame bit","Heading bit","Tail bit",,"Digital & Data Commun
ications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
17,"A broadcast transmitter produces about 2.8 kW in the sidebands when modulate

d at a level of 75%. Under such condition, how much increase in antenna current
would result by the 475% modulation if the antenna resistance is 50 ohms?","13%"
,"15%","14%","16%",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME"
449,"A BWO (Backward-Wave Oscillator) is based on the","Traveling-wave tube","Ri
sing-sun magnetron","Crossed-field amplifier","Coaxial magnetron",,"Microwave Co
mmunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
450,"A cable connected from the underground cable to the aerial cable.","Riser c
able","Distribution cable","Feeder cable","Trunking cable","","Wire & Wireless C
ommunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
451,"A cable length of 40 feet to ______ feet is possible according to the EIA-4
49 standard.","4000","500","50","5000",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
452,"A cable used for connecting exchanges.","Trunking cable","Riser cable","Fee
der cable","Entrance cable","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
453,"A cable which connects to an open wire line or cable and brings it into a b
uilding.","Entrance cable","Riser cable","Feeder cable","Distribution cable","",
"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
454,"A cable which extends from the MDF to the area where the telephone service
is to be provided.","Feeder cable","Distribution cable","Entrance cable","Riser
cable","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
455,"A call attempt that is dropped before _______ seconds after the called part
y answers shall not be considered a call.","6 seconds","2 seconds","1 second","1
0 seconds","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
456,"A call falling to immediately find a server, waits, enters a queue until on
e becomes available.","Lost calls delayed","Lost calls cleared","Blocked calls",
"Lost calls held","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
457,"A call that cannot be served immediately from the system and does not reapp
ear.","Lost calls cleared","Lost calls held","Lost call delayed","Blocked calls"
,"","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
458,"A call that is not immediately served continues to demand service for a max
imum interval of one holding time.","Lost calls held","Blocked calls","Lost call
s cleared","Lost calls delayed","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
459,"A Canadian educator who concluded that ""Speech could be transmitted electr
ically if an electric current could be made to vary in intensity as the air vari
es in density when sound is produced"".","Alexander Graham Bell","Antonio Meucci
","Thomas Watson","Almon Strowger","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
460,"A car horn outdoors produces a sound intensity level of 90 dB at 10 ft away
. At this distance, what is the sound power in watts?","0.12 W","12 W","1.2 W","
0.012 W","PWL = SPL + 20 log r + 11 = 110.68 dB;;;; PWL = 10 log (W/Wo) ;;; W =
0.12 W","Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
18,"A carrier 880 kHz is modulated by a 3.5 kHz sine wave, the LSB and USB respe
ctively are","876.5 and 883.5 kHz","873 and 887 kHz","883.5 and 876.5 kHz","887
and 873 kHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
19,"A carrier is deviated 5 kHz by a 10 kHz modulating signal. What is the bandw
idth of the signal?","20 kHz","40 kHz","50 kHz","80 kHz",,"Modulation",1,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
20,"A carrier of 80 kHz is modulated by a 3.5 kHz sine wave. The LSB and USB are
___ and ____ respectively.","876.5 kHz; 883.5 kHz","873 kHz; 887 kHz","883.5 kH
z; 876.5 kHz","887 kHz; 873 kHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
21,"A carrier signal has","Constant peak amplitude","The information","Frequency
range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz","A varying amplitude",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective"

,"William Quiming","NONAME",
465,"A celestial body that orbits around a planet.","Satellite","Meteor","Star",
"Comet",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
466,"A cell in the cellular telephone system means","Small area","A power source
","Large area","Service area","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
467,"A cell pattern designed to use omni-directional cells and does not have the
immediate adjacency problems.","12 cell pattern","3 cell pattern","7 cell patte
rn","4 cell pattern","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
468,"A cellular phone operates on","Full duplex","Half duplex","Echoplex","Linco
mplex",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
469,"A cellular system feature which a subscriber can use the mobile unit in any
key destinations around the world.","Automatic roaming","MMS","Call divert","Ca
ll barring","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
470,"A cellular system feature which allows a caller to leave voice message if t
he unit is busy, unanswered, out of coverage or turned off.","Voicemail","Automa
tic roaming","MMS","Call barring","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
471,"A cellular system feature which allows a subscriber to automatically forwar
d incoming calls to another number when the mobile unit is busy, unanswered, out
of coverage or turned off.","Call forwarding","Caller display","Automatic roami
ng","Voicemail","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
472,"A cellular system feature which allows a subscriber to receive another call
while still engaged in a call.","Call waiting","Call forwarding","Call divert",
"Caller display","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
473,"A cellular system feature which allows a subscriber to transfer incoming an
d outgoing calls to a third party, and then drop the call after the transfer.","
Call transfer","Call forwarding","Call divert","Call barring","","Wire & Wireles
s Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","comm_obj_003.rtf",
474,"A cellular system feature which allows a user to see what is the number of
the calling party.","Caller display","Call divert","Call transfer","MMS","","Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
475,"A cellular system feature which allows the user to restrict certain types o
f outgoing or incoming calls.","Call barring","Call transfer","Call divert","Cal
l hold","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","co
476,"A cellular system operation that after the mobile originated call is comple
ted, the voice channel is assigned to make a call connection.","Call completion"
,"Call termination","Call drops","Call blocking","","Wire & Wireless Communicati
ons",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
477,"A cellular system operation that if the cell site cannot receive an assigne
d SAT within 5 seconds, the cell site will turn off the transceiver.","Call drop
s","Call blocking","Call termination","Call completion","","Wire & Wireless Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
478,"A centralized location for installing multiple satellite or broadcast anten
nas.","Antenna farm","Central office","Broadcast area","None of the above","","S
atellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
479,"A changing electric field gives rise to","A magnetic field","Sound field","
Electromagnetic waves","Near and far fields",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
480,"A changing magnetic field gives rise to","Electric field","Sound field","Ma
gnetic field","Nothing in particular",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",1,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
481,"A channel that has two way alternate lines.","Half-duplex","Simplex","Duple
x","Full-duplex",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","

482,"A channel used by installers to expedite the provisioning of lines.","Order
wire","Fiber-optics","Twisted-pair","Copperwire","","Transmission Fundamentals",
1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
483,"A character whose occurrence in a particular context initiates, modifies, o
r stops a control operation:","Graphic Control Character","Alphanumeric Characte
r","Data Link Control Character","Special Character",,"Digital & Data Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
484,"A characteristic of an infinite transmission line is that","The impedance i
n equals the impedance out","It carries wave at the velocity of light","It can b
e connected to mismatch loads","The impedance varies with the length of the line
",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
22,"A characteristic of radio receiver to amplify a peak signal and produce a de
sirable intelligence at the output of the speaker.","Sensitivity","Selectivity",
"Reliability","Fidelity",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
486,"A chart used for long term voyager, but design for air navigation.","Lamber
t","Nautical","Merintor","Gantt",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
487,"A chronological record of system resource usage.","Audit trail","Log","Read
me","System data","","Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
488,"A circuit in a radar used to allow the rotating antenna to function as tran
smitter and receiver.","Duplexer","Diplexer","Combiner","Matrix",,"Navigational
Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
23,"A circuit that generates the upper and the lower sidebands but no carrier is
called a(n)","Balanced modulator","Amplitude modulator","Diode detector","Class
C amplifier",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
490,"A circuit that interconnects a single host computer to many remote computer
terminals.","Multipoint configuration","Two point configuration","Two wire circ
uit","4 wire circuit",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
491,"A circuit that interfaces the data terminal equipment to the analog transmi
ssion line.","Modem","Cluster","Multiplexer","Front-end processor",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
24,"A circuit that isolates the carrier oscillator from the load changes is call
ed a","Buffer amplifier","Final amplifier","Driver amplifier","Linear amplifier"
,,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
25,"A circuit that keeps the audio cut off until a signal receive is known as","
A squelch","AFC","AGC","A noise blanker",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Q
494,"A circuit where transmission is possible in both directions at the same tim
e but not between the same two stations.","Full / Full-duplex","Full / Half-dupl
ex","Full-duplex","Half-duplex",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
495,"A circuit with an amplifier was measured to be 1mW when the output was meas
ured to be 1W what is the power gain","30 dB","1000 dB","1 dBm","3 dB",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
496,"A circular orbit around the equator with a 24-h period is called a/an","Geo
stationary orbit","Elliptical orbit","Polar orbit","Transfer orbit",,"Satellite
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
497,"A class B amplifier conducts for how many degrees of an input sine wave?","
180","90 to 150
","180 to 360","360",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
498,"A class C amplifier has a supply voltage of 24 V and a collector current 2.
5 A. It's efficiency is 80%. The RF output power is","48 W","24 W","60 W","75 W"
,,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
499,"A class of digital transmission at 64 kbps, which is the standard for digit
izing one voice conversion.","DS-0","DS-2","DS-1","DS-3",,"Digital & Data Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

26,"A class of signal processors.","Exciters","Equalizers","Microprocessors","Am

plifiers",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
501,"A Class-S Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (E.P.I.R.B.)","All of
these","Must be capable of floating or being secured to a survival","Must have i
ts battery replaced after emergency use","May be tested during the first five mi
nutes of any hour",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quim
502,"A CLEC is a:","Competitive Local Exchange Carrier","Competitive Level Excha
nge Center","Carrier Level Exchange Center","Cross-switched Local Exchange Carri
er",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
503,"A coax has a velocity factor of 0.68. What is the length of half-wave at 30
MHz?","11.2 ft","12.9 ft","15.6 ft","16.4 ft",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
504,"A coax has an attenuation of 24 dB per 100 ft. The attenuation for 275 ft i
s","6.8 dB","4.8 dB","3.3 dB","2.4 dB",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem
Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
505,"A coaxial cable is a good example of a/an:","Bounded media","Unbounded medi
um","Transmission channel","Non-metallic medium",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
506,"A coaxial cable used for high temperatures.","RG-211A","RG-213","RG-11A","R
G-58C",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
507,"A coaxial line with an outer diameter of 6 mm has a 50 ohms characteristic
impedance. If the dielectric constant of the insulation is 1.60, calculate the i
nner diameter.","2.09 mm","2.09 cm","2.09 in","2.09 ft",,"Transmission Fundament
als",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
508,"A code developed by IBM and primarily used for synchronous communications.
","EBCDIC code","Gray code","Biquinary code
","ASCII code",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
509,"A code sent downstream indicating an upstream failure has occurred","Alarm
indicating signal","Remote alarm indication","Remote error indication","Virtual
tributary","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
510,"A code that uses three unequal length symbols: dot, dash and space to encod
e a character.","Morse code","Baudot code","ASCII","Hollerith code",,"Digital &
Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
511,"A coder for a 64-interval quantizer must produce how many bits?","7","10","
8","2",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
27,"A collector modulator has a supply voltage of 48 V. The peak to peak amplitu
de of the modulating signal for 100 % modulation is","96 V","120 V","24 V","48 V
",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
28,"A collector modulator transmitter has a supply voltage of 24 V and a collect
or current 0.5 A. The modulator power for 100 percent modulation is","6 W","12 W
","18 W","24 W",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
514,"A combination of elliptical and circular orbit is the interesting feature o
f this satellite system.","Ellipso","Iridium","Comsat","Telesedic",,"Satellite C
ommunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
8,"A combiner has two inputs +30 dBm and +30 dBm, what is the resultant output?"
,"+ 33 dBm","+ 30 dBm","+ 60 dBm","+ 36 dBm",,"Noise",0,,"Problem Solving","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
516,"A common antenna employed in direction-finding apparatus is","Loop","Rhombi
c","In-line","Folded unipole",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
517,"A common application for magnetrons is in","Radar
","Two-way radio","TV sets",,"Microwave Communications",1,,"Objective","William
518,"A common data presentation which display a map of the surrounding vicinity
with radar station located at the center of the display.","PPI","B-scan","A-scan
","C-scan",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO

519,"A common omnidirectional microwave antenna is the","Bicone","Helical","Horn
","Parabolic reflector",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
520,"A communication circuit using a Class-C amplifier is considered a narrow ba
nd amplifier if the bandwidth is less than _____ % of its resonant frequency.","
10","20","13","15",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
521,"A communication link is","A channel or ckt intended to connect other channe
ls or ckts.","A piece of wire that is connected to gnd terminals of communicatio
n","A cable connecting a transmitter to the antenna","None of the above",,"Telec
ommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
522,"A communication network used by the organization over a limited distance th
at allows users with PCs to be linked together and share information and resourc
es is called","LAN","WAN","Distributed processing
","Timesharing",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
523,"A communication satellite is basically a radio relay in the sky.","True","F
alse","Maybe","None of the above",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
524,"A communication system in which a common time interval is not established b
etween transmitting stations and receiving stations.","Anisochronous system","Sy
nchronous system","Nonsynchronous system","Isochronous system",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
525,"A communications system that uses digital pulses to encode information rath
er than analog signals.","Digital Carrier","T carrier","T2","T5",,"Digital & Dat
a Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
526,"A comparison of the output, in a particular direction of the antenna in que
stion and a reference antenna:","Antenna gain","Antenna efficiency","Directivity
","Antenna power",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
8,"A component in a satellite that received, amplify and retransmit the signal."
,"Transponder","Transmitter","Receiver","None of the above","","Satellite Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
527,"A component of outside plant which is the assembly of conductors in a prote
ctive covering sheath arranged so that the connection can be single or in combin
ation.","Cable","Conduit","Manhole","Poles and fixtures","","Wire & Wireless Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
528,"A compressor in a companding device provides","Greater amplification for lo
w signal levels","Greater amplification for high signal levels","Greater pressur
e for transmission cables","Lesser pressure for transmission cables",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
529,"A configuration which have two channels used as inbound & outbound channel
","Loop","Hub-go-ahead","Mesh","Bus",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
10,"A connector that has the lowest loss at ultra high frequency.","Type-N Conne
ctor","A BNC Connector","F-type Connector","PL 259 Connector","","Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
530,"A continuous wave hyperbolic system composed of four station in typical cha
in to determine the position of the fix of the target.","DECCA","LORAN A","LORAN
C","OMEGA",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
531,"A convenient method of determining antenna impedance.","Smith chart","Stub
matching","Trial and error","Reactance circle",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
532,"A cordless telephone","Is a portable extension telephone using short-distan
ce","Uses fiber-optic techniques to replace traditional cord","Dio links between
the handset and the base unit","Uses radio links between the base unit and the
telephone",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
533,"A correctly terminated transmission line has a load impedance that is","Res

istive and equal to the characteristic impedance of the line","Open-circuited","

Inductive and equal to the characteristic impedance of the line","Resistive",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
534,"A CRC generator uses which components?","Shift register","Balanced modulato
r","Binary adder
","Multiplexer",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
535,"A crystal filter has a 6-dB bandwidth of 2.6 kHz and a 60-dB bandwidth is",
"0.186","5.38","8.3","86.4",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
536,"A crystal lattice filter has a crystal frequencies of 27.5 and 27.502 MHz.
The bandwidth is approximately","2 kHz","3 kHz","27.501 MHz","55.502 MHz",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
537,"A crystal oscillator whose frequency can be changed by an input voltage is
called a(n)","VXO","VCO","VFO","VHF",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
538,"A custom-designed microchip intended to perform a very specific purpose.","
ASIC","CISA","SCIA","ACIS","Application-Specific IC","Transmission Fundamentals"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
539,"A data communication network that is designed to provide two-way communicat
ions between a large variety of data communications terminal equipment within a
relatively small geographic area.","Local Area Network","Packet Switching networ
k","International Gateway","Virtual Circuit",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
540,"A data communication system that connects the computer directly to a commun
ication link is :","On - line system","Off - line system","Duplex design","Simpl
ex design",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
12,"A data communications network designed to provide two-way data communication
s terminal equipment within a relatively small geographic area.","Local Area Net
work","Private Area Network","Wide Area Network","Ethernet","","Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
541,"A design procedure that uses several zones corresponding to a range resista
nce in excess of 1300 ohms:","Long route design limit","Transmission limit desig
n","Resistance design","Uniguage design",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
542,"A device that can be programmed to automatically place telephone calls via
computer interface, eliminating the need for human action to place the calls.","
Automatic Calling Unit","Automatic Telephone","Autotransformer","None of the abo
ve","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
543,"A device that connects LAN s at the ISO data link level.","Bridge","LAN Conne
ctor","Backbone","Gateway",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
544,"A device that connects two different networks and performs the protocol con
version.","Gateway","Converter","Coupler","Transformer",,"Digital & Data Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
545,"A device that converts 2-wire circuit to a 4-wire circuit","Hybrid Circuit"
,"Stub","Balun","PS-232 interface",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
546,"A device that converts a balanced line to an unbalanced line of a transmiss
ion line.","Balun","Hybrid","Stub","Directional Coupler",,"Transmission Fundamen
tals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
21,"A device that converts electrical variations into acoustic signal.","Loudspe
aker","Microphone","Transistor","Antenna",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Q
547,"A device that converts high frequency current into electromagnetic wave is
known as","Antenna","Reflectometer","Frequency converter","Microphone",,"Antenna
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
548,"A device that converts high-definition video to standard-definition video."
,"Afterburner","Agent","Splitter","All of the above","","Broadcasting",0,,"Objec

tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
14,"A device that converts sound pressure into electrical energy","Microphone","
Headphone","Headset","Speaker","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
549,"A device that detects both vertically and horizontally polarized signals si
multaneously.","Orthomode transducer","Light transducer","Crystal","Optoisolator
",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
550,"A device that encodes analog signals into digitalsignals, for transmission t
hrough a network in digital format, and decodes received digital signalsback into
analog signals.","Codec","Modem","Splitter","Muldem",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
551,"A device that increases battery voltage or a loop that extends its signalin
g range.","Loop extender","Battery extender","Loop amplifier","Battery charger",
"","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
552,"A device that radiates electromagnetic energy and/or intercepts electromagn
etic radiation.","Antenna","Transceiver","Transmission line","Transmitter",,"Ant
ennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
553,"A device that restores a degraded digital signal for continued transmission
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
554,"A device to be connected across the headset in telephone receivers to reduc
e the effects of acoustic shock. .","Two rectifiers in parallel with opposite po
larities","Fuse with a small amount of rating","Ground in both the terminals","P
rotector",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
555,"A device to convert analog FDM signals to digital TDM signals and vice vers
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
556,"A device used for measuring the ship speed as well as the total distance th
e ship traveled from a point of origin.","Electromagnetic log
","Transducer","Echo Sounder",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
557,"A device used to measure speech volume","Volume unit meter","Speech meter",
"Volume meter","Speedometer","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming"
558,"A device used to measure the depth of the water by measuring the time take
for a pulse of acoustic energy.","Echo sounder
","Accelerometer","Electromagnetic log
","Transducer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
559,"A device which limits the display of radar information primarily to moving
targets.","MTI","GCA","CW Doppler","IFF",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
560,"A device whose function is to radiate electromagnetic energy and/or interce
pt electromagnetic radiation.","Antenna
","Transmitter","Transmission line
","Transceiver",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
561,"A dielectric waveguide for the propagation of electromagnetic energy at lig
ht frequencies.","Fiber optics","Stripline","Microstrip","Laser beam",,"Fiber Op
tics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
562,"A digital data routing technique using computer software to automatically s
elect the most efficient route for the transmission of traffic. This technique a
llows for faster data transfers, as it reduces bottlenecks and heavy congestion
points in a network.","Adaptive Routing","Active Routing","Automatic Routing","A
ll of the above","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
563,"A digital identification associated with a cellular system.","SIM","MIN","E
SN","SAT",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
564,"A digital interface that provides the physical connection to a digital carr
ier network.","Data service unit/ channel service unit","Channel service unit","

Data channel unit","Data service unit",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obje

ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
565,"A digital microwave link is categorized by the CCITT as medium grade if the
system,","Operates between local exchanges within the national network up to le
ngth of 1250 km","Includes long haul international connection","Operates between
subscriber's premise and usually have a bit rate of 2 Mbps or less","Includes l
ong-haul national connection up to 5,600 km",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
566,"A digital mobile system which is called a European derivative of Global Sys
tem for mobile communication system operating at higher frequency band","DCS- 18
00","E-TACS","TACS","MITS",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
567,"A digital signal compression technique in which the compression and decompr
ession processes intentionally are not the same.","Asymmetrical Compression","Sy
mmetrical Compression","Half-compression","None of the above","","Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
568,"A dip-meter","Variable LC oscillator","SWR meter","A counter","A field stre
ngth meter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
569,"A directional antenna with two or more elements is known as","Array","Groun
d plane","Loop","Folded dipole",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
570,"A directional coupler with three or more holes is sometimes used in prefere
nce to the two-hole coupler","To increase the bandwidth of the system","Because
it is more efficient","To increase coupling of the signal","To reduce spurious m
ode generation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
571,"A disadvantage of microstrip compared with strip line is that microstrip","
Is more likely to radiate","Is bulkier","Is more expensive and complex to manufa
cture","Doest not lend itself to printed circuit techniques",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
29,"A distortion resulting from overmodulation of an AM wave.","Sideband splatte
r","Aperture","Overmodulation distortion","Sideband distortion",,"Modulation",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
573,"A DS0 has a bandwidth of","8 KHz","4 KHz","16 KHz","32 KHz",,"Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
574,"A DSL line where the upload speed is different from the download speed, usu
ally the download speed is much greater.","ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber L
ine)","DSL (Digital Loop Carrier)","IDSL (ISDN Digital Subscriber Line)","SDSL (
Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line)",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
575,"A duplexer is used","To allow the one antenna to be used for reception or t
ransmission without mutual interference","To couple two different antennas to a
transmitter without mutual interference","To prevent interference between two an
tennas when they are connected to a receiver","To increase the speed of the puls
es in pulsed radar",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
576,"A facility consisting of international transmission, switching and network
management facilities which serves as point of entry and exit in the Philippines
of international traffic between the national network and point/s outside the P
hilippines.","International Gateway Facility","Toll Switch","Public Switched Tel
ephone Network","Plain Old Telephone Service","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
577,"A feature that enables an electronic spreadsheet users to program several s
preadsheet functions so that they may be performed with a couple of keystrokes i
s known as a","Macro","Micro","Basic interface
","Firmware chip",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
578,"A ferrite device that can be used in lieu of a duplexer to isolate microwav
e transmitter and receiver when both are connected to the s me antenna.","Circul
ator","Isolator","Coupler","Diode",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
579,"A ferrite is","A nonconductor with magnetic properties","An intermetallic c
ompound with particularly good conductivity","An insulator which heavily attenua

tes magnetic fields","A microwave semiconductor invented by Faraday",,"Microwave

Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
580,"A fiber glass with a total dispersion of 15 ns/km, and the pulse width of t
he transmitted signal is 0.5 ns. What is the maximum length of the fiber to hand
le 8 Mbits/s without repeaters?","1.63 km","2.13 km","0.75 km","3.25 km",,"Fiber
Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
581,"A figure of merit used to measure the light gathering or light collecting a
bility of the optical fibers.","Numerical aperture","Acceptance angle","Acceptan
ce cone","Critical angle",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
582,"A file transfer protocol based on the X modem protocol. It uses a 1,024 byt
e packet size.","Y modem","R modem","Z modem","V modem",,"Digital & Data Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
583,"A fixed radio station that broadcasts program material from studio to trans
mitter by radio link.","Aural broadcast STL","Aural BC intercity relay","Shortwa
ve station","Remote-pickup",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
30,"A fixed time slot occupied by the PCM code for each channel","Epoch","Subdiv
ision","Division","Slot",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
585,"A form of analog channel compression that has been used for sub-oceanic cab
les for many years.","TASI","CDMA","SPADE","FDMA",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
586,"A form of digital subscriber line in which the bandwidth available for down
stream connection is significantly larger than
for upstream.","ADSL","HDSL","DSL","None of the above","","Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
587,"A form of multiparty signaling that makes used of five different frequencie
s to provide five party services with a bridged connection and ten party service
s with a divided connection.","Multifrequency ringing","Coded ringing","Superimp
osed ringing","Reverse ringing",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
588,"A form of multiparty signaling that uses both ac and dc to provide fully se
lective two-party bridged ringing or four-party divide ringing.","Superimposed r
inging","Coded ringing","Multifrequency ringing","Reverse ringing",,"Wire & Wire
less Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
589,"A form of multiparty signaling that uses two sets of dc potentials of oppos
ite polarities applied to the tip and ring conductors for station selection","Su
perimposed Ringing","Multi frequency Ringing","Coded Ringing","Divide Ringing",,
"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
590,"A form of store and forward network.","Message switching","Packet switching
","Circuit switching","Any of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
591,"A forward error correcting code corrects errors by","Requiring no part of t
he signal to be retransmitted","Requiring partial transmission of the signal","R
equiring retransmission of the entire signal","Using no party to correct the err
ors in all cases",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
592,"A four-wire circuit is :","Used bet. serving C.O. for long distance connect
ions","Is a ckt. having 3 output terminals and one input terminal","Is an oscill
ator that produces 4 diff. freq. simultaneously
","None of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
593,"A frame synchronization method that periodically replaces information bits
with forced data errors to maintain clock synchronization.","Unique line encodin
g framing","Added channel framing","Robbed digit framing","Statistical framing",
","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
594,"A frame synchronization method where some property of the framing bit is di
fferent from the data bits. The framing bit is made either higher or lower in am

plitude or with a different time duration.","Unique-line code framing","Robbed-d

igit framing","Statistical framing","Added-digit framing",,"Digital & Data Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
23,"A frequency ratio of 2:1","Octave","Harmonic","Decade","None of the above",,
"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
595,"A full-duplex, 1+0 (non redundant) microwave radio system comprises of thre
e (3) hops. How many microwave radio transmitters in all are used?","6","9","3",
"12",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
596,"A full-duplex, 1+0 (non redundant) microwave radio system comprises of thre
e (3) hops. What is the minimum number of frequencies required for the entire sy
stem?","4","12","8","6",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
597,"A full-duplex, 1+1 (redundant) microwave radio system comprises of three (3
) hops. How many microwave radio receivers in all are used?","12","9","6","8",,"
Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
598,"A full-duplex, 1+1 (redundant) microwave radio system comprises of three (3
) hops. What is the minimum number of frequencies required for the entire system
?","4","12","8","6",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
599,"A function of SLIC that converts the dialing senses to special codes for tr
ansmission.","Coding","Hybrid","Supervision","Testing","","Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
600,"A function of SLIC that converts two wire system to four wire system.","Hyb
rid","Coding","Supervision","Testing","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
601,"A function represented as a special format effector in a data communication
s code & serving as an instruction to move a print mechanism or a cursor of a vi
sual display unit backwards for one position.
","Back space","Backbone routine","Back-off","Backward channel",,"Digital & Data
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
31,"A gain of 60 dB is the same as a gain of:","1000 Volts/volt","100 Volts/volt
","10 Volts/volt","10000 Volts/volt",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
603,"A generic term that refers to the coding functions performed by a device th
at converts analog signals to digital codes and digital codes to analog signals.
","CODEC","D-type channel bank","Muldem","Combo Chip",,"Telecommunications & ECE
Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
604,"A geostationary satellite used for communications system is","All of the ab
ove","Rotating with the earth","Positioned over the earth's equator","Remains st
ationary relative to the earth's surface",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
605,"A global initiative by Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba to set a sta
ndard for cable-free connectivity between mobile phones, mobile PCs, handheld co
mputers, etc. It will use short-range radio links in the 2.9 GHZ ISM ""free band
"".","Wi-Fi","Bluetooth","WAP","WLAN",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
606,"A ground wave is a","Surface wave","Tropospheric wave","Sky wave","Combinat
ion of space wave and direct wave",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
607,"A group of cell is called ______.","Cluster","Community","Body","Macrocells
",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
608,"A group of cells which no channels are reused.","Cluster","Division","Cell
pattern","Zone","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
609,"A group of four bits is classified as a","Nibble
","ASCII code","Baud","Byte",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
610,"A group of packets from a source through an X.25 packet system to a sink:",
"Arrive in the same order sent for both PVC and VC","Arrive in the same order se
nt for VC, but not for PVC","Arrive in the same order sent for PVC, but not for

","None of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
611,"A guy wire installed in an angle to the pole line.","Side guy","Stub guy","
Head guy","Terminal guy","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
612,"A half wave antenna has a center impedance of 70 ohms. It is coupled to a f
lat 600 ohms transmission line through a quarter wavelength transmission line. D
etermine the required impedance of the quarterwave section.","205 ohms","210 ohm
s","250 ohms","245 ohms",,"Antennas",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NON
613,"A half-wavelength, closed section of a waveguide that acts as a parallel re
sonant circuit is known as a/an","Cavity resonator","Half-wave section
","LCR circuit","Directional coupler",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
614,"A hardware and software rules and procedures for making sure that any trans
mission errors are detected:","Protocol","Standard","Parity","Hamming code",,"Di
gital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
615,"A helical antenna is made up of a coil and a","Reflector","Director","Dipol
e","Horn",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
616,"A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of","Circular pola
rization","Maneuverability","Beamwidth","Gain","","Satellite Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
617,"A high bandwidth, controlled-delay fixed-size packet switching and transmis
sion system.","ATM","DSL","DLC","ISDN",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
25,"A high frequency sound has","High pitch","Low pitch","High amplitude","Low e
nergy",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
618,"A highly directional antenna radiating a beam of electromagnetic radiation"
,"Beam antenna","Half-wave dipole","Hertz antenna","Marconi antenna",,"Antennas"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
619,"A high-power microwave pulse of the order of megawatts can be generated by
a","Magnetron","Traveling-wave tube","Reflex klystron","Gunn diode",,"Microwave
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
620,"A high-speed digital switching and transmission technology allowing voice,
video, and data to be sent over a single wire or fiber optic line.","ATM","DSL",
"Broadband","Base band","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
621,"A high-speed line or series of connections that forms a major pathway withi
n a network is called ___________.","Backbone","Coaxial cable","Optical fiber","
All of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
622,"A horizontal antenna is","Horizontally polarized","Vertically polarized","C
entrally polarized","Circularly polarized",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Q
623,"A horizontal radiation pattern of a dipole is","Figure eight","Circle","Clo
ver leaf","Narrow beam",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
624,"A horizontal radiation pattern of vertical dipole is a","Circle","Figure ei
ght","Narrow beam","Clover leaf",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
625,"A kind of recording is used in facsimile.","Electrolytic recording","Electr
othermal recording","Electropercussive recording","Electrostatic recording","","
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
626,"A large scale integration (LSI) chip designed for the used in telecommunica
tions industry for PBXs, CO switches, digital handsets and echo suppressors.","C
ombo chip","Input filter","Output filter","CODEC",,"Digital & Data Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
27,"A large speaker having a large diameter (15 cm above).","Woofer","Coaxial sp
eaker","Tweeter","Triaxial speaker",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming

627,"A law prescribing the functions of the National Telecommunications Commissi

on.","E.O. 546","E.O. 544","E.O. 545","E.O. 543",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
628,"A law that specifically requires the services of a duly registered ECE in t
he designing/ installation and construction/ operation and maintenance of radio
stations.","D.O. 88","Act 3846","R.A.5734","LOI 1000",,"Telecommunications & ECE
Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
629,"A leased line is","A permanent ckt. for private use w/in comm'n network","A
piece of wire used in a LAN in one building","A piece of wire connecting a tele
phone set to a PABX","A temporary connection of one computer to a main frame",,"
Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
630,"A light-emitting diode is able to couple how much power into an optical fib
er ?
","100 watts","10 mwatts","10 watts","1 pwatts",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
631,"A light-wave fiber optic detector device that causes photons to cascade or
avalanche thus generating a light-wave output significantly stronger than the or
iginal incoming signal.","APD","LED","PIN","BED","APD = Avalanche Photodiode","F
iber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
632,"A local loop has resistance of 1 k? and the telephone connected to it has a
n off-hook resistance of 200? Calculate the voltage across the telephone.","8 V"
,"48 V","18 V","10 V",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Problem Solving","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
633,"A long distance radar system employed to locate aircraft tip to 200 miles a
long the airways.","ARSR","ASR","MTI","PAR",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
634,"A longitudinal redundancy check produces a(n)","Block check character
","Parity bit","CRC","Error correction",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
9,"A long-term variations in a waveform.","Jitter","Attenuation","Defect","Order
wire","","Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
636,"A lossless transmission line has a shunt capacitance of 7100 pF/m and a ser
ies inductance of 4 mH/m. What is the characteristic impedance?","200 ohms","500
ohms","400 ohms","300 ohms",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","
William Quiming","NONAME",
29,"A loudspeaker designed to reproduce middle frequency signal from 300 - 5,000
Hz is called as:","Driver","Tweeter","Woofer","Midrange",,"Acoustics",1,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
637,"A loudspeaker designed to reproduce middle-frequency sound is","Driver","Wo
ofer","Tweeter","Terminator",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
638,"A low quality video transmission for use between nondedicated subscribers."
,"Picture phone","Data terminal","Mastergroup","Commercial television",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
10,"A low ratio of the ac to the dc load impedance of a diode detector results i
n","Negative-peak clipping","Poor AF response","Diagonal operation","Poor AGC op
eration",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
640,"A low speed modem that sends and receives data using an ordinary telephone
handset.","Dial-up modem","Dedicated circuit modem","Acoustically couple modem",
"Hardware modem",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
641,"A low-cost, short-range radio link between laptops, mobile phones, network
access points and other devices, can replace cables and can be used to create ad
hoc networks and provide a standard way to connect devices anywhere in the worl
d.","Bluetooth","Infrared","Wi-Fi","Wireless",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",
1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
642,"A low-loss dielectric material used to cover over a dish for environmental
liam Quiming","NONAME",
643,"A low-quality video transmission for use between nondedicated subscribers."

liam Quiming","NONAME",
644,"A magnetic field is introduced into a waveguide by a","Probe","Dipole","Str
ipline","Capacitor",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
645,"A magnetic field is used in the cavity magnetron to","Ensure that the elect
rons will orbit around the cathode","Prevent anode current in the absence of osc
illation","Ensure that the oscillation are pulsed","Help in focusing the electro
n beam, thus preventing spreading",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
646,"A magnetron is operated at a duty cycle of 0.001. It has a peak power outpu
t of 100 kW. Its average power is","100 watts","10 watts","0 watts","1 milliwatt
",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
32,"A magnetron is used only as a/an
","Oscillator","Amplifier","Mixer","Frequency multiplier",,"Modulation",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
648,"A magnetron whose oscillating frequency is electronically adjustable over a
wide range is called a","VTM","Frequency-agile magnetron","Coaxial magnetron","
Dither-tuned magnetron",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
649,"A mainframe computer connected to multiple terminals and PCs usually uses w
hich configuration?","Star","Ring","Bus","Tree",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
650,"A major and basic advantage for the used of klystron.","High power","Cheape
r","Efficiency","Lesser noise",,"Microwave Communications",1,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
33,"A major form of digital pulse modulation:","PCM","PPM","FDM","TDM",,"Modulat
ion",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
652,"A marker beacon laced at about 3000 ft from end of runway and cause an ambe
r light to blink at the cockpit.","Middle","Outer","Inner","All of the above",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
653,"A mastergroup encoder chooses the bit position with a high probability of o
ccurrence either a logic 1 or a logic 0.","Statistical framing","Added Channel F
raming","Added Digit Framing","Unique Line Code Framing",,"Uncategorized",2,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
654,"A material wrapped around the parabolic antenna aperture to eliminate sidelobes interfering nearby microwave stations is:","Shroud","Radome","Reflector","
None of the above",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
655,"A maximum cable length of 50 feet is specified in standard _______________.
656,"A means of compressing digital audio signals that relies on perceptual codi
ng schemes (the removal of data related to audio signals that are not perceptibl
e by the human ear),","Advanced Audio Coding","Advanced Authoring Format","MP3",
"Codec","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
657,"A means of utilizing the unused spectrum of the FDM system. This is a trans
mission of digitally encoded signals via FDM system.","Data Under Voice (DUV)","
Data In Voice (DIV)","Data Above Voice (DAV)","Data Above Video (DAVID)","","Dig
ital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
658,"A measure of mismatch in a transmission line","Standing wave ratio","Propag
ation delay","Reflection coefficient","Any of the above",,"Transmission Fundamen
tals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
659,"A measure of reliability expressed as the average number of hours between s
uccessive failures is called:","MTBF","Failure rate","MTTR","None of the above",
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
660,"A measure of the conversion efficiency of a photodetector.","Responsitivity
","Numerical aperture
","Sensitivity","Transitivity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"

661,"A measure of the probability, that during a specified period of peak traffi
c a call offered to a group of trunks or circuits will fail to find an idle serv
er at the first attempt.","Grade of service","Number of calls","Number of servic
es","Number of blocked calls","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
662,"A measure of the rotation of a selected point along the horizon with respec
t to true north.","Azimuth","North star","Angle of incidence","Cone of silence",
"","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
663,"A measurement of how fast data is moved from one place to another.","BPS (B
its-Per-Second)","CPS (Cycle-Per-Second)","MPS (Meter-Per-Second)","None of the
above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
664,"A mechanism at a phone company's central location that links many customer
DSL connections to a single high-speed ATM line is called __________.","DSLAM","
ISDN","DSL","G.lite",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
665,"A mechanism or device which enables the TV camera to move in lateral and ti
lting motion.","Pan/tilt device","Panning device","Scanner","Tilting",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
666,"A membership organization that develops U.S. industry standards and coordin
ates U.S. participation in the International Standards Organization.","ANSI","CE
PT","CCITT","ECSA","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
667,"A menuing system can provide all the following benefits except","Making a n
etwork perform more efficiently","Making it easier to use the network","Preventi
ng users from seeing certain menu options","Preventing users from reaching a DOS
-level prompt",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
668,"A method for frame synchronization that a special digit is added to each fr
ame.","Added digit framing","Robbed digit framing","Added channel framing","Stat
istical framing","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
669,"A method for frame synchronization that digits are added in a group words."
,"Added channel framing","Statistical framing","Unique line code framing","Robbe
d digit framing","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
670,"A method for frame synchronization that periodically replaces information b
its with forced data errors to maintain clock synchronization","Robbed framing",
"Added framing","Added channel framing","Statistical framing","","Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
671,"A method for moving data over regular phone lines is called _________.","DS
L","ESCON","FDDI","Ethernet",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
672,"A method of assigning outlets to grading group in such a way that they assi
st each other in handling the traffic.","Grading","Switching","Trafficking","Div
iding","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
673,"A method of coding wherein the most significant bit (MSB) is used as a sign
Bit.","Sign-magnitude code","Gray code
","Baudot code","Biquinary code",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
674,"A method of diversity reception applied to reflective path to reduce fading
is:","Space diversity","Frequency diversity","Polarization diversity","Quadrupl
e diversity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
675,"A method of error correction in data transmission in which any blocks of da
ta found to contain errors at the receiving terminal requested for repeat transm
ission from the transmitting terminal","Automatic repeat request (ARQ)","Automat
ic repeat attempt ( ARA)","Automatic send and receive (ASR)","Automatic recall (
ARC)",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
676,"A method of expressing the amplitude of a complex non-periodic signals such
as speech.","Volume","Frequency","Pitch","Wavelength",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
677,"A method of multiple accessing where a given RF channel bandwidth is divide
d into smaller frequency band?","FDMA","CDMA","TDMA","None of the above","**","U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
678,"A method of multiplexing which the transmission from multiple sources occur

on the same facility but not at the same time.","TDM","FDM","SDM","WDM","","Unc

ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
679,"A method of navigation that derives position by measurement of distance and
bearing from a single station (VOR/DME, TACAN).","RHO-THETA","RHO-RHO
","THETA-THETA",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
680,"A method of navigation that is independent on visible landmarks.","Radio na
vigation","Astronomical navigation","Celestial navigation","Navigation by pilota
ge",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
681,"A method used by national governments trying to sell 3G licenses to the hig
hest bidders and is used by many European countries that proved to be a disaster
for operators of its excessive bidding cost.","Auction","Bargain","Bidding","Al
l of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
682,"A method used by national governments trying to settle which operators shou
ld have a 3G license to the best bidders.","Bidding","Beauty contest","Auction",
"Bargain",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
683,"A micron is","One-millionth of a meter","One-millionth of a foot","One-thou
sandth of a meter","On ten-thousandth of an inch",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
31,"A microphone response is considered flat if it varies by less than ___ dB.",
"1","2","3","4",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
684,"A microwave communication set-up has the following characters : transmitter
and receiver antenna gain = 10dB, line length (tx & rx) = 1.8 dB / 100 ft., tra
nsmitter power = 100 W, path loss = 125 dB; mod = 100%. Determine. the signal le
vel received at the r","-89.5 dBw","-91 dBw","-88.8 dBw","-90.7 dBw",,"Microwave
Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
685,"A microwave communication system space loss expressed in dB is:","92.4 + 20
log f (GHz) + 20 log D (km)","94.2 + 20 log f (GHz) + 20 log D (mi)","94.3 + 20
log f (GHz) + 20 log D (km)","93.5 + 20 log f (GHz) + 20 log D (mi)
",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
686,"A microwave link between the earth station and the down-town terminal is ca
lled:","Terrestrial link","Down-link","Up-link","STL",,"Microwave Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
687,"A microwave path which provides zero clearance from the obstruction is call
ed:","Grazing path","Obstructed path","L-O-S path","Any of the above",,"Microwav
e Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
688,"A microwave repeater in a satellite used to amplify and change the frequenc
y of a received band of signals.","Transponder","Line noise amplifier","Travelin
g wave tube","High power amplifier",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
689,"A microwave transmitter has a power rating at the power amplifier of 7 watt
s. The receiver requires a receiver carrier of 10^-6. Losses of the system adds
up 3 dB. What is the system gain?","75 dB","-100.5 dB","100.5 dB","-75 dB",,"Mic
rowave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
690,"A microwave transmitting antenna is 500 ft high. The receiving antenna is 2
00 ft high. The maximum transmission distance is","53.2 miles","38.7 miles","33.
2 miles","20 miles",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Qu
691,"A microwave tube amplifier uses an axial magnetic field and a radial electr
ic field. This is the","CFA","Traveling-wave magnetron","Reflex klystron","Coaxi
al magnetron",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
692,"A mirror with the surface that has been coated with a material that permits
light of only one wavelength to pass through while reflecting all other wavelen
gths.","Dichronic filter","Prism","Diffraction grating","WDM coupler",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
693,"A mixer has a signal input of 50 MHz and an LO frequency of 59 MHz. The IF
is","9 MHz","50 MHz","59 MHz","109 MHz","59 - 50 = 9 MHz","Uncategorized",1,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
694,"A mobile receiver experiences ""dead"" areas of reception as a result of","

Shading of the RF signal by hills and trees","Sporadic E","Tropospheric scatter"

,"Atmospheric absorption",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
695,"A mobile satellite array has usually how many elements?","14","12","88","6"
,,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
696,"A mobile telephone is","A special form of radio telephone that connects wit
h","Another name for a cordless telephone","E public switched telephone network
through the","Lephone company",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
697,"A mobile telephone system which uses an analog cellular radio standard whic
h was replaced by the AMPS in US.","IMTS","TDMA","CDMA","D-AMPS",,"Wire & Wirele
ss Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
698,"A mobile unit that moves from one cell to another - possibly from one compa
ny s service area into another company s service area.","Roaming","Handoff","Blockin
g","Transferring",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
699,"A mobile unit that moves from one cell to another - possibly from one compa
ny's service area into another company's service area.","Roaming","Handoff","Blo
cking","Transferring",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
700,"A mode in which the sending and receiving serial hosts know where a charact
er begins and ends because each byte is framed with additional bits, called a st
art bit and a stop bit.","Asynchronous transmission","Synchronous transmission",
"Parallel transmission","Serial transmission",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
701,"A MODEM that transmit a continuous stream of characters without character i
nterval is classified as
","None of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
34,"A modulation which does not follow the sine wave pattern it produces undesir
able harmonics such as spurious emission.","Over-modulated","Unmodulated","0% mo
dulation","Modulated",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
703,"A modulator circuit performs what mathematical operation on its two inputs?
","Square Root",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
704,"A most important recommendation, since it is a standard adopted internation
ally by most computer manufacturers at the hardware level","V.24","X.24","V.25",
"X.25",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
33,"A mounting board or screen which separates acoustic power of loudspeaker con
e from the power directly emitted from the front of the loudspeaker is called:",
"Baffle","Tweeter","Cone","Diaphragm",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
705,"A multidrop line is","A line or circuit interconnecting several stations","
A piece of wire with a thick insulating mat'l that protects","A line designed to
withstand high pressure","None of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
706,"A multi-mode silica fiber is designed to have a intermodal dispersion of 22
ns, material dispersion of 3.25 ns, and waveguide dispersion of 0.525 ns. What
is the maximum bit rate of the fiber if the transmitted pulse width is 0.65 ns?"
,"8.74 Mbps","7.84 Mbps","4.78 Mbps","6.75 Mbps",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
707,"A multiple access technique used in GSM cellular system.","TDMA","CDMA","FD
MA","TACS",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
708,"A multiplexing function used in SONET optical technology but can also be us
ed in electric signal transmissions.","ADM","WDM","DWDM","TDMA",,"Fiber Optics",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
709,"A multiplexing technique that involves the transmission of multiple digital

signals using several wavelengths without interfering with one another, simulta
neously over a single fiber cable.","Wavelength Division Multiplexing","Time Div
ision Multiplexing","Frequency Division Multiplexing","Space Division Multiplexi
ng",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
710,"A multiplexing technique that uses different frequencies to combine multipl
e streams of data for transmission over a communications medium.","FDM","DWDM","
TDM","WDM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
711,"A multistage Amplifier uses at least ____.","Two transistors","One transist
or","Three transistors
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
712,"A negative response to a poll in BSC is __________.","EOT","NAK","WACK","An
y of these",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
713,"A network connection facility which is used to interconnect networks whose
architectures are entirely different is called","Gateway","Router","Bridge","Rep
eater",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
714,"A network element of Synchronous Transport Signal that is able to access, m
odify, terminate or originate the overhead.","Section terminating equipment","Li
ne terminating equipment","Path terminating equipment","End terminating equipmen
t","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
715,"A network element of Synchronous Transport Signal that multiplex/demultiple
x the STS payload.","Path terminating equipment","Line terminating equipment","S
ection terminating equipment","End terminating equipment","","Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
716,"A network element of Synchronous Transport Signal that originate and/or ter
minates line signal.","Line terminating equipment","Path terminating equipment",
"Section terminating equipment","End terminating equipment","","Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
717,"A network mode joining three or more links is a:","DSE","DTE","DCE","DTE/DC
E",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
718,"A network of computer work station linked together in one location so that
they may share hardware and software resources.","Local area network","Value add
ed networks","Packet switched network","Vendors network architecture",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
719,"A network that works with a single central clock that synchronizes all the
elements in the network.","SDH","PDH","MAN","WAN","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
720,"A network whereby all nodes are timed to a single clock source; thus, all t
iming is exactly the same","Mesochronous","Isochronous","Plesiochronous","Synchr
onous","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
721,"A newscast is a distinct unit of a program with a minimum news content of _
__ minute(s) excluding introduction/ headline and commercial load","1","2","3","
4",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
11,"A noise in radio system was measured to read 58 dBm, what does this represen
t in dBm?","-32","32","148","90",,"Noise",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming"
723,"A non-coherent light sources for optical communication system.","LED","ILD"
,"APD","PIN diode",,"Fiber Optics",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
724,"A non-degenerate parametric amplifier has an input frequency fi and a pump
frequency fp. The idler frequency is","Fp - fi","Fi","2fi","Fi - fp",,"Uncategor
ized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
725,"A non-reactive, non-radiating load of 50 Ohms connected to the antenna term
inal used during transmitter testing.","Artificial antenna","Unity gain antenna"
,"Standard antenna","None of the above",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quim
726,"A normal public telephone line is capable to carry a digital signal equal t
o","64 kbps","54 kbps","24 kbps","32 kbps",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
727,"A numbering plan for international public data networks.","X.121","V.121","
X.400","V.400",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming

728,"A one-hop, full-duplex microwave radio system is in space diversity arrange
ment. Determine how many receivers in all are used.","4","2","6","8",,"Microwave
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
729,"A one-hop, full-duplex, microwave radio system is in a space diversity arra
ngement. Determine how many transmitters in all are used.","2","4","6","8",,"Mic
rowave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
730,"A PABX stands for","Private Automatic Branch Exchange","Private All-purpose
Broadcasting Exchange","Public Access Bidirectional Exchange
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
16,"A parabolic antenna is normally used at _____.","3000 MHz","300 kHz","30 Hz"
,"3000 THz","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
731,"A parametric amplifier has an input an input and output frequency of 2.25 G
Hz, and is pumped at 4.5 GHz. It is a","Degenerative amplifier","Travelling-wave
amplifier","Lower sideband up-converter","Upper sideband up-converter",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
732,"A parametric amplifier must be cooled","To improve the noise performance","
Because it cannot opearate at room tempearture","To increase bandwidth","Because
parametric amplification generates a lot of heat",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
35,"A particular circuit that rids FM of noise.","Limiter","Detector","Discrimin
ator","Phase shifter",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
734,"A pass from north to south of a satellite in orbit is called","Descending p
ass","Ascending pass","Prograde pass","Retrograde pass",,"Satellite Communicatio
ns",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
735,"A passive ____ is an electronic device which reduce signal strength in dB."
,"Attenuator","Splitter","Filter","Trimmer",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
736,"A passive ___________ is an electronic device which reduce signal strength
by a specified amount in dB.","Attenuator","Splitter","Filter","Trimmer","","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
737,"A path providing communications between two terminals.
","Access path","Access path control
","Access code","Access point",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
738,"A pattern of voltage and current variations along a transmission line imped
ances can not be corrected for by","Radio waves","An electric field","Standing w
aves","A magnetic field",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
739,"A PBX stands for","Private Branch Exchange","Private Bureau Exchange","Publ
ic Branch Exchange","Public Bureau Exchange",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
36,"A PCM system has an rms quantization noise of 0.005 V. If the input rms sign
al voltage is 2 V, what is the signal-to-noise ratio or signal-to-distortion rat
io?","52 dB","2.6 dB","36.8 dB","62.8 dB",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William
741,"A periodic signal completes one cycle in 0.001 seconds. What is the frequen
cy?","1 kHz","1 MHz","100 Hz","1 Hz","f = 1 / T = 1/0.001 = 1000 Hz","Radiation
& Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
742,"A permanent virtual circuit involves __________","Data transfer","All of th
e above","Connection establishment","Connection release",,"Digital & Data Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
743,"A person uses tone-dialing phone to dial the number 784-3742. If the digits
pushbuttons are held down for 0.25 sec and the interdigit time is also 0.25 sec
, how long will it take him to dial the said number?","3.25 sec","6.50 sec","1.7
5 sec","5.00 sec",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",16,,"Problem Solving","Willi
am Quiming","comm0001.rtf",
37,"A phase modulator varies the phase shift of the","Carrier","Modulating signa
l","Both the carrier and modulating signal","None of the above",,"Modulation",0,

,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
745,"A physical point of connection to a network that defines the limits of a li
ne.","Access point","Access path control
","Access code
","Access path",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
746,"A piezoelectric transducer is","A ceramic disk to produce sound","An Italia
n whistler","A device used as a receiver","A device used as a transmitter",,"Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
747,"A PIN diode is","Suitable for use as a microwave switch","A metal semicondu
ctor point-contact diode","A microwave mixer diode","Often used as a microwave d
etector",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
748,"A place, such as a hotel, restaurant or airport, that offers Wi-Fi access,
either free or for a fee.","Hot spot","Internet Caf","Host","Cell site",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
749,"A popular half-wave length antenna is the","Dipole","Ground plane","End0fir
e","Collinear",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
750,"A popular mixer diode is the","Hot carrier (schottky diode)","IMPATT","Vara
ctor","Gunn",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
751,"A popular PC protocol is","Xmodem","Parity","CRC","LRC",,"Uncategorized",1,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
752,"A popular type of line encoding that produces a strong timing component for
clock recovery and doest not cause dc wandering.","Digital Biphase","Duty Cycle
","Error detection","Transmission bandwidth",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
753,"A popular vertical antenna is the","Ground plane","Dipole","Collinear","Bro
adside",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
754,"A port is sometimes used in an enclosure to improve the performance of ____
___ frequency.","Low","High","Medium","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
755,"A positive lens with a focal length of 10 cm forms a real image of an objec
t 20 cm away from the lens. How far is the real image from the lens?","20 cm","1
5 cm","10 cm","5 cm",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
756,"A PPI cathode-ray tube as used on a radar set","Indicates both the range an
d azimuth of a target","Is used to check the percentage of modulation","Indicate
s the range of a target","Is used for receiver alignment",,"Navigational Aids an
d Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
757,"A precise clock that could withstand the rigors of a sea voyage and could d
etermine ship's longitude.","Chronometer","Sextant","Quartz clock","Cessium cloc
k",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
38,"A pre-emphasis circuit proviodes extra noise immunity by","Amplifying the hi
gher audio frequencies","Preamplifying the whole audio band","Boosting the bass
frequencies","Converting the phase modulation to FM",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
759,"A private network inside a company or organization that uses the same kinds
of software that you would find on the public Internet, but that is only for in
ternal use.","Intranet","Extranet","Internet","Ethernet",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
760,"A private telephone switching system that connects outside phone lines from
a telecommunications provider to extensions within a building or office, as well
as providing such features as call forwarding and paging.","Private Branch Exch
ange","Private Automatic Branch Exchange","Public Switched Telephone Network","I
nternational Gateway Facility","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
761,"A process applied to a multiplex signal for recovering signals combined wit
hin it and for restoring the distinct individual channels of these signals.","De
","De-emphasis","Detection","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
762,"A process in which the trap photons in the active region stimulate free ele
ctrons to recombine with holes at a higher-than-normal energy level as they refl

ect back and forth.","Lasing","Detecting","Emission","Photoelectric effect",,"Un

categorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
763,"A process in which the voice channel is assigned to make a call connection"
,"Call Completion","Call Initiation","Call Termination","Call Origination",,"Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
764,"A process of sending data in computing technology by asking each remote com
puter terminal one at a time if such computer terminal has data to send.","Polli
ng","Selection","Coding","Networking",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
765,"A process when the area of a cell or independent coverage areas of a cellul
ar system is further subdivided, creating more cell areas.","Cell splitting","Du
alization","Segmentation","Sectoring",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
766,"A process which occur in the transmitter part of the transceiver.","Modulat
William Quiming","NONAME",
39,"A process which occurs in the receiver.","Demodulation","Modulation","Mixing
","Beating",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
768,"A process which occurs in the transmitter.","Modulation","Mixing","Demodula
tion","Heterodyning",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
769,"A programming method in which the program to be used in a remote terminal i
s sent from central location to that remote terminal, and stored there for local
use is called
","Downloading","Off-line programming","Telemetry","Emulation",,"Digital & Data
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
40,"An SSB transmitter has a PEP rating of 1 KW, the average output power is in
the range of
","250-333 watts","3-4 KW
","150-450 watts
","100-300 watts",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
41,"An SSB transmitter has a PEP rating of 1 kW. The average output is in the ra
nge of","250 to 333 W","150 to 450 W","100 to 300 W","3 to 4 W",,"Modulation",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
42,"An SSB transmitter produces a 400 V peak-to-peak signal across a 52 ohms ant
enna load. The PEP output is","384.5 W","192.2 W","792.2 W","307.7 W",,"Modulati
on",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
43,"An SSB transmitter produces a 400V peak-to-peak signal across a 52 ohms resi
stor antenna load. The PEP output is
","384.5 watts
","192.2 watts
","769.2 watts
","3077 watts",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
44,"An SSB transmitter produces a 400-V peak-to-peak signal across a 52-ohm ante
nna load. The PEP output is","384.5 W","192.2 W","769.2 W","3077 W",,"Modulation
",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1156,"An SWR reading which has a short circuit termination.","Infinity","Zero","
One","Unstable",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1157,"An TEM wave whose polarization rotates.","Circularly polarized","Verticall
y polarized","Omnidirectional","Horizontally polarized",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1158,"An undergrounfd enclosure to faciltate the splicing of two or more cable o
r to facilitate the localization of cable troubles.","Manholes","Conduits","Fixt
ures","Gain and line treatment devices","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1159,"An ungrounded antenna near the ground","Acts as an antenna array","Is unli
kely to need a ground screen","Must be horizontally polarized","Acts as a single
antenna of twice the height",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1160,"An ungrounded antenna near the ground ____.","Acts as an antenna array","A
cts as a single antenna of twice the height","Is unlikely to need an earth mat",

"Must be horizontally polarized",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N

1161,"An unsophisticated form of multiplexing that simply constitutes propagatin
g signals from different sources on different cables that are contained within t
he same trench.","Space Division Multiplexing","Phase Division Multiplexing","Wa
velength Division Multiplexing","Frequency Division Multiplexing",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1162,"An updated version of RS-232C.","RS - 449 A","RS - 422 A","RS - 423 A","RS
- 400 A",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1163,"Analogous to power dissipation in copper cables.","Absorption loss","Modal
dispersion","Scattering losses","Radiation losses",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
45,"Angle modulation includes both:","Frequency and phase modulation","Amplitude
and pulse modulation","Amplitude and fequency modulation","Phase and amplitude
modulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1165,"Another method conceptually related to WDM but multiplexing and demultiple
xing of the carrier channels is accomplished electronically, not optically.","SC
M","FDM","TDM","PCM","","Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
1166,"Another name for Far Field radiation of a parabolic antenna is called ____
____ region.","Fraunhofer","Fresnel","Troposphere","None of the above",,"Antenna
s",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1167,"Another name for parity is","Vertical redundancy check","Block check chara
cter","Longitudinal redundancy check","Cyclical redundacy check",,"Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1168,"Another name for signal in HF range is
","Microwaves","RF waves","Millimeter waves",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1169,"Another name of binary phase shift keying is","Phase reversal keying & bip
hase keying","Phase reversal keying (PRK)","Biphase keying","Binary frequency sh
ift keying (BFSK)",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1170,"Another optical multiplexing scheme in which the channel-routing path is d
etermined by different spatial position (i.e., a different output fiber).","SDM"
,"SCM","WDM","PCM","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1171,"Another term for CSMA/CD and the IEEE 802.3 standard is","Ethernet","Token
ring","FDDI","Token bus",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
1172,"Another term for Statistical time-division multiplexing.","All of the abov
e","Asynchronous TDM","Stat muxs","Intelligent TDM",,"Telecommunications & ECE L
aws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1173,"ANSI stands for","American National Standards Institute","Argentina Nation
al Standards Institute","Albania National Standards Institute","Africa National
Standards Institute","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William
1174,"Antenna polarization is determined by","The direction of the electric fiel
d vector","The frequency of the radiated wave","The direction of the radiated wa
ve","The direction of the magnetic field vector",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
1175,"Antenna polarization is determined by:","The direction of the electric fie
ld vector","The direction of the radiated wave","The direction of the magnetic f
ield vector","The frequency of the radiated wave",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1176,"Antenna which is not properly terminated.","Resonant antenna","Non-resonan
t antenna","Isotropic antenna","Whip",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
1177,"Any cable used for connecting exchanges.","Trunking cable","Riser cable","
Feeder cable","Entrance cable","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
1178,"Any computer on a network that is a repository for services available to o

ther computers on the network is called __________.","Host","Hot spot","Network

Provider","Server",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1179,"Any effort on the part of a traffic source to seize a circuit.","Attempt",
"Switching","Call","Call concentration","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1180,"Any small element of space in the path of a wave may be considered as a so
urce of secondary wavelet.","Huygen's Principle","Faraday's Law","Fresnel's Law
of Optics","De Morgan's Principle",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
1181,"Any unwanted form of energy that tends to interfere with the wanted signal
s is called","Noise","Spectrum","Radiation
","Absorption",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1182,"Apart from dynamic switching, the _____ can also be used for static switch
ing of single user control units among different system images.","ESCON director
","ESCON converter","ESCON manager","ESCON repeater","","Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1183,"Approximate earth's coverage of a geostationary satellite at 0 elevation.",
"42.5%","30.5%","45.2%","33.3%",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1184,"Approximately what is the frequency limit of the optical fiber?","40 MHz",
"20 GHz","1 MHz","100 MHz",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
1185,"Architecturally, link protocols are at a level","Higher than Physical Prot
ocol","Lower than Physical Protocol","The same level as Physical Protocol","None
of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1186,"ARPA stands for","Advanced Research Projects Agency","Association of Resea
rch Projects for Advancement","Architecture of Research Projects to Advancement"
,"Association of Random Projects Accomplished",,"Digital & Data Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1187,"As a query language, IBM language","SQL","ADL","QUESTION","Clout",,"Digita
l & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1188,"As a result of reflections from a plane conducting wall, electromagnetic w
aves acquire an apparent velocity greater than the velocity of light in space. T
his is called the","Phase velocity","Group velocity","Normal velocity","Velocity
of propagation",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1290,"Cell phone receives in the band from","870 to 890 Mhz","860 to 880 Mhz","8
70 to 880 Mhz","860 to 890 Mhz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
1291,"Cell splitting is","The process of dividing a large mobile telephone cell
into","Alter cells when usage requires","The idea of two mobile units using the
same frequency at fferent locations in the same cell","All of the above",,"Wire
& Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
46,"Cellular CDMA system uses what modulation method?","BPSK","GFPSK","ASK","QAM
","","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1293,"Cellular mobile system was first operated in.","1983","1979","1981","1985"
,,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1294,"Cellular mobile telephone service is","The concept of using many low power
transmitters with","Mputer control, rather than a few high-power transmitters",
"Another name for IMTS","The concept of improving frequency utilization by restr
icting",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1295,"Cellular phone receives in what band?","870-890 MHz","835-855 MHz","840-86
0 MHz","825- 845 MHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
1296,"Cellular phone transmit in what band?","825- 845 MHz","835-855 MHz","840-8
60 MHz","870-890 MHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
1297,"Cellular receivers have a selectivity of ________dB","50 dB","100 dB","30
dB","20 dB",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","

1298,"Cellular system elements that carries the data between the cell site and t
he MTSO.","Data-link network","Cell","Switch","Mobile service unit","","Wire & W
ireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1299,"Cellular system elements that consists of transceiver, the logical unit an
d control unit.","Mobile subscriber unit","Enhancers and converters","Data-link
network","Mobile telephone switching office","","Wire & Wireless Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1300,"Cellular system elements which is a repeater with an amplification and can
extend the signal range.","Enhancer","Amplifier","Converter","Repeater","","Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1301,"Cellular system mainly used in England.","TACS","C450","NMT","NTT","","Wir
e & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1302,"Cellular system mainly used in Germany.","C450","NMT","TACS","NTT","","Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1303,"Cellular system mainly used in Scandinavia.","NMT","AMPS","C450","NTT","",
"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1304,"Cellular system used in Japn.","NTT","AMPS","TACS","NMT","","Wire & Wirele
ss Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1305,"Cellular telephones use which type of operation?","Full-duplex","Half-dupl
ex","Simplex","Triplex","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1306,"Channel capacities of T2 carrier.","96","48","24","672",,"Digital & Data C
ommunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1307,"Channel capacities of T3 carrier.","672","96","24","4032",,"Uncategorized"
,1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1725,"If the antenna current increases 3.3 times how much does the radiated powe
r increase?","10.89 times","3.3 times","6.6 times","9.9 times",,"Antennas",0,,"P
roblem Solving","William Quiming","comm0003.rtf",
1726,"If the ASCII character G is sent and the character D is received, what typ
e of error is this?","Burst","Multi-bit","Single-bit","Recoverable",,"Digital &
Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1727,"If the ASCII character H is sent and the character I is received this erro
r is __________","Single-bit","Multiple-bit","Burst","Recoverable",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1728,"If the bandwidth is 3000 Hz with a S/N of 1024, the expected channel capac
ity of the line according to Shannon's theorem is about
","20,000 bps","30,000 bps","40,000 bps","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1729,"If the baud rate is 400 baud for a 4-PSK, the bit rate is _______ bps.","8
00","1600","400","200",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1730,"If the binary pulse is maintained for the entire bit time, it is called __
_______.","Non-return to Zero","Bipolar Return to Zero","Return to Zero","Unipol
ar Non-return to zero",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William
1731,"If the bit rate for a QAM signal is 3000 bps and a signal element is repre
sented by a tribit, what is the baud rate?","1000","9000","300","3000",,"Digital
& Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
47,"If the bit rate for an ASK signal is 1200 bps. the baud rate is _________.",
"1200","300","2400","600",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
48,"If the bit rate of an FSK signal is 1200 bps, the baud rate is ______.","120
0","600","2400","300",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1734,"If the call concentration is 0.11, the length of the day is","9 hrs","8 hr
s","6 hrs","4 hrs",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1735,"If the call concentration is 0.125, what is the length of day?","8 hrs","1
6 hrs","4 hrs","2 hrs","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1736,"If the code word is only 4-bits for a T1 system with a frame of 193 bits,

how many channels can be measured?","48","50","6","24",,"Telecommunications & EC

E Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1737,"If the converter changes the cellular frequency to microwave frequency, it
is called _____.","Microwave converter","Optical converter","Baseband converter
","None of the choices","","Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1738,"If the converter converts the cellular frequency to an optical frequency,
it is called _____.","Optical converter","None of the choices","Baseband convert
er","Microwave converter","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1739,"If the converter converts the cellular frequency to baseband frequency, it
is called ____.","Baseband converter","None of the choices","Microwave converte
r","Optical converter","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1740,"If the current ratios of two or more elements must be held 5% and the phas
e angle to 3 degrees, the antenna is called a __________.","Critical phase array
","End fire array","Broadband array","Wideband array",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
1741,"If the direction of the electric field of a radio wave is horizontal, the
wave is known to be ___ polarized.
","Negatively",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1742,"If the direction of the electric field or a radio wave is horizontal, that
wave is known to be ____ polarized.","Horizontally
","Circularly","Spirally",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
1743,"If the distance between the listener and the source of the sound is double
d, the intensity is reduced to","1/4","1/3","1/2","1/6",,"Radiation & Wave Propa
gation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1744,"If the first fresnel zone radius was computed to be equal to 25.0 meters,
what should be the additional clearance, in meters, over an obstacle in a microw
ave radio path to eliminate the degrading effects of the first fresnel zone?","1
5","40","10","46",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
49,"If the frequency fed to the pre-amplifier of a basic transmitter with multip
liers is composed of pair of triplers and a doubler multipliers is 198 MHz. What
frequency should the oscillator operate?","11 MHz","33 MHz","22 MHz","8 MHz",,"
Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","comm0005.rtf",
1746,"If the frequency range of operation is 300 to 4,200 Hz, the bandwidth is e
qual to ___ Hz.","3,900","4,200","4,500","300",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
1747,"If the frequency spectrum of a signal has a bandwidth of 500 Hz with the h
ighest frequency of 600 Hz, what should be the sampling rate according to Nyquis
t theorem?","1200 samples/sec","1000 samples/sec","500 samples/sec","600 samples
/sec",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","c
1748,"If the Grade of Service of a telephone system indicated P = 0.05 what does
it mean ?","Lost call of 5%","Completed call of 5%","Lost calls of 95%","Lost c
alls of 105%",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1749,"If the grade of service of a telephone system is indicated as P = 0.05, it
means","Lost call of 5%","Completed call of 5%","Lost call of 95%","Lost call o
f 105%",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1750,"If the instantaneous RF potentials on the two sides of a magnetron cavity
are of opposite polarity the operation is in the","One wavelength mode","Half-wa
velength mode","Two lambda mode","Quarter wavelength mode",,"Microwave Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

1751,"If the intermediate frequency is very high (indicate the false statement)"
,"Tracking will be improved","Image frequency rejection is very good","The local
oscillator need not be extremely stable","The selectivity will be poor",,"Uncat
egorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
50,"If the modulation index in AM is greater than 1, what happens?","Information
signal is distorted","Normal operation","Carrier drops to zero","Carrier freque
ncy shifts is minimum",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
51,"If the modulation index of an AM wave is doubled the antenna current is also
doubled the AM system being used is","A3J","A5C","A3H","A3",,"Modulation",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
52,"If the modulation index of an AM wave is doubled, the antenna current is als
o diubled, the AM system being used is","A3J","A5C","A3E","A3H",,"Modulation",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1755,"If the output of a ""piggy backed"" decoder never changes state either, th
e problem is probably :","The inputs are never in the state being decoded.","The
decoder is defective","The circuit driven by the decoder is loading it down","N
one of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
53,"If the percent modulation of an AM amplifier is 88% and the modulating signa
l is 1 volt, the carrier has an amplitude of","1.14 volts","0.88 volt","0.12 vol
t","1.88 volts",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","comm0006.r
1757,"If the radiated power increased by 10.89 times, the antenna current increa
ses by","3.3 times","6.6 times","1.82 times","10.89 times",,"Antennas",0,,"Probl
em Solving","William Quiming","comm0003.rtf",
1758,"If the ratio of the maximum current to minimum current in a transmission l
ine is 2:1 then the ratio of maximum voltage to minimum voltage is","2:1","4:1",
"1:4","1:2",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1759,"If the receive signal is 600 kHz in an AM broadcast, what is the local osc
illator frequency?","1055 kHz","600 kHz","145 kHz","455 kHz",,"Broadcasting",1,,
"Problem Solving","William Quiming","comm0007.rtf",
1760,"If the SWR is infinite what type of load transmission line has?","Purely r
eactive","Purely resistive","Purely capacitive","Purely inductive",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1761,"If the SWR is infinite, what type of load transmission line has?","Purely
reactive","Purely resistive","Purely capacitive","Purely inductive",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1762,"If the telecommunications network is is the unit used to express all the a
ttempts and holding time in 1 hour expressed in percentage of an hour.","Erlang"
,"Centum call seconds","Poisson distribution","EBHC",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
12,"Reference noise temperature.","290 K","17* F","30*C","25*C",,"Noise",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
13,"Reference temperature used in noise analysis.","290 K","75 K","250 K","300 K
",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2627,"Referred by radio regulation as the station in the mobile service not inte
nded to be used while in motion.","Land station","Coast station","Base station",
"Fixed station",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2628,"Referred to an oscillator signal 'leak through' from a properly neutralize
d amplifier such as master oscillator power amplifier.","Back wave","Carrier","S
tray signal","Loss wave",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
2629,"Referred to as a cause of crosstalk.","Electrical coupling between transmi
ssion media","Improper level setting","Nonlinear envelope delay","Mechanical cou
pling between transmission media",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2630,"Referred to as a linkage by wire, radio, satellite, etc., of two or more t
elecommunications carrier/operators with one another for the purpose of allowing
/enabling the subscriber of one carrier to access/reach the subscribers of the o
ther carrier.","Interconnection","Toll patching","Gateway","Outside plant sharin
g",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

91,"Referred to as the ionospheric layer with an average height of 225 km at nig

ht.","F2 Layer","G Layer","F1 Layer","E Layer","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2631,"Referred to as the reverse link channel of the cellular duplex system","Mo
bile unit to cell","Cell to mobile unit","Cell to cell","Mobile to mobile unit",
,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
54,"Referred to as the stage in the radio receiver that contributes most of the
noise.","Mixer","Speaker","IF amplifier","Supply stage",,"Modulation",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2633,"Referred to the dielectric constant of a transmission line material","Velo
city factor","Inductance and capacitance","Characteristic impedance","Propagatio
n delay",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2634,"Referred to the dielectric constant of a transmission line material.","Vel
ocity factor","Inductance and capacitance","Characteristic impedance","Propagati
on velocity",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2635,"Refers generally to any switching system owned or leased by a business or
organization to provide both internal switching functions and access to the publ
ic network. The switchboard acting as a scaled-down central office is capable of
handling anywhere from dozens to hundreds of telephone calls.","Private Branch
Exchange","Private Automated Branch Exchange","Electronic Switching System","Man
ual Switching","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quimi
2636,"Refers to a continuous tone generated in a local exchange terminal through
a combination of two frequencies 350 Hz and 440 Hz.","Call waiting tone","Dial
tone","Standard tone","Busy tone",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2637,"Refers to a land station in the maritime mobile service","Coast station","
Maritime station","Ship earth station","Coast earth station",,"Telecommunication
s & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2638,"Refers to a type of beam antenna which uses two or more straight elements
arranged in line with each other.","Yagi antenna","Dipole antenna","Whip antenna
","Rhombic antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2639,"Refers to an address that identifies a server on the network and the parti
cular document on the server.","Uniform resource locator","Wide area network","H
TML","Hypertext",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2640,"Refers to an effect of selective fading","A fading effect caused by phase
difference between radio wave components of the same transmission as experienced
at the receiving station","A fading effect caused by large changes in the heigh
t of the ionosphere as experienced at the receiving station","A fading effect ca
used by small changes in beam heading at the receiving station","A fading effect
caused by the time difference between the receiving and transmitting stations",
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2641,"Refers to an emission designation for a facsimile.","A3E and F3C","A3J and
A4E","R3E and F3C","A field strength meter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2642,"Refers to as a cause of crosstalk.","Electrical coupling between transmiss
ion media","Improper level setting","Nonlinear envelope delay","Mechanical coupl
ing between transmission media",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming
93,"Refers to as a limit in reducing the loss of signal passing through a fiber
optic caused by scattering.","Rayleigh Effect","Manufacturing Effect","Natural E
ffect","Material Effect","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2643,"Refers to call that fail at first trial.","Lost call","First trial call","
Failed call","Delayed call","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming",
2644,"Refers to data transmission over public data network.","X series CCITT rec
ommendation","PAD","V series CCITT recommendation","PTN",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2645,"Refers to data transmission over telelephone lines.","V series CCITT recom

mended","X series CCITT recommended","X.75","X.25",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
55,"Refers to frequency band limits of the standard FM broadcast band","88 - 108
MHz","3 - 30 MHz","535 - 1605 kHz","5.96 - 6.20 MHz","","Modulation",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2646,"Refers to local exchange service area where the telephone density is less
than 1 per 100.","Rural","Metro","Provincial","Urban",,"Wire & Wireless Communic
ations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2647,"Refers to one of a commonly used internet service domain.",".gov","Infosee
k","WWW","HTTP",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
2648,"Refers to one of the front end circuit of a VHF TV superheterodyne receive
r which is usually a separate circuit coupled to the mixer.","Local oscillator",
"AGC","RF amplifier","Antenna feed",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
2649,"Refers to proper beam convergence at the center of the CRT's face:","Stati
c convergence","Dynamic convergence","Linear convergence","Complex convergence",
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2650,"Refers to specific signals on the transmission line that are used for cont
rolling the connection from the calling telephone to the called telephone and si
gnals that are used to indicate the status of a call as it is being interconnect
ed.","Signaling","Switching","Ac-signals","Dc-signals","","Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2651,"Refers to the basic ratio of the width of a rectangular object, such as a
display screen, to the height.","Aspect ratio","Area","Density","Resolution","",
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2652,"Refers to the combined digitally encoded signals transmitted with FDM sign
als as one composite baseband signal.","Hybrid data","Composite data","Data Unde
r Voice (DUV)","Data In Voice (DIV)",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2653,"Refers to the connector that normally connects RG-213 coaxial cable to an
HF transceiver.","PL-259","N-type cable","BNC","F-type cable",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2654,"Refers to the conversion of the power in the light beam to heat in some ma
terial or imperfection which is partially or completely opaque.
","Absorption","Degrading signal
","Attenuation","Fading",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2655,"Refers to the direction of the electric field vector in space","Polarizati
on","Directivity","Radiation","ERP",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
2656,"Refers to the first generation of local loop system in telecommunication t
echnology.","Analog cellular","DECT","TACS","GSM",,"Wire & Wireless Communicatio
ns",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2657,"Refers to the first symbol in an emission designation with an amplitud mod
ulated main carrier represented by letter H.","Double sideband full carrier","Si
ngle sideband suppressed carrier","Vestigial sideband","Double sideband",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3003,"The D4 framing pattern contains a sequence of :","12 bits","24 bits","4 te
rminal and 8 framing bits","8 terminal and 4 framing bits",,"Digital & Data Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3004,"The data link layer, which implements the 8b/10b encoding and decoding of
","FC1","FCO","FC2","FC4","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3005,"The data modem that transmit continuous stream of characters without inter
vals is classified as :","Synchronous","Asynchronous","Serial","Parallel",,"Digi
tal & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3006,"The data rate of OC-48.","2.488 Gbps","4.288 Gbps","2.048 Mbps","4. 828 Mb

ps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

3007,"The data transmission code most widely used in the US is:","ASCII
","Field Data","Baudot","EBCDIC
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3008,"The data transmission rate of a modem is measured in","Bits per second","B
aud rate","Bytes per seconds","Megahertz",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3009,"The definition of devices used for conducting loop tests on modems.","V.54
","X.55","X.54","V.55",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William
56,"The demodulator used in FDM telephone system is","SSB","PSK","AM","FM",,"Mod
ulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3011,"The density of ionization and free electrons in the ionosphere varies with
:","Distance from the sun","Radio frequency used","Angle of antenna elevation","
All of the above",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3012,"The depth of an object submerged in a transparent liquid","Always seems le
ss than its actual depth","Always seems more than its actual depth","May seem le
ss or more than its actual depth depending on the object","May seem less/more th
an its actual depth depending on the liquid",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3013,"The designer of central office equipment should","Maintain the standard in
terface between the subscriber and the CO","Change only one function of the inte
rface at a time","Assume electronic telephones in metropolitan exchanges","Maint
ain the standard interface between the subscriber and the CO",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3014,"The desirable SWR on a transmission line is","1","2","0","Infinity",,"Tran
smission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3015,"The desired output from a mixer is usually selected with a","Resonant circ
uit","Phase-shift circuit","Crystal filter","Transformer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3016,"The device for the generation of myriad highly accurate frequency from a s
ingle crystal is:","Frequency synthesizer","Frequency scanner","Frequency multip
lier","Frequency multiplexer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
3017,"The device use to interface a data source to a telephone line is called a"
,"Modem","Vidicon","Diplexer","Balanced modulator",,"Wire & Wireless Communicati
ons",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3018,"The device used to interface a data source to a telephone line is called a
","Modem","Balanced modulator","Vidicon","Diplexer",,"Wire & Wireless Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3019,"The dielectric constants of materials commonly used in transmission lines
range from about","1.2 to 2.8","2.8 to 3.5","3.5 to 5.2","1.0 to 1.2",,"Transmis
sion Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3020,"The dielectric material of an optical fiber surrounding the core.","Claddi
ng","Armor","Shield","Cover",,"Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3021,"The difference between available power and power budget.","Power margin","
Fade margin","Nominal gain","Power dissipation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
974,"A type of multiplexing developed for use on optical fiber.","WDM","TDMA","D
WDM","ADM",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
975,"A type of multiplexing that combines data streams by assigning each stream
a different time slot in a set.","TDM","DWDM","FDM","WDM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
976,"A type of networking that supports high bandwidth throughput and simultaneo
us transfer of voice, video and data. It is a form of packet transmission using
fixed-size packets, called cells.","ATM","Bluetooth","ESCON","Cellular",,"Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
977,"A type of switching in which a pair of wires from the subscriber side termi

nates in a jack and the switch is supervised by an operator.","Manual switching"

,"Crossbar switching","Electronic switching","Step-by-step switching",,"Wire & W
ireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
978,"A type of traffic on an ATM network that is not considered time critical, D
ata is transferred with an unspecified bit rate using whatever bandwidth is avai
lable at any given time.","Unspecified Bit Rate","Constant Bit Rate","Available
Bit Rate","Variable Bit Rate","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
979,"A type of transmission line employed where balanced properties are required
.","Parallel-wire line","Balun","Coaxial line","Quarterwave matching line",,"Tra
nsmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
980,"A type of xDSL that provides full-duplex symmetric data communications up t
o 1.544 Mbps (2.048 Mbps in Europe) over moderate distances via conventional tel
ephone s twisted-pair wires.","High Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL)","Symm
etric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL)","ISDN based DSL (IDSL)","Rate Adaptive Dig
ital Subscriber Line (RADSL)",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
981,"A typical grade of service thay means that an average of one call out of 10
0 will be lost during the busy hour.","0.01","0.10","1.00","0.001","","Wire & Wi
reless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
14,"A unit of noisiness related to the perceived noise level","Noy","Sone","DB",
"Phone",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
983,"A unit representation of a system whose internal system is unknown but whos
e function is defined","Black box","Block","Block diagram","Sub-system",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
984,"A United Nations body for telecommunications","ITU","ANSI","ITT","AT&T",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
985,"A United Nations body for telecommunications.","ITU","AT&T","ITT","ANSI",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
986,"A unity gain antenna.","Isotropic","Dummy","Half-wave dipole","Rhombic",,"A
ntennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
987,"A US cellular radio system that combines existing voice processing with dig
ital signaling, tripling the capacity of AMPS system.","Narrowband AMPS","Non-li
near AMPS","Baseband AMPS","Linear AMPS","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
988,"A vehicle travels through a cellular system at 100 Kilometers per Hour. App
roximately, how often will hand- offs occur if the cell radius is 10 km","12 min
","13 min","14 min","15 min",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
989,"A version of DSL where the upload speeds and download speeds are the same."
,"SDSL","HDSL2","RADSL","ADSL",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming"
990,"A vertical wire 10 m long carries a current of 5 A of frequency 200 kHz. As
suming that the wire is in space, calculate the strength of the radiated field p
roduced at a distance of 50 km in the direction at right angles to the axis of t
he wire.
","125.67 uV/m
","125.67 mV/m
","125.67 nV/m
","125.67 pV/m",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William
991,"A very common method of moving files between two Internet sites.","File Tra
nsfer Protocol","File Access Protocol","Files Sharing","File Downloading",,"Unca
tegorized",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
992,"A very common method of networking computers in a LAN.","Ethernet","ESCON",
"DLC","DSL",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
993,"A voice band channel is assigned on ""as needed basis"".","Demand-assigned"
,"Pre-assigned","All of the above","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",

994,"A voice grade channel if suitable for transmission of","Signals with freque
ncies ranging from 300-3400 Hz
","VHF signal
","UHF signal","VHF and UHF signals",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
995,"A voice grade circuit using the PTN has an ideal passband of","0 to 4 kHz",
"0 to 4 Hz","0 to 4 MHz","0 to 4 GHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
996,"A voice-grade channel is suitable for transmission of _____________ .","Sig
nals with a frequency ranging from 300 to 3400 Hz","VHF signals","UHF signals","
VHF and UHF signals","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
997,"A void band of frequencies that is not included within any supergroup band.
","Guardband","Baseband","Bandwidth","Composite baseband",,"Uncategorized",1,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
998,"A voltage gain of 60 decibels is the same as a gain of","1000 volts/volt","
10000 volts/volt","100 volts/volt
","10 volts/volt",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
999,"A voltage gain that is equal to twice its original value will correspond to
a change of","6 dB","10 dB","9 dB","3 dB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1000,"A VSAT topology in which each VSAt terminal relays data via satellite to a
nother terminal by acting as a hub, minimizing the need for a centralized uplink
site.","Mesh topology","Star topology","Combination of both star and mesh topol
ogies","All of these","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
1001,"A VSAT topology which uses a central uplink site to transport data back an
d forth to each VSAT terminal via satellite.","Star topology","Mesh topology","C
ombination of both star and mesh topologies","None of these","","Satellite Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1002,"A wave that is reflected back to the earth by the ionosphere is a","Sky wa
","Ground wave
","Direct wave","Surface wave",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",1,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
18,"A waveguide assembly containing special devise that prevent interference bet
ween the transmitter and the receiver.","Duplexer","Diplexer","Isolator","Magnet
ron","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1003,"A waveguide has a cutoff frequency of 17 GHz. Which of the signals will no
t be passed by the waveguide?","15 GHz","18 GHz","22 GHz","27 GHz",,"Microwave C
ommunications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1004,"A waveguide is a ________ filter.","High pass","Bandpass","Low pass","Band
stop",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1005,"A Western Electric 201 modem operates with a carrier
frequency of:","1800 Hz","1000 Hz","1200 Hz","600 bauds",,"Digital & Data Commun
ications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1006,"A wide area digital transmission scheme (European): 2.048 Mbits/sec ; 31 c
hannels, 64 kbps each.","E1","J1","T1","T1C",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1007,"A wide bandwidth multi-element driven array is the","Log-periodic","End-fi
re","Yagi","Collinear",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1008,"A wide-bandwidth communications systems in which the RF carrier varies acc
ording to some predetermined sequence?","Spread spectrum communications","SITOR"
,"Amplitude compandored single sideband","Time domain frequency modulation",,"Un
categorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
57,"A widely used balanced modulator is called the","Lattice modulator","Diode b
ridge circuit","Full wave bridge rectifier","Balanced bridge modulator",,"Modula
tion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

1010,"A wire pair that connects a telephone set to the Central Office is the ___
_________.","Local Loop","MDF","Drop Wire","None of these","","Wire & Wireless C
ommunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1011,"A word in telegraphy consists of ___ characters plus a word space.","7 and
1/2","5","11","8",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1012,"A/An ____ is defined as the volume control for specific frequency ranges .
","Equalizer","Volume control","AGC
","Tone controls",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1439,"Disadvantages of digital transmission.","All of the above","More bandwidth
& precise timing is required","Requires ADC & DAC devices","Incompatible with e
xisting analog facilities",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1440,"Discone radiation pattern is _______.","Omnidirectional","Unidirectional",
"Bidirectional","Figure of eight",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
1441,"Dispersion is used to describe the","Splitting of white light into its com
ponent colors","Propagation of light in straight lines","Bending of a beam of li
ght when it goes from one medium to another","Bending of a beam light when it st
rikes a mirror","","Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
15,"Disruptions in a signal channel caused by power leaking from an adjacent cha
nnel. Common causes are poor frequency planning, insufficient filtering, use of
incorrect power, or anomalies in propagation.","Adjacent Channel Interference","
Cochannel Interference","Propagation noise","None of the above","","Noise",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1443,"Distances near the skip distance should be used for sky-wave propagation",
"To prevent sky wave and upper ray interference","To avoid tilting","To avoid Fa
raday effect","So as not to exceed the critical frequency",,"Radiation & Wave Pr
opagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1444,"Distribution of cable to the different areas of subscriber and across pole
s and fixtures is the main function of ____________________.","Cross-Connect Cab
inet","Termination Box","MDF","Connector","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1445,"Dividing the data block by a constant produces a remainder that is used fo
r error detection. It is called the","Cyclical redundancy check","Vertical redun
dancy check","Horizontal redundancy check","Block check character",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1446,"DME operates at a frequency range of","962-1213 MHz
","329.3-335 MHz
","1750-1950 kHz
","1030-1090 MHz",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
1447,"DME provides continuous","Range indication","Course indication","Bearing i
ndication","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
1448,"Does not interfere with the normal radiation and propagation of radio wave
","Free space
","Ionosphere","Stratosphere",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1449,"Doubling the power means","3-dB gain","6-dB gain","6-dB loss","3-dB loss",
,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1450,"DQDB is an acronym for","Distributed queue dual bus","Distributed queue da
ta base","Data queue data bus","Differential queue data bus",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1451,"DTMF signaling is characterized by two distinct frequencies, one each from
a high group and a low group with a maximum of _________ frequencies for each g
roup.","4","2","6","5","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1452,"Ducting in the atmosphere may cause microwave signals to:","Travel longer

distance","Travel shorter distance","Increase signal intensity","None of the abo

ve",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
20,"Due to the presence of parallel LC networks in the trap antenna, one of the
following is a disadvantage of using this kind of antenna.","Radiate Harmonics",
"Reduce Power","Reduce Beamwidth","Allow Entry of Interference","","Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1453,"During the busy hour, the average calling rate per subscriber of a 2000 li
ne tel. exchange is 0.80. The holding time per call is 5 minutes. How much traff
ic is handled in erlangs?","133.33","333.33","233.33","33.333",,"Wire & Wireless
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1454,"During the busy hour, the average calling rate per subscriber of a 2000 li
ne telephone exchange is 0.80. The holding time per call is 5 minutes. What is t
he total traffic handled by the telehone exchange in CCS during busy hour.","480
0","5800","6800","7800",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
1455,"DWDM allows the transmission of _______ over the optical layer.","Voice an
d e-mail","Multimedia and video","Data","All of the above","
","Fiber Optics"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
22,"In communication system, a radome is","Protective cover for the antenna.","R
ADAR housed in a dome.","Dome shaped RADAR antenna.","All of the above","","Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1874,"In communications, what does atm stands for:","Asynchronous transfer mode"
,"Allocated transfer mode","Automatic teller machine","Automatic transfer machin
e","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1875,"In contrast to passive routing, which is limited to a static network condi
tions, ____________ is dynamically deals with changes of the network condition.
It does that by changing on the available links and wavelengths.","Active wavele
ngth shifting","Passive wavelength shifting","Remote wavelength shifting","Dual
wavelength shifting","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1876,"In Cyclic Redundancy Checking, what is the CRC?","The remainder","The quot
ient","The divisor","The dividend",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quim
1877,"In data communication circuits, the station with the main frame computer i
s called :","Host","Remote","Secondary","Any of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1878,"In data communications, ARQ means","Automatic Request for Retransmission",
"Automatic Requisition","Automatic Request Code","Automatic Request Repeat",,"Di
gital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1879,"In digital multiplexing systems, bit interleaving is used in:","Higher lev
el systems","Lower level systems","To interleave a code word","None of the above
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1880,"In early 2000s, INTELSAT had _____satellites in orbit, providing the world
's most extensive telecommunications system.","21","25","24","22","","Satellite
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1881,"In electromagnetic waves polarization","Is caused due to transverse nature
of the waves","Is caused by reflection","Results from the longitudinal nature o
f waves","Is always vertical in an isotropic medium",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1882,"In ESCON system, control units and processors are located up to _____ from
each other and still retain all the characteristic attached at much closer dist
ances.","60 km","30 km","50 km","70 km","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1883,"In ESCON system, the _____ connections allow physical changes to the I/O c
onfiguration concurrently with normal operations.","Point-to-point","Star","Tree
","Mesh","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
24,"In facsimile, how are variations in picture brightness and darkness converte
d into voltage variations?","With a photodetector","With an optoisolator","With
a hall-effect transistor","With a LED","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",

1884,"In FDM, multiple signals","Share a common bandwidth","Transmits at differe

nt times","Uses multiple channels","Modulate one another",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1885,"In FM fax, the frequency for black and white are","1500 and 2300 Hz","2300
and 1500 Hz","1300 and 2400 Hz","1070 and 12700 hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1886,"In FM radar, the variable that increases as distance to target increases i
s the","Beat frequency being produced by the echo and base frequency","Pulse rep
etition frequency","Sweeprate","Basic frequency being transmitted",,"Navigationa
l Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1887,"In FM the Carson's rule states that the bandwidth is equal to twice the su
m of the modulating frequency and","Frequency deviation","Carrier signal","Image
frequency","Modulating index",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1888,"In frequency division multiplexing, the overall bandwidth of the composite
line signal is determined by the","Width of the guard band between channels","N
umber of individual voice signals","Number of signal samples taken & the width o
f the guard band","Number of signal samples taken",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
1889,"In half wave dipole antenna, maximum radiation occurs","Broadside to the a
ntenna","Off the ends","At a 45 degree angle direction of the dipole","When end
effects are reduced to zero",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1890,"In hyperbolic navigation system, it is a device used to measure phase diff
","Tachometer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2290,"It serve as a control node for all users.","Base station","Cell site","Clu
ster","Switching office","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2291,"It shows the terminal number, the cable letter and pairs that they termina
te. From this box a drop wire leads to the subscriber house.","Terminal box","Co
nduit","Manhole","Cross connect cabinet","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2292,"It the DC signaling used between switching offices.","Reversed battery sig
naling","On-hook","Off-hook","Dial pulses",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2293,"It uses 2B1Q line coding and typically supports data transfer rates of 128
","IDSL","HDSL","MDSL","ADSL",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
2294,"It uses highly automated switchboard place and route most calls automatica
lly nless an operator is needed for special situations. Just like an ESS, it can
provide many of the same functions for the phones in the office or company.","P
rivate Automated Branch Exchange","Private Branch Echange","Manual Switching","E
lectronic Switching System","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
58,"It utilizes PCM to time-division multiplexed 96 VB channels into a single 6.
312 Mbps data signal.","T2 Carrier System","T4 Carrier System","T5 Carrier Syste
m","T1C Carrier System",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
59,"It utilizes PCM/TDM technique to provide short-haul transmission of 48 voice
band channels.","T1C carrier system","T2 carrier system","T3 carrier system","T
4M carrier system","","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2297,"It was designed to solve the problem of low calling capacity by dividing t
he 30-kHz AMPS bandwidth into 3 10-kHz channels.","Narrowband Analog Mobile Phon
e Service (NAMPS)","Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS)","Advanced Cellular Sys
tem (ACS)","Norwegian Mobile Telephone (NMT)",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2298,"It was the first active communications satellite, the first satellite desi
gned to transmit telephone and high-speed data communications, as well as the fi

rst privately owned satellite an its name is used to this day for a number of te
levision broadcasting satellites.","Telstar","Score","Echo","Palapa","","Satelli
te Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2299,"It was the first satellite used by broadcast TV networks in the US, like A
BC, NBC, and CBS, to distribute their programming to all of their local affiliat
e stations.","Satcom 1","Relay 1","Westar 1","Telstar 1","","Satellite Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2300,"It was the first standardized cellular service in the world and is current
ly the most widely used standard for cellular communications.","Advanced Mobile
Phone Service (AMPS)","Narrowband Analog Mobile Phone Service (NAMPS)","Advanced
Cellular System (ACS)","Norwegian Mobile Telephone (NMT)",,"Wire & Wireless Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2301,"It was to be the first geosynchronous communications satellite and it was
launched on February 14 1963 with the Delta B #16 launch vehicle from Cape Canav
eral, but was lost on the way to geosynchronous orbit due to an electronics fail
ure.","Syncom 1","Syncom 2","Syncom 3","Syncom 4","","Satellite Communications",
1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2302,"It will be used for single-mode fiber, because this fiber is optimized for
long-wave laser transmission.","Long -wave laser","Short laser","Copper Wave","
Short wave laser",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2303,"Italy started a wide-area mobile network in 1974 and introduced a cellular
system known as ____ in 1985.","MTS","NMT","C450","NTT","","Wire & Wireless Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2304,"Its format defines the 2.048 Mbps European E1 signal made up of 32 voice-f
requency channels.","CEPT","ANSI","ECSA","CCITT","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2305,"Its quality-of-service specification is designed to guarantee the quality
of voice and video traffic. It will be particularly important for companies inte
rested in using Wi-Fi phones.","802.11e","802.11a","802.11b","802.11",,"Wire & W
ireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","comm_obj_002.rtf",
2306,"Judgement on the case against an ECE shall become final and executory afte
r","30 days","10 days","15 days","60 days",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2307,"KBP radio code mandates that stations must provide a minimum of ___ minute
s of news per day from 5:00 in the morning to 10:00 in the evening.","45","50","
60","30",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2308,"Keeping track of the number of misformed packets is a func- tion of","Faul
t management","Performance management","Security management","Accounting managem
aent",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2755,"Standards for a worldwide common directory are provided in","X.500","X.400
","X.300","X.600",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2756,"State of switches when every free inlet is at all times able to test for e
very outlet.","Full availability","Limited availability","Half availability","Fr
ee availability","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2757,"Statements which best describe a mixing process in radio communication.","
Producing sum and difference of two frequencies from a combination of two signal
s","Process of eliminating noise through phase differentiation","Process of elim
inating noise through phase comparison","Combination of two signals to form thre
e or more output signals",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2758,"Station in the mobile service not intended to be used while in motion.","L
and station","Fixed station","Coast station","Base station",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2759,"Station located on an object which is beyond and is intended to go beyond
the major portion of the earth's atmosphere.","Space station","Terrestrial stati
on","Satellite station","Mobile satellite station",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2760,"Station protector contains green, red, yellow and black or white wires; th
e red is used for what?","Receive speech signals","Transmit signals","Receive ri
nging signals","Ground",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia

m Quiming","NONAME",
2761,"Statistical Time Division Multiplexing (STDM) is an efficient alternative
to TDM where time slots are assigned to signals dynamically to make better used
of bandwidth. The following are other names for STDM except for one","Unique TDM
","Stat mux","Asynchronous TDM","Intelligent TDM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
60,"Steps to follow to produce PCM signals.","Sampling, quantizing and coding","
Quantizing, sampling and coding","Coding, sampling and quantizing","Sampling, co
ding and quantizing",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2783,"Syncom 2 was the first geosynchronous communication satellite. It was laun
ched by NASA on July 26, 1963 with the Delta B #20 launch vehicle from what laun
ch site?","Cape Canaveral","Kourou","XiChang","Baikonur","","Satellite Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2784,"System for approached or landing that give approximate distance from runaw
","Marker beacon","ILS
","Glide scope","Localizer",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2785,"System that enables navigator to determine its time to station (TTS or TTG
)","DME","LORAN","DECCA","OMEGA",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",1,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2786,"T-1 carrier service has _______ digital bit rate.","1.544 Mbps","2.048 Mbp
s","1.644 Mbps","9600 kbps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2787,"T1 carrier system uses repeaters every ______ to boost signal strength.","
6000 ft","24,000 ft","18,000","12,000 ft",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2788,"T4 carrier system can support how many channels?","4032","320","32","24",,
"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2789,"TACAN is a navigational aid providing","Bearing and distance indication","
Bearing and weather information","Instrument-landing glide paths","Speed and hei
ght indcation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2790,"TACAN operate in the UHF band from","962 to 1213 MHz","0.3 to 30 GHz","5 t
o 15 GHz","210 to 250 MHz",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2791,"TACS is a cellular system with ____ channels","1000","834","200","666",,"W
ire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
61,"TDM carrier systems are growing in number because:","All of the above","Thei
r error rates can be made very low","They can carry signals other than voice","T
hey are easy to install and maintain",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2793,"TDM carrier systems are growing in numbers because","They are easy to inst
all and maintain","Their error rates can be made very low","They can use low cos
t large-scale integrated circuits","They can carry signals other than voice",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3107,"The following are the advantages of out-of-band signaling except","It does
not require extra bandwidth since signals are passed directly to voice channels
.","Economical because the telephone handset provides part of the filtering thus
reducing equipment cost on the part of the filter circuits.","There is no need
for guard circuits to prevent talk down","Improved signal reliability",,"Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3108,"The following are the categories/criteria required for judging the service
quality of a cellular system except for one","Call transfer","Coverage","Requir
ed grade of service","Number of dropped calls",,"Wire & Wireless Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","comm_obj_003.rtf",
3109,"The following are the main function of the SONET s section layer except for
one:","Line maintenance","Scrambling","Framing","Error monitoring",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3110,"The following are the major components of outside plant except for _______
_.","Main distribution frame","Cables and conduits","Manholes and poles and fixt

ures","Gain and line treatment devices","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"

Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
62,"The following are the three predominant modulation schemes used in digital r
adio system except","Differential Modulation","FSK","PSK","QAM",,"Modulation",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3112,"The following are three most common character sets presently used for char
acter encoding except.","Morse code","Baudot code","ASCII","Hollerith code",,"Un
categorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3113,"The following are variations of biphase except for one","Biphase T","Bipha
se M","Biphase L","Biphase S",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
16,"The following measurements were taken in a circuit: Noise with tone in 58 db
mC C-notch noise in 33 dbmC. What is the signal-to-noise ratio(S/N) of the circu
it?","25 dB","91 dB","33 dB","1.1 dB",,"Noise",0,,"Problem Solving","William Qui
3115,"The following statement under letter, ___ is not punishable under the ECE
law.","Signing plans and technical specifications done under his supervision","P
resenting a suspended or revoked ECE registration","Giving false statement to th
e board to obtain an ECE license","Advertising himself as ECE without a valid PR
C certificate",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
63,"The following type of modulation is used in digital transmission:","Pulse co
de modulation","Pulse frequency modulation","Amplitude modulation","Pulse width
modulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
64,"The form of pulse modulation in which the pulse amplitude varies in accordan
ce with the modulating signal is called:","PAM","PTM","PPM","PCM",,"Modulation",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3118,"The former Soviet Union launched the first set of Domestic satellites (Dom
sats) in 1966 nd called them _________, meaning ""Lightning"".","Molniya","Couri
er","Ellipso","Score",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3119,"The founder of the wave theory of light.","Christian Huygens","Francisco G
rimaldi","Edward Appleton","James Clerk Maxwell",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
3120,"The Frame alignment format in the DS-1 signal contains:","1 bit","4 bits",
"7 bits","8 bits",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3121,"The frame rate of STS-1 is","8,000 fps","16,000 fps","32,000 fps","10,000
fps",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3122,"The framing bit is different from the information bit. It is either made h
igher or lower in amplitude or of different time duration.","Unique Line Code Fr
aming","Robbed Digit Framing","Statistical framing","Added Digit Framing",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3123,"The frequencies used for fiber optic system","10^14 to 10^15 Hz","10^7 to
10^10 Hz","10^9 to 10^12 Hz","10^10 to 10^11 Hz",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
3124,"The frequency band of 30 MHz to 300 MHz is called the","VHF band","UHF ban
d","SHF band","EHF band",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3125,"The frequency generated by each decade in a direct frequency synthesizer i
s much higher than frequency shown; this is done to","Reduce the spurious freque
ncy problem","Increase the frequency stability of the synthesizer","Reduced the
number of decades","Reduced the number of crystals required",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
35,"The frequency interval between two sounds whose frequency
ratio is 2.","Octave
","Decade","Harmonics","All of the above",,"Acoustics",1,,"Objective","William Q
1189,"As electromagnetic waves travel in free space, only one of the following c
an happen to them:","Attenuation","Absorption","Refraction","Reflection",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

65,"An FM transmitter has a maximum deviation of 12 kHz and a maximum frequency

of 12 kHz. The bandwidth by Carson's rule is","48 kHz","36.8 kHz","33.6 kHz","24
kHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1115,"An IBM protocol used to linked mainframes with peripherals and other mainf
rames at 10 to 17 Mbps over fiber optic cable.","ESCON","Gigabit ethernet","DSL"
,"SONET","","Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1116,"An IC that contains A/D and D/A converters and parallel-to-serial converte
r is called a","Codec","Data converter","Multiplexer","Modem",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1117,"An idle channel in the IMTS system is","When it is not being used","The co
ndition of each mobile unit's dedicated channel","One unused channel which all m
obile units monitor for","Their address",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
1118,"An ILEC is a:","Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier","Individually Licensed E
lectronic Company","International Local Exchange Carrier","Interstate Licensed E
lectronic Company",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1119,"An important law in optics.
","Snell's law
","Hartley's law
","Shannon's law
","Nyquist law",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
66,"An improved PCM technique whereby the difference between the samples of the
signal are encoded instead of encoding the actual samples, thus reducing the num
ber of bits needed is called ___.","Delta modulation","U-law companding","Differ
ential modulation","A-law companding",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quim
67,"An improved PCM technique whereby the difference between the samples of the
signal are encoded instead of encoding the actual samples, thus reducing the num
ber of bits needed, is called","Differential modulation","Delta modulation","A law","U - law",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
68,"An improved PCM technology whereby the difference between samples of the sig
nal are encoded instead of the actual sample is called ___ PCM.","Differential
","Subtractive",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1123,"An increase in the effective power radiated by an antenna in a certain des
ired direction at the expense of power radiated in other direction.","Antenna ga
in","Antenna back lobe ratio","Antenna total ratio","Antenna efficiency",,"Anten
nas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1124,"An indication in radio communication when the voltage standing wave ratio
is equal to zero.","No input power","Open power","Load is purely resistive","Loa
d is purely reactive",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
1125,"An input signal of 1.8 MHz is mixed with a local oscillator of 5 MHz. A fi
lter selects the diference signal. The output is","3.2 MHz","1.8 MHz","5 MHz","6
.8 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1126,"An institution that provides access to the Internet in some form for money
is called __________.","Internet Service Provider","Asynchronous Traffic Mode",
"ISDN","IP",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1127,"An instrument for recording waveform of audio frequency.","Phonoscope","Ra
dioscope","Audioscope","Oscilloscope",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
1128,"An instrument for recording waveforms of audio frequencies.","Phonoscope",
m Quiming","NONAME",
1129,"An instrument for recording waveforms of audio frequency.","Phonoscope","O
1130,"An instrument used to determine the angle of the sun above the horizon.","
Sextant","Chronometer","Quartz clock","Cessium clock",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",

26,"An instrument used to measure standing wave ratio","Reflectometer","Spectrum

m Quiming","NONAME",
1131,"An interfering current in a telegraph or signalling channel due to telegra
ph or signalling current by another channel.","Crossfire","Crosstalk","Noise cur
rent","Intermodulation",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1954,"In telecommunication signaling concept, the status of the network in the p
resence of a demand and the connection is","Seizure","Idle","Busy hour","All of
the above",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
1955,"In telecommunications NAM stands for","Numeric Assignment Module","Non- Al
ternative Memory","Number Allowance Mobile","Numbered Access Module",,"Wire & Wi
reless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1956,"In telecommunications when we call data communications it means the transm
ission of","Computer data","Voice and video","Voice","Video",,"Telecommunication
s & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1957,"In telecommunications, long haul connection refers to a connection not exc
eeding","150 km","100 km","200 km","190 km","","Telecommunications & ECE Laws",1
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1958,"In telecommunications, what do we call the difference in the voltage level
s between a driver and terminator?","Noise margin","System gain","System loss","
Noise difference",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1959,"In telephone system, the costumer s telephone directory numbering is from 00
0 to 999, what is the capacity of the system?","1000 lines","10,000 lines","100,
000 lines","100 lines",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
1960,"In television broadcasting vivid strong colors are often referred as","Sat
m Quiming","NONAME",
1961,"In terms of signaling, ____ is the telephone industry signaling standard."
,"SS7","SS6","SS5","SS8",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1962,"In testing transmitter to prevent interfering with other stations which ty
pe of antenna must be used?","Dummy antenna","Hertzian antenna","Void antenna","
Isotropic antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1963,"In the _________ layer, the data unit is called a frame.","None of the abo
ve","Physical","Network","Transport",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
69,"In the basic E1 (European standard PCM-TDM system), a 125 ?s frame is divide
d into ______ equal time slots.","32","96","48","24",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
1965,"In the current frequency assignments, how many frequency bands are there f
or the up-link frequencies ?","4","16","8","2",,"Wire & Wireless Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
70,"In the designation of bandwidth and emission, what letter in the first symbo
l represents a double-side band type of modulation?","A","B","C","H","","Modulat
ion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
71,"In the designation of bandwidth and emission, what letter in the first symbo
l represents a double-sideband type of modulation?","A","B","C","F",,"Modulation
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1967,"In the early 70's the development of digital transmission systems started
and was based on what method?","Pulse Code Modulation","Frequency Modulation","A
mplitude Modulation","Phase Modulation","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1968,"In the FDM hierarchy, a master group is composed of 10 supergroups and is
equivalent to","600 channels
","60 channels","180 channels","120 channels",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
1969,"In the FDM hierarchy, a master group is composed of 10 supergroups and is

equivalent to:","600 channels","60 channels","180 channels","120 channels",,"Unc

ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1970,"In the FDM hierarchy, a supergroup is equivalent to 5 groups and is equiva
lent to","60 voiceband channels","600 voiceband channels","120 voiceband channel
s","12 voiceband channels",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
17,"In the frequency domain, overmodulation result inner frequencies besides the
simple sum and difference ones of regular AM. These new frequencies are outside
the regular AM spectrum and are called:","Splatter","Phase distortion","Noise",
"Amplitude distortion",,"Noise",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
72,"In the modulation technique, which of the following is referred to audible p
William Quiming","NONAME",
1990,"In Time Division Multiplexing the time it takes to transmit one sample fro
m each channel is called ________.","Frame time","Epoch","Channel time","Subdivi
sion",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
18,"Man-made noise is usually from ________.","Transmission over power lines and
by ground wave","Sky-wave","Space-wave","Troposphere",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2358,"Many mobile telephones have a high-power transmitter at the base station w
hich covers an area with a radius of____ miles.
","20 - 30 miles
","10 - 20 miles
","30 - 40 miles
","40 - 50 miles",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2359,"Marker beacon operates at a single frequency of","75 MHz","108 MHz","1030
MHz","1090 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2360,"May be obtained by adding the grade of service contributed by each constit
uent switch, switching network, or trunk group.","Average grade of service","Tot
al grade of service","Summed grade of service","Occupied grade of service","","U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2361,"Measure by which a carrier voltage is varied by the intelligence signal is
referred to in radio communications as","Modulation factor","Signal index","Pow
er factor","Intelligence index",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
2362,"Measuring physical condition at some remote location and transmiting this
data for analysis is the process of","Telemetry","Instrumentation
","Modulation","Multiplexing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
2363,"Mechanism used by a station to gain access to local area network.","Channe
l accessing","Channel multiplexing","CSMA/CD","CSMA/CA",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
73,"Medium frequency range is from","0.3 to 3 MHz","0.01 to 0.03 MHz","0.03 to 0
.3 MHz","3 to 30 MHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2365,"Memory is added to the telephone set to","Allow automatic redialing of the
last number dialed","Allow faster dialing","Allow more digits to be dialed","No
ne of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quimi
2366,"Memory-mapped displays:","Allow direct addressing display locations by pro
cessor","Have the advantage that they don't take up memory space","Are associate
d w/ electromechanical teleprinterss","None of the above",,"Digital & Data Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2367,"Micron is equal to _______ meter.","10^-6","10^-9","10^-10","10^-3",,"Fibe
r Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2368,"Microsoft Internet Explorer is the name of a(n)
","Web Browser","Internet Service Provider.","Search Engine","Web Server",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2369,"Microwave frequencies are normally regarded as those in the range of","1 t
o 100 GHz","1 to 500 MHz","1 to 10 MHz","1000 GHz",,"Microwave Communications",0

,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2370,"Microwave link repeaters are typically 50 km apart","Because of Earth's cu
rvature","Because of the atmosphere attenuation","Because of the output tube pow
er limitations","To ensure that the applied dc voltage is not excessive",,"Micro
wave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2371,"Microwave links are generally preferred to coaxial cable for television tr
ansmission because","They have less overall phase distortion","They are cheaper"
,"Of their greater bandwidth","Of their relative immunity to impulse noise",,"Mi
crowave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2372,"Microwave signals propagate by the way of the","Direct wave","Sky wave","S
urface wave","Standing wave",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William
2373,"Military satellites often operate in the ______ Band","X Band","C Band","L
Band","Ka Band",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2374,"Mixer is also known as _________.","Converter","Suppressor","Modulator","B
eater",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2375,"Mobile telephone services began in the 1940 and were called _____. This sy
stem utilized frequency modulation and assigned a single carrier frequency in th
e 35-MHz to 45-MHz range.","Mobile Telephone System (MTS)","Improved Mobile Tele
phone System (IMTS)","Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS)","Total Access Commun
ication System (TACS)",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
2376,"Mode of satellite access in which transmission from earth stations are sep
arated through envelope encryption techniques.","SDMA","TDMA","CDMA","FDMA",,"Sa
tellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2377,"Modem status acronym of modem ready is
","MR","MM","MRD","Mod R",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2378,"Modems are required to connect computer to telephone lines
because_____.","None of the above","Telephone company rules required them","The
telephone bandwidth is too high","The telephone network will pass direct current
",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2379,"Modems are required to connect computer to telephone lines because","The t
elephone network will pass direct current","Telephone company rules required the
m","The telephone network bandwidth is too high","None of the above",,"Digital &
Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2380,"Modems are required to connect computers to telephone lines because: 2","T
he telephone network will not pass direct current","The telephone network bandwi
dth is too high","Telephone company rules require them","None of the above",,"Di
gital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2381,"Modems are used for data transmission over telephone lines because telepho
ne lines is a/an :","Analog medium","Digital medium","Analog and digital medium"
,"None of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2382,"Modems will no longer be needed when terminal equipment and transmission s
ystems are","Synchronized","Digital","Asynchronous","None of the above",,"Digita
l & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
74,"Modulation in which the modulated wave is always present.","Continuous modul
ation","Carrier modulation","Front-end","Log-periodic modulation",,"Modulation",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
75,"Modulation means","Varying some parameters of a carrier such as its amplitud
e to transmit information","Varying information","Utilization of a single transm
ission channel to carry multiple signals","Transmit pulses in DC form on a coppe
r wire",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
76,"Modulation on RF carrier results in","All of the above","Multiple channels",
"Smaller antennas","Directional propagation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2386,"Most commercial satellite activity occurs in which bands?","C and Ku","L",

"X","S and P","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO

2387,"Most commercial satellites activity occurs in which band?","C and Ku","L a
nd Ka","S and X","X and C",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
2388,"Most fax printers are of which type","Thermal","Impact","Electrosensitive"
,"Lazer xerographic",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2389,"Most FDM telemetry systems use","FM","AM","SSB","PSK",,"Uncategorized",1,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
19,"Most internal noise comes from","Thermal agitation","Shot noise","Transit-ti
me noise","Skin effect",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2391,"Most mobile satellite array uses __________ in transforming 50 to 150 impe
dance.","Quarter-wavelength transformer","Stub","Balun","Microstrip tapers",,"Sa
tellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2392,"Most of the effects an electromagnetic wave produces when it interacts wit
h matter due to its","Electric field","Speed","Frequency","Magnetic field",,"Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2393,"Most of the gain and selectivity in superhet is obtain in the","IF amplifi
er","Mixer","RF amplifier","AF amplifier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2394,"Most of the gain in a superhet is obtain in the","IF amplifier
","RF amplifier","Mixer
","AF amplifier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2395,"Most radar antennas use a","Horn & parabolic reflector","Collinear array",
"Dipole","Broadcast array",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
30,"Most satellite communication system lies in what radio frequency band?","SHF
","VHF","UHF","EHF","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
77,"The frequency tolerance of an AM radio broadcast station.","20 Hz","2 Hz","2
00 Hz","2000 Hz",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3138,"The front-to-back ratio of an antenna which radiates 500W in a northerly d
irection and 50 W southerly direction.","10 dB","2500 dB","100 dB","20 dB","F/B
= 10 log (500W/50W) in dB","Antennas",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","
3139,"The FT3C lightwave system contains the following number
of fibers :","144","128","12","64",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3140,"The gain of a Hertzian dipole with respect to an isotropic antenna is","1.
76 dB","2.15 dB","4.15 dB","5.15 dB",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3141,"The gain of four identically polarized antennas stacked one above the","6
dB over the gain of one antenna","4 dB over the gain of one antenna","3 dB over
the gain of one antenna","10 dB over the gain of one antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3142,"The gain-bandwidth frequency of a microwave transistor, is the frequency a
t which the","Beta of the transistor falls to unity","Power gain of the transist
or falls to unity","Alpha of the transistor falls by 3 dB","Beta of the transist
or falls by 3 dB",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3143,"The generic abbreviation for the many flavors of DSL or Digital Subscriber
Line technology.","XDSL","WDSL","EDSL","CDSL",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3144,"The geography of the company's building (including where it will need work
station) has a direct effect on","All of the above","The network topology","The
network's medium","The network's cost",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3145,"The gigabit ethernet specification addresses forms of transmission media e
xcept for:","Coaxial cable","Long-wave laser over single-mode and multimode fibe
r","Short-wave laser over multimode fiber","The 1000BaseCX medium over balanced

shielded 150-ohm copper cable","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin

3146,"The given name to MTSO by Motorola","EMX","NEAX","MMC","SMC","****","Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3147,"The given name to MTSO by NEC is","NEAX","SMC","MMC","EMX","**","Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3148,"The glass-tube of a TWT may be coated with aquadag to","Provide attenuatio
","Help focusing","Improve bunching
","Increase gain",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3149,"The glide-path in ILS form an angle between _______with the runway.","2.5 a
nd 6","1 and 15","5 and 45","3 and 30",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective"
"William Quiming","NONAME",
3150,"The greater the diameter of a wire, the ____ is the resistance.","Lesser",
"Higher","Unstable","Stable",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
32,"The greater the diameter of a wire, the ______ is the resistance.","Lesser",
"Stable","Unstable","Higher","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
3151,"The ground wave eventually disappears, as one moves away from the transmit
ter, because of","Tilting","Interference from the sky wave","Loss of line-of-sig
ht condition","Maximum single hop distance limitation",,"Radiation & Wave Propag
ation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3152,"The ground-based radar transmitter-receiver in radar beacon is also known
as the","Transponder","Transducer","IFF","Interrogator",,"Navigational Aids and
Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3153,"The GSM cellular system uses the ____ modulation technique","Gaussian Mini
mum Shift keying","Frequency Shift Keying","QAM","PSK",,"Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3154,"The guardband between supergroup 18 and supergroup D25 is","56 kHz","12 kH
z","128 kHz","8 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3155,"The Gunn diode oscillator","Depends on the formation of charge domain","Ge
nerates frequencies which are below 100 MHz","Operates over a positive resistanc
e characteristics","Is capable of generating cont. microwave power in kilowatts"
,,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3156,"The guy wire installed over head in the direction of the pole line.","Head
guy","Side guy","Stub guy","None of these","","Wire & Wireless Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3157,"The half power points in the radiation beam of a directional antenna is eq
ual to","0.707 times the maximum value","0.707 times its minimum value","1.414 o
f max value","None of the above",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3158,"The hamming bits inserted into every other location starting at the left f
or the ASCII character ""B"" is
","1010","1001","0110","0111",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3159,"The handset setting when the telephone is idle, and the switch is open, th
us no dc current flows through the line.","On-Hook","Off-Hook","Both On-Hook and
Off-Hook","Neither On-Hook nor Off-Hook","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3160,"The Hartley law states that","The max. rate of information transmission de
pends on the channel bandwidth","Redundancy is essential","The max. rate of info
rmation transmission depends on the depth of modulation","Only binary codes can
be used",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3161,"The Hartley Shannon theorem sets a limit on the","Maximum channel capacity
with a given noise level","Highest channel frequency","Maximum number of quanti
zing levels","Maximum number of coding levels with a given noise level",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3162,"The Hartley Shannon Theorem sets a limit on the:","Maximum channel capacit

y with a given noise level","Highest channel frequency","Maximum number of codin

g levels with a given noise level","Maximum number of quantizing levels",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3163,"The Hartley-Shannon theorem sets a limit on the","Maximum capacity of the
channel with a given noise level","Highest frequency that may be sent over a giv
en channel","Maximum number of coding levels in a channel with a given noise lev
el","Max. number of quantizing levels in a channel of a given bandwidth",,"Uncat
egorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3164,"The heart of the automatic telephone system.","Switching machine
","Trunk lines","Hybrid circuit","Subscriber's line",,"Wire & Wireless Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3165,"The HF band covers the frequency of:","3 MHz - 30 MHz","30 kHz - 300 kHz",
"300 kHz - 3 MHz","30 MHz - 300 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3166,"The high frequency range of audio signals is","5,000 Hz to 10 kHz","2,500
Hz to 5,000 Hz","10 kHz to 20 kHz","20,000 Hz to 30 kHz",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3167,"The higher the gauge number of a conductor","The higher the resistance or
the smaller the diameter","The bigger the diameter","The lower the resistance","
The higher the diameter or the lower the resistance",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3168,"The higher the index number","The lower the speed of light","The higher th
e speed of light","Has no effect on the speed of light","The shorter the wavelen
gth of propagation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3169,"The highest frequency which a conventional vacuum-tube oscillator can gene
rate is not limited by the","Degree of emission from the cathode","Electron tran
sit time","Distributed lead inductance","Inter-electrode capacitance",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
20,"The highest noise factor will be produced by a frequency of ____.","10000 Hz
","500 Hz","1000 Hz","200 Hz",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3171,"The horizontal pointing angle of an antenna.","Azimuth","Bandwidth","Beamw
idth","Angle of elevation",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3172,"The Host-to-Host layer of TCP/IP.","Services the process and Internet laye
rs to handle the reliability and session aspects of data transmission","Provides
applications support","Contains information that pertains to how data can be ro
uted through the network","Provides a means of physically delivering packets usi
ng frames or cells",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3173,"The hue 180 degrees out of phase with red is:","Cyan","Yellow","Green","Bl
ue",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3174,"The I & Q composite caolr signals are multiplexed onto the picture carrier
by modulating a 3.58 MHz subcarrier using","Vestigal sideband AM","FM","PM","DS
B,AM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3175,"The idea behind this is to allow people to transfer data through human bod
y simply by touching each other.","PAN","GAN","LAN","WAN",,"Uncategorized",1,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3176,"The idea for Iridium project was born from a proposal to Motorola manageme
nt led by three members of its Satellite System Engineering Group - ____________
, _______________, and ________________.","Barry Bertinger, Raymond Leopold, Ken
neth Peterson","Barry Bertinger, Arthur Clarke, John Pierce","Arthur Clarke, Ray
mond Leopold, Kenneth Peterson","Barry Bertinger, John Pierce, Kenneth Peterson"
,"","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3585,"The standard analog telephone channel bandwidth.","300-3400 Hz","1200 Hz",
"200-3200 Hz","300-3000 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
3586,"The standard ASCII","Has 128 characters, including 32 control characters",
"In version II of the ASC standard","Is a subset of the 8-bit EBCDIC code","Is u
sed only in the US and Canada",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"

21,"The standard deviation of the variation in the transmission loss of a circui

t should not exceed","1 dB","2 db","3 dB","0.5 dB",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
3588,"The standard first-level digital multiplex system in the U.S operates at:
","1.544 Mbps
","2.048 Mbps
","44.736 Mbps","9,600 bps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3589,"The standard frequency of interrogation is","1030 MHz","1050 MHz","555 kHz
","1090 MHz",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3590,"The standard rate transmission of SDH is","155.54 Mbps","51.84 Mbps","2.04
8 Mbps","1.544 Mbps",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",1,,"Objective","William Qu
3591,"The standard reference antenna for the directive gain is the","Isotropic a
ntenna","Infinitesimal dipole","Elementary doublet","Half-wave dipole",,"Antenna
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
37,"The standard test tone.","0 dBm","0 dB","10 dB","10 dBm",,"Acoustics",1,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3592,"The standard that specifies a balanced interface cable that will operate a
bit rates up to 10 Mbps with a span distance up to 1200 m.","RS-422A","RS-423A"
,"RS-550A","RS-449A",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3593,"The standing wave ratio is uqual to _____ if the load is properly matched
with the transmission line.","1","0","Infinity","-1",,"Radiation & Wave Propagat
ion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3594,"The standing wave ratio of a transmission line can be
measured by a
","Power meter","Voltmeter","Bolometer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
3595,"The step-by-step switch","All of the above","Generates much noise","Cannot
operate directly from DTMF tones","Was invented by Strowger",,"Wire & Wireless
Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3596,"The STS _____ is a network element that multiplex/demultiplex the STS payl
oad.","Path terminating equipment","Line terminating equipment","Section termina
ting equipment","Photonic terminating equipment",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
3597,"The subjective unit of loudness level is","Sone","Mel","Phon","Bel",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3598,"The subsystem that maintains the communication footprint in the correct lo
cation","Altitude and control subsystem","Telemetry and command subsystem","Powe
r subsystem","Propulsion subsystem",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3599,"The supremacy of the state is expressed through its ___ which are enforced
by its agencies.","Laws","Officials","Military force","Police force",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3600,"The switching from one element to the other element in a typical mobile sa
tellite array.","Shunt","Series","Radial","Matrix",,"Satellite Communications",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
39,"The SWR is equal to ___ if the load is properly matched with the transmissio
n line.","1","2","0","0.5",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
3601,"The system capacity of AMPS","100,000","30,000","120,000","60,000",,"Wire
& Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3602,"The system GSM, US-TDMA, CDMA and PDC are included in the ____ G","2G","3G
","EDGE","GPRS",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
1570,"For transmission line load matching over a range of frequencies, it is bes
t to use a:

","Double stub","Broadband directional coupler","Balun","Single stub of adjustab

le position",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1571,"For transmission load matching over a range of frequencies, it is best to
use a","Double stub","Balun","Broadband directional coupler","Single stub or adj
ustable position",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
1572,"For VSAT, Ku-band generally requires a __________ antenna diameter than Cband.","Smaller","Greater","Wider","Equal","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1573,"Form of interference caused by rain or dust storms.","Precipitation static
","Shot-noise","Galactic noise","Impulse noise",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1574,"Formula used to calculate grade of service on lost calls cleared.","Erlang
B formula","Eralng C formula","Erlang A formula","Poisson formula","","Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1575,"Formula used to calculate the grade of service on lost calls delayed.","Er
lang C formula","Erlang B formula","Erlang A formula","Poisson formula","","Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1576,"Formula used to calculate the grade of serviceon lost calls held.","Poisso
n formula","Erlang C formula","Erlang B formula","Erlang A formula","","Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1577,"Forward control channel is defined as,","A control channel used from a lan
d station to a mobile station","A control channel used from a mobile station to
a land station","A voice channel used from a land station to mobile","None of th
e above","*","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1578,"Founded the wave theory of light.","Christian Huygens","Edward Appleton","
James Clerk Maxwell","Francesco Grimaldi",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
1579,"Frequencies above ___ kHz are refered to as the radio frequencies.","20","
10","2","200",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
1580,"Frequencies in the UHF means of","Space waves","Surface waves","Sky waves"
,"Ground waves",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1581,"Frequencies in the UHF range propagate by means of","Space waves","Surface
waves","Sky wave","Ground waves",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
1582,"Frequencies which have substantially straightline propagation characterist
ics similar to that of light waves are","Frequencies above 50 MHz","Frequencies
between 1 MHz and 3 MHz","Frequencies between 500 kHz and 1 MHz","Frequencies be
low 500 kHz",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
1583,"Frequency band where TACS is allocated","935-960 MHz: 890-915 MHz","870-89
0 MHz : 825-845 MHz","851-866 MHz: 806-821 MHz","866- 869 MHz: 821-824 MHz","**"
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1584,"Frequency for BUSY","480 + 620 Hz","350 + 440 Hz","440 + 480 Hz","350 + 37
0 Hz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1585,"Frequency for congestion(toll)","480 + 620 Hz","440 + 480 Hz","350 +440 Hz
","350 + 620 Hz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
1586,"Frequency for DIAL","350 + 440 Hz","480 + 620 Hz","440 + 480 Hz","480 + 64
0 Hz","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
78,"In the phase-shift method of SSB generation, one sideband is canceled out du
e to","Phase inversion","Phase shift","Sharp selectivity","Carrier suppression",
,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1974,"In the phasing method of SSB generation, one sideband is cancelled out due
","Phase shift","Phase inversion","Sharp selectivity","Carrier suppression",,"Wi
re & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

1975,"In the problem, what is the maximum traffic in erlang that this telephone
line can handle during busy hour?","1","1.5","2.5","2",,"Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1976,"In the study of acoustics, the velocity of sound is dependent to one of th
e following:","Properties of the medium","Temperature","Loudness","Source of sou
nd",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1977,"In the study of wave propagation, a condition at which zero absorption of
radio waves is describe as ______","Free space medium","Zero reflection medium",
"Neutral medium","Non-active region",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1978,"In the transmitter, when the pressure is high, the carbon granules are pac
ked together closely, thus lowering the resistance, resulting an a/an __________
of current. When the air pressure is lower, the resistance is increased and the
current ______________.","Increase, decrease","Decrease, increase","Increase, i
ncrease","Decrease, decrease","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1979,"In the US color TV system, the intercarrier frequency in MHz is","4.5","3.
58","3.5794","45.75",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1980,"In the video realm, it is an undesired visual distortion caused by noise (
which produces ""snow"" in analog systems or ""hits"" in a digital system).","Ar
tifact","Raster","Emoticons","All of the above","","Broadcasting",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
34,"In the visible spectrum of electromagnetic waves, which has the shortest wav
m Quiming","NONAME",
1981,"In the XMODEM protocol, the sender waits for what character from the recei
ver before beginning transmission","NAK","WACK","ACK","RVI",,"Digital & Data Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1982,"In this configuration, the ringer is connected across the tip and ring tra
nsmission pair.","Bridged ringing","Divide ringing","Open line ringing","Coded r
inging","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
1983,"In this method of signaling the information is indicated by the presence o
r absence of a battery and ground condition on the line at the called end of the
trunk.","Wet-dry signaling","Reverse battery","High low method","On-off method"
,"","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1984,"In this method, signaling tones are transmitted within the speech band, us
ually 1600, 2400, or 2600.","In band signaling","Out of band signaling","Dc sign
aling","Tones signaling","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
1985,"In this method, signaling tones are transmitted within the speech band.","
In-band signaling","Common-channel signaling","Alternate channel signaling","Out
-of-band signaling",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Qu
1986,"In this Sequence of signal each signal continues to be sent un til an acko
wledgement is received, which remain on line until the original signal disappear
.","Full compelled","Non compelled","Semi compelled","None of the above","","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1987,"In this technique, two channels are selected. One will be used to carry th
e signaling signal and the other will operate as a normal traffic carrying voice
channel.","Alternate channel signaling","Common-channel signaling","In-band sig
naling","Out-of-band signaling",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
1988,"In this type of signaling, signaling information for a group of speech cir
cuits is transmitted over a separate link. Signals share a common transmission c
hannel separate from the speech signal.","Common channel signaling","Channel ind
ependent signaling","Channel associated signaling","Mixed channel signaling",,"W
ire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1989,"In this VSAT network, there is no central hub and each site can communicat
e directly with all network nodes.","Full-Meshed Network","Multipoint Network","

Hybrid Voice and Data Network","Single Channel Per Carrier","","Uncategorized",0

,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2763,"STM stands for","Synchronous Transport Module","Synchronous Transport Mode
","Symmetrical Transfer Mode","Symmetrical Transport Mode",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2764,"STM-1 is SDH's base level transmission rate equal to _______.","155 Mbps",
"51.84 Mbps","64 Mbps","2 Mbps","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2765,"Store-and-forward multiple access network.","PRNET","ARPNET","ALOHA","Pack
et Switching",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2766,"Store-and-forward mutiple-access network.","PRNET","ALOHA","ARPANET","Pack
et Switching",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2767,"Stripline and microstrip transmission lines are usually made with","PCBs",
"Twisted pair","Parallel Wires","Coax",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
2768,"STS-1 has how many octets each frame?
","810 octets","500 octets","610 octets","768 octets",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2769,"Subcarriers that are arranged so that the channels occupying adjacent freq
uency bands with some frequency space between them is known as","Guard bands","A
M bands","Band gap","Void band",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
2770,"Supergroup 17 has a carrier frequency (in kHz) of","2108","2356","1860","1
612",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2771,"Supervisory Audio Tone (SAT) has _____ frequency.","6000 Hz","5960 Hz","60
40 Hz","1004 Hz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2772,"Surface acoustic waves propagate in","Stripline","Gallium Arsenide","Indiu
m Phosphide","Microstrip",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2773,"SYN character of EBCDIC code.","32H","8H","16H","4H",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2774,"Synchonous multiplexed systems have the time placement of bits:","Dedicate
","As required",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2775,"Synchronization of digital switches in the North American telephone networ
k is done using a (an) _____ technique.","Master-slave","Independent","Mutual co
nductance","Plesiochronous",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2776,"Synchronization of digital switches in the North American telephone networ
k is done using a/an _____ technique.","Master-slave","Independent","Mutual cond
uctance","Plesiochronous",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2777,"Synchronization of digital switches in the North American telephone networ
k is done using a/an _________ technique.","Master-slave
","Independent","Mutual conductance","Plesiochronous",,"Wire & Wireless Communic
ations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2778,"Synchronous modems costs more than asynchronous modems because","They must
contain clock recovery circuits","They are larger","They must operate on a larg
er bandwidth","The production volume is larger",,"Digital & Data Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2779,"Synchronous multiplexed systems have the time placement of bits","Dedicate
d","Unassigned","Random","As required",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
2780,"Synchronous multiplexed systems have the time placements of bits:","Dedica
ted","Unsigned","Random","As required",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
2781,"Synchronous transmission does not have","All of the above","S start bit","
A stop bit","Gap between bytes",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",

2782,"Synchronous Transport Signal (STS)-the building block of SONET optical int

erfaces is consists of two parts:","STS payload and STS overhead","STS data and
STS path","STS line and STS section","STS bits and STS frame",,"Fiber Optics",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
770,"A protocol analyzer can","All of the above","Display traffic patterns in gr
aphic form","Summarize traffic between two stations","Provide detailed data on t
raffic between two stations",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
771,"A protocol for capability negotiation, messages for opening and closing cha
nnels for media streams, etc. (i.e. media signaling).","H.245","802.11a","802.11
","H.323",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
772,"A protocol is a set of rules governing a time sequence of events that must
take place.
","Between peers","Between nonpeers","Across an interface
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
773,"A protocol which was standardized in June 1998 and promises to be a dominan
t player in high-speed local area network backbones and server connectivity.","G
igabit Ethernet","SONET","Ethernet","ESCON",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
774,"A province in Luzon has an area od 2000 sq. kms. It has to be covered by ce
llular mobile telephone service using cells with a radius of 2 kms. Assuming hex
agonal cells, find the number of cell sites needed.","145","154","130","125",,"W
ire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","comm0002.
41,"A pure tone of loudness 40 dB above listener's threshold of hearing produces
a standard loudness sensation of :","1 sone","1 phon","1 mel","1 tone",,"Acoust
ics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
775,"A QAM modulator does not use a","XNOR","Bit splitter","Balanced modulator",
"2-to-4 level converter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
776,"A Quality of Service class defined by the ATM Forum for ATM networks that i
s used for connections that do not require timing relationships between source a
nd destination.","Available Bit Rate","Constant Bit Rate","Unspecified Bit Rate"
,"Variable Bit Rate","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
777,"A quantizer is a(n)","ADC","DAC","Multiplexer","Demux",,"Uncategorized",1,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
778,"A quarter wave transformer is connected to a parallel wire line inorder to
match the line to a load of 1000 ohms. The transformer has a characteristic impe
dance of 316.23 ohms. The distance bet. centers is 4 inches. What is the % reduc
tion in the dia","83%","85%","86%","90%",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
779,"A quarter wave transformer is used to match a 600 ohms load antenna to a li
ne of 52 ohms impedance, the characteristics impedance of the matching transform
er is","176 ohms","200 ohms","150 ohms","300 ohms",,"Transmission Fundamentals",
0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
780,"A quarter wave transmission line shorted at the end has the","Has the chara
cteristics of a parallel tuned circuit","Has minimum current at the shorted end"
,"Has the characteristics of a series tuned circuit","Reflects a low impedance t
o the supply",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
781,"A quarter-wavelength device made of crystalline calcite that changes polari
zation in the optic fiber communication.","Retrader","Isolator","Polarizer","Fil
ters",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
782,"A radar antenna using multiple dipole or slot antennas in a matrix with var
iable phase shifters is called a(n)
","Phase array","A Scan","Broadside","Circular polarized array",,"Antennas",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
783,"A radar equipment located near the runway and is designed to locate accurat

ely an airplane 300 ft of range, 10 ft of elevation at a distance of 1 mile and

20 ft laterally.","PAR","ASR","MTI","ARSR",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
784,"A radar that can detect targets at a range of up to 2,000 miles.","OTH rada
r","Bistatic radar","NAVSTAR","Monostatic radar",,"Navigational Aids and Devices
",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
785,"A radar which allows controller to see an area within a radius of 60 miles
under any visibility condition.","ASR","PAR","MTI","ILS",,"Navigational Aids and
Devices",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
786,"A radio channel is composed of ____ VB channels.","1800","900","10800","806
4",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
787,"A radio fix can be attained with a minimum radio bearing from:","Two statio
ns of known locations","Three stations of different directions","Triangulation",
"Any of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
788,"A radio frequency in the UHF band of the radio spectrum band.","0.3125 GHz"
,"450.50 MHz","150.50 GHz","235.50 MHz",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
789,"A radio land station in the land mobile service.","Base station","Mobile st
ation","Ship earth station","Land station",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
790,"A radio navigation whose ground station transmits two signal!signals and op
erates at VHF band:","VOR","ATC","DME","LORAN",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
791,"A radio receiver has ___ of AMplification.","More than three stages
","Two stages","One stage","Three stages",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
792,"A radio station in the land mobile service.","Base station","Ship earth sta
tion","Mobile station","Land station",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
793,"A radio transmission line of 500 ohms impedance is to be connected to an an
tenna having an impedance of 200 ohms. What is the impedance of a quarter wave m
atching line?
","316.23 ohms","300 ohms
","316.50 ohms
","316.0 ohms",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
79,"A radio transmitter transmits an unmodulated 10 kW of power and 12 kW when s
inusoidally modulated. Find the modulation index.","0.632","0.232","0.332","0.43
2",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
80,"A radio transmitter transmits an unmodulated 10 kW of power and 12 kW when s
inusoidally modulated. Find the total power transmitted if second modulation sig
nal is introduced are 40% modulation.","12.8 kW","12.8 MW","12.8 W","12.8 mW",,"
Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
796,"A range of microwave frequencies more easily passed by the atmosphere than
are the others is called a","Window","Crictical frequency","Gyrofrequency range"
,"Resonance in the atmosphere",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
81,"A receiver has a desired input signal of 18 MHz and a low frequency 19.6 MHz
. The image frequency is","12.2 MHz","1.6 MHz","18 MHz","19,6 MHz",,"Modulation"
,0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
82,"A receiver has noise figure if 1.5 dB. Find the equivalent noise temperature
","119 K","204 K","203 K","392 K",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Qu
83,"A receiver has poor IF selectivity. It will therefore also have poor","Block
ing","Doublespotting","Diversity reception
","Sensitivity",,"Modulation",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
800,"A receiver is using an IF of 455 kHz and it is desired to receive 1810 kHz.
What frequency should the local oscillator be tuned?","2265 kHz","2720 kHz","18
10 kHz","1630 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
801,"A receiver-transmitter station use to increase the communication range of V

HF, UHF and microwave signals is called a(n)","Repeater","Transceiver","Range ex

tender","Amplifier",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
802,"A receiving antenna will remain as efficient when used as transmitting ante
nna, provided that","The receive and transmit frequencies are the same","The dec
ibel gain is maintained constant","Low loss transmission line are used","All of
the above",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
803,"A receiving antenna will remain as efficient when used as transmitting ante
nna, provided:","All of the above","Low loss transmission lines are used","The r
eceived and transmit frequencies are the same","The decibel gain is maintained c
onstant",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
804,"A recommendation for data transmission of 48 kbps over circuits in the grou
p from 60 to 108 kHz.","V.35","X.34","X.35","V.34",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
805,"A recommendation for electrical requirements for balanced double-current in
terchanged circuits for use with integrated circuits in data communications.","V
.11","X.8","X.23","V.9",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William
806,"A recommendation for the electrical characteristics for unbalanced double-c
urrent interchange circuits.","V.28","V.32","X.28","V.29",,"Telecommunications &
ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
807,"A rectangular waveguide has a broad internal dimension of 0.90 inch and is
fed by 10 Ghz carrier.Determine if a TE(1,0) mode will be propagated","Will prop
agate","Will not propagate","Wave remains stationary","None of these",,"Microwav
e Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
808,"A reduction in receiver sensitivity caused by unwanted high-level adjacent
channel signals.","Desensitizing","Overloading","Interference","Intermodulation"
,,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
809,"A reflected sound wave produced by the interference of two waves travelling
on opposite directions, having the same wavelength, frequency and speed","Echo"
,"Doppler effect","Beat note","Standing waves",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
810,"A reflex klystron is oscillating at the frequency of its resonant cavity. I
f the reflector voltage is made slightly less negative the","Frequency will decr
ease","Oscillation will ceased","Output power will increased","Bunching would oc
cur earlier in time",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
84,"A reflex klystron is used as a/an
","Oscillator","Amplifier","Mixer","Frequency multiplier",,"Modulation",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
812,"A resultant effect, in launching a satellite from the earth caused by both
forward motion away from the earth that produces inertia tending the satellite t
o travel in straight line upwards and the gravitational pull towards the earth i
s referred to a","Satellite speed","Gravity","Weight of the satellite","Centripe
tal acceleration",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","
813,"A router operates at","The network layer","The data link layer","The applic
ation layer","The segmentation layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
814,"A ruby maser amplifier must be cooled","Because it cannot opearate at room
tempearture","To improve the noise performance","To increase bandwidth","Because
parametric amplification generates a lot of heat",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
815,"A Russian Launched satellite which means lightning","Molniya","Score","Sput
nik I","Galaxy I",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
816,"A satellite batery that has more power but lighter.","Lithium","Leclanche",
"Hydrogem","Magnesium","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
817,"A satellite beam that covers 42.4% of the earth's surface.","Global beam","

Zone beam","Hemispheric beam","Spot beam","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Obje

ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
818,"A satellite cross-link means","Satellite-to-satellite link","Earth-to-satel
lite link","Satellite-to-earth link","None of these",,"Satellite Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
819,"A satellite having an orbit velocity synchronized with the speed of rotatio
n of the earth.","Geo-synchronous","Sub-synchronous
","Stationary","None of the above",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
820,"A satellite in _________ circles the earth 100 to 300 miles above the earth s
surface.","LEO","MEO","GEO","Equatorial orbit",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
821,"A satellite navigation system that provide extremely accurate three dimensi
onal position, velocity and time information.","NAVSTAR","NAVSAT","INMARSAT","MA
RISAT",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
822,"A satellite orbit at a distance above the earth s surface of approximately 8,
000-20,000 km","MEO","LEO","GEO","None of the above",,"Satellite Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
","DEPRESSION","AZIMUTH","CRITICAL",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
824,"A satellite position is measured by its _____ angle with respect to the hor
","Depression","Azimuth","Critical",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
825,"A satellite receives an uplink frequency of _____ from a ground station of
3,700 MHz.","5925 MHz","1475 MHz","8150 MHz","2225 MHz",,"Satellite Communicati
ons",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","comm0009.rtf",
826,"A satellite receives an uplink frequency of ____ MHz from a ground station
of 4,500 MHz.","6725","6525","7005","7725",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Probl
em Solving","William Quiming","comm0009.rtf",
827,"A satellite service between earth stations located at fixed geographical po
ints on earth is called
","Fixed-point","Mobile","Broadcast","Inter satellite",,"Satellite Communication
s",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
828,"A satellite signal transmitted from a satellite transponder to earth's stat
ion.","Downlink","Uplink","Terrestial","Earthbound",,"Satellite Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
829,"A satellite system that uses 9 GEO satellites with mandate of providing voi
ce and data services to ship at sea.","Inmarsat","Telesedic","Globstar","Iridium
",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
ELLITE",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
831,"A sequence of encoded bits which the physical layer transmits before each f
rame to allow sync. of clocks and other physical layer circuitry at other sites
on the channel.
","Preamble","Error control bit","Passive element","Information bit",,"Uncategor
ized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
832,"A sequence of signal that there is acknowledgement signal foreach signal se
nt, and in some case the forward signal continous until an acknowledgement is re
ceived.","Semi-compelled","Full compelled","Non compelled","None of the above","
","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
833,"A sequence of signal where each signal continuous to be sent until an ackno
wledgement is received, which remain on line until the original signal disappear
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
834,"A series of closets connected by slots or short conduit sleeves between flo
ors or open shaft of the building.","Raceway","Service fitting","Riser conduit",

"Riser shaft",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

835,"A series of form paragraphs linked together is a word processing function k
nown as
","Mail merge","Mail link","Paragraph meld",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
836,"A series of recommendations by the CCITT that governs data transmission ove
r telephone circuits:","X series","Y series","Z series","V series",,"Wire & Wire
less Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
837,"A set of rules governing the orderly exchange of data information.","Protoc
ol","CCIR recomendation","CCITT recommendation","FCC recommendation",,"Uncategor
ized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
838,"A seven-bit character can represent one of _______ possibilities.","128","6
4","256","16",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
839,"A shipboard equipment which measures the distance between the ship bottom a
nd the ocean floor.","SONAR","Fathometer","Echosounder","LORAN",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
840,"A shipboard equipment which measures the distance between the ship's bottom
and the ocean floor by sending out ultrasonic pulses via a transducer which are
reflected at the sea bottom and received with the same transducer is","SONAR","
LORAN","Echosounder","Fathometer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
841,"A ship-to-ship communications system is plagued by fading. The best solutio
n seems to be the use of","Frequency diversity","A more directional antenna","A
broadband antenna","Space diversity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
842,"A short length of transmission line used to reduce/eliminate, standing wave
s in the main transmission line","Quarterwave transformer","Stub","Balun","Slot"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
843,"A short sequence of numbers, letters, and special characters that act as a
password allowing a user to access a specific facility, service, feature, or fun
ction of a telecom network, computer system, or secure web site.","Access code",
"Access node","Access lines","Access multiplexer","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
844,"A shorted half-wave line at the operating frequency acts like a(a)","Series
resonant circuit","Parallel resonant circuit","Inductor","Capacitor",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
845,"A shorter quarter-wave line at the operating frequency acts like a(n)","Par
allel resonant circuit","Series resonant circuit","Capacitor","Inductor",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
846,"A signal in one direction that is independent of whether or not a signal is
received in the opposite direction.","Non compelled signal","Semi-compelled sig
nal","Full compelled signal","None of the above","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
22,"A signal is AMplified 100 times in power. The dB gain is:","20dB","19dB","15
dB","25dB",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
848,"A signal occupies space from 1.115 to 1.122 GHz. The
bandwidth is","7 MHz","0.007 MHz","237 MHz","700 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
849,"A signal of approximately 273 Mpbs that is carried on a common carrier's T4
850,"A signal propagated in a waveguide has a full wave ofelectric intensity cha
nge between the two further walls,and no component of the electric field in the
directionof propagation. The mode is","TE 2,0","TE 1,1","TE 1,0","TM 2,2",,"Micr
owave Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
851,"A signal twice the IF away from the desired signal that cause interference
is refered to as a(n)","Image","Ghost","Phantom","Inverted signal",,"Uncategoriz
ed",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

852,"A signaling method in which signaling information relating to a multipilici

ty of circuits is conveyed over a single channel by labelled messages.","Common
channel signaling","Code signaling","Out-slot
","Synchronous",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
853,"A signaling system in which each letter of the alphabet is represented by a
different symbol is not used because","Noise would introduce too many errors","
It would difficult for an operator to memorize","It is redundant","Too many puls
es per letter are required",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
854,"A simple convenient means of adjusting waveguide power level is provided by
what?","Flap attenuator","Slide screw tuner","Slotted line attenuator","Directi
onal coupler attenuator
",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
855,"A simple half-wavelength antenna radiates the strongest signal.","At right
angles to its axis","Parallel to its axis","At 45 degrees to its axis","At 60 de
grees to its axis",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
856,"A single conductor running from the transmitter to the antenna.","Single li
ne wire","RG-8/U","Twin-lead","Microstrip",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
857,"A single LAN specification that operates at 1000 Mbps over fiber and twiste
d-pair cables.","Gigabit ethernet","Fast ethernet","Digital loop carrier","Synch
ronous digital hierarchy","","Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
858,"A single mode optical fiber has a core diameter of ________ nm.","0.01","0.
1","0.2","0.05","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
859,"A single Node domain can handle","10,000 users","100 users
","1,000 users","1 million users",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
85,"A single sideband emission in which the degree of carrier suppression enable
s the carrier to be reconstituted and to be used for demodulation.","Reduced car
rier single sideband emission","Half-carrier single sideband emission","Full-car
rier single sideband emission","Standard single sideband emission",,"Modulation"
,2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
861,"A single sideband suppressed carrier emission type.","J3E","H3E","B8E","R3E
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
862,"A single telephone channel can be used to transmit several telegraph channe
ls by using:","Multiplex terminal","Packet assembler/disassembler","Concentrator
","Diplexer terminal",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William
863,"A situation indicated by an open circuit and no current flow.","On-hook","O
ff-hook","No-hook","Captain hook","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
864,"A small telephone switching that can be used as a LAN is called a","PBX","R
ing","WAN","UART",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
865,"A solution to blind speed problem is
","To vary PRF","To change the Doppler frequency","To use monopulse
","To use MTI",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
866,"A SONET element that multiplex/demultiplex the STS payload.","PTE","STS","L
TE","STE",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
867,"A SONET layer that mainly deals with the transport of bits across the physi
cal medium. Its main function is the conversion between STS signal and OC signal
s","Photonic layer","Section layer","Path layer","Line layer",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
43,"A sound intensity that could cause painful sensation in a human ear.","Thres
hold of pain","Threshold of sense","Hearing threshold","Sensation intensity",,"A
coustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
45,"A sound intensity that could cause painful sensation in the human ear.","Thr

eshold of pain","Threshold of sense","Hearing threshold","Sensation intensity",,

"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
47,"A sound which travels through the air before reaching the partition under co
nsideration is","Air borne","Impact","Structure borne","Flunking transmission",,
"Acoustics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
868,"A source code whose average word length approaches the fundamental limit se
t by the entropy of a discrete memoryless source.","Huffman code","Prefix code",
"Source code","Entropy code",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
869,"A space distance in satellite communication from the earth to or greater th
an 2 million kilometers is referred to as ____.","Deep space","Contour space","S
atellite reach","Coordination space",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
870,"A speaker cabinet has an internal volume of 84,950 cubic cm. It has a port
area on the baffle of 3,230 cu. cm and a baffle thickness of 19 mm. What is the
Helmholtz resonance in Hz of this speaker enclosure?","245 Hz","265 Hz","250 Hz"
,"260 Hz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
871,"A special device circuit connecting two private branch exchange","Tie Trunk
","Private Line","Phantom Line","Tandem Trunk",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
872,"A special snapshot feature is available only on","Cc Mail","Higgins","The N
etwork Courier","The Coordinator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
873,"A spreadsheet feature that allows a user to name a target value and have th
e program calculate the variable value required to reach that goal is known as",
"Goal seeking","Circular reasoning","Target variables","Micro justification",,"U
ncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
874,"A stage in cellular communication where voice channel is assigned to link a
call connection after a mobile or network originated a call","Call Completion",
"Call Drop","Call Connection","Call Termination",,"Wire & Wireless Communication
s",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
875,"A standard for a 200-baud modem for use over the switched telephone network
.","V.21","X.21","X.23","V.23",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
876,"A standard for a modem operating at 2,400/4,800 bps for use in the public s
witched telephone network","V.27ter","X.26bis","X.27bis","V.27bis",,"Digital & D
ata Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
877,"A standard for a modem operating at 4,800 bps over a leased circuit.","V.27
","X.28","V.25","X.25",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William
878,"A standard for a modem operating at 600/1200 bps over the switched telephon
e network.","V.232","X.23","V.25","X.25",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
879,"A standard for fiber optical computer channels and become a generalized sta
ndard for operation of a LAN at 100 Mbit/sec.","FDDI","SONET","ATM","ISDN","","F
iber Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
880,"A standard for modems used in synchronous transmission over circuits in the
group from 60 to 108 kHz.","V.36","X.36","X.41","V.35",,"Digital & Data Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
881,"A standard protocol specifying a CSMA/CD LAN. It was originally based on 10
-Mbps Ethernet but also describes a range of CSMA/CD systems running at speeds f
rom 1 to 10 Mbps.","IEEE 802.3","IEEE 802.2","IEEE 802.1","IEEE 802.4","","Digit
al & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
882,"A standard protocol specifying a token bus LAN. Physically, it uses a linea
r or tree-shaped cable, but logically the stations from a ring and are aware of
the addresses of the neighboring stations.","IEEE 802.4","IEEE 802.3","IEEE 802.
2","IEEE 802.1","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
883,"A standard protocol specifying a token ring LAN at 1,4 or 6 Mbps. It descri
bes a collection of point-to-point links and does not broadcast in the manner of

IEEE 802.3.","IEEE 802.5","IEEE 802.4","IEEE 802.3","IEEE 802.1","","Digital &

Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
884,"A standard technology for synchronous data transmission on optical media.",
"SDH","PDH","SONET","DLC","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
885,"A standard that specifies a protocol for metropolitan area networks' (MAN)
distributed queue dual bus (DQDB).","IEEE 802.6","IEEE 802.5","IEEE 802.3","IEEE
802.1","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
886,"A statistic used in expressing the quality of service of a telephone system
, in which the total operating time in minutes for a period under review is divi
ded by the number of effective calls recorded in the period.","Average operating
time","Average traffic","Average call duration","Average holding time",,"Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
887,"A statistics used in traffic theory and obtained by dividing the total numb
er of minutes of conversation by all calls, by the number of effective calls in
a given period.","Average call duration","Average traffic","Average operating du
rationn","Holding time",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
888,"A storage device in which data are temporarily held during data transmissio
n to compensate for a difference in the rate of flow of information:","Buffer","
Secondary","Register","Memory",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
889,"A superheterodyne receiver with an IF of 450 kHz is tuned to a signal of 12
00 kHz. The image frequency is","2100 kHz","1650 kHz","900 kHz","750 kHz",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
890,"A superjumbo group has ____ voice band channels.","10,800","1,800","3,600",
"9,600",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
49,"A surface which tends to scatter and disperse sound wave.","Convex","Concave
","Parallel","Irregular",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
891,"A switch data communication network which is designed for transferring data
only","Public Data Network","Value Data Network","Packet-Switching Network","Va
lue data Network",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
892,"A switching system that lets a large number of telephone or data processing
subscribers use a lesser number of transmission lines or a narrower bandwidth."
,"Concentrator","Transceiver","Modulator","Mixer",,"Wire & Wireless Communicatio
ns",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
893,"A synchronous data transmission requires a clock","At both ends
","At either end","At the receiver end","At the transmitter end",,"Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
894,"A synchronous modems are used primarily for","High speed digital circuits",
"Full-duplex circuits","Low speed dial-up circuits","Any of the above",,"Digital
& Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
895,"A synchronous transmission usually begins with which
character?","SYN","STX","SOH","ETB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
896,"A system that describes and specifies a digital user interface to a public
communication network.","ISDN","SONET","FDDI","ATM","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
897,"A system when two or more telephone system are connected to a local exchang
e through a single wire pair.","Party line","Conferencing","Group line","Call pa
rty",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
898,"A sytem which supplies TV signals to homes by means of distributed cable ne
twork.","CATV","CCTV","MATV","TV",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
899,"A T-1 digital carrier system has _____ voice channels:","24","4","8","32",,
"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
900,"A T-carrier system that provide short-haul transmission of 24 VB signals an
d has a line rate of 1.544 Mbps.","T1","T4","T1C","T3",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Obje

ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
901,"A technical process to smooth out distortions or aliasing effects created d
uring the process of converting images to digital form.","Antialiasing","Aliasin
g","Quantization","Sampling","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
902,"A technique for using overhead bits to detect transmission errors.","Cyclic
redundancy check","Bit stuffing","Framing","Parity check","","Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
903,"A technique that enables more than one data source to share the use of comm
on facility:","Multiplexing
","Companding","Sharing","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
904,"A technology for delivering digital wireless service using time-division mu
ltiplexing (TDM).","TDMA","WDM","DWDM","ADM",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
905,"A technology used to increased the capacity of a mobile phone system.","Fre
quency re-use","Cell splitting","TDM","FDM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
906,"A technology which multiplexes multiple optiacal carrier signals on a singl
e optical fibre by using different wavelengths(colours) of laser ligth to carry
different signals.","WDM","SDM","PCM","CDM","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
907,"A telecommunication line that is available on a temporary basis only for th
e duration of a communication (synonymous with dial-up line) is called a:","Swit
ched line","Private line","Occasional line","Party line",,"Telecommunications &
ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
908,"A telecommunication line that is leased or otherwise available for full-tim
e use (no other system subscriber can use it) is a:","Private line","Switched li
ne","Carrier line","Cable line",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
909,"A telephone company technology that provides digital service typically in i
ncrements of 64Kb/s channels.","ISDN","POTS","PSTN","ADSL",,"Wire & Wireless Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
910,"A telephone company that provides a digital service typically in increments
of 64 kbps channels.","ISDN","DSL","Analog modems","DLC",,"Wire & Wireless Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
36,"A telephone company's cable entering a building from telephone cable feeder
t the main cross connecting point within the building.","Entrance Cable","Teleph
one Cable","Connecting Cable","Building Cable","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
911,"A telephone network architecture that separates service logic from switchin
g equipment, making it possible to add new services without having to redesign s
witches to support those new services.","Advance Intelligent Network","Switch","
Router","Brouter","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
912,"A telephone switch is an example of ___ switching.","Circuit","Message","Pa
cket","Virtual circuit",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William
86,"A telephone system using TDM and PCM is called","T-1","RS-232","Bell 212","P
ABX",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
914,"A television broadcast is an example of ____________ transmission.","Simple
x","Half-duplex","Full duplex","Full/full duplex",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
23,"A ten times power change in a transmission system is equal","10 dB","100 dB"
,"100 dB","1 dB",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
916,"A tension member having one end secured to fixed object and the other attac
hed to the pole,","Guy wire","Lashing rire","Strand wire","Helical wire","","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
917,"A term for a conventional land telephone line which is attached to the loca
l telephone exchange by a pair of twsited copper wires.","Telephone wire","Telep

hone connector","FRA","Fixed wire",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objecti

ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
918,"A term for a numerical ratio that relates the performance of one antenna to
that of another real or theoretical antenna.","Antenna gain","Conversion gain",
"Effective radiated power","Peak envelope power",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
919,"A term referring to type of satellite orbit in which the period (time requi
red for one revolution) of the orbit is the same as that of the earth.","Synchro
nous orbit","Asynchronous orbit","Prograde orbit","Retrograde orbit",,"Satellite
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
920,"A term that refers to a relatively small, compact computer software applica
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
38,"A term used in wireless telegraphy and telephony to counter irregular distur
bing radiation due to various causes, which is produced by arc transmitter causi
ng a rushing sound in receiving telephones.","Mush","Jitter","Flutter","Echo",""
,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
921,"A term used to describe a complex scheme for sensing silent periods between
the speech burst in a channel and filling them with speech burst with other cha
nnels.","Speech interpolation","Speech modulation","Speech division","Speech mod
ification",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
922,"A term used to describe a sequence of signal wherein one direction is indep
endent of whether or not a signal is received in the opposite direction.","Non-c
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
923,"A term used to describe an individual who has enough knowledge about teleph
one system operation to access the system by generation of generally used signal
s.","Phone-phreak","Phone-analyzer","Phone-master","Phone-wizard",,"Wire & Wirel
ess Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
924,"A term used to described an event of falsely operating the signaling equipm
ent with speech energy.","Talk down","Cross-talk","Interference","Cross interfer
ence",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
925,"A term which is subjective but dependent mainly on frequency and also affec
ted by intensity.","Pitch","Timbre","Quality","Frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
926,"A test instrument which consist of a frequency-swept receiver that provides
a visual display of AMplitude versus frequency of a signal on a cathode ray tub
e.","Spectrum analyzer","Oscilloscope","Frequency meter
","Current meter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
40,"A test method used to compare two audio systems by switching inputs so that
both or same recording is heard in rapid succession over one given system to the
other.","AB Test","A Test","B Test","Equipment Test","","Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
927,"A theoretical antenna in free space which transmits and recieves with the s
ame signal strength in all directions:","Isotropic antenna","Directional antenna
","Flat-plate antenna","None of the above",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Q
928,"A third symbol emission which represent television.","F","C","D","A","If yo
u watch TELEVISION you will ""F""ail the exam.","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
929,"A third symbol radio emission which represent telephone transmission includ
ing sound broadcasting.","E","F","C","W",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
930,"A time based on long term observation of the annual revolution of the earth
around the sun.","Ephemeris","Atomic","Universal","Greenwich",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
931,"A toroid is a
","Coil holder","Type of inductor

","Magnetic core",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

932,"A touch-tone telephone generates how many different tones?","8 audible tone
frequencies","10 audio-frequency tones","4 VHF signals","16 audio-frequency ton
es","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
933,"A transistor AM receiver circuit that serves as both the %local oscillator
and mixer is called:","A superheterodyne converter","A squelch circuit","A refle
x amplifier","An AGC amplifier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
934,"A transmission facility connecting points 1 and 2 which is either permanent
or temporary, normally voice grade facility provided by a public network provid
iam Quiming","NONAME",
935,"A transmission line consisting of two conductors that have equal resistance
per unit length.","Balanced line","Unbalanced line","Coaxial line","Open-wire l
ine",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
936,"A transmission line is made of # 10 wire spaced 12 inches between centers.
Determine the characteristic impedance of the line, if the wire has a diameter o
f 0.102 in.","655 ohms","600 ohms","300 ohms","200 ohms",,"Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
937,"A transmission line with a characteristic impedance Zo of 300 ohms is termi
nated in a resistive load RL if by measuring the minimum and maximum voltage thr
ough the load are 12.0mV and 20.0mV respectively what is SWR?","1.67","0.60","6.
70","0.30",,"Transmission Fundamentals",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
938,"A transmission line with a characteristics impedance of 450 ohms is termina
ted in a purely resistive load. It is found by measurement that the minumim valu
e of voltage upon it is 67.5 uV, and D max. is 9 uV. What is the value of load ?
","375 or 540 ohms","200 or 450 ohms","385 or 540 ohms","250 or 500 ohms",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
939,"A transmission path capable of transmitting signals in both directionssimult
aneously.","Full-Duplex","Half Duplex","Simplex","Full/Full Duplex",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
940,"A transmission path capable of transmitting signals in both directions, but
only inone direction at a time.","Half Duplex","Full Duplex","Full/Full Duplex",
"Simplex",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
941,"A transmission system for a multidrop network.","Polling","CSMA/CD","Token
passing","CSMA/CA",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
942,"A transmission system using a 5 unit start-stop code with a 1.5 unit stop e
lement and transmitting at 60 bauds is equivalent to a transmission speed of","8
0 wpm","75 wpm","100 wpm","110 wpm",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
943,"A transmit channel has a frequency of 837.6 MHz. The receive channel freque
ncy is","882.6 MHz","729.6 MHz","837.6 MHz","867.6 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
944,"A transmit channel has frequency of 825.03 MHz. The received channel freque
ncy is","870.03 MHz","880.03 MHz","860.03 MHz","869.03 MHz","*","Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
945,"A transmit channel has frequency of 873.6 MHz. The received channel frequen
cy is","882.6 MHz","729.6 MHz","847.6 MHz","877 .9 MHz","**","Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
946,"A transmitter operating at 30 MHz with 4 W output is connected via 10 m of
RG-8A/u cable to an antenna that has an input resistance of 300 . Find the reflec
tion coefficient ?","0.71","0.77","0.97","0.76",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,
"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
947,"A travelling-wave tube (TWT) amplifies by virtue of","The absorption of ene
rgy by the signal from an electron stream","The effect of an external magnetic f
ield","The energy contained the cavity resonator","The energy liberated from the
collector",,"Microwave Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME

948,"A tree topology is a variation of __________ topology.","Star","Mesh","Ring

","Bus",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
949,"A triple conversion superheterodyne receiver, diode mixer stages are","Oper
ated in the nonlinear region","Operated in the linear region","Operated as Class
-A amplifiers","Operated as Class-B amplifiers","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
950,"A trunk is","A telephone line connecting two central offices","A base of a
communications tower","A line connecting one telephone set to a PABX
","None of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
951,"A tuned circuit is resonant at 4 MHz. Its Q is 100. The bandwidth is","40 k
Hz","4 kHz","400 kHz","400 Hz",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
952,"A tunnel diode is loosely coupled to its cavity in order to","Increase freq
uency stability","Increase the available negative resistance","Facilitates tunin
g","Allow operation at the highest frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
953,"A TV antenna receives a signal mesured at 200 mV & is immediately amplifed
by a pre-amp with a 15 dB gain.This amplified signal then passes through a coaxi
al cable 3 dB loss, what is the resulting input to the TV set, in dBmV?","-1.98
V","1.98","13.98","-13.98",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
954,"A two wire transmission line consisting of Gauge No.14 wire (64 mils) is he
ld 2 inches apart center to center. When operated at 9 Mhz determine the charact
eristics impedance of the transmission line.","495.7 ohms","300 ohms","600 ohms"
,"897.5 ohms",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
955,"A two wire transmission line consisting of Gauge No.14 wire (64 mils) is he
ld 2 inches apart center to center.When operated at 9MHz determine the attenuati
on, in dB/100 ft of the transmission line.","0.082","0.820","0.028","0.200",,"Wi
re & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
956,"A two-wire circuit is","Usually in the subscriber loop, bet. the tel.set &
C.O.","A circuit having only two terminals","A circuit w/one input & one output
terminals & common ground
","None of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
957,"A two-wire transmission line consists of No.12 wire AWG ( 81 mils). The dis
tance between the wire centers is 10 in. What is the characteristic impedance of
the line?","660 ohms","650 ohms","600 ohms","300 ohms",,"Wire & Wireless Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
42,"A type of a transmission line that is composed of two twisted pair wire","Qu
ads","Wave Guide","Twin Lead","Coaxial Cable","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
958,"A type of an ungrounded antenna is a/an ____ antenna.","Hertz antenna","Iso
tropic antenna","Parabolic antenna","Marconi antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
959,"A type of array antenna which basically consists of one half-wave driven di
pole. one reflector and one director.","Yagi-Uda","Broadside Collinear","Hertzia
n dipole","Log periodic Dipole Array",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
960,"A type of array antenna which consists of one half-wave driven dipole, one
reflector and one director.","Yagi-Uda","Hertzian dipole","Broadside collinear",
"Log-periodic dipole array",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
44,"A type of computer that does not exist.","Parallel in, parallel out","Serial
in, parallel out","Serial in, serial out","All of the above","","Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
961,"A type of distortion a facsimile produce when it becomes out of synchroniza
tion","Skewing","Pin Cushion","Barrel","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

962,"A type of fiber whereby lightway rays take many path between the sources an
d the receiver","Multimode","Monomode","Single mode","None of the above",,"Fiber
Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
963,"A type of frame in ESCON I/O interface to control the device operations.","
Device-level frame","Link-level frame","Link- and device-level frame","None of t
he choices","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
964,"A type of frame in ESCON I/O interface to control the link and the associat
ed elements.","Link-level frame","Device-level frame","Link- and device -level f
rame","None of the choices","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
965,"A type of ISDN that can utilize 64 kb/s copper links primarily on a switche
d services basis.","Narrowband ISDN","Wideband ISDN","Broadband ISDN","Sideband
ISDN","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
966,"A type of ISDN that is a cell based packet switching system.","Broadband","
Sideband","Narrowband","Wideband","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
967,"A type of ISDN where a user is able to access a wider synchronous data chan
nel utilizing several 64 kbps copper links.","Wideband","Broadband","Sideband","
Narrowband","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
968,"A type of laser that uses a mixture of helium and neon enclosed in a glass
tube.","Gas laser","Liquid laser
","Solid laser","Semiconductor laser",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
969,"A type of line encoding that produces a strong timing component for clock r
ecovery and does not cause dc wandering.","Manchester code","UPNRZ","BPRZ-AMI","
UPRZ","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
970,"A type of mic in which its operation is dependent on the movement of air pa
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
971,"A type of microwave radio repeater that provides drops and inserts is:","Ba
seband","IF Heterodyne","RF Heterodyne","All of the above",,"Microwave Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
87,"A type of modulation technique that conveys audio information from one rotat
ion to another by varying the carrier frequency at the audio rate.","Frequency M
odulation","Phase modulation (PM)","Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)","Ampl
itude modulation (AM)",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
88,"A type of modulation used in telecommunications where the modulating signal
varies the duration of the transmitter pulse.","Pulse width modulation","Amplitu
de modulation","Frequency modulation","Pulse height modulation",,"Modulation",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1013,"A_______ signaling is signaling information for a group of speech circuits
is transmitted over a separate link, signals share a common transmission channe
l separate from speech signal","Common Channel Signaling","Common Signaling Chan
nel","Channel Associated Signaling","Channel Party Line",,"Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
89,"Absense of one of the following components in a parametric amplifier renders
this circuit a low-noise amplifier.","Resistance","More circuit stages","Capaci
tance","Modulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1015,"According to ACT 3486, the maximum penalty for a person who commits two of
fenses are","4000 fine and 4 years imprisonment","1000 fine and 1 year imprisonm
ent","2000 fine and 2 years imprisonment
","None of the above",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Q
1016,"According to Act 3486, the maximum penalty for a person who commits two of
fenses are:","P 2000 fine and 2 years imprisonment","P 1000 fine and 1 year impr
isonment","P 4000 fine and 4 years imprisonment","None of the above",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1017,"According to Bell System Standards, the most prevalent frequencies used fo
r out-of-band signaling is","3700 Hz","3825 Hz","3450 Hz","3650 Hz",,"Wire & Wir
eless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

1018,"According to CCITT Recommendation, the most prevalent frequency for out-of

-band signaling is _______ Hz.","3825 Hz","3500 Hz","3800 Hz","3700 Hz",,"Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1019,"According to FCC, the cellular system blocking probability must be _____",
"0.02","0.03","0.01","0.05",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1020,"According to Shannon, the limits for information capacity of 2.7 KHz chann
el bandwidth having a signal to noise ratio of 1000 (30 db) is equal to about","
26.9 kbps","30 kbps","20.9 kbps","None of the above",,"Digital & Data Communicat
ions",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1021,"According to usage, a cable which branch out from the main feeder plant to
serve individual houses, buildings and customer locations is called ___________
___.","Distribution cable","Entrance cable","Feeder cable","Riser cable","","Wir
e & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1022,"Actual engagement or seizure of a circuit, switch, or other traffic channe
l.","Call","Traffic","Busy hour","Attempts","","Wire & Wireless Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1023,"ADF systems provide the pilot with","A continuous bearing indication","Air
traffic control information","Blind landing approach signal","Hyberbolic naviga
tion lines",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1024,"ADSL is the most popular form of xDSL technology. ADSL stands for","Asymme
tric Digital Subscriber Line","Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line","Asymmetric
Digital Switch Line","Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Loop",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1025,"After a target has been acwuired, the best scanning system for tracking is
m Quiming","NONAME",
1026,"After the IF stages have been aligned, the next stage to aign in the FM re
ceiver is","Local oscillator
","Limiter stage","RF amplifier
","Mixer stage",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1027,"Agreed upon in advance between sender and receiver.","Codes","Bits","Chara
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
1028,"All airtime classifications shall be submitted to and subject for approval
by the","KBP-SA","NTC","DOTC","CCITT",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
1029,"All devices in the network derive their timing signal directly or indirect
ly from the same primary reference clock.","Isochronous","Plesiochronous","Synch
ronous","Mesochronous","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1030,"All earth stations transmit within the same frequency band and, for all pr
actical purposes, have no limitation on when they may transmit or on which carri
er frequency.","CDMA","FDMA","TDMA","WDMA",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1031,"All elements in a beam ________ antennas are in a line.","Collinear","Yagi
","Broadside","Log-periodic",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1032,"All the countries below has the country code 7 except for","Turkey","Kazak
hstan","Aruba","Russia",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1033,"All the following are true for VF repeater except","Also called the negati
ve-impedance repeater","VF repeaters in telephony imply the use of mid-direction
al amplifiers on VF trunks","Repeaters are installed at each end of the trunk ci
rcuit to simplify maintainance and power feeding","Precision-balancing networks
are required",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1034,"Allows a subscriber to receive another call while still engaged in a call/
allows a subscriber to put one call on hold while taking incoming call or makin

g an outgoing call.","Call Waiting","Call Transfer","Call Forwarding","Call Barr

ing",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","comm_ob
1035,"Allows continuous synchronization of the time of day for multiple processo
rs in a data center.","Sysplex Timer unit","ESCON","System timer","Period",,"Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1036,"Allows even the most paranoid network manager to sleep well at nights beca
use of the flexibility and redundancy that it gives.","Mesh topology","Star topo
logy","Linear bus topology","Ring topology","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
1037,"Almost synchronous, because bits are stuffed into the frames as padding an
d the calls location varies slightly-jitters- from frame to frame.","Plesiochron
","William Quiming","NONAME",
90,"AM and FM are examples of _________ encoding","Analog-to-analog","Analog-todigital","Digital-to-analog","Digital-to-digital",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
1039,"AM transmission power increases with ______.","Modulation","Frequency","So
urce","Load",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1040,"Amomg the visible light rays of blue, green, yellow and orange, which has
the longest wavelength?","Orange","Blue","Yellow","Green",,"Fiber Optics",1,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
91,"Amplitude modulation can be produced by","Having the carrier vary a resistan
ce","Having the modulating signal cary a capacitance","Varying the carrier frequ
ency","Varying the gain of an amplifier",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Q
92,"Amplitude modulation generated at a very low voltage or power amplitude is k
nown as","Low-level modulation","High-level modulation","Collector modulation","
Minimum modulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
93,"Amplitude modulation is the process of","Superimposing a low frequency on a
high frequency","Superimposing a high frequency on a low frequency","Carrier int
erruption","Frequency shift and phase shift",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1044,"Amplitude modulators that vary the carrier amplitude with modulating signa
l by passing it through an attenuator work on the principle of","Variable resist
William Quiming","NONAME",
94,"AMPS uses what type of modulation for radio transmission.","Frequency modula
tion","Amplitude modulation","Phase modulation","None of the choices","","Modula
tion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
95,"An 891 kHz carrier having an amplitude of 80V is modulated by a 4.5 kHz audi
o signal having an amplitude of 45V. The modulation factor is","0.56","0.65","1.
78","1.25",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1047,"An 8-bit transfer protocol that uses a 128-byte data block and CRC or chec
ksum error checking:","Z modem","X modem","Y modem","V modem",,"Uncategorized",1
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1048,"An acoustic coupler is","A device that converts electric signals into audi
o signals","A device that radiates audible signals via an antenna","A device tha
t receives audible signals and retransmit them","None of the above",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1049,"An acoustic waves and electrical signals made up of only a single tone, li
ke asingle note on a piano.","Frequency","Voice frequency","Supervisory signal","
None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1050,"An advantage of optic fiber rejecting an induced noise signals from magnet
ic field of solar storms flux.","Immunity to noise","Electric hazard","Crosstalk
","Shielding",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1051,"An advantage of RC coupling scheme is ___.","Economy","Good impedance matc
hing","High efficiency
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"

1052,"An AFC is used to correct for","Frequency drift in the local oscillator","

Instability of the IF amplifier","Strong input signals","Audio distortion",,"Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1053,"An algorithm which is implemented by using a fast clock, that allows trans
mission of indication bits and stuff bits.","Stuffing","Framing","Grooming","Pac
ket switching","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1054,"An alternative method used by T2 carrier by ensuring that sample transitio
n occur in the data.","B6ZS","B3ZS","B8ZS","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
96,"An alternative way of digitizing analog signals.","Delta Modulation","Pulse
Code Modulation","Pulse Position Modulation","Pulse Amplitude Modulation",,"Modu
lation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
97,"An AM broadcasting station is rated at 5 kW. If the received signals vary as
the square root of the radiated power, then how much gain, in dB, would be appa
rent to nearby listernerif the broadcasting station doubled its power.","1.5","6
","2.5","3",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
98,"An AM receiver uses a diode detector for demodulation. This enables it satis
factorily to receive","Single-sideband, full-carrier","Single-sideband, reducedcarrier","Single-sideband, suppressed-carrier","LSB",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
99,"An AM signal has a carrier power of 5 W. The percentage of modulation is 80
%. The total power in the sidebands is","1.6 W","0.8 W","3.2 W","4.0 W",,"Modula
tion",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1059,"An AM signal with a maximum modulating frequency of 4.5 kHz has a total ba
ndwidth of","9 kHz","4.5 kHz","6.75 kHz","18 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
1060,"An AM signal without the carrier is called a(n)","DSB","SSB","VSB","FM sig
nal",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
100,"An AM transmitter current is measured with no modulation and found to be 2.
6 amperes. With modulation, the current rises to 2.9 amperes. The percentage of
modulation is","70 %","35 %","42 %","89 %",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
101,"An AM transmitter current is measured with no modulation found to be 2.6 A.
With modulation, the current rises to 2.9 A. If the antenna resistance is 75 oh
ms, what is the carrier power?","507 W","631 W","195 W","792 W",,"Modulation",0,
,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
102,"An AM transmitter current is measured with no modulation found to be 2.6 A.
With modulation, the current rises to 2.9 A. The percentage of modulation is","
70 %","35 %","42 %","89 %",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming",
103,"An AM transmitter has a percentage modulation of 88. The carrier power is 4
40 W. The power on one sideband is","85 W","110 W","170 W","610 W",,"Modulation"
,0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
104,"An AMplifier circuit used to eliminate AMplitude modulation and AMplitude-m
odulated noise from received FM signals before detection","Amplitude limiter","P
","De-emphasis","Ration detector",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
105,"An amplifier takes a signal that has an input S/N of 1250:1 and the output
signal power is 25 with noise power of 0.06 W, what is the noise figure in dB?",
"4.77 dB","2.9992 dB","32.62 dB","29.21 dB",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","
William Quiming","NONAME",
1067,"An analog channel is a one-way transmission which is provided of audio pai
rs or analogous transmission systems:","Analog channel","Television channel
","Video channel","Digital channel",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",1,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1068,"An analog companding technique established by CCITT.","A-law companding","
U-Law","Digital companding","Log PCM codes",,"Digital & Data Communications",2,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1069,"An analog mobile telephone system which was designed for UK using 900 MHz

frequency band.","TACS","IMTS","CDMA","GSM",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,

,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1070,"An antenna has a 15 dB gain and is fed by a transmitter with 2 kW output t
ransmission line losses are 0.6 dB. What is the ERP of the peak main beam of the
antenna.","47.41 dBw","47.41 dBm","47.41 dB","47.41 dBK",,"Antennas",0,,"Proble
m Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1071,"An antenna has a power gain of 15. The power applied to the antenna is 32
W. The effective radiated power is","480 W","32 W","15 W","120 W",,"Antennas",0,
,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1072,"An antenna that is circularly polarized is the","Helical","Small circular
loop","Parabolic reflector","Yagi-Uda",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
46,"An antenna that receives television signal only.","TVRO","Yagi-Uda","Parabol
oid","Discone","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1073,"An antenna that transmits or receives equally well in all directions is sa
id to be","Omnidirectional","Bidirectional","Unidirectional","Quasidirectional",
,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1074,"An antenna which has a power gain of 30 dB would mean it could increase th
at output of the transmitter by:","1,000 times","10,000 times","100 times","1 mi
llion times",,"Antennas",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1075,"An antenna which has an omnidirectional radiation pattern is the","Vertica
l whip antenna","Dipole antenna","Long-wire antenna","Yagi antenna",,"Antennas",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1076,"An antenna which has an omnidirectional radiation pattern.","Vertical whip
antenna","Long wire antenna","Dipole antenna","Yagi antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1077,"An antenna which is not resonant at a particular frequency and so can be u
sed over a wide band of frequencies is called","Aperiodic","Boresight
","Top-loaded",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1078,"An antenna which is one-tenth wavelength long.","Elementary doublet","Hert
zian dipole","Loop antenna","Marconi antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
1079,"An antenna which is used very frequently but almost entirely as a receptio
n antenna and is usually found on the back of
ac-dc radios.","Loop antenna","Folded antenna","Rhombic antenna","Turnstile ante
nna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1080,"An antenna with unity gain.","Isotropic","Half-wave dipole","Rhombic","Whi
p",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1081,"An antenna with very high gain and very narrow beamwidth.","Parabolic dish
antenna","Helical antenna","Discone antenna","Horn antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1082,"An application of Doppler radar maybe","All of the above","As rate of clim
b meter for vertical take off planes","Speed measured in aircraft navigation","A
s speed meters of traffic policemen",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",1,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1083,"An area directly above a radio range station where practically no signal i
s heard is known as the","Cone of silence","Yellow area","Inverted cone","On-cou
rse",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1084,"An area on the surface of the earth within which the boresight of the stee
rable satellite beam intended to be pointed.","Effective boresight area","Equiva
lent boresight area","Coordination boresight area","Contour boresight area",,"Sa
tellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1085,"An assembly comprising of an encoder and a decoder in the same equipment."
,"ADC","Compander","DAC","Codec","ADC means Analog-Digital Converter","Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1086,"An AT&T FDM hierarchy having 3600 voice band channels.","Jumbo group","Mas
ter group","Basic group","Superjumbo group",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
51,"An audio frequency is said to be within :","20 Hz to 20,000 Hz","400 Hz to 4

0,000 Hz","100 Hz to 10,000 Hz","None of the above",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective",

"William Quiming","NONAME",
106,"An avergae power from the radio transmitter supplied to the antenna transmi
ssion line taken during one radio frequency cycle under no modulation.","Carrier
power","Rated power","Peak envelop power","Mean power",,"Modulation",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1088,"An E-1 system has ______ digital voice channels","24","30","32","8","E1 to
tal channels is 32 with 2 channels for control and 30 for voice.","Digital & Dat
a Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1089,"An early scheme for radio-based navigation , which uses the angle between
the ship/aircraft and two transmitters at known sites in firing position","Trian
gulation","Dead reckoning","Navigation by pilotage","Deduced calculation",,"Navi
gational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1090,"An earth satellite whose period of revolution is equal to period of rotati
on of the earth about its axis.","Geosynchronous","Steerable","Passive","Active"
,,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1091,"An educational FM station has an effective radiated power (ERP) of","10 W"
,"10 kW","10 mW","10 MW",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1092,"An effecient method for breaking down and handling high-volume traffic in
a network.","Packet switching","Framing","Circuit switching","Bit stuffing","","
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1093,"An effect that occurs in the ear where the louder sound can reduce or even
stop the nerve voltage generated by a
weaker sound.","Masking","Piezoelectric effect
","Skin effect","Lasing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1094,"An efficient light source for optical communication system.","ILD","LED","
PIN","APD",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
48,"An electric field that is rotating","Circularly Polarized","Vertically Polar
ized","Horizontally Polarized","Inclined Polarized","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1095,"An electromagnetic wave consist of:","Both electric and magnetic field","A
n electric field only","A magnetic field only","Non-magnetic field only",,"Radia
tion & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1096,"An electromagnetic wave consists of","Both electric and magnetic field","A
n electric field only","A magnetic field only","Non-magnetic field",,"Radiation
& Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1097,"An electromagnetic wave in free space is subjected to:","Attenuation","Ref
raction","Reflection","Absorption",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
1098,"An electromagnetic wave is ___ polarized when the electric field lies whol
y in one plane containing the direction of propagation.","Linearly","Circularly"
,"Horizontally","Vertically",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
1099,"An electronic equipment used to measure SWR.","Reflectometer","Wavemeter",
"Altimeter","Multimeter",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William
1100,"An element of the SDH hierarchy.","STM","DS","OC","STS","","Digital & Data
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1101,"An enhanced telephone feature in which the call is automatically transferr
ed to another phone number if the previous is busy.","Station-Hunting","Call Wai
ting","Call Pick up","CLASS",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
1102,"An enhanced telephone feature in which the call is transferred to another
phone number by dialing the desired number","Call Pick-Up","Call Waiting","Stati
on Hunting","CLASS",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1103,"An entity providing transmission and switching of telecommunications servi
ces, primarily but not limited to voice to voice, in a geographic area anywhere

in the country.","Value-added service operator","Public toll calling operator","

Franchise","Local exchange operator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1104,"An entity relying on the transmission switching and local distribu- tion f
acilities of local exchange and inter-exchange operators and","Overseas carriers
offers enhanced services beyong those ordinarily","Provided by such carriers.",
"Value-added service provider","International carrier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1105,"An equation which defines the composition of an ISDN basic access line is"
,"2B + D","B + D","B + 2D","2B + 2D",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1106,"An equipment that may be used to correct attenuation and envelope delay di
stortion.","Equalizer","Amplifier","Line build out (LBO)","PAD",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1107,"An equivalent (or fictitious) earth radius is equal to","K x 4,000 miles",
"8,000 miles","4,000 miles","K x 52,800 miles",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
1108,"An example of an unbounded medium is:","All of the above
","Coaxial cable","Waveguide","Fiber optic cable",,"Transmission Fundamentals",1
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
107,"An FDM modulation technique for transmitting large amounts of digital data
over a radio wave.","OFDM","DSLAM","DWDM","ADM",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1110,"An FM demodulator that uses a diferential amplifier and convert frequency
variations into voltage variations is the","Diferrential peak detector","Quadrat
ure detector","Foster-Seeley discriminator","Phase-locked loop",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1111,"An FM discriminator that uses a differential amplifier and convert frequen
cy variations into voltage variations is the","Differential peak detector","Quad
rature detector","Foster-Seely discriminator","Phase-Locked Loop",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1112,"An FM receive signal ___________.","Vary in frequency with modulation","Va
ry in amplitude with modulation","Vary in amplitude and frequency with wideband
modulation","Is not immune to noise",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1113,"An FM transmitter has a 9-Mhz crystal carrier oscillator and frequency mul
tiplier of 2, 3 and 4. The output frequency is","216 MHz","54 MHz","108 MHz","28
8 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1132,"An interfering signal frequency equal to the received signal plus twice th
e IF is called","Image frequency","Center frequency","Rest frequency","Interfere
nce frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1133,"An intergovernmental organization established in 1979 to serve the maritim
e industry by developing satellite communications for ship management and distre
ss and safety applications.","Inmarsat","Inmosat","Intelsat","None of the above"
,"","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1134,"An international organization concern with devising and preparing /proposi
ng recommendation for international telecommunications.","Consultative Committee
International Telegraph and Telephone(CCITT)","National Telecom Commission(NTC)
","Japan International Standard(JIS)","International Electronics Commission(IEC)
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1135,"An international standard for high speed telecommunication over optical/el
ectrical networks which can transport digital signals in variable capacities.","
SDH","PDH","DSL","DLC","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1136,"An international standard for packet network access.","X.25","X.75","RS 232","RS - 422",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1137,"An international transmission control code that is returned by a receiving
terminal to a transmitting terminal to acknowledge that a frame of information
has been correctly received.
","Acknowledge","Acknowledgement indicator","Acknowledgement signal","NACK",,"Un

categorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1138,"An ISDN service that provides 23 64-Kbps B (Bearer) channels and one 64-Kb
ps D (Data) channel (23 B and D).","Primary Rate Interface","ISDN Rate Interface
","Secondary Rate Interface","Bearer to Data Interface",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1139,"An isotropic antenna has a gain of","1","10","100","0",,"Antennas",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1140,"An Italian scientist who designed the first transmitter and receiver of a
telephone set.","Antonio Meucci","Philip Reis","Alexander Graham Bell","Almon St
rowger","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
1141,"An ITU-T ""umbrella"" of standards for Packet-based multimedia communicati
ons systems, this standard defines the different multimedia entities that make u
p a multimedia system - Endpoints, Gateways, Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCUs
), and Gatekeepers","H.323","H.245","H.225","H.300",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1142,"An NE602 mixer IC has a difference output of 10.7 MHz. The input is 146.8
MHz. The local oscillator frequency is","157.7 MHz","101.9 MHz","125.4 MHz","131
.6 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1143,"An object farther from a converging lens than it focal point always has a/
an","Inverted","The same size","Virtual","Smaller size",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1144,"An object farther from a conveying lens than its focal point always has a/
an ___________ image.","Virtual","Inverted","The same in size","Smaller","","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1145,"An object nearer to a converging lens than its focal point always has a/an
_______ image.","Virtual","Inverted","The same in size","Smaller",,"Uncategoriz
ed",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
108,"An open-wire, two-wire transmission line is to be connected to a dipole ant
enna through a quarterwave matching stub. At a frequency of 10 MHz, compute the
length of the dipole.","15 m","20 m","7.5 m","25 m",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem So
lving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1147,"An optical technology used to increase bandwidth over existing fiber optic
backbones.","WDM","TDMA","DWDM","ADM",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Q
50,"An orbit of satellite that travels opposite the rotation of the earth","Retr
ograde","Posigrade","Downward","Upward","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1148,"An organization that specifies telecommunications standards for ANSI.","EC
SA","CCITT","CEPT","ITU","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
1149,"An oscilloscope that can display hue phase angles is called a
","Vectorscope","Spectrum analyzer","DMM","Tuner subber",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
109,"An SSB generator has a sideband filer centered at 3 MHz. The modulating sig
nal is 3 kHz. To produce both the upper and lower sidebands, the following carri
er frequencies must be produced","2997 and 3003 kHz","2.7 and 3.3 MHz","3.3 and
3.6 MHz","3000 and 3003 kHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
1190,"As frequency increases the period __________.","Decreases","Increases","Is
unaffected","Doubles","Frequency is inversely proportional to the period.","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1191,"As measured by the fall of potential method, the ground resistance of any
point in the grounding system shall not be
greater than:","5 ohms","10 ohms","4 ohms","2.5 ohms",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1192,"As protection against lightnings, lightning rods should be mounted atop st
ructures not less than ___ above highest point of the structure.","30 cm","1 m",
"10 cm","2 m",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1193,"As the bit rate of an FSK signal increases, the bandwidth ___________","In

creases","Decreases","Remains the same","Is halved",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objecti

ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1194,"As the data packet moves from the lower to the upper layers, headers are _
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1195,"As the data packets moves from the upper to the lower layers, headers are
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1196,"As the electron beam moves through a klystron's intercavity drift space","
VM at the input cavity creates DM at the output cavity","FM at the input cavity
creates VM at the output cavity","DM at the input cavity creates VM at the outpu
t cavity","PM at the input cavity creates VM at the output cavity","VM - velocit
y modulation DM - density modulation","Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
1197,"As the height of a satellite orbit gets lower, the speed of the satellite
__________.","Increases","Decreases","Remains the same","None of the above","","
Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1198,"Asia Sat 1 covers how many countries in Asia?","38","100","45","30","**","
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1199,"ASK, PSK and QAM are examples of ______ encoding.","Digital-to-analog","Di
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
110,"Assume a frequency range of 401.000 MHz to 401.050 MHz, if you apply 25 kHz
channelling plan, determine the center frequency of the first channel from the
lower limit.","401.0125 MHz","401.025 MHz","401.00625 MHz","401.010 MHz",,"Modul
ation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
111,"Assuming a UHF frequency range of 405.0125 MHz to 405.0875 MHz at 25 kHz ch
anneling plan, how many channels can you produce?","3","2","4","2.5",,"Modulatio
n",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1202,"Asymetrical compression is used by whuch application.","CD-ROM","Tape disk
","Vinyl records","All of the above","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
1203,"Asynchronous protocol is","Character oriented","Message oriented","Clock o
riented","Bit oriented",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1204,"Asynchronous transmission:","Is less efficient than synchronous, but simpl
er","Is much faster than synchronous transmission","Is another name for isochron
ous transmission","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Q
112,"At 100% modulation the sum of the effective voltages in both sidebands is e
qual to ____% of the unmodulated carrier voltage.","71","50","100","25",,"Modula
tion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
113,"At 100% modulation, the ratio of modulated power to unmodulated power is
","None of the above","Two times
","Four times
","Eight times",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
24,"At 17 degree C, the noise voltage generated by 5-kilohm resistor operating o
ver a bandwidth of 20 kHz is","1.3 microvolts","1.3 nV","1.3 pV","1.3 mV",,"Nois
e",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1208,"At a distance of 50 km, 100 W microwave radio transmitter is used to link
to another microwave radio receiver. The received signal should be equal to -80
dBm at the frequency of 6 GHz. Determine the first Fresnel zone at the midpoint
of the path.","82 ft","85 ft","78 ft","72 ft",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Pr
oblem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1209,"At a frequency of 10 GHz, the path loss at 10 miles is about","136.6 dB","
96.6 dB","163 dB","94.6 dB",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",1,,"Problem Solving"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
1210,"At a very high frequencies, transmission lines are used as","Tuned circuit
s","Antennas","Insulators","Resistors",,"Transmission Fundamentals",1,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",

1211,"At any distant in time, the current through the earpiece of a telephone re
presents:","Air pressure making up part of a sound wave","A complete sound wave"
,"Milliamps of current","Digital Information",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1212,"At even fresnel zone radius, the microwave system has a ______.","Loss","G
ain","No Gain and No Loss","None of the above",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1213,"At radio frequencies, the _____ is much larger than the
resistance.","Inductive reactance
","Admittance","Capacitive reactance
","Susceptance",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1214,"At radio frequencies, the characteristic impedance of a wireless transmiss
ion line is given by the formula:","Zo = square root of (L/C)","Zo = (R/G)^0.5",
"Zo = (RG)^0.5","Zo = (LC)^0.5",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
1215,"At what apogee in an elliptical orbit must a geosynchronous satellite be i
nitially stationed before it is finally fixed into its final geostationary?","22
,300 miles","50,000 miles","45,000 miles","None of the above",,"Satellite Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1216,"At what distance is VHF propagation normally limited?","Around 500 miles",
"Around 1500 miles","Around 1000 miles","Around 2000 miles",,"Radiation & Wave P
ropagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
52,"At what position does a maritime ship main antenna have, when it is open cir
culated and that any auxiliary antenna is/are connected to the main receiver?","
Direction Finder","AA","Ground","Emergency Transmitter","","Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1217,"At what position is the input signal inserted into a travelling-wave tube?
","At the cathode end of the helix","At the collector","At the collector end of
the helix","At the control grid of the electron gun",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1218,"At what power level does a 1 kHz tone cause zero interference (144 weighte
d)?","-90 dBm","-90 dB","90 dBm","90 dBm",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1219,"At what speed do electromagnetic waves travel in free space?","Approx. 300
million meters per second","Approx. 468 million meters per second","Approx. 186
300 feet per second","Approx. 300 miles per second",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1220,"Atmospheric condition is controlled by","All of the above","Humidity","Pre
","Temperature",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
25,"Atmospheric noise becomes less severe at frequencies","Above 30 MHz","Below
30 MHz","Above 3000 kHz","Below 3000 kHz",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
26,"Atmospheric noise is known as ______ noise.","Static","Cosmic","Solar","Luna
r",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1223,"Automated inventory programs are a part of","Configuration management","Se
curity management","Performance management","Accounting management",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1224,"Automatic Gain Controls permit a wide range of signal amplitude to be acco
mmodated by controlling the gain of the","IF amplifier","RF amplifier","Mixer","
AF amplifier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1225,"Automatic gain controls permits a wide range of signal amplitude to be acc
omodated by controlling the gain of the","IF amp","RF amp","Mixer","AF amp",,"Un
categorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
114,"Average power of a radio transmitter supplied to the antenna transmission l
ine by a transmitter during one radio frequency cycle taken under the condition
of no modulation.","Carrier power","Rated power","Peak envelop power","Mean powe
r",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1227,"AWG #26 has a typical loss of","0.51 dB/1000 ft.","0.21 dB/1000 ft.","0.32

dB/1000 ft.","0.41 dB/1000 ft.",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","Wi

lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1228,"B7 Zero Code Suppression is a technique which","Provides a clear channel t
ransmission capability","Allows data to flow on a digital line","Ensures each by
te has at least one mark bit","Is the latest clear channel encoding technique by
Bell Lab.",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
27,"Background noise is the same as the following except","Impulse noise","White
noise","Thermal noise","Gaussian noise",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
115,"Balanced modulator used to demodulate a SSB signal is called","Product dete
","Transponder","Converter","Modulator",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1231,"Band of light wavelengths that are too long to be seen by the human eye, e
ar and brain.","Infrared","Visible
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
1232,"Band of light wavelengths that are too short to be seen by the human eye.
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
1233,"Band of light wavelengths that human eye respond to","Visible","White ligh
t","Infrared","Ultraviolet",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
1234,"Band of light wavelengths that human eye responds to:","Visible","Infrared
","Blue","Ultraviolet",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1235,"Baseband communication means signal transmission","without modulation","wi
th modulation","with frequency translation","without frequency translation",,"Un
categorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1236,"Based upon experienced gained from ARPANET which of the following applicat
ions is suitable for packet switching?","Electronic mail","Industrial process co
ntrol","Military quick response command and control","Remote terminal access to
mainframe programs",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1237,"Based upon experienced gained from ARPANET, which of the following applica
tions is suitable for packet switching.","Electronic mail","Industrial process c
ontrol","Military quick response command and control","Remote terminal access to
mainframe programs",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1238,"Basic line rate of T3 carrier system","44.736 Mbps","274.176 Mbps","3.152
Mbps","2.048 Mbps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
1239,"Before information can be transmitted it must be transformed into ________
___.","Electromagnetic signals","Periodic signal","Aperiodic signals","Low-frequ
ency sine waves",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1240,"Below the normal glide slope angle which is 3 deg. the signal is modulated
by","150 Hz","50 Hz
","90 & 50 Hz","90 Hz",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",2,,"Objective","William
1241,"Bend loss is :","A form of increase attenuation caused by bends from fiber
s","An intermittent decrease of transmitter power","A decrease of signal strengt
h at the receiver","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
1242,"Best choice of transmission line component to couple a coaxial line to a p
arallel wire line.","Balun","Shorting","Slotted line","Directional coupler",,"Wi
re & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1243,"Best choice of transmission line component to couple a coaxial to a parall
el-wire line.","Balun","Slotted line","Directional coupler","Shorting capacitanc
e",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1244,"Best describe a dip meter.","A variable LC oscillator with metered feedbac

k current","An SWR meter","A counter","A field strength meter",,"Telecommunicati

ons & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1245,"Best described as an amplifier used in radio telephony.","Class C","Class
A","Class B","Magnifier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1246,"Best description of a collinear and broadside antenna radiation pattern.",
"Bidirectional","Unidirectional","Omnidirectional","Perfect circle",,"Antennas",
1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1247,"Best reason for pressurizing waveguides with dry air.","To reduce the poss
ibility of internal arcing","To maintain propagation","To maintain temperature o
f the waveguide","To increase the speed of propagation",,"Microwave Communicatio
ns",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1248,"Between two quantizers, the quality of one with the lower SQR will be:","L
ower","Higher","The same","Not measurable",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1249,"Between two quantizers, the quality of the one with the lower SQR will be"
,"Lower","Higher","The same","Not measurable",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
1250,"Bias for a class C amplifier produced by an input RC network
is known as
","Signal bias","Self-bias","Fixed external bias","Threshold bias",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1251,"Billing in which each subscriber line is eqipped with a meter with a stepp
ing motor at the local exchange where call are counted on a time basis.","Bulk b
illing","Detailed billing","Card billing","Internet billing","","Wire & Wireless
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1252,"Binary codes are sometimes transformed in modems into:","Gray code
","Huffman codes
","Hexadecimal","Complementary codes",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
116,"Binary FSK is a form of narrownband frequency modulation so its minimum ban
dwidth is dependent on","Modulation index","The input bit rate","The carrier fre
quency deviation","All of the above",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
1254,"Bit errors in data transmission are usually caused by","Noise","Equipment
failure","Typing mistakes","Poor S/N ratio at the receiver",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1255,"Bit rate is defined as","The rate of change at the input of the modulator.
","The rate of change at the output of the modulator.","The reciprocal of the ti
me of one output signaling element","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1256,"Blanking pulses are used to","Cut off picture tube during retrace","Displa
y information during retrace","Ensure synchronization","Ensure power interlacing
",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1257,"Blocked calls condition delay condition specified delay probability.","Erl
ang C","Erlang B","Erlang A","Poisson",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
117,"Both FM and PM are the types of what kind of modulation?","Angle","Amplitud
e","Duty cycle","Phase",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
118,"Both FM And PM are types of what kind of modulation ?","Angle","Amplitude",
","Duty cycle",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
119,"Both frequency and phase modulation utilize ____ modulation.","Angle","Phas
e","AM and FM","Digital",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
120,"Both frequency and phase modulation utilize _____ modulation.","Angle","Dig
ital","AM and FM","Phase",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
121,"Both frequency and phase modulation utilize ______ modulation.","Angle","Ph
ase","Amplitude","Digital",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM

122,"Both phase and frequency modulation are grouped under the title","Angle mod
ulation","Pulse modulation","Delta modulationn","Amplitude modulation",,"Modulat
ion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1264,"Brightness variations of the picture information are in which signal?","Y"
,"I","Q","R-Y",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1265,"Broadcast period fron midnight to local sunrise:","Experimental","Daytime"
","Broadcast day",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1266,"Buffer switch to reduce number of trunks.","Concentrator","Codec","4 port
coupler","Any of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
1267,"Buffering is","The process of temporarily storing data to allow small vari
ations in device speeds","A method of reducing the severity of communication hea
daches.","Storage of data within the modem until the receiver is ready to receiv
e.","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
53,"By definition, for a sine wave.","0 dBm = 0 VU","0 dBw = 0 VU","0 dBa = 0 VU
","0 dBf = 0 VU",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1268,"By leasing computer time, the resources of a mainframe computer are used b
y various users with terminals and modems at different times of day. This concep
t is called
","Timesharing","Batch processing","Remote processing","Distributed processing",
,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1269,"By leasing computer time, the resources of a mainframe computer are used b
y various users with terminals and modems at different times of the day. This co
ncept is called","Time sharing","Batch processing","Remote processing","Distribu
ted processing",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1270,"Cable plant are categorized according to the following except for","Accord
ing to length","Acording to gauge","According to insulation","According to size"
,"","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1271,"Calculate the angle for an antenna using a polar mount at latitude of 65.",
"6.50","5.25","6.45","7.50","***","Antennas",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming",
1272,"Calculate the average time to dial the number 288-3827 through decadic pul
sing.","3.8 sec","5.6 sec","6.9 sec","4.2 sec",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Problem Solv
ing","William Quiming","NONAME",
1273,"Calculate the effective earth's radius if the surface refractivity is 301.
","8,493 km","8,493 nmi","6,370 km","6,370 mi",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Problem Solv
ing","William Quiming","NONAME",
1274,"Calculate the freespace loss between a satellite transmitter and a satelli
te receiver at a disrance of 25,000 km using 6 GHz.","196 dB","103.6 dB","102 dB
","96.4 dB",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1275,"Calculate the gain of a 3 m paraboloid reflector used at 2 GHz.","2400","2
500","2300","2200",,"Antennas",1,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1276,"Calculate the length of the path to a geostationary satellite from an eart
h station where the angle of elevation is 30","39.19 x 10^3 km","37.84 x 103 km",
"36.85 x103 km","52.85 x 103 km",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Problem Solving
","William Quiming","NONAME",
1277,"Calculate the total traffic in CCS handled by the telephone line.","16 CSS
","10 CCS","36 CCS","20 CCS",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Problem Solvi
ng","William Quiming","NONAME",
1278,"Calculate the traffic intensity in erlang when calling per hour is 1200 an
d the average holding time per call is 75 seconds.","25 erlang","250 erlang","25
00 erlang","2.5 erlang","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Problem Solving"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
1279,"Calculate the VNL of a trunk circuit which involves 2000 KM of microwave r
elay circuits with an average velocity propagation of 299 x 10e6 m/s.","1.71 dB"

,"0.4 dB","1.34 dB","0.91 dB",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","

William Quiming","NONAME",
1280,"Call concentration is defined as","The ratio of busy hour day calls","The
number of calls per unit time","Any effort on the source of the traffic source",
"Any actual engagement or seizure of a circuit, switch or other traffic channel"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1281,"Camera signal output without sync is called","Non-composite video","Black
burst","Generator lock video","composite video",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1282,"Canada's domsat is called Anik. Anik means ""_________________"".","Little
Brother","Fruits of labor","Lightning","Little Guardian","","Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1283,"Cause a herringbone pattern in facsimile","Crosstalk","Single-frequency in
terference","Phase jitter","Noise","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1284,"C-band satellite systems utilize the direct line of sight microwave radio
transmission. They operate in the ___ GHz frequency band.","4 to 6","6 to 8","11
to 13","21 to 30",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
1285,"CCIS stands for","Common Channel Interoffice Signaling","Common Channel In
tertandem Signaling","Common Channel Intertrunk Signaling","Common Channel Inter
face Signaling",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1286,"CCIT V.10 is
","Electrical Characteristics for Unbalanced Serial Interface (equivalent to EIA
RS-443)","Functions of DTE/DCE interface lines","Electrical Characteristics com
patible with RS-232C","Electrical Characteristics for balanced serial interface
(equivalent to EIA RS 422)",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
1287,"CCITT ___ Recommendations provides specifications for Message Handling Sst
ems.","X.75","E.164","X.121","X.400",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1288,"CCITT Recommendation No. ___ is the specification for packet switching ove
r two networks.","X.75","E.164","X.121","X.400",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1289,"CCITT's supermastergroup has how many voice band channels?","900","600","1
800","10800",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1308,"China has the internet code of","CH","C","CN","None of the above",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1309,"Circuit that performs the inverse mapping and delivers to the user destina
tion a reproduction of the original digital source output.","Source coding","Cha
nnel coding","Inverse coding","Demodulation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1310,"Circuit used to amplify the optical signal in fiber optics communication l
ink.","Optical repeater","Optical amplifier","Generator","Attenuator",,"Fiber Op
tics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
123,"Class C amplifiers is not used in which type of transmitter?","SSB","AM","C
W","FM",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
124,"Class C amplifiers is not used in which type of transmitters?","SSB","AM","
CW","FM",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1313,"CMOS stands for","Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor","Conventional M
etal Oxide Silicon","Covered Metal On Silicon","None of the above",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1314,"Coarse Wavelength division multiplexing systems were designed for","Short
to medium haul networks","Medium to large haul networks","Small to medium haul n
etworks","Large haul networks only","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
1315,"Coaxial cable has conductors with:
","A common axis","The same diameter","Equal resistance
","None of these",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

1316,"Coaxial Cable is not a widely used for long microwave transmission lines b
ecause of its","High Loss","High Cost","Excessive radiation
","Large size",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
1317,"Coaxial lines are used on thoase system operating _______.","Below 2 GHz",
"At 300 MHz","Above 10 kHz","Above 10 GHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1318,"Codecs usually encode the signal by","Sampling it and using successive bin
ary approximations","Folding the signal over and encoding it","Sampling it and o
utputting the amplitude of the sample","Reverse encode",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1319,"CODECS usually encode the signal by:","Sampling it and using binary approx
imations to encode","Sampling it outputing the amplitude of the sample","Dolding
the signalovera nd encoding it","Comparing analog waveforms to obtain the close
st match",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1320,"Codecs usually encode the:","Sampling it and using successive binary appro
ximations to encode","Folding the signal over and encoding it","Sampling it and
outputting the amplitude of the sample","Comparing analog waveforms to obtain th
e closest match",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1321,"Codes used by AMPS system that are transmitted on speech channels.","SAT c
odes","Cluster codes","Speech codes","Cell codes","","Wire & Wireless Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1322,"Collector current in class C amplifier is a","Pulse","Sine wave","Half sin
e wave
","Square wave",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1323,"Collects very weak signals from a broadcast satellite.","Satellite dish","
Helical antenna","LNA","TWT",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William
1324,"Co-located VOR and TACAN station is called","VORTAC","VOR/TACAN","VOR/DME"
,"TACVOR",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
125,"Combination of modulator, channel and detector.","Discrete channel","Transc
eiver","T/R channel","Transponder",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
126,"Combination of modulator, channel, and detector.","Discrete channel","Tranc
eiver","Transponder","T/R channel","","Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quimi
1327,"Combine optical signals with different wavelength.","Multiplexers","WDM ro
uters","WDM coupler","Demultiplexers",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1328,"Commercial load for radio shall not exceed __ minutes for one-hour program
outside Metro Manila.","17","15","16","20",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1329,"Commercial load for radio shall not exceed _____ minutes for one hour prog
ram in Metro Manila.","15","20","25","30",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
1330,"Common application of satellite.","Communications","Surveillance","Reconna
issance","Defense systems",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
1331,"Common Channel Signaling is signaling which","All signaling for a number o
f voice paths are carried over one common channel instead of within each individ
ual.","Signaling tones are transmitted within the speech band","Signaling techni
que that makes use of one or more ac tones which lie within the pass band transm
ission just outside the voice band.","None of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1332,"Communication is the process of","Exchanging Information","Keeping in touc
h","Broadcasting","Entertainment by Electronics",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
1333,"Communications between a keyboard and a computer involves _____________.",
"Simplex","Half-duplex","Full duplex","Full/full duplex",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",

1334,"Communications by electrical or electromagnetic means, usually (but not ne

cessarily) over a distance is called:","Telecommunications","Source sending","AT
M","Data configuration",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1335,"Communications protocols always have a :","Set of symbols","Start of text"
,"Special Flag symbol","BCC",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
1336,"Company that posts pages on the World Wide Web is an example of a(n)
","Internet content provider","User","Web caster","Internet service provider",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1337,"Compared with equivalent transmission lines, 3-GHz waveguides (indicate fa
lse statement).","Are less bulky","Can carry higher powers","Have lower attenuat
ion","None of the above",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
1338,"Comparing the signal strength arriving at the driven element from the desi
red direction to the signal strength reaching the driven element from the opposi
te direction is called,","Front-to-back ratio","Bandwidth","Gain","Frequency res
ponse",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1339,"Comparing the signal strength arriving at the driven element from the desi
red direction to the signal strength reaching the driver from the opposite direc
tion.","Front-to-back ratio","Beamwidth","Sensitivity","Directivity",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1340,"Component of cell site that is used to handle the call process between the
switch and the mobile unit via set-up channel.","Controller","Transceiver","Ant
enna","Switch","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
1341,"Comprises of either a single L600 supergroup or up to three U600 mastergro
up.","Radio channel","Voiceband channel","Baseband channel","Composite baseband"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1342,"Computer viruses can be found in all but
","Video cards","RAM","Partition table","Boot sectors",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1343,"Concert pitch is defined as a pure tone of 440 Hz with reference to 1000 H
z, state this in intervals.","2.27:1","1.44:1","1.183:1","2.571:1",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1344,"Conductors in a multielement antennas that do not receive energy directly
from the transmission line are known as","Parasitic element","Driven element","T
he boom","Receptors",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
28,"Considered as the main source of internal noise.","Thermal agitation","Devic
e imperfection","Temperature change","Flicker",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William
1346,"Considered as the unsolved problem in satellite system.","Privacy","Covera
ge","Cost","Access",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1347,"Contention in a computer network indicates
","None of the above","Ready to transmit","Start of transmission","End of transm
ission",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1348,"Contention in a computer network indicates :","Ready to transmit","End of
transmission","Start of transmission","Ready to end session",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1349,"Continuous voice or video signal are referred to as being","Analog","Baseb
and","Digital","Continuous waves",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
1350,"Control information (other than handshaking) in X.21 is mostly sent throug
h the ____ pins.","Data","Timing","Control","Ground",,"Digital & Data Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1351,"Conventional trasmission media include","All of the above","Microwave wave
guide","Fiber optic cable","Twisted pair cable",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
55,"Counter pitch is defined as a pure tone of 440 Hz with reference to 1000 Hz,

state this in octaves is","1","1.44:1","2.571:1","2.27:1",,"Acoustics",1,,"Obje

ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1352,"Coupling into and out of a travelling-wave tube can be accompanied by a","
All of these","Waveguide match","Cavity match","Direct coax-helix match",,"Micro
wave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1353,"Covering a weaker sound with a stronger sound when each has a different fr
equency and both vibrate simultaneously is referred to as:","Masking","Equalizin
g","Balancing","Tuning",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1354,"CPE credit units required to renew a professional license.","60","90","105
","75",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1355,"Critical angle of incidence is the _______ angle of incidence of which the
light ray may strike the interface of two media and result at an angle of refra
ction of 90 degree greater.","Minimum","Maximum","Actual","None of the above",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
127,"Cross modulation on a receiver is eliminated at the","Detector stage","RF s
tage","Mixer stage","IF stage",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
1357,"Crosstalk coupling is ___________________.","Signals from one circuit that
gets into another circuit","The difference between the reading on a cable pair
with a tone and a cable pair without tone read at the far end of a cable","DBm (
disturbing pair) minus dBm (disturbed pair)","All of the above",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1358,"CSMA/CD stands for:","Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detecti
on","Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Designation","Cold Sense Multi
ple Access with Collision Detection","Col Sense Multiple Access with Collision D
etermination","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1359,"CWDM stands for:","Coarse wavelength division multiplexing","Clown wavelen
gth division multiplexing","Crowd wavelength division multiplexing","Conical wav
elength divion mutiplexing","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
128,"CWDM system allows","4 to 8 wavelengths per fiber","4 to 12 wavelengths per
fiber","2 to 4 wavelengths per fiber","8 and more wavelengths per fiber","","Mo
dulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1361,"CWDM system have channels at wavelengths spaced","20 nm apart","30 nm apar
t","40 nm apart","50 nm apart","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
129,"CWDM system have channels spacing of","0.4 nm","0.5 nm","0.6 nm","0.3 nm","
","Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1363,"Cylindrical cavity resonators are not used with klystrons because they hav
e","Harmonically related frequencies","A Q that is too low","A shape whose reson
ant frquency is too difficult to calculate","Too heavy losses",,"Microwave Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1364,"Data are sent over pin ________ of the EIA-232 interface.","2","3","4","An
y of these",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
1365,"Data communications refers to the transmission of
","Computer data","Voice","Video
","All of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Qu
1366,"Data compression is a technique that removes redundancy in transmitted bit
patterns to reducetransmission rates by 20% to 200%.","Data Compression","Bit St
ealing","Bit Stuffing","Data Acquisition",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1367,"Data is directly on the transmission cable.","Baseband","Broadband","Asunc
hronous","Synchronous",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1368,"Data Link Layer of OSI has the function.
","Frame Formatting for transmitting data across a physical communications link.

","Encoding Language Used in Transmission","Job Management Tracking","Data Track

ing as it moves through a network
Data Tracking as it moves through a network
Data Tracking as it moves through a network
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1369,"Data means","Digital information","Both digital and analog","Analog inform
ation","Neither digital nor analog",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1370,"Data sent by a D2 channel banks are at ________ million bits
per second.","1.544","2.048","44736","1000",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1371,"Data transfer of STM-16.","2.5 Gbps","3.5 Gbps","155.52 Gbps","622 Mbps",,
"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1372,"Data transmission of one character at a time with start and/stop bits is k
now as what type of transmission?
","Synchronous","Parallel",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
29,"dBa is decibels adjusted and has a reference of","10^-11.5 W","10^-15 W","10
^-12 W","10^-11 W",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1374,"Deals with the connection of terminals to modems, including automatic call
ing operations for switched circuits on synchronous PDNs.","X.21","X.23","V.21",
"V.23",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1375,"Decreasing co-channel interference while increasing capacity by using dire
ctional antennas is called ______.","Cell splitting","Dualization","Segmentation
","Sectoring",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1376,"Decreasing the input frequency to a locked PLL will cause the VCO output t
o","Decrease","Increase","Remians constant","Jump to the free-running frequency"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1377,"Decryption and encryption of data are the responsibility of the _______lay
er.","Presentation","Session","Transport","Data link",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1378,"Defined as "" a network, in general evolving from a telephony integrated d
igital network, that provides end-to-end digital connectivity to support a wide r
ange of services, including voice and non-voice.","Integrated Services Digital Ne
twork (ISDN)","Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line (RADSL)","Symmetric Digital
Subscriber Line (SDSL)","Very High Bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL)",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1379,"Defined as a momentary on-hook condition that causes loop making and break
ing from the telephone set dialer toward thecentral office.","Dial pulsing","Cal
","Terminating","Loop pulsing",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
130,"Defined as modulation where the angle of a sine wave carrier is varied from
its reference value.","Angle modulation","Frequency modulation","Phase modulati
on","Amplitude modulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1381,"Defined as the maximum value of loop resistance to which the resistance de
sign method is applicable.","Resistance design limit","Uniguage design limity","
Transmission limit design","Long route design limit",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1382,"Defined as the number of horizontal lines that can be resolved.","Vertical
","Resolution","Horizontal resolution","Circular resolution",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1383,"Defined as the ratio of the power density in a particular direction of one
antenna to the power density that would be radiated by an isotropic antenna","D
irective gain","Antenna gain

","Power gain",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1384,"Defined as the time taken for the density of sound energy in the room to d
rop to one millionth of its initial value.","Reverberation time","Transit time
","Decaying time
","Response time",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1385,"Defines a three layer logical hierarchy that specifies where things belong
, how they fit together and what functions go where.","Cisco","PDU","TCP/IP","OS
I",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1386,"Defines classes of service for international PDN users:","X.1","V.1","X.8"
,"V.8",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1387,"Defines packet assembly and disassembly.","X.3","V.5","V.3","X.5",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1388,"Defines that the data communications code known as International Alphabet
No.5.","V.3","X.4","V.6","X.5",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
1389,"Defines the interface between DTE and DCE for synchronous operation on PDN
s, including an extension for terminals designed to interface to the V series mo
dems for synchronous
operation.","X.21","X.23","X.25","X.24",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1390,"Defines the interface requirements for a non-intelligent start-stop mode t
erminal accessing the packet assembly and disassembly facility in a PDN.","X.28"
,"V.28","V.39","X.296",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1391,"Defines the structure of signals to represent the International Alphabet N
o. 5 for data transmission over public telephone networks.","V.4","V.9","X.19","
X.7",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
1392,"Deliberate violations of alternate mark inversion are used in which type o
f digital-to-digital encoding.","HDB3","Manchester","AMI","RZ",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
131,"Delta modulation is a/an","1-bit PCM system","Integral PCM system","5-bit P
CM system
","Form of PDM",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1394,"Demultiplexing by a time division multiplexer occurs based upon","The posi
tion of data within a time","The position of frame within a group of frames","Th
e activity of a connected device","The priority assigned to a connected device",
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1395,"Demultiplexing by a time division multiplexer occurs based upon :","The po
sition of data within a frame","The position of a frame within a group of frames
","The activity of a connected device","The priority assigned to a connected dev
ice",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1396,"Deployment amd operation of communication satellites on a commercial basis
began with the founding of the Communications Satellites Corporation(COMSAT) in
what year?","1963","1964","1965","1966","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1397,"Deposition of dopants on fiber preforms is done by :","All of the above","
Outside vapor deposition","Axial vapor deposition","Inside vapor deposition",,"F
iber Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1398,"Descending pass for satellite means a pass from","North to South","South t
o North","East to West","West to East","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1399,"Descending path for a satellite means a pass from _________________.","Nor
th to South","South to North","East to West","West to East","","Satellite Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1400,"Describe the modulating signal in a communications system.","Baseband","Gu
ardband","Bandwidth","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
1401,"Designates the sensation of low or high in the sense of the base and trebl

am Quiming","NONAME",
1402,"Designating or pertaining to a mode of operation on the equipment concerne
d, by which information can be transmitted in both directions simultaneously bet
ween two points.
","Half-duplex",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1403,"Designed to receive a signal from a transmitting station on the ground and
retransmit it to a receiving station lca located elsewhere","Communications sat
","Relay station
","Transponder",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1404,"Determine from the following band of frequency that falls under the VHF ba
nd of radio spectrum.","235.5 MHz","144.5 GHz","345.0 MHz","450.0 MHz",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1405,"Determine from the following radio frequency that falls under the Very Hig
h Frequency (VHF) band of the radio spectrum.","235.50 MHz","144.50 MHz","345.00
MHz","450.00 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1406,"Determine from the following the basic mode of transmission system in the
public data network in which data are transferred from the source to the network
and from the network to the destination in the frame format.","Packet mode","Vo
ice mode","Async mode","Sync mode",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
1407,"Determine from the following the common use of DSB in broadcast and teleco
mmunication.","FM/TV stereo","Two-way communications","Telephone systems","Satel
lite communications",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1408,"Determine the co-channel reuse ratio for a cell radius of 0.5 miles separa
ted from the nearest co-channel by distance of 4 miles.","8","4.5","2","3.5",,"W
ire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1409,"Determine the dB gain of a receiving antenna which delivers a V signal to a
transmission line over that of an antenna that delivers a 20 V signal uner ident
ical circumstances.","6 dB","3 dB","10 dB","8 dB",,"Antennas",0,,"Problem Solvin
g","William Quiming","NONAME",
1410,"Determine the effective radiated power of 20 kW TV broadcast transmitter w
hose antenna has a field gain of 2.","80 kW","40 kW","8 kW","4 kW",,"Radiation &
Wave Propagation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1411,"Determine the gain of a 6 ft. parabolic dish operating at 1800 MHz.","28.1
7 dB","30.00 dB","11.20 dB","15.50 dB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
1412,"Determine the lower half-power frequency of a Class-C amplifier having upp
er half-power frequency of 10.025 MHz, a resonant frequency 5 MHz and a circuit
Q of 10.","4.75 MHz","1.0025 MHz","10.525 MHz","0.50 MHz","BW = fr/Q = 5 MHz/10
= 0.5 MHz;;; f1 = 5 MHz - 0.5MHz/2 = 4.75 MHz","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1413,"Determine the maximum pulse repetition frequency of a radar that can be us
ed if it is desired to have a range of 160 km.","938.4 Hz","938.4 MHz","938.4 kH
z","938.4 GHz",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
132,"Determine the modulation index of a standard FM broadcast having a hypothet
ical maximum carrier frequency deviation of +/-12 kHz and a maximum modulating f
requency of 4 kHz.","3","9","6","4",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
1415,"Determine the receive carrier frequency for AMPS channel 991","824.09 and
869.09 MHz","825.09 and 870.09 MHz","826.09 and 871.09 MHz","823.09 and 868.09 M
Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1416,"Determine the total channel capacity for a cellular telephone area compris
ed of 10 clusters with seven cells in each cluster and 10 channels in each cell"
,"700 Channels","70 Channels","10 Channels","100 Channels",,"Wire & Wireless Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

1417,"Determine the transmit and receive carrier frequencies for AMPS channel 3"
,"825. 09 and 870.09 MHz","828.09 and 873.09 MHz","826 and 871 MHz","825.09 and
780.09 MHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
1418,"Determine the wavelength in Angstroms for the light frequency 322 THz.","9
317","7139","9731","7391",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
1419,"Develop the first laser.","Theodore MAiman","Charles Townes","Gordon McKen
zie","Albert Einstein","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1420,"Developed the first instrument that transmitted music over a wire.","Phili
pp Reis
","Graham Bell","Antonio Meucci","Samuel Morse",,"Wire & Wireless Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1421,"Developed the first laser.","Theodore Maiman","Charles Townes","Gordon McK
enzie","Albert Einstein",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1422,"Device that radiates electromagnetic energy and/or intercept electromagnet
ic radiation.","Antenna","Transceiver","Transmitter","Transmission line",,"Anten
nas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1423,"Devices that separate a wavelength from a fiber cable and reroute it on a
different fiber going in a different direction.","Add/drop multiplexer/demuldepl
exers","WDM routers","WDM coupler","Multiplexers",,"Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
1424,"Dialog control is a function of the __________ layer.","Session","Presenta
tion","Application layer","Transport",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
1425,"Different groupings in the electromagnetic spectrum.","Band","Bandwidth","
Channel","Group",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1426,"Diffraction of electromagnetic waves","May occur around the edge of a shar
p obstacle","Will occur when the waves pass through a large slot","Arises only w
ith spherical wavefronts","Is caused by reflections from the ground",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1427,"Digital biphase is a popular type of line encoding that produces a strong
timing component for clock recovery and does not cause dc wandering. Another nam
e for digital biphase is ______.","Manchester code","Maiman code","Miller code",
"Mauchley code",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
133,"Digital modulation technique used in modems.","PSK","ASK","FSK","MSK",,"Mod
ulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1429,"Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) provides high speed Internet access using re
gular telephone lines. It has the ability to move data over the phone lines at s
peeds up to ______.","6 Mbps","56 kbps","64 kbps","64 Mbps",,"Wire & Wireless Co
mmunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1430,"Digital switching concepts that can handle more channels.","TMS","TDM","TS
I","SDS",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1431,"Digital transmission and signaling is useful because:","All of the above",
"Signaling is easier","It can provide a lower signal-to-noise ratio","Digital lo
gic circuits are cheaper than analog",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1432,"Digital transmission and signalling are useful because","All of the above"
,"Signalling is easier","It can provide a lower signal-to-noise ratio","Digital
logic circuits are cheaper than analog",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1433,"Digital transmission would basically require","2-wire circuit","4-wire cir
cuit","Simplex circuit","Any of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1434,"Digits are added is group or words.","Added Channel Framing","Added Digit
Framing","Statistical framing","Unique Line Code Framing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1435,"Direct machine to machine transmission over long distances without modems

is not practical because","A dc path that will handle data in pulse form does no
t exist","Copper wires does not transmit dc efficiently","Data comes from the co
mputer in the form of tones not pulses
","None of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
1436,"Direct signals of a particular wavelength to a specific destination while
not separating all the wavelenght present on the cable.","WDM routers","WDM coup
ler","Add/drop multiplexer/demuldeplexers","Multiplexers",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1437,"Direct waves of very high frequency:","Are affected by changes in density"
,"Are refracted less than direct waves of low frequeny","Have a transmission ran
ge taht can be extended greatly","Lag behind earth-reflected waves",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1438,"Disadvantage of microwave tube:","Expensive","High power","Limited lifelin
e","Bulky",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
134,"DWDM stands for:","Dense wavelength division multiplexing","Dual wavelength
division multiplexing","Directional wavelength division multiplexing","Dim wave
length division multiplexing","","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
1457,"DWDM system allows","8 and more wavelengths per fiber","4 to 8 wavelengths
per fiber","2 to 4 wavelengths per fiber","Less than eight wavelengths per fibe
r","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1458,"E5 has data transfer rate of
","565 Mbps","34 Mbps","140 Mbps","8 Mbps",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1459,"Each Cell site contains","Repeater","Control computer","Direct link to a b
ranch exchange","Touch tone processor",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1460,"Each cell site contains a","Repeater","Control computer","Direct link to a
branch exchange","Touch-tone processor","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1461,"Each earth station s transmission was assigned specific uplink and downlin
k frequency bands within an allocated satellite channel bandwidth.","FDMA","CDMA
","TDMA","WDMA",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
1462,"Each Iridium satellite's period of revolution is ____ minutes, so that a g
iven satellite is in view about 9 minutes.","100","105","95","90","","Satellite
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1463,"Each signal in an FDM system","Modulates a subcarrier","Modulates the fina
l carrier","Is mixed with all others before modulation","Serves as subcarrier",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1464,"Early Bird is the other name of _______.","Intelsat I","Telstar II","Synch
om II","Synchom I",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1465,"Earth station uses what type of antenna?","Cassegrain antenna","Torodial a
ntenna","Helical antenna","Despun antenna","","Antennas",0,,"Objective","William
1466,"Echo compression must be used when the round trip propagation in a circuit
already exceed:","50 ms","100 ms","75 ms","200 ms",,"Radiation & Wave Propagati
on",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
57,"Echo is","A wave w/c has been reflected or otherwise returned","A signal of
the same magnitude but 180 degrees out of phase 7","The signal having a higher f
requency than the original
","None of the above",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1467,"ECSA stands for","Error Correction Service Association","Electronic Commun
ication Standard Association","Exchange Carrier Standard Architecture","Enhanced
Carrier Serial Architecture",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
1468,"Effective earth radius to true earth radius ratio.","K factor","Index of r

efraction","Fresnel zone","Path profile",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia

m Quiming","NONAME",
1469,"Effectivity of the Executive Order 109.","July 15, 1993","June 15, 1993","
August 15, 1993","September 15, 1993",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
1470,"EIA's recommendation for serial communication interface port.","RS-232","R
S-445","Centronix","Parallel port",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
1471,"EIRP is the actual power radiated by the antenna multiplied by _____ of th
e antenna.
","Power gain
","Directivity","Voltage gain","Current gain",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1472,"EIRP stands for","Effective Isotropic Radiated Power","Effective Isotropic
Refracted Power","Efficient and Ideal Radiated Power","Effective Isotropic refl
ected Power",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1473,"Electric field that lies to a plane parallel to the earth's surface?","Hor
izontal polarization","Vertical polarization","Circular polarization","Elliptica
l polarization",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1474,"Electric that lies in a plane perpendicular to the earth's surface.","Vert
ical polarization","Horizontal polarization","Circular polarization","Elliptical
polarization",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
1475,"Electromagnetic radiation theory was profounded by","James Clerk Maxwell",
"Sir Isaac Newton","Michael Faraday","Sir Edward Appleton",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
54,"Electromagnetic wave consist of","Both electric and magnetic fields","An ele
ctric field only","A magnetic field only","Non-magnetic field only","","Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1476,"Electromagnetic wave produced primarily by heat are called","Infrared rays
","Shortwaves","X-rays",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1477,"Electromagnetic waves are refracted when they","Pass into a medium of diff
erent dielectric constants","Are polarized at right angles to the direction of p
ropagation","Encounter a perfectly conducting surface","Pass through a small slo
t in conducting plane",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1478,"Electromagnetic waves of frequencies arbitrarily lower than 3,000 GHz prop
agated in space without artificial guide.","Hertzian waves","Mobile","Terrestria
l waves","Space waves",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1479,"Electromagnetic waves of frequency arbitrarily lower that 3 THz propagated
in space without artificial guide.","Hertzian waves","Mobile","Terrestial waves
","Space waves",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
56,"Electromagnetic waves travel at ______ in free space.","162 000 n-mile/s","1
40 000 n-mile/s","186 000 n-mile/s","300 000 n-mile/s","","Radiation & Wave Prop
agation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1480,"Electromgnetic waves travel at ____ in free space.","300,000 km/sec","200
km/sec","400,000 km/sec","186,000 km/sec",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1481,"Electronic device used to convert signal to parallel data is the","Registe
m Quiming","NONAME",
1482,"Electronics communication was discovered in which century?
","Eighteenth","Twentieth",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO

135,"Emission on a frequency/ies immediately outside the necessary bandwidth whi

ch result from the modulation process except spurious emission.","Out of then ba
nd","Interference","Noise","Radiation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Qui
1484,"Emphasizing low-level signals and compressing higher level signal is calle
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
1485,"Enables more efficient utilization of the transmission capabilities of opt
ical fibers by permitting different wavelengths to be combined and separated.","
WDM coupler","WDM routers","Add/drop multiplexer/demuldeplexers","Multiplexers",
,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1486,"Envelope detection is concerned with the process of","Rectification","Hete
rodyning","Modulation","Mixing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1487,"Equalizing pulses in TV are sent during","Vertical blanking","Horizontal b
lanking","The serrations","The horizontal retrace",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
1488,"Equation used to determine the number of Hamming bits in the Hamming code.
","2^n >= m + n + 1","2^n <= m + n + 1","2^n > m + n + 1","2^n < m + n + 1",,"Di
gital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1489,"Equivalent of 1 erlang.","36 CCS","30 CM","36 EBHC","60 CCS","","Wire & Wi
reless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1490,"Equivalent rate of STM-1.","155 Mbps","622 Mbps","2 Mbps","51.84 Mbps","",
"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1491,"Equivalent rate of STM-4.","622 Mbps","155 Mbps","51.84 Mbps","120 Mbps","
","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1492,"Ergonomics:","Involves the interface between people and machines","Is the
application of ergo-economics to communications","Utilizes the 3-level ergocodin
g for transmission over certain channels","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1493,"Erlang is :","Equal to the number of simultaneous calls during a period","
A unit of magnetic field density measured around a conductor","The number of err
oneous bits received per unit of time","A unit of electrical energy radiated in
space",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1494,"Erlang unit was named after Danish mathematician, A. F. Eralng. What does
A.K. stand for?","Agner Krarup","Agnes Krarup","Agnep Krurap","Agnus Krurap","",
"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1495,"ERP is the theoretical power radiated by the antenna multiplied by ___ of
the antenna.","Isotropic power gain","K factor","Loss","Length",,"Antennas",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1496,"Error control of data transmission is done by:","All of the above","Retran
smission","Adding redundancy","Parity",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1497,"Error detection is usually done in the ______ layer of the OSI model.","Da
ta link","Physical","Session","Presentation",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1498,"ESCON is the integral part of what kind of system?","ESA/390","ESA/360","E
SA/370","None of the choices","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1499,"ESCON provides _____ serial bit transmission in which the communication pr
otocol is implemented through sequences of special characters and through format
ted frames of characters.","Bi-directional","Uni-directional","Multi-directional
","All of the choices","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1500,"ESCON system uses what kind of cables for data transmission?","Fiber optic
s","Bus and tug cables","Copper cables","Twin lead cables","","Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1501,"ESS feature that allows automatic connection between two phones as soon as
the called party hangs up and become available.","Camp On","CLASS","800/900 num

bers","Call Waiting",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q

1502,"ESS feature that is designed to inform the called line that a call is bein
g attempted on his line.","Call Waiting Tone","CLASS (Customer Local Area Switch
ing Service)","Camp On","Call Alert",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1503,"Essentially the WDM unit creates ___________from one fiber. As a result, e
xisting fiber can be leveraged to add new applications within a metropolitan are
a.","Virtual fibers","Faded fiber","Clown fiber","District fiber","","Fiber Opti
cs",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1504,"Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 is a LAN specification that operates at 10 Mbps ov
er _________________.","Coaxial cable","Twisted pair","Fiber","None of the above
","","Transmission Fundamentals",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1505,"Ethernet is a baseband system using CSMA/CD operating at","10 Mbps","20 Mb
ps","30 Mbps","40 Mbps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William
1506,"European cellular systems operate from","890 to 989 MHz","890 to 990 MHz",
"825 to 890 MHz","980 to 1080 MHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1507,"Every antenna will have the same properties (i.e. freq., gain, radiation p
attern, bandwidth, etc. ). This is known as:","Reciprocity theorem","Duplicity",
"Shell's theorem","Isotropic property",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
1508,"Every station in this topology has a direct two point communication link t
o every other station.
","Mesh Topology","Star Topology","Hybrid Topology","Ring Topology",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1509,"Everytime when the telephone is idle the handset is in the ____.","On-hook
state","Off-hook state","Busy state","Spare state.",,"Wire & Wireless Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1510,"Exact equivalent rate of E1.","2.048 Mbps","51.84 Mbps","1.544 Mbps","140
Mbps","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
30,"Express 0.05 volt in dBV.","-26 dBV","+30 dBV","+26 dBV","-30 dBV",,"Noise",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1512,"Express 7200 CCS in erlangs","200 erlangs","150","95","250",,"Wire & Wirel
ess Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1513,"Extends the IEEE 802.3ae standard protocols to a wire speed of 10 Gbps and
expands the Ethernet application space to include WAN-compatible links","10 Gig
abit Ethernet standard","Fast Ethernet","Gigabit interface converter (GBIC)","Gi
gabit Ethernet",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
1514,"Extra bits in a digital stream used to carry information besides traffic s
ignals.","Overhead","Bit 7","Stratum","Remote alarm indication","","Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
31,"Extra-terrestrial noise is observable at frequencies from","8 to 1.43 GHz","
0 to 20 kHz","Above 2 GHz","5 to 8 GHz",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
32,"Extra-terrestrial noise is observable at frequencies from ______.","1 to 1.4
3 GHz","0 to 20 kHz","Above 2 GHz","5 to 8 GHz","","Noise",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
33,"Extre-terrestrial noise is observable at frequencies from","8 to 1.43 GHz","
5 to 8 GHz","Above 2 GHz","0 to 20 kHz",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1517,"F1A weighing refers to ______.","F1A handset","DBrnC0","DBrnC","-90 dbM",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1518,"Facsimile is what kind of data?","Video","Data","Text","Voice",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1519,"Facsimile permits remote duplications of which of the following?","All of

the above","Printed page","Map","Pictures",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,

"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1520,"Fade margin is reckoned from:","FM Improvement threshold","Noise threshold
","Absolute threshold","Detection thresold",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
1521,"Fading due to interference between direct and reflected rays.","Reflection
-multipath","Atmospheric multipath","Fresnel zone","Rayleigh fading",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1522,"Faraday rotation and spin modulation can be minimized using which type of
antenna?","A circularly polarized antenna","A nonpolarized antenna","An isotropi
c antenna","A log-periodic antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1523,"FDDI stands for
","FDDI stands for


Disseminated Data Transfer

Disseminated Digital Information
Distributed Data Interface
Distributed Digital In formations

Fider Distributed","Fiber Disseminated Data Transfer","Fiber Disseminated Digita

l Information","Fiber Distributed Digital Information",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1524,"FDDI stands for:","Fiber Distributed Data Interface","Fiber Distributed Da
ta Interconnection","Fiber Double Data Interface","Frequency Distributed Data In
terface","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1525,"Fiber optic cables operate at frequencies near","800 THz","20 MHz","200 MH
z","2 GHz","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1526,"Fiber optics can be used in the following systems except","None of the abo
ve","Long Haul Communication system","CATV","LANs",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
34,"Find the noise temperature of a receiver with a noise figure of 2 dB","169.6
K","144 K","100.2 K","128.8 K","***","Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
1528,"Find the orbital velocity and of a satellite that is 1000 km above the ear
th s surface?","7352 m/s","7400 m/s","8542 m/s","6002 m/s",,"Satellite Communicati
ons",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1529,"Find the system gain of a microwave link having a 30 dBm transmitter power
, a receiver threshold of -70 dBm and circulator loss of 0.6 dB.","99.4 dB","40.
6 dB","-100.6 dB","-40.6 dB",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William
1530,"Find the system gain of a microwave radio having a 30 dBm transmitter powe
r, a receiver threshold of -70 dBm and circulator losses of 0.6 dB.","-100.6 dB"
,"99.4 dB","40.6 dB","-40.6 dB",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1531,"Find the velocity of 3600 km altitude satellite","3.07 km/s","3080 km/s","
3073.48 km/s","3.08 km/s",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1532,"First communications satellite in orbit around another planet.","Mars Glob
al Surveyor","TDRSS","Ekran","Orbita","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
1533,"First symbol in the designation of radio signals emission which refers to
use of an unmodulated carrier.","N","J","H","A",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1534,"Five telephone ckt. to America, and Canada were occupied during the busy h
our as follows:1st ckt=48 min.duration;2nd ckt.45 min duration; 3rd ckt = 42min.
duration; 4th ckt =35min, 5th = 30min. Find the total traffic carried in erlangs
.","3.33","5.33","4.33","6.33",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",

1535,"Flow control is:","The process of starting and stopping the terminal","Wha

t people do who open and close floodgates on dams","The process whereby the mode
m matches the rate of the receiver","Any of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1536,"Footprint refers to coverage area in tthe globe.","Satellite radiation pat
tern","Satellite radiation polarization","Satellite navigation","Satellite cover
age",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
136,"For 100% modulation, what percentage of power is in each sideband?","25%","
50%","33.3%","100%",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME
137,"For 100% modulation, what percentage power is in each sideband?","25 %","33
.3 %","50 %","100 %",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAM
1539,"For 50 subscriber, how many connections are needed:","1225","25","1200","2
450",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
1540,"For a group of telephone switches, it was found out that the traffic inten
sity is 4 Erlang with GOS 0.19906. How many telephone switches are there?","5","
7","6","8",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
1541,"For a higher transmission speed, the most appropriate transmission method
is:","Parallel","Series","Combination of series and parallel","All of the above"
,,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1542,"For a microwave transistor to opearte at the highest frequencies, the (ind
icate the false answer).","Emitter area must be large","Base should be thin","Co
llector current must be high","Collector volatge must be large",,"Microwave Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1543,"For a microwave transistor to operate at the highest frequencies, the (ind
icate the false answer)","Emitter must be large","Collector voltage must be larg
e","Collector current must be high","Base should be thin",,"Microwave Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
59,"For a reflex Klystron, the electron beam is __________ modulated as it passe
s through the cavity.","Velocity","Amplitude","Frequency","Phase","","Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1544,"For a signal to be propagated through the optical fiber, angle ofincidence
should be ______the critical angle.","Greater than","Less than","Equal to","Non
e of the above",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1545,"For a two-wire line, Zo is higher when","The wire size is small w/ respect
to thespacing of conductor","The D:d ratio is smaller","The wire size is large
with respect to the spacing of the conductors","The spacing is varies in accorda
nce with the frequency",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
1546,"For airline or hotel reservations, the most appropriate method of data pro
cessing is :
","Real-time processing","Distributed processing","On-line processing","Reservat
ion processing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1547,"For an air dielectric two-wire line the minimum characteristic impedance v
alue is","83 ohms","85 ohms","90 ohms","88 ohms",,"Wire & Wireless Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1548,"For BCD, the radix is binary while the modulo is","10","16","2","5",,"Digi
tal & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
138,"For best image rejection, the IF for a 30 MHz signal would be","455 MHz","3
.3 MHz","9 MHz","55 MHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
1550,"For best low-level noise performance in the X-band, an amplifier should us
e","A Gunn diode","A bipolar transistor","A step-recovery diode","An IMPATT diod
e",,"Microwave Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1551,"For channel 5, transmit/receive frequency is","825.15 MHz/ 870.15 MHz","82
5.12 MHz/870.12 MHz","825.18 MHz/870.15 MHz","825.09 MHz/870.09 MHz","****","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

1552,"For greater and efficient service coverage, standard AM broadcasting shoul

d use:","Both vertical and horizontal waves","Circular polarized waves","Horizon
tal polarized waves","Vertical polarized waves",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1553,"For Gunn diodes, a Gallium Arsenide is preferred to silicon because the fo
rmer","Has a suitable empty energy band, which silicon does not have","Has a hig
her mobility","Has a lower noise at the highest frequency","Is capable of handli
ng higher power densities",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
1554,"For higher transmission speeds the most appropriate transmission method is
","Parallel","Series","Combination of series and parallel","All of the above",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1555,"For higher transmission speeds, the most appropriate transmission model is
:","Parallel","Series","Combination of series and parallel","All of the above",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1556,"For ideal AM, which of the following is true ?","M = 100%","M = 0 %","M <
0 %","M > 0 %",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1557,"For ideal AM, which of the following is TRUE?","M = 1","M = 0","M > 1","M
< 1",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1558,"For long distance point-to-point narrow band radio communication, the most
appropriate frequency band to be used is","VHF","HF","UHF","Microwave",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1559,"For low attenuation, the best transmission medium is","Rectangular wavegui
de","Flexible waveguide","Ridged waveguide","Coaxial line",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1560,"For Metro Manila the classification of prime time blocks for FM shall be",
"6:00 AM to 8:00 PM","6:00 AM to 12:00 NN","6:00 AM to 6:00 PM","12:00 NN to 12:
00 MN",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1561,"For multiuser operations use a version of MS-DOS that is at least","3.1","
2.1","3.0","1.1",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1562,"For NTSC TV system the image is scanned from","Top to bottom and left to r
ight","Top to bottom","Left to right","Right to left",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1563,"For proper operation, a magnetron must be accompanied by a","Permanent mag
net","High DC voltage","Cavity resonator","Strong electric field",,"mm",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1564,"For provincial station the classification of prime time blocks for FM radi
o shall be","6:00 AM to 8:00 PM","6:00 AM to 12:00 NN","6:00 AM to 6:00 PM","12:
00 NN to 12:00 MN",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1565,"For security purposes, a network workstation might include","A lock","An a
uto boot ROM","No disk drives","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
1566,"For single-mode fibers, the core diameter is about :","3 times the wavelen
gth of light carried in the fiber","10 times the fiber radius","15 micrometers",
"10 times the wavelength of light carried in the fiber",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1567,"For some applications circular waveguides maybe preferred to rectangular o
nes because of","Lower attenuation","Rotation of the polarization","The smaller
cross section needed at any frequency","Freedom from spurious modes",,"Microwave
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1568,"For the given bandwidth signal, more channel space is available for signal
in the range of","EHF","VHFF","SHF","UHF",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1569,"For the V.22 bis standard, at its lower speed, if we are currently in the
third quadrant and the next dibit is 11, there is a _____ degree phase change.",
"270","180","90","0","I - 0 degree
II - 90 degrees
III - 180 degrees
IV - 270 degrees","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
1587,"Frequency for REORDER (local)","480 + 620 Hz","350 + 440 Hz","440 + 480 Hz

","350 + 620 Hz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui

1588,"Frequency for Ringback, PBX","440 + 480 Hz","480 + 620 Hz","350 + 440 Hz",
"350 + 620 Hz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
1589,"Frequency for Ringback,normal","440 + 480 Hz","350 + 440 Hz","480 + 620 Hz
","350 + 620 Hz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
139,"Frequency modulation in FDM system is usually accomplish with a","VCO","Var
actor","Reactance modulator","PLL","VCO - Voltage-controlled Oscillator PLL - P
hase-Locked Loop","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1591,"Frequency of failure and network recovery time after a failure are measure
s of the ___________ of a network.","Reliability","Security","Performance","Feas
ibility",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1592,"Frequency range of microwave is:","300 MHz to 300 GHz","30 MHz to 30 GHz",
"300 MHz to 30 GHz","30 MHz to 300 GHz",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
1593,"Frequency translation is carried out by a circuit called a","Converter
","Translator","Balanced modulator","Local oscillator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1594,"From AT & T Hierarchy, the Jumbo Group has ___ VB Channels.","3600","32400
","10800","600",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1595,"FSK operates at what speed?","300 bauds or less","200 bauds","100 bauds","
Any of the above","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1596,"Full duplex transmission means","Two-way simultaneous transmission","One-w
ay transmission","24-hour transmission","Broadcast transmission","","Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1597,"Full-duplex operation","All of the above","Requires two pairs of cables","
Can transfer data in both directions at once","Requires modems at both ends of t
he circuit",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
1598,"Full-duplex transmission means","Two-way simultaneous transmission","One-w
ay transmission","24-hour transmission","Broadcast transmission","","Uncategoriz
ed",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1599,"Functions performed by D-type channel banks are:","All of the choices exce
pt dialed number translation","Analog to digital convertion","Time division mult
iplexing","Dialed number translation",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1600,"Future DWDM terminals will have the capacity to transmit ____ volumes of a
n encyclopedia in one second.","90,000","250","1,500","90",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1601,"Gain of a half-wave dipole antenna over isotropic.","2.15 dB","1.76 dB","1
dB","6 dB",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1602,"Gain of an isotropic antenna.","0 dB","- 1 dB","1 dB","2 dB",,"Antennas",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1603,"Gain of Hertzian dipole with respect to an isotropic antenna.","1.76 dB","
5.15 dB","4.15 dB","2.15 dB",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1604,"Gallium-arsenide has a refractive index of","3.6","3.3","3.4","3.5",,"Fibe
r Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1605,"Gateway can interconnect LANs that have _____ protocols and formats.","Tot
ally different","Different of the same","The same","None of the above",,"Digital
& Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1606,"GCA operates with","Ground-based radar","Master and slave station","Local
radio stations","Distance measuring equipment (DME)",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
35,"Generally referred to as the primary cause of atmospheric noise.","Lightning
","Rain effect","El nio phenomenon","Thunderstorm",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1608,"Generally refers to connections to the Internet with much greater bandwidt

h than you can get with a modem.","Broadband","Wi-Fi","DSL","Dial Up Connection"

,,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1609,"Geostaionary satellites are located ____________ with respect to the equat
or.","0 degrees longitude","0 degrees latitude","90 degrees latitude","45 degree
s latitude","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1610,"Gigabit Ethernet initially supports three key media: ___________, long-wav
e laser, and short copper.","Short wave laser","Short laser","Copper Wave","Long
copper",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1611,"Gigabit ethernet is a LAN specification that operates at 1000 Mbps over __
____________.","Fiber and twisted-pair cables","Coaxial cable","Twin lead","Shie
lded pair","","Telecommunications & ECE Laws",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","
1612,"Given a paraboloid reflector with a diameter D= 6 feet and is operated at
1.5 GHz. What is the beamwidth ?
","6.7 degrees","8.0 degrees
","8.2 degrees
","7.0 degrees
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1613,"Given a paraboloid reflector with a diameter D= 6 feet and is operated at
1.5 GHz. What is the beamwidth between nulls of the refletor ?","13.3 degrees","
15.3 degrees
","8.2 degrees
","7.7 degrees",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1614,"Given a signal which ranges in frequency from 100 Hz to 10 kHz and 256 qua
ntizing levels, what is the minimun pulse required to transmit this signal? Igno
re framing pulses.
","160,000 bps.
","20,000 bps.
","140,000 bps.
","180,000 bps.",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1615,"Given horizontally polarized antenna for maximum reception, the receiving
antenna must be,","Horizontally polarized","Vertically polarized","60 deg. with
respect to earth's surface","45 deg. with respect to earth's surface",,"Antennas
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1616,"Given the following formula used to calculate grade of service except one:
","Erlang A formula","Erlang B formula","Erlang C formula","Poisson formula","",
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
36,"Given three amplifiers in cascade each with a noise filter of 3 dB and power
gain of 10 dB. What is the noise figure?","3dB","7dB","10dB","6dB",,"Noise",0,,
"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1618,"Ground resistance should be tested at least ___ to make sure it meets the
required value.","Annually
","Every 5 weeks","Monthly","Weekly",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1619,"Grounding resistance should be kept as low as possible and should not exce
ed ___ ohms for outside plant, telephone poles, manholes, and customer premises.
","25","50","0","5",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1620,"Ground-wave communications is most effective in what frequency range?","30
0 kHz to 3 MHz","3 to 30 MHz","30 to 300 MHz","Above 300 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
140,"Group 2 fax uses which modulation?","Vestigial sideband AM","SSB","FSK","PS
K",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
141,"Group 3 fax uses which modulation","QAM","FSK","Vestigial sideband AM","FM"
,,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1623,"Group of nongeostationary satellite systems that share the band of the new
Mobile Satellite Service (MSS).","Big LEOs","Iridium LLC","Big MEOs","None of t
he above","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME

142,"GSM uses what digital modulation technique?","GMSK","GFSK","BPSK","QAM",,"M

odulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1625,"Half-duplex transmission means:","Two-way transmission but not simultaneou
s","One way transmission","Broadcast transmission","Two-way transmission but sim
ultaneous",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1626,"Halving power means:","3dB loss","6dB gain","3dB gain","6dB loss",,"Transm
ission Fundamentals",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1627,"Harmonic suppressor connected to an antenna.","Low pass filter","Tank circ
uit","M-derived filter","High pass filter",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Q
1628,"Having a 0 of inclination, it is an orbital pattern in which the satellites
rotate in an orbit directly above the equator, usually in a circular path.","Eq
uatorial orbit","Inclined orbit","Planar orbit","Polar orbit",,"Satellite Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1629,"Having an information signal change some characteristic of a signal is cal
","Linear Mixing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1630,"Having an information signal change some characteristics of a carrier sign
al is called
","Linear Mixing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1631,"Having an information signal changes some characteristics of a carrier sig
nal is","Modulation","Multiplexing","Duplexing","Linear mixing",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1632,"HDLC is a _______ protocol.","Bit-oriented","Charater-oriented","Byte-orie
nted","Count-oriented",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William
1633,"HDLC is an acronym for","High-level data link control","Half-duplex line c
ommunication","Half-duplex link combination","Host double link circuit",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1634,"He coined the word ""fiber optics"" in 1956.","N. S. Kapany","C. W. Hansel
l","J. L. Baird","H. H. Hopkins",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1635,"He describes a space station in Geosynchronous orbit.","Herman Potocnik","
Arthur Clarke","Jim Williams","John Pierce","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
1636,"Helical antennas are often used for satellite tracking at VHF because of",
"The Faraday effect","Troposcatter","Superrefraction","Ionospheric refraction",,
"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1637,"Helical antennas are often used for satellite trackingat VHF because of","
The Faraday effect","Ionospheric refraction","Superrefraction","Troposcatter",,"
Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1638,"Helium laser was developed by A. Javen at Bell Laboratory in","1960","1962
","1963","1964",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1639,"HF radio waves follow how many basic paths on leaving the transmitter?","T
wo","Four","One man","Many",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
1640,"High frequency range is from","3 to 30 MHz","0.3 to 3 MHz","30 to 300 MHz"
,"30 to 300 kHz",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1641,"High order TDM levels are obtained by","Dividing pulse width
","Using a-law
","Using u-law","Forming supermastergroups",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
1642,"High power TWTs are replacing what in microwave amplifiers?","Klystron
","IMPATT diodes",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
1643,"Higher order TDM levels are obtained by","Dividing pulse widths","Using th

e A-law","Using the u-law","Forming supermastergroup",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec

tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1644,"Highest frequency that can be used for sky wave HF communication between t
wo given points on earth.","Maximum usable frequency","Virtual frequency","Gyrof
requency","Critical frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1645,"Highest theoretical frequency that can be processed at a sampling rate fs
without aliasing.","Folding frequency","Critical frequency","Natural frequency",
"Resonant frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1646,"High-frequency waves are","Affected by the solar cycle","Absorbed by the F
2 layer","Reflected by the D layer","Capable of use for long-distance communicat
ions on the moon",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",1,,"Objective","William Quimin
1647,"How can a receiver desensitizing be reduced?","Decrease the receiver squel
ch gain","Increase the transmitter audio gain","Increase the receiver bandwidth"
,"Ensure good RF shielding between the transmitter and receiver",,"Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1648,"How can absorptive fading happen?","Rain attenuation","K factor","Ground a
nd water reflections","Ducting",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1649,"How can receiver desensitizing be reduced?","Decreased the receiver squelc
h gain","Increased the receiver bandwidth","Increased the transmitter audio gain
","Ensure good RF shielding between the transmitter and receiver",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
61,"How can the approximate beamwidth of a rotatable beam antenna can be determi
ned?","Note the two points where the signal strength of the antenna is down 3 dB
from the maximum signal point and compute the angular difference.","Draw two im
aginary lines through the ends of the elements and measure the angle between the
lines.","Measure the ratio of the signal strengths of the radiated power lobes
from the front and rear of the antenna.","Measure the ratio of the signal streng
ths of the radiated power lobes from the front t and side of the antenna.","","U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1650,"How can the receiver images be produced?","By using a double-conversion, s
uperheterodyne receiver","By choosing a low IF","By choosing a high second IF","
By using a bandpass filter in the IF",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
1651,"How can you couple into and out of a waveguide?","Use a piece of wire for
coupling in and out","Wrap a coil of wire around one end o f the waveguide","Use
a resonant tank feeding slot in waveguide","Force electrons thru the wall of th
e waveguide",,"Microwave Communications",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1652,"How do you account the effect of selective fading on the transmitted signa
l in terms of its bandwidth?","More affirmative at wider bandwidth","More affirm
ative at narrow bandwidth","Dependent on receiver bandwidth","Equally affirmativ
e to any bandwidth",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1653,"How do you eliminate RF variation of oscillator transmitter caused by its
supply voltage?","Use of regulated power supply","Use new power supply","Loosen
power supply shielding","Use of high capacitor in the circuit",,"Uncategorized",
1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1654,"How do you increase of double the channel capacity of satellite without in
creasing the frequency bandwidth?","Frequency Reuse","Multiplexing","Time Divisi
on","Code Division",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1655,"How do you reduce the loss that is produced when light strikes a flat poli
shed end of a fiber optic?","Appliation of antireflection coating","By painting
the surface","By inclining the surface","By cooling",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1656,"How do you transmit through multilexing a thousand of voice channel inform
ation over a single fiber optic using one wavelength?","Time division","Frequenc
y division","Polar division","Fiber division",,"Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","Wi

lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1657,"How does a shorted half-wave line act at a certain operating frequency?","
Series resonant circuit","Parallel resonant circuit","Capacitor","Inductor",,"Un
categorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
143,"How does a SSB transmitter output power normally expressed?","In terms of p
eak envelop power","In terms of peak-to-peak power","Peak power","Average power"
,,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1659,"How does the bandwidth of the transmitted signal effect selective fading?"
,"It is more pronounced at wide bandwidth","It is more pronounced at narrow band
width","It is equally pronounced in both narrow and wide bandwidth","The receive
r bandwidth determines the selective fading",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
144,"How does the SSB transmitter output power normally expressed?","In terms of
peak-envelop power","In terms of peak-to-peak power","Peak power","Average powe
r",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1661,"How long does it take for the moon to orbit the earth?","28 days","24 hour
s","365 days","300 days",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
1662,"How long is the inter-digit delay using dial pulsing?","700 ms","800 ms","
650 ms","500 ms",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1663,"How many bits per frame do the T1 has, including the framing bit?","193","
192","191","190",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
1664,"How many channels does a T3 carrier time-division multiplexes?","672","48"
,"4032","96",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1665,"How many decibels corresponds to a voltage ratio of 1000?","60 dB","35 dB"
,"30 dB","65 dB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1666,"How many different tones can telephone set , employing the touch tone tech
nique generate","8 audible tone frequencies","10 audio frequency tones
","4 VHF tones","None of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1667,"How many different tones may be produced by a four-column DTMF keypad ?","
16","8","4","2",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
1668,"How many doublers and triplers must a basic transmitter have to produce a
transmitter frequency of 144 MHz from an oscillator frequency of 8 MHz?","One do
ubler and two triplers","Three doublers and one triplers","Two doublers and one
tripler","Three triplers",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
1669,"How many holding time EBHC have in seconds?","120 s","2 s","3600 s","60 s"
,"","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1670,"How many messages may be outstanding (unacknowledged) on a BiSync link ?",
"1","2","4","8",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming
1671,"How many pins are there in the RS-232C interface?","25","20","30","15",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1672,"How many satellite do the GPS consists","24","28","36","60",,"Satellite Co
mmunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1673,"How many satellite orbital slots are request by Philippine government from
ITU?","6","8","3","10",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quim
1674,"How many satellite orbital slots are requested by the Philippine Governmen
t from ITU?","6","4","2","8",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William
1675,"How many seconds does facsimile transmit a standard page?","25 seconds","1
0 seconds","5 seconds","20 seconds",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
1676,"How many ship's area is designated in tthe implementation of the global ma
ritime distress and safety system?","Four","Six","Three","Two",,"Uncategorized",
1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

1677,"How many simultaneous calls does a DECT radio tranceiver can assess at any
given time.","120","240","480","960","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1678,"How many simultaneous calls does each DECT system can support?","12","96",
"24","49",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
1679,"How many telephone numbers could be accommodated using a digit number from
0000-9999?","10,000","1,000,000","100,000","90,000",,"Wire & Wireless Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1680,"How many times bigger does the bandwidth of a fiber optic multimode have o
ver a cable?","At 100 times bigger","At 50 times bigger","At 10 times bigger","A
t 5 times bigger",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1681,"How many unique tones are used for the 12-key dual-tone multifrequency key
pad?","7","2","3","12","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1682,"How many unique tones are used for the 21-key dual-tone multifrequency key
pad?","7","3","2","12",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
63,"How many VHF television channels do we have in the country?","12","14","13",
"11","","Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
60,"How much approximate power can a human voice possibly produce?","1 mW","10 W
","1 W","100 mW",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1683,"How much beiiger in storage capacity has digital video disk (DVD) have ove
r the conventional compact disk (CD)?","Around 15 times","Around triple","Around
twice","Around 5 times",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
1684,"How much current flows into the antenna having a radiation resistance of 3
00 ohms radiating 5 kW?","4.08 A","3.08 A","2.08 A","5.08 A",,"Antennas",0,,"Pro
blem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1685,"How much is the required minimum power output of an international AM BC st
ations?","50 kW","5 kW","10 kW","20 kW",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
1686,"How much is the separation between transmit and receive frequency of a cel
lular channel?","45 MHz","45 kHz","30 MHz","30 kHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
145,"How much mudulator power is required for 80% modulation of a 250 kW AMplifi
er?","80 kW","60 kW","40 kW","20 kW",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William
65,"How shorter or longer does the length of the director element of a parasitic
beam antenna compared with that of the driven element?","Around 5% shorter","Tw
ice longer","Around 10% longer","One half longer","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1688,"How wide is the spectrum bandwidth of a single GSM carrier?","200 kHz","10
0 kHz","50 kHz","16 kHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1689,"How will you increase the gain of an antenna?","By focusing the radiated e
nergy in one desired direction","By adding several antennas in parallel","By mak
ing antenna rods thicker","By making antenna size larger",,"Antennas",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1690,"Hyperbolic navigational system that transmits continuous- wave signal inst
ead of pulses","DECCA","GPS","LORAN","FMS",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1691,"Identical telephone numbers in different parts of the country are distingu
ished by their","Area code","Central office code","Access digit","All of the abo
ve",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1692,"If 20% of the traffic handled by the telephone line is terminating, how mu
ch traffic was originating?","80%","20%","50%.","60%",,"Wire & Wireless Communic
ations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1693,"If 4 kW antenna produces 50 uV/m in a receiving antenna, a 16KW will produ
ce ____.","100 uV/m","200uV/m","10uV/m","20uV/m",,"Antennas",0,,"Problem Solving

","William Quiming","NONAME",
1694,"If 4 kW in antenna produces 50 microvolt/m in a receiving antenna a 16 kW
will produce _________.","100 uV/m","20 uV/m","10 uV/m","200 uV/m",,"Antennas",1
,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1695,"If 60 % of the total traffic handled by the telephone line was terminating
, how much traffic in erlang was originating in the problem.","0.17","0.15","0.2
0","0.18",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
1696,"If a cellular communication channel transmits signals in 825.015 MHz, what
is its receiving frequency?","875.015 MHz","865.015 MHz","845.015 MHz","865 MHz
",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1697,"If a data communication circuit has a probability error of 10E-5 in terms
of BER, this would mean:","One bit error for 100,000 bits transmitted","One bit
error for every 1 million bits transmitted","One bit error for every 10,000 bits
transmitted","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
1698,"If a data communications circuit has a probalility error of 10^-5, in term
s of BER, this would mean:","1 bit error for every 100,000 bit transmitted","1 b
it error for every 1 million bit transmitted","1 bit error for every 10,000 bit
transmitted","1 bit error for every 1,000 bit transmitted",,"Digital & Data Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1699,"If a mirror is used to reflect light, the reflected light angle is _______
____ as the incident angle.","The same","Smaller","Larger","Independent","","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1700,"If a mirror is used to reflect light. the reflected light angle is _______
as the accident angle.","The same","Smaller","Larger","Independent",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1701,"If a modem is transmitting at 1200 bits/sec and its signal unit is a dibit
, the baud rate of the modem is","600","4800","1200","2400",,"Digital & Data Com
munications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1702,"If a modem is transmitting at 1200 bps and is a dibit, the baud rate of th
e modem is :","600 baud","1200 baud","2400 baud","4800 baud",,"Digital & Data Co
mmunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1703,"If a multiplexer circuit has four input lines and a single output line, ho
w many bits of line select code are :","2","1","4","8",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1704,"If a needs analysis reveals that several programs on the network will incl
ude large databases, this could mean","There might be a problem w/ a file server
access speed","You will need a disk server rather than a file server","The data
base software must be able to handle long field name","The operating system cann
ot be DOS",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1705,"If a reflected path of a microwave beam is one-half wavelength longer than
the direct path, the clearance of the microwave beam from the obstruction is in
the ________ fresnel zone.","First","Second","Third","Fourth",,"Microwave Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
146,"If a T-1 PCM/TDM carrier system is identified to carry short haul tranmissi
on of 24 voice telelephone channels, then a T-2 carrier system is capable of","4
8 voice band channel","96 voice band channel","109 voice band channel","120 voic
e band channel",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
147,"If a T-1 PCM/TDM carrier system is identified to carry short haul transmiss
ion of 24 voice telephone channels, then a T-2 carrier system is capable of:","9
6 voice band channels","48 voice band channels","109 voice band channels","120 v
oice band channels",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
148,"If a T-1 PCM/TDM carrier system is identified to carry shorthaul transmissi
on of 24 voice telephone channels, then a T-carrier system is capable of","96 vo
ice band channels","48 voice band channels","109 voice band channels","120 voice
band channels",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1709,"If a TV sound transmitter has a carrier frequency of 197.75 MHz, the pictu
re carrier is a
","193.25 MHz

","191.75 MHz
","202.25 MHz
","203.75 MHz",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1710,"If an amplifier has equal input and output impedances, what voltage ratio
does the gain of 50 dB represents?","316.2","325.2","320.1","315.0",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1711,"If an FET is used as the first AF amplifier in a transistor receiver, this
will have the effect of","Reducing the effect of negative-peak clipping","Impro
ving the effectiveness of the AGC","Reducing the effect of noise at low modulati
ng depth","Improving the selectivity of the receiver",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
149,"If an FM transmitter has three doublers and one tripler, what is the carrie
r swing at the output when the oscillator deviates 2 kHz?","96 kHz","48 kHz","24
kHz","2 kHz","","Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1712,"If an isotropic antenna is defined as a perfect antenna radiating equally
in all directions with a gain of 1.0, what is its gain in dB?","0","1","2","3",,
"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1713,"If frequency range of 401.000 MHz to 401.050 MHz has to be channelized at
12.5 kHz between channel what is the center of its first channel from the lower
limit?","401.00625 MHz","401.125 MHz","401.025 MHz","401.0125 MHz",,"Transmissio
n Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1714,"If high-order frequency multiplication is required from a diode multiplier
,","A step-recovery diode must be used","The resistive cutoff frequency must be
high","A small value of base resistance is required","A large range of capacitan
ce variation is needed",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1715,"If high-order frequency multiplication is required from a diode multiplier
.","A step-recovery diode must be used","A small value of the base resistance is
required","The resistive cutoff frequency must be high","A large range of capac
itance variation is needed",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
1716,"If honesty, justice and courtesy are the foundation of moral philosophy th
en the keystone of professional conduct is:","Integrity","Honesty","Sincerity","
All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1717,"If honesty, justice and courtesy are the foundation of moral philosophy, t
hen the keystone of professional conduct is:","Integrity","Honesty","Sincerity",
"All of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1718,"If k-factor is greater than 1 the array beam is bent","Towards the earth",
"Away from the earth","Towards the ionosphere","Towards the outer space",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
150,"If m (modulation index) is greater than 1, what happens ?","Information sig
nal is distorted","Normal operation","Carrier drop to zero","Carrier frequency s
hifts",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1720,"If measurements are taken along transmision line with an oscilloscope when
there are no standing waves, the pattern would appear as","A sinusoidal wavesha
pe","Surge impedance times current","High voltage peak","Impedance squared",,"Un
categorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1721,"If odd parity is used for ASCII error detection, the number of 0s per eigh
t-bit symbol is","Odd","Even","Indeterminate","It depends upon the bits",,"Digit
al & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1722,"If only one channel (telephone conversation) is transmitted, the bit rate
would be?","64 kbps","8000 Hz bps","32 Kbps","None of the above",,"Wire & Wirele
ss Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1723,"If the active time of the binary pulse is les than 100% of the bit time, i
t is called _________.","Return to Zero","Bipolar Return to Zero","Unipolar Nonreturn to zero","Non-return to Zero",,"Uncategorized",2,,"Objective","William Qu
1724,"If the amplitude of the modulating signal applied to a phase modulator is
constant, the output signal will be","The carrier frequency","Zero","Above the c
arrier frequency","Below the carrier frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",

"William Quiming","NONAME",
1763,"If the transmitter output power of 10 watts is doubled, the gain derived i
s about","3 dB","4 dB","5 dB","6 dB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
1764,"If the transmitter output power of 10W is doubled the gain derived is abou
t","3 dB","4 dB","6 dB","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
1765,"If the transmitter power remains constant an increase in the frequen cy of
the skywave will","Lengthen the skip distance","Increase the range of the groun
d wave","Reduce the length of the skip distance","Have no effect on the ground w
ave range",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1766,"If the velocity and frequency of a sound wave are bothreduced to one-half,
the wavelength is","Unchanged","Twice as large","Reduced to one-half","Doubled"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
62,"If the velocity of sound at sea level at 70 deg F in water is 4,800 ft/sec.
what is the velocity of sound at 80 deg F ?","4811 ft/sec","4810 ft/sec","4790 f
t/sec","4900 ft/sec",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
37,"If the voltage change is equal to twice its original value, what is its corr
esponding change in dB?","6 dB","3 dB","9 dB","10 dB",,"Noise",0,,"Problem Solvi
ng","William Quiming","db002.rtf",
1768,"If the width of each bit of a data signal is 5 milliseconds, the baud rate
is","200 bauds","50 baud","100 baud11
","None of these\",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1769,"If the width of each bit of data signal is 5 ms, the baud rate is","200 ba
uds","50 bauds","100 bauds","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1770,"If the workable system gain of a microwave hop is 111 dB, what should be t
he minimum allowable hop loss if a 40 dB fade margin is being provided for the h
op?","71 dB","151 dB","111 dB minus antenna gain
","None of the above",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
69,"If there are 6.25 lines per TV frame then the number of lines per field is",
"312.5","1250","625","2500","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
1771,"If there exist a total of 151 calls and the average holding time is 3 minu
tes per call, what is the traffic in erlangs?","7.55","4.55","5.55","6.55",,"Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1772,"If there were 14 working station in a LAN, how many direct connections wou
ld be required to hook up every terminal to every terminal?","91","13","14","98"
,,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME
1773,"If two loudspeakers rated 16 ohms and 20 W are connected in parallel to a
paging amplifier whose output is 8 ohms and 10 W, the power at each loudspeaker.
","5 W","10 W","40 W","20 W",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
1774,"If two nonzero voltage levels are used, it is called ____________.","Bipol
ar","Unipolar","Return to Zero","Non-return to Zero",,"Digital & Data Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1775,"If voltage change equal to twice its original value, what is its correspon
ding change in dB?","6 dB","9 dB","2 dB","3 dB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1776,"If we want a 10 mile loop and allow 100 ohm/mile of loop, what diameter of
copper wire would we need in mm?","0.84 mm","0.033 mm","0.001 mm","0.91 mm",,"W
ire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1777,"If you find that an SAW filter output is 6 dB down from the input of a rec
eiver during test, _____________.","This is normal","The device is faulty","The
filter is improperly terminated","The filter is not resonating","","Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1778,"If you have available number of power amplifiers with a gain of 100 each h
ow many such amplifiers do you need to cascade to give an overall gain og 60 dB

?","3","2","4","5",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1779,"ILS that gives vertical guidance.
","Marker beacon","MLS",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
1780,"Impedance inversion can be obtained by","A quarter-wave line","A half-wave
line","A short-circuited stub","An open-circuited stub",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1781,"Impedance matching in a broadband linear RF amplifier is handled with a(n)
","Pi network","L network","Parallel tuned circuit","Balun",,"Uncategorized",1,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1782,"Impedance matching ratio of a coax balun.","4:1","1:4","2:1","3:2",,"Trans
mission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
151,"Important components for a DWDM systems are","All of the above","Transmitte
rs and receivers","Fiber amplifiers","DWDM multiplexers and DWDM demultiplexers"
,"","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1784,"In ______ transmission, bits are transmitted simultaneously, each across i
ts own wire.","Parallel","Serial","Asynchronous","Synchronous",,"Wire & Wireless
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
152,"In _______ modulation, the phase change is a function of the current bit pa
ttern as well as the phase of the previous pattern.","DPSK","PSK","ASK","FSK",,"
Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1786,"In _______ transmission, a unique SYN character is transmitted at the begi
nning of each message.","Synchronous","Asynchronous","Digital","Analog",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1787,"In ________ transmission, a start bit and a stop bit frame a character byt
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1788,"In _____________ transmission, the channel capacity is shared by both comm
unicating devices at all times.","Full-duplex","Simplex","Half-duplex","Full/ful
l duplex",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1789,"In ________________, a data PSK modulates a carrier which is then up-conve
rted to a frequency above the FDM message. With this, up to 3.152 Mbps can be co
st-effectively transmitted using existing FDM/FM microwave systems.","Data Above
Voice (DAV)","Data Under Voice (DUV)","Data In Voice (DIV)","Data Above Video (
DAVID)","","Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1790,"In 1910, ____________ invented the principle of multiplexing using a carri
er frequency to combine multiple telephone signals on one telephone line.","Geor
ge Squier","Antonio Meucci","Thomas Watson","Alexander Graham Bell","","Wire & W
ireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1791,"In 1945, Arthur C. Clarke published an article titled ""__________________
__"" in the British magazine Wireless World.","Extraterrestrial Relays","Das Pro
blem der Befahrung des Weltraums","The Communication in Space","The Journal of t
he Astronautical Sciences","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
1792,"In 1971, Bell Telephone Laboratories, proposed the cellular telephone conc
ept as the ______.","Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS)","Improved Mobile Tele
phone System (IMTS)","Mobile Telephone System (MTS)","Total Access Communication
System (TACS)",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
1793,"In 1972, who developed the first experimental Ethernet system to interconn
ect the Xerox Alto (system was called Alto Aloha Network) and which later was ca
lled ethernet?","Bob Metcalfe","Narinder Kappany","Jim Williams","Barry Bertinge
r","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1794,"In 1990, the FCC allocated cordless telephone service to the _____ band","
902 MHz-928 MHz","46 MHz-49 MHz","450 MHz-476 MHz","425 MHz-490 MHz",,"Wire & Wi
reless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1795,"In a ______ topology, if there are n-devices in a network, each device has
n-1 ports for cables.","Mesh","Star","Bus","Ring",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv

e","William Quiming","NONAME",
1796,"In a _____________ connection, more than two devices can share a single li
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1797,"In a binary system, how many bits are required to transmit 31 equiprobable
events?","5","2","4","3",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
1798,"In a broadcast superheterodyne receiver, the","Mixer input must be tuned t
o the signal frequency","Local oscillator operates below the signal frequency","
Local oscillator frequency is normally double the IF","RF amplifier normally wor
ks at 455 kHz above the carrier frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1799,"In a cellular network, if you split a cell originally containing a maximum
of 40 channels into two cells, the new theoretical total channel capacity is","
80","40","20","10",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
1800,"In a cellular radio, the duplexer is a","Pair of sharp bandpass filter","F
errite isolator","Waveguide assembly","Pair of TR/ATR tubes",,"Wire & Wireless C
ommunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1801,"In a cellular system, _________ is used to measure the spectrum efficiency
.","Radio capacity","Radio efficiency","Diversity","Frequency reuse","","Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1802,"In a cellular system, ___________ is used to measure the spoectrum efficie
","Radio capacity","Radio efficiency","Diversity","Frequency reuse","","Wire & W
ireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1803,"In a cellular system, _____________ is used to measure thenspectrum effici
ency.","Radio capacity","Radio efficiency","Diversity","Frequency reuse","","Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1804,"In a cellular telephone network, these stations perform the functions of t
he part of a standard wireline telephone network.","Outside plant facilities","C
entral office","Interoffice trunklines","Any of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1805,"In a commercial standard TV broadcast channel, the AM picture carrier sign
al located ___ MHz above the low end of the channel.","1.25","4","6","0.25",,"Br
oadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
38,"In a communications system, noise is most likely to affect
the signal","In the channel","At the transmitter","In the information source","A
t the destination",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1807,"In a conventional telephone handset, the type of transmiter most commonly
used is","Carbon","Ceramic","Electromagnetic","Electret",,"Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1808,"In a diode modulator, the negative half of an AM wave is supplied by","A t
uned circuit","A transformer","A capacitor","An inductor",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1809,"In a diode modulator, the negative half of the AM wave is susupplied by a(
","Tuned circuit
153,"In a FM system if modulation index is doubled by halving the modulating fre
quency what will be the effect on the maximum deviation?","No effect","Maximum d
eviation doubles","Decreases by 1/2","Increases by 1/4",,"Modulation",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1811,"In a half-wave dipole maximum radiation occurs","Broadside of the antenna"
,"Off the ends","At 45 deg. angle to the direction of dipole","When the end effe
cts are reduce to zero",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1812,"In a klystron amplifier, velocity modulation of the electron beam is produ
ced by the","Buncher cavity","Catcher cavity","Collector","Cathode",,"Microwave
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

1813,"In a microwave system, a clearance of 0.6 of the first fresnel zone radius
is a condition where there is:","No Gain and No Loss","Loss","Gain","None of th
e above",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1814,"In a network with 25 computers, which topology requires the most extensive
cabling?","Mesh","Star","Bus","Ring",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
154,"In a PCM transmission line, the binary numbers 00000000 to 11111111 are use
d to represent signal levels. How many possible signal levels can be represented
?","256","32","128","64",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
155,"In a PCM transmission system, the binary 00000000 to 11111111 are used to r
epresent signal levels. How many possible signal levels can be represented?","25
6","128","512","None of the above",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
1817,"In a peer-to-peer system, when one device wants to send data to another de
vice, it must first sends _______ frame.","An ENQ","A SEL","An ACK","A poll",,"D
igital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1818,"In a pulse averaging discriminator, the pulses are produced by a(n)","Zero
-crossing detector","Astable multivibrator","One shot","Low-pass filter",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1819,"In a pulse radar set the function of the duplexer is to","Allow the transm
itter & the receiver to operate from a common antenna","Aid in calibrating the d
isplay unit","Prevent frequency drift in klystron","All of these",,"Navigational
Aids and Devices",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1820,"In a pulse-averaging discriminator, the pulses are produced by","One-shot"
,"An astable multivibrator","Zero-crossing detector","Low-pass filter",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1821,"In a pulsed radar set the STC circuit is used to","Reduce interference fro
m the effects of sea return","Vary the pulse frequency in order to control the m
aximum target","Increases receiver sensitivity for echoes from targets","Improve
the target bearing resolution",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1822,"In a radar-set receiver the usual mixer stage is","A silicon crystal","A F
ET","A tunnel diode","A Rochelle salt crystal",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1823,"In a radio detector","The linearity is worse than in a phase discriminator
","Stabilization against signal strength variations is provided","The output is
twice that obtainable from a similar phase discriminator","The circuit is the sa
me as in a discriminator, except that the diode are reversed",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
156,"In a radio receivers with simple AGC","An increase in signal strength produ
ces more AGC","The audio stage gain is normally controlled by the AGC","The fast
er the AGC time constant the more accurate the output","The highest the AGC volt
age is produced between stations",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
39,"In a receiver with noise derived squelch, the presence of an audio causes th
e audio amplifier to be","Enabled","Disabled","Nothing will happen","None of the
above",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1826,"In a speech-processing circuit a low pass filter prevents","Excessive sign
al bandwidth
","Overdeviation","Overmodulation","High gain",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
1827,"In a standard AM superheterodyne (broadcast) receiver, it is the stage whi
ch has two inputs and one input signal centered at the standard intermediate fre
quency.","Mixer","Audio amplifier","Envelope detector","Oscillator",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1828,"In a telephone system the customer's telephone directory numbering is from
000 to 999 what is the capacity of the system?","1000 lines","100 lines","10000
lines","100000 lines",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William

71,"In a telephone system, the costumer's telephone directory numbering is from

000 to 999. What is the capacity of the system?","1000 lines","100 000 lines","1
0 000 lines","100 lines","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
1829,"In a token ring, where is the token when a data frame is in circulation?",
"At the sending station","At the receiving station","None of the above","Circula
ting in the ring",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1830,"In a transmission line, if the SWR is infinite, the line must be","Purely
reactive","Purely resistive","Purely capacitive","Purely inductive",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1831,"In a transmission line, if the SWR or maximum current ratio is 2:1 the rat
io of the maximum voltage to minimum voltage is","4:1","1:4","2:1","3:1",,"Trans
mission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
1832,"In a transmission line, the power absorbed by the load is equal to the","D
ifference between the incident and the reflected power","Sum of the incident and
the reflected power","Half of the sum of the incident and reflected power","Hal
f of the difference between the incident and reflected power",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1833,"In a two wire transmission line, in which direction will the im- pedance c
hange when the center to center separation increases.","Increased impedance","De
creased impedance","No changes","Double",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1834,"In a TWT, the electron beam is density-modulated by a","Helix","Cavity res
onator","Permanent magnet","Modulation transformer",,"Microwave Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1835,"In a typical CWDM system, laser emissions occur on eight channels at eight
defined channels:","1610 nm, 1590 nm, 1570 nm, 1550 nm, 1530 nm, 1510 nm, 1490
nm, 1470 nm","1610 nm, 1600 nm, 1590 nm, 1580nm, 1570 nm, 1560 nm, 1550 nm, 1540
nm","1610 nm, 1580 nm, 1550 nm, 1520nm, 1500 nm, 1470 nm, 1440 nm, 1410 nm","16
10 nm, 1590 nm, 1570 nm, 1550 nm, 1520 nm, 1500 nm, 1418 nm, 1401 nm","","Fiber
Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1836,"In a typical mobile satellite array antenna if three elements are activate
d how many elements are deactivated?","11","3","5","9",,"Satellite Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1837,"In a vacuum the speed of an electromagnetic wave","Is a universal constant
","Depends on its constant","Depends on its wavelength","Depends on its electric
and magnetic field",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1838,"In a Yagi antenna,","The director is shorter than the driven element.","Th
e elements are spaced at least one wavelength apart","The reflectors are shorter
than the driven element","There are usually more reflectors than the directors"
,,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1839,"In a Yagi antenna, the amximum direction of radiation is toward the","Dire
ctor","Driven element","Reflector","Sky",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Qui
1840,"In accordance with existing provision of law and the KBP rules and regulat
ions all stations shall actively promote the growth and the development of Filip
ino music by playing ___ OPM every clock hour.","4","3","2","1",,"Broadcasting",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1841,"In addition, fiber- optic cable comes in three types: multimode (62.5 um),
multimode (50 um), and __________.","Single mode","Double mode","Triple mode","
None of the above",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1842,"In all standard TV broadcast channels, the difference between the picture
and sound carrier frequency is always","4.5 MHz","6 MHz","0.25 MHz","1.25 MHz",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1843,"In AM, the carrier carries _____ intelligence.","No","Difference","Distort
ed","Same",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1844,"In AM, the carries carries ____ intelligence.","No","Difference","Distorte
d","All",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1845,"In AM, the sidebands carry ___ intelligence.","Same","Different","Distorte
d","No",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

157,"In amplitude modulation technique, the unmodulated carrier is referred to a

s having ____.","0% modulation","100% modulation","50% modulation","Over modulat
ion",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1847,"In an AM signal, the transmitted information is contained in
within the","Sidebands","Carrier","Modulating signal","Envelope",,"Uncategorized
",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1848,"In an AM signal, the transmitted information is contained within the","Sid
ebands","Carrier","Modulating signal","Envelope",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
1849,"In an AM transmitter a clipper circuit eliminates","Splatter","Harmonics",
"Overdeviation","Excessive gain",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
1850,"In an AM transmitter, a clipper circuit eliminates","Splatter","Harmonics
","Overdeviation","Excessive gain",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
1851,"In an AM wave, useful power is carried by","The sidebands","Both the sideb
ands and the carrier","Carrier","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
1852,"In an emission F3E signal, what is the term for the ratio between the devi
ation of a frequency modulated signal and the modulating frequency?","Modulation
index","FM compressibility","Quieting index","Percentage of modulation",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1853,"In an FM receiver, which circuit removes Amplitude variations?","Limiter",
"Exciter","Mixer","Discriminator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
1854,"In an FM stereo multiplex transmission, the","Difference signal mod. the 3
8 kHz subcarrier","Difference signal mod. the 19 KHz subcarrier","Difference sig
nal mod. the 67 KHz subcarrier","Sum signals modulated the 19 KHz subcarrier",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1855,"In an FM sterio multiplex transmission, the","Difference signal modulates
the 38 KHz subcarrier","Sum signal modulated the 19 KHz subcarrier","Different s
ignal modulates the 19 KHz subcarrier","Different signal modulates the 67 KHz su
bcarrier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1856,"In an FM transmitter, if the amplitude of the modulating signal is increas
ed,","The amount of frequency deviation will increase","The rate of frequency de
viation will decrease","The amount of frequency deviation will decrease","The ra
te of frequency deviation will increasese",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
1857,"In an IF amp with reverse AGC a strong signal will cause the collector cur
rent to","Decrease","Increase","Remains the same","Drop to zero",,"Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1858,"In an IF amplifier with reverse AGC, a strong signal will cause the collec
tor current to","Decrease","Increase","Remians the same","Drop to zero",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1859,"In an open wire transmission line, what is the normal separation between i
ts two conductors?","2 to 6 cm","0.001 to 0.01 cm","2.5 to 5 feet","2 to 3 meter
s",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1860,"In an RC coupled AMplifier, the voltage gain over mid- frequency range
","Is constant","Changes abruptly with frequency
","None of the above","Zero",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
1861,"In an SHF pulsed radar set a reflex klystron can be used as a","Local osci
llator","Single mixer stage","Transmitter oscillator","Duplexer stage",,"Microwa
ve Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1862,"In analog transmission, the output consists of ___ representing the input.
","Continuous variable quantity","Binary 1 & 2","Discrete values","Continuous fi
xed quantity",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1863,"In any analog to digital conversion process, it is the difference betweenth
e converted binary value and the actual analog signal's AMplitude.","Quantizing
noise","Quality noise","Quantity noise","Quantized noise",,"Uncategorized",1,,"O

bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1864,"In April 6 1965, INTELSAT 1 F-1 was launched in cape canaveral through the
launch vehicle________.","Delta D","Delta A","Delat E","Proton","","Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1865,"In asynchronous transmission, the gap between bytes is","Variable","Fixed"
,"Depends on the data rate","Zero",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
1866,"In base to mobile communication, what is the frequency allocated for GSM?"
,"935-960 MHz","890-915 MHz","900-935 MHz","915-930 MHz",,"Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1867,"In BSC protocol, after an ETB, ETX, a _____ field follows.","BCC","EOT","D
LE","SYN",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1868,"In cellular CDMA system, what is the transmit power used by cell site?","1
.25 W","2.25 mW","3 W","300mW",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1869,"In cellular networks, standard base station antennas are replaced by _____
_.","Adaptive array","Flat plate antenna","Dipole array","Focused antenna",,"Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1870,"In cellular telephone network, the service area coverage of a base station
is limited by","Interference","Number of subscribers","Frequency of operation",
"All of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Qui
1871,"In cellular telephony, a call from a mobile telephone to a standard land l
ine telephone is called","Mobile originating call","Mobile terminating call","Mo
bile reverting call","Expensive call",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1872,"In cellular telephony, it is the ability of the system to transfer ongoing
conversation of a mobile telephone from one channel to another channel.","Hando
ver","Roaming","Channel allocation","Any of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1873,"In channel 14, the 3.58 MHz color signal is transmitted at:
","474.83 MHz
","471.25 MHz
","473.25 MHz
","475.25 MHz",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1891,"In IEEE 802 local area network (LAN) standards, ________ are devices that
connect autonomousnetworks of like architecture at the network layer (layer 3).",
"Routers","Bridge","Gateways","Gatekeepers",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1892,"In indication signal for a handshake from the DCE to the DTE in response t
o an active condition for the request to send a signal.","Clear to send","Data t
ransmission","Data set ready","Receive data",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1893,"In ionospheric propagation, the nearest distance at which waves return to
earth is referred to as:","Skip distance","Ground wave distance","Line of sight
distance","Radio horizon distance",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
1894,"In IP telephony, a network device that converts voice and fax calls, in re
al time, between the public switched telephone networks (PSTN) and an IP network
.","IP gateway","Base station","Data center","Network converter",,"Wire & Wirele
ss Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1895,"In ISDN, the basic user channel is the","B-channel","C-channel","D-channel
","A-channel",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1896,"In Manchester code, what is represented by a one cycle of a square wave at
0 degree phase?","Logic 1","Logic 0","Logic 1 and 0","Logic 1 or 0","","Digital
& Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1897,"In Manchester code, what is represented by one cycle of a square wave at 1
80 degree phase?","Logic 0","Logic 1","Logic 1 or 0","Logic 1 and 0","","Digital
& Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1898,"In microwave communications, the frequency range for super high frequency

in megahertz is","3000 to 30000","30 to 300

","300 to 3000","30000 to 300000",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
1899,"In microwave transmission using digital radio what causes most inter-symbo
l interference?","Delayed spreading","Rayleigh fading","Slow fading","Random dop
pler shift",,"Microwave Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1900,"In mobile cellular communications, ARPC means","Average revenue per custom
er","Average revolution per cycle","All return permit collected","Any of the abo
ve",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1901,"In mobile phones, it denotes the specification of the radio transmission b
etween base station and mobile phone.","Air interface","Free space loss","Radio
frequency fundamentals","Handoff mechanism",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
158,"In modulation technique, which of the following is referred to audible pitc
liam Quiming","NONAME",
1903,"In multifrequency dialing, the frequencies for digit 1 are
","697 + 1209 Hz
","697 + 1477 Hz
","697 + 1336 Hz
","770 + 1209 Hz",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1904,"In multiplexing signals in digital form, upgrading from one level to the n
ext higher level of the hierarchy requires a special device called the _______."
,"MULDEM","CODEC","FILTER","MODEM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
73,"In navigational system, one of the following indications is provided by the
localizer unit of the ILS.","A horizontal deviation of an airplane from its opti
mum path of descent along the axis of the runway.","Angle of landing base from t
he horizontal plane of the runway.","Refers to the vertical deviation of an airp
lane upon takeoff base from the horizontal plane of the runway.","Distance of ai
rplane from the runway.","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
1905,"In October 26 1966,INTELSAT 2 F-1 was launched at _________ through the la
unched vehicle Delta E.","Cape Canaveral","Kourou","Baikonour","Xichang","","Sat
ellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1906,"In optical fiber communication, the term power budgeting refers to","The t
otal power available minus the attenuation losses","The loss power due to defect
ive components","The cost of cable, connectors equipment and installations","The
comparative costs of fiber and copper installations",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1907,"In optical fiber systems, the most commonly used in light detection is/are
","PIN and APD","PIN diode","Avalanche Photodiode","Any of the above",,"Fiber Op
tics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1908,"In order to be able to restore damaged files, the RFP should provide for a
","File server backup sofware program","UPS","Asynchronous communication server"
,"Modem",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1909,"In order to convey the modulating signal, the sampling frequency must be a
t least","Twice the highest modulating frequency","Three times the highest modul
ating frequency","Four times the highest modulating frequency","Five times the h
ighest modulating frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
1910,"In order to couple two generators to a waveguide system without coupling t
hem to each other, one could not use a","E-plane T","Rat-race","Hybrid T","Magic
T",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1911,"In order to have an effective radio antenna, the design of its radiator mu
st have a minimum length equivalent to _________.","Wavelength/4","Wavelength/10
","Wavelength/6","Wavelength/3",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
1912,"In order to have the entire network use a specific software programs, the

company must obtain permission from these software company. This is known as","M
ultiple network copies (MNC)","Workstation access to software help (WASH)","Site
licensing","Software permission",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
40,"In order to reduce quantizing noise, one must","Increase the number of stand
ard amplification","Send pulses whose sides are more nearly vertical","Use an RF
amplifier","Increase the number of samples per second",,"Noise",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
1914,"In order to reduce the cross sectional dimensions, the waveguide for use i
","Rectangular","Flexible",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
1915,"In order to separate channels in a TDM receiver. It is necessary to use","
AND gates","Bandpass filters","Differentiation","Integration",,"Digital & Data C
ommunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1916,"In PAM demultiplexing, the receiver clock is derived from","The PAM signal
itself","Radio station WWV","A highly accurate internal oscillator","The 60-Hz
power line",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1917,"In PAM/TDM system, keeping the miltiplexer and DEMUX channels step with on
e another is done by","Sync pulse","Clock receovery circuit","Sampling","Sequenc
er",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
159,"In PCM system, the minimum sampling rate is","Twice the highest audio input
frequency","Twice the lowest audio input frequency","Twice the highest carrier
frequency","Not a function of audio signal nor carrier",,"Modulation",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
160,"In PCM the circuit that periodically samples the continually changing analo
g input signal & converts the samples to a PAM.","Sample and hold","Bandpass fil
","A/D converter","Encoder",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
161,"In PCM what do you call the time wherein a sample voltage is taken?
","Aperture time","""On time""","Storage time","Conversion time",,"Modulation",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
162,"In PCM, the amplitude of a signal was quantized as 96 and transmitted is a
series of pulses as","1100000","1100100","1100100","0110100","Decimal 96 is 1100
000 in binary.","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
163,"In PCM, the samples of the signal ____ in each channel are taken in sequenc
liam Quiming","NONAME",
164,"In PCM, the standard samples in the composite pulse amplitude signal, would
occur at the rate of _____ samples per second.
","8,000","96","125","96,000","The highest voice frequency is 4,000 Hz. By Nyqui
st theorem, analog data must be sampled twice this frequency to avoid Aliasing o
r Foldover distortion.","Modulation",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
165,"In PCM, what is the approximate maximum amount of time that can be used for
each sample?","125 us","800 us","10 us","1 us","The sampling frequency is 8000
bps. T = 1/f = 125 us","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
166,"In PCM, when the number of standard quantizing levels in the system is incr
eased, the quantizing noise will ______.","Decrease","Increase","Regenerated","N
ot change",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1926,"In periscope arrangement, the best shape of the reflector mounted atop the
tower is ________.","Elliptical curved","Rectangular","Flyswatter","Rectangular
curved",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
167,"In phase shift method, how many circuits must be balanced?","2","4","3","6"
,,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
168,"In PM, a frequency shift occurs while what characteristic of the modulating
signal is changing?","Amplitude","Frequency","Phase","Shape",,"Modulation",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1929,"In practice, the transmission lines are almost connected to antennas that

have a","Resistive load at a resonant frequency","Capacitive load","Resitive loa

d whose resistance is less than Zo","Resistive load whose resistance is greater
than Zo",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1930,"In principle, ______ are caused by the same general conditions as dropouts
, but on a much larger scale.","Dead zone
","Handed-off","Hang-up condition","Cut-off condition",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1931,"In pulse radar, the transmitted pulses are obtained from","Magnetron","Syn
chronizer","Modulator","Lighthouse tube",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1932,"In pulse-radar, an echo time of 6.2 usec fixes the target at","A distance
of one-half of radar nautical mile","A distance of two radar nautical miles","A
position directly in front of the antenna","An altitude of 5,280 ft",,"Navigatio
nal Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1933,"In Quantum Theory, each of those tiny particles represents a discrete pack
et of energy called _________.","Photon","Atom","Proton","Electron",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
75,"In radio communication technology, the basic function of antenna is to _____
.","Generate And Collect Electromagnetic Energy","Send Communication Signal","Gr
ounding Term in Radio Equipment","Capture Radio Signal","","Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1934,"In radio communication the maximum permissible departure by the center fre
quency to the frequency band occupied by an emission from assigned channel or, b
y the characteristic frequency of an emission from the reference frequency.","Fr
equency tolerance","Assigned frequency","Frequency bandwidth","Center frequency"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1935,"In radio communications, the _____ is simply the physical space between th
e transmitting and receiving antennas","Channel
","Ionosphere",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
1936,"In radio frequency communications, the higher the radio frequency the ____
.","The longer it can reach","The shorter it can reach","Higher it can reach","E
ffect is null",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1937,"In radio regulation the first symbol in the designation of radio emission
is","Type of modulation of the main carrier","Bandwidth","Nature of signal(s) mo
dulating the main carrier","Type of information to be transmitted",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1938,"In radio rules and regulation, the EHF band is referred to as the","Millim
etric waves","Metric waves","Myriametric waves","Decametric waves",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1939,"In radio transmission, when a signal passes from a less dense to a more de
nse medium, the signal is bent ___
the normal.","Nearer to","Father away from","At same distance from","Opposite",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1940,"In radio transmission, when the signal passes from a less dense medium the
signal is bent ______ normal","Towards","Away from","Further from","From",,"Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1941,"In RC coupling scheme, coupling capacitor CC must be large enough to ___."
,"Not attenuate the low frequencies","Pass DC between stages","Dissipate high po
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
1942,"In regulation of public telecommunications carrier such as in the evaluati
on of new entrant the ffg. consideration shall be given emphasis to","Technical/
legal and financial","Legal/ technical and citizenship","Technical/ citizenship
and kind of service","Citizenship/ capacity and finacial",,"Uncategorized",1,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1943,"In Satellite Communication system the type of antenna used by the earth st
ation is called","Cassegrain","Torodial","Despun","Isotropic",,"Satellite Commun

ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1944,"In satellite communication the geostationary satellites are convenien ly l
ocated with respect to the equator at","0 latitude","90 latitude","45 latitude","60
latitude",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1945,"In Satellite Communications, the Earth Station uses what type of antenna?"
,"Cassegrain","Toridal","Despun","Isotropic",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1946,"In shipboard satellite dish antennas system azimuth is refered as","Horizo
ntal aiming of the antenna","0 to 90 degrees","Vertical aiming of the antenna","
North to East",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
1947,"In shipboard stellite dish antenna system, azimuth is refered as the ___."
,"Horizontal aiming of the antenna","Vertical aiming of the antenna","North to E
ast","0 to 90 degrees",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
169,"In signal modulation, the result of diagonal clipping in envelope detection
is referred to as","Distortion","Attenuation","Clipped signal","Modulated signa
l",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1949,"In single-mode fibers, a large fraction of the power is propagated in the
:","Cladding","Core","Sheath","Air",,"Fiber Optics",2,,"Objective","William Quim
77,"In spread spectrum transmission, which type of modulation is normally often
used with direct-sequence?","PSK","SSB","FSK","QAM","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
170,"In SSB, which sideband is best to use?","Upper Sideband","Lower Sideband","
Either of the two","A higher modulation percentage",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
171,"In SSB, which sideband is the best to use ?","Neither","USB","LSB","Depend
upon the use",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1952,"In TDM, each signals may used the full bandwidth of the channel.","True","
False","Either","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Qui
1953,"In TDM, multiple signals","Take turns transmitting","Share a common bandwi
dth","Modulate subcarrier","Are sampled at high speed",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
1991,"In time division-multiplexing systems, ___________ is a sequence of time s
lots each containing a samplefrom one of the channels carried by the system.","Fr
ame","Subdivision","Epoch","Time slots",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
1992,"In tropospheric scatter propagation the attenuation is dependent on","Scat
ter angle","Take-off angle","Antenna size","The tropospere",,"Radiation & Wave P
ropagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1993,"In VSAT, this type of network is a hybrid between the multipoint and fullmeshed network.","Hybrid voice and data network","Hybrid network","Composite net
work","All of these","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
1994,"In what form does the information of data communications is transmitter be
tween two points?","Binary form","Alphanumeric form","Alphabetic form","Numeric
form",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
1995,"In what year did computers and terminals start communicating with each oth
er over long distance?","1950's","1960's","1970's","1980's",,"Digital & Data Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1996,"In what year was radio discovered?","1876","1870","1846","1867","","Radiat
ion & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1997,"In what year was the telegraph introduced?","1844","1846","1876","1895",""
,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1998,"In wire communications system, calculate the return loss in dB, if the loa
d impedance is 600 ohms and the characteristic impedance of the line is 300 ohms
.","9.54 dB","9.0 dB","8.9 dB","9.8 dB","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",

1999,"In wire communications, non-resonant transmission lines are referred to as

____.","Flat lines","Lose lines","Reactive lines","Non-reactive lines",,"Wire &
Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2000,"In-Band Signaling is a method in which the signaling tones are transmitted
within the speech band. The most commonly used signal tone for this is","2600 H
z","1600 Hz","2400 Hz","3300 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
mmunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2002,"Incidentally proposed the geostationary scheme or orbit of the satellites
in 1940s.","Arthur Clarke","Samuel Morse","Stephen Gray","Carl Friedrich Gauss",
"","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2003,"Increased Ethernet speed from 10 to 100 megabits per second (Mbps)","Ovide
d a simple","St-effective option for backbone and server connectivity.","ESCON",
"Fast Ethernet",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2004,"Increasing the diameter of a parabolic reflector causes which of the follo
wing","Decreased beam width & increase gain
","Increase gain","Decrease beam width","Increase beam width",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2005,"Increasingly, new satellites operate in the Ku-Band which are in the ___ G
Hz frequency range.","11 to 13
","11 to 14.5","21 to 30","4 to 6",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
172,"Independent sideband emission type.","B8E","J3E","R3E","A3E",,"Modulation",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2007,"Indicate the antenna that is not wideband antenna.","Marconi","Discone","H
","Folded dipole",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2008,"Indicate the antenna that is not wideband:","Marconi","Helical","Folded di
pole","Discone",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2009,"Indicate the correct statement regading satellite communications.","A sate
llite earth station must have as many receive chains as there are carriers trans
mitted to it","If two earth station do not face a common satellite, they should
communicate via a double-satellite shop","Satellites are located so that it is i
mpossible for two earth stations to face the same satellite","Colocated earth st
ations are used for frequency diversity",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
2010,"Indicate the false statement :","In QPSK, bit rate equals baud rate","FSK
is a form of narrowband FM","In BPSK, bit rate equals baud rate","PSK is a form
of angular modulation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
2011,"Indicate the false statement concerning communications receivers.","Variab
le sensitivity is used to eliminate selective fading","The noise limiter cuts of
f the receivers output","A product demodulator could be used for the reception o
f Morse code","Double conversion is used to improve image rejection",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2012,"Indicate the false statement. An advantage of stripline over microstrip is
its","Easier integration with semiconductor devices","Lower tendency to radiate
","Higher isolation between adjacent circuits","High Q factor",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2013,"Indicate the false statement. An advantage of stripline over waveguide is
its","Higher power handling capacity","Smaller bulk","Greater bandwidth","Gretae
r compatibility with solid-state devices",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2014,"Indicate the false statement. An advantage of stripline over waveguides is
its","Higher power-handling capability","Smaller bulk","Greater bandwidth","Gre
ater compatibility with solid-sate devices",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2015,"Indicate the false statement. FETs are preferred to bipolar transistors at

the highest frequencies because they","Lend themselves more easily to integrati

on","Less noisy","Are capable of higher efficiencies","Can provide higher gains"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
41,"Indicate the false statement. From the transmitter the signal deterioration
because of noise is usually","Predictable in character","Unwanted energy","Prese
nt in the transmitter","Due to any cause",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2017,"Indicate the false statement. Graded index fibers have","Low cost","Less d
ispersion","Higher rails","None of the above",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2018,"Indicate the false statement. In optical communications system, light sour
ces should","Have wide spectral bandwidth","Be highly directional","Must be temp
erature stable","Be capable of coupling sufficient optical power",,"Fiber Optics
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
42,"Indicate the false statement. In order to combat noise","The channel bandwid
th maybe increased","Redundancy may be used","The transmitted power may be incre
ased","The signaling rate may be reduced",,"Noise",1,,"Objective","William Quimi
2020,"Indicate the false statement. Klystron amplifiers may use intermediate cav
ities to","Prevent the oscilliations that occur in two-cavity klystrons","Increa
se the bandwidth","Improve the power gain","Increase the efficiency of the klyst
ron",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
173,"Indicate the false statement. Modulation is used to","Reduce the bandwidth
used","Separate differing transmissions","Ensure that intelligence may be transm
itted over long distance","Allow the use of practicable antennas",,"Modulation",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2022,"Indicate the false statement. Most receivers conform to the","Superheterod
yne group","Amplitude-modulated group","Frequency-modulated group","Tuned radio
frequency receiver group",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
174,"Indicate the false statement. The need for modulation can best be exemplifi
ed by the following","An antenna in the standard broadcast AM band is 16,000 ft"
,"An antenna will be approximately lambda/4 long","All sound is concentrated frm
20 Hz to 20 kHz","A message is composed of unpredictable variations in AM & FM"
,,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2024,"Indicate the FALSE statement. The SWR on a transmission line is infinity;
the line is terminated in remains constant","A complex impedance","A short circu
it","An open circuitation","A pure reactance",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
2025,"Indicate the false statement. Transmit time in microwave tubes will be red
uced if","Multiple or coaxial leads are used","The electrodes are brought closer
together","A higher current is used","The anode voltage is made larger",,"Micro
wave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2026,"Indicate the false statement. When the free-space wavelength of a signal e
quals the cut-off wavelength of the guide","The characteristic impedance of the
guide becomes infinite","The group velocity of the signal becomes zero","The pha
se velocity of the signal becomes infinite","The wavelength within the waveguide
becomes infinite",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2027,"Indicate the fase statement, In single mode optical fibers,","The rate of
transmission is relatively low","Powerful light sources is required","Core diama
ter is extremely small","Bandwidth is extremely wide",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
43,"Indicate the noise whose source is in a category different from that of the
other three","Atmospheric noise
","Solar noise","Galactic noise","Cosmic noise",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William
2029,"Indicate the true statement. The directional coupler is","A deviced used t
o measure transmission line power","A device used to connect a transmitter to a
directional antenna","A coupling device for matching impedance","A SWR measuring
instrument",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2030,"Indicate the true statement. The process of sending and recreceiving start
ed as early as","The 1840s","The middle of 1930s","1850","The beginning of the t
wentieth century",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2031,"Indicate which of the following cannot be followed bythe word ""waveguide"
":","Coaxial","Elliptical","Flexible","Rigid",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2032,"Indicate which of the following canot be followed by the word waveguide:",
","Elliptical ridged","Ridged","Flexible",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
175,"Indicate which of the following circuit could not demodulate SSB:","Phase d
iscriminator","BFO","Product detector","Balanced modulator",,"Modulation",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
176,"Indicate which of the following circuits could NOT demodulate SSB:","Phase
discriminator","BFO","Product detector","Balanced modulator",,"Modulation",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2035,"Indicate which of the following diodes does not use negative resistance in
its operation","Backward","Gunn","IMPATT","Tunnel",,"Microwave Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2036,"Indicate which of the following diodes does not use negative resistance in
its operations:","Backward","Gunn","IMPATT","Tunnel",,"Microwave Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2037,"Indicate which of the following diodes will produce the highest pulsed pow
er output.","IMPATT","Schottky barrier","Gunn","Varactor",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2038,"Indicate which of the following diodes will produce the highest pulsed pow
er output:","RIMPATT","Schottky barrier","Varactor","Gunn",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2039,"Indicate which of the following frequencies can not be used for reliable b
eyond-the-horizon terrestrial communications without repeaters","12 GHz","15 MHz
","900 MHz","20 kHz",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Qui
2040,"Indicate which of the following is an American domsat system.","TELSTAR","
COMSAT","INTELSAT","INMARSAT",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
2041,"Indicate which of the following is digital.","Pulse Code Modulation","Puls
e Position Modulation","Pulse Width Modulation","Pulse Amplitude Modulation",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2042,"Indicate which of the following is NOT a binary code.","Morse","Baudot","C
CITT-2","ARQ",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2043,"Indicate which of the following is not a TWT slow- wave structure:","Perio
dic-permanent magnet","Coupled cavity","Helix","Ring-bar",,"Microwave Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
177,"Indicate which of the following pulse modulation system is analog.","PWM","
PCM","Differential PCM","Delta Modulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William
2045,"Indicate which of the following reasons for using a counterpoise with ante
nnas is false:","Protection of personnel working underneath","Impossibility of a
good ground connection","Provision of an earth for the antenna","Rockiness of t
he ground itself",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2046,"Indicate which of the following signals is NOT transmitted in color TV:","
R","Y","I","Q",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2047,"Indicate which of the following statements about the advantages of the pha
se discriminator over the detector is false.","Greater limiting","Fewer tuned ci
rcuits","Better linearity","Much easier alignment",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2048,"Indicate which of the following statements about the advantages of the pha
se discriminator over the slope detector is FALSE:","Greater limiting","Much eas
ier alignment","Better linearity","Fewer tuned circuits",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2049,"Indicate which of the following terms applies to troposcatter propagation:

","Fading","SIDs (Sudden Ionosphoric Disturbances)","Atmospheric storms","Farada
y rotation",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2050,"Indicate which one is a not binary code.","Morse","Baudot","CCITT-2","ARQ"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2051,"Indicate which one of the following is not an advantage of FM over AM:","L
ower bandwidth is required","Better noise immunity is provided","The transmitter
power is useful","Less modulating power is required",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2052,"Indicate which one of the following terms applies to troposcatter propagat
ion:","Fading","SIDs","Atmospheric storms","Faraday rotation",,"Radiation & Wave
Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2053,"Indicates a request for service, such as going of-hook or ringing the dest
ination telephone","Alerting Signals","Supervising Signals","Controlling Signals
","Addressing Signals",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
2054,"Indonesia launched its first communiactions satellite on July 8, 1976. Thi
s satellite known as ________________ also means ""fruits of labor"".","Palapa A
1","Ekran","Anik","Mabuhay","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
2055,"Inductive loading has the following advantage except the following","Veloc
ity of propagation is decrease","Uniformity of attenuation over the voice freque
ncy range","Increase in characteristic impedance","Significant reduction in tran
smission loss",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
44,"Industrial noise frequency is between","15 to 160 MHz","0 to 10 MHz","20 GHz
","200 to 3000 MHz",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2057,"Information theory was developed by","Shannon","Huygens","Reeves","Appleto
n",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2058,"Information transmitted over the ESCON I/O interface is connected into a _
____ transmission code.","10-bit","8-bit","4-bit","16-bit","","Telecommunication
s & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2059,"Insertion loss is","None of the above","A low level high frequncy signal i
nserted into the originall8","A momentary disrution of signal due to power inter
uption ;","Caused by thermal noise that intermodulate with the signal",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2060,"Insertion loss of connector-type splices for a single-mode fiber cable","0
.38 dB","0.2 dB","0.3 dB","0.09 dB",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2061,"Instead of each channel occupying a given wacelength, frequency or time sl
ot, each channel transmits its bits as a coded channel-specific sequence of puls
es.","CDM","SCM","PCM","LCM","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
2062,"Integrated telephone and speakerphone circuit performance is optimized wit
h","Tunnel diodes","Inductors","Resistors","Capacitors",,"Wire & Wireless Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
178,"Intelligence signal in radio modulation technique is not called","Harmonics
","Audio signal","Information","Modulating wave",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
2064,"INTELSAT stands for","International Telecommunications Satellite","Interna
tional Telephone Satellite","Intel Satellite","International Satellite",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2065,"Intended as a protocol for packet switching networks and for supporting th
e attachment of intelligent terminals as well as communication controllers and h
ost processors.","X.25","V.25","V.21","X.21",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2066,"Intended to provide communications medium for the transfer of digital data
from station to station without the use of data modem:","Digital Data service (
DDs)","Analog/Digital service (A/Ds)","Digital/Analog service (D/As)","Analog Da
ta service (ADs)",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi

2067,"Intentional bipolar violations","Are used to convey information or maintai
n min no. of ones","Represent coding errors caused by line impairments","Result
in successive marks having opposite polarities","Only occur in the laboratory",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2068,"Interconnect computers in and around a large city.
","MAN","PAN","GAN","LAN",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2069,"Interconnects computers in and around the entire country.","WAN","LAN","GA
N","PAN",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2070,"Interconnects devices within a building or campus.","LAN","ISDN","WAN
","INTRA network",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2071,"Interconnects LANs within a building.","Building Backbone","Campus Backbon
e","PAN","WAN",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
2072,"Interlacing is used in television to
","Avoid flicker","Ensure all lines on the screen are scanned","Simplify the ver
tical sync pulse train","Produce the illusion of motion",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2073,"International equivalent of SONET.","SDH","PDH","DLC","DSL","","Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2074,"International telecommunication services excluding telephone, telegraph an
d data transmission services offered by a Administration and defined CCITT for t
he purpose of exchange of information via telecommunication networks.","Telemati
c services","Special services","Operator service","All of the above",,"Wire & Wi
reless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2075,"International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT) was for
med in what year?","1964","1965","1967","1966","","Satellite Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2076,"Internet is
","The generic term that simply means to interconnect two or more networks","The
name specific worldwide data communication network","Connection between network
s","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
179,"Inventor of pulse-code modulation for the digital encoding of speech.","Ale
x Reeves","R.V.L. Hartley","J.R. Carson","H. Nyquist",,"Modulation",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2078,"Involves transmission of two nonzero voltage level.","Bipolar","Unipolar",
"Non-return to zero","Return to zero",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2079,"Iridium constellation is made up of how many satellites?","66","77","45","
80",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2080,"Iridium uses a downlink of 19.4 - 19.6 GHz and an uplink of ____ - ____ GH
z.","29.1 - 29.3 GHz","21.3 - 23.6 GHz","24.4 - 25.6 GHz","27.3 - 27.6 GHz","","
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2081,"Is a device that connects a computer to a phone line, a telephone for a co
mputer. It allows a computer to talk to other computers through the phone system
.","Modem","Codec","Muldem","Splitter",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2082,"Is a kind of satellite, which has a period of revolution equivalent to the
period of rotation of the earth about its axis.","Geosynchronous satellite","Sy
nchronous satellite","Passive satellite","Active satellite",,"Satellite Communic
ations",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2083,"Is a loss of power of a satellite downlink signal due to earth's atmospher
e.","Path loss","Radiation loss","Atmospheric loss","RFI",,"Satellite Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2084,"Is a method of designing subscriber loops based on establishing a common m
aximum resistance limit for a switch and the maximum resistance limit defines a
perimeter around a switch or local exchange which is called the resistance desig
n boundary.","Resistance Design","Long Route Design (LRD)","Unigauge Design","Fi

ne Gauge and Minigauge Techniques","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu

2085,"Is a new broadband communication technology that creates high-speed access
to the Internet and remote networks using the phone lines that are already pres
ent in your home.","ADSL","RADSL","DSL","HDSL",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2086,"Is a non-coherent light source for optical communications systems.","LED",
"ILD","APD","PIN diode",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
2087,"Is a nonprofit, technical professional association of more than 360,000 in
dividual members in approximately 175 countries that is an authority in technica
l areas such as computer engineering and telecommunications.","IEEE","CCITT","FC
C","ITU",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2088,"Is a transducer converting sound pressure waves into signals which are sen
t to the brain.","Ear","Incus","Ear drum","Malleus",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
2089,"Is a transmitter supplies 8 kW to the antenna when it is unmodulated, dete
rmine the total radiated power when modulated at 30%.","8.36 kW","5 kW","20 kW",
"15 kW",,"Antennas",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
2090,"Is an aggregation of distributed nodes (like workstations, file servers or
peripherals) with it s own protocol that supports interaction among this nodes.
","Networks","Channel","Fiber Channel","Fiber Optics","","Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2091,"Is said to exist below the ground and is a true mirror image of the actual
","Image antenna","Dipole antenna","Marconi antenna
","Hertz antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2092,"Is the area enclosed within the resistance design boundary.","Resistance D
esign Area","Resistance Design Limit","Switch Supervisory Limit","Switch Design
Limit","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2093,"Is the basic building block of ISDN.","64 kbps","4 kHz","4 kbps","16 kHz",
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2094,"Is the conductor loop resistance beyond which the operation of the switch
supervisory equipment is uncertain.","Switch Supervisory limit","Switch Design L
imit","Design Loop","Theoritical Design","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2095,"Is the different angle of entry of light into an optical fiber when the di
ameter of the core is many times the wavelegth of the light transmitted.","Modes
","Acceptance angle","Sensors","Aperture","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2096,"Is the different angle of entry of light into an optical fiber when the di
ameter of the core is many times the wavelength of the light transmitted.","Mode
s","Acceptance angle","Sensors","Aperture",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2097,"Is the geographical representation of a satellite antenna radiation patter
n.","Footprint","Spot","Earth","Region",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2098,"Is the geographical representation of the satellite antenna radiation patt
ern","Footprint","Spot","Earth","Region","","Satellite Communications",1,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2099,"Is the measurement that distinguishes electromagnetic waveform energy; num
ber of cycles, or complete waves, that pass a reference point per second; measure
ment of frequency.","Hertz (Hz)","Decibel","Joule","Erlang",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2100,"Is the most common technique where apartment houses- hotels- schools- cond
ominiums- and multi-unit buildings distribute TV and FM signals to a number of r
eceivers- using a single head-end.","CCTV","CATV","MATV","Antenna",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2101,"Is the subscriber cable makeup consisting of the two finest standard conse
cutive gauges necessary in the design loop to meet the switch design limit.","Th

eoritical Design","Design Loop","Switch Design Limit","Switch Supervisory Limit"

,"","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2102,"Is the total useful information processed or communicated over a specific
amount of time.","Throughput","Baud rate","Bit rate","Information theory",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2103,"Is the width of range of wavelegths emitted by the light source.","Spectra
l width","Bandwidth","Chromatic dispersion","Beamwidth","","Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2104,"Is the width of the range of wavelengths emitted by the light source.","Sp
ectral width","Beamwidth","Chromatic dispersion","Bandwidth",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2105,"Isochronous Signals are periodic signals in which the time interval that s
eparates any twocorresponding significant occurrences or level transitions is alw
ays equal to some unit interval ora multiple of that unit interval.","Isochronous
Signal","Digital Signal","Analog Signal","Supervisory Signal",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2106,"It activates the necessary apparatus for proper call charging","Telephone
number","Telephone set","Switching","Signaling","","Wire & Wireless Communicatio
ns",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2107,"It allows data streams of different format to be combined into a single hi
gh speed fiber optic synchronous data stream. It is the standard for connecting
fiber optic transmission systems.","SONET","T1C","ISDN","ADSL",,"Fiber Optics",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2108,"It allows new signals to come in and existing signals to be dropped from c
arrier channel.
","ADM","OFDM","DWDM","ETDM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
180,"It can transmit data in IP, ATM, SONET /SDH, and Ethernet, and handle bit r
ates between 100 Mb/s and 2.5 Gbps.","DWDM","WDM","CWDM","ADM",,"Modulation",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2110,"It carries the data between the cell site and the MTSO. It can be implemen
ted in 3 ways: through T1 carrier wire, microwave radio and optical fiber.","Dat
a-link network","Converter","Transceiver system","Switch",,"Microwave Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2111,"It consist of a number of dipoles of equal size, equally spaced along a st
raight line with all dipoles fed in the same phase from the same source.","Yagi
antenna","Log-periodic antenna","Broadside array","End-fire array",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2112,"It consist of current flow interrupted at a specified rate","Dial pulses",
"Ac pulses","Dc pulses","No pulses","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
2113,"It consist of privately owned trunk and switching facilities. One of its i
mportant aspect is a uniform numbering plan. Each switch has a specific location
code, similar to the 3-digit CO codes in the PSTN. Within each ETN switch, a un
ique number is used to identify each connected station or telephone.
","Electronic Tandem Networks (ETN)","Tandem Tie Trunk Networks (TTTN)","Enhance
d Private Switched Communications Services (EPSCS)","Common Control Switching Ar
rangements (CCSA)","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
2114,"It converts the varying electrical current representing the transmitted sp
eech signal to variations in air pressure usable by human ear.","Receiver","Tran
smitter","Ringer","Transmission Regulation Circuit","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2115,"It deals with the transport of bits across the physical medium. Its main f
unction is the conversion between STS signal and OC signals.","Photonic Layer","
Section Layer","Line Layer","Path Layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
2116,"It distributes the stresses of launched and acts as a strong, stable frame
work for attaching the other parts of the satellite.","Structure subsystem","Tel

emetry and command subsystem","Propulsion subsystem","Altitude control subsystem

",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2117,"It divides a radio frequency available to a network into time slots and th
en allocates slots to multiple calls.","TDMA","FDMA","WDMA","DWDM",,"Uncategoriz
ed",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
181,"It enables different formats, such as IP, ATM, SONET, and SDH.","DWDM","CWD
M","PCM","QUAM","","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2119,"It enables workstations in a local area network to send and receiver infor
mation like memos, reports, etc.","E-mail","On-line processing","Batch processin
g","WAN",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2120,"It establishes connections announce incoming calls, and reports the fact t
hat a line is busy.","Telephone signaling","In band Signaling","Out of band sign
aling","Common channel signaling","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2121,"It has also become a common practice to express equipment reliability resu
lts for microwave systems in terms of:","All of the above","Failure rate","MTBF"
,"Probability function",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2122,"It has the ability to move data over the phone lines at speeds up to _____
_______, or 140 times quicker than the fastest analog modems available today (56
kbps).","6 Mbps","200 Mbps","1024 Mbps","155 Mbps",,"Digital & Data Communicati
ons",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2123,"It houses the critical elements to change the local channel into the remot
e wavelength necessary for the long distance WDM signal.","Converter board","Dua
ler","Mixer","Tabler","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2124,"It includes an area less than one-third of the earth s surface.","Zonal","
Earth","Spot","Footprint",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2125,"It includes an area less than one-third of the earth s surface.","Zonal","Ea
rth","Spot","Footprint",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2126,"It includes coverage of approximately one-third of the earth s surface and
the radiation patterns have a beamwidth of approximately 17.","Earth","Zonal","S
pot","Footprint",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2127,"It includes coverage of approximately one-third of the earth s surface and t
he radiation patterns have a beamwidth of approximately 17.","Earth","Zonal","Spo
t","Footprint",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2128,"It includes the electric or chemical motor that brings the spacecraft to i
ts permanent position, as well as small thrusters (motors) that help keep the sa
tellite in its assigned place in orbit.","Propulsion subsystem","Telemetry and c
ommand subsystem","Altitude control subsystem","Structure subsystem",,"Satellite
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2129,"It indicates target range only.","A scan","C scan","B scan","PPI",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2130,"It involves converting logic levels to a form more suitable for telephone
line transmission","Line encoding","Framing","Band limiting","Digital companding
",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2131,"It involves converting standard logic levels (TTL, CMOS and the like) to f
orm more suitable to telephones line transmission.","Digital Line Encoding","Dig
ital Data Conversion","Digital Data Transmission","PCM encoding",,"Digital & Dat
a Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2132,"It involves transmission of only a single nonzero voltage level.","Unipola
r","Bipolar","Return to Zero","Non-return to Zero",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2133,"It is a 19 - member international consortium of strategic investors repres
enting telecommunication and industrial companies, created by Motorola as its sp
in-off.","Iridium LLC","Big LEOs","Big MEOs","None of the above","","Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2134,"It is a box which contains telephone subscriber's line and is connected to

the distribution plant central office.","Termination Box","Station Protector","

Connector","Cabinet","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
2135,"It is a cable connected from the underground cable to the aerial cable","R
iser Cable","Feeder cable","Entrance Cable","Trunking Cable",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2136,"It is a communication system registered trademark of International Busines
s Machine Corportion.","ESCON","Gigabit ethernet","DSL","SONET","","Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2137,"It is a communication system that provides private two-way voice and data
communications between virtually any location, separated by few yards to thousan
ds of miles.","Telephone System","Cellular Communication","Wire Communication","
Satellite Communication","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2138,"It is a communication system that uses digital pulses to encode informatio
n rather than analog signals.","Digital carrier","Analog carrier","Carrier frequ
ency","Amplitude carrier","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2139,"It is a concept developed by BELLCORE of NA to save on the expense of copp
er in the subscriber loop plant and this is done by reducing the gauge (diameter
) of wire pairs as much as possible retaining specific resistance and transmissi
on limits.","Unigauge Design","Fine Gauge and Minigauge Techniques","Resistance
Design","Long Route Design","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2140,"It is a continuously transmitted unmodulated carrier that an earth station
can lock on to and used to determine the exact location of a satellite so the e
arth station can align its antennas.","Beacon","Overhead","Payload","Isolator",,
"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2141,"It is a dielectric waveguide for the propagation of electromagnetic energy
at light frequencies","Fiber optics","Stripline","Microstrip","Laser beam",,"Fi
ber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2142,"It is a fabric connection in a switched fabric topology.","F_port","E_port
","FL_port","G_port","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
2143,"It is a feature of cellular system that allows the user to restrict certai
n types of outgoing or incoming calls.","Call barring","Call forwarding","Call t
ransfer","Call waiting",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","comm_obj_003.rtf",
2144,"It is a fiber channel topology which all devices are in a loop or ring, si
milar to token ring networking.","Arbitrated Loop","Point-to-Point","Switched Fa
bric","Channel Switches","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2145,"It is a fiber topology which all devices or loops of devices are connected
to Fiber Channel switches, similar conceptually to modern Ethernet implementati
ons.","Switched Fabric (FC-SW)","Poin-to-Point","Arbitrated Loop","Channel Switc
hes","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2146,"It is a form of multiparty signaling with the telephone connected in paral
lel on the same line. A call for any party will activate the ringers of every pa
rty and to indicate which party is being called codes are usually used.","Coded
ringing","Superimposed ringing","Multifrequency ringing","Reverse ringing",,"Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2147,"It is a generic port on a switch can operate as an E_port or F_port.
m Quiming","NONAME",
2148,"It is a gigabit speed network technology primarily used for Storage Networ
king, it is also standardized in the T11 Technical Committee of the InterNationa
l Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)?
","Fiber Channel","Gigabit Ethernet","Digital Subscriber Line","ESCON","","Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2149,"It is a helical wire around the strand wire and cable.","Lashing wire","St

rand wire","Copper wire","Drop wire","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obj

ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
45,"It is a high gain,low noise level, audio frequency amplifier and a square la
w calibrated vacuum tube voltmeter used to amplify and measure the output of a c
rystal and display the information","Standing wave indicator","Power level indic
ator","Voltmeter","Pilot indicator
",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2151,"It is a large international community of network designers, operators, ven
dors and researchers concerned with the evolution of Internet architecture and t
he smooth operation of the Internet.","IETF","TIA","ANSI
IAB","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2152,"It is a large scale integration chip designed for used in telecommunicatio
n industry for PBXs, CO switches, digital handsets, voice store-and-forward syst
ems and digital suppressors.","Codecs","Combo chips","Gates","None of the choice
s","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2153,"It is a Low Earth Orbit mobile satellite phone system consisting of 66 orb
iting satellites at an elevation of approximately 600 miles above the earth in p
olar orbits.","Iridium","Thuraya","Globalstar","Ellipsat","","Satellite Communic
ations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2154,"It is a major cause of the sporadic-E condition.","Sunspot","Meteors","Tem
perature inversions","Wind shear",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2155,"It is a measure of microwave power radiated from an antenna as a function
of angular direction from the antenna axis.","Beamwidth","Sidelobes","Antenna pa
ttern","Polarization",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2156,"It is a method of combining multiple signals on laser beams at various wav
elengths for transmission along a fiber optic cables, such that the number of ch
annels is fewer than in dense wavelength division multiplexing but more than in
standard wavelength division mutiplexing.","Coarse wavelength division multiplex
ing","Clown wavelength division multiplexing","Crowd wavelength division multipl
exing","Conical wavelength division multiplexing","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2157,"It is a non-combustible tubing,which encases the riser cable between enclo
sed type metallic terminal cabinets or boxes.","Riser conduit","Entrance cable",
"Raceway","Entrance cable",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2158,"It is a pressure type mic with a permanent coil as a transducer element.",
am Quiming","NONAME",
2159,"It is a pressure type microphone with a permanent coil as a transducing el
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2160,"It is a protocol used to connect the other packet switching netwrok.","X.7
5","X.25","X.10","X.50",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2161,"It is a scheme in which the length of the subscriber numbers is uniform in
agiven area.","Uniform numbering","Non uniform numbering","Unknown numbering","
Sychronous numbering","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2162,"It is a scheme in which the subscriber numbers vary within a numbering are
a.","Non uniform numbering","Uniform numbering","Crowd numbering","Synchronous n
umbering","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2163,"It is a set of rules governing the orderly exchange of data information.",
2164,"It is a Seven-Layered Model that finds wide application in networking appl
","OSI","EIA","ANSI","IEEE",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N

2165,"It is a shipboard equipment which measures the distance between the ship's
bottom and the ocean floor by sending out ultrasonic pulses via a transducer wh
ich are reflected at the same bottom and received with the same transducer.
","Transcoder","Compander",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2166,"It is a signaling function that are used to convey information regarding s
witchboard conditions.","Supervisory signals","Ringing signals","Line signals","
Address signals",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2167,"It is a signaling function that conveys dialing or digital information tha
t is necessary to establish the desired connection.","Address signals","Ringing
signals","Line signals","Supervisory signals",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2168,"It is a signaling function that is used to operate a visible or audible al
arm to alert someone of an incoming call.","Ringing signals","Supervisory signal
s","Line signals","Address signals",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2169,"It is a signaling necessary to set up a call and the speech signal share t
he same transmission path.","Channel associated signaling","Common channel signa
ling","Channel independent signaling","Mixed channel signaling",,"Wire & Wireles
s Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2170,"It is a spacecraft placed in orbit around the earth carrying on-board micr
owave transmitting and receiving equipment.","Communication Satellite","Coaxial
Cable System","Fiber Optic Equipment","Wireless Radio System",,"Satellite Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2171,"It is a special purpose switch that connects the call between mobile units
and landline telephones","MTSO","TACS","AMPS","PSTN",,"Wire & Wireless Communic
ations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2172,"It is a standard communications protocol embedded in software and hardware
devices, intended for building a local area network (LAN).","Ethernet","Digital
loop carrier","Digital subscriber line","Wavelength division multiplexing","","
Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2173,"It is a system where different ringing tone patterns can tell different th
ing about the telephone calls.","Distinctive Ringing","Revertive Ringing","Bridg
ed Ringing","Associative Ringing","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2174,"It is a telecommunication technology that offers data speeds up to 10 bill
ion bits per second.","10-gigabit ethernet","Gigabit ethernet","Fast ethernet","
None of the above","","Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2175,"It is a term used for multiple E_ports trunked together to create high ban
dwidth between switches.","TE_port","E_port","F_port","FL_port","","Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2176,"It is a type of call that causes cell site to turn off the cell transceive
r when the cell cannot receive the supervisory audio tone in 5 seconds.","Call d
rop","Call barring","Call termination","Call Blocking",,"Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2177,"It is a type of DC signaling consists of current flow interrupted at a spe
cified rate.","Dial pulses","On-hook","Off-hook","Reversed battery signaling",,"
Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2178,"It is a type of DC signaling on local loops that is indicated by an open c
ircuit and no current flow.","On-hook","Dial pulses","Off-hook","Reversed batter
y signaling",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming",
2179,"It is a type of DC signaling on local loops that is signaled by a closed c
ircuit and continuous current flow.","Off-hook","On-hook","Dial pulses","Reverse
d battery signaling",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q

2180,"It is a type of switching system that is digital computer-based capable of

controlling matrices that connect analog signals as well as digital ones.","Ele
ctronic Switching System","Step-by-step switching","Crossbar switching","Manual
switching",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2181,"It is a US standard for the international operation of optical network and
closely related to a system called SDH.","SONET","FDDI","ATM","ISDN","","Fiber
Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2182,"It is a very general term referring to the entire field of computer hardwa
re to programming and network management.","Information Technology","Computer Ar
chitecture Technology","Computer Technology","Advanced Computer",,"Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2183,"It is a wire about 3/8-in in diameter supporting a cable.","Strand wire","
Lashing wire","Solid wire","None of the above","","Wire & Wireless Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2184,"It is also called the Strowger switching system","Step-by-Step Switching",
"Cross Bar Switching","ESS","Manual Switching",,"Wire & Wireless Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
182,"It is an average power of a radio transmitter supplied to the antenna trans
misison line taken during a long suffiecient interval of time and compared with
the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation taken under the normal operat
ing conditions.","Mean power","Rated power","Carrier power","Peak enveloped powe
r",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2186,"It is an enclosure used for the shielding or mechanical protection of elec
trical wirings and cable. It may consists of either rigid or flexible metallic o
r non-metallic tubing.","Conduits","Main distribution frame","Terminal box","Cro
ss connect cabinet","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
2187,"It is an FDM technique for fiber-optic cable in which multiple optical sig
nal channels are carried across a single strand of fiber at different wavelength
s of light.","WDM","PCM","CDM","TDM","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Q
2188,"It is an international standard for synchronous data transmission over opt
ical fibers and defines a standard rate of transmission at 155.52 Mbps.","Synchr
onous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)","Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH)","Synchro
nous Optical Network (SONET)","Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)",,"Fiber Optics",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2189,"It is an LSI chip designed for use in the telecommunications industry for
PBx s, Digital handsets and Digital Echo Suppressors.
","Codec","Combo Chips","Filter","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2190,"It is an underground enclsure to facilitate the splicing of two or more ca
ble or to facilitate the localization of cable troubles.","Manhole","Conduit","T
erminal box","Main distribution frame","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
2191,"It is characterized by offering a high port-count in a modular (slot-based
) chassis with no single point of failure (high availability).
","Director Switches","Fabric Switches","Channel","Networks","","Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2192,"It is comprised of 10 super groups; contains two categories: the U600 and
L600.","Basic master group","Jumbo groups","Super jumbo groups","None of the cho
ices","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2193,"It is defined the equivalent transmit power","EIRP","Gain","Effective powe
r","Power Efficiency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
","TRANSPONDER",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2195,"It is desirable to extend subscriber loop lengths beyond a certain limit.

Common methods to attain longer loops without exceeding loss limit is/are:","All
of these","Increase conductor diameter","Use amplifiers and/or loop extenders",
"Use inductive loading","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2196,"It is device that increases the battery voltage or loop that extends its s
ignaling range.","Loop extender","Loop amplifier","Voltage extender","None of th
ese","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2197,"It is first serial Direct-To-Home TV communication satellite 1976.","Ekran
","Westar 1","Anik 1","Courier","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2198,"It is generally used as a substitute for T1/E1.","HDSL","RADSL","DSL","ADS
L",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2199,"It is known as the ground return ringing.","Divide Ringing","Bridge Ringin
g","Superimposed Ringing","Coded Ringing",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2200,"It is made from semiconductor material such as Aluminum-gallium-arsenide o
r gallium-arsenide-phosphide.","Light-emitting diode","Injection laser diode","P
IN diode","APD","APD - Avalanche Photo Diode
PIN - Positive-intrinsic-ne
gative","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2201,"It is measure of the microwave power radiated from an antenna as a functio
n of an angular direction from the antenna size.","Antenna pattern","Polarizatio
n","Sidelobes","Beamwidth",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
79,"It is non-combustible tubing, which encases the riser cable between enclosed
type metallic terminal cabinets or boxes.","Riser Conduit","Raceway","Riser Sha
ft","Entrance Cable","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
2202,"It is protocol which has been accepted as the basis for the broadband ISDN
m Quiming","NONAME",
2203,"It is provides a direct or switched point-to-point connection between the
communicating devices, it is typically hardware-intensive and transports data at
the high speed with low overhead.
","Channel","Networks","Fiber Channel","Fiber Optics","","Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2204,"It is referred as the ratio of busy hour day calls.","Call concentration",
"Busy hour","Traffic","Traffic rate",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2205,"It is referred to as the elevation and azimuth display.","C scan","A scan"
,"B scan","PPI",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
2206,"It is referred to as the feedback signal to the calling subscriber.","Side
tone","Cross talk","None of the choices","Heard feedback",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2207,"It is required to provide a 14.4 Kbps transmission line with a bit error o
f 10e^-6. What is the maximum allowable error per hour ?","51.84","30.8","39.5",
"None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2208,"It is responsible for providing services to the network layer regardless o
f media type, such as FDDI, Ethernet, Token Ring, and so on.","Logical Link Cont
rol (LLC)","Upper Link Control (ULC)","Lower Link Control (LLC)","Data Link Cont
rol (DLC)",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2209,"It is the ability to amplify signal","Sensitivity","System capacity","Syst
em capability","Selectivity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
2210,"It is the ability to reject or select desired frequency","Selectivity","Se
nsitivity","System capability","System capacity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",

2211,"It is the act of transferring a mobile station from one voice channel to a
nother voice channel.","Hand-off","Roaming","Paging","Self-location",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2212,"It is the angle above the earth's surface than and earth station antenna m
ast be pointed to ""see"" the satellite at a particular orbital location.","Elev
ation angle","Topocentric angle","Geocentric angle","Azimuth angle",,"Satellite
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2213,"It is the angle between the earth's equatorial plane and the orbital plane
of a satellite.","Angle of inclination","Ascending angle","Azimuth","Equatorial
angle",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2214,"It is the busy hour traffic density per traffic source.","Traffie rate","C
all waiting","Carried traffic","Offered traffic","","Wire & Wireless Communicati
ons",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2215,"It is the connection between two fiber channel switches.","E_port","F_port
","FL_port","G_port","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
2216,"It is the counter part of Sputnik I which is launched by the United States
also in 1957 and transmitted telemetry information for nearly five months.","Ex
plorer I","Courier","Echo","SCORE",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2217,"It is the enhancement of AMPS system.","TACS","NMT","ETACS","NMT 900","","
Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2218,"It is the exchange of information by electronic means from source to desti
nation within a physical bounded media.","Wire communication","Wireless communic
ation","Data communication","Digital communication","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2219,"It is the fabric connection in a public loop for an arbitrated loop topolo
m Quiming","NONAME",
2220,"It is the fiber channel storage that controller technology for FC-switched
FC-AL storage arrays.
","Engenio","LSI Logic","IBM","EMC","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2221,"It is the fiber channel storage that provides enterprise class storage sys
tems and services.","Hitachi Data Systems","LSI Logic","EMC","IBM","","Fiber Opt
ics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2222,"It is the fiber channel storage that provides Fibre Channel ASICs, HBAs, a
nd drivers.
","LSI Logic","EMC","IBM","Engenio","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2223,"It is the fiber channel storage that provides Fibre Channel storage system
s powering many of the top Super Computers.
","DataDirect Networks","Hewlett Packard","Network Appliance","Engenio","","Fibe
r Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2224,"It is the fiber channel storage which the Ultra ATA drives on the back end
with a 2Gb Fibre Channel interface on the front.","Apple","Engenio","DataDirect
DataDirect Networks","Network Appliance
Network Appliance
Network Appliance","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2225,"It is the first active repeater satellite in October 1960.","Courier 1B","
Echo","Telstar","Score","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2226,"It is the first amateur radio communications satellite in March 1965.","Os
car III","Courier 1B","Telstar","Score","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2227,"It is the first communications satellite in geosynchronous orbit in 1963."
,"Syncom","Score","Telstar","Courier","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",

2228,"It is the first national satellite television system, Canada, in 1973.","A

nik 1","Westar 1","Ekran","Palapa","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
2229,"It is the first national TV network based on satellite television in Novem
ber 1967.","Orbita","Early Bird","Courier","Score","","Satellite Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2230,"It is the first passive reflector satellite in August 1960.","Echo 1","Cou
rier 1B","Telstar","Syncom","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
2231,"It is the first satellite designed to transmit television and high-speed d
ata communications in July 1962 .","Telstar","Echo","Score","Courier","","Satell
ite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2232,"It is the first satellite for commercial service in April 1965.","Early Bi
rd","Anik","Orbita","Molniya","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2233,"It is the first Soviet communication satellite, highly elliptic orbit in O
ctober 1965.","Molniya","Orbita","Courier","Score","","Satellite Communications"
,1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2234,"It is the first telecommunications satellite launched in Cape Kennedy in 1
965.","Intelsat I","Telstar II","Synchom II","Synchom I",,"Satellite Communicati
ons",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2235,"It is the forerunner of all Switched Services Networks (SSN) which usually
are comprised of a conglomeration of PBXs, with each PBX capable of providing b
asic tandem trunk operation. Its customers must be alert to the fact that connec
tions traversing several tandem switches may incur problems with routing and dia
ling. Therefore, it do not allow for more than three tandem PBXs.
","Tandem Tie Trunk Networks (TTTN)","Tandem Tie Trunk Networks (TTTN)
- Common Control Switching Arrangements (CCSA)
Enhanced Private Switched Communications Services (EPSCS)
- Enhanced Private Switched Communications Services (EPSC","Common Control Swit
ching Arrangements (CCSA)","None of these","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2236,"It is the functions & basic requirement of SLIC that acts a double protect
ion from power surcharge and the phone lines are long and unshielded.","O-Over v
oltage Protection","B-Battery Operated","R-Ringing Signal or Ringtrip","S-Superv
ision","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2237,"It is the functions & basic requirement of SLIC that checks whether a call
is to be assured as has been placed and test function allows the central office
to put special test signals on the line, necessary to check the quality of the
loop and the phone performance.","T-Testing","H-Hybrid","C-Coding","S-Supervisio
n","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2238,"It is the functions & basic requirement of SLIC that converts the dialing
senses to special codes for transmission.","C-Coding","S-Supervision","H-Hybrid"
,"T-Testing","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2239,"It is the functions & basic requirement of SLIC that converts the two twowire system to four-wire system.","H-Hybrid","S-Supervision","T-Testing","C-Codi
ng","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
2240,"It is the functions & basic requirement of SLIC that determines whether th
e telephone set is on-hook or off-hook and SLIC monitors the phone loop or detec
ts when an on-hook phone is picked up, indicating that a user wishes to begin th
e calling cycle.","S-Supervision","C-Coding","H-Hybrid","T-Testing","","Wire & W
ireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2241,"It is the functions & basic requirement of SLIC that supplies the 220 VAC
ringing signal to ring the phone and the SLIC detects the off-hook via the ringt
rip, disconnects the ringing voltage source and connects the normal talking circ
uitry in its place.","R-Ringing Signal or Ringtrip","S-Supervision","C-Coding","
O-Over voltage Protection","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","
2242,"It is the functions & basic requirement of SLIC that the phone loop requir

es voltage when is off-hook, both to drive the earphone/speaker and to provide a

supply signal that the microphone modulate with the speaker's voice frequency."
,"B-Battery Operated","O-Over voltage Protection","R-Ringing Signal or Ringtrip"
,"S-Supervision","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2243,"It is the generic term for 802.11 technologies.","Wi-Fi","SDH","PDH","Broa
dband",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2244,"It is the horizontal point angle of an antenna","Angle of Elevation","Band
width","Azimuth","Right angle",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2245,"It is the length of time during which a call engages a traffic path or cha
nnel.","Holding time","Busy hour","Call minute","Traffic time","","Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
81,"It is the linking point between cell phone and regular telephone","MTSO","Co
ntrol Office","Computer","Base Station","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2246,"It is the loose term used for any arbitrated loop port, NL_port or FL_port
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2247,"It is the maximum value of loop resistance to which the RD method is appli
cable and this is set at 1300 ohms primarily to control transmission loss.","Res
istance Design Limit","Resistance Design Area","Switch Supervisory Limit","Switc
h Design Limit","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2248,"It is the minimum distance from the transmit antenna measured along the su
rface of the earth that a skywave of a given frequency will be radiated to earth
.","Skip distance","Path length","Radio horizon","Optical horizon",,"Antennas",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2249,"It is the most fundamental and widely used form of digital signals are bin
ary signals, in which one AMplitude condition represents a binary digit 1, and an
other AMplitude condition representsa binary digit 0.","Bit","Unipolar","Bipolar"
,"Digit",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2250,"It is the node connection pertaining to hosts or storage devices in a Poin
t-to-Point or switched fabric topology.
m Quiming","NONAME",
2251,"It is the node connection pertaining to hosts or storage devices in an arb
itrated loop topology.
am Quiming","NONAME",
2252,"It is the number of calls per unit time.","Calling rate","Busy hour rate",
"Traffic rate","Grade of service","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2253,"It is the process of demagnetizing a picture tube with a 60 Hz alternating
current from the power line.","degaussing","focusing","imposition","convergence
adjustment",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Identification","William Quiming","NONAME",
2254,"It is the ratio of busy hour day calls.","Call concetration","Calling rate
","Call attempts","Call minute","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2255,"It is the simplest topology, with limited connectivity, it is also a two d
evices are connected back to back.
","Point-to-Point","Arbitrated Loop","Switched Fabric","Channel switches","","Un
categorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2256,"It is the SONET layer that deals with the transport of the path layer payl
oad and its overhead across the physical medium. Its main function is to provide
synchronization and to perform multiplexing for the path layer.","Line layer","
Path layer","Section layer","Photonic layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
64,"It is the sound energy per unit area at right angles to the propagation dire
ction, per unit time.","Sound intensity","Sound stress","Coherence","Loudness",,

"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
66,"It is the sound energy per unit area at right angles,to the propagation dire
ction, per unit time.","sound intensity","loudness","sound stress","coherence",,
"Acoustics",0,,"Identification","William Quiming","NONAME",
2257,"It is the subscriber loop under study for a given distribution area to whi
ch the switch design limit is applied to determine conductor sizes.","Design Loo
p","Theoritical Design","Switch Design Limit","Resistance Design Limit","","Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2258,"It is the TCP/IP Layer that contains information that pertains to how data
can be routed through the network.","Internet Layer","Process Layer","Network A
ccess Layer","Host-to-Host Layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2259,"It is the traffic per unit time.","Traffic density","Traffic rate","Offere
d traffic","Carried traffic","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
2260,"It is the USA's first geosynchronous communications satellite in April 197
4.","Westar 1","Courier 1B","Score","Anik 1","","Satellite Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2261,"It is the vertical angle formed between the direction of travel of an elec
tromagnetic wave radiated from an earth station antenna pointing directly toward
a satellite and the horizontal plan","Angle of elevation","Azimuth","Zenith","L
ook of angle",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2262,"It is the volume of traffic actually carried by a switch.","Carried traffi
c","Offred traffic","Traffic switch","Carried switch","","Wire & Wireless Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2263,"It is the volume of traffic offered to a switch.","Offered traffic","Carri
ed traffic","Traffic switches","Carried switches","","Wire & Wireless Communicat
ions",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2264,"It is typically fixed-configuration (sometimes semi-modular) non-redundant
switches","Fabric Switches","Director Switches","Channel","Networks","","Uncate
gorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2265,"It is used for switching function of ESCON to connect channels and control
units only for the duration of an I/O operation.","ESCON directors","ESCON repe
ater","ESCON converter","ESCON manager","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
183,"It is used for the transmission of PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)-encoded time
-division multiplexed digital signals.","T-carriers","Synchronous Transport Modu
le (STM)","Optical Carrier (OC)","D-type channel banks",,"Modulation",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2267,"It is used to allow ESCON to more easily access the common carrier trunk f
iber network.","ESCON repeater/converter","ESCON manager","ESCON director","None
of the choices","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2268,"It is used to attach and interconnect all other elements of the ESCON I/O
interface.","Link","Channel","Path","None of the choices","","Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2269,"It is used to connect computers in the same building or in same area.","LA
N","SWITCH","WAN","MAN",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2270,"It is used to connect computers in the same building or in the same area."
,"LAN","MAN","WAN","SWAN",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2271,"It is used to convert analog signals into binary digital form.","PCM","PAM
","AM","FM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2272,"It is used to manage the new ESCON configuration.","ESCON manager","ESCON
director","ESCON repeater","ESCON converter","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2273,"It is used to specify the speed of the fiber optic networks conforming to
the SONET standard.","Optical carrier","Optical meter","Optical cable reader","O
ptical tracer","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2274,"It is when not all the free outlets in a switching system can be reached b
y inlets.","Limited availability","Free availability","Half availability","Full
availability","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2275,"It maintains the communication ""footprint"" in the correct location.","Al
titude control subsystem","Telemetry and command subsystem","Propulsion subsyste
m","Structure subsystem",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Qui
2276,"It operates in the 5-GHz frequency range (5.125 to 5.85 GHz) with a maximu
m 54Mbit/sec. signaling rate.","802.11a","802.11","802.11b","802.11e",,"Wire & W
ireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","comm_obj_002.rtf",
2277,"It performs link-level protocols and functions such as initialization, off
-line processing and error recovery and manages logical paths and the attached l
ink, including transmitter and receiver.","Link-level facility","Control unit","
Channel paths","None of the choices","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
2278,"It provides a way for people at the ground stations to communicate with th
e satellite.","Telemetry and command subsystem","Altitude control subsystem","Pr
opulsion subsystem","Structure subsystem",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2279,"It provides high speed Internet access using regular telephone lines.","Di
gital Subscriber Line (DSL)","Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)","Plesiochrono
us Digital Hierarchy (PDH)","Optical Carrier (OC)",,"Wire & Wireless Communicati
ons",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2280,"It provides the ability to vary the frequency of the transmit and receive
bit clocks.","Variable-data-rate mode","Shift register mode","Fixed-data-rate mo
de","Burst mode",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2281,"It receives commands from the channel, receives data from and transmit dat
a into the channel, and controls execution, of commands and data transfer at ass
ociated devices.","Control unit","Link-level facility","ESCON director","Channel
path","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2282,"It refers to an orbit in which the satellite is orbiting in the opposite d
irection as earth rotation or in the same direction with an angular velocity les
s than that of the earth.","Retrograde orbit","Asynchronous orbit","Prograde orb
it","Synchronous orbit",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2283,"It refers to an orbit in which the satellite is orbiting in the same rotat
ion (counterclockwise) at an angular velocity greater than that of the earth.","
Prograde orbit","Asynchronous orbit","Synchronous orbit","Retrograde orbit",,"Sa
tellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2284,"It refers to specific signals on the transmission line that are used for c
ontrolling the connection from the calling telephone to the called telephone and
signals that are used to indicate the status of a call as it is being interconn
ected.","Signaling","Networking","Switching","Traffic",,"Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2285,"It refers to the act of seeking a mobile station when an incoming call fro
m the land stations has been placed to it.","Paging","Hand-off","Roaming","Selflocation",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2286,"It refers to the receive/transmit termials installed at dispersed sites co
nnecting to a central hub via satellite using small diameter antenna dishes.","V
ery Small Aperture Terminal","Iridium Satellite","Intelsat","SONET","","Satellit
e Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2287,"It refers to the traffic sent from subscriber terminal","Upstream","Downst
ream","Downlink","Uplink",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2288,"It represents energy that has neither been radiated into space nor complet
ely transmitted.","Standing waves","Captured waves","Incident waves","Modulated
",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2289,"It routes the call","Telephone number","Telephone set","Signaling","Switch

ing","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM

2309,"Klystron oscillators are most often used in the frequency range of","3000
to 30000 MHz","300 to 3000 MHz","30 to 30000 MHz","100 to 10000 MHz",,"Microwave
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2310,"Known as a grounded l/4 (lambda/4) antenna.","Marconi antenna
","Hertz antenna
","Image antenna","Dipole antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
46,"Known as one-tenth of a neper.","dNp","dB","dBm","dBp",,"Noise",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2312,"Known as the data transfer scheme that used handshaking principle.","Synch
ronous data transfer scheme","DMA data transfer scheme","Asynchronous data trans
fer scheme","Uninterrupted data transfer scheme",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2313,"Known as the International Numbering Plan for Public Data Networks:","X.12
1","E.164","E.165","X.122",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2314,"Known as the maritime Communications Law which was enacted Dec.5 1927?","R
.A. 3396","R.A. 3693","R.A. 9363","R.A. 6339",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
2315,"Known as the maximum change in frequency, the modulated wave undergoes.","
Frequency deviation
","Carrier swing","Modulating frequency","Carrier frequency",,"Uncategorized",1,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2316,"Known as the Philippine Public Telecommunications Policy Act.","R.A. 7925"
,"D.O. No. 211","R.A. 5734","D.O. No. 88",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2317,"Known as the satellite transmitted signal from a satellite transponder to
earth's station.","Downlink","Uplink","RHCP","Crosslink",,"Satellite Communicati
ons",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2318,"Laser light is ________.","Coherent and stimulated emission","Coherent","S
timulated","Spontaneous",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2319,"Launched by AT&T in 1962, this is the first satellite to simultaneously re
ceived and transmit radio signals.","Telstar I","Synchom I","Intelsat I","Anik I
",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2320,"Launched by the Department of Defense in 1960, it is the first transponder
type satellite that lasted only 17 days.","Courier","Echo","Sputnik I","SCORE",
,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2321,"Layer 1 of OSI model is the","Physical layer
","Link layer
","Network layer","Transport layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
2322,"Layer 4 of the OSI stack is known as
","The transport layer","The network layer","The presentation layer","The data l
ink layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
184,"Level 5 of Japanese PCM multiplex hierarchy has a channel capacity of","576
0 VB channels","7680 VB channels","8064 VB channels","5670 VB channels",,"Modula
tion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2324,"Level in the FDM hierarchy which consists of 5 groups containing 12 channe
ls each for a combined bandwidth of 240 kHz.","Basic Supergroup","Basic Group","
Message channel","Basic Mastergroup",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2325,"Level in the FDM hierarchy which consists of 600 voice-band message channe
ls occupying a bandwidth of 2.4MHz.","Basic Mastergroup","Basic Supergroup","Mes
sage channel","Basic Group",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2326,"Level in the FDM hierarchy which consists of 7200 VB channels.","Multi jum
bo groups","Jumbo Groups","Basic Mastergroup","Super jumbo groups",,"Uncategoriz

ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2327,"Light attenuation in optic fibers are due to","All of the above","Microben
ds","Backscattering","Absorption",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
2328,"Light frequencies used in fiber optic system","100000 to 400000 GHz","1000
00 to 400000 Hz","100 to 400 GHz","1 to 4GHz","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2329,"Light frequencies used in fiber optic systems are between","10^14 and 10^1
5 Hz","10^12 and 10^14 Hz","10^15 and 10^16 Hz","10^16 and 10^17 Hz",,"Fiber Opt
ics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2330,"Light goes from medium A to medium B at angle of incidence of 40. The angle
of refraction is 30. The speed of light in B","Is less than that in A","Is the s
ame as that in A","Is greater than that in A","Maybe any of these depending on t
he specific medium",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2331,"Light is confined within the core of a simple optical fiber by","Total int
ernal reflection at the outer edge of the cladding.","Refraction.","Total intern
al reflection at the core cladding boundary.","Reflection from the fiber's plast
ic coating.",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2332,"Light spectrum frequency range from","300 GHz to 300,000,000 GHz","30 MHz
to 300 GHz","300 MHz to 300 GHz","300 MHz to 30 GHz",,"Fiber Optics",1,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
2333,"Lightning rod must be mounted a top structure not less than ______ above t
he highest point.","30 cm","20 cm","10 cm","40 cm",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
2334,"Line-of-sight communications is not a factor in which frequency range?","H
F","VHF","UHF","Microwave",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2335,"Listed below are the layers of SONET except
","Network","Photonic","Path","Line",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2336,"Listing of the date and time of events, programs, equipment tests, malfunc
tions and corrections in communications system.","Documentation","Reporting","Lo
g","File",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2337,"Loaded Q of a broadcast superheterodyne receiver without an RF amplifier i
s 150. Intermediate frequency is 470 kHz. Find the image frequency, fsi and the
rejection ratio at 2 MHz.","2.94 MHz, 118.35","1.94 MHz, 110.85","0.94 MHz, 100.
85","3.94 MHz, 200.43",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
2338,"Loading means to the addition of","Inductance","Capacitors","Bullets","Res
istors",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2339,"Loading refers to the addition of:","Inductors","Resistor
","Capacitors","Bullets",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2340,"Local area networks draw heavily on the technology of","Packet switching",
"Circuit switching","Message switching","Telephone switching",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2341,"Location of a cable plant should be","Aerial or underground","Not aerial",
"On ground","None of these","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2342,"Longitudinal waves do not exhibit","Polarization","Refraction","Reflection
","Diffraction",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2343,"Loop signaling is accomplished by reversing the battery on the line to ind
icate supervisory conditions. It is known as _____.","Reverse battery","Wet-dry
signaling","Up-down signaling","High-low method",,"Wire & Wireless Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2344,"LORAN is a navigation system used primarily for","Obtaining fixes over lar
ge distances","Blind landing","Approach control","Automatic collision warning",,
"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2345,"Loss comparisons between fusion splices and mechanical splices are","1:10"
,"10:1","15:1","1:20",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2346,"Losses in the optical fibers can be caused by (indicate false statement)",

"Stepped index operation
","Impurities","Microbending","Attenuation in the glass",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2347,"Losses in the optical fibers caused by (indicate false statement)","Steppe
d index operation","Impurities","Microbending","Attenuation in the glass",,"Fibe
r Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2348,"Lowest frequency produced by a musical instrument.","Fundamental","Midrang
e","Period","Harmonic",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
2349,"Lowest frequency produced by musical instruments.","Fundamental","Midrange
","Period","Harmonic",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
2350,"Low-power Gunn diodes are replacing","Reflex klystron","TWTs
","Magnetrons","Varactor diodes",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
2351,"Luminance efficiency is minimum for a","Low wattage light bulb","High watt
age light bulb","Fluorescent tube","Mercury vapor lamp",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2352,"Mail services and directory services are available to network users throug
h the ________ layer.","Application","Session","Presentation","Physical",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2353,"Main basic component of data communication are composed of the following",
"Transmitter,channel and receiver","Computer, modem and router","Computer, bridg
e and gateway","Transmitter, computer and modem",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2354,"Makes use of digital techniques to bring a wide range of services to users
via twisted-pair copper phone lines","DLC","Local loop","Splitter","NGDLC",,"Un
categorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2355,"Manganese ferrite may be used as (indicate the FALSE answer)","Garnet","Is
","Phase shifter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2356,"Manganese ferrite may be used as a (indicate false answer).","Garnet","Cir
culator","Isolator","Phase shifter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
2396,"Most satellites operarate in which frequency band?","3 - 30 GHz","30 - 300
MHz","300 MHz - 3 GHz","All of the above","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2397,"Most terminal keyboards:","Provide numerous additional specialized keys","
Are strictly typewriter-style, with few extra keys","Use the Dvorak layout","Non
e of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2398,"Most Web sites today are
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2399,"MSS stands for","Mobile Satellite System","Maritime Satellite System","Mob
ile Security System","Maritime Security System","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
2400,"MTBF stands for","Mean Time Between Failures","Mean Time Before Failures",
"Maximum Time Before Failures","Minimum Time Between Failures",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2401,"Multilevel binary codes that use more than two voltage level to represent
the data.","Dicodes","Diphase","Miller codes","Biphase M",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2402,"Multi-party signaling which makes use of ifve different frequencies to pro
vide five party service with a bridged connection, or ten-party service with adi
vided connection.","Multi frequency ringing","Coded ringing","Superimposed ringi
ng","Reverse ringing","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
2403,"Multi-party signaling with the telephone connected in parallel on the same

line, a call for any party will activate the ringers of every party.","Coded ri
nging","Multi-frequency","Superimposed ringing","Reverse ringing","","Wire & Wir
eless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2404,"Multiple repeaters in a communications satellites are
known as :","Transponders","Detectors
","Modulators","Stations",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2405,"Multiplexer system used in the public network are of the
_____ type
","Isochronous",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2406,"Multiplexing means","Separates signals in space, frequency or time","Has b
een in use since the 1920's","Involves separating signals into pieces that dont
interferer","Expand telephone plant capability",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
2407,"NAM means","Numeric Assignment Module","Non Alternable Memory","Number All
ocation Module","Numeric Access Module","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2408,"NAM means
","Numeric Assignment Module","Non Alternable Memory","Number Allocation Module"
,"Numeric Access Module","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2409,"Name an equipment that may be used to correct attenuation and envelope del
ay distortion.","Equalizer","Amplifier","Line build out (LBO)","PAD",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2410,"Navigation system that derives position by measurement of distance of two
stations (DME/DME).","RHO-RHO
","THETA-THETA",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2411,"Navigation system that operates at VLF and was originally designed for use
by ballistic missile submarine:","OMEGA","ADF","IRS","NMS",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2412,"Negative resistance is obtained with the Gunn diode because of","Electron
transfer to a less mobile energy level","Avalanche breakdown with the high volta
ge gradient","Tunneling across the the junctions","Electron domains forming at t
he junction",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2413,"Network accounting bills everything except","Local workstation disk space
used","Network connections","File server blocks read","File server blocks writte
n",,"Uncategorized",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2414,"Network elements such as add/drop multiplexers or digital cross-connect sy
stems that can access, generate, and process line overhead.","Line terminating e
quipment","Path terminating equipment","Section terminating equipment","Photonic
terminating equipment","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2415,"Network elements, such as fiber-optic terminating systems, which can acces
s, generate, and process POH.","Path terminating equipment","Line terminating eq
uipment","Section terminating equipment","Point terminating equipmant","","Fiber
Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2416,"Network General's Watchdog is utilized by a network manager for","Performa
nce management","Security management","Accounting management","Configuration man
agement",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2417,"Network security can be enhanced by all of the following except","Letting
users select their own passwords","Restricting users to certain days and hours",
"Making users change their passwords at set intervals","Preventing users from re
peating the same password",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2418,"NIF stands for","Noise improvement factor","Non-intrinsic figure","Narrow
interference figure","Noise interference figure",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2419,"Node-to-node delivery of the data unit is the reponsibility of the _____ l

ayer.","Data link","Physical","Session","Application",,"Digital & Data Communica

tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
47,"Noise always affect the signal in a communications systems at the","Channel"
,"Transmitter","Information source","Destination",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
48,"Noise at the input to a receiver can be as high as several","Microvolts","Mi
llivolts","Volts","Kilovolts",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
49,"Noise caused by the thermal agitation of electrons in resistance.","All of t
he above","Thermal noise","Johnson's noise","White noise",,"Noise",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
50,"Noise caused by thermal agitation of electrons in resistance.","All of these
","Thermal noise","Johnson's noise","White noise",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
51,"Noise corrected to 0 TLP","DBrnCO","DBWO","DBrnC","DBmO",,"Noise",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
52,"Noise from random acoustic or electric noise that has equal energy per cycle
over a specified total frequency band.","All of the above","Thermal noise","Whi
te noise","Gaussian noise",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
53,"Noise from random acoustic or electric noise that has equal per cycle over a
specified total frequency band.","All of the above","Thermal noise","White nois
e","Gaussian noise",,"Noise",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
54,"Noise is primarily a","High frequency spikes","Low frequency variation","Ran
dom level shifts","Random frequency variation",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William
68,"Noise reduction system used for film sound in movie.","Dolby",".dBx",".dBa",
".dBm",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2428,"Nominal voice channel","4 kHz","20 to 20 kHz","16 to 16 kHz","3 to 3 kHz",
,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2429,"Nonimpact printers:","Are normally quieter than impact printers","Generate
carbon copies easily","Produce fully-formed characters","None of the above",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2430,"Non-ISDN equivalent can be connected to ISDN line by the use of _.","Termi
nal adapters","Network adapters","Modem","Terminal equipment",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2431,"Non-ISDN equivalent can be connected to ISDN line by the use of __________
__.","Terminal adapters","Terminal equipment","Modem","Network adaptors","","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2432,"Not more than __ digits make up an international telephone number as recom
mended by CCITT REC. E. 161.","12","11","10","8",,"Wire & Wireless Communication
s",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2433,"Nuetralization is the process of","Cancelling the effect of internal devic
e capacitance","Bypassing undesired alternating current
","Reducing gain","Eliminating harmonics",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2434,"Number of channels in a cellular system.","666","333","600","366",,"Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2435,"Obtained as the product of calls and the average holding time of those cal
ls.","Telephone traffic","Telephone calls","Telephone switch","Telephone signals
","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2436,"OC-3 has the line speed.","155.52 Mbps","51.84 Mbps","1.244 Gbps","622.08
Mbps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
2437,"OFDM stands for","Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing","Operational
Frequency Division Multiplexing","Optical Frequency Division Multiplexing","Ori
ginal Frequency Division Multiplexing",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2438,"On 1878, _________________ was the first city to have a commercial telepho
ne exchange with 21 subscribers.","New Haven, Connecticut","Dallas, Texas","New
York City","San Francisco","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","W

illiam Quiming","NONAME",
2439,"On 1889 the rotary telephone dial was invented by","Almon Strowger","Thoma
s Watson","Alexander Graham Bell","Antonio Meucci","","Wire & Wireless Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2440,"On 1988, he proposed that tha satellite swould be coordinated by anetworko
f ""gateway"" earth stations connecting the satellite system to existing telepho
ne systems.","Raymond Leopold","Barry Bertinger","Jim Williams","Kenneth Peterso
n","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2441,"On a telephone system the loop is open during","On hook condition","Off ho
ok condition","Any condition","None of the condition",,"Wire & Wireless Communic
ations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2442,"On a telephone system, the loop is open during","On-hook condition","Off-h
ook condition","Both on-hook and off-hook","None of the above",,"Wire & Wireless
Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2443,"On an FM signal, maximum deviation occurs at what point on the modulating
signal?","Zero-crossing point","Peak positive amplitude","Peak negative amplitud
e","Both negative and positive peaks",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
185,"On an FM signal, maximum deviation occurs at what point of the modulating s
ignal?","Both negative and positive peak amplitude","Peak positive amplitude","P
eak negative amplitude","Zero crossing pointssitive peak amplitude",,"Modulation
",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2445,"On April 6, 1965 COMSAT s first satellite, EARLY BIRD, was launched from _
__________.","Cape Canaveral, Florida","Baikonur, Kazakstan","Xichang, China","K
ourou, French Guiana",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
2446,"On April 6, 1965 COMSAT s first satellite, EARLY BIRD, was launched from ___
________.","Cape Canaveral, Florida","Baikonur, Kazakstan","Xichang, China","Kou
rou, French Guiana",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
2447,"On the Internet, ""_________"" usually refers to a set of rules that defin
e an exact format for communication between systems.","Protocol","Recommendation
","Module","Law",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2448,"On the subscriber's telephone set employing the touch tone technique, how
many signals are transmitted by the telephone exchange for every button that is
pressed","Two audio frequency tones","Two VHF signals","Two UHF signals","One VH
F signals and one audio frequency tone",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2449,"One (1) dit is equivalent to how many bits","3.32 bits","4 bits","3.5 bits
","3 bits",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
186,"One (1) TDM frame contains ____ bits (including framing bit)","193 bits","1
92 bits","191 bits","190 bits",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
187,"One advantage of SSB has over AM is","That SSB requires less power","That S
SB transmitter is simpler and less expensive","That SSB receiver is simpler and
less expensive","That SSB is immune from static interference",,"Modulation",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2452,"One Angstrom (A) is equal to","10^-10 m","10^-3 micron","10^-6 micron","10
^-6 m",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2453,"One cent-call-second is eqiuvalent to how many second?","100 s","1 s","10
s","1000 s","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming"
2454,"One character or sequence of characters forming a part, or the whole of a
message with a specific meaning.","Code","Sign","Call sign","Identifier",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2455,"One complete NTSC scanning cycle called field consist of how many lines?",
"525","60","625","500",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
188,"One eight-bit PCM code from each channel is called ________.","TDM frame","

Frame time","Line speed","Framing bit",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Qui

2457,"One Erlang is","1 TU","10 TU","100 TU","1000 TU",,"Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
2458,"One Erlang is equal to","36 CCS","360 CCS","100 CCS","3.6 CCS",,"Wire & Wi
reless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
189,"One factor in the accuracy of reconstructed PCM signal is the _________.","
Number of bits used for quantization","Signal bandwidth","Carrier frequency","Si
gnal bandwidth and carrier frequency",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2460,"One half of a byte is called","Nibble","Dibit","Baud","Packet",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2461,"One hundred Angstrom is how many microns?","0.01","0.001","100","10",,"Fib
er Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2462,"One method to perform the active wavelength switchingis to employ_________
. This method necessitates optoelectric conversions and will causev an eventual
optoelectronic speed bottleneck.","Optoelectronic wavelength shifters","Optoelec
tric shifters","Optiacal cable shifters","Optical wavelength isolators","","Fibe
r Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2463,"One Neper (Np) is how many decibels?","8.686 dB","8.866 dB","8.688 dB","8.
868 dB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
70,"One octave above 600 Hz is","1200 Hz","601 Hz","800 Hz","1400 Hz",,"Acoustic
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2464,"One of the advantages of fiber optic which is referred to the volume of ca
pacity of signals it an carry.","Bandwidth","Weight","Security","Physical size",
,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2465,"One of the causes of loss in waveguide is due to:","The shunt conductivity
of the dielectric","IR loss","Dielectric filling the waveguide","The high order
mode loss",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
2466,"One of the common damping materials used inside a speaker enclosure
","Fiber glass","Felt
","Foam rubber
","Panel board",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2467,"One of the commonly used domain in the internet service.",".com","http","W
WW","Yahoo",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2468,"One of the components of a VSAT network which is the network control cente
r for the entire VSAT network. The configuration, monitoring and management of t
he VSAT network are done at this location.","Master Earth Station","Remote Earth
Station","The satellite","Gateway","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
2469,"One of the ffg. is a high powered RF ac basic transmitter that has two or
more stages the oscillator stage w/c det. the freq operation and RF amplifier or
stage that developed the high power output. The purpos","Of which is to develop
a good frequency stability.","MOPA","Goldsmith","Alexanderson",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2470,"One of the ffg. is among the types of fiber optics used in electronics com
munication.","Semi-graded multimode","Graded-index multimode","Single mode","Ste
p-index multimode",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2471,"One of the first satellite system catering personal based communicatio ser
vices scheduled for operation.","Iridium system","Indium system","Gallium system
","Plutonium system",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
83,"One of the flowing is referred to as the long infrared signals in the electr
omagnetic spectrum range.","0.020 millimeter - 1000 nanometer","1000 nanometer 700 nanometer","0.01 millimeter - 0.7 micrometer","0.70 micrometer - 0.40 micro
meter","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2472,"One of the FM signal generator control which varies the phase of the modul
ating voltage applied to the oscillator of the sweep generator.","Phase control"

,"Band control","Marker amplitude control","Sweep output control",,"Uncategorize

d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2473,"One of the following can be best attained by a trap antenna in radio commu
nication?","Multifrequency band operation","Increase transmitter gain","Directio
nality","Effective filter to noise signal",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Q
190,"One of the following CANNOT be used to demodulate SSB:","Bipolar transistor
balanced modulator","Complete phase-shift generator","Diode balanced modulator"
,"Product detector",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2475,"One of the following consists of nonresonant antennas.","The rhombic anten
na","The folded dipole","The end-fire array","The broadside array",,"Antennas",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2476,"One of the following consists of nonresonant antennas:","Rhombic antenna",
"Folded dipole","End-fire array","Broadside array",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
2477,"One of the following is a communications filter generally used in the tran
sceiver of a single sideband generator.","Mechanical filter","Crystal filter","B
and pass filter","Low pass filter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2478,"One of the following is a function of the Mobile Telephone Switching Offic
e.","All of the above","Performs the hand-offs and vertical service features","M
onitor the calling information for billing","Assign the voice channel to each ce
ll",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
85,"One of the following is a type of radio antenna used in transmission and rec
eption of microwave signals.","Horn Antenna","Discone Antenna","L-Type Antenna",
"Whip Antenna","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
191,"One of the following is also considered major reason in adopting a modulati
on/demodulation process in radio communication transmission instead of transmitt
ing directly the intelligence signal.","A mile length of transmitting antenna is
impractical","The transmitting station can not transmit the intelligence signal
alon","Intelligence signal at lower frequency cannot detect the intelligence si
gnal","The receiving station cannot detect the intelligence signal",,"Modulation
",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2480,"One of the following is an indirect way of generating FM this is","Armston
g modulator","Reactance FET modulator","Varactor diode modulator","Reactance bip
olar transistor modulator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2481,"One of the following is an indirect way of generating FM.
This is the","Armstrong modulator","Reactance FET modulator","Varactor diode mod
ulator","Reactance bipolar transistor modulator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2482,"One of the following is an indirect way of generating FM. This is the","Ar
mstrong modulation","Reactance FET modulator","Varactor diode modulator","Reacta
nce bipolar transistor modulator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2483,"One of the following is not a bounded media","Ocean","Coaxial line","Two-w
ire line","Waveguide",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2484,"One of the following is not a reason for the use of an antenna coupler.","
To prevent reradiation of the local oscillator","To discriminate against harmoni
cs","To provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedance","To make t
he antenna look resistive",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
55,"One of the following is not a useful quantity for comparing the noise perfor
mance of receivers","Input noise voltage","Equivalent noise resistance","Noise t
emperature","Noise figure",,"Noise",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
192,"One of the following is not among the advantages of series modulation.","Su
ppressed white noise","No transformer","Simple","Modulates any frequency",,"Modu
lation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2487,"One of the following is not among the major components required on board s

hip under the global maritime distress and safety system.","Radio operator teleg
raphy onboard","On board radio facilities","Shore base facilities","Radio person
nel on board",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2488,"One of the following is not an advantage of coaxial cable for data communi
cations. Which is it?","Right of way costs","Wide bandwidth","Flexibility of the
system lay-out","Noise Immunity",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
2489,"One of the following is NOT an omnidirectional antenna:","Log-periodic","H
alf-wave dipole","Discone","Marconi",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
2490,"One of the following is not use as a microwave mixer or transistor.","Crys
tal diode","Schottky-barrier diode","Backward diode","PIN diode",,"Microwave Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2491,"One of the following is not used as a microwave mixer or detector:","PIN d
iode","Crystal diode","Schottky-barrier diode","Backward diode",,"Microwave Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2492,"One of the following is possible cause of an abrupt frequency variatio in
a self excited transmitter oscillator circuits resulting to a poor frequency sta
bility to hold a constant frequency oscillation","DC an RF ac heating of resisto
rs which cause change in values","Heating and expansion of oscillator coil","Hea
ting of capacitor in the oscillator","Loose connections in the oscillator/ ampli
fier/ or antenna circuits",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2493,"One of the following is referred to as a major component of an optical tim
e domain reflectometer.","Pulse generator laser","Vertical and horizontal plate"
,"Laser and horizontal plate","Pulse generator and vertical plate",,"Fiber Optic
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
87,"One of the following is related to the application of solid materials as a m
edium where light travels.","Fiber Optics","Bio - Electronics","Radio","Laser","
","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2494,"One of the following is unlikely to be used as a pulse device. It is the",
"BWO","Multicavity klystron","CFA","TWT",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
2495,"One of the following is unlikely to be used as a pulsed device. It is the"
,"BWO","Multicavity klystron","CFA","TWT",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2496,"One of the following is very useful as a multiband HF receiving antenna. T
his is the
","Square loop","Conical horn
","Folded dipole","Log-periodic",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2497,"One of the following is very useful as a multiband HF receiving antenna. T
his is the:","Log-periodic","Conical horn
","Square loop
","Folded dipole",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2498,"One of the following microwave diodes is suitable for very low-power oscil
lators only","Tunnel","Avalanche","Gunn","IMPATT",,"Microwave Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
193,"One of the following refers to an output of a balanced modulator.","DSB","S
SB","ISB","VSB",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2500,"One of the following transmission impairments is not a problem with a micr
owave transmission. Which one?","Rain attenuation","Multipath fading","Ducted si
gnals","All of the above",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2501,"One of the following transmits only one sideband.","H3E","R3E","A3E","B8E"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
56,"One of the following types of noise becomes of great importance at high freq
uencies. It is the","Transit-time noise
","Shot noise","Random noise
","Impulse noise",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2503,"One of the methods to accomplish loop signaling where information is indic

ated by the presence or absence of a battery and ground condition on the line at
the called end of the trunk.","Wet-dry signaling","High-low method","Up-down si
gnaling","Reverse battery",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2504,"One of the reasons frequency division multiplexing has essentially been re
placed by time division multiplexing
is because:","Noise is amplified with voice when an FDM system is used","There i
s more time than frequency","It is difficult to place channels side by side","Mo
st available frequencies have been used",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
2505,"One of the reasons why vacuum tubes fail at microwave frequency is that th
eir","Noise figure increases","Transit time becomes too short","Shunt capacitive
reactance become too large","Series inductive reactance becomes too small",,"Mi
crowave Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2506,"One of the shortest wave bands of an international AM BC stations in the U
S is band A with a frequency band allocation of","5.95 - 6.20 MHz","5.95 - 6.20
kHz","5.95 - 6.20 GHz","5.95 - 6.20 THz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
194,"One part of the transmitter that protects the crystal oscillator from ""pul
ling"".","Buffer amp","Modulator","Power amp","Antenna coupler",,"Modulation",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2508,"One primary advantage of digital transmission is","No synchronization","No
ise immunity","Requires less bandwidth","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2509,"One primary difference between DDCMP and SDLC is :","DDCMP doesn't require
special hardware to find beginning of message","DDCMP has a message header","DD
CMP does not have a transparent mode","All of the above",,"Digital & Data Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
195,"One reason why distortion affects PCM less than PAM is that in PCM","Amplit
ude of the signal is held constant","Pulse code combination remains constant dur
ing even PAM sample","Total bandwidth of the PCM signal is less than in PAM","Th
e number of pulses is less than PAM",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2511,"One section in a D1 channel bank handles _____ voice channels.","24","20",
"12","48",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2512,"One thousand watts of signal power is applied to an antenna. The antenna g
ain is equal to 40 dB. What is the EIRP ?","110 dBm","100 dB","100 dBm","110 dBW
",,"Antennas",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
196,"One type of pulse communications system uses pulse that appear as a group,
and which vary in number according to the loudness of the voice. This type of pu
lse modulation is called ____.","Pulse code modulation","Pulse duration modulati
on","Pulse amplitude modulation","Pulse position modulation",,"Modulation",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2514,"One type of wireless media is the ""infrared"". What are the advantages of
using infrared media?","All of the above","Inexpensive","Fast","Secure","","Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2515,"One unsolved problem with satellite systems is :","Privacy","Bandwidth","C
overage","Access",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
2516,"One way communication is called","Simplex
","Half duflex","MONOCOMM
","Full duplex",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2517,"One-hundred twenty microbars of pressure variation is equal to","115.56 dB
SPL","120 dBSPL","41.58 dBSPL","57.78 dBSPL",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,
,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
2518,"Oneof the following microwave diode is suitable for very low-power oscilla
tors only:","Tunnel","Gunn","Avalanche","IMPATT",,"Microwave Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2519,"On-hook current must be kept low so that the","Line relays in the central
office will not mistake it for off-hook current","All of the above","Comparative
ly small wires in the cable will not overheat","Ringer will not ring incorrectly
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2520,"Operates in the 2.4-GHz Industrial, Scientific and Measurement (ISM) band
(2.4 to 2.4835 GHz) and provides signaling rates of up to 11Mbit/sec.","802.11b"
,"802.11a","802.11","802.11e",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","comm_obj_002.rtf",
2521,"Operating method in which the transmission is made alternately in each dir
ection of the telecommunication channel.","Half-duplex","Simplex","Full-duplex",
"Semi-duplex",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2522,"Optical Carrier 192 provides a data rate of
","2.5 Gbps","155.52 Mbps","622 Mbps","9.9 Gbps",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
2523,"Optical fibers can be made out of","Any of the above","Glass","Plstic","Co
mbination of glass and plastic",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
2524,"Optical signal channels are also called as:","Lambda circuits","Gamma circ
uits","Alpha circuits","Epsilon circuits","","Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2525,"OPTIS stands for","Overlapped Phase Trellis Code Interlocked Spectrum","Op
tical Protocol Time Interconnection","Overlapping Phase Transfer Integrated Syst
em","Optical Phase Transfer Integrated System",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2526,"Oscillation in a klystron tube are maintained","By bunches of electron tha
t passes the cavity grids","By plate-to-cathode feedback","By feedback between t
he accelerating grid and the repeller","By circulating bunches of electrons with
in the cavity",,"Microwave Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2527,"OTDR stands for","Optical Time Domain Reflectometer","Optical Transit Dire
ction Return","Optical Time Domain Regeneration","Overtime Direct Reference","",
"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2528,"Outer marker beacon is modulated by 400 Hz with a format of series of dash
es, middle marker is modulated by 1300 Hz with a format of dashes and dots, & th
e inner marker w/c is also used as airway marker is modulated by
","3 kHz, dots","3 kHz, dots and dashes
","3 kHz, dashes
","2 kHz, dots",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2529,"Over a narrow range of frequencies, the PLL acts like a","Bandpass filter"
,"Low-pass filter","Tunable oscillator","Frequency modulator",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2530,"Over a period of 30 years, a kilometer of fiber optic cable is likely to b
e broken :","2 or 3 times","10 times
","Not at all","Once",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2531,"Overvoltage protection is","Needed because of a transient from dial pulsin
g, lightning,","Is nearly always incorporated on the IC chip.","Is primarily a c
entral office function.","Needed in the telephone set because of the high ringin
g voltage.",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2532,"PABX means
","Private Automatic Branch Exchange","Private All-purpose Broadcasting Exchnge"
,"Public Access Bi-directional Exchange","Public Automatic Branch Exchange","","
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2533,"Parametric amplifiers and masers are similar to each other in that both (i
ndicate the false answer).","Must be cooled down to a few kelvins","Must have pu
mping","Are extremely low-noise amplifiers","Generally require circulators since
they are one-port",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2534,"Part of Synchronous Transport Signal that carries the information.","STS p
ayload","STS overhead","STS terminating end","None of the above","","Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2535,"Part of the Synchronous Transport Signal which carries the signaling and p
rotocol information.","STS overhead","STS payload","STS terminating end","None o
f the above","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming
2536,"Part of the telephone system that distribute the cable to the different ar
eas of subscriber and across poles and fixtures.","Cross Connect Cabinet","Main
Distribution Frame","Station Protector","Termination Box",,"Wire & Wireless Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
197,"PCM is an example of _________ encoding.","Analog-to-digital","Digital-to-a
liam Quiming","NONAME",
198,"PCM system wherein the magnitude change between any two successive steps is
","Linear PCM
","Nonlinear PCM","Delta PCM","Differential PCM",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
199,"PCM that transmits only a single bit.","Delta Modulation PCM","Conventional
","Nonlinear PCM
","Linear PCM",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2540,"PDM maybe generated:","With a monostable multivibrator","By differentiatin
g pulse-position modulation","By integrating the signal","With a free-running mu
ltivibrator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2541,"Perhaps the first person to carefully evaluate the various technical optio
ns in satellite communications and evaluate the financial prospects was ________
____ of AT&T's Bell Telephone Laboratories","John R. Pierce","Arthur C. Clarke",
"Konstantin Tsiolkovsky","Herman Potocnik","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2542,"Periodic permanent-magnet focusing is used with TWTsto","Avoid the bulk of
an electromagnet","Allow pulsed operation","Improve electron bunching","Allow c
oupled-cavity operation at the highest frequencies",,"Microwave Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2543,"Periodically replaces information bits with forced data errors to maintain
clock synchronization. Examples are the B6ZS and B3ZS.","Robbed Digit Framing",
"Added Digit Framing","Statistical framing","Unique Line Code Framing",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2544,"Personal communication hobby for individuals is","Ham radio","Electronic b
ulletin board","CB radio","Cellular radio",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
200,"Phase modulation emission type.","G3E","F3E","F3C","F3F",,"Modulation",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2546,"Philippines' communications satellite is the ______________.","Agila","Pal
apa","Orbita","Mabuhay","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2547,"Photodiodes operate properly with","Reverse bias","Forward bias","Neither"
,"Either",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2548,"Photodiodes used as fiber optic detectors are","Reversed bias","Forward bi
ased","Unbiased to generate a voltage the same as a solar cell","Thermoelectrica
lly cooled",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2549,"Pin 7, the Signal Ground:","Completes the circuit for control and data sig
nals","Completes the circuit for control but not data signals","Indicates a fail
ure in the ground side of the transmission line","None of the above",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2550,"Plank's constant is equivalent to","6.625 x 10^-34 J-s","6.256 x 10^-34 Js","6.526 x 10^-34 J-s","6.255 x 10^-34 J-s",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2551,"Plastic fibers have the following advantages over glass fiber except","Low
attenuation","Ease of installation","Ruggedness","Flexibility",,"Fiber Optics",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2552,"Point in the local telephone network where numerous access lines are conso

lidated into a smaller number of feeder lines.","Access node","Access lines","Ac

cess code","All of the above","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2553,"Point on the satellite orbit closest to the earth.","Perigee","Apogee","Pr
ograde","Retrograde","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2554,"Point-to-point communication between A and B is 90 km (flat terrain). Poin
t A is top of a hill, 900 ft above sea level, with a tower height of 23 m. What
is the minimum height of the antenna at point B?","69 ft","65 ft","73 ft","75 ft
",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",1,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME
2555,"POTS in communications stands for","Plain Old Telephone Service","Private
Office Telephone System","Public Office Telephone Switching","Plain Old Telephon
e Switch",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2556,"Power is a ___ amount of energy used in specific period of time.","Definit
e","Large","Electrical","Relative",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2557,"Power is always ________.","All of the above","A definite amount of energy
","The rate at which energy is used","Expressed in watts",,"Radiation & Wave Pro
pagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2558,"Power to operate the telephone and the subscriber loop is usually provided
by","The central office, and is called battery feed because batteries","The sub
scriber, through the use of batteries in the set","The telephone company, and is
low voltage ac","E sometimes used",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
201,"Pre-emphasis circuits boost what modulating frequencies before modulation?"
,"High frequencies","Mid-range frequencies","Low frequencies","All of the above"
,,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2560,"Pre-emphasis is compensated for at the receiver by a","Low-pass filter","B
andpass filter","High-pass filter","Phase inverter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
2561,"Presently this is the ""standard"" frequency bandwidth for voice transmiss
ion.","300 to 3400 Hz","300 to 3000 Hz","0 to 4000 Hz","100 to 3400 Hz",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
89,"Primary medium of communication.","Free Space","Radio","Microwave","Water","
","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2562,"Primary user interface structure of ISDN.","23B+D and 30B+D","23B+D","B+D"
,"30B+D",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2563,"Printed documents to be transmitted by fax are converted into a baseband e
lectrical signal by the process of","Scannning
","Modulation","Light variation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
2564,"Probably the most common device used as a light detector in fiber optic co
mmunication systems.","PIN diode","LEDs","ILDs","APDs",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2565,"Produces an output frequency that is directly proportional to a control vo
ltage level.","Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)","Phase-locked loop (PLL) osc
illator","Crystal oscillator
","LC oscillator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2566,"Production of radiation by a radio transmitting station.","Emission","Radi
ation","Transmission","Monitoring",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2567,"Program interruption for the airing of commercial in Metro Manila shall no
t exceed ___ breaks in every program hour.","6","5","7","8",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2568,"Program interruption for the airing of commercial outside Metro Manila sha
ll not exceed _____ breaks every program hour.","6","5","7","4",,"Uncategorized"
,1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2569,"Progress along the surface of the earth","Ground waves

","Space waves
","Microwaves","Sky waves",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2570,"Proposed the use of a clad glass fiber as a dielectric waveguide.","Bockha
m and Kao","Karpon and Keck","Karpon and Bookham","Kao and keck",,"Fiber Optics"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2571,"Proposed the use of clad glass fiber as a dielectric waveguide.","Bockham
and Kao","Karpon and Keck","Karpon and Bockham","Kao and Keck","","Fiber Optics"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2572,"Protocols may be:","Any of the above","Byte oriented","Character oriented"
,"Bit oriented",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
2573,"Provide equivalence between binary notation and the significance of a twocondition code.","V.1","X.2","X.33","V.2",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2574,"Provides a convenient place to make patchable interconnect and perform rou
tines maintenance and troubleshooting.","Digital cross connect","Muldem","CODEC"
,"T Carrier",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
2575,"Provides High speed internet access using regular telephone lines with dat
a speed of 6 Mbps.
","DSL","DLC","ISDN","FTTP",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2576,"Provides high-speed Internet Access using regular telephone lines.","DSL",
"DLC","PDH","SDH",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2577,"Provides interface between the mobile telephone switching office and the m
obile units.","Cell site","Database","Terrestrial link","Radio transmeter",,"Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2578,"Provides the longest transmission.","Computer Bus","Local Area Network","V
oiceband Modem","Digital PABX",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
202,"Pulse Amplitude Modulation is:","Similar to amplitude modulation in the ana
log world","Used in radio communication","Relatively insensitive to noise distor
tion","A version of frequency modulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William
203,"Pulse Amplitude Modulation signals are multiplexed by using","FET switches"
,"Subcarrier","Bandpass filter","ADC","ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter","Modul
ation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
204,"Pulse carrier at the ratio of 8000 pulses/sec is amplitude modulated by an
analog signal, this type of modulation is","PAM","ADM","DM","PCM",,"Modulation",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
205,"Pulse code modulation is preferred to PAM because of its","Superior noise i
mmunity","Lower cost","Simplicity","Resistance to quantizing noise",,"Modulation
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2583,"Pulse dialers must","Mute the receiver in the set while dialing","Disconne
ct the transmitter while dialing","Short out the line while dialing","All of the
above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2584,"Pulse dialing has ________ rate.","10 pulses/second","20 pulses/minute","1
0 pulses/minute","80 pulses/second",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
206,"Pulse Duration Modulation","Is difficult to detect accurately","Is similar
to DM","Is not widely used","Is vulnerable to noise",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
207,"Pulse modulation that is considered digital","PCM","PAM","PTM","PDM",,"Modu
lation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2587,"Pulse stuffing is used in TDM's to:","Equalize the transmission rate betwe
en input channels","Correct pulses with insufficient height","Add signalling pul

ses to the data","Provide timing information to the receiver",,"Uncategorized",0

,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
208,"Pulse width modulation may be generated","With a monostable multivibrator",
"By integrating the signal","By differentiating pulse position modulation","With
a free-running multivibrator",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
57,"Quantization noise is caused by","The approximation of the quantized signal"
,"The synchronization between encoder and decoder","Serial transmission errors",
"Binary coding techniques",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
58,"Quantizing noise occurs","Pulse-code modulation","Pulse-width modulation","T
ime-division multiplex","Frequency division multiplex",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
59,"Quantizing noise occurs in","PCM","PLM","PDM","PAM",,"Noise",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
209,"R3E modulation is sometimes used to","Simplify the frequency stability prob
lem in reception","Allow the receiver to have a frequency synthesizer","Reduce t
he power that must be transmitted","Reduce the bandwidth required for transmissi
on",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2593,"Radar is based upon","Reflected radio signal
","Microwaves","A water medium","The directional nature of radio signals",,"Navi
gational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2594,"Radiation characteristics of a dipole.","Bidirectional","Omnidirectional",
"Unidirectional","Figure of eight",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2595,"Radio communications are regulated in the Philippines by the","NTC","KBP",
"DOTC","Dept. of Defense",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2596,"Radio communications between points using a single share frequency.","Half
-duplex","Full duplex","Full/full duplex","Simplex","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2597,"Radio fading resulting from obstruction losses","Log normal fading","Multi
-path fading","Rayleigh fading
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
2598,"Radio fading resulting from obstruction losses.","Log normal fading","Rayl
eigh fading","None of these","Multipath fading",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
2599,"Radio link repeaters can be classified as:","All of the above","IF heterod
yne repeater","RF heterodyne repeater","Baseband repeater",,"Microwave Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2600,"Radio link repeaters may be classified as","Baseband and IF heterodyne rep
eater","Baseband repeater","IF heterodyne repeater","RF heterodyne repeater",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2601,"Radio link repeaters may be classified as:","All of the above","IF Heterod
yne repeater","RF Heterodyne repeaer","Baseband repeater",,"Microwave Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2602,"Radio signa path from transmitter to satellite:","Uplink Signal","Downlink
Signal","Reflected Signal","Incident Signal",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2603,"Radio signals are made up of","Electric and magnetic field","Voltages and
current","Electrons and protons","Noise and data",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
2604,"Radio wave concentration in the direction of the signal emitted by a direc
tional antenna.","Major lobe radiation","Side lobe radiation","Backlobe radiatio
n","Transmitted signal",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2605,"Radiowave that is far from its sources is called","Plane wave","Isotropic
wave","Vertical wave","Horizontal wave",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
2606,"Rainfall is an important factor for fading of radio waves at frequencies a
bove __ GHz.","10","100","1","0.1",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective

","William Quiming","NONAME",
2607,"Random interference to transmitted signal is called","Noise","Adjacent cha
nnel overlap
","Cross talk","Garbage-in garbage-out",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
2608,"Ratified by the CCITT in 1988, which handles errorr correction for asynchr
onous modems, enabling asynchronous-to-synchronous conversion:","V.42","X.42","V
.32","X.32",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2609,"RC coupling is used for ____ AMplification.","Voltage","Current","Power
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
2610,"Receive channel 22 is 870.66 MHz. Receive channel 23 is","870.69 MHz","870
.36 MHz","870.96 MHz","870.63 MHz","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2611,"Received channel 22 is 870.66 MHz. Received channel 23 is 870.36
","870.69 MHz
","870.36 MHz
","870.63 MHz
","870.96 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2612,"Receives and collects satellite signals from a broadcast satellite.","Sate
llite dish","Yagi-Uda antenna","LNA","Transponder",,"Satellite Communications",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2613,"Receiving electromagnetic emission from stars is called","Radio Astronomy"
,"Astrology","Optical Astrology","Space surveillance",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2614,"Recommendation covering the Digital Hierarchy Bit Rates","G.702","G.703","
G.707","G.708","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2615,"Recommendation for SDH Bit Rates","G.707","G.708","G.709","G.783","","Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2616,"Recommendation for SDH Management","G.708","G.784","G.783","G.707","","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2617,"Recommendations for facsimile transmission at 14.4 kbps in half-duplex mod
e.","V.17","X.17","V.18","X.18",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
2618,"Recommendations for special modems to transmit analog signals associated w
ith the medical field.","V.16","X.19","V.17","X.17",,"Digital & Data Communicati
ons",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2619,"Recovering information from a carrier is known as","Detection","Demultiple
","Modulation","Carrier Recovery",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
2620,"Reducing the current by 1/2 there is a decrease of ___dB.","6","5","4","3"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2621,"Redundancy means the _________.","Symbols are to be repeated","Transmissio
n rate of the system","Time between failures","Time between successes",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2622,"Redundancy measures:","How likely symbols are to be repeated","Transmissio
n rate of a system","Time between failure
","System cost",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2623,"Refer to the deviation of the operating frequency of a crystal oscillator
from its nominal value due to the temperature variations.","Drift","Flash over",
"Frequency deviation","Deviation ratio",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William
2624,"Reference moise temperature.","290 K","25C","70F","30C",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2658,"Refers to the satellite orientation with respect to the earth","Satellite
altitude","Satellite position","Satellite location","Satellite orbit","","Satell
ite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",


Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2660,"Refers to the satellite orientation with respect to the earth:","Satellite
altitude","Satellite location","Satellite position","Satellite orbit",,"Satelli
te Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2661,"Refers to the technical capability of a communication system for controlli
ng the delivery of programs or other services to select subsets of subscribers o
n the system.","Addressability","Encryption","Transportation","All of the above"
,"","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2662,"Remote users to a LAN can be restricted by","Call-back modems","Dial-up mo
dems","Asynchronous modem","Synchronous modem",,"Digital & Data Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2663,"Repeaters function in the _____layer.","Physical","Data link","Network","S
ession",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2664,"Repeaters inside communications satellite are known as","Transponders","Tr
ansceivers","Transducers","TWT","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2665,"Repeaters inside the satellite are known as","Transponders","Transceivers"
,"Transducers","TWT","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2666,"Requirement for service quality in cellular system.","All of the choices",
"Coverage","Required grade of service","Number of dropped calls","","Wire & Wire
less Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
210,"Resonant circuits are used in radios for","All of the above","Selecting a b
and of frequency","Rejecting a band of frequency )","Selecting or rejecting a ba
nd of fequency",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
72,"Reverberation time depends on","All of the above","Room volume","Room surfac
e area","Absorption in a room",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2668,"Reverberation time is referred to as the time taken for the density of sou
nd energy in a room to dropfrom :","85 dBPL - 25 dBSPL","60 dBPL - 10 dBSPL","12
0 dBPL - 60 dBSPL","60 dBPL - 0 dBSPL","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
2669,"RG 218/U coaxial cable has a characteristic impedance equal to","52 ohms",
"75 ohms","600 ohms","300 ohms",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
2670,"RS-232 is normally an interface between DTE and DCE what is its signal rat
e?","20 kbps","30 kbps","40 kbps","50 kbps",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2671,"RS-232, RS-449, RS-530, V.24 and X.21 are examples of:","Standards for int
erfaces between terminals and modem","Standards for various types of transmissio
n channels","Standards for interfaces bet modems and transmission facilities","S
tandards for end-to-end performance of data communications systems",,"Uncategori
zed",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2672,"RTS/CTS","DTE indicates readiness to transmit data; DCE, acceptance of dat
a","Modem indicates ringing; terminals indicates readiness to answer","Are the p
ins that represent received transmission and carrier transmission
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
2673,"S band is one of the common frequency bands with nominal frequency range o
f:","2 - 4 GHz
","12 - 18 GHz
","8 - 12 GHz","4 - 8 GHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2674,"Sampling analog signals produces","PAM","AM","PCM","FM","PAM - Pulse Ampli
tude Modulation PCM - Pulse Code Modulation","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2675,"Satellite engines used","Ion propulsion system","Jet propulsion","Liquid f
uel","Solar jet","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",

2676,"Satellite in non-synchronous type is do called","Orbitals","Non-synchronou

s satellites","Equatorial satellite","None of the above",,"Satellite Communicati
ons",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2677,"Satellite position has an/a _______ angle with respect to the horizon.","E
levation","Depression","Azimuth","Critical",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2678,"Satellite receivers, VCRs, and CD players supply approximately what signal
level out?","2,000 microvolts","10,000 microvolts","1,000 millivolts","100 mill
ivolts",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
95,"Satellite system or part of satellite system, consisting of only one satelli
te and the cooperating stations.","Satellite Network","Space System","Satellite
System","Multi-satellite Link","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2679,"Satellite that provide services within a single country.","Domsat","Comsat
","Regional","Global",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
2680,"Satellite that provides services within a single country.","Domsat","Comsa
t","ARABSAT","EUTELSAT",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2681,"Satellite that uses the angular momentum of its spinning body to provide r
oll and yaw stabilization","Spinner satellite","Geosynchronous satellite","Activ
e satellite","Three axis stabilizer satellite",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2682,"Satellite transmissions are categorized as either","Bus and payload","Line
and section","Bits and overhead","Data and path",,"Satellite Communications",1,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2683,"Satellites used for intercontinental communication are known as","Intelsat
","Comsat","Domsat","Marisat",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
2684,"Satellites used for intercontinental communications are known as","Intelsa
t","Domsat","Marisat","Comsat",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2685,"SAW devices may be used as","Oscillators at millimeter frequencies","Trans
mission media like stripline","Filters","UHF amplifiers",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2686,"SAW devices maybe used as","Filters","UHF amplifiers","Oscillators at mill
imetric wave","Transmission media like stripline",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
2687,"Scientist who coined the term ""fiber optic"" in 1956.","N.S. Kapany","C.W
. Hansell","H.H. Hopkins","A.C.S. Van Heel",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2688,"SCM stands for","Subcarrier multiplexing","Super carrier multiplexer","Shu
nt carrier multiplexing","Shunt carrier multiplexer","","Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2689,"SCORE is a communications satellite that stands for","Signal Communicating
by Orbiting Relay Equipment","Supervision and Communication of Relay Equipment"
,"Sending Codes Over Relay equipment","Signal Codes Offered by Relay Equipment",
,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2690,"SDLC is an acronym for","Synchronous data link control","Simplex data line
communication","Simplex data link control","Simple data link control",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2691,"SDM stands for","Space-division multiplexing","Spatial division multiplexi
ng","Scud division multiplexing","Scalar division multiplexing","","Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2692,"Selectivity is obtained in most receivers from","Double tuned circuits","A
udio filters","Crystal filters","Mechanical filters",,"Transmission Fundamentals
",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2693,"Self oscillation in a transistor amplifier is usually caused by","Internal
capacitance","Excessive gain","Stray inductancee","Unmatch impedance",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2694,"Semiconductor crosspoint switching arrays: :","Use PNPN devices that will

remain latch in the conducting","Used in the BELL No.1A Electronic Switching Sys
tem","Are not yet practical/bec. high voltages that must be switch","Are another
name for sub miniature reed relays",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
211,"Sensitivity refers to the ability of a receiver to","All of the above","Rec
eive weak signals","Give standard output","Amplify weak signals",,"Modulation",1
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2696,"Separate signals with different wavelengths.","Demultiplexers","WDM router
s","Multiplexers","WDM coupler",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
2697,"Serial data transmission are usually sent :","Using higher voltage logic l
evels","As TTL level logic pulses","On eight separate wires","All of the above",
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
97,"Service area of a broadcast station within ground wave coverage where no fad
ing of transmitted signals is observed.","Primary Area","Secondary Area","Interm
ittent Area","Coverage Area","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
2698,"Service area of a standard AM with no fading of the signal.","Primary","Se
condary","Intermittent","Tertiary",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2699,"Services requiring 50-600 Mbps transport capacity","Broadband","Wideband",
"Narrowband","Passband","","Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2700,"Services requiring up to 1.5 Mbps transport capacity.","Narrowband","Wideb
and","Broadband","Highband","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
2701,"Short-circuited stubs are preferred to open-circuited stubs because the la
tter are","Liable to radiate","More difficult to make and connect","Made of a tr
ansmission line with a different characteristic impedance","Incapable of giving
a full range of reactances",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2702,"Short-circuited stubs are preffered to open-circuit stubs because the latt
er are","Liable to radiate","More difficult to make and connect","Made of a tran
smission line with a different characteristic impedance","Incapable of giving a
full range of reactances",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2703,"Shortening effect of an antenna that makes it appear as if it were 5% long
er.","End effect","Flywheel effect","Skin effect","Capture effect",,"Antennas",1
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2704,"Show which of the following statements about the amplitude limiter is untr
ue.","The circuit is always biased in Class C by virtue of the leak-type bias","
When the input increases past the threshold of the limiting, the gain decreases
to keep the output constant","The output must be tuned","Leak-type bias must be
used",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2705,"Shows that power density deminishes fairly rapidly with distance:","Invers
e-square Law
","Shannon Law
","Hartley Law
","Nyquist Law",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2706,"Signal propagation in a waveguide is by","Electric & magnetic fields","Ele
ctrons","Holes","Air pressure",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",1,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
2707,"Signal used to convey information regarding switchboards.","Supervisory si
gnals","Ringing signals","Address signals","Carrier signals","","Wire & Wireless
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2708,"Signaling based on the presence or absence of circuit current or voltage,
or the presence of a given voltage polarity.","DC-signaling","AC-signaling","Out
-of-band signaling","In band signaling","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2709,"Signaling information for a group of speech circuits is transmitted over a

separate link, signals share a common transmission channel separate from the sp
eech signals.","Common channel signaling","Carrier signaling","Out of band signa
ling","In band signaling","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2710,"Signaling necessary to set up a call and the speech signal share the same
transmission path.","Channel associated signaling","Carrier asociated signaling"
,"In band signaling","Out of band signaling","","Wire & Wireless Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2711,"Signals used to convey dialing or digital information which is necessary t
o establish the desired connections.","Address signals","Ringing signals","Super
visory signals","Carrier signals","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
2712,"Signals used to operate a visible or audible alarm to alert someone of an
incoming call.","Ringing signals","Supervisory signals","Address signals","Carri
er signals","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2713,"Simultaneous two-way communication is called
","Full duplex
","Half duplex","Bicomm","Simplex",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
212,"Since noise phase-modulates the FM wave, as the noise side-band frequency a
pproaches the carrier frequency, the noise Amplitude","Is decreased","Is increas
ed","Remains constant","Is equalized",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2715,"Since the optical fibers carry light rays, the frequency of operation is t
hat of light. The transmisssion wavelength used for current single-mode fibers i
s:","1.2 micrometers","1.5 micrometers","3.0 micrometers","4.0 micrometers",,"Fi
ber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2716,"Singing is","An undesired self-sustained oscillation in a system","The res
ult of intermodulating two or more signals of different frequency","To produce a
tone having a frequency higher than the highest frequency
","None of the above",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Q
2717,"Single sideband full carrier.","H3E","R3E","J3E","B8E",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2718,"Single sideband reduced carrier emission type.","R3E","H3E","J3E","B8E",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2719,"Single-buffering:","Provides very little time to unload the incoming chara
cter","Is less efficient than no buffering","Is more efficient than double-buffe
ring","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2720,"Sixteen different levels(symbols) are used to encode binary data. The chan
nel bandwidth is 36 MHz. The maximum channel capacity is
","288 Mbits/s
","72 Mbits/s
","18 Mbits/s
","2.176 Gbits/s",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William
2721,"Sixty EBHC is eqiuvalent to how many erlang?","2 erlang","60 erlang","30 e
rlang","1 erlang","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2722,"Skin effects refers to what?","The tendency of AC to flow near the outer s
urface of a conductor","The problem associated with the insulators, or skin, of
a cable","The tingling feeling in your skin when you are near high-frequency","N
one of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2723,"Slow vibration sound is called","Bass","Treable","Tinnitus","All of the ab
ove",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2724,"Slowest communications hardware product.","Asynchronous","Synchronous","IN
TERNET","ETHERNET",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2725,"SMDS stands for","Switched Multimegabit Data Service","Synchronous Module

Data Service","Service Module for Data Synchronization","Symmetrical Mode Data S

ystem",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2726,"Software used to bridge a public switched telephone network and voice over
Internet by separating the call control functions of a phone call from the medi
a gateway (transport layer).","All of the above","Softswitch","Media Gateway Con
troller","Proxy Gatekeeper",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
2727,"SONAR is used in a _______ to indicate the depth or distance to the bottom
of the ocean.","Fathometer","Altmeter","Echosounder","All of the above",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2728,"SONET layer mainly deals with the transport of bits across the physical me
dium.","Photonic Layer","Line Layer","Section Layer","Path Layer",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2729,"SONET layer that deals with the transport of an STS-N frame across the phy
sical medium.","Section Layer","Line Layer","Path Layer","Photonic Layer",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2730,"SONET layer that deals with the transport of services between the PTE","Pa
th Layer","Line Layer","Section Layer","Photonic Layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2731,"SONET layer that deals with the transport of the path layer payload and it
overhead across the physical medium.","Line Layer","Path Layer","Section Layer"
,"Photonic Layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2732,"Sonet stands for","Synchronous optical network","Spatial optical network",
"Substantial optical network","Scrambled optical network","","Fiber Optics",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2733,"SONET systems are __________ technology.","Fiber-optic","Twisted-pair","Wi
reless","Copper-based","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2734,"SONET's base signal (STS-1) operates at a bit rate of __________.","51.840
Mbps","64 kbps","1.544 Mbps","155.520 Mbps","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2735,"Sound intensity is given as","DP/dA","Df/dP","DE/dP","DA/dP",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2736,"Sound of sonar waves travel in water at a speed of","5,000 ft/sec","2,141
ft/sec","186,000 ft/sec","12.4 mi/sec",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William
2737,"Sound waves composed of but one frequency.","Pure tone
","Infra sound","Structure borne","Residual sound",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2738,"Sound waves travel faster in","Solids","Vacuum","Air","Liquids",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
74,"Sound waves travel faster in the water than in air because water has a great
er","Bulk modulus","Density","Specific gravity","All of the above",,"Acoustics",
1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2739,"Space diversity is a solution to overcome signal fading and will require",
"Two receivers with individual antennas","Two frequencies and two receivers","Tw
o antennas and one receiver","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2740,"Space diversity transmission means transmitting and receiving on two or mo
re","Antennas operating on the same frequency","Antennas operating on two differ
ent frequencies","Different frequencies","Identical frequencies",,"Antennas",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
60,"Space noise generally covers a wide frequency spectrum, but the strongest in
terference occurs","Between 20 to 120 MHz","Below 8 MHz and 1.43 GHz","Between 8
MHz and 1.43 GHz
","Above 1.5 GHz",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2742,"Speaker is a device that ____.","Converts current variations into sound wa
ves","Converts electrical energy to mechanical energy","Converts sound waves int
o current and voltage","Converts resistance variations into sound waves",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2743,"Specifies data compression techniques for modems that use the LAP-M error
control procedure used in V.42 modems.","V.42bis","X.29","X.42bis","V.29",,"Digi
tal & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2744,"Specifies power levels for data transmission over a telephone circuit.","V
.2","X.5","V.6","X.4",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
2745,"Specifies some of the parameters for connecting X.25 packet switched data
networks, for example, call control procedures.","X.75","X.74","V.74","V.75",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2746,"Specifies the interface between DTE and DCE via a public packet switched d
ata network.","X.32","V.33","X.33","V.32",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2747,"Specifies the standard for exchange of messages between electronic mail sy
stems operated by different companies.","X.400","V.400","X.500","V.500",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2748,"Speeds of laboratory fiber optic Local Area Networks are now in the range
of","Hundreds of megabits per second.","10 Mbits/s.","Gigabits per second.","1 M
bits/s.",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2749,"Spread spectrum stations sharing a band are identified by and distinguish
from one another by","PSN code","Frequency of operation
","Clock rate","Modulation type",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
213,"SSB transmission requires only ____ of the bandwidth for a DSB-FC transmiss
ion.","","","","2/3",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
214,"SSB transmission requires only _____ of the bandwidth for a DSBFC transmiss
ion.","1/2","2/3","1/4","3/4",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2752,"Standard for the interconnection of two Public Data Networks.","X.75","X.2
5","RS-232C","V.11",,"Uncategorized",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2753,"Standard tariff for flat rate telephone service beyond the normal flat rat
e in that area.","WATS","OTLP","TIP","DTWX",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
76,"Standard test tone used in audio measurement.","1000 Hz","800 Hz","300 Hz","
100 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2754,"Standard WDM system allows:","Two to four wavelengths per fiber","Four to
eight wavelengths per fiber","Eigth and more wavelengths per fiber","One to four
wavelengths per fiber","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2794,"Technical study which deals with production transport and delivery of a qu
ality signal from source to destination.","Transmission System Engineering","Com
munications System Engineering","Telephony Engineering","Telegraphic Engineering
",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2795,"Technique used for T1 carrier to ensure that sufficient transitions occur
in the data tomaintain clock synchronization.","B8ZS","B3ZS","B6ZS","None of the
above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2796,"Technique used that allows a number of communications channels to be combi
nedin a single broadband signal and transmitted over a single circuit.","Multiple
xing","Data compression","Bit stuffing","Multiplex",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
2797,"Telecommunication network formation in which all nodes have connections wi
th each other.","Mesh network","Composite network","Tree network","Star network"
,"","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2798,"Telephone copper wires sizes #19 to #26 AWG, with cladding but no metallic
covering and are therefore susceptible to crosstalk and interference are
","Coax cable","Open wire",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2799,"Telephone signalling provides status information like","All of the above",
"Busy tone and dial tone","Congestion and call charge data","Ringing the bell",,

"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2800,"Telephone switching is accomplished by","Any of the above","Step-by-step s
witches","Crossbar switches","Manual switchboard",,"Wire & Wireless Communicatio
ns",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2801,"Telephone traffic is measured","In Erlangs","With echo canceller","By the
relative congestion","In terms of the Grade of Service",,"Wire & Wireless Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
99,"Teleprinter that utilizes the technique of spraying the ink.","Inkjet","Lase
rjet","Dot Matrix","Xerox","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
2802,"Telesedic satellite system, the most ambitious proposed LEO system is comp
osed of how many satellites?","288","363","100","252",,"Satellite Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2803,"Television broadcasting occurs in which ranges?","VHF","HF","EHF","SHF",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2804,"Television camera pickup tube is called","All of these","Plumbicon","Vidic
on","Image orthicon",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2805,"Television has a lot of features in common with","Motion picture","Magazin
e","Telephone service","FM stereo",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
2806,"Ten bit errors occur in two million transmitted. The bit
error rate is","2 x 10^-5","5 x 10^-5","5 x 10^-6","2 x 10^-6",,"Digital & Data
Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
78,"Tendency of sound energy to spread.","Diffraction","Reflection","Rarefaction
","Refraction",,"Acoustics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2807,"Term for the transmission of printed pictures by radio?","Facsimile","ACSS
B","Xerography","Television",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
2808,"Termination is the","Load connected to the output end of the transmission
line","Result of cutting both ends of a conductor","Result of disconnecting a li
ne from a transmitter","Looking back impedance of a line with no load",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2809,"Termination means","Load connected to the output end of a transmission lin
e","Looking back impedance of a line with no load","A result of cutting both end
s of a conductor","A result of disconnecting a line from a transmitter",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2810,"The ___ filter attenuates signals but passes frequencies below and above t
hat band.","Band stop","Low pass","High pass","Band pass",,"Uncategorized",1,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2811,"The ___ of radio receiver amplify weak signal and produce a desirable inte
lligence in the output speaker.","Sensitivity","Selectivity","Reliability","Fide
lity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2812,"The _____ executes commands presented by the standard ESA/390 I/O instruct
ion set, and it manages its associated link interface to control bit transmissio
n and reception.","Channel","Manager","Director","All of the choices","","Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2813,"The _____ is a board of commissioners empowered by the U.S. Congress to re
gulate all interstate and international communications, as well as use of the rad
io frequency media.","FCC","ITU","CCITT","IEEE",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
2814,"The _____ is special purpose switch that connects the call between mobile
units and between the landline telephones via PSTN.","Mobile Telephone Switching
Office","Mobile Transmission Switching Office","Mobile Telephone System Office"
,"Mobile Transmission System Office","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2815,"The _____ of a sound is a subjective effect which is a function of the ear
and the brain.","Loudness","Pitch","Frequency","Timbre",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",

","DEPRESSION","CRITICAL",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Qu
2817,"The ______ constellation consists of 48 LEO satellites, with an additional
four satellite in orbit as spares.","Globstar","Teledesic","Iridium","Inmarsat"
,,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2818,"The ______ is the first generation of local system in telecommunications",
"DECT","GSM","TACS","Analog Cellular",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
2819,"The _______ layer changes bits into electromagnetic signals.","Physical","
Data link","Network","Transport",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3216,"The key electronic component in a communication satellite is the","Transpo
nder","Telemetry equipment","On board computer","Command and control system","",
"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3217,"The key electronic component in a communications satellite is the ________
___.","Transponder","Telemetry equipment","On-board computer","Command and contr
ol system","","Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
3218,"The key solution to linking high-speed LAN and WAN networks within and AMo
ng buildings is called __________.","Fiber Optic System","Coaxial Cable System",
"Transmission System","Wireless System",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William
3219,"The L F R station provided _____ aircraft course legs through the overlppi
ng of two figures-8 and N patterns.","4","8","16","10",,"Navigational Aids and D
evices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3220,"The latest government regulation in the telecommunication which provides p
olicy for the provision of local exchange carrier service.","E.O. 109","E.O. 546
","E.O. 59","Act 3948",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William
3221,"The layer of SONET that provides synchronization and perform multiplexing
for the path layer.","Line","Photonic","Section","Network",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3222,"The layer of the ISO-OSI reference model that defines the electrical chara
cteristics of the communications link is:","Physical Layer","Transport Layer","A
pplication Layer","Data Link Layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
3223,"The layer of the ISO-OSI reference model that ensures data is successfully
transmitted between two points is the:","Data Link layer","Physical layer","Tra
nsport layer","Network layer",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3224,"The layer of the ISO-OSI reference model that routes a message from transm
itter to receiver is the:","Network layer","Data Link Layer","Session layer","Ph
ysical layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3225,"The layer that reflects very low frequency waves and absorbs medium freque
ncy waves.","D layer","E layer","F1 layer","F2 layer",,"Radiation & Wave Propaga
tion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3226,"The length of a doublet at 27 MHz is","18.2 ft","17.3 ft","8.67 ft","34.67
ft",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3227,"The length of a ground plane antenna at 146 MHz is","1.68 ft","1.6 ft","2.
05 ft","3.37 ft",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3228,"The length of a half-wave dipole for a 28 MHz is approximately","17 ft","2
3 ft","30 ft","34 ft",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3229,"The length of a Marconi antenna to operate with 985 kHz is _______.","250
ft.","200 ft.","500 ft.","999 ft.",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming",
3230,"The letter D code for load coil spacing has _____ ft spacing.","4500","300
0","5575","6000",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3231,"The letter designation for microwave band, for the frequency range from 5.
20 to 10.90 GHz is:","X-band","S-band","K-band","L-band",,"Microwave Communicati

ons",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3232,"The letter H is one of the most commonly used loading coil code spacing wi
th spacing of ______ ft.","6000","3000","4500","5575",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
215,"The letter-number designation B8E is a form of modulation known as","Indepe
ndent sideband emission","Pilot-carrier system","Lincompex","Vestigial sideband
transmission",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3233,"The line coding scheme used for the DS-1 signal is","Bipolar","Binary 3-ze
ro substitution","Ternary","Non-return-to-zero",,"Digital & Data Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3234,"The line coding scheme used for the DS-1 signal is:","Bipolar","Non return
to zero","Binary 3 zero substitution","Ternary",,"Digital & Data Communications
",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3619,"The theory of electromagnetic radiation was propounded by","James Clerk Ma
xwell","Sir Edward Appleton","Michael Faraday","Sir Isaac Newtons",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3620,"The theory which states that light wave behaves as if it consists of many
tiny particles.","Quantum theory","Nyquist's theory","Wavetheory","Huygen's prin
ciple","Quantum theory was proposed by Isaac Newton","Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
3621,"The third component of a VSAT is the satellite itself. All signals sent be
tween the VSAT earth stations are beamed through the satellite. The VSAT system
uses a _____________ satellite.","Geostationary","LEO satellite","MEO satellite"
,"HEO satellite","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
3622,"The third symbol in the designation of radio emission under the ITU refers
to","Type of information to be transmitted","Type of modulation of the main car
rier","Bandwidth","Nature of the signals modulating the main carrier",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
216,"The three common types of digital modulation techniques used are","FSK, PSK
","None of the above",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3623,"The three components of the magnetic fields are in phase:","In time","In s
pace with the component of the electric field","Four times each cycle","Two time
s each cycle",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3624,"The three major groups in the optical system are","The source, the link, a
nd the detector","The source, the link and the receiver","The components, the da
ta rate, and response time","The transmitter, the cable, and the receiver",,"Fib
er Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3625,"The three types of microwave transmission line:","Coaxial cable, strip lin
e, waveguide","Coaxial cable, open-wire line, waveguide","Coaxial cable, two shi
elded conductor cable, waveguide","Waveguide, microstrip, open-wire line",,"Micr
owave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
80,"The threshold power value for the human ear is :","1 x 10^-10 uw/cm^2","1 x
10^-10 mw/cm^2","1 x 10^-12 uw/cm^2","2 x 10^-5N/cm^2",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3626,"The time a radar wave takes to travel one radar nautical mile.","12.4 usec
","6.2 usec","10.72 usec","25 usec",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
3627,"The time for one orbit is called_________","Period","Orbital time","Rotati
onal time","Operational Time","**","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3628,"The time from the transmission of a radar pulse to it's reception is 0.12
ms. The distance to the target is how
many miles","9.7 nmi","4.85 nmi","11.2 nmi","18.4 nmi",,"Navigational Aids and D
evices",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3629,"The time it takes to transmit one sample from each channel is called
","Frame time
","Packet time","Time slot
","Time domain",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

3630,"The time it takes to transmit one TDM frame.","Frame time","Framing bit","

Epoch","Line speed",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3631,"The time slot of the European Digital Carrier System that is allocated for
common signaling channel is","17","0","31","16",,"Wire & Wireless Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3632,"The toll center in the public switched telephone network is classified as
class ___ in the hierarchy.","4","3","2","5",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3633,"The total bandwidth of an NTSC TV signal is","6 MHz","4.5 MHz","3.58 MHz",
"10.7 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3634,"The total power of all unwanted frequencies shall be at least ____ dB belo
w the level of the frequency pair which has the lowest level.","20 dB","10 dB","
5 dB","15 dB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
EGREES, RESPECTIVELY.","273 ms","239 ms","275 ms","260 ms",,"Satellite Communica
tions",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
217,"The total variation in frequency from the lowest to the highest is known as
","Carrier swing","Frequency deviation","Modulating frequency","Carrier frequenc
y",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3637,"The transfer of a mobile unit from one base station s control to another bas
e station s control is called","Handoff","Roaming","Blocking","Transferring",,"Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3638,"The transfer of control and voice channel is known as","Handoff","Splittin
g","Sharing","Reuse",,"Uncategorized",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3639,"The transferred electron bulk effect occurs in","Gallium Arsenide","German
ium","Silicon","Metal semiconductor junctions",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3640,"The transit time in the repeller space of a reflex klystron must be (n + 3
/4) cycles to ensure that","Returning electrons give energy to the gap oscillati
ons","Electrons are accelerated by the gap voltage on their return","It is equal
to the period of the cavity oscillations","The repeller is not damaged by strik
ing electrons",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
3641,"The transmission and reception of data via one or more data links accordin
g to appropriate protocols is called:","Data communications","Communications que
uing","Telecommunications","Compression",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3642,"The transmission objective in microwave path engineering which is expresse
d as a percentage of time during which the receiver signal does not fall below t
he threshold value.","Reliability","Diversity","Circuit unavailability","Recipro
cacy",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3643,"The transmission of information (either voice or data) from more than one
source to more than one destination on the same transmission medium.","Multiplex
iam Quiming","NONAME",
3644,"The transmission signal coding method for T1 carrier is called :","Bipolar
","Manchester",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
3645,"The transmission speed of group 4 fax is","56 kbits/s","4800 baud","9600 b
","192 kbits/s",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3646,"The transmission system using two ground planes is","Stripline","Microstip
","Elliptical waveguide","Parallel-wire line",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3647,"The transponder in a communication satellite is actually a","Microwave rep
eater","Passive repeater","Paremetric transceiver","High power transmitter",,"Sa
tellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

3648,"The transponder in a communication satellite is actually a:","Parametric t

ransceiver","High power transmitter","Microwave repeater","Passive repeater",,"S
atellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3649,"The tunnel diode","Uses a high doping level to provide a narrow junction",
"Has a tiny hole through its center to facilitates tunneling","Is a point-contac
t diode with a very high reverse resistance","Works by quantum tunneling exhibit
ed by gallium arsenide only",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
218,"The two broad categories of pulse modulation are","Analog and Digital","Pul
se Time and Pulse Amplitude Modulation","Pulse Position and Pulse Frequency Modu
lation","Time and Frequency Division",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3650,"The two common methods of grounding to reduce interference is the single p
oint or common grip.","Floating ground method","Artificial ground method","Distr
ibuted ground using heavy ground bus","Any one of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3651,"The two inputs to a mixer are the signal to be translated and a signal fro
m a(n)","LO (local oscillator)","Modulator","Antenna","Filter",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3652,"The two types of signaling are?","DC and tone signaling","AC and tone sign
aling","DC and dial signaling","AC and dial signaling",,"Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3653,"The TWT is sometimes preferred to the multicavity klystron amplifier, beca
use the former","Has a greater bandwidth","Is more efficient","Has a higher numb
er of modes","Produces a higher output power",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME","Kennedy"
3654,"The type of light source and fiber chosen for FDDI networks are:","Multi-m
ode fiber and 1300-nm LEDs.","Single-mode fiber and 1300-nm lasers.","Multi-mode
fiber and 1300-nm lasers.","Single-mode fiber and 1550-nm lasers.",,"Fiber Opti
cs",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
219,"The type of modulation most often used with direct-sequence spread spectrum
is","PSK","QAM","SSB","FSK",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
3655,"The type of radio wave responsible for long-distance communications by mul
tiple skips is the","Sky wave","Ground wave","Direct wave","Surface wave",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
101,"The type(s) of information stored in the memory of a digital computer is/ar
e _____.","Instruction and data","Bits and maps","Program","Process and timing",
"","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3656,"The typical audio modulating frequency used in radio and telephone communi
cations is","300 Hz to 3 kHz","50 Hz to 5 kHz","50 Hz to 15 kHz","100 Hz to 10 k
Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3657,"The typical bandwidth of a satellite is","500 MHz","36 MHz","12 MHz","80 M
Hz",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
220,"The typical squelch circuit cuts off","An audio amplifier when the carrier
is absent","RF interference when the signal is weak","An IF amplifier when the A
GC is maximum","An IF amplifier when the AGC is minimum",,"Modulation",1,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3659,"The unit of loudness level of a sound.","Phon","Sone","DB","Mel",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
221,"The unit of modulation rate and is equal to the reciprocal of the duration
in seconds of the shortest signal element or of the unit interval in such signal
.","Baud","Baudot","Bit error rate
","Basic rate",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3660,"The upper midrange frequency spectrum provides :","Definite clarity","Powe
r and boom","Brilliance","Overtones",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3661,"The use of telecommunication for automatic indicating or recording measure
ment at the distance from the measuring instrument.","Telemetry","Tracking","Tel
ecommand","Monitoring",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME

3662,"The use of telecommunication for the transmission of signals to initiate m
odify or terminate functions of equipment at the distance.","Telecommand","Track
ing","Space command","Trunking",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
61,"The value of resistor creating thermal noise is doubled. The noise power gen
erated is therefore","Unchanged","Halved
","Quadrupled","Doubled",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3664,"The value of the ""A"" field in an LAPB frame specifies:","One of the two
ends of a serial interface","The called DTE for a virtual call","The calling DTE
for a virtual call","The data sink for a VC or PVC",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
222,"The values of Vmax and Vmin as read from an AM wave on an oscilloscope are
2.8 and 0.3. The percentage of modulation is","80.6 %","10.7 %","41.4 %","93.3 %
",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3665,"The variety of microprocessors found in most companies creates a potential
LAN problem because of","NETBIOS incompatibility","Different costs for differen
t components
","Service needs","Different disk drive speed",,"Digital & Data Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3666,"The velocity factor of a transmission line","Depends on the dielectric con
stant of the material used","Increases the velocity along the transmission line"
,"Is governed by the skin effect","Is higher for a solid dielectric than for air
",,"Transmission Fundamentals",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3667,"The velocity of sound in water at sea level is:","4,800 ft/sec","1,130 ft/
sec","1,087.42 ft/sec","1,860 ft/sec",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
3668,"The velocity of sound is considered to be constant at ____ for the purpose
of building acoustics.","330 m/s","330 mm/s","330 cm/s","330 um/s",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3669,"The visible region frequency in the light spectrum.","400,000 to 750,000 G
Hz","300 MHz tp 300 GHz","300 MHz to 300,000,000 GHz","300 MHz to 30 GHz",,"Fibe
r Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3670,"The voice frequency channel pass band is","0 to 4,000 Hz","300 to 3,000 Hz
","8,140 to 8,188 Hz","None of the above",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3671,"The voice frequency range is","300 to 3000 Hz","30 to 300 Hz","20 Hz to 20
","0 to 15 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3672,"The VOR operates with frequencies from","112 to 118 MHz","30 to 300 MHz","
200 to 400 MHz","108 to 112 MHz",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2820,"The _______ system provides voice, fax, data, short messaging and location
determination services (GPS) to an area of over 99 countries. Satellite telepho
ne handsets are compact and lightweight, providing users with not just satellite
,but also GSM.","Thuraya","Global Star","Agila 2","Iridium satellite",,"Satellit
e Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2821,"The ________ deals with the transport of the path layer payload and it ove
rhead across the physical medium. The main function of the Line Layer is to prov
ide synchronization and to perform multiplexing for the path layer.","Line Layer
","Section Layer","Photonic Layer","Path Layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
2822,"The _________ deals with the transport of services between the PTE. Its ma
in function is to map the signals into a format required by the line layer.","Pa
th Layer","Section Layer","Line Layer","Photonic Layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2823,"The _________ is the physical path over which a message travels.","Medium"
,"Protocol","Data","Signal",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2824,"The _________ layer can use the trailer of the frame for error detection."

,"Data link","Physical","Session","Network",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,

"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2825,"The _________ system provides voice, fax, data, short messaging and locati
on determination services (GPS) to an area of over 99 countries.","Thuraya","Glo
bal Star","Agila 2","Iridium satellite",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2826,"The __________ is the network element that originate and/or terminates lin
e signal.","Line Terminating Equipment (LTE)","Presentation Layer","Path Termina
ting Equipment (PTE)","Section Terminating Equipment",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2827,"The __________ layer is the layer closest to the transmission medium.","Ph
ysical","Data link","Application","Network",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2828,"The __________ of radio receiver amplify weak signal and produce a desirab
le intelligence at the output speaker.","Sensitivity","Selectivity","Reliability
","Fidelity","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2829,"The ___________ deals with the transport of an STS-N frame across the phys
ical medium.","Section Layer","Photonic Layer","Line Layer","Path Layer",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2830,"The ___________ is control information appended to a segment of user data
for control, synchronization, routing and sequencing of a transmitted data packe
t or frame.","Header","Host","Line Encoding","Error detection",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2831,"The ___________ is network elements that multiplex/demultiplex the STS pay
load. It assembles 28 1.544Mbps DS1 signals and inserts path overhead to from a
51.84 Mbps STS-1 signal.","Path Terminating Equipment (PTE)","Presentation Layer
","Line Terminating Equipment (LTE)","Section Terminating Equipment",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2832,"The ____________ constellation consist of 48 LEo satellites,with an additi
onal four satellites in orbit as spares.","Globalstar","Thuraya","Ellipsat","Ody
ssey","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
223,"The ____________ in an FM receiver causes a stronger signal to dominate ove
r a weaker signal on the same frequency.","Capture effect","Flywheel effect","Ha
ll effect","Skin effect","","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2834,"The ____________is the basic building block of SONET optical interfaces wi
th a rate of 51.8 Mbps.","STS","OC","OSI","STM",,"Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2835,"The ___________allows network managers to configure each gigabit port on a
port-by-port basis. for short-wave (SX), long-wave (LX), long-haul (LH), and co
pper physical interfaces (CX).","Gigabit interface converter (GBIC)","Short-wave
interface converter (SXIC)","Long -wave interface converter (LXIC)","Copper phy
sical interface converter (CXIC)",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2836,"The 1.55 micrometer ""window"" is not in use with fiber optic systems beca
use","Suitable laser devices have not been developed","It does not lend itself t
o wavelength multiplexing","The attenuation is higher than at 1.30 micrometer","
The attenuation is higher than that at the 0.85 micrometer",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
224,"The 24-channel D1, AT & T, PCM, carrier tel. system band-limits input voice
frequency in each channel to","4000 Hz","3000 Hz","3400 Hz","Any of the above",
,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2838,"The 30 MHz to 300 MHz band frequencies is known as the __ band.","VHF","LF
","MF","HF",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2839,"The 480+620 Hz tone is for","Busy Tone","Dial Tone","Ringback (PBX) tone",
"Receiver off-hook tone",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
2840,"The 825 MHz to 890 MHz of cellular telecommunications system were previous
ly assigned to UHF TV channel ____ to ____","73 to 83","73 to 77","73 to 81","73
to 80",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA

2841,"The ability of a receiver to separate one signal from others on closely ad
jacent frequency is called the
","Selectivity","S/N ratio
","Sensitivity","Gain",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
2842,"The ability of the radar to determine the bearing of a target depend upon
the","Antenna directivity","Speed of light","Speed of the target","Frequency of
the signal",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2843,"The ability of the receiver to separate one signal from others on closely
adjacent frequencies is called the","Selectivity","Sensitivity","S/N ratio","Gai
n",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2844,"The absorption of radio waves by the atmosphere depends on","Their frequen
cy","Their distance from the transmitter","The polarization of the waves","The p
olarization of the atmosphere",,"Uncategorized",2,,"Objective","William Quiming"
2845,"The absorption of the radio waves by atmosphere
depends on","Their frequency","Their distance from the transmitter","The polariz
ation of the waves","The polarization of the atmospheree",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2846,"The acoustic channel is used for which of the following ?","Person-to-pers
on voice communications","UHF communications","Single-sideband communications","
Television communications",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2847,"The acronym TNDF stands for:","Transnational Data Flow","Telecommunication
s and National Distribution Force","Telecommunication Network Distance Fiber","T
otal Network Distribution Function",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
2848,"The active time of the binary pulse is less than 100% of the bit time.","R
eturn to zero","Bipolar","Non-return to zero","Unipolar",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2849,"The advantage of a high level modulated AM transmitter is","Higher value o
f operating power","Less audio power required","Better fidelity","Less distortio
n",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2850,"The advantage of a low-level modulated AM transmitter is","Less audio powe
r required","Better fidelity","Higher value of operating power","Less distortion
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2851,"The AF AMplifier in a superheterodyne receiver","Provides the power to dri
ve the speaker","Rejects the carrier frequency .","Is fixed tuned to provide gai
n and selectivity","Is tuned to the desired carrier frequency",,"Uncategorized",
1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2852,"The AGC circuit usually control the gain of the","IF amp","Mixer","Detecto
r","Audio amp",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2853,"The AGC circuits usually control the gain of the","IF amplfier","Mixer","D
etector","Audio amplifier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2854,"The AGC voltage of a radio receiver is always ________.","DC but may have
either polarity","Present before adjustments can be made","Positive DC","Negativ
e",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2855,"The AGC voltage of radio receiver is always _____________.","DC, but may h
ave either polarity","Present before adjustments can be handle","Positive DC","N
egative","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2856,"The aggregate of all users requests being serviced by the network.","Telep
hone traffic","Telephone communiction","Telphone switching","Telephone signling"
,"","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
225,"The allowable deviation ratio of commercial FM broadcast.","5","75","25","1
5",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2858,"The AM signal generated at a low level may only be amplifiedby what type o
f amplifier ?","Linear","Op amp","Class C","Push pull",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",

2859,"The AM signals generated at a low level may be amplified by what type of a

mplifier?","Linear","Op amps","Class C","Push-pull",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
2860,"The amount of attenuaion present in a waveguide is due to:","Losses in the
conducting walls of the guide","The fine coating of silver inside","The air die
lectric filling the waveguide","None of the above",,"Microwave Communications",1
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
226,"The amount of frequency deviation from the carrier center frequency in an A
M transmitter is proportional to what characteristic of modulating signal ?","Am
plitude","Frequency","Phase","Shape",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
227,"The amount of frequency deviation from the carrier center frequency in an F
M transmitter is proportional to what characteristic of the modulating signal?",
"Amplitude","Frequency","Phase","Shape",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2863,"The amount of time it takes a Packet to travel from source to destination.
","Latency","Holding time","Traffic","Access time",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
2864,"The amount of uncertainty in a system of symbols is called","Entropy","Qua
ntum","Bandwidth","Loss",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
228,"The amplitude of a sine wave which is modulated by a musical program will",
"All of the above","Be complex","Contain fundamental frequencies","Contain harmo
nic frequencies",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2866,"The AMplitude of the sound wave, the maximum displacement each air particl
e, is the property which we perceive as ____ of sound.","Loudness","Pitch","Inte
nsity","Harmonics",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2867,"The angular separation between the two half power points on the power dens
ity radiation pattern:","Beamwidth","Bandwidth","Polarization","Spectrum",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2868,"The antenna radiates ______ polarized waves when the transmitter antenna i
s horizontally installed.","Horizontally","Vertically","Negatively","Circularly"
,,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2869,"The antenna separations (in meters) required for optimum operation of a sp
ace diversity system can be calculated from:","S = 3wR/L","S = 2wR/L","S = wR/3L
","S = wR/L","w = wavelength","Antennas",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming",
2870,"The antenna that can only receive a television signal is","TVRO","Referenc
e Antenna","Isotropic Antenna","Yagi Uda",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2871,"The anti-tickle circuit","Prevents dial pulsing from ringing the bell","Pr
events speech signals from ringing the bell","Prevents the tampering with the te
lephone","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
2872,"The anti-tinkle circuit:","Prevents dial pulsing from ringing the bell","P
revents tampering with the telephone","Prevents speech signals from ringing the
bell","All of the above","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
2873,"The apparent change in frequency of a sound wave due to realtive motion of
the source and observer","Doppler effects","Fading","Vibratory motion","Rarefac
tion",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2874,"The approximate distance from the runway to the inner marker is 0.1 mile,
middle marker is 0.5 miles and for outer marker is","5 miles","1 mile","2.5 mile
s","20 miles",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
229,"The approximate process in PCM creates noise called ___","Quantizing noise
","Thermal noise
","White noise","Agitation noise",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
230,"The approximation process in PCM creates noise called","Thermal noise","Qua
ntizing noise","White noise","Agitation noise",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wil

liam Quiming","NONAME",
2877,"The area of coverage of a satelite radio beam is called its:","Footprint",
"Beamwidth","Circular polarization","Identity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2878,"The arrangement of multiplying outlet is commonly reffered to as:","Gradin
am Quiming","NONAME",
2879,"The aspect ratio of HDTV is","16:9","4:3","18:5","14:8",,"Broadcasting",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2880,"The assembly around the neck of a picture tube that produces the magnetic
field that deflect and scan the electron beams is called","Phophor
","Shadow mask","Electron gun","Yokee",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
2881,"The AT&T FT3C fiber optic transmission systems is designed to use how many
light wavelengths?","Three","One","Two","Ten",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
2882,"The attenuator is used in the travelling-wave tube isto","Prevent oscillat
ions","Help bunching","Prevent satuaration","Increase gain",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2883,"The band designation for satellite systems which uses the nominal frequenc
ies of 6 Ghz for the uplink and 4 GHz for the downlink.","C","Xn","Ku","X",,"Sat
ellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
231,"The band of frequencies over which a PLL will acquire or recognize an input
signal is called the","Capture range","Lock range","Band of acceptance","Circui
t bandwidth",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2885,"The band of light wavelengths that are too long to be seen by the human ey
William Quiming","NONAME",
2886,"The band of light wavelengths that are too short to be seen by the human e
"William Quiming","NONAME",
2887,"The bandwidth for each channel in the european cellular system:","25 kHz",
"30 kHz","35 kHz","40 kHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2888,"The bandwidth of C-band satellite frequency band in U.S.","500 MHz","1000
GHz","1000 MHz","500 GHz",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Qu
2889,"The bandwidth of optical fiber ranges from","300 MHz to 500 MHz","30 kHz t
o 300 kHz","3000 Hz to 30,000 Hz","30 MHz to 300 MHz",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2890,"The bandwidth of optical fiber.","900 THz","900 PHz","900 EHz","900 MHz",,
"Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2891,"The bandwidth of U600 mastergroup is","2520 kHz","2250 kHz","2728 kHz","22
78 kHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2892,"The bandwidth required to send 132 voice-grade channels by FDM on an inter
national satellite system is :","10 MHz","500 MHz","1320 MHz","50 MHz",,"Satelli
te Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2893,"The bandwith of optical fiber.","900 THz","900 MHz","900 PHz","900 EHz",""
,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2894,"The basic building block of SONET optical interfaces with a rate of 51.8 M
bps.","STS","PTE","LTE","STE",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
2895,"The basic building block of the FDM hierarhy.","Message channel","Group","
","Supergroup",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2896,"The basic data rate of ISDN.","64 kbps","56 kbps","6 Mbps","2.048 Mbps",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2897,"The basic data rate of SONET","51.84 Mbps","155.52 Mbps","2.048 Mbps","128
kbps",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2898,"The basic data transfer of PDH.","2.048 Mbps","155.52 Mbps","1.544 Mbps","

51.84 Mbps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2899,"The basic frequency synthesizer circuit","PLL","Mixer","Frequency multipli
er","Frequency divider",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2900,"The basic frequency synthesizer circuit.","PLL","Mixer","Frequency multipl
ier","Frequency divider",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2901,"The basic geographic service area of a wireless communication system.","Ce
ll","Zone","Footprint","Spot","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
2902,"The basic line rate of T5 carrier system","560.16 Mbps","560.16 Mbps","605
.16 Mbps","650.61 Mbps",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2903,"The basic rate in ISDN is ___ kbps.","64","144","128","8",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2904,"The basic rate of Gigabit Ethernet.","1000 Mbps","200 Mbps","100 Mbps","12
00 Mbps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2905,"The basic rate of IBM's ESCON (Enterprise Systems Connection).","200 Mbps"
,"100 Mbps","1000 Mbps","1200 Mbps",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
2906,"The basic signal rate of SONET.","STS-1","STM-1","OC-1","E1",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2907,"The basic transmission bit rate of E system.","2.048 Mbps","1.544 Mbps","6
4 kbps","8.448 Mbps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2908,"The basic unit of information in a binary system.","Bit","Baud","Bits per
second","Byte",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
2909,"The basic voice-band (VB) circuit is called a _______.","Basic 3002 channe
l","Basic 3001 channel","Basic 2500 channel","Basic 3500 channel",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
82,"The bass frequency range is","40 Hz to 160 Hz","20 Hz yto 40 Hz
","1 Hz to 20 Hz","10 Hz to 20 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
2910,"The baud rate","Is equal to twice the bandwidth of an ideal channel","Is a
lways equal to the bit transfer rate","Is not equal to the signaling rate","Is e
qual to one-half the bandwidth of an ideal channel",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
2911,"The Baudot code is a ___ bit code used in telegraphy.","5","6","7","2",,"D
igital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2912,"The Baudot code uses how many bits per symbol ?","5","7","8","9",,"Digital
& Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2913,"The Baudot code:","Requires shift characters to provide sufficient combina
tion","Requires the escape character to print numbers","Was invented by the Baud
ot Brothers, Mark and Space","Was invented by Emile's sister, Bridgette",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
232,"The beat frequency oscillator in a superheterodyne receiver
is used to:","Demodulate SSB signal","Converts the incoming signal to IF
","Implement AGC","Reduce the gain of the IF amplifier",,"Modulation",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2915,"The benefit of using microwaves is","More spectrum space for signals","Low
er-cost equipment","Greater transmission distance","Simpler equipment",,"Microwa
ve Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2916,"The best frequency demodulator is the","PLL discriminator","Pulse averagin
g discriminator","Foster-Seely discriminator","Ratio detector",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2917,"The best frequency response is of ____ coupling.","Direct","RC

","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
2918,"The best location of a passive repeater is:","It should be nearer to one t
erminal","It should be at the midpath","The included angle between the direct pa
th and reflected is large","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
2919,"The best solution to fading is:","Space diversity","Frequency diversity","
Directional antenna","Broadband antenna",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
2920,"The biggest advantage of Gallium Antimonide over germanium for a tunnel di
ode is that the former has a","Larger voltage swing","Lower noise","Higher stabi
lity","Simpler facbrication process",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
233,"The biggest advantage of PCM is","The large bandwidths that are required fo
r it","Its inability to handle analog signals","The high error rate which its qu
antizing noise introduces","Its incompatibility with TDM",,"Modulation",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
2922,"The biggest advantage of the TRAPATT diode over the IMPATT diode is its","
Higher efficiency","Lower noise","Ability to operate at higher frequencies","Les
ser sensitivity to harmonics",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
2923,"The biggest advantage of the TRAPATT diode over theIMPATT diode is its","H
igher efficiency","Lower noise","Ability to operate at higher frequencies","Less
er sensitivity to harmonics",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
2924,"The biggest disadvantage of IMPATT diode is its","High noise","Lower effie
ncy than that of the other microwave dioides","Inability to provide pulse operat
ion","Low power-handling capability",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
234,"The biggest disadvantage of PCM is","The large bandwidth that are required
for it","Its inability to handle analog signals","The high error rate which its
quantizing noise reduces","Its incompability with TDM",,"Modulation",1,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
2926,"The binary pulse is maintained for the entire bit time.","Non-return to ze
ro","Bipolar","Unipolar","Return to zero",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2927,"The bit rate equals the baud rate in which type of signal?","FSK","QAM","4
-PSK","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
2928,"The blue area which is usually to the right of the approaching airrcraft i
s amplitude-modulated at","150 Hz","110 Hz","90 Hz","500 Hz",,"Navigational Aids
and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2929,"The branch of electronics which deals with light:","Optoelectronics","Opti
cal Science","Microelectronics","Ergonomics",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2930,"The break pulse duration of decadic pulsing.","60 ms","20 ms","100 ms","40
ms",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2931,"The building block of a parity or BCC generator is a(n)","XOR","Shift regi
ster","2-to-4 level converterr","UART",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
2932,"The building block of SONET optical interfaces with arate of 51.8 Mbps.","
STS","PTE","STE","LTE","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2933,"The cable converter output for TV receiver is usually on channel","3","6",
"7","9",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2934,"The carbon transmitter","Determines the minimum loop current","Was invente
d by Thomas A. Watson, Bell's assistant","Is a comparatively recent electronic d
evelopment","Determines the minimum loop current",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",

2935,"The carrier frequency for channel 12 in a group formation is","64 kHz","72

kHz","60 kHz","68 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
2936,"The carrier signal has","Constant peak amplitude","The information","A var
ying amplitude","Frequency range of 20 to 20 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
235,"The carrier swing necessary to provide 80% modulation in the FM broadcastin
g band is _____.","120 kHz","60 kHz","150 kHz","75 kHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
236,"The carrier used to produce modulation is called a","Modulator
","Demodulator","Variable gain amplifier
","Multiplexer",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2939,"The cavity magnetron uses strapping to","Prevent mode jumping","Prevent ca
thode back heating","Ensure bunching","Improve the phase focusing effect",,"Micr
owave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2940,"The cavity resonator","Is equivalent to an LC resonant circuit","In a refl
ex klytron has its output taken from the reflector plate","Produce a frequency w
hich is independent of the cavity size","Has a low Q factor for narrow operation
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2941,"The CCITT standard governing interference between data terminals operating
in the packet mode on public data network.","X.25","V.35","RS-449","RS-232C",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
237,"The CCITT V.26 modem has a modulation rate:
","1200 bauds","1200 Hz","1560 cps
","None of these",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2943,"The cell site ____ modulate the assigned SAT, supervisory audio tones, on
all the forward voice channels from each cell site.","Transceiver","Controller",
"Antenna","Switch","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
2944,"The cell site receive calls from the users through _____ frequency","Rever
se link","Downlink","Forward link","Uplink",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2945,"The cellular system that uses the frequency band 825-845 MHz as the receiv
ing band of the base station","AMPS","TACS","PMS","GSM",,"Wire & Wireless Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","comm_obj_004.rtf",
2946,"The cellular system used in Japan","NTT","NMT","AMPS","TACS",,"Wire & Wire
less Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2947,"The cellular system used in West Germany","C450","NMT","TACS","NTT",,"Wire
& Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2948,"The cellular telecommunication system was developed by AT&T Bell Labortori
es and it was called _____.","Advanced Mobile Phone Service","Advanced Mobile Ph
one System","American Mobile Phone Service","American Mobile Phone System","","W
ire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2949,"The center of gravity of the earth is called","Geocenter","Point of gravit
y","Centerpoint","Geopoint",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2950,"The central control entity that performs management functions in a Voice a
nd Fax over IP network and for multimedia applications such as video conferencin
g, it provides intelligence for the network, including address resolution and au
thorization.","Gatekeeper","Firewall","Network Security","None of the above",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2951,"The central offce detects a request for service from a telephone by:","A f
low of loop current","No loop current","A ringing signal
","Dial pulses",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
2952,"The central office detects a request for service from a telephone by:","A
flow of loop current","No loop current","A ringing signal","Dial pulses","","Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2953,"The central office detects a requests for service from a telephone by","A
flow of loop current","No loop current","A ringing signal","Dial pulses",,"Wire

& Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

2954,"The central radio transmitter/receiver that maintains communications with
a mobile radiotelephone with a given range.","Mobile station","Base station","MT
SO","All of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
2955,"The central switching office coordinating element for all cell sites that
has cellular processor and cellular switch. It inter faces with telephone compan
y zone offices control call processing and handle bill activities.","MTSO","Cell
site","PSTN","Trunk line",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
2956,"The channel badwidth in the US TV system in MHz is","6","4.5","41.25","3.5
8",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2957,"The channel bandwidth of a standard analog telephone system.","300-3400 kH
z","1200 kHz","300-500 kHz","100-300 kHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2958,"The channel on a _____ command retrieves data from central storage, encode
s it and packages it into frames before sending it on the link.","Write","Read",
"Buffer","Fetch","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2959,"The character making up the message is a synchronous transmission are coll
ectively reffered to as a data","Block","Set","Sequence
","Collection",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
2960,"The characteristic impedance of a lossless transmissionline determined by:
","Its physical contruction","Its length","Its height above the ground","The ope
rating frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2961,"The characteristic impedance of a transmission line does not depend upon i
ts ____.","Length","Conductor spacing","Conductor radius","Conductor radius",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2962,"The chkstat utility program, providing detailed information on mailbox use
rs, is available with","Cc Mail","The Coordinator","The Network Courier","Higgin
s",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2963,"The choice of a proper cell site is dependent upon:","All of the choices",
"Antenna pattern","Planned coverage area","Antenna height","","Wire & Wireless C
ommunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2964,"The circuit between two telephone exchanges.
","Trunk lines","Cable
","Drop lines","Fiber optics",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2965,"The circuit that performs demultiplexing in an FDM system is","Bandpass fi
lter","Op amps","Discriminator","Subcarrier oscillator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
238,"The circuit that produces modulation is called","Modulator","Demodulator","
Variable gain amplifier","Multiplexer",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Qui
2967,"The coarse frequency adjustment of a reflex klystron is accomplished by","
Adjusting the flexible wall of the resonant cavity","The AFC system","An adustme
nt in the synchronizer","Varying the repeller voltage",,"Microwave Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2968,"The code that provides for parity checks is the","ASCII","Baudot","EBCDIC"
,"CCITT-2",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2969,"The code which provides for parity checks is:","ASCII","EBCDIC","Baudot","
CCITT-2",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2970,"The coho in MTI radar operates at the","Intermediate frequency","Transmitt
ed frequency","Received frequency","Pulse repetition frequency",,"Navigational A
ids and Devices",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2971,"The combination of local, long distance, and international carriers that m
ake up the worldwide telephone network.","Public Switched Telephone Network","In
ternational Gateway Facility","Plain Old Telephone Service","Private Branch Exch
ange","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA

2972,"The common channel interoffice signaling method:","Uses a separate channel

for signaling only.","Uses the same channel for signaling as for the related co
nversation.","Carries the signaling for only one related conversation.","Is used
on local loops.","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
2973,"The common channel interoffice signalling method","Uses a separate channel
for signalling only","Uses the same channel for signalling as for the related c
onversation","Carries the signalling for only one related conversation","Is used
on local loops",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2975,"The common dielectric found in rectangular waveguides used in microwave ra
dio system is","Air","Nitrogen","Helium
","Polyethylene",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2974,"The common dielectric found in rectangular waveguides used in microwave ra
dio system is __:","Air","Polyethylene","Nitrogen","Helium",,"Microwave Communic
ations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2976,"The common dielectric found in rectangular waveguides used in microwave ra
dio systems is:","Air","Helium","Nitrogen","Polyethylene",,"Microwave Communicat
ions",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2977,"The common services layer, a thin layer that could eventually implement fu
nctions like encryption or RAID.
","FC3","FCO","FC2","FC4","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2978,"The communication between a control unit and an ESA/390 channel is referre
d to as _____.","Channel path","Direction path","Communication path","All of the
choices","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2979,"The communication medium causes the signal to be
","Attenuated","Amplified","Modulated","Interfered with",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2980,"The communications between two or three central offices is called","Inter
office link","Intra office link","Long distance link","Short distance link",,"Un
categorized",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2981,"The component used to produce AM at very high frequencies is a","PIN diode
","Thermistor","Cavity resonator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
2982,"The component used to produced AM at very high frequencies is a","PIN diod
e","Varactor","Thermistor","Cavity resonator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
2983,"The compressed 8 bit code of the linear 12 bit 100101010101is 11010101, to
what segment does it belong","5","6","4","2",,"Digital & Data Communications",1
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2984,"The concept used to make one Smith chart universal is called","Normalizati
on","Ionization","Rationalization","Termination",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2985,"The condition as soon as the telephone handset is lifted, the switch is cl
osed, thus alerting the CO to supply a dc current and dial tone.","Off-Hook","On
-Hook","Both Off-Hook and On-Hook","Neither On-Hook nor Off-Hook","","Wire & Wir
eless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2986,"The condition at which signal strength may fall off enough in some instanc
es to cause a momentary loss of the transmitted or received signal (or both).","
Dropouts","Dead zone","Hang-up condition","Cut-off condition",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2987,"The condition in which a telephone handset is taken out of its cradle.","O
ff-hook condition","Busy condition","Ringing condition","On-hook condition",,"Wi
re & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2988,"The continuos 60-minute peroid of the day durich which the highest usage o
ccurs.","Busy hour","Call hour","Traffic hour","Attempts","","Wire & Wireless Co
mmunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2989,"The control information and date comprising an MHS message is enclosed in

an","MCB","MIT","MTC","MJB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
2990,"The control routine necessary to keep the satellite in position is referre
d to as","Station keeping","Station tracking","Station monitoring","Station main
taining",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2991,"The controlled oscillator synthesizer is sometimes preferred over the dire
ct one because","It is relatively free from spurious frequencies","It is a simpl
er piece of equipment","Its frequency stability is better","It does not require
crystal oscillators",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2992,"The conversion equipment between the DTE and the transmission channel","DC
E","Host","Terminal","FEP",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
2993,"The Coordinator has a built-in gateway to other networks because it has","
MHS","MS","APPI","LU 6.2",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
2994,"The core of an optical fiber has :","A higher index of refraction than the
cladding","A lower index of refraction than air","A lower index of refraction t
han cladding
","None of these",,"Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2995,"The core of an optical fiber has a","Higher refractive index than the clad
ding","Lower refractive index than air","Lower refractive index than the claddin
g","Similar refractive index with the cladding",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
2996,"The core of an Optical Fiber has a _______________.","Higher refractive in
dex than the cladding","Lower refractive index than air","Lower refractive index
than the cladding","Similar refractive index with the cladding","","Fiber Optic
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2997,"The core of an optical fiber has: .","A higher index of refraction than th
e cladding","A lower index of refraction than air","A lower index of refraction
than the cladding","None of the above",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Q
2998,"The coupling efficiency of an LED light source to an optical fiber with a
numerical aperture of 0.2 or more is :","2 %","60 %","10 %","0.1 %",,"Fiber Opti
cs",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
2999,"The coverage area of cells is called the __________.","Footprint","Spot","
Zonal","None of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3000,"The critical frequency of the vertically transmitted wave
is higher","In summer than in winter","In nightime than in daytime","For high fr
equencies than for low frquencies","In times of a very low sunspot activity than
in very high",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3001,"The D, E and F layers are called:","Kenelly-Heavyside Layers","Mark-Space
layers","Davidson-Miller layers","Maxwell layers",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
3002,"The D, E and F layers are known as","Kennely-Heaviside layer","Appleton la
yers","Davidson-Miller layers","Mark-Space layers",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3022,"The difference between the lineside and the trunkside interfaces is that",
"Lineside refers to the subscriber loop, and trunkside connections","Lineside in
terfaces are usually multiplexed analog carrier systems","Trunkside has the requ
irement of BORSCHT, and the lineside does not","Other switches",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3023,"The difference between the RF carrier and the modulating signal frequencie
s is called the","LSB","USB","Sideband","Carrier frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3024,"The different angles of entry of light into an optical fiber where the dia
meter of the core is many times the wavelength !of the light transmitted called
","Refractors","Sensors","Emitters",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quim

3025,"The digital phone service that offers high-speed transmissions over ordina
ry phone lines is called:","Integrated Services Digital Network","Terrestrial mi
crowave","Modulation","Bandwidth",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quimi
3026,"The digital to analog converter in a synchronous modem sends signals to th
","Modulator","Transmission lines","Terminals",,"Digital & Data Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3027,"The digital-to-analog converter in a synchronous modem sends signals to th
e:","Equalizer","Terminal","Modulator","Transmission line",,"Digital & Data Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3028,"The distance between the two antennas of a geostationary satellite system
is 22,300 miles and is operating at a downlink frequency of 12.2 GHz, what is th
e free space loss in dB?","205","130","145","166",,"Satellite Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3029,"The distance from the transmitting antenna to the point where direct waves
strike the earth is called:
","Radio horizon","Optical horizon","Geometric horizon","The line of sight",,"An
tennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3030,"The dominant mode in most waveguides is","TE 0.1","TE 1.2","TM 0.1","TM 1.
1",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3031,"The dominant mode of propagation is preferred in rectangular waveguides be
cause (indicate false statement).","The resulting impedance can be matched direc
tly to coaxial lines","It leads to the smallest dimensions","It is easier to exc
ite than the other modes","Propagation of it without any spurious generation can
be ensured",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
3032,"The Doppler effect allows which characteristics of a target to be measured
iam Quiming","NONAME",
3033,"The Doppler effect is a change of what signal characteristic produced by r
elative motion between the radar set and the target?","Frequency","Amplitude","P
","Duty cycle",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
3034,"The Doppler effect is used in (indicate the false statement)","A moving-ta
rget plotting on the PPI","The MTI system","FM radar","CW radar",,"Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3035,"The drum diameter of a facsimile machine is 70.4 mm and the scanning pitch
is 0.2 mm per scan. Calculate the index of operation using the CCITT standard."
,"352","14.08","0.0018","198.28",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Problem Solving","William
3036,"The DTMF generator in an electronic phone produces tones using a","Digital
divider circuit","RC circuit","LC circuit","Digital multiplier circuit",,"Digit
al & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3037,"The DTMF pair 852+1209 Hz tone combination is assigned to which keypad dig
it?","7","4","#","8",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
3038,"The DTMF tone combination for the keypad #1.","697+1209 Hz","1770+1209 Hz"
,"697+1477 Hz","941+1209 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3039,"The durattion occupancy of call during its use.","Holding time","Traffic t
ime","Occupancy period","Use time",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3040,"The E1 system has ____ channels excluding the common signaling channel and
the framing and alarm channel.","30","32","24","64",,"Wire & Wireless Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3041,"The earth area covered by a satellite radio beam.","Footprint","Beamwidth"
,"Zone","Bandwidth",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"

3042,"The EDD test on a basic telephone channel indicated that a 1600 Hz carrier
experienced the minimum absolute delay of 550 s. Determine the maximum absolute
envelope delay that any frequency within the range of 800 Hz to 2600 Hz can expe
rience.","2300 us","1750 us","5000 us","2150 us",,"Wire & Wireless Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3043,"The electric field lies in plane perpendicular to the earth's surface.","V
ertical polarization","Circular polarization","Elliptical polarization","Horizon
tal polarization",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",1,,"Objective","William Quimin
3044,"The electrical state of the control leads in a serial interface is a conce
rn of","The physical-layer protocol","The link layer protocol","The network-laye
r protocol","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3045,"The electrical state of the control leads in a serial interface is a conce
rn of:","The physical layer protocol","The link-layer protocol","The network-lay
er protocol
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3046,"The electronic mail program once included with Netware is","The Coordinato
r","The Network counter","Cc Mail","Higgins",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
3047,"The electronic messaging program that permits graphics to be attached dire
ctly to a document is","Cc Mail","The Coordinator","The Network Courier","Higgin
s",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3048,"The Electronics and Communications Enginnering Act of the Philippines.","R
.A. 5734","R.A. 7453","R.A. 5743","E.O. 59",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3049,"The elementary doublet is a theoretical antenna which is used as a standar
d to which all the other antenna characteristics can be compared and is sometime
s called as","Hertzian dipole","Marconi antenna","Yagi antenna","Loop antenna",,
"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
ite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3051,"The elevation angle and the azimuth angle of a satellite:
","Look angle","Tracking angle","Horizontal angle","Vertical angle",,"Satellite
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3052,"The encoding scheme for FiberChannel is","8B/10B","10B/16B","4B/5B","2B/6B
",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3053,"The ending part of the popular teleserial Mahabharat will be bearned to th
e viewers via","ARABSAT","WESTAR","INSAT-IC","INSAT-ID",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3054,"The end-to-end delivery of the entire message is the responsibility of the
_______ layer.","Transport","Session","Network","Presentation",,"Uncategorized"
,1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3055,"The energy that neither radiated into space nor completely transmitted.","
Standing waves","Reflected waves","Incident waves","Captured waves",,"Transmissi
on Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3056,"The equalization amplifier","Compensates the microphone for changes in loo
p current","Controls the frequency of dialing tones","Mutes the microphone","Mut
es the microphone",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3057,"The equation fs = 2 x Bandwidth is called the","Nyquist criterion","Shanno
n theorem","Erlang law","Edison effect",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3058,"The equipment used in the telephone network changes","Slowly, to balance n
ew technology against cost","Almost never, because it is doing the job","Rapidly
, to keep up with the new technology","Slowly, to balance new technology against
cost",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
3059,"The equivalent circuit of the quartz crystal is a","Both series and parall

el resonator","Neither serier or parallel resonator","Series resonator","Paralle

l resonator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
62,"The equivalent noise temperature of the amplifier is 25 K, what is the noise
figure?","1.086","1.86","0.1086","10.86",,"Noise",0,,"Problem Solving","William
3061,"The equivalent optical telecommunication standard of SONET is","SDH","PDH"
,"DLC","KBP",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3062,"The escape character that identifies control characters in BiSync Transpar
ency mode is:","DLE","ESC","SYN","RVI",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William
3063,"The ESCON I/O interface consist of a set of rules defined by the ____ arch
itecture.","ESA/390","ESA/370","ESA/360","None of the choices","","Uncategorized
",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
103,"The European cordless telephone system 2nd generation","CT-2","AMPS-2","NMT
-2","TACS-2","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3064,"The event which mark the start of the modern computer age was","The develo
pment of transistor","Design of the ENIAC computer","Development of the Hollerit
h code","Development of the disk drives for data storage",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3065,"The exchanging of predetermined signals between two devices for purposes o
f control.
","Interleave","ACK","NAK",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
3066,"The executive branch of government in charge of policy making in the telec
ommunications.","DOTC","NTC","Bureau of Telecommunications","Telecommunications
Control Bureau",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3067,"The expander in a companding device provides","Less amplification for low
signal levels","Lesser pressure for transmission cables","Greater amplification
for low signal levels","Greater amplification for high signal levels",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3068,"The External Mail program is a feature of","The Network courier","The Coor
dinator","Cc Mail","Higgins",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3069,"The Extremely High Frequency (EHF) band in the radio spectrum range of ___
_.","30 to 300 GHz","3 to 30 MHz","30 to 300 kHz","3 to 30 GHz",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3070,"The farthest distance from earth, a satellite orbit reaches is called","Ap
ogee","Perigee","Line of apsides","Altitude",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3071,"The fastest LAN topology is the","Bus","Ring","Stars","Square",,"Digital &
Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3072,"The FDM telephone system accommodate many channels","Using multiple levels
of multiplexing","Narrowing the bandwidth of each","Increasing the multiplexer
size","Using many final carriers",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3073,"The Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) standard calls for nodes to be
:","Attached to a pair of fiber rings carrying signals in opposite directions.",
"Attached to a data bus in the form of a transmissive star coupler.","Attached t
o a network of star couplers that detect collisions and transmit only one signal
to the next level.","Attached to fibers by passive T couplers.",,"Fiber Optics"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3074,"The field rate in the NTSC television system.","60 Hz","120 Hz","30 Hz","1
5.75 Hz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3075,"The final output of a FDM multiplexer is called","Composite baseband","Int
elligence","Group output","Supergroup output",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
239,"The final power amplifier in an FM transmitter usualy operates class","C","
AB","A","B",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3077,"The first 800-MHz cellular system produced and was released in late 1983."

,"AMPS","NTT","NMT","TACS","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","W

illiam Quiming","comm_obj_004.rtf",
3078,"The first active satellite, launched by Russia in 1957.","Sputnik I","Echo
","Courier","SCORE",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming"
3079,"The first AMPS system was developed in _____.","Japan","Chicago","United S
tates","China","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3080,"The first and still, arguably, most important application for communicatio
ns satellites is","International telephony","Data","TV broadcasting","Facsimile"
,"","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3081,"The first cell shape is a","Circle","Square","Rectangle","Triangle","","Wi
re & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3082,"The first commercial telephone switchboard began operation on ________ mar
king the birth of public switched telephone network","January 28, 1878","May 31,
1884","March 10, 1876","March 1, 1883",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3083,"The first communications satellite was launched on December 18, 1958. This
satellite used a tape recorder to store and forward voice messages.","SCORE","E
cho","Courier","Telstar1","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William
3084,"The first experimental ethernet system was named ___________.","Alto Aloha
Network","Ethernet","Fas ethernet","Metcalfe's network system","","Digital & Da
ta Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3085,"The first geosynchronous satellite","Synchom II","Telstar II","Synchom I",
"Intelsat I",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
3086,"The first INTELSAT 801 was successfully launched from________,French Guian
a in february 1998.","Kourou","Baikonour","Xichang","Cape Canaveral","","Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3087,"The first Intelsat satellite that was launched in 1965 was named","Early B
ird I","Echo","Telstar I","Courier",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
HO","TELSTAR I","COURIER",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3089,"The first line of defense against power contact and power induction hazard
s is ___","Good construction practice and adequate spacing between power and com
munication factories","The provision of protectors and fuses","The provision of
good insulation","The provision of electrical paths grounded",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
105,"The first parameter to be determined in selecting a satellite system is ___
___.","Coverage Area.","Antenna Gain.","EIRP","Antenna Size.","","Satellite Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3090,"The first passive satellite transponder.","Moon","Early Bird","Score","Spu
tnik I",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3091,"The first Philippine Agila 1 has how many transponders?","36","48","24","1
2","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3092,"The first Philippine Mabuhay satellite have how many channels?","30","24",
"48","50",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3093,"The first satellite capable of receiving and transmitting simultaneously."
,"Telstar I","Syncom I","Score","Aguila",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
3094,"The first satellite designed to provide communications relay services for
other spacecraft is the","TDRSS","Cassini","Ekran","Orbita","","Satellite Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
,,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3096,"The first satellite to receive and transmit simultaneously.","Telstar I","

Agila II","Intelsat I","Syncom I",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi

lliam Quiming","NONAME",
3097,"The first sentence sent through the first telephone system on 1876.","""Mr
. Watson, come here, I want you""","""I ve did it Mr. Watson!""","""Hello! Mr. Wat
son!""","""Can you here me Mr. Watson?""",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3098,"The first step in an analysis of company LAN needs is to","Examine the pro
blems existing that could be solved w/ a LAN","Inventory all current software","
Inventory all current hardware","Write a request for a proposal",,"Digital & Dat
a Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
107,"The first symbol of an emission designation having amplitude modulated main
carrier represented by letter C is referred to as ______.","Vestigial Sideband"
,"Double Sideband","Independent Sideband","Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier","
","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3099,"The first telephone set that combined a transmitter or receiver into a sin
gle handheld is_______","Butterstamp Telephone","Bell telephone","Telco Telephon
e","POTS Telephone",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Qu
3100,"The first telephone system was tested by Bell on what date?","March 10, 18
76","March 10, 1878","March 7, 1876","June 2, 1875","","Wire & Wireless Communic
ations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3101,"The following are advantages of injection lser diode over light emitting d
iode except:","Low cost","Can be used at higher bit rates","Greater radiant outp
ut power","Reduced coupling loss",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3102,"The following are advantages of optical fiber system except","Lower initia
l cost of installation","Greater capacity","Crosstalk immunity","Safer to handle
",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3103,"The following are causes of attenuation and loss of optical power within t
he fiber except","Ohmic loss","Splicing loss","Connector loss","Microbending los
s",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3104,"The following are considered primary line constant except","Complex propag
ation constant","Conductance","Resistance","Capacitance",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3105,"The following are frequencies usually used for in-band signaling except fo
r one.","1400 Hz","1600 Hz","2400 Hz","2600 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3106,"The following are signaling questions, except","Ringing signals","Talkdown
signals","Supervising signals","Address signals",,"Wire & Wireless Communicatio
ns",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3126,"The frequency mechanism used with SDLC is called","Zero-bit insertion","Mo
dified link test","Beacon test","Invert-on-zero coding",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3127,"The frequency of a sound is preceived psychologically as:","Pitch","Tone",
"Loudness","Intensity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
3128,"The frequency of an oscillation generated by a magnetron is mainly determi
ned by the","Dimension of each cavity resonator","Ratio of the dc cathode voltag
e to the magnetic flux density","Number of the cavity resonator","Flux density o
f the external magnet",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3129,"The frequency of Ku-band for satellite communication.","14/11 GHz","6/4 GH
z","12/14 GHz","4/8 GHz",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
3130,"The frequency of operation of a dipole antenna cut to a length of 3.4 mete
rs is","44 MHz","88 MHz","22 MHz","11 MHz",,"Antennas",0,,"Problem Solving","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3131,"The frequency of operation of a dipole antenna cut to length of 3.4 m.","4
2.9 MHz","31.5 MHz","83.8 MHz","38.8 MHz","f = 300,000,000 m/s / 3.4 m","Antenn
as",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",

3132,"The frequency of the ringback in ESS.","440+480 Hz","480+620 Hz","350+440

Hz","None of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3133,"The frequency of the unmodulated carrier in FM system is","Center frequenc
y","Modulating frequency","Carrier frequency","Deviation frequency",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3134,"The frequency range for natural speech is :","80 - 8,000 Hz","300 - 3400 H
z","100 - 3,000 Hz","50 - 15,000 Hz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3135,"The frequency range of an infrared rays is approximately
","0.7 to 100 um
","30 to 300 GHz","4000 to 8000 A","1000 to 10,000 A",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3136,"The frequency response of the ear is non-linear between","30 Hz to 30 kHz"
,"20 Hz to 20 kHz","50 Hz to 25 kHz","80 Hz to 8 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3177,"The IF bandwidth of a radar receiver is inversely proportional to the
","Pulse width","Pulse repetition frequency","Pulse interval","Square root of th
e peak transmitted power",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
3178,"The image frequency of a superheterodyne receiver","Is not rejected by the
IF tuned circuits","Is created within the receiver itself","Is due to insuffici
ent adjacent channel rejection","Is independent of the frequency to w/c the rece
iver is tuned",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3179,"The image frequency of a superheterodyne receiver tuned to 81000 kHz when
the local oscillator is 1300 kHz and an IF frequency of 455 kHz, is
","None of the above","300 kHz","600 kHz","900 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
3180,"The image frequency of superheterodyne receiver tuned to 1000 Khz when the
local oscillator is 1300 KHz and an IF frequency of 455 Khz, is:","None of the
above","600 Khz","900 Khz","300 Khz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3181,"The impedance measured at the input of the transmission line when its leng
th is infinite.","Characteristic impedance","Input impedance","Open circuit impe
dance","Short circuit impedance",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3182,"The impedance of a dipole antenna is about","73 ohms","50 ohms","300 ohms"
,"36 ohms",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3183,"The impedance of local wire trunk is _____ ohms in series with a 2016 uF c
apacitor to match the impedance of the local exchange.","900","600","300","700",
"","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3184,"The impedance of the most driver is about ____ ohms at their resonant freq
uency.","8","6","4","10",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3185,"The increase in level of bass frequency when a microphone is placed close
to a sound source is referred to as:","Proximity microphone","Feedback","Oscilla
tion","Bass roll-off",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3186,"The index of refraction of a material medium","Is greater than 1","Is less
than 1","Is equal to 1","Maybe any of these",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3187,"The input impedance of a quarterwave short-circuited transmission line at
its resonant frequency.","Infinite or an open circuit","Zero","Equal to two","70
ohms",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3188,"The input is 0.1 W and the network gain is 13 dB, the output is:","2 W","2
.5 W","1.5 W","1.8 W",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3189,"The input is 1 W and the network loss is 27 dB, the output is","2 mW","1 m
W","3 mW","4 mW",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3190,"The input power to a loss-free coaxial cable is 5W. If the reflected power

is 7 dB down on the incident power, the output power to the load is","4 W","5 W
","6 W","7 W",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3191,"The input RF power to a transmission line is 1000 W. The transmission line
introduces a loss of 7 dB and is used to feed an antenna whose power gain is 3
dB. What is the ERP of
this antenna?","400 W","500 W","600 W","700 W",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
3192,"The input terminal impedance at the center of a folded dipole antenna is",
"300 ohms","72 ohms","50 ohms","73 ohms",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Qui
240,"The input to a PLL is 2 MHz. In order for the PLL to be locked, the VCO out
put must be","2 MHz","1 MHz","500 kHz","4 MHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
241,"The input to the balanced modulator are 1 MHz and a carrier of 1.5 MHz. The
outputs are","500 kHz & 2.5 MHz","500 kHz","2.5 MHz","1 MHz",,"Modulation",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3195,"The input/output device that provides the human interface with the telepho
ne network.","Telephone Instrument or Subset","Handset","Cradle","Plunger","","W
ire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3196,"The input-output (I/O) device that provides the human interface with the t
elephone network","Telephone instrument","Modem","Hybrid circuit","Subscriber's
loop",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
242,"The inputs to a balanced modulator are 1 MHz and a carrier of 1.5 MHz. The
outputs are","All of the above","2.5 MHz","1.5 MHz","500 kHz",,"Modulation",2,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3198,"The inputs to a mixer are fo and FM In down coversion, which of the follow
ing mixer output signals is selected?","Fo - fm","Fo + fm","Fo","Fm",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3199,"The inputs to a mixer are fo and FM In the down conversion which of the fo
llowing mixer output signals are selected?","Fo-fm","Fo","Fm","Fo+fm",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3200,"The interaction between hardware and software in a computing system to ach
ieve the most economic, efficient, secure, rapid, or easiest-to-maintain system
is called:
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3201,"The interaction between hardware and software in computing system to achie
ve the most economic, efficient, secure, rapid or easiest-to-maintain system is
called :","Networking","Topology","Benchmark","Architecture",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3202,"The interconnection of null modems between two computer systems is called
_____.","Cross Pin","USRT","USART","RS-232C",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3203,"The intermediate frequency (IF) is normally within what range of the recei
ver frequency?","Below the receiver frequency","Above the receiver frequency","W
ithin the receiver frequency
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3204,"The international equivalent of SONET standardized by the ITU","SDH","DSL"
,"PDH","SONET",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3205,"The international equivalent of SONET, standardized by the ITU, is called
3206,"The international equivalent of Sonet, standardized by the ITU.","SDH","PD
H","LDH","MDH","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3207,"The Internet was initiated by ____.","The government of the United States"
,"Microsoft","CERN","IBM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
84,"The interval between any two frequencies that have a ratio

of 2 to 1.","Octave","Interval","Harmonics","Masking",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
3208,"The ionosphere causes radio signals to be","Refracted","Diffused","Absorbe
d","Reflected",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
3209,"The ionosphere has its greatest effect on signals in what frequency range?
","3 to 30 MHz","300 kHz to 3 MHz","30 to 300 MHz","Above 300 MHz",,"Radiation &
Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3210,"The Iridium satellites have a highly visible satellite flare also called "
"___________"" because of its peculiar shape with three polished door-sized ante
nnas, 120 degrees apart and at 40 degree angles with the main bus.","Iridium Str
eaks","Iridium Sparks","Iridium Flares","Iridium Lightning","","Satellite Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3211,"The Iridium system comprises three principal components: the LEO satellite
s, the Iridium Gateway, and the ______________.","Hand-held devices","Satellite
Remote Earth-Stations","Master Earth-Stations","Transponder","","Satellite Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3212,"The ISO is:","The international organization that sets standards across a
wide spectrum of systems and operations.","An interexchange service company","An
individual system operator","The benchmark from which all telecommunications sy
stems are measured",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3213,"The jet thrusters are usually fixed to","Maintain altitude","Place the sat
ellite into geosynchronous orbit","Bring the satellite back to earth","Place the
satellite into transfer orbit",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3214,"The key conceptual circuit in a superhet receiver is the","Mixer","RF ampl
ifier","IF amplifier","AF amplifier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3215,"The key conceptual circuit in a superheterodyne receiver is the","Mixer","
RF amplifier
","AF amplifer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3235,"The line control unit (LCU) operates on the data in digital from.","DTE","
DCE","Modem","UART",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
243,"The line data rate (in Mbps) for level 4 of CEPT 30 + 2 PCM multiplex hiera
rchy is","139.264","274.176","400.352","97.728",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
3237,"The line encoding scheme used for the DS-1 signal is:","Bipolar","Binary 3
-zero substitution","Ternary","Non-return-to-zero",,"Digital & Data Communicatio
ns",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3238,"The line joining the ascending and descending nodes through the center of
earth is called the _______.","Line of nodes","Ascending to descending plane","C
enter of nodes","Line of sight",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3239,"The line speed of an E-1 TDM system.","2.048 Mbps","1.544 Mbps","51.84 Mbp
s","64 kbps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3240,"The line-coding format in transmission systems where successive ones (mark
s) are alternatively inverted (sent with polarity opposite that of the preceding
iam Quiming","NONAME",
3241,"The load is properly matched with the transmission line if the SWR is","1"
,"0","10","Infinity",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3242,"The local loop of a telephone system is","A 2-wire or 4-wire comm. ckt bet
. customer and central office","A group of wires connecting a telephone set to a
modem","A 4-wire ckt. connecting a facsimile machine to a computer","A single p
iece of wire connecting the tel. set to another",,"Wire & Wireless Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3243,"The local loop of a telephone system is understood to be","A two-wire of f

our-wire communication circuit between the customer's premise and the CO","A gro
up of wires connecting a telephone handsets to a modem","A single piece of wire
connecting the subscriber's telephone set to another telephone set in an adjacen
t room","All of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3244,"The location of a person or node in a computer network from which informat
ion is being sent or transferred to.","Address","IP","MAC","None of the above","
","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3245,"The location of AsiaSat I","105.5 deg east","151.5 deg east","115.5 deg ea
st","170.5 deg east",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3246,"The locations of radio-frequency transceiver that serve a central control
for all users within that cell.","Base stations","Cell site","Transceiver statio
ns","Central control stations",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
3247,"The loss in signal power as light travel down the length of the fiber is c
","Scattering",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3248,"The loss in the signal power as light travels down a fiber is called","Att
enuation","Absorption","Scaterring","Dispersion",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
3249,"The loss in the signal power as light travels down a fiber is called.","At
tenuation","Dispersion","Scattering","Absorption","","Fiber Optics",1,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3250,"The loss that would be obtained between two isotropic antennas in free spa
ce.","Free space attenuation
","Obstacle loss
","Feeder loss","Branching loss",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3251,"The lower data rate version of ASDL.","G-Lite","CiDSL","G-shdsl","G-shdsl"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3252,"The lower data version of ADSL that delivers up to 1.5 Mbps downstream and
384 kbps upstream.","G.lite","ISDN based DSL (IDSL)","Full-rate ADSL","Symmetri
c Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL)",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
86,"The lowest frequency that the human ear can hear is","20 Hz","10 Hz","5 Hz",
"25 Hz",,"Acoustics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3253,"The lowest layer in the ionosphere.","D","E","F1","F2",,"Radiation & Wave
Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3254,"The lowest resistance grounding on earth.","Surface loam soil","Sand","Cla
y","Limestone",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3255,"The magnetic field is used with a ruby maser to","Provide frequency adjust
ment","Provide sharp focusing for the electron beam","Increase the population in
version","Allow room-temperature inversion",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3256,"The magnetic field of an antenna is perpendicular to the earth. The antenn
a polarization is","Horizontal","Vertical","Circular","Can not be determined fro
m the info given",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3257,"The main advantage of a TWT over a klystron for microwave amplification is
","Wider bandwidth","Higher power
","Lower cost","Smaller size",,"Microwave Communications",1,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3258,"The main advantage of serial data transmission is:","Data can be sent over
a single wire","It sells lots of shift registers","It is faster that parallel t
ransmission","All of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
3259,"The main bang on a PPI radar set.","Center spot","Blip","Pip","Yaw",,"Navi

gational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

3260,"The main cause of image interference is","Poor front-end selectivity","Low
gain","A high IF","Poor sensititivty",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William
3261,"The main circuit in a PSN generator a(n)","Shift register","X-OR
","Multiplexer","Mixer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
3262,"The main difference between the operation of transmission lines and wavegu
ides is that","The latter are not distributed, like transmission lines","The for
mer can use stubs and quarter-wave transformers, unlike latter","Transmission li
nes use the principal mode of propagation, and therefore do not suffer from lowfrequency cut-off","Terms such as impedance matching and standing-wave ratio can
not be applied to waveguides",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3263,"The main disadvantage of the two-hole directional coupler is","Narrow band
width","High SWR","Poor directivity","Low directional coupling",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3264,"The main function of a communication satellite is a/an","Repeater","Reflec
tor","Beacon","Observation platform","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
3265,"The main power sources for a satellite are","Solar cells","Fuel cells","Ba
tteries","Thermoelectric generators","","Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
3266,"The main power sources for a satellite are __________.","Solar cells","Fue
l cells","Batteries","Thermoelectric generators","","Satellite Communications",1
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3267,"The main reason that serial transmission is preferred to parallel transmis
sion is that","Serial requires only a single channel","Serial is faster","Serial
require multiple channels","Parallel is too expensive",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3268,"The major approach to achieve spectrum efficiency.","All of the choices","
Single-sideband","Cellular","Spread spectrum","","Telecommunications & ECE Laws"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3269,"The major component of the TV signal waveform is the","Video","Radar","Ste
reo","Antenna",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3270,"The major problem with multiple vendors in a network environment is","Netw
ork efficiency
","The expence","The lack of quality","The lack of clear resposibility",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3271,"The majority of the pins of the EIA-232 interface are used for ________ pu
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
3272,"The Marconi antenna can stil be resonated inspite of being physically shor
t by a quarter wavelength due to the effect of","Ground image antenna","Being gr
ounded","Vertical construction","Vertical polarization",,"Antennas",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3273,"The Marconi antenna can still be resonant inspite of being physically shor
t by a quarter wavelength due to the effect of:","Ground image antenna","Being g
rounded","Vertical construction","Vertical polarization",,"Antennas",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
3274,"The marker beacon transmitter operate at a fixed frequency of","75 MHz","4
00 MHz","333 MHz","108 to 112 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3275,"The master control center for cellular telephone system is","MTSO","Cell s
ite","Central office
","Branch office",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quim
3276,"The mathematical chance or likelihood of the event taking place.

","Possibility","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim

244,"The maximum alloed deviation of the FM sound signal is 18 kHz. The percent
modulation is","72 %","43 %","96 %","139 %",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3277,"The maximum data carrying capacity of a transmission link and usually expr
essed in bits per second (bps).","Bandwidth","Line rate","Information capacity",
"None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3278,"The maximum data rate for RS-422 is ______ times that of the maximum RS-42
3 data rate.","100","500","10","0.1",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3279,"The maximum deviation of an FM carrier is 2 kHz by a maximum modulating si
gnal of 400 Hz. The deviation ratio is","8","0.2","12.5","20",,"Uncategorized",1
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3280,"The maximum deviation of an FM cellular transmitter is","12 KHz","6 KHz","
30 KHz","45 KHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3281,"The maximum ground resistance in an equipment installation as required by
Vol.1 of the Electronics Code (Safety Code) is","5.0 ohms","1.0 ohms","25.0 ohms
","10.0 ohms",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3282,"The maximum height of an elliptical orbit is called","Apex","Zenith","Apog
ee","Perigee","***","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3283,"The maximum intelligibility for voice frequency is located between","1000
and 3000 Hz","250 and 500 Hz","500 and 1000 Hz","3000 and 5000 Hz",,"Wire & Wire
less Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3284,"The maximum length of a Marconi antenna to operate at standard with 985 kH
z signal is","237.258 ft.","249.746 ft.","212.284 ft.","237.563 ft.","Marconi an
tenna is wavelength/4 antenna. Computing the wavelength of 985 kHz signal and di
vided by 4 = 237.258 ft.","Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3285,"The maximum length of a subscriber loop using gauge # 26 with a 0.51 dB/10
00 ft loss, at a specified loss of 6 dB should be equal to:","11.7 K ft","3.06 K
ft","1.17 K ft
","0.085 K ft",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Q
3286,"The maximum number of turns a helix antenna must have.","3","4","5","6",,"
Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3287,"The maximum output power of a cellular transmitter is","3W","4.75 mW","1.5
W","5 W",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
3288,"The maximum power suggested by KBP on 919-1312 AM broadcast station in Met
ro Manila is","20 kW","5 kW","10 kW","15 kW",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3289,"The maximum power that may be handled by a ferrite component is limited by
the","Curie temperature","Saturation magnetization","Line width","Gyromagnetic
resonance",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3290,"The maximum power that may be handled by a ferrite components limited by t
he","Curie Temperature
","Line widtherature","Gyromagnetic resonance","Saturation magnetization",,"Micr
owave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
39 ms","300 ms","250 ms",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
245,"The maximum quantization error of a PCM with a resolution of 0.01 and DR =
100 is,","0.005","0.1","1.0","0.5",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3293,"The maximum usable range of a usual radar set (on any particular range set
ting) is determined by","The interval between transmitted pulses","The width of
the transmitted pulses","The bandwidth of the receiver IF stages","The duty cycl
e",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

3294,"The maximum voice energy is located between","250 and 500 Hz","1000 and 30
00 Hz","500 and 1000 Hz","3000 and 5000 Hz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3295,"The mean volume of the traffic handled in a given period of time by a pari
cular part of the telecommunication system","Average traffic","Average call dura
tion","Average operating time","Average holding time",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3296,"The mechanical splice is best suited for","Field service consition","Situa
tion in which cost of equipment is not a factor","Quicker installation under ide
al conditions","Minimum attenuation losses",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3297,"The method of determining the bandwidth of any processing system is ____."
,"Spectral analysis","Frequency spectrum","Frequency analysis","Bandwidth analys
is",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3298,"The method of generating FM used by broadacsting station is","Indirect","D
irect","Insertion","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
3299,"The method of generating FM used by broadcasting station is","Indirect","D
irect","Insertion","All of the above",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3300,"The method of measuring absorption coefficient of sound which considers al
l angle of incidence is called ____.","Reverberation chamber method","Sound velo
city method","Bounce back method","Distance method",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
109,"The method of measuring absorption coefficient of sound which considers all
angles of incidence is called ______.","Reverberation Chamber Method","Distance
Method","Bounce Method","Sound Velocity Method","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
88,"The midrange frequency range of sound is from","256 to 2048 Hz","2048 to 409
6 Hz","512 to 2048 Hz","16 to 64 Hz",,"Acoustics",2,,"Objective","William Quimin
3301,"The minimum distance from earth a satellite orbit reaches is called","Peri
gee","Apogee","Line of apsides","Altitude",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3302,"The minimum frequency separation between frequency of AM broadcasting. sta
tion.","72 kHz","9 kHz","18 kHz","36 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
3303,"The minimum number of turns a helix antenna must have.","6","5","4","3",,"
Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3304,"The minimum telephone set loop current for effective operation is","23 mA"
,"42 mA","60mA","25 mA",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3305,"The mobile-to-base frequency assignment of GSM system is
","890-915 MHz","935-960 MHz","870-890 MHz","825-845 MHz","","Wire & Wireless Co
mmunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3306,"The modern Touch-Tone telephone is called______","2500 type telephone","15
00 type telephone","500 type telephone","3500 type telephone",,"Wire & Wireless
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
246,"The modulated peak value of a signal is 125 V and the unmodulated carrier i
s 85 V. What is the modulation index?","1.47","0.47","0.68","0.32",,"Modulation"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
247,"The modulation index of an FM signal is one half the original index if the
modulating frequency is","Doubled","Halved","Increased","Decreased",,"Modulation
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
63,"The modulation system inherently more resistant to noise.","Frequency modula
tion","Phase shift keying","Pulse-position modulation","Single sideband suppress
ed carrier",,"Noise",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
64,"The modulation system inherently most noise resistant is","Pulse code modula
tion","SS suppressed carrier","Frequency modulation","Pulse position modulation"
,,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

248,"The modulation system used for telegraphy is","FSK","Two-tone modulation","

PCM","Single-tone modulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
249,"The modulation technique use by GSM cellular system?","GMSK","QAM","PSK","F
SK",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
250,"The modulation technique used by DECT.","GFSK","ASK","QAM","PSK","","Modula
tion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
251,"The modulation technique used by DECT.
","GFSK","ASK","QAM","PSK","","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
3309,"The modulation used for asynchronous data.
","PSK","FSK","QAM","All of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3310,"The most advantageous ratio of dimension (H,W,L) for broadcast studios is"
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3311,"The most common and known of the SDH topologies which allows great network
flexibility and protection.","Ring topology","Star topology","Mesh topology","L
inear bus topology","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3312,"The most common application of satellites.","Communications","Surveillance
","Reconnaisance","Defense systems",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3313,"The most common carrier frequencies used for satellite communications are"
,"6/4 and 14/12 GHz bands","8/6 and 16/14 GHz bands","20/18 and 28/26 GHz bands"
,"12/10 and 18/16 GHz bands",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William
3314,"The most common cell plan uses ____ cells, which can be subdivided to form
a 21-sectored plan.","7","3","4","12","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3315,"The most common circuit used for demodulating binary FSK andis also used i
n analog FM.","PLL","Balance modulator","Decoder","VCO",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3316,"The most common cross section of a waveguide is a","Rectangle","Circle","S
quare","Triangle",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3317,"The most common device used as a light detector in fiber optic communicati
ons systems.","APDs","PIN Diode","LEDs","ILDs",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3318,"The most common meaning of ""__________"" on the Internet refers to a piec
e of information sent by a Web Server to a Web Browser that the Browser software
is expected to save and to send back to the Server whenever the browser makes a
dditional requests","Cookie","Web Page","E-mail","None of the above",,"Digital &
Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3319,"The most common mnodulation used in telegraphy is","Frequency shift keying
","Two-tone modulation","Pulse code modulation","Single-tone modulation",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
252,"The most common modulation system used for telegraphy is","Frequency shift
keying","Two-tone modulation","Pulse-code modulation","Single-tone modulation",,
"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3320,"The most common radar display is","Color CRT","A scan","LCD","PPI",,"Navig
ational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3321,"The most common serial interface betwee the DTE and DCE","RS-232C","RS-449
","RS-423A","RS-422A",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3322,"The most common technique for binary data transmission is","Asynchronous t
ransmission","Bisynchronous transmission","Synchronous transmission","Plesiochro
nous transmission",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3323,"The most common technique for binary transmission is:","Asynchronous trans

mission","Bisynchronous transmission","Plesiochronous transmission","Synchronous

transmission",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3324,"The most common telephone jack in use today and can have up to six conduct
ors.","RJ-11","RJ-45","RJ-49","Any of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
253,"The most common type of modulation used with TDM systems.","Pulse Code Modu
lation","Pulse Amplitude Modulation","Delta Modulation","Pulse Position Modulati
on",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
65,"The most common unit of noise measurement in white noise testing.","NPR","DB
m","DBW","DBk",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
66,"The most common unit of noise measurement in white noise voltage testing.","
NPR","DBm","DBW","DBrn",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3327,"The most commonly used digital encoding format.","BPRZ-AMI","UPRZ","BPRZ",
"BPNRZ",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3328,"The most commonly used error-detection technique are the
","Parity and redundancy check","ASCII and EBCDIC code","Binary and Baudot code
check","Any of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
254,"The most commonly used filter for SSB generators is","Crystals
","LC Networks","Mechanical resonatorr","RC networks and op amps",,"Modulation",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
255,"The most commonly used filter in SSB generators uses","Crystals","Mechanica
l resonators","DC networks","RC networks and op amps",,"Modulation",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3331,"The most commonly used light sensor in a modern fax machine is","Charge co
upled devicee","Phototube","Phototransistor","Liquid crystal display",,"Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3332,"The most commonly used light source in optical fiber system is","ILD","LED
","APD","PIN",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3333,"The most commonly used transmission line is a","Two-wire balanced line","S
ingle wire","Three-wire line","Coaxial line",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
3334,"The most cost-effective radio system for long distance 1point-to-point nar
row-band voice communication is","HF/SSB","VHF relay","Satellite","UHF relay",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3335,"The most cost-effective radio system for long distance point to point narr
ow band voice communication is:","HF/SSB","VHF relay","Satellite","UHF relay",,"
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3336,"The most critical and difficult part of receiving a direct- sequence sprea
d spectrum signal is
","Synchronism","Frequency synthesis","PSN code generation","Carrier recovery",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
256,"The most efficient RF power amplifier is which class amp?","C","A","D","B",
,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3338,"The most fundamental idea of information theory is that information is a/a
n:","Measurable quantity
","Heat energy","Abstract quantity","Light energy",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3339,"The most popular form of xDSL
","ADSL","RaDSL","HDSL","SDSL",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
3340,"The most powerful commercial satellite in the world.","Boeing 702","Boeing
601","Boeing 376","Boeing 502","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
3341,"The most prevailing encoding technique used for TDM digital signals.","Pul
se Code Modulation (PCM)","Phase Modulation (PM)","Pulse Duration Modulation (PD
M)","Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
3342,"The most widely used facsimile standard is","Group 3","Group 4","Group 2",
"Group 1",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

3343,"The most widely used feature of the Internet is ____.","E-mail","The World

Wide Web","America Online","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
3344,"The most widely used microwave antenna is a","Horn
","Single-loop","Quarter-wave probe","Half-wave dipole",,"Antennas",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3345,"The most widely used radar transmitter components is a","Magnetron","TWT",
"Krystron","Power transistor",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3346,"The multicavity klystron","Is not a good low-level amplifier bec. of noise
","Has a high repeller voltage to ensure a rapid transit time","Is not suitable
for pulsed operation","Needs along transit time through the buncher cavity to en
sure current modulation",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
3347,"The multiple access used by Digital European Cordless Telephone (DECT).","
TDMA","CDMA","FDMA","CDMA/FDMA","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3348,"The natural satellite of earth.","Moon","Echo","Earth satellite","Sputnik"
,,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3349,"The negative resistance in a tunnel diode","Increase the available negativ
e resistance","Increase frequency stability","Facilitates tuning","Allow operati
on at the high frequencies",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3350,"The NetWare command that permits users to connect with a different file se
rver in order to access an external post office is","ATTACH","LINK","CONNECT","M
AIL",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3351,"The Network Courier permits the sorting of users mail by all these methods
except","By size","By date","By senders' name","By subject name",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3352,"The network layer, defined by the FC-PI-2 standard, consists of the core o
f Fiber Channel, and defines the main protocols","FC2","FC1","FC4","FC3","","Fib
er Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
257,"The new signal produced by modulation are called","Sidebands","Spurious emi
ssion","Harmonics","Intermodulation products",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
258,"The new signals produced by modulation are called","Sidebands","Spurious em
issions","Harmonics","Intermodulation products",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
67,"The noise factor of an ideal AMplifier expressed in dB is ___.","0","0.1","1
","10",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
68,"The noise generated by TDM carrier system is _______ that generated by analo
g carrier systems.","Much less than","About the same","A little less than","Grea
ter than",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
69,"The noise generated by TDM carrier systems is _____ that generated by analog
carrier systems.","Much less than","About the same as","A little less than","Gr
eater than",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
70,"The noise voltage accross the 300 ohm input resistance to a TV set with 6 MH
z bandwidth and a temperature of 30C is","3.8 uV","2.3 uV","5.5 uV","6.4 uV",,"No
ise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3357,"The nominal frequency range of Ka Band is","None of the above","75-110 GHz
","18- 27 GHz","1-2 GHz","****","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
3358,"The nominal Impedance of DTMF generator","900 ohms","600 ohms","700 ohms",
"800 ohms","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
3359,"The nominal impedance of DTMF generator is________","900 ohms","1 kilohms"
,"500 ohms","750 ohms",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
3360,"The nominal resistance of telephone set.","300 ohms","900 ohms","600 ohms"
,"700 ohms","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"

3361,"The nominal resistance of the telephone set is","300 ohms","1000 ohms","90
0 ohms","1300 ohms",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3362,"The nominal value of the dial pulse break interval in milliseconds in the
U.S. is:","60","40","100","67",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
3363,"The nominal value of the ideal dial pulse break interval in milliseconds i
n the U.S. is","60","40","100","67",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
3364,"The NOMINAL voice channel for the CCITT standard is","0 to 4,000 Hz","200
to 3,,300 Hz","300 to 400 Hz","30 to 3,500 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3365,"The nondegenerate one-port parametric amplifier should have a high ratio o
f pump to signal frequency because this","Yields a low noise figure","Reduces th
e pump power required","Permits satisfactory low-frequency operation","Permits s
atisfactory high-power operation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3366,"The non-metalic cover of a disc type antenna is called ____.","Radome","Sh
ield","Dome","Dust Cover",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3367,"The non-metallic cover of a disc-type antenna is called :","Radome","Shiel
d","Dome","Dust cover",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3368,"The non-metallic cover of a disc-type antenna is called a:","Radome","Shie
ld","Dome","Dust Cover",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3369,"The North American equivalent of SDH is","SONET","PDH","LDH","WDM","","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3370,"The North American Standard of PCM system is capable of providing","32 cha
nnels","24 channels","16 channels","30 channels",,"Digital & Data Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3371,"The number of amplitude, frequency, or phase changes that
take place","Baud rate
","Speed limit","Frequency of operation","Data rate in bits per second",,"Uncate
gorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3372,"The number of bits per frame of E Carrier System.","256","193","236","192"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3373,"The number of bits required to transmit 1 out of 32 equiprobable events:",
"5","3","2","8",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3374,"The number of bits, characters or blocks which can pass through data commu
nications system when the system is working at saturation.","Information capacit
y","Bit rate","Baud rate","Any of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3375,"The number of calls simultaneous in progress and occupying facilities in t
he system depends on:","Calling rate and holding time","Calling rate and traffic
rate","Grade of service and holding time","Grade of service and traffic rate","
","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3376,"The number of dedicated lines necessary to interconnect 220 parties is","2
4,090 lines","48,400 line","440 lines","24,200 lines",,"Digital & Data Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3377,"The number of frames per second in the US TV system is","30","262.5","60",
"525",,"Uncategorized",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3378,"The number of ground radials usually use by a wavelenght/4 vertical AM bro
adcast antenna is","24","12","32","8",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3379,"The number of information bits per second in data systems is known as","Da
ta rate","Binary rate","Serial rate","Byte rate",,"Digital & Data Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3380,"The number of lines per field in the United States TV sytem is","262.5","5
25","30","60",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3381,"The number of lines per second in the US TV system is","15750","31500","26

2.5","525",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3382,"The number of lines scanned per frame in the raster on the picture screen.
","525","262.5","200","500",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3383,"The number of pair of users that any band supports is limited by:","All of
the choices","The number of availble channels","The assigned carrier frequencie
s and bandwidth","The allocated portion of the frquency spectrum","","Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3384,"The number of pulses that occurs per second in a radar is called","Pulse r
epitition frequency","Radar transmission frequency","Pulse spread
","Pulse train",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3385,"The number of repeaters along a coaxial cable link depends on","The bandwi
dth of the system","Whether separate tubes are used for two directions of transm
ission","The number of coaxial cables in the tube","The separation of the equali
zer",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3386,"The number of video picture scan lines actually being used for the purpose
of picture generation in television broadcast
transmissions.","Active Video Lines","Scan Lines","Raster","Vidicon","","Broadca
sting",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3387,"The number of voice band channel in a master group per CCITT standard is",
"300","120","600","480",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William
3388,"The Nyquist rate for a 15 kHz signal is","30 kHz","15 kHz","7.5 kHz","60 k
Hz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3389,"The nyquist sampling rate is","Fs = 2 BW","C = BW log2 (1+S/N)","Fs = BW/2
","C = 3.32 BW log (1+S/N)",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3390,"The oldest of the automatic switching and is also called the direct contro
l switch.","Step-by-step switching","Crossbar switching","Manual switching","Ele
ctronic switching",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Qui
3391,"The oldest radio navigation system and is widely used throughout. It was f
irst made mandatory aboard air carriers in 1937.","ADF","DME","IRS","INS",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3392,"The only nonsynchronous-orbit commercial satellite system in use.","Molniy
a","Courier","Synchom II","Intelsat IV",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3393,"The operating frequency of klystrons and magnetrons is set by the","Cavity
resonators","DC supply voltage","Input signal frequency","Number of cavities",,
"Microwave Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3394,"The operation and maintenance of any communication system shall be under t
he supervision of a duly registered ECE when the system is comprised of six or m
ore types of land stations, except stations belonging to:","Amateur and citizens
radio","Radio paging and maritime radio","Radio training stations","All of the
above",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
3395,"The operation of a fiber optic cable is based on the principle of","Reflec
tion","Refraction","Dispersion","Absorption",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
259,"The opposite of modulation is","Demodulation","Reverse Modulation","Downwar
d Modulation","Unmodulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
3396,"The optical interface layer that deals with the transport of an STS-N fram
e across the physical medium.Its main functions are framing, scrambling, error m
onitoring, and section maintenance.","Section layer","Line layer","Path layer","
Photonic layer","","Fiber Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3397,"The optical interface layer that deals with the transport of bits across t
he physical medium. Its main function is the conversion between STS signal and O
C signals.","Photonic layer","Line layer","Path layer","Section layer","","Fiber

Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3398,"The optical interface layer that deals with the transport of services betw
een the PTE.Its main function is to map the signals into a format required by th
e line layer.","Path layer","End layer","Section layer","Photonic layer","","Fib
er Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3399,"The optical interface layer that deals with the transport of the path laye
r payload and its overhead across the physical medium.Its main function is to pr
ovide synchronization and to perform multiplexing for the path layer.","Line lay
er","Path layer","Section layer","Photonic layer","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3400,"The original design of the Iridium Satellite System was to have how many s
atellites?","77","66","68","73","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
3401,"The original design of the Iridium was based on the study by ____________,
and ____________ of the Aerospace Corporation.","William S. Adams and Leonard R
ider","Bary Bertinger and Jim Williams","Leonard Rider and Adam Williams","Raymo
nd Leopold and Kenneth Peterson","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3402,"The original electrical information signal to be transmitted is called the
","Baseband signal","Modulating signal","Carrier source
","Source signal",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3403,"The OSI Layer that specifies how end user applications should format the d
","Presentation Layer","Session Layer","Transport Layer","Network Layer",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3404,"The OSI model consists of ______ layers.","Seven","Three","Five","Eight",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3405,"The outer conductor of a coaxial line is usually grounded at the outer con
ductor of a coaxial line is usually grounded at","The input and output","Input",
"Outputt","Point of higher SWR",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3406,"The outer conductor of a coaxial transmission line is usually grounded at
the","Input & output
","Input only
","Output only","Point of higher SWR",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
3407,"The outer marker beacon is located _______ from end of the runway.","4.5 t
o 7 miles","0.7 to 1 mile","6 to 10 miles","1 to 2 miles",,"Uncategorized",1,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3408,"The outline of the peaks of a carrier has the shape of the modulating sign
al and is called the","Envelope","Trace","Wave shape","Carrier variation",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3409,"The output amplitude of the phase detector in a quadrature detector is pro
portional to","Pulse width","Pulse frequency","Input amplitude","The phase shift
value at center frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3410,"The output amplitude of the phase detector in a quadrature detector is pro
portional to
","Pulse width","Pulse frequency","Input amplitude","The phase shift value at ce
nter frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3411,"The output frequency increment of a frequency synthesizer is","Reference i
nput to the phase detector","Frequency deviation ratio","Percentage of the frequ
ency output","Frequency multiplication factor",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3412,"The output frequency increment of a frequency synthesizer is determined as
by the","Frequency deviation ratio","Reference input to the phase detector","Pe
rcentage of the freq output","Freq multiplication factor",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3413,"The output frequency of the synthesizer is changed by varying","Reference
freq input to the phase detector","Freq deviation ratio","Freq multiplication fa

","Mixer LO frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
3414,"The output from a laser is monochromatic; this means
that it is","Single-frequency","Infrared
","Narrow-beam","Polarized",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
260,"The output of a balanced modulator","LSB and USB","LSB","USB","Carrier","Ba
lanced modulator contains output with only two sidebands without a carrier.","Mo
dulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
261,"The output of a balanced modulator is","DSB","SSB","AM wave","Rectified sig
nal",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3417,"The output of a helical antenna is","Circularly polarized","Vertically pol
orized","Horizontally polorized !","Vertical & horizontally polorized",,"Antenna
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3418,"The output of a PLL frequency demodulator is taken from the","Low-pass fil
ter","VCO","Phase detector","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
262,"The output of an SSB transmitter with a 3.85 MHz carrier and a 1.5 kHz sine
wave modulating tone is","A 3.8485 MHz sine wave","A 3.85 MHz sine wave","A 3.8
5, 3.8485 MHz sine waves","A 3848.5 MHz and 3851.5 MHz sine waves",,"Modulation"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3420,"The output of the PLL frequency demodulator is taken from the","Low-pass f
ilter","VCO","Phase detector","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
3421,"The output of the synthesizer is change by varying the","Frequency deviati
on ratio","Reference frequency input to the phase detector","Frequency multiplic
ation factor","Mixer LO frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3422,"The output power of a cellular radio is controlled by","MTSO","User or cal
ler","Cell site","Called party",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
3423,"The output power of a cellular radio is controlled by the","MTSO","User or
caller","Cell site","Called party","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
263,"The output power of an SSB transmitter is usually expressed in terms of","A
verage power","Rms power","Peak-to-peak power","Peak envelope power",,"Modulatio
n",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
264,"The output power of an SSB transmitter is usually expressed
in terms of","Peak envelope power","RMS power","Peak-to-peak power
","Average power power",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3426,"The output spectrum of channel 1 in a group formation is
","104-108 kHz
","94-100 kHz
","100-104 kHz","92-96 kHz",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3427,"The owner of AsiaSat 2 is","China Great Wall Industry Corporation","Asia S
atellite telecommunications Company (ASTC)","Japan Satellite System (JSAT)","Sin
gapore Satellite Commission",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William
265,"The PA is normally biased for what class of operation?","C","A","B","AB",,"
Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3429,"The pair of wires connecting the subscribers to the local switch that serv
es him is the","Subscriber loop
","Two-wire line
","Trunk circuit","Four-wire line",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
3430,"The parameter that both affects transmission of high-speed modem data is",
"Phase distortion","Frequency shift","Amplitude distortion
","Impulse noise",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi

3431,"The parameter that most affects transmission of high-speed modem data is:"
,"Phase distortion","Amplitude distortion","Frequency shift","Impulse noise",,"D
igital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3432,"The parameters describing the degree of signal compression by the compande
rs in the U.S. network is:","Micro","Sigma","A","R squared",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3433,"The part of a telephone set used to compensate for the local loop length."
,"Varistor","Induction coil","Resistor","Capacitor",,"Wire & Wireless Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3434,"The part of STS carrying the signaling and protocol information","STS over
head","STS payload","STS frame","STS section",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3435,"The part of the ILS to indicate the desired horizontal flight direction fo
r a lauching aircraft.","Localizer
","Glide scope
","Marker beakon
","Radar beacon",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3436,"The path length between transmitter and receiver is 20 km. If the signal f
requency is 2 GHz, determine the free-space path loss from the transmitter to re
ceiver.","64.5 dB","100 dB","26 dB","38 dB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
266,"The PCM sampling rate is 8000 samples per second because","Rate allows the
faithful reconstruction of an analog signal","That represents the maximum rate t
echnology supports","This rate allows unique values","The rate is easily produce
d by a sampling chip",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
267,"The PCM sampling rate is 8000 samples per second because :","This rate allo
ws the faithful reconstruction of an analog","This rate is easily produced by a
sampling chip","That represents the maximum rate technology supports","This rate
allows unique values",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3439,"The performance criteria in cellular system.","All of the choices","Voice
quality","Service quality","Special features","","Wire & Wireless Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3440,"The performance of data communications network depends on _______________.
","All of the above","The number of users","The transmission media","The hardwar
e and software",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
268,"The phenomenon of a strong FM signal dominating a weaker signal on a common
frequency is referred to as","Capture effect","Blot out","Quieting factor","Dom
ination syndrome",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
269,"The phenomenon of strong FM signal dominating a weaker signal dominating a
weaker signal on a common frequency is referred to as the","Capture effect","Blo
t out","Quieting factor","Domination syndrome",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3443,"The phenomenon that is associated with the propagation of radio waves whic
h occurs when the wave encounters a region of different density and thereby unde
rgoes a velocity change.","Refraction","Diffraction","Reflection","Fading",,"Rad
iation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3444,"The physical connection between the main distribution frame in the user s pr
emises to the telecommunications network provider.","Local loop","Loop carrier",
"Subscriber loop","Subscriber line",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
3445,"The physical layer, which includes cables, fiber optics, connectors, pinou
ts etc.
","FC0","FC1","FC2","FC3","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
3446,"The physical location of a Satellite is determined by its ____________.","
Latitude and Longitude","Distance from the Earth","Reference to the stars","Posi
tion relative to the sun","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William

3447,"The physical orientation of the radiated waves in space is called

am Quiming","NONAME",
3448,"The picture & sound carrier frequencies in a TV receiver IF respectively",
"45.75 & 41.25 MHz","41.25 & 45.75 MHz","41.75 & 45.25 MHz","45.25 & 41.75 MHz",
,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3449,"The point in an orbit that is located closest to the earth.","Perigee","Ap
ogee","Center","Foci",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3450,"The point in an orbit that is located farthest from the earth.","Apogee","
Perigee","Center","Foci",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
3451,"The point on earth directly below the satellite is called the _________","
Sub satellite point","Footprint","Satellite spot beam","Satellite coverage",,"Sa
tellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3452,"The point where the antenna is mounted with respect to the parabolic refle
ctor is called the
","Focal point","Center","Locus","Tangent",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Q
3453,"The polarization of a discone antenna is ____.","Vertical","Horizontal","O
mnidirectional","Directional",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3454,"The potential difference between any exposed structured to ground in any e
lectrical installation should not exceed _____volts RMS","45","10","30","0",,"Un
categorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3455,"The power density within the nearfield is _______ as distance is increased
.","Decreased","Increased","The same","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3456,"The power in the sideband of a 30 kW transmitter when modulated 75% is abo
ut:","4.25 kW","16 kW","8.5 kW","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
3457,"The power of standard test is normally","1 mW","0 dB","1 dB","1 W",,"Wire
& Wireless Communications",0,,"Multiple Choice","William Quiming","NONAME",
111,"The power of the transmitter when it is in amplitude modulated is _____.","
Increased","Decreased","Will not change","Can not be determined","","Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
270,"The power savings in a 100% modulated wave is :","0%","50%","66.67%","75%",
,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
71,"The pre-emphasis circuit introduced in the FM transmitter provides extra noi
se immunity by","Amplifying the high audio frequency","Boosting the low frequenc
y","Preamplifying the whole audio band","Converting the phase modulation to FM",
,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3460,"The primary diadvantage of FM is its","Excessive use of spectrum space","H
igher cost and complexity","Noise susceptibility","Lower efficiency",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3461,"The primary purpose of the data modem.","Interface digital terminal equipm
ent to analog comm. channel","Interface analog terminal equipment to digital com
m. channel","Interface digital terminal equipment to digital comm. channel","Int
erface analog terminal equipment to analog comm. channel",,"Digital & Data Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3462,"The primary purpose of the helix in a travelling-wavetube is to","Reduce t
he axial velocityof the RF field","Prevent the electron beam from spreading in t
he long tube","Ensure broadband operation","Reduce the noise figure",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3463,"The primary purpose of the helix in a TWT is to","Reduce the axial velocit
y of the RF field","Prevent the electron beams from spreading in the long tube",
"Ensure the broadband operation","Reduce the noise figure",,"Microwave Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3464,"The principal difference between batch processing and on-line processing i

s :
","Transactions are grouped for batch processing; transactions are processed as
needed for on-line processing","All of the above","Complete resources are used m
ore efficiently for on-line processing.","Teleprinters are used for batch proces
sing; CRTs are used for on-line processing.",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
3465,"The principal difference between loop start and ground start is","Loop sta
rt is one-way signalling which may involve a slight","Loop start uses relays; gr
ound start uses integrated circuits","Lay; ground start is either-way signalling
that is instantaneous","Loop start uses the line and cutoff relay; ground start
uses",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
271,"The process by which intelligence signal normally at lower frequency are re
moved from the transmission after it is received in the receiver station.","Demo
"William Quiming","NONAME",
3467,"The process of approahing a desired point with the use of some navigation
parameters is","Homing","Cockpit","Fixing","Routing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3468,"The process of compressing high amplitude analog signals prior to transmis
sion and then amplifying them more than the smaller - amplitude signals at the r
eceiver is called :","Companding","Pre - emphasis","De - emphasis","None of the
above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3469,"The process of converting a sample AMplitude to the nearest standard AMpli
tude is called","Quantization","Coding","Sampling
","Modulation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3470,"The process of converting the sampled amplitude to the nearest standard am
","Processing","Coding",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
3471,"The process of exchanging predetermine codes and signals in telecommunicat
ions between two data terminals to establish a connection is called","Handshake"
,"Polling","Handoff","Demodulation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
3472,"The process of impressing intelligence on the carrier is called","Modulati
on","Mixing","Detection","Impression",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
3473,"The process of modifying a high-frequency carrier with the information to
be transmitted is called
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3474,"The process of taking one digital bit of information at a constant interva
l from each of the 24 subchannels on the T-1 line in order to let the system kno
w that an active call is still in place.","A and signaling","E and M signaling",
"R and S signaling","None of the above","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
272,"The process of translating a signal, with or without modulation, to a highe
r ort lower for processing is called","Frequency conversion","Frequency multipli
cation","Frequency division","Frequency shift",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3475,"The process of transmitting pictures or printed pages to a remote location
where it is produced in a hard copy.","Facsimile","Photocopying","Telemetry","T
elevision",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
273,"The process of transmitting signal with or without modulation, to a bigger
or lower frequency for processing is called","Frequency conversion","Frequency m
ultiplication","Frequency division","Frequency shift",,"Modulation",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3476,"The process of transmitting two or more information signals simultaneously
over the same channel is called","Multiplexing","Telemetry","Mixing
","Modulation",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3477,"The process wherein range is determine in terms of the round trip time bet

ween the emission of the signal and the reception of the echo in radar is
","Echo location","Doppler Effect","Phase difference","Time difference",,"Naviga
tional Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3478,"The product of the power supplied to the antenna to its gain relative to a
half-wave dipole in a given direction.","ERP","Carrier power","Peak-envelope-po
wer","Radiated power","ERP or EIRP = Pt x At","Antennas",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3479,"The program providing a calculator, stopwatch, scratchpad, and a Hide the
Display option is","Higgins","The Network Courier","The Coordinator","Cc Mail",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3480,"The program that acts as a 'traffic cop' to direct requests for shared net
work resources is called","The Redirector","The Director","IBM PC Traffic Manage
r","Master manager",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3481,"The program that can utilize a coprocessor board to provide facsimile serv
ice is","Higgins","The Network Courier","The Coordinator","Cc Maill",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3482,"The program that organizes all communications into conversations is","The
Coordinator","Higgins","Cc Mail","The network counter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3483,"The program that permits other users to see your To-Do list but gives you
the ability to hide certain items is","Higgins","The Coordintor","The Network Co
urier","Cc Mail",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3484,"The Protocol Mapping layer. Layer in which other protocols, such as SCSI,
are encapsulated into an information unit for delivery to FC2.","FC4","FCO","FC2
","FC3","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3485,"The pulse duration of the radar signal is 600 ns. The PRF is 185 pulse/sec
. The duty cycle is","1.1 %","5.5 %","31 %","47 %",,"Navigational Aids and Devic
es",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3486,"The pulses riding on the vertical blanking pulse.","Equalizing (sync) puls
es and serrated vertical sync pulses","Equalizing (sync) pulse","Serrated vertic
al sync pilses","Black level pulses",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Qui
90,"The pure tone of sound is equivalent to :","1 kHz","100 kHz","10 Hz","1 Hz",
,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
113,"The purpose of a final amplifier in a radio frequency transmitter is to ___
_____.","Increase RF power level of the transmitter.","Isolate the carrier oscil
lator from its load.","Generate an accurate and stable carrier frequency","Apply
the generated signal to the antenna.","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3487,"The purpose of the Adcock antenna is to","Eliminate the effet of night err
or","Aid the loop antenna directivity","Develop a less exact nul indication","In
crease the antenna gain",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3488,"The purpose of the preamble in an Ethernet is :","Clock synchronization","
Error checkking","Collision aviodance","Broadcast",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3489,"The quality of microphone is based on the following except","Pitch","Frequ
ency response","Directionality","Output level",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3490,"The quarter wave vertical antenna requires an excellent ground system to f
ully utilize the","Mirror image principle","Ground current principle","Troposcat
ter effect
","End effect",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3491,"The radiation apttern of collinear and broadside antennas is","Bidirection
al","Omnidirectional","Unidirectional","Clover-leaf shape",,"Antennas",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3492,"The radiation pattern of ______ antennas have a beamwidth of approximately
17 and are capable of covering 42% of earth s surface.","Earth coverage","Spot",
"Zonal","District",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3493,"The radiation pattern of earth coverage antennas have a bandwidth of appro
ximately","17 degrees","21 degrees","5 degrees","35 degrees","","Antennas",0,,"O

bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3494,"The radiation resistance of a wavelenght/16 wire dipole is ____.","3.09 oh
ms","72 ohms","288 ohms","36 ohms",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
3495,"The random and unpredictable electric signals form natural causes, both in
ternal and external to the system is known as","Noise","Distortion","Attenuation
","Interference",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3496,"The random and unpredictable electric signals from natural causes, both in
ternal and external to the system is known as","Noise","Distortion","Attenuation
","Interference",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3497,"The range (in miles) of a cellular CDMA system.","13","11","12","14","","W
ire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3498,"The range of frequencies over which PLL will track inputt signal variation
s is known as the","Locked range","Circuit bandwidth","Band of acceptance
","Capture range",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3499,"The range of frequencies over which PLL will track signal variations is kn
own as the","Lock range","Capture range","Circuit bandwidth","Band of acceptance
",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3500,"The range of frequencies that passes by the atmosphere better than others
is known as","Critical frequency","Window","Resonance","Gyro-frequency",,"Radiat
ion & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3501,"The range of frequencies which passes by the atmosphere better than others
is known as:","Critical frequency","Resonance","Window","Gyro-frequency",,"Radi
ation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3502,"The range see on the PPI is referred to as","Slant","Yaw","Main bang","Pip
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3503,"The rate at which information can be accurately delivered when averaged ov
er a long period of time.","Throughput","Efficiency","Baud rate","Utilization",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3504,"The ratio between the energy absorbed by a surface to the total energy rec
eived by the surface.","Absorption coefficient","Reflection coefficienty","Linea
r coefficient","Thermal coefficient",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
274,"The ratio between the frequency deviation and the modulating frequency is k
nown as","Modulation index","Modulation ratio","Deviation ratio","Aspect ratio",
,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3506,"The ratio expressed in dB of the output in most optimum direction to the o
utput 180 deg away from the optimum
direction.","Front-to-back ration","Antenna gain
","Directivity","Antenna power ratio",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Q
3507,"The ratio in dB between the incident and reflected wave at any discontinui
ty or impedance mismatch is called ___ loss.
","Transition",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
275,"The ratio of maximum deviation to the minimum modulating frequency is calle
d","Deviation ratio","Carrier swing","Modulation factor","Modulation index",,"Mo
dulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3509,"The ratio of the amount of power required at the input of a theoretical lo
ss-free reference antenna and the actual amount of power required for a signal t
o have the same field strength at a specific distance in a specific direction.",
"Antenna gain","Beamwidth","Bandwidth","All of the above","","Antennas",1,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3510,"The ratio of the largest rms value to the smallest rms value of voltage in
the line is called","VSWR","SWR","ISWR
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
276,"The ratio of the level of the modulated output of a transmitter under condi
tions of standard test modulation to the level of demodulated output with no mod

ulation applied both measured with the same bandwidth.","Residual noise level","
Audio frequency response","None of these","Reference audio output",,"Modulation"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
277,"The ratio of the level of the modulated output of a transmitter under condi
tions of standard test modulation to the level of the demodulated output with no
modulation applied both measured with the same bandwidth.","Residual noise leve
l","Reference audio output","None of the above","Audio frequency response",,"Mod
ulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3511,"The ratio of the peak mmodulating signal voltage to the peak carrier volta
ge is referred to as","Modulation index
","Voltage ration","Decibel
","Mix factor",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3913,"What circuit in a TV receiver is used to develop the high voltage needed t
o operate the picture tube?","Horizontal output","Low voltage power supply","Ver
tical sweep","Sync separator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
3914,"What circuit is responsible in activating and deactivating adjacent antenn
a elements in a mobile satellite array?","Radial divider","Divider/combiner","Ra
dial combiner","Radial multiplexer",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3915,"What circuit is used to compensate for changing input signal levels to a r
eceiver?","AGC","Bandpass filter","Mixer","BFO",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
3916,"What class of TV camera lens used to cover long distances?","Telephoto","N
ormal","Wide angle","Zoom",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
3917,"What class of TV camera uses lens used to cover short distances?","Wide an
gle","Normal","Telephoto","Zoom",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quimin
3918,"What color is used to designate a wire used to receive ringing signals?","
Yellow","Green","Red","Black","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
3919,"What color is used to designate a wire used to receive speech signals?","R
ed","Green","Yellow","Black","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
3920,"What color is used to designate a wire used to transmit speech signals?","
Green","Red","Yellow","Black","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
3921,"What company is the prime contractor of Iridium system?","Motorola","Loral
/Qualcomm","Siemens","TRW","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3922,"What component in the duplexer protects the receiver from the high power t
ransmitter output?","Spark gap","Waveguide","Band stop filter","Band pass filter
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3923,"What component in the telephone handset has the primary function of interf
acing the handset to the local loop?","Induction coil","Varistor","Resistor","Ca
pacitor",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
3924,"What consists the front-end circuit of a VHF TV superheterodyne Rx?","Loca
l oscillator/ mixer and RF amplifier","Mixer/ RF amplifier and AFC","RF amplifie
r/ mixer and bandpass filter","Local oscillator/ AGC and antenna",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3925,"What controls the contrast of a television cathode ray picture?","Video st
age gain","AFFC","Audio stage gain","CRT bias",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3926,"What conversion process is required by a single mode remote lasers to inte
rface the local input (usually multimode) with most long distance fiber communic
ations systems.","Multimode-to-single-mode","Singlemode-to-dual-mode","Dual-mode
-to-single-mode","Single-mode-to-multimode","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",

3927,"What determines antenna polarization?","The direction of the electric fiel

d vector","The frequency of the radiated wave","The direction of the radiated wa
ve","The direction of the magnetic field vector",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3928,"What determines the velocity factor in transmission line?","Dielectric in
the line","The center conductor resistivity","The termination impedance","The li
ne length",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3929,"What determines which network configuration is most appropriate?","Network
layer","Presentation layer","Application layer","Data link layer",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3930,"What do we mean by the outward flow of an energy from any source in the fo
rm of radio waves?","Radiation","Encoding","Tracking","Emission",,"Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3931,"What do you call a circuit that controls the magnetron output?","Modulator
","Inverter","Impeller","Converter",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3932,"What do you call an attenuation that occurs over many different wavelength
of the carrier?","Slow fading","Rayleigh fading","Rician fading","Wavelength fa
ding",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3933,"What do you call the energy that was not radiated into space or completely
transmitted?","Standing waves","Incident waves","Captured waves","Modulated wav
es",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
121,"What do you call the loss in signal power as the light travels the fiber op
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3934,"What do you call the phenomenon in digital circuits that describe the dura
tion of time a digital signal passes a circuit?","Propagation delay","Travel del
ay","Elapsed time","Transmission time",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William
3935,"What do you call the service area of a standard AM broadcast where fading
is allowed but not objectionable co-channel interference?","Secondary","Experime
ntal","Tertiary","Primary",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
3936,"What do you call the single booster installed on the antenna dish of satel
lite receiver?","LNA","Single amplifier","Noise amplifier","Rectifier",,"Antenna
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
92,"What do you call the speed of sound in the study of acoustics?","Tempo","Rhy
thm","Pitch","Frequency",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3937,"What do you mean by protocol?","Handshaking procedure","Traffic unit","EBC
DIC","ASCIII",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3938,"What do you mean by the outward flow of an energy from any source in the f
orm of radio waves.","Radiation","Emission","Encoding","Tracking",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
123,"What does 4/6 GHz expression for satellite link frequencies represent?","A
6 GHz is the uplink and 4 GHz is the downlink frequency","6 GHz is the downlink
and 4 GHz is the uplink frequency","The system operates at an average of 5 GHz",
"One frequency is used as a back up for the other","","Satellite Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3939,"What does a microprocessor require in order to work with a telephone circu
it ?","A and b above","RAM","A specialized interface circuit in the telephone","
ROM",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3940,"What does a microprocessor require in order to work with a telephone circu
","ROM and RAM","ROM","RAM","A special interface circuit in the telephone",,"Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3941,"What does a power difference of -3dB mean?","A loss of one half of the pow
er","A loss of one third of the power","A loss of 3 watts of power","No signific
ant change",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3942,"What does CCITT stands for?","International Consultative Committee on Tele

phony and Telegraphy","International Committee Consultation on Telephony and Tel

egraphy","International Consultattive Committee on Telegraphy and Telephony","In
ternational Communication Committee on Telephony and Telegraphy","","Uncategoriz
ed",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3943,"What does EBHC stanf for?","Equated Busy Hour Call","Equivalent Busy Hour
Call","Equivalent Busy Hour Code","Equated Busy Hour Code","","Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3944,"What does ESCON stand for?","Enterprise system connection","Enterprise sys
tem converter","Electrical system connection","Electrical system converter","","
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3945,"What does IP stands for?","Internet Protocol","Intelligent Protocol","Impo
rtant Protocol","Illegal Protocol","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
72,"What does the noise weighting curve shows?","The interfering effect of other
frequencies in a voice channel compared with a reference freq of 1 kHz","Interf
ering effects of signals compared with a 3-kHz tone","Noise signals measured wit
h a 144 handset","Power levels of noise found in carrier systems",,"Noise",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4292,"When the power ratio of output to input is 100, what is the gain (or loss)
of the circuit in dB?","20 dB","19","22","21",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4293,"When the purple light flashes the plane is passing over the vicinity of th
e","Outer marker","Inner marker","Middle marker","Runway",,"Navigational Aids an
d Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4294,"When the signal from a mobile cellular unit drops below a certain level, w
hat action occurs?","The unit is ""hand off"" to a closer cell","The call is ter
minated","The MTSO increases power level","The cell site switches antennas","","
Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4295,"When the telephone is idle, the handset is in the _____ state.","On-hook",
"Off-hookl","Busy","Spare",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
4296,"When the telephone is on hook, its dc resistance is","Infinite","10 ohms",
"10,000 ohms","Zero",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
4297,"When the transmitting and receiving antenna are in line-of-sight of each o
ther, the propagation mode is known as
","Space wave
","Ground wave","Sky wave","Surface wave",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4298,"When the transmitting and receiving antennas are line-of-sight of each oth
er, the mode of propagation is ___ wave.","Space or direct","Sky","Surface","Gro
und",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4299,"When the transmitting antenna is horizontal, that antenna radiates ___ pol
arized waves.","Horizontally
","Vertically",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4300,"When there is a need to increase the signal output of a radio station the
parameters that should be looked into are:","All of the above","Increase transmi
tting power","Used of low loss RF line","Increase antenna gain",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4301,"When transmitting odd-parity coded symbols, the number of bits that are ze
ros in each symbol is :","Unknown","Odd","Even
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
4302,"When two bearings crossed on a chart, it is called","Fix","Triangulation",
"Azimuth","Bearing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4303,"When two or more telephone sets are connected to a local exchange through
a single pair of wire the system is called","Party line system","Telephone syste
m","Atm system","Card system","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective"

,"William Quiming","NONAME",
4304,"When used in conjunction with a radar set the purpose of an echo box is to
provide an artificial target.","Which may be used to tune the radar receiver","
Which may be used to tune the radar synchronizer","To the tone of the pulse repe
tition","Tune the magnetron to the correct frequency",,"Navigational Aids and De
vices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4305,"When using a microwave space diversity transmission, the two antennas must
be:","Separated vertically on same tower","Separatd horizontally on same tower"
,"Connected in series on same tower","Connected in parallel on same tower",,"Ant
ennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4306,"When VSWR is equal to zero this means","That no power is applied","That th
e load is purely resistive","The the load is pure reactance","That the load is o
pened",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4307,"When was AMPS's initial operation?","1983","1971","1979","1985",,"Wire & W
ireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4308,"When was E.O. 546 promulgated?","July 23, 1979","July 23, 1978","July 23,
1980","July 23, 1981",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
4309,"When was the effectivity of the ECE act of the Philippines?","June 21, 196
9","June 21, 1965","June 21, 1966","June 21, 1964",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
4310,"When waves passes from one medium to a denser medium, light ray is","Refra
cted towards the normal","Refracted from the normal","Keep on its original path"
,"None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4311,"When would optical fibers be used in an Ethernet-type LAN?","Routinely, th
e standard allows for optical fiber.","To extend transmission distance to reach
remote terminals.","Never, the standard calls for coaxial cable.","When transmis
sion speeds exceed 50 Mbit/s.",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4312,"When you dial 00+86+725-4415, in what country you are calling?","China","H
ongkong","Japan","Thailand",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
4313,"Where data is submitted in coded cards and processed compute in a computer
is known as","Batch processing","Distributed processing","Collective processing
","On-line processing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
4314,"Where delays occur in a network system because keystrokes and other comman
d and control transmissions must wait in line for processing the term used to de
scribe this phenomenon is:","Queuing","Wait and see","Waiting","Hurry up and wai
t",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4315,"Where do WARC stands for?","World Administrative Radio Conference","World
Administrative Radio Communications","Wide Administrative Radio Communications",
"Wide Area Communications","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
4316,"Where does the voltage node of a half-wave antenna exists?","At feed point
","Near the center","At center","Near the feed point",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
4317,"Where in the spectrum band should the line-of-sight or direct waves is app
ropriate for radio transmission and reception?","UHF band","VLF band","HF band",
"LF band",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
73,"Where is the noise generated that primarily determines the signal-to- noise
ratio in a VHF (150 MHz) marine band receiver?","In the receiver front end","In
the receiver rear end","In the ionosphere","In the atmosphere",,"Noise",1,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4319,"Whether or not polarization of an antenna is linear depends","The directio
n of the electric wave plane","The horizontal or vertical plane of the electric
wave","The direction in which the magnetic wave is radiated","Changes in directi
on in which the electric plane is radiated",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William
4320,"Which agency developed satndards for electrical connections and the physic

al transfer of data between devices?","EIA","ITU-T","ANSI","ISO",,"Uncategorized

",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4321,"Which antenna has a unidirectional radiation pattern and gain?","Yagi","Gr
ound plane","Dipole","Collinear",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
4322,"Which antenna is not properly terminated?","Resonant","Non-resonant","Isot
ropic","Whip",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4323,"Which antenna is properly terminated?","Rhombic","Dipole","Marconi","YagiUda",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4324,"Which antenna radiates an omnidirectional pattern in the horizontal plane
with vertical polarization?","Marconi antenna","Discone antenna","Horn antenna",
"Helical antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4325,"Which band does channel 14 of the TV channel belong?","UHF band","EHF band
","Low VHF band","High VHF band",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
4326,"Which beam width represents the best antenna directivity?","7","12","19","
28",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4327,"Which causes multipath or frequency-selective fading?","Large reflector","
Small reflector","Further reflector","Nearer reflector",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
74,"Which causes quantization noise in PCM system?","The approximation of the qu
antized noise","Serial transmission error","The synchronization between encoder
and decoder","Binary coding techniques",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
4329,"Which characteristic of a radio receiver refers to its ability to reject a
n unwanted signal?","Selectivity","Sensitivity","Fidelity","Quality",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
75,"Which circuit contributes most to the noise in a receiver?","Mixer","IF ampl
ifier","Demodulator","AF amplifier",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
4331,"Which circuits is common to both frequency-hopping and direct-sequence spr
ead spectrum transmitters?","PSN code generator
","Correlator","Frequency synthesizer","Sweep generator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4332,"Which code set is used in BiSync when using VRC/LRC but not operating in t
ransparency mode?","ASCII","EBCDIC","SBT","Fieldata",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4333,"Which color has the shortest wavelength of light?","Blue","Yellow","Green"
,"Red",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4334,"Which component in the telephone set has the primary function of compensat
ing for the local loop length?","Varistor","Resistor","Capacitor","Induction coi
l","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
4335,"Which component in the telephone set has the primary function of interfaci
ng the handset to the local loop ?","Induction coil","Varistor","Capacitor","Res
istor",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4336,"Which describe the sound waves?","It is always longitudinal","It may be lo
ngitudinal or transverse","It is always transverse","None of the above",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4337,"Which determines the number of sideband components in FM?","Modulation ind
ex","Modulating frequency","Carrier frequency","All of the above",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4338,"Which diode is a popular microwave oscillator?","Gunn","IMPATT","Varactor"
,"Schottky",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
4339,"Which discriminator averages pulses in a low-pass filter?","Quadrature det
ector","Radio detector","PLL","Foster-Seely discriminator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4340,"Which does not used vertical polarization antennas?","FM broadcasting","AM

broadcasting","Mobile communications","Satellite communications",,"Antennas",0,

,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4341,"Which encoding method uses alternating positive and negative values of 1s?
","AMI","Manchester","RZ","NRZ-I",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
4342,"Which encoding type always has a nonzero amplitude?","Unipolar","Bipolar",
"Polar","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
4343,"Which error detection method consists of a parity bit for each data unit a
s well as an entire data unit of parity bit?","LRC","HRC","CRC","Checksum",,"Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4344,"Which error detection method involves polynomials?","CRC","VRC","LRC","All
of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
4345,"Which exchange is used to connect between central offices when a direct tr
unk is not available?","Tandem","Local","Toll","Any of the above","","Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4346,"Which fiber optic system is better?
","3 repeaters
","8 repeaters","11 repeaters","20 repeaters",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
278,"Which filter shape factor the best skirt's selectivity?","1.6","2.1","5.3",
"8",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4348,"Which frequency band just enough to ensure the trasnmission of information
at a required rate and quality required and under specified condition and class
of emission.","Necessary bandwidth","Occupied bandwidth","Transmission bandwidt
h","Frequency bandwidth",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3512,"The ratio of the peak modulating signal voltage to the peak carrier voltag
e is referred to as","The modulation index","The voltage ratio","Decibels","The
Q factor",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3513,"The ratio of the smallest rms current value to the largest is called","ISW
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3514,"The ratio of the speed of light in free space to the speed of light in a g
iven material.","Refractive index","Reflective index","Graded index
","Step index",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3515,"The ratios of frequencies is termed:","Interval","Octave","Harmonics","Mas
king",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3516,"The real image formed by a spherical mirror is _____ relative to its objec
am Quiming","NONAME",
3517,"The real image formed by a spherical mirror is ____________ relative to it
s object.","Larger","Erect","Inverted","Smaller","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3518,"The reason that many cables have ""RS-232"" connectors with some wires cro
ssed or connected to each other is:","Many computers and peripherals use RS-232
but not as DTE-DCE""","There are various RS-232 standards","Async modems reverse
the direction of transmit and received data","All of the above",,"Wire & Wirele
ss Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
279,"The reason why companding is employed in PCM systems is","To protect small
signals in PCM from quantizing distortion","To solve quantizing noise problem","
To allow amplitude limiting in the receiver","To overcome impulse noise in PCM r
eceivers",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3520,"The receive equalizer in a synchronous modem is called:","An adaptive equa
lizer","A compromise equalizer","A statistical equalizer","An impairment equaliz
er",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3521,"The receive equalizer reduces delay distortion using a :","Tapped delay li
ne","Difference engine

","""Gearshift""",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3522,"The received channel frequency is 872.4 MHz. To develop an 8982.2 MHz. If,
the frequency synthesizer must supply an LO signal of","954.6 MHz","790.2 MHz",
"827 MHz","967.4 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
76,"The receiver circuit that get rids of FM of noise is the","Limiter","Demodul
ator","Modulator","Low-pass filter",,"Noise",0,,"Identification","William Quimin
77,"The receiver circuits that rids FM of noise is the","Limiter","Modulator
","Demodulator","Low pass filter",,"Noise",0,,"Identification","William Quiming"
94,"The reference acoustic power is equal to:","10e-16 w/cm^2","2 x 10e-4 ubar",
"2 x 10e-5 N/m^2","10e-12 w/cm^2",,"Acoustics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming",
78,"The reference noise temperature.","290 K","70F","30C","25C",,"Noise",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3526,"The reflector and director of an antenna array are considered as","Parasit
ic elements","Driven elements","Feed-points","Transcendental elements",,"Antenna
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3527,"The region of the ionosphere mainly responsible for long distance night-ti
me communications is the","F layer","D layer","E layer","Sporadic E layer",,"Rad
iation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3528,"The regulator in an integrated telephone circuit controls:","Current and v
oltage","Current","Voltage","Amplitude",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3529,"The relationship between a channel and a control unit image that designate
the physical path to be used for device-level communication between both link-l
evel facilities is called what?","Logical path","Channel path","Link-level facil
ity","None of the choices","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3530,"The requirements for a successful transmission system using light are :","
Reliable light source, powerful, low-cost transmission medium","Powerful amplifi
ers","Strong glass","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
280,"The resistance limit for No. 2 Crossbar Exchange (US) is _______ ohms.","13
00","2000","1250","1200",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3532,"The resistance limit of wire pair is","1000 ohms","300 ohms","900 ohms","1
300 ohms",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
3533,"The resonant frequency of a cavity resonator depends upon","Its physical d
imensions","Its electrical dimensions","The mode of operation","The capacitor wh
ich tunes it",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3534,"The retransmission of damaged or lost frames in the data link layer is kno
wn as _____.","Line discipline","Error control","Flow control","Error conditioni
ng",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
96,"The reverberation time of a broadcast studiohaving a volume of 184.2 cubic m
eters with material used total absorption of 386.9 sabines is :","0.84 sec.","0.
0238 sec.","0.238 sec.","0.078 sec.",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William
3535,"The RG number gives us information about ______.","Twisted pair","Coaxial
cable","Optical fiber","All of these",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
3536,"The right side of the runway of a localizer signal is modulated by","150 H
z","90 Hz
","90 & 150 Hz","50 Hz",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",1,,"Objective","William
3537,"The ringing signal is nominally _______ signal that is on for 2 seconds an
d then off for 4 seconds.","90 Vrms","80 Vrms","110 Vrms","55 Vrms",,"Uncategori

zed",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3538,"The round trip propagation delay between the two earth stations through a
geosynchronous satellite:","500 - 600 ms","300 - 400 ms","600 - 700 ms","400 - 5
00 ms",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
","500 TO 600 ms
","400 TO 500 ms
","200 to 300 ms
","300 to 400 ms",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3540,"The RS-449 A interface is:
","A 25 wire cable with a compatible connector","One with 37 wires & one with 9
wires","An unbalanced digital interface circuit","A balanced digital interface c
ircuit",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
3541,"The ruby maser has been preferred to ammonia maser for microwave amplifica
tion because the former has","A much gretaer bandwidth","A better frequency stab
ility","A low noise figure","No need for circulator",,"Microwave Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3542,"The sampling rate must be greater than or equal to twice the given bandwid
th.","Nyquist criterion","Shannon theorem","Erlang law","Edison effect",,"Digita
l & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
281,"The sampling rate of a voice band standard PCM is 8 kHz. If system uses 12bit code and compressed digitally to 8-bit, what is the transmission bit rate?",
"64 kbps","96 kbps","32 kbps","16 kbps",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3544,"The satellite that orbiting in the opposite direction as earth s rotation
or in the same direction with an angular velocity less than that of earth.","Ret
rograde orbit","Posigrade orbit","Prograde orbit","Any of the above",,"Satellite
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3545,"The satellite that orbiting in the opposite direction as earth s rotation or
in the same direction with an angular velocity less than that of earth.","Retro
grade orbit","Posigrade orbit","Prograde orbit","None of the above",,"Satellite
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3546,"The scrambler in a synchronous modem is in the:","Transmitter section","Re
ceiver section","Control section","Terminal section",,"Digital & Data Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3547,"The secondary electrons produced by high velocity electron beam in cathode
-ray tubes","Picked-up by the aquadag coating","Diverted by the focusing electro
des","Neutralized by the fluorescent screen
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3548,"The sensitivity of a receiver depends upon the receiver's overall","Gain",
"Noise response","Bandwidth","Selectivity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
3549,"The separation between transmit and receive channel pair in cellular syste
ms?","45 MHz","50 MHz","25 MHz","40 MHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3550,"The service area coverage of a base station is limited by","Interference",
"Number of subscribers","Frequency operation
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3551,"The Shannon-Hartley law","Refers to noise","Describes signaling rate","Ref
ers to distortion","Defines bandwidth",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
3552,"The sidetone is","All of the above","Permits the talker to hear his/her vo
ice","Determined by the balancing network","A type of feed back",,"Wire & Wirele
ss Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3553,"The signal between two voice band modems is always","Analog","Digital","PS

K","QAM",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA

3554,"The signal designed to keep the receivers and transmitters alligned.","Pil
ot carrier signal","Carrier frequencies","Synchronizing signals","Reference sign
als",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3555,"The signal from earth station transmitter to satellite.
","Uplink signal","Reflected signal","Incident signal","Downlink signal",,"Satel
lite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3556,"The signal from satellite to earth-based receiver","Downlink signal
","Uplink signal","Incident signal","Reflected signal",,"Satellite Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
79,"The signal in a channel is measured to be 23 dB while noise in the same chan
nel is measured to be 9 dB. the signal ratio therefore is","14 dB","32 dB","23 d
B","41 dB",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3558,"The signal path from earth station to satellite","Uplink Signal","Incident
Signal","Reflected signal","Downlink Signal",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3559,"The signal quality of the calls in constantly monitored by the based stati
on, when the quality of the calls drops below a certain specified level, the bas
e request the MTSO to try and find better cell site.","Roaming","Hand-off","Cell
splitting","Frequency reuse","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
3560,"The signal quality of the calls is constantly monitored by base statio whe
n the quality of the calls drops below a certain specified level the base reques
t the MTSO to try and find a better cell site.","Roaming","Cell splitting","Hand
-off","Frequency re-use",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
80,"The signal received by an amplifier was measured to be 900 mV while the nois
e appearing in the same input terminals of the amplifier was measured to be 250
mV what is the S/N in dB?","11.13","0.55","3","7.13",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
81,"The signal to noise ratio that is required for a satisfactory television rec
eption?","40 dB","10 dB","20 dB","30 dB",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3563,"The signal tones are transmitted mostly at _____ in In-Band signaling.","2
600 Hz","3700 Hz","1600 Hz","1400 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3564,"The signals sent by the TV transmitter to ensure correct scanning in the r
eceiver are called","Sync","Chroma","Luminance","Video",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3565,"The simplest error detection scheme used for data communications.","Parity
","Echo back","Cyclic redundancy","Cyclic redundancy",,"Digital & Data Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3566,"The simplest receiver is a(n)","Tuned circuit","RF receiver","Demodulator"
,"AF amplifier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3567,"The simplest type of satellite is a ______, which is a device that simply
""bounces"" signals from one place to another.","Passive reflector","Active tran
sponder","Transponder","Active reflector",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3568,"The sinusoidal carrier is pulsed so that one of the binary state is repres
ented by a carrier while the other is represented by its absence.","ASK","FSK","
PSK","QAM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3569,"The sixth and final satellite in series of spacecraft delivered to te INTE
LSAT by Lockheed Martin was succefully launched at","Cape Canaveral","Kourou","X
iChang","Baikonour","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3570,"The sixth octave of a 16 Hz sound signal is :","512 Hz","256 Hz","96 Hz","
1024 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","acoustics001.rtf",
3571,"The SL Undersea Lightguide system can carry how many two-way voice channel
s ?","760","10,000","100,000","35,000",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William

3572,"The SLIC is","The Subscriber Line Interface Circuit","The Speech Loop Inte
rface Card","The Subscriber Loop Input Command","None of the above","","Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3573,"The small frequency change produced by a phase modulator can be increased
by using a(n)","Frequency multiplier","Amplifier","Mixer","All of the above",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3574,"The small manually operated system with several telephone stations near a
single switchboard is known as","Private Branch Exchange (PBX)","Local Area Netw
ork","Wide Area Network","Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX)",,"Wire & Wir
eless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3575,"The smallest beam of a satellite antenna radiation pattern.","Spot beam","
Zone beam","Global beam","Hemispheric beam",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3576,"The smallest step size in quantization is called
","Dynamic range","Quantization range","Least significant bit",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3577,"The SONET element that originate and/or terminates line signal","LTE","PTE
","STS","STE",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
98,"The sound energy per unit area at right angle to the propagation direction p
er unit time.","Sound intensity","Loudness","Coherence","Sound stress",,"Acousti
cs",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
100,"The sound frequency range from 4096 Hz - 16,384 Hz is known as the :","Treb
le","Upper midrange","Midrange","Bass",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3578,"The sound IF in a TV receiver is","41.25 MHz","10.7 MHz","4.5 MHzHz","45.7
5 MHz",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3579,"The sound of the talker's voice heard in his own receiver
is known as","Sidetone","Echo","Puretone","Singing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
102,"The sound power level (SPL) of a jet plane flying at a height of 1 km is 16
0 dB. What is the maximum sound pressure level on the ground directly below the
plane assuming that the aircraft radiates sound equally in all directions?","89.
1 dB","79.1 dB","69.1 dB","59.1 dB",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3580,"The source of data at one end and the sink at the other end.","DTE","DCE",
"FEP","LCU",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3581,"The specification of error indications using electromecha- electromechanic
al equipment.","V.40","V.42","X.41","X.42",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
3582,"The speed of sound in air.","340 m/s","346 m/s","350 m/s","359 m/s",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3583,"The stability of transmitted signal from a simple Hartley oscillator singl
e transmitter which is coupled to an antenna wire affected by","Closer coupling
b/w the oscilaltor and the antenna","Chirping of oscillator and location of ante
nna","Material and location of antenna","None of the above",,"Antennas",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3584,"The stabilizer axis that can be forwarded or down forwarded","Pitch","Yaw"
,"Role","Spin","**","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3603,"The system which uses a large number of low-power wireless transmitter to
create cells which is the service area of wireless communication system.","Cellu
lar mobile communication system","Radio communication system","Telephone communi
cation system","None of the choices","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
82,"The system with lowest noise figure in the microwave region is the","MOSFET"
,"Dual-Gate MOSFET","JFET","CMOSFET",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3605,"The T carrier line type with channel capacity of 48 channels.","T1C","T3",
"Fractional T3","T4M",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"

3606,"The T-1 North American digital system has 24 channels and require a transm
ission speed of","1.54 Mbps","64 kbps
","2.048 Mbps","640 kbps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
3607,"The T3 carrier system can support how many channels?","672","132","48","40
96",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3608,"The talk battery of the telephone set transmitter is ranging from","-42 to
-52 Vdc","-48 to -50 Vdc","2 to 4 Vdc","3 to 5 Vdc","","Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3609,"The target pulse in A-scope radar indicator is referred to as","Pip","Yaw"
,"Main bang","Slant",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",1,,"Objective","William Qu
3610,"The technical organs of the United Nations specialized agency for telecomm
liam Quiming","NONAME",
282,"The technique of using modulation and FDM to transmit multiple data channel
s of a common medium is known as a","Broadband","Baseband","Ring","Bus",,"Modula
tion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3611,"The Telephone Traffic Model Erlang C,","Block calls clear conditioned spec
ified delay probability","Blocked calls delay condition specified delay probabil
ity","Blocked calls held condition specified the held probability at a time peri
od equal to an average holding time","None of the above",,"Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3612,"The telephone was invented by","Bell","Watson","Strowger","Edison",,"Wire
& Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3613,"The television pulse tube magnetic fields can be used for","Beam focusing
and beam deflection","Beam focusing","Beam deflection","Beam modulation",,"Broad
casting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
104,"The tendency of the sound energy to spread.","Diffraction","Rarefaction","R
eflection","Refraction",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3614,"The term ""____"" refers to telecommunications in which a wide band of fre
quencies is available to transmit information, and this allows for more informat
ion to be transmitted in a given amount of time.
","Broadband","Bandwidth","Narrowband","Baseband",,"Telecommunications & ECE Law
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3615,"The term _________ comes from the honeycomb shape of the areas into which
a coverage region is divided.","Cellular","Cluster","Footprint","Cell",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3616,"The term plesiochronous is derived from the Greek word plesio, meaning ___
___, and chronos, time.","Near","Distant","Between","Above",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
115,"The term that describes the highness r lowness of a sound in the study of a
coustic is called a _______.","Pitch","Tempo","Volume","Base","","Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3617,"The term used to describe the resetting of all call set-up equipment and r
eturn of dial tone to a subscriber as a result of incomplete signaling procedure
, subset left off hand, and so forth.","Time out","Talk down","Intermediate out"
,"Termination",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
3618,"The term used to describe the trouble-free operation of a telecommunicatio
ns system or sub-system is:","Reliability","Microsystem architecture","Schematic
foundation","Operability",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
3673,"The VOR provides an unlimited number of visual course legs through the pha
se comparison of","A cardiod-shaped rotating pattern","A figure of 8 pattern","A
n omnidirectional rotating pattern","A bidirectional pattern",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3674,"The wavelength of a light has no role in","Polarization","Diffraction","In
terference","Reflection",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA

3675,"The wavelength of a sound of 20kHz frequency is:","16.5 mm","16.5 m","16.5
cm","16.5 um",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3676,"The wavelength of a wave in a waveguide","Is greater than in free space","
Depends only on the waveguide dimensions and the free-space wavelength","Is inve
rsely proportional to the phase velocity","Is directly proportional to the group
velocity",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3677,"The wavelength of light has no role in","Polarization","Refraction","Refle
ction","Diffraction","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
3678,"The WDM _________ is a duplicate device that operates in the opposite dire
ction. It receives the combined wavelengths on the single remote receive fiber a
nd splits them onto separate fibrs.","Splitter","Splicer","Multiplexer","Demulti
plexer","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3679,"The WDM channels are separated in a network to avoid _________ when they a
re (de)multiplexed by a non-ideal optical fiber.","Cross-talk","Frequency reuse"
,"Active wavelength shifting","Passive shifting","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
3680,"The WDM combiner uses tyhe interference techology with fused optical fiber
couplers to combine all wavelengths onto one remote ________ fiber.","Transmit"
,"Receive","Multiplexed","Demultiplexed","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
3681,"The WDM technology allows wavelength-selective reflection through roughly
100 layers of the film with _________ precisions.","Nanometer","Hectometer","Mil
limeter","Micrometer","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4048,"What is the expected Iridium satellite lifetime?","7 - 9 years","10 - 15 y
ears","3 - 6 years","12 - 20 years","","Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
4418,"Which of the following frequency demodulators requires an input?","FosterSeeley discriminator","Pulse-averaging descriminator","Quadrature detector","PLL
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4419,"Which of the following function is not a transceiver function?","Addition
and subtraction of headers","Checks line voltages","Collision detection","Transm
its and receives data",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
4420,"Which of the following functions is not provided as part of the basic Ethe
rnet design?","Automatic retransmission of message","Access control
","Addressing","Multiple virtual networks",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
4421,"Which of the following has the only Error-Detection Mechanism?","BPRZ-AMI"
,"BPRZ","UPRZ","UPNRZ",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
4422,"Which of the following improves antenna directivity?","Parasitic element",
"Director element","Reflector element","Driven element",,"Antennas",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
4423,"Which of the following is a characteristic of a LAN?","Application indepen
dent interfaces","Parallel transmission","Unlimited expansion","Low cost access
for low bandwidth channels",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
4424,"Which of the following is a characteristic of a token passing rings as opp
osed to a token passing bus?","Signal quality control","Passive interface (tap)"
,"Flexible polling sequence","Priority access capabilities",,"Uncategorized",1,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4425,"Which of the following is a device radiating in all directions?","Isotropi
c antenna","Dipole antenna","Marconi antenna","Rhombic antenna",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4426,"Which of the following is a microwave frequency?","22 GHz","1.7 MHz","750
MHz","0.98 GHz",,"Microwave Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO

4427,"Which of the following is a properly terminated antenna?","Rhombic","Dipol
e","Hertz","Marconi",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4428,"Which of the following is a solid state imaging device?","Charge couple de
vice","VIDICON","ICONOSCOPE","CCTV",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
4429,"Which of the following is a type of dc signalling?","All of the above","Lo
op current","Reverse baterry","E and M",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4430,"Which of the following is a typical application of a FAX terminal?","Docum
ent transmission within buildings","Document transmission between regional offic
es","Fact collection in industrial warehouse","All of the above",,"Digital & Dat
a Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4431,"Which of the following is a typical radar operating frequency?","10 GHz","
450 MHz","6 MHz","900 MHz",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",1,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
4432,"Which of the following is an advantage of the balance transmission line?",
"Low attenuation","Easy installation","Outer shield eliminates radiation losses
","None of the above",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
4433,"Which of the following is an example of a character-oriented protocol?
","Bisync protocol","HDLC","LAP-B","SDLC",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4434,"Which of the following is an example of FDM systems?","All of the above","
FM commercial band","TV broadcast band","AM commercial broadcast band","","Telec
ommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4435,"Which of the following is an example of space-division
multiplexing?","Telephone wires on the poles","Receiving television shows on dif
ferent channels","The distribution in your automobile","All of the above",,"Wire
& Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3682,"The widely used speech band in in-band signaling method.","2600 Hz","1600
Hz","2200 Hz","2400 Hz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
3683,"The widest phase variation is obtained with a","LC resonant circuit","RC l
ow-pass filter","RC high-pass filter","LR low-pass filter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3684,"The width of the frequency band which is just sufficient to ensure the tra
nsmission of information at the rate and with the quality required under a speci
fied condition and class of emission.","Necessary bandwidth","Reference frequenc
y","Frequency tolerance bandwidth","Occupied bandwidth",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3685,"The world's first regional satellite system was the Indonesian _______ net
work, inaugurated in the mid 1970's.","Palapa","Telstar","Ariane","Anik",,"Satel
lite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3686,"The X.25 standard covers how many OSI layers:","Three","Four","Seven","Non
e",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3687,"The X.25 standard defines :","DTE/DCE interface","Data bit rate","Techniqu
e for start-stop data","Technique for dial access",,"Digital & Data Communicatio
ns",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3688,"The X.25 standard for packet networks is analogous to","Local loop standar
ds for a telephone network","PBX standards for a telephone network","Handset sta
ndards for a telephone","Switching standards for a telephone network",,"Uncatego
rized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3689,"The X.25 standard specifies a","DTE/DCE interface","Technique fo dial acce
ss","Technique for start-stop data
","Data bit rate",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quimi
3690,"The X.25 standard specifies how many separate protocol layer at the serial
interface gateway:","3","2","4","8",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu

3691,"Theoretically, electromagnetic radiation field strength varies in proporti

on to the square of the distance but when atmospheric attenuation effects and th
e absorption of the terrain are taken into account the attenuation can be as hig
h as the","Inverse sixth","Inverse third","Inverse fourth","Inverse fifth",,"Unc
ategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3692,"There are only three SAT codes. Which of the following is not an AMPS SAT
code?","SAT 3","SAT 1","SAT 2","SAT 0",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3693,"There are three major approaches to achieve spectrum efficiency. Which of
the following is not one of them?","Frequency modulation","Single side band (SSB
)","Spread spectrum or frequency hop","Cellular",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
283,"There are two common PCM transmission systems used in the Philippines namel
y:","North American (24ch) and European (32ch)","North American (32ch) and CEPT
(24ch)","CCITT and CCIR systems","Japanese (24 ch) and North American (24 ch)",,
"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3695,"There exist a total of 500 calls and the average holding time is 2 minutes
per call, what is the traffic in erlangs?","16.67 erlangs","20.5","17.67","19.3
3",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3696,"These are commmunications packages designed by public carriers for large c
ustomer networks.","Switched Services Networks (SSN)","Local Area Network (LAN)"
,"Wide Area Network (WAN)","Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)","","Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3697,"These are point-to-point circuits that provide two-way communication betwe
en VSAT terminals located at two sites.","Single Channel Per Carrier (SCPC)","Hy
brid Voice and Data Network","Full-Meshed Network","Multipoint Network","","Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3698,"These are satellites that are owned, operated and used by a single country
.","Domsats","Comsats","Marisats","Intelsats",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3699,"These are the rules in data communications intended for establishing data
links and message interpretation.","Protocol","CCIR rules","EIA rules","Mode",,"
Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3700,"These are used to connect non-ISDN to an ISDN line.","Terminal adapter","T
erminal repeaters","Local repeaters","Digipeaters",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3701,"These devices connects channels and control units only for the duration of
an I/O operation.","ESCON director","ESCON converter","ESCON repeater","ESCON m
anager","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3702,"These methods are used to accomplish loop signaling, except for one.","Updown signaling","Wet-dry signaling","Reverse battery","High-low method",,"Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3703,"These satellites are those that orbit in a circular pattern with an angula
r velocity equal that of earth.","GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit)","MEO (Medium
Earth Orbit)","LEO (Low Earth Orbit)","Orbital",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3704,"These techniques is a refinements of the unigauge concept , in each case t
he principal object is to reduce the amount of copper.","Fine Gauge and Minigaug
e techniques","Unigauge Design","Long Route Design (LRD)","Resistance Design",""
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3705,"They combined the codec and filter functions","Combo Chip","CODEC","Muldem
","D-type channel bank",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
3706,"They perform the sampling","Coding and multiplexing of 24 VB channels.","D
-type channel bank","CODEC","Muldem",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
3707,"This cellulr system became available in 1981 and frequently fully specifie
d interfaces to the level of the switch-to-base station and switch-to-switch, a
standard signaling protocol.","NMT 450","NMT 900","NTT","C450","","Wire & Wirele
ss Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

3708,"This device can also be used outside of the common carrier environment in
place of ESCON director where there is only a requirement for one or two fiber l
inks to a destination.","ESCON repeater/converter","ESCON director","ESCON manag
er","None of the choices","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
3709,"This device gives the common carrier the ability to monitor usage of the f
iber link and also collect error statistics.","ESCON repeater/converter","ESCON
director","ESCON manager","None of the choices","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
3710,"This device is necessary to separate the voice service from data service w
hen DSL line enters our home through ____.","Splitter","Modem","Different signal
s separator","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3711,"This device is non-blocking, can switch millions of connection per second,
and are the centerpiece of ESCON topology.","ESCON director","ESCON converter",
"ESCON repeater","ESCON manager","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3712,"This device offers protection from possible disruptive changes, offers int
egrity through safe switching, can manage multiple system and is available for b
oth MVS/ESA and VM/ESA operating system platforms.","ESCON manager","ESCON direc
tor","ESCON repeater","ESCON converter","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
3713,"This device provide an easy to use interface that can be automated.","ESCO
N manager","ESCON director","ESCON converter","ESCON repeater","","Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3714,"This ensures that the transmitter and receiver agree on a precise time slo
t for the occurance of a bit.","Clock synchronization","Carrier synchronization"
,"Message synchronization","Character synchronization",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3715,"This ESS feature allows the 4-digit dialing excluding the central office n
umber.","CLASS","800/900 number","Camp On","Call Waiting",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3716,"This feature of cellular system allows a subscriber to receive another cal
l while still engaged in a call.","Call waiting","Call forwarding","Call transfe
r","Call barring",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3717,"This form of multiparty signaling has several methods depending on the rin
ger connection, ringing scheme and number of parties on the line.","Reverse ring
ing","Coded ringing","Multifrequency ringing","Superimposed ringing",,"Wire & Wi
reless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3718,"This frame synchronization technique periodically replaces information bit
s with forced data errors.","Robbed-Digit","Added-Digit Framing","Unique Line En
coding","Statistical Framing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
3719,"This hybrid data is essentially the same as DAV except that the lower base
band spectrum is a vestigial sideband video rather than a composite FDM signal."
,"Data Above Video (DAVID)","Data In Voice (DIV)","Data Above Voice (DAV)","Data
Under Voice (DUV)","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
3720,"This is a digit or combination of digits (not including the trunk prefix)
characterizing the called numbering area within a country.","Trunk code","Trunk
prefix","Country code","Local code",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
3721,"This is a digit or combination of digits characterizing the clled numberin
g area within a country.","Trunk code","Country code","Local code","Trunk prefix
","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3722,"This is a digit or combination of digits containing access to an adjacent
numbering area to an individual exchange in that area.","Local code","Country co
de","Trunk prefix","Trunk code","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi

3723,"This is a digit or combination of digits to be dialed by a calling subscri

ber making a call to a subscriber in his own country but outside his own numberi
ng area.","Trunk prefix","Trunk code","Country code","Local code",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3724,"This is a flexible vertical rod antenna commonly used in mobile.","Whip","
Marconi","Hertz","Ground plane",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
3725,"This is a special-purpose switch that connects the call between mobile uni
ts and between the landline telephones via PSTN (Public Switch Telephone Network
).","Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO)","Plain Old Telephone Service (POT
S)","Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS)","Improved Mobile Telephone System (IM
TS)",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3726,"This is also known as frequency shift radar where in the signals are conti
nous waves rather than pulses.","CW Doppler radar","Pulsed radar","FM radar","Se
condary radar",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
3727,"This is also known as ground return ringing. This widely used party line s
cheme uses either the tip or ring wire to ground.","Divide ringing","Bridged rin
ging","Coded ringing","Ringer","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
284,"This is referred to as a product of simultaneous frequency and amplitude mo
dulation or a carrier frequency variation which produces unwanted distortion.","
Dynamic instability","Series modulation","Simultaneous modulation","Absorption m
odulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
117,"This is referred to the number of lines per second to trace a complete tele
vision picture?","Frame Frequency","Retrace","Flicker","Interface Scanning","","
Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3728,"This is set at 1300 ohms in resistance design.","Switch Design Limit","Des
ign Loop","Theoritical Design","Resistance Design Limit","","Uncategorized",1,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3729,"This is the area in which any two subscriber use the same dialing procedur
e to reach another subscriber in the telephone network. Subscriber may call one
another by simply dialing the subscriber number.","Numbering area (local numberi
ng area)","Subscriber number","Local code","Country code",,"Wire & Wireless Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3730,"This is the area in which any two subscribers use the same dialing procedu
re to rech another subscriber in the telephone network.","Numbering area","Subsc
riber are","Trunk perfix","Local area","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3731,"This is the basic geographic unit of a cellular system.","Cell","Cluster",
"Atom","Channel",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3732,"This is the combination of one, two or three digits characterizing the cal
led country.","Country code","Trunk code","Local code","Trunk prefix","","Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3733,"This is the component of the cell site that detect the SATs on the reverse
channel sent back by the mobile unit.","Cell site transceiver","Cross connect c
abinet","Controller","Cell site antenna",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3734,"This is the digit or combination of digits containing access to an adjacen
t numbering area to an individual exchange in that area.","Local code","Subscrib
er number","Numbering area (local numbering area)","Country code",,"Uncategorize
d",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3735,"This is the digit or combination of digits to be dialed by a calling subsc
riber making a call to a subscriber in his own country but outside his own numbe
ring area.","Trunk Prefix","Trunk code","Country code","Local code","","Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3736,"This is the first commercial satellite of Canada launched in 1972.","Anik"
,"Molniya","Synchom","Intelsat",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Will

iam Quiming","NONAME",
3737,"This is the hardware installed at the customer's premises that includes th
e outdoor unit, the indoor unit, and the interfacility link.","VSAT remote earth
station","Master earth station","Gateway","Hand-held devices","","Uncategorized
",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3738,"This is the name of the first set of domestic satellites launched by the f
ormer Soviet Union in 1966 which also means lightning.","Molniya","Intelsat","Sy
nchom","Anik",,"Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3739,"This is the number to be dialed or called to reach a subcriber in the same
local network or numbering areas.","Subscriber number","Numbering area","Local
number","None of the above","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3740,"This is the point where a polar or inclined orbit crosses the equatorial p
lane traveling from north to south.","Descending node","Ascending node","Ascendi
ng plane","Descending plane",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William
3741,"This is the point where a polar or inclined orbit crosses the equatorial p
lane traveling from south to north.","Ascending node","Descending node","Ascendi
ng plane","Descending plane",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William
3742,"This is the study and planning of outside plant facilities. It involves th
e construction, operation, rehabilitation and maintenance of the OSP in order to
predict the and support the station gain objective and to meet telephone demand
in a certain area economically and effectively.","Outside plant engineering","E
lectrical engineering","Civil engineering","Rehabilitation engineering","","Wire
& Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3743,"This is where the Iridium Gateways are connected to the Iridium constellat
ion.","Terrestrial Wireless Switch","Iridium Earth Station","Iridium Cabinet","P
STN","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3744,"This method is accomplished by reversing the battery on the line to indica
te supervisory conditions.For one condition, battery is on the ring conductor. T
he opposite supervisory condition is indicated by reversing the polarity of the
battery, thus causing the polar relay to operate or release at the end of the tr
unks.","Reverse battery loo signaling","Wet dry signaling","Carrier signalng","O
n off signaling","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3745,"This method of signaling is used principally by supervisory signaling with
in a central office or from an automatic to a manual office.This signling techni
que employs a marginal relay.","High-low method","Wet-dry signaling","Reverse ba
ttery signaling","On off signaling","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3746,"This mobile telephone system is used in US which does not feature frequenc
y reuse and is based on the concepts of large single cell.","IMTS","MTS","C450",
"NTT","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3747,"This person is quoted as being the inventor of communications satellites."
,"Arthur C. Clarke","Konstantin Tsiolkovsky","John R. Pierce","Herman Potocnik",
"","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3748,"This procedure uses several zones corresponding to ranges of resistance in
excess of 1300 ohms. which each loop must be able to carry out the supervisory
signaling function and meet the 8-dB maximum loop attenuation.","Long Route Desi
gn (LRD)","Resistance Design","Unigauge Design","Fine gauge and Minigauge Techni
ques","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
285,"This refer to a product of simultaneous frequency and amplitude modulation
or a carrier frequency variation which produces unwanted distortion.","Dynamic i
nstability","Simultaneous modulation","Absorption modulation","Series modulation
",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3749,"This refers to a condition in a telephone network where the calling party
cannot get connected to the party being called.","Blocked Call","Loss Call","Ope

n Network","Disconnection",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil

liam Quiming","NONAME",
3750,"This satellite launched in 1958 by NASA rebroadcast President Eisenhower's
Christmas message during that year.","SCORE","Echo","Sputnik I","Courier",,"Sat
ellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3751,"This satellite made the first successful transatlantic video transmission.
","Telstar II","Synchom II","Intelsat I","Telstar I",,"Satellite Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3752,"This satellite was the first geostationary communication satellite, launch
ed on August 19 1964 with the Delta D #25 launch vehicle from Cape Canaveral and
the satellite, in orbit near the International Date Line, was used to telecast
the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo to the United States which it was the first te
levision programme to cross the Pacific ocean.","Syncom 3","Syncom 1","Syncom 2"
,"Syncom 4","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3753,"This satellites operate in the 1.2-GHz to 1.66-GHz frequency band and orbi
t between 6000 miles and 12000 miles above the earth.","MEO (Medium Earth Orbit)
","LEO (Low Earth Orbit)","GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit)","Orbital",,"Satellit
e Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3754,"This signaling technique makes use of one or more ac tones which lie withi
n the pass band of the transmission facility but just outside the voice band","O
ut-of-band Signaling","Low-Band Signaling","Wet-Dry Signaling","Superimposed Sig
naling",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3755,"This system was placed in 1983 in Sweden and later introduced into Hong Ko
ng which operates on the 400- and 800- MHz bands.","ComVik ACS","ComVik NTT","Co
mVik MTS","ComVik NMT","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3756,"This technique for loop signaling employs a marginal relay. During on-hook
condition, a high resistance is placed on the loop. For off hook, the resistanc
e on the loop is reduced to a low value, allowing more current to flow.","High-l
ow method","Wet-dry signaling","Up-down signaling","Reverse battery",,"Wire & Wi
reless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3757,"This technique uses both dc and ac to provide fully selective two party br
idged ringing or four party ringing.","Superimposed ringing","Coded Ringig","Rev
erse ringing","Mutifrequency ringing","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3758,"This technology is known for its 140 times faster than the analog modems,
has dedicated connection and provides simultaneous service over the landlines an
d internet","ADSL","ISDN","DLC","Voice Modem",,"Digital & Data Communications",1
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3759,"This term refers to virtually all orbits except those that travel directly
above the equator or directly over the north and south poles.","Inclined orbit"
,"Polar orbit","Planar orbit","Equatorial orbit",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
3760,"This topology is a multi data communication network where all stations are
interconnected in tandem to form a closed loop or circle.","Ring Topology","Hyb
rid Topology","Mesh Topology","Star Topology",,"Digital & Data Communications",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3761,"This topology is a multi point data communications circuit that makes it r
elatively simple to control data flows between and among the computer because th
is allows stations to receive every over the network.","Bus Topology","Ring Topo
logy","Mesh Topology","Hybrid Topology",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3762,"This transport system overcomes the limitations of PDH.","SDH","SONET","ES
CON","FDDI",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3763,"This was the first geosynchronous communication satellite and its orbit wa
s inclined rather than geostationary and the satellite was launched by NASA on J
uly 26 1963 with the Delta B #20 launch vehicle from Cape Canaveral.","Syncom 2"
,"Syncom 1","Syncom 3","Syncom 4","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","

William Quiming","NONAME",
286,"Three audio waves with 100, 200 and 300 V amplitude respectively, simultane
ously modulate a 450 V carrier. What is the total percent of modulation of the A
M wave?","83%","50%","69%","115.5%",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
287,"Three audio waves with 100, 200 and 300 volts amplitude respective, simulta
neously modulate a 450 volts carrier. What is the total percent modulation of th
e AM wave?","83 %","69 %","115.5 %","50 %",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William
3764,"Three-point tracking is achieved with","The padder capacitor","Double spot
ting","Variable selectivity","Double conversion",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
3765,"Through which medium does sound travel fastest?","Steel","Water","Air vac"
,"Vacuum",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3766,"Time division multiplexing is used for:","Digital transmission","Analog tr
ansmission","Both of the above","None of the above","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3767,"Time it takes for phosphor on a cathode ray or TV tube to turn to 10% of i
ts peak intensity is called:","Deap time","Delay","Resistance","Gaussian distrib
ution",,"Broadcasting",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3768,"Time-division multiplex","Interleaves pulses belonging to different transm
ission","Stacks 24 channels in adjacent frequency slots","Combines five groups i
nto a supergroup","Can be used with PCM only",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3769,"To a conventional narrow band reciever, an spread spectrum signal appears
to be like","Noise","Fading","A jamming siganl","An intermittent connection",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3770,"To achieve good bearing resolution when using pulsed-radar set an importan
t requirement is","A narrow antenna-beam width in the horizontal plane","A narro
w antenna-beam width in the vertical plane","A low repetition rate","A high duty
cycle",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
3771,"To avoid difficulties with strapping at high frequencies the type of cavit
y structure used in the magnetron is the
","Hole-and-slot","Slot","Vane",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
3772,"To be properly matched, the ratio of maximum to minimum voltage along a tr
ansmission line should be equal to","1","2","50","10",,"Transmission Fundamental
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME","Kennedy"
3773,"To communicate over greater distances requires:","All of the choices","Mor
e power","Larger antenna","Sensitive receiver","","Radiation & Wave Propagation"
,1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3774,"To couple a coaxial line to a parallel-wire line, it is best to use a","Ba
lun","Slotted line","Directional coupler","Quarter-wave transformer",,"Wire & Wi
reless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3775,"To find the number of connections required to connect subscriber together,
one of the following formulas is used:(where N = the number of connections requ
ired and n = number of subacriber)","N = [n(n-1)]/2
","N = n(n-1)
","N = (n-1)/2","N = [n(n-2)]/2",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
288,"To generate an SSB or DSB signal one must use a circuit known as","Balanced
modulator","Filter modulator","Ring modulator","Reactance modulator",,"Modulati
on",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3777,"To increase the transmission distance of a UHF signal, which of the follow
ing should be done?","Increase antenna height","Increase antenna gain","Increase
transmitter power","Increase receiver sensitivity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
3778,"To lengthen an antenna electrically, add a","Coil","Battery","Conduit","Re

sistor",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3779,"To make a call to Cebu what telephone number will be dialed?","0+32+253-XX
XX","0+82+253-XXXX","0+36+253-XXXX","0+53+253-XXXX",,"Wire & Wireless Communicat
ions",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3780,"To make SQR almost constant the type of coding that must be used is
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3781,"To match a 6 ohm amplifier impedance to a 72 ohm antenna load, a transform
er must have a turn ratio Np/Ns of","0.289","0.083","3.36","12",,"Antennas",1,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3782,"To permit the selection of 1 out of 16 equiprobable events, the number of
bits required is","4","2","8","Log 16",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3783,"To prevent overloading of the last IF amplifier in a receiver, one should
use","Variable sensitivity","Squelch","Variable selectivity","Double conversion"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3784,"To separate channels in an FDM receiver, it is necessary to use","Bandpass
filters","AND gates","Differentiation","Integration",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3785,"Today's typical telephone resistance","600 ohms","150 ohms","300 ohms","50
0 ohms.",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
3786,"Tone combination for the digit 3.","1477+697 Hz","1336+697 Hz","1209+852 H
z","1336+941 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3787,"Tone dialing takes __________ time tan pulsse dialing.","Less","More","Abo
ut the same","None of the above","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3788,"Top loading is used in an antenna in order to increase its","Effective hei
ght","Beamwidth","Input capacitance","Practical height",,"Antennas",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3789,"Traffic unit that are not dimensionless are as follows except one.","Erlan
g","Call hour","Call second","Cent-call-second","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
3790,"Transformer coupling is used for ____ AMplification.","Power","Voltage","C
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3791,"Transient protection for integrated telephone circuits is typically provid
ed by","Zener diodes","Bridge rectifiers","Inductors","Varistors",,"Wire & Wirel
ess Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3792,"Translating data from an analog signal to a digital signal is called ____.
","Translating data from an analog signal to a digital signal is called ____.
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3793,"Transmission circuits interconnecting two different switching centers:","T
runk circuits","Tie line circuits","Subscriber circuits","None of the above",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3794,"Transmission from mobile units to base stations is called _________.","Rev
erse links","Forward links","Downlinks","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3795,"Transmission line must be matched to the load in order to","Transfer maxim

um power to the load","Transfer maximum voltage to the load","Transfer maximum c

urrent to the load","Reduces the load current",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3796,"Transmission lines are neither balanced or unbalanced with respect to","Gr
ound","Negative terminal","Positive terminal","Reference",,"Transmission Fundame
ntals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3797,"Transmission lines when connected to antennas have","Resistive load at res
onant frequency","Capacitive load","Resistive load whose Resistance > Zo of the
line","Resistive load whose resistance > Zo of the line",,"Antennas",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
3798,"Transmission lines which can convey electromagnetic waves higher order mod
es are:","Waveguides","Twisted pair telephone wire","Power lines","Coaxial cable
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3799,"Transmission media are usually categorized as either","Guided or unguided"
,"Fixed or unfixed","Metallic and nonmetallic","Shielded or unshielded",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3800,"Transmission of binary data which involves only a single non-zero voltage
level:","Unipolar transmission","Bipolar transmission","Nonpolar transimission",
"Manchester encoding",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3801,"Transmission of binary signals require","More bandwidth than analog","Less
bandwidth than analog","Same bandwidth than analog","A licence from NTC",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3802,"Transmission of data can be protected against interception, addition, chan
ge and deletion by:
","Decryption technique","Encryption technique","Deletion tehnique","Detection t
echnique",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
3803,"Transmission of digital signals requires","More bandwidth than analog","Le
ss bandwidth than analog","The same bandwidth as analog
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3804,"Transmission of graphical information over the telephone network is accomp
lished by","Facsimile
","Television","Instrumentation","Videotext",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3805,"Transmission of printed materials over telephone lines.","Facsimile","Vide
otext","Encoding","Transtext",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3806,"Transmit frequency-division-multiplexed voice band signals over a coaxial
cable for a distances up to 4000 miles.","L carrier systems","T carrier systems"
,"A carrier systems","D carrier systems",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3807,"Transmitting data as serial binary words is called","Quantizing","Compandi
ng","Pre-emphasis","Mixing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3808,"Transmitting the data signal directly over the medium is referred to as","
Baseband","Broadbandd","Ring","Bus",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
3809,"Travelling-wave parametric amplifiers are used to","Provide greater bandwi
dth","Eliminate the used of cooling","Provide a gretaer gain","Reduce the number
of varactor diodes required",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
3810,"Troposcatter is used with frequencies in the following range:","UHF","VHF"
,"HF","VLF",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3811,"Troposcatter propagation can extend the communication range of UHF signals
up to approximately:","10,000 km","5,000 km","3,000 km","1,000 km",,"Radiation
& Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3812,"Tropospheric scatter is used with frequencies in the following stage:","UH
F","VHF","HF","VLF",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

3813,"Trunk Code is","Digit or combination of digits characterizing the called n

umbering area within a country","Digit or combination of digits containing acces
s to an adjacent numbering area to an individual exchange in that area.","Number
to be dialed or called to reach a subscriber in the same local network or numbe
ring areas.","Combination of one, two or three digits characterizing the called
party",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
3814,"TV channels 2, 4 and 5 belong to","Low band VHF","Low band UHF","High band
VHF","Mid band VHF",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3815,"Twenty angstrom is how many microns?","0.002","0.02","0.0002","0.2",,"Fibe
r Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3816,"Two digital signals whose transitions occur at almost the same rate are","
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
289,"Two key barriers to human communication are","Distance & language","Cost &
distance","Language & ignorance","Cost & ignorance",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
3818,"Two or more antennas separated by 9 wavelengths are used.","Space diversit
y","Frequency diversity","Hybrid diversity","Polarized diversity",,"Antennas",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
83,"Two resistors, 20 kilohms and 50 kilohms are at ambient temperature. Calcula
te for a bandwidth equal to 100 kHz, the therla noise voltage for the two resist
ors connected in parallel.","4.78 uV","47.8 uV","4278 uV","0.4782 uV","Vn = sqrt
where R' = 20(50) / (20 + 50) kilohms
Vn = 4.78 x 10^-6 V","N
oise",1,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
3820,"Two types of diode commonly used to detect light energy in fiber optic app
lication are the APD and","PIN","LED","ZENER","SCR",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3821,"Two wires of 600 ohms characteristics impedance is to be constructed out o
f a number 12 wire (81 mils). Determine the spacing between wires from center to
center.","6 in.","4 in.","5 in.","3 in.",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3822,"Two wires of 600 ohms characteristics impedance is to be constructed out o
f a number 12 wire (81 mils). Find the attenuation of the line at 0.6 GHz per 10
0 ft. length.","0.44 dB","0.05 dB","0.55 dB","0.35 dB",,"Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3823,"Two wires that are bent 90 degrees apart.","Dipole","Hertz","Rhombic","Yag
i-Uda",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3824,"Two-state (binary) communications systems are better because:","The compon
ents are simpler, less costly, and more reliable","People think better in binary
","They can interface directly w/ analog telephone network","Interstate calls ar
e less costly",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3825,"Type of antenna which is normally used for satellite tracking service.","H
elical","Hertz","Yagi","Rhombic",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3826,"Type of antenna which radiates energy equally in all direction along the h
orizontal plane.","Omnidirectional","Bi-directional","Unidirectional","Fan beam"
,,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
290,"Type of emission produced by one of the early radio transmitter in the trai
ns of damped RF ac waves where its oscillator is coupled to a long wire antenna
normally used in radio telegraph and having sidebands on its carrier.","Spark em
ission","Digital emission","Key emission","Cycle emission",,"Modulation",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3827,"Type of fiber that has the highest modal dispersion.","Step-index multimod
e","Graded index multimode","Graded index mode","Single mode step-index",,"Fiber
Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
291,"Type of modulation used in TV broadcast visual transmitter.","Vestigial sid
eband","DSB-FC","Pulse modulation","SSB-FC",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3828,"Type of reverse ringing normally used for coded ringing system with either

the bridged or divided ringing connection.","Simultaneous revertive","Alternate

revertive","Round revertive","Crowd revertive","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
3829,"Type of satellite system which limits its coverage to national territories
.","Domestic satellite","Regional satellite","Zonal satellite","Earth satellite"
,,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3830,"Type of signaling that uses reversed battery signaling.","DC-signaling","A
C-signaling","Tone signaling","Digital signaling","","Wire & Wireless Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3831,"Type of switching in which a pair of wire from the telephone set terminate
s in a jack and the switch is supervised by an operator","Manual switching","Cro
ssbar switching","Electronic switching","Step-by-step switching",,"Wire & Wirele
ss Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3832,"Type of transmission path that permits communication in the frequency rang
e from 30 to 60 MHz and over distances from about 1000 to 2000 km.","Ionospheric
William Quiming","NONAME",
119,"Type of transmitting two or more channels of voice signal or other informat
ion in fiber optic communication in a selected interval of micro or milliseconds
, the data or channels being received at their own time slot.","Time Division Mu
ltiplexing","Carrier Division Multiplexing","Frequency Division Multiplexing","C
ode Division Multiplexing","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3833,"Types of mastergroups used for low-capacity microwave system.","L600","U60
0","U900","L900",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3834,"Typical LANs support buses","1000 ft","500 ft","5000 ft","10000 ft",,"Digi
tal & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3835,"Typical power supplied by the central office to every telephone set:","-48
Vdc","48 Vdc","52 Vdc","-52 Vdc",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3836,"Typical range of ATC-Transponder.","100 NM","5 NM","50 NM","500 NM",,"Navi
gational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3837,"Typical range of downstream speed in ADSL.","768 kbps to 9 Mbps","56 kbps
to 6 Mbps","64 kbps to 51.84 Mbps","64 kbps to 1.5 Mbps",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3838,"Typical range of upstream speed in ADSL","64 kbps to 1.5 Mbps","768 kbps t
o 9 Mbps","64 kbps to 51.84 Mbps","56 kbps to 6 Mbps",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3839,"Typical receive frequency for cellular communications","870 to 890 MHz","8
25 to 845 MHz","825 to 890 MHz","300 to 3000 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3840,"Typical speech power","10 to 1000 uW","100 to 1000 mW","10 to 1000 nW","10
0 to 1000 pW",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
3841,"Typical supply voltage of a telephone central office","-48 Vdc","-42 Vdc",
"-44Vdc","-52 Vdc","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Q
3842,"Typical transmit frequency for cellular communications.","825 to 845 MHz",
"870 to 890 MHz","825 to 890 MHz","300 to 3000 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communicati
ons",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3843,"Typically the velocity factor (vf) of the materials used in transmission l
ines range from","0.6 to 0.9","0.1 to 0.5","1.0 to 0.9","0.6 to 0.8",,"Transmiss
ion Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3844,"Under ordinary circumstances, the CCITT recommends that the number of circ
uits in tandem must not exceed.
","12","9","10","11","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
3845,"Under which programs do you receive information in your In Inbox?","Cc Mai

l","The Coordinator","The Network Courier","Higgins",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object

ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3846,"Unipolar, bipolar and polar encoding are types of ________ encoding.","Dig
categorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3847,"Unit of signaling speed is","Baud","Bits","Dits","Mbps",,"Digital & Data C
ommunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3848,"Unit of signaling speed is called","Bits per second","Baud","Hertz","Mark"
,,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3849,"Unit of signalling speed equal to the number of signal events per seconds.
","Baud rate","Bit rate","Rate of information transfer","Any of the above",,"Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3850,"Unit of traffic used when holding time are in seconds divide by 100.","CCS
","CM","Erlang","CS",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3851,"Unit used when holding time is expressed in minutes.","Call minute","Erlan
g","EBHC","Minute","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
3852,"Unwanted radio signal on assigned frequency.","Noise","RFI","Splatter","EM
I",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3853,"Use of a coaxial cables in interconnecting networks is limited to an overa
ll length of","1500 m","1500 ft","1500 km","1500 kft",,"Transmission Fundamental
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3854,"Used for connecting far and less important sites to the netwok.","Star top
ology","Mesh topology","Linear bus topology","Ring topology","","Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
292,"Used for the transmission of PCM-encoded time-division multiplexed digital
signals.","T Carrier","OC","STM-1","STS-1",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William
3856,"Used in the chain topology as an end element.","Terminal","Regenerator","L
ine terminating equipment","Path terminating equipment","","Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3857,"Used to receive the signals from the far end and has the conventional colo
r of red.","Ring","Tip","Slave","Ground",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
3858,"Used to regenerate the stm-N in case that the distance between two sites i
s longer than the transmitter can carry.","Regenerator","Terminal multiplexer","
Path terminating equipment","Line terminating equipment","","Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3859,"Used to specify the speed of fiber optic networks conforming to the SONET
standard.","Optical carrier","T Carrier","Network layer","Transport layer",,"Fib
er Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3860,"Used to specify the speed of fiber optics networks conforming to the SONET
standards","OC","T1","STS","STM",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3861,"Used when there is ni need for protection and the demography of the sites
is linear.","Linear bus topology","Ring topology","Mesh topology","Star topology
","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3862,"Uses 2B1Q line coding and typically supports data transfer rates of 128 Kb
/s.","IDSL","HDSL","SDSL","RADSL",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3863,"Uses hyperbolic principle in position determination.","LORAN","ADF","VOR",
"DME",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3864,"Using a microphone at less than the recommended working distance will crea
te a ____ which greatly increases the low frequency signals.","Proximity effect"
,"Roll off","Drop out","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
3865,"Using a passive repeater, when the included horizontal angle between the d
irect wave and the reflected wave is zero, the gain is:","Increased","The same",
"Zero","Decreased",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3866,"Using Nyquist theorem, calculate the maximum PCM bit rate which a voice si

gnal with a 4 KHz bandwidth can be transmitted assuming 8 bits are sampled per s
ampling period.","64 Kbit/sec","64 Mbit/sec","64 bits/sec","None of the above",,
"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
3867,"Using small reflector to beam waves to the larger parabolic reflector is k
nown as","Cassegrain feed","Horn feed
","Focal feed","Coax feed",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
106,"Using speaker enclosure dimension with 2:3:4 ratio helps reduce ________ wa
","Reflecting","Diffusing","Focusing",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
293,"Usually the AGC voltage is derived by the","Demodulator","RF amplfier","AF
amplifier","Mixer",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME","Kenn
294,"Utilizes PCM to time division multiplex 96 VB channels into a single 6.312
Mbps data signal for transmission up to 500miles over a special LOCAP (low capac
itance) cable","T2","T1-C","T1","T3",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3870,"Varactor and step recovery diodes are widely used in what type of circuit?
","Frequency multipliers","Mixer","Amplifier
","Oscillator",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3871,"Velocity of light in free space.","300 x 10^6 m/s","All of these","186,000
m/s","186,000 ft/s",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3872,"Very High Frequency in the radio spectrum refers to ___waves.","Metric","C
108,"Very low signal strength in antenna.","Null","Minor lobes","Antenna pattern
s","Major lobes",,"Acoustics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3873,"Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) operates on either","Ku-band or C-band
","L-band or S-band","Ku-band or L-band","C-band or W-band","","Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
295,"Vestigial sideband emission type.","C3F","J3E","R3E","B8E",,"Modulation",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3875,"VHF ship station transmitter must have the capability of reducing carrier
power to","1 W","10 W","25 W","50 W",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
296,"Video modulation for television is","Both AM and vestigial sideband","AM","
FM","Vestigial sideband",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3876,"Viruses are a network __________ issue.","Security","All of the above","Re
liability","Performance",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3877,"Voice band channel of a basic master group.","10 VB","60 VB","600 VB","360
0 VB",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3878,"VOR uses a subcarrier frequency of","9960 Hz","30 Hz","60 Hz","108 MHz",,"
Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3879,"VSAT first operate at what band","Ku Band","C Band","X Band","Ka band","*"
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3880,"VSAT means","Very Small Aperture Terminal","Very Sensitive Amplification T
echnique","Voice Selective Amplification Technology","Video Satellite Antenna Te
chnology",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3881,"VSAT was made available in","1979","1981","1983","1977",,"Satellite Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3882,"Waveguide is","A hollow metal tube for transmission of high frequencies","
A device used to determine the wavelength of a signal","A braided copper wire us
ed for transmission of high frequency","A plastic tubular transmission line for
high RF network",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3883,"Waveguides are used mainly for microwave signals because","They would be t

oo bulky at lower frequencies","They depend on straight-line propagation which a

pplies to microwaves only","Losses would be too heavy at lower frequencies","The
re are no generators powerful enough to excite them at lower frequencies",,"Micr
owave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3884,"Waveguides are used mainly for microwave transmission because","No generat
ors are powerful enough to excite them","They are bulky at lower frequencies","L
osses are heavy at lower frequencies","They depend on straight line propagation"
,,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3885,"Waveguides are used mainly for microwave transmission because:","They depe
nd on straight line propagation","Losses are heavy at lower frequency","They are
bulky at lower frequency","No generators are powerful enough to excite them",,"
Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3886,"Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) unlocks optical fiber's tremendous
bandwidth capability which is:","More than one terabit per second","Less than on
e terabit per second","More than two terabit per second","More than three terabi
t per second","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3887,"Waves whose oscillations are in the direction of propagation","Longitudina
","Transverse","TEM Wave","Wavefront",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3888,"WDM works in the ame principles as FDM and TDM, except the channel discrim
inator is:","Wavelength","Frequency","Bit signals","Time","","Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3889,"What allows microwave to pass in only one direction?","Ferrite emitter","R
F emitter","Capacitor","Varactor-triac",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
3890,"What are the advantages of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) wireless media?","All of
the above","High speed transfer","Very wide distance","Some applications are ine
xpensive","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
3891,"What are the advantages of using parallel optical fiber interconnections w
ithin board-to-board or frame-to-frame connections in computer systems?","All of
the above","Space saving","Avoids electrical crosstalk","No bandwidth limit",,"
Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3892,"What are the basic components of a mic ?","Diaphragm and generating elemen
t","Wired and body","Coil and magnet","Ceramic and crystal",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3893,"What are the five line encoding formats?","UPNRZ, BPNRZ, UPRZ, BPRZ, BPRZAMI","UPNRZ, BPNRZ, UPRZ, BRZ, BPRZ-AMI","UPNZ, BPNRZ, UPRZ, BRZ, BPRZ-AMI","UPZ
, BPNRZ, UPRZ, BPRZ, BPRZ-AMI",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
3894,"What are the frequencies used for busy tone signaling?","480 + 620 Hz","35
0 + 440 Hz","440 + 480 Hz","1400 + 2060 + 2450 + 2600 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Comm
unications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3895,"What are the frequencies used for dial tone signaling?","350 + 440 Hz","48
0 + 620 Hz","440 + 480 Hz","1400 + 2060 + 2450 + 2600 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Comm
unications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3896,"What are the frequencies used for receiver off-hook tone signaling?","1400
+ 2060 + 2450 + 2600 Hz","480 + 620 Hz","440 + 480 Hz","350 + 440 Hz",,"Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3897,"What are the frequencies used for reorder (local) tone signaling?","480 +
620 Hz","350 + 440 Hz","440 + 480 Hz","1400 + 2060 + 2450 + 2600 Hz",,"Wire & Wi
reless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3898,"What are the important useful quantities in describing waveforms?","Time a
nd Frequency","Power and frequency","Voltages and current","Frequency and voltag
e",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3899,"What are the most prevalent frequencies used for out-of-band signaling?","
3700 and 3825 Hz","1400 and 2600 Hz","3725 and 3800 Hz","1600 and 2400 Hz",,"Wir
e & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3900,"What are the repeaters inside a satellite known for?","Transponder","Modul

ator","Detector","Space station",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil

liam Quiming","NONAME",
3901,"What are the repeaters inside communication satellites known for?","Transp
onder","Epoch","Subdivision","Passive repeaters",,"Satellite Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3902,"What are the two general categories of methods of generating emission F3E?
","The only way to produce an emission F3E signal is with reactance modulator on
the oscillator","The only way to produce an emission F3E signal is with balance
modulator on the oscillator","The only way to produce an emission F3E signal is
with reactance modulator on the final amplifier","The only way to produce an em
ission F3E signal is with balance modulator on the audio amplifier",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3903,"What are the two interrelated fields considered to make up an electro magn
etic wave?","An electric field and magnetic field","An electric field and a curr
ent field","An electric field and a voltage field","A voltage and current field"
,,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3904,"What are the two numbering scheme defined by CCITT?","Uniform and non-unif
orm numbering","Direct and indirect numbering","Basic and complex numbering","Re
al and imaginary numbering",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3905,"What are the two sets of DC potentials (of opposite polarities) used for s
uperimposed ringing?","38 to 48 Vdc","28 to 38 Vdc","18 to 28 Vdc","8 to 18 Vdc",,"Wi
& Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3906,"What are the two types of connections for the ringer of a party line syste
m?","Bridged and divide ringing","Indirect and divide ringing","Reverse and dire
ct ringing","Direct and bridged ringing",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3907,"What are the typically used frequencies of cellular phones?","825 MHz to 8
90 MHz","790 MHz to 825 MHz","825 MHz to 885 MHz","450 MHz to 460 MHz",,"Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
297,"What aspect of the carrier is changed by modulation?","Depends on the type
of modulation","Amplitude","Frequency","Phase",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
3908,"What bad electrical effect happens when the switch hook is opened?","A hig
h voltage transient is generated","The line is shorted out","The line is opened"
,"No bad effects happen",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
3909,"What band does VSAT first operate?","C-band","X-band","Ku-band","L-band",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3910,"What bandwidth gain of 100 volts/volt will an amplifier with 1 MHz unity g
ain bandwidth have?","10,000 Hz","1,000 Hz","100,000 Hz","1,000,000 Hz",,"Transm
ission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3911,"What causes the attenuation present in a waveguide?","Losses in the conduc
ting walls of the guide","The air dielectric filling in the guide","The coating
of silver inside","Radiation loss",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3912,"What causes the ionosphere to absorb radio waves?","The ionization of the
D region","The weather below the ionosphere","The presence of the ionized clouds
in the E region","The splitting of the F region",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation
",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3947,"What ensures proper color synchronization at the receiver?","3.58 MHz colo
r burst
","Sync pulses","Quadrature modulation","4.5 MHz carrrier spacing",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3948,"What equations defines the composition of an ISDN basic access line?","2B
+ D","B + D","B + 2D","23B + 2D",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
3949,"What ferrite device can be used instead of duplexer to isolate a microwave
transmitter and receiver when both are connected to the same antenna?","Circula
tor","Isolator","Simplex","Magnetron",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quimin

3950,"What frequency does oxygen cause excessive attenuation?","60 GHz","119 GHz
","183 GHz","310 GHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3951,"What frequency is used for high-frequency daytime propagation?","E layer",
"D layer","F1 layer","F2 layer",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",1,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3952,"What frequency should the oscillator be set at for an output of 95 MHz?","
10.56 MHz","6.3 MHz","9.65 MHz","15.8 MHz",,"Transmission Fundamentals",1,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3953,"What functions are provided in a multitone ringing generator ?","All of th
e above","Tone generation","Output amplifier","Anti-tinkle circuitry",,"Wire & W
ireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3954,"What generates a light beam at a specific visible frequency?","Laser","Mas
er","Infrared","Flashlight",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3955,"What GPS stands for?","Global Positioning System","General Packet Service"
,"Global Power Satellite","Geosynchronous Power Satellite","**","Navigational Ai
ds and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3956,"What happens when a horn antenna is made longer?","Gain increases & beam w
idth decreases","Beam width decreases","Gain increases & beam width decreases","
Beam width increases",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3957,"What height must a satellite be placed above the surface of the earth in o
rder for its rotation to be equal to earth's rotation?","22,284.3 miles","26,284
.3 miles","23,284.3 miles","24,284.3 miles",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3958,"What identifies how the stations are interconnected in a network?","Topolo
gy or architecture","Architecture","Topology","Topology and architecture",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3959,"What is a communication link?","It is a channel or circuit intended to con
nect other channels or circuits.","It is piece of wire that is connected to grou
nd terminals of all communications equipment in one establishment.","It is a cab
le connecting a transmitter to the antenna.","It refers to a radio link.","","Un
categorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3960,"What is a device that detects both vertically and horizontally polarized s
ignals?","Orthomode transducer","Crystal detector","Optoisolator","Isomode detec
tor",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3961,"What is a device used to transmit and receive information sequentially all
owing two parties to communicate with each other?","Telephone Set","Hook switch"
,"Transceiver","None of the above","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3962,"What is a frequency discrimination?","A circuit for detecting FM signals",
"An FM generator","An automatic bandswitching circuit","A circuit for filtering
two closely adjacent signals",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
3963,"What is a frequency discriminator?","A circuit used for detecting FM signa
ls","A circuit used for filtering two closely adjacent signal","An FM generator
circuit","An automatic bandswitching circuit",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3964,"What is a function of a codec?","All of the choices","Analog sampling","En
coding/decoding","Digital companding","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3965,"What is a leased line?","A permanent circuit for private use within a comm
unication network","A piece of wire use in a local area network in one building"
,"A piece of wire connecting a telephone set to a PABX.","A temporary connection
of one computer to a mainframe via a modem",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
3966,"What is a multidrop line?","A line or circuit connecting several stations"
,"A bus line","A line designed to withstand high pressure","A piece of wire with
a thick insulating material",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",

84,"What is a non-continuous noise of irregular pulses or spikes of short durati
on with high amplitudes?","Jitter","Wander","Hits","Singing",,"Noise",1,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3968,"What is a radio station which provides interface between the mobile teleph
one switching office and the mobile radio units? It has control units, radio set
s, antennas, a power source and data terminal.","Cell site
","Trunk site
","Repeater site","Public telephone exchange site",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
3969,"What is a satellite period?","The amount of time it takes for a staellite
to complete one orbit","An orbital arc that extends from 60 degrees","The point
on an orbit where satellite height is minimum","The time it takes a staellite to
travel from perigee to apogee",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
3970,"What is a specific path the light takes in an optical fiber corresponding
to a certain angle and the number of reflection?","Mode","Grade","Numerical aper
ture","Dispersion",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3971,"What is a trunk?","A telephone line connecting two central offices.","The
base of a communication tower.","A line connecting one telephone set to a PABX",
"Refers to the body of a tree.",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
3972,"What is a wavefront?","A fixed point in an electromagnetic wave","A voltag
e pulse in a conductor","A current in a conductor","A voltage pulse across a res
istor",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3973,"What is an acoustic coupler?","A device that converts electric signal into
audio signls , enabling data to be transmitted over the public telephone networ
k via a conventional telephone handset","A device that radiates audible signals
via a transmitting antenna","A device that receives audible signals and retransm
its them at VHF","A transducer","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
3974,"What is an underground enclosure used to facilitate the splicing of two or
more cables?","Manhole","Underground Cross-Connect Cabinet","Tunnel","Drainage"
,"","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3975,"What is being measured in the OMEGA system?","Phase difference","Phase rev
ersal","Time and phase reversal","Phase and time difference",,"Navigational Aids
and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3976,"What is capture effect?","The loudest signal received is the only demodula
ted signal","All signals on a frequency are demodulated by an fm receiver","All
signals on a frequency are demodulated by an AM receiver","The weakest signal re
ceived is the only demodulated signal",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
3977,"What is deviation ratio?","The ratio of the maximum carrier freq. deviatio
n to the highest audio modulating frequency","The ratio of the carrier center fr
eq. to the audio modulating frequency","The ratio of the highest audio modulatin
g frequency to the average audio modulating frequency","The ratio of the audio m
odulating frequency deviation to the center carrier frequency",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
298,"What is emission F3F?","Television","Facsimile","RTTY","Modulated CW",,"Mod
ulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3979,"What is ESCON?","Enterprise Systems Connections","Enterprise And Systems C
onnection Network","Enterprise Systems Connections Service","Enterprise Service
Connections",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3980,"What is ICAO stands for","International Civil Avitation Organization","Int
ernational Communicationm Avitation Organizationn","International Civil Administ
rative Organization","International Communication Administrative Organization",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
125,"What is letter designation in the emission that uses frequency modulation,
multi-channel analogue that uses telephony or sound broadcasting.","F8E","F3E","
G3E","G8E","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

3981,"What is maximum effiecieny of Class C AMplifier?","100%","25%","50%","75%"

,,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
127,"What is meant by antenna bandwidth","The range of frequency at which the an
tenna perform well.","The angle of reception of antenna.","The gain of an antenn
a","Affects the directivity of the antenna.","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
3982,"What is meant by referring to electromagnetic waves as horizontally polari
zed?","The electric field if parallel to the earth","The magnetic field is paral
lel to the earth's surface","Bothe the electric and magnetic fields are vertical
","Both the electric and magnetic fields are horizontal",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3983,"What is meant by the term deviation ratio?","The ratio of the maximum carr
ier frequency to the highest audio modulation","The ratio of the carrier center
frequency to the audio modulating frequency","The ratio of the highest audio mod
ulating frequency to the average modulating frequency","The ratio of the audio m
odulating frequency to the center carrier frequency",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3984,"What is measured in Omega Navigation?","Change of AC phase","Heading chang
e","Altitude change","Time difference",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",1,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
3985,"What is Russia's launching vehicle?","Russian Proton","Delta II","Long Mar
ch","Russian Flyer","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
3986,"What is the accessing method use by the Iridium System?","FDMA/TDMA","CDMA
","TDMA only","FDMA only","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
3987,"What is the actual orbital velocity of a geostationary satellite?","11000
km/hr","15 miles /sec","9500 km/hr","5 miles/sec",,"Satellite Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3988,"What is the advantage of electronic ringers ?","Smaller size","Louder volu
me","Good directionality","Greater weight",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
3989,"What is the advantage of PTM over AM?","Much better noise immunity","All o
f the above","Low sampling rate is required","Simpler to generate",,"Uncategoriz
ed",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3990,"What is the advantage of PTM over PAM?","Much better noise immunity","Low
sampling rate is required","Simpler to generate","All of the above",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3991,"What is the advantage of sidetone?","Assures that the telephone is working
","No energy dissipation","High transmission efficiency","Result to a strengthen
ed signal",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
299,"What is the allowable deviation ratio of commercial FM broadcast?","5","10"
,"25","75",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
300,"What is the amount of frequency deviation of a transmitter assigned to a ca
rrier frequency of 156.8MHz if the operating frequency deviates from the assigne
d frequency by 1 ppm?","156.8 Hz.","156.8 kHz","1.568 Hz","15.68 kHz.",,"Modulat
ion",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
3994,"What is the applied power if a thermal RF wattmeter is connected to a tran
smitter through a variable attenuator? The wattmeter reads 84 mW when 15 dB of a
ttenuation is used.","2.656 W","4.656 W","3.656 W","2.856 W",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3995,"What is the appropriate line impedance of a parallel-strip line spaced 1 c
m apart with the length of 50 cm.","10 ohms","15 ohms","18 ohms","23 ohms",,"Tra
nsmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
3996,"What is the approximate distance of the moon from the earth?","385,000 km"
,"485,000 km","285,000 km","585,000 km",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William
3997,"What is the approximate path loss from satellite-to-earth station?","200 d
B","100 dB","175 dB","150 dB",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",

301,"What is the approximated frequency of the modulating signal having a bandwi

dth of 15 kHz and a frequency deviation of 6 KHz?","1.5 kHz","2 kHz","1 kHz","3
kHz","","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
131,"What is the approximated length of a half wave dipole antenna radiating at
6450 kHz?","73 ft.","62 ft.","103 ft.","40 ft.","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
3998,"What is the average insertion loss of fusion splice in fiber optics?","0.0
9 dB","0.9 dB","0.19 dB","0.009 dB",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quim
3999,"What is the average life span of communications satellite?","10 yrs","20 y
rs","8 yrs","17 yrs",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
4000,"What is the average maximum synchronization time of E1 carrier?
","62.7 S","48.25 mS","125 S","51.84 mS",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
4001,"What is the average power rating of RG-58 C/u?","50 Watts","25 Watts","75
Watts","200 Watts",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
302,"What is the bandwidth of an SSB signal when the highest modulating frequenc
y is 3 kHz?","3 kHz","2.5 kHz","6 kHz","10 kHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4003,"What is the bandwidth of cellular CDMA system?
","1.23 MHz","1.23 GHz","1.23 kHz","1.23 THz","","Wire & Wireless Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4004,"What is the bandwidth of the antenna if it has a figure of merit of 80 and
the operating frequency of 400 MHz.","5 MHz","0.5 MHz","15 MHz","50 MHz",,"Ante
nnas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4005,"What is the bandwidth required to transmit at a rate of 10 Mbits/s in the
presence of a 28-dB S/N ratio?","1.075 MHz","5 MHz","10 MHz","10.75 MHz","C = B
log (1 + S/N)
where S/N is in ratio and log is to the base 2","Digital
& Data Communications",1,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
4006,"What is the baseband frequency of standard FDM basic supergroup?","312 to
552 kHz","60 to 2540 kHz","60 to 108 kHz","300 to 600 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4007,"What is the basic bit rate of T Carrier System?","1.544 Mbps","2.048 Mbps"
,"155.54 Mbps","51.84 Mbps",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
4008,"What is the basic qualification of an applicant for public carrier network
before a Certificate of Public Convenience or a Provisional Authority is issued
?","Franchise","SEC document","Business permit","Radio station license",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4009,"What is the benefit of SDH transmission systems over PDH?","All of the abo
ve","Standardization","Efficient drop and insert","Software control",,"Telecommu
nications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4010,"What is the black and white or monochrome brigthness signal in TV?","Q & I
","Luminance Y","RGB","Color subcarrier",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
4011,"What is the capacitance of 55 miles # 4 copper wire spaced 518 inches? Fro
m wire tables, #4 wire has a radius of
0.10215 in.","0.476 uF","0.476 nF","0.476 pF","0.476 fF",,"Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4012,"What is the capacitance of 55 miles, No. 4 copper wire spaced 18 inches? F
rom wire tables, we find that the No. 4 copper has a radius of 0.0215 inches.","
0.476 uF","0.086 uF","0.86 uF","0.476 pF",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4013,"What is the capture area of a dipole operated at 75 MHz?","2.088 sq. m.","
2 sq. m.","4 sq. m.","4.088 sq. m.",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
4014,"What is the carrier power in the problem above if the antenna resistance i

s 75 ohms?","792 W","195 W","631 W","507 W",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William

303,"What is the carrier swing of an FM transmitter when modulated by 75%?","112
.5 kHz","53.2 kHz","48 kHz","56.25 kHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
133,"What is the channel bandwidth of a standard analog telephone system?","300
- 3400 Hz","1200 kHz","100 - 300 kHz","300 - 500 Hz","","Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4016,"What is the channel bandwidth of TACS (Total Access Communication System)?
","25 kHz","45 MHz","300 kHz","30 kHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
4017,"What is the channel separation used for a cellular system?","30 kHz","45 k
Hz","45 MHz","30 MHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
4018,"What is the characteristic impedance of a single wire with a diameter d=0.
25 mm placed at the center between grounded parallel planes separa- ted by 1 mm
apart. The wire is held by a material with a velocity fact or of 0.75.","75 ohms
","60 ohms","80 ohms","90 ohms",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
4019,"What is the characteristic impedance of a transmission line which has a ca
pacitance of 40 pF/ft and an inductance of
0.5 mH/ft?
","111.8 ohms
","110.8 ohms
","112.8 ohms.
","109.8 ohms",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quimin
4020,"What is the characteristic impedance of a transmission line which is to ac
t as a quarter-wave matching transformer between a 175 ohm transmission line and
600 ohm load?
","324.04 ohms
","300.04 ohms
","310.04 ohms
","320.04 ohms",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4021,"What is the chroma subcarrier signal frequency for color television?","3.8
MHz","6.8 MHz","7.8 MHz","8.8 MHz",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quim
4022,"What is the class probability in error detection techniques that is known
as residual error rate?","P2","P1","P3","P4",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4023,"What is the coefficient of reflection on a transmission line having an SWR
of 4:1?","0.6","0.4","0.3","0.5",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solvi
ng","William Quiming","NONAME",
4024,"What is the country code of Hongkong?","852","53","350","39",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4025,"What is the country code of Japan?","81","84","66","62",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4026,"What is the data rate of Iridium Satellite System?","2400 baud","2400 kBps
","2600 baud","2600 kBps","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William
85,"What is the dB loss of the circuit if the power ratio of output to input is
0.01 ?","20","-20","40","-40",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
4028,"What is the dBSPL of a voice paging in an office?","65","90","55 - 60","80
- 85",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4029,"What is the DC signaling used between long offices and long-haul toll trun
ks?","E&M signaling","Reversed battery signaling","Tone signaling","Forward batt
ery signaling",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
4030,"What is the delay time for satellite transmissions from earth transmitter

to earth receiver?","0.5 s","1 s","5 ms","0.25 s","","Satellite Communications",

0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4031,"What is the delay time of satellite transmission from earth transmitter to
earth receiver?","0.5 seconds","1.0 second","0.25 milliseconds","5 milliseconds
",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4032,"What is the device that detects both vertically and horizontally polarized
signals simultaneously?","Orthomode transducer","Crystal detector","Optoisolato
r","Isomode detector","","Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Qui
4033,"What is the device that vonverts electrical signals fromthe central office
to an audible signals alerting the subscriber that he is being called?","Ringer
","Transmitter","Receiver","Hook Switch","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
4034,"What is the device used in fiber optic communication which consist of a re
ceiver transmitter use to clean up and amplify digital data moving in one direct
ion and another in the opposite direction?","Optic regenerator","Optic compresso
rs","Optic retarters","Optic isolators",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William
4035,"What is the diameter of a copper to be used in a 16-km loop with a dc loop
resistance of 100 ohms/km?","0.0465 cm","0.108 cm","1.082 cm","0.017 cm",,"Tran
smission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
4036,"What is the diameter of the copper wire needed for 10-mi loop and allow 10
0 ohms/mi loop?","0.84 mm","0.5 mm","0.53 mm","0.63 mm",,"Wire & Wireless Commun
ications",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
4037,"What is the Doppler shift when tracking away from the radar at 100 mi/hr a
t 10 GHz?","3000 Hz","6000 Hz","10.75 Hz","10 kHz",,"Navigational Aids and Devic
es",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4038,"What is the DTMF tone pair for the keypad number 6?","770+1477 Hz","770+14
47 Hz","852+1633 Hz","852-1663 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
304,"What is the dynamic range for a 9-bit sign-magnitude PCM code?","255","256"
,"254","253",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4040,"What is the easiest type of system to use for secure (encrypted) computer
communications?","Pulse Code modulation","Frequency Division Modulation","Pulse
Duration Modulationn","Pulse Position Modulation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
4041,"What is the effective earth radius when surface refractivity Ns=300?","850
0 km","6370 km","7270 km","7950 km",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
4042,"What is the effective radiated power (ERP) of a repeater with 450 watt tra
nsmitting output , 4 dB feedline loss, 6 dB duplexer loss, 7 dB circulator loss
and feedline antenna gain of 25 dB","2839.24 W","2840.47 W","2836.28 W","2838.31
W","***","Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4043,"What is the EIRP in dBW of a 50 dB antenna connected to a transmitter with
an output of 10 kW through a transmission ine with a loss of 5dB?","85 dBW","95
dBW","90 dBW","80 dBW",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4044,"What is the encoding scheme for Fiber Channel which is also the encoding s
cheme for Gigabit Ethernet?","8B/10B","4B/5B","10B/10B","8B/8B","","Fiber Optics
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
86,"What is the equivalent output of a circuit in dBm if it has an output of 10
watts?","40 dBm","20 dBm","30 dBm","10 dBm","=10 log (10watts/1 mW)","Noise",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4046,"What is the ERP of a repeater with 200 W transmitter power output a 4 dB f
eedline loss 4 dB duplexer loss and 10 dB feedline antenna gain?","317 W","2000
W","126 W","260 W",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4047,"What is the estimated medium wind loading in the Philippines for antenna t
ower design?","200 kph","100 kph","250 kph","300 kph",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
4436,"Which of the following is an impedance matching ratio of coax balun?","4:1
","2:1","8:2","3:1",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming

4437,"Which of the following is best applicable for radio and recording studios?
","Bidirectrional mic","Unidirectional mic","Cardiod mic","Omnidirectional mic",
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4049,"What is the famous lines first carried by electricity?","""Mr. Watson, Com
e here, I want you"".","""Mr. Bell, Come here, I want you"".","""Mr. Watson, Com
e here, I need you"".","""Sir Thomas, Come here, I want you"".","","Wire & Wirel
ess Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4050,"What is the first of the radio signal emission having an amplitude modulat
ed main carrier single sideband suppressed carrier?","J","H","C","A",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4051,"What is the first passive satellite transponder?","Moon","Sun","Early Bird
","Score",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
305,"What is the first symbol of a radio emission having an amplitude modulated
main carrier, double sideband?","A","C","F","H",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4053,"What is the free space loss, in dB, between two microwave parabolic antenn
as 38 kilometers apart when operating at 7.0 GHz?","140.89","138.6","143.5","145
.1",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4054,"What is the frequency band of DECT?","1.88-1.90 GHz","1.68-1.70 GHz","1.48
-1.50 GHz","1.28-1.30 GHz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
4055,"What is the frequency of normal ring back in electronic switching system?"
,"440+480 Hz","480+620 Hz","2450+2600 Hz","350+440 Hz",,"Wire & Wireless Communi
cations",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4056,"What is the frequency of operation of a dipole cut to length of 5 m?","30
MHz","3 MHz","300 MHz","0.3 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
4057,"What is the frequency of sound waves when converted to electrical waves by
a microphone produced by electrical current ?","25 to 8,000 Hz","4 to 40 Hz","3
0 to 3000 Hz","3 to 30 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
4058,"What is the frequency range of a C-band?","3.4 to 6.424 GHz","10.95 to 14.
5 GHz","27.5 to 31 GHz","1.53 to 2.7 GHz",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4059,"What is the frequency tolerance of an FM Radio Broadcast station?","2000 H
z","200 Hz","20 Hz","20",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
4060,"What is the front-to-back ratio of an antenna which radiates 500 watts in
a northernly direction and 50 watts in southernly direction?","10 dB","250 dB","
100 dB","20 dB",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4061,"What is the function of the diode rectifier bridge in the line circuit?","
Protect the set against polarity reversals on the line","Raise the voltage to th
e telphone electronics","Short out the line when the set is on-hook","Lower the
voltage to the telephone electronics",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
110,"What is the fundamental of 500 Hz fifth harmonic frequency?","100 Hz","50 H
z","5 Hz","1000 Hz","","Acoustics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4062,"What is the gain of a Hertzian dipole over isotropic antenna?","1.76 dB","
2.15 dB","1.64 dB","1.55 dB",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4063,"What is the gain of four identically polarized antenna stacked one above t
he other fed inphase?","6 dB over the gain of one antenna","4 dB over the gain o
f one antenna","2 dB over the gain of one antenna","5 dB over the gain of one an
tenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4064,"What is the gain of isotropic antenna?","1","10","100","50",,"Antennas",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4065,"What is the general transmission medium for T1 carrier?
","19-22 gauge twisted pair metallic cable","LOCAP metallic cable","3A-RDS","Sin
gle coaxial cable",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Qui

4066,"What is the guard band between supergroup 1 and supergroup 2","12 kHz","10
kHz","8 kHz","6 kHz",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
4067,"What is the highest frequency that can be sent straight upward and be retu
rn to earth?","Critical frequency","Gyro frequency","Skip frequency","MUF",,"Rad
iation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4068,"What is the highest layer in the atmosphere?","Ionosphere","Stratosphere",
"Troposphere","Ozone layer",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
306,"What is the highest percentage of modulation for AM?","100%","80%","50%","7
5%",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4069,"What is the highest signaling rate in bits per second of a voice channel w
ith a bandwidth of 2400 Hz if 4 parameters of the carrier wave are varied.","19,
200 bps","19,000 bps","19,250 bps","19,212 bps",,"Wire & Wireless Communications
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4070,"What is the horizontal synchronous/ blanking pulse rate?","15.75 Hz","120
Hz","60 Hz","30 Hz",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
307,"What is the image frequency when the receiver is tuned to 540 kHz and the I
F is 455 kHz?","1450 kHz","995 kHz","1630 kHz","1340 kHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4072,"What is the impedance in ohms of a transformer marked for 25V,4W, when the
secondary is correctly loaded?","156 ohms","160 ohms","165 ohms","150 ohms",,"T
ransmission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
4073,"What is the impedance of a balance 4-wire with a diameter of 0.25 cm and s
paced 2.5 cm apart using an insulator with a dielecric constant of 2.56?","100 o
hms","65 ohms","75 ohms","50 ohms",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4074,"What is the impedance of a half-wave dipole?","73 ohms","36 ohms","100 ohm
s","300 ohms",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4075,"What is the inclination of Iridium orbital planes?","86.4 degrees","68.4 d
egrees","48.6 degrees","78.3 degrees","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
4076,"What is the increase in sound pressure level in dB, if the intensity is do
ubled?","3 dB","2 dB","4 dB","6 dB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
4077,"What is the inductive reactance per foot of a cable that has a capacitance
of 50 pF/ft and a characteristic impedance
of 60 ohms?
","0.18 uH/ft
","0.167 uH/ft
","0.178 uH/ft
","0.19 uH/ft",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
4078,"What is the input impedance equivalent of an open ended transmission line
which is longer than a quarter wavelength?","As pure inductor","Open equivalent"
,"Equivalent to reactive circuit","As resistive equivalent",,"Uncategorized",1,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4079,"What is the input impedance of a center fed dipole antenna?","It differs w
ith length","73 Ohm","300 Ohm","0",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
4080,"What is the insertion loss of connector-type splices for a single mode fib
er optics?","0.38 dB","0.49 dB","0.31 dB","0.51 dB",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
4081,"What is the internet country code of the Philippines?
","PH","PS","PL","PN",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
4082,"What is the keystone of professional conduct?","Integrity","Courtesy","Jus
tice","Honesty",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4083,"What is the length of a practical dipole used to receive a 6 MHz radio sig

nal?","23.75 m","26.75 m","25.75 m","24.75 m",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W

illiam Quiming","NONAME",
4084,"What is the lifetime of ILDs?","50,000 hours","75,000 hours","100,000 hour
s","125,000 hours",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4085,"What is the lifetime of LEDs?","200,000 hours","200,000 minutes","150,000
minutes","125,000 hours",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4086,"What is the line rate of T1 carrier?","1.544 Mbps","3.152 Mbps","2.048 Mbp
s","1.333 Mbps","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
4087,"What is the line speed of E1 system?","2.048 Mbps","1.544 Mbps","30152 Mbp
s","1.333 Mbps","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
4088,"What is the line speed of T5 carrier system?
","560.160 Mbps","6.312 Mbps","274.176 Mbps","44.736 Mbps",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4089,"What is the linking point between cell phone and regular telephone?","MTSO
","Base Station","CO","Control Office",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4090,"What is the local oscillator (mixer) frequency of satellite with an uplink
frequency in GHz Band?","2225 MHz","3500 MHz","2000 MHz","4500 MHz",,"Satellite
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
308,"What is the local oscillator frequency in commercial AM broadcast if it is
equal to 455 kHz?","955 to 2055 kHz","0 to 1500 kHz","0 to 456 kHz","540 to 1600
kHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
4092,"What is the lowest layer in the ionosphere?","D","E","F1","F2",,"Radiation
& Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4093,"What is the main advantage of LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellites?","Path los
s between earth stations and space vehicles is lower.","It can cover a much larg
er area of the earth.","It has shorter propagation time.","Expensive tracking eq
uipment is not required.",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4094,"What is the main advantage of using a frequency division multiple access (
FDMA) satellite system?","All of the above","Low powered","Voice can be transmit
ted in analog form","Network timing is required",,"Satellite Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4095,"What is the main component of a dummy antenna?","A non-inductive resistor"
,"A wire-wound resistor","An iron-core coil","An air-core coil",,"Antennas",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4096,"What is the main purpose of a communications system?","To provide an accep
table replica of the information at the destination","For modulation","To have a
frequency assignment","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
4097,"What is the main reason why coaxial cable is not used in microwave signal
transmission?","High attenuation","Wide bandwidth","Number of repeaters","Low im
pedance",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
87,"What is the major cause of atmospheric noise or static noise?","Thunderstorm
","Meteor showers","Airplanes","Sunspots",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
4099,"What is the major drawback to LAN at the present time?","Lack of standards
","Cost of interconnecting cables","Not enough vendors","Software problems",,"Di
gital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
88,"What is the major factor that makes coaxial cable less susceptible to noise
than twisted pair cable?","Outer conductor","Diameter of cable","Inner conductor
","Insulating material",,"Noise",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
136,"What is the maritime switch position where the main or auxiliary transmitte
r is connected to the auto-alarm, as when the DF was calibrated?","AA-DF","AA","
Main Transmitter","Emergency Transmitter","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
309,"What is the maximum allowable frequency deviation for a TV broadcast aural

transmitter (NTSC)?","25 kHz","75 kHz","50 kHz","5 kHz",,"Modulation",0,,"Object

ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4102,"What is the maximum average synchronization time of T1 carrier?
","48.25 mS","51.84 mS","125 S","62.7 S",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4103,"What is the maximum frequency deviation for AMPS?"," 12 kHz"," 4.7 kHz"," 9.5
kHz"," 10 kHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
4104,"What is the maximum frequency deviation of an FM cellular transmitter?","1
2 kHz","6 kHz","30 kHz","45 kHz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
138,"What is the maximum number of years, which a mobile radio service provider
must provide a local exchange service to un-served and underserved areas pursuan
t to R.A. 7925?","Three years","Four years","Five years","One year","","Uncatego
rized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4105,"What is the maximum suppression for phase error of 3 deg.?","31.64 dB","41
.64 dB","41.64 dBm","31.64 dBm.",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
4106,"What is the meaning of the term velocity factor of a transmission line?","
The velocity of the wave on the transmission line divided by the velocity of lig
ht in a vacuum","The index of shielding for coaxial cable","The velocity of the
wave on the transmission line multiplied by the velocity of light in vacuum","Th
e ratio of the characteristic impedance of the line to the terminating load impe
dance",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4107,"What is the method of diversity reception where the signal is transmitted
on two different frequencies over the same path?","Frequency","Space","Quadruple
","Polarization",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
89,"What is the minimum bandwidth requires to transmit a 56 kbits/s binary signa
l with no noise ?","28 KHz","14 KHz","56 KHz","112 KHz","BW for BPSK = Bit rate
/ 1","Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
310,"What is the minimum carrier power output of a standard AM broadcast where e
ffective and direct supervision of an Electronics and Communications Engineer is
required?","1 kW","5 kW","4 kW","3 kW","","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William
4109,"What is the minimum number of turns a helix antenna must have?","3","4","5
","6",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4110,"What is the mixing process?","The combination of two signals to produce su
m and difference frequencies","Distortion caused by aural propagation","The elim
ination of noise in a wideband receiver by phase differentiation","The eliminati
on of noise in a wideband receiver by phase comparison",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
311,"What is the modulation index of an FM signal having a carrier swing of 75 k
Hz when the modulating signal has a frequency of 3 kHz?","12.5","25","0.04","0.0
8",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
312,"What is the modulation index of an FM signal if the frequency is doubled?",
"One-half the original index","Twice the original index","Four times the origina
l index","No effect",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
313,"What is the modulation index of an FM transmitter whose frequency deviation
is 50 kHz while its audio frequency is 10 kHz?","5","50","2.5","250","","Modula
tion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
314,"What is the modulation index of an FM transmitter whose frequency deviation
is 50 kHz, while its audio frequency is 10 kHz?","5","2.5","50","0.20",,"Modula
tion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4111,"What is the most common carrier frequencies used for satellite communicati
ons.","6/4 and 14/12 GHz","4/2 and 12/10 GHZ","8/6 and 16/14 GHz","6/5 and 14/3
GHz",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4112,"What is the most significant advantage of modular switch than time-and-spa
ce switch?","Flexible size","Simplified control","Simplified manufacturing","Tes
ting and maintenance",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"

4113,"What is the multiplexing function used in SONET optical technology that ca

n also used in electric signal transmissions?","Add/drop multiplexing","Time div
ision multiplexing","Frequency division multiplexing","Code division multiplexin
g",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4114,"What is the name of the solid state imaging device used in TV cameras that
converts the light in a scene into an electrical signal?","CCD
","Photodiode","Vidicon","MOSFET array",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
4115,"What is the nominal frequency range of C band?","4-8 GHz","12-18 GHz","2740 GHz","40-75 GHz",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quim
4116,"What is the nominal frequency range of Ka band?","27-40 GHz","12-18 GHz","
4-8 GHz","40-75 GHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4117,"What is the nominal frequency range of Ku band?","12-18 GHz","4-8 GHz","27
-40 GHz","40-75 GHz",,"Microwave Communications",2,,"Objective","William Quiming
4118,"What is the nominal impedance of a DTMF generator?","900 ohms","1800 ohms"
,"1900 ohms","500 ohms",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
4119,"What is the number of channels for Band A and for Band B in Digital AMPS?"
,"416","832","666","888","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
4120,"What is the number of channels of a cellular system with a allocated spect
rum of 25 MHz and with a channel of 30 kHz bandwidth?","833","240","1000","666",
,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4121,"What is the number of high-speed networking applications of ESCON using fi
ber as the physical-layer backbone?","Running at 200Mbps","Running at 155Mbps an
d 622Mbps","Running at 100Mbps","Running at 1,000Mbps",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4122,"What is the number of high-speed networking applications of Fibre Channel
using fiber as the physical-layer backbone?","Running at 1,062Mbps and below","R
unning at 155Mbps and 622Mbps","Running at 200Mbps","Running at 1,000Mbps",,"Fib
er Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4123,"What is the number of high-speed networking applications of Gigabit Ethern
et using fiber as the physical-layer backbone?","Running at 1,000Mbps","Running
at 155Mbps and 622Mbps","Running at 200Mbps","Running at 100Mbps",,"Fiber Optics
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4124,"What is the number of high-speed networking applications of High-Performan
ce Parallel Interface (HPPI) using fiber as the physical-layer backbone?","Runni
ng at 1,200Mbps","Running at 155Mbps and 622Mbps","Running at 100Mbps","Running
at 1,000Mbps",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4125,"What is the number of high-speed networking applications of SONET using fi
ber as the physical-layer backbone?","Running at 155Mbps and 622Mbps","Running a
t 100Mbps","Running at 200Mbps","Running at 1,000Mbps",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4126,"What is the number of high-speed networking applications using fiber as th
e physical-layer backbone of Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)?","Running
at 100Mbps","Running at 155Mbps and 622Mbps","Running at 200Mbps","Running at 1,
000Mbps",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4127,"What is the number of pins in the RS-232C interface?","25","15","20","10",
,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4128,"What is the object of Trellis coding?","To reduce error rate","To increase
data rate","To simplify encoding","To narrow the bandwidth",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4129,"What is the on-time and off-time of a busy tone signaling?","0.5 and 0.5 s
econds","0.2 and 0.3 seconds","2 and 4 seconds","1 and 3 seconds",,"Wire & Wirel
ess Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4130,"What is the on-time and off-time of a congestion (toll) tone signaling?","
0.2 and 0.3 seconds","2 and 4 seconds","0.5 and 0.5 seconds","1 and 3 seconds",,
"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

4131,"What is the on-time and off-time of a ringback, normal tone signaling?","2

and 4 seconds","0.2 and 0.3 seconds","0.5 and 0.5 seconds","1 and 3 seconds",,"
Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4132,"What is the on-time and off-time of a ringback, PBX tone signaling?","1 an
d 3 seconds","0.2 and 0.3 seconds","0.5 and 0.5 seconds","2 and 4 seconds",,"Wir
e & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4133,"What is the operating current of the telephone set?","24 to 60 mA","42 to
52 mA","10 to 30 mA","12 to 40 mA","","Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4134,"What is the opposition to the transfer of energy which is considered the d
ominant characteristics of a cable or circuit that eminates from its physical st
ructure ?","Impedance","Resistance","Reactance","Conductance",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4135,"What is the optimum length of a marconi antenna for the transmission of a
300 MHz signal? The antenna velocity factor is 0.85","0.21 m","0.22 m","0.23 m",
"0.24 m",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4136,"What is the other name for trunk code?","Area code","International code","
Trunk-access code","Toll-access code",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
4137,"What is the other name for trunk prefix?","Toll-access code","Internationa
l code","Trunk-access code","Area code",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
315,"What is the other term for modulation index?","Modulation Coefficient","Mod
ulation Factor","Degree of Modulation","All of the above","","Modulation",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4138,"What is the paging rate of AMPS?","10 kbps","8 kbps","12 kbps","14 kbps",,
"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4139,"What is the paging rate of TACS?","8 kbps","10 kbps","12 kbps","14 kbps",,
"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4140,"What is the period of a wave?","The time required to complete one cycle","
The amplitude of the wave","The number of zero crossings in one cycle","The numb
er of degrees in one cycle",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
4141,"What is the phase delay of an 800 Hz voice signal if the phase shift is 15
deg?","52 microseconds","26 microseconds","1.25 microseconds","83.33 microsecon
ds","Phase shift = 2 x pi x f x t","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
4142,"What is the photon energy for an infrared wave with frequency of 10^12 Hz?
","6.63 x 10^-22 Joules","10.6 x 10^-34 Joules","6.63 x 10^34 Joules","10.6 x 10
^34 Joules",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4143,"What is the polarization of a discone antenna?","Vertical","Horizontal","C
ircular","Spiral",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4144,"What is the power input in watts of a circuit with a gain of 40 and output
of 4W?","0.0004","0.004","0.04","0.4",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
4145,"What is the power loss of a telephone hybrid?","3 dB","6 dB","1 dB","2 dB"
,,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4146,"What is the power output of Personal Communications System (PCS)?","10 mW"
,"75 mW","150 mW","10 W",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
4147,"What is the primary advantage of DSBSC AM?","No transmitter power is waste
d in the carrier","Reduce bandwidth over standard AM","It it simpler to transmit
& receive than the standard","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
144,"What is the primary advantage of using a high IF?","Better image rejection"
,"High gain","Improve S/N ratio","Better quality of music","","Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4148,"What is the process in radio communication where the information or intell
igence signal at lower frequency is put unto higher radio frequency for transmis
sion to receiving station?","Modulation","Detection","Demodulation","Mixing",,"U

ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
146,"What is the propagation condition called whether scattered patches of relat
ively dense ionization develop seasonally at E-layer heights?","Sporadic-E","Sca
tter","Ducting","Auroral Propagation","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
4149,"What is the purpose of a beat frequency oscillator (BFO)?","Generate an ou
tput whose freq. differs from that of the IF","Aid in the reception of weak voic
e-modulated signals","Generate a signal, whose freq. is the same as that of the
IF","Generate a 1 kHz note to Morse reception",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4150,"What is the purpose of a satellite transponder?","All of the above","Recei
ving/transmitting downlink/uplink signals respectively","Amplifying signals befo
re retransmission","Frequency conversion between uplink/downlink signals",,"Sate
llite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4151,"What is the purpose of an indirectly-heated cathode in a cathode ray tube?
","Beam production","Beam focusing","Beam deflection","Beam modulation",,"Uncate
gorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
316,"What is the purpose of balance modulator?","To eliminate the carrier","To e
liminate the upper sideband","To eliminate the lower sideband","To eliminate bot
h sideband",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4153,"What is the purpose of electromagnetic field which surrounds a travellingwave tube?","To keep the electrons from spreading out","To accelerate the electr
on","To velocity modulate the electron beam","To slow down the signal on the hel
ix",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4154,"What is the purpose of the receiver's squelch circuit?","To prevent amplif
ied noise from reaching the loudspeaker during the absence of an incoming signal
","To overcome fluctuations in the level of the RF signal arriving at the receiv
ing antenna","To prevent fluctuation in the AGC level","To reduce the receiver's
sensitivity for all incoming signals",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
4155,"What is the Q of an antenna with a bandwidth of 6 MHz and a frequency of 3
00 MHz?","50","0.5","5","500",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
4156,"What is the radiation characteristic of a dipole antenna?","Bidirectional"
William Quiming","NONAME",
4157,"What is the radiation resistance of an antenna which radiates 20 kW when i
t draws 20 A?","50 ohms","5 ohms","5 kohms","500 ohms",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
148,"What is the reason why Frequency Modulation is used in the broadcast video
recording on tape?","Low noise","High capacity","Compressed bandwidth","Faster r
ecording","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4158,"What is the reason why VHF radio waves can be propagated several hundred m
iles over oceans?","Wide spread temperature inversion","High-pressure zone","A p
olar air mass","An overcast of cirruform clouds",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
90,"What is the reference frequency of CCITT psophometric noise measurement?","8
00 Hz","1500 Hz","3400 Hz","1000 Hz",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
91,"What is the reference noise temperature?","290 K","30C","70F","25C",,"Noise",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4161,"What is the reference tone level for dBm?","-90 dBm","-82 dBm","-67 dBm","
-85 dBm",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4162,"What is the relation in degrees of the electric and magnetic field in and
electromagnetic wave?","90","270","180","45",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4163,"What is the relationship between possible bandwidth and signal frequency?
","As signal frequency increases, bandwidth increases","As bandwidth decreases,
signal frequency decreases","As signal frequency increases, bandwidth decreases"
,"They are not related",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM

317,"What is the relationship between power level, bandwidth and modulation inde
x of a frequency modulated signal?","As modulation index increases, bandwidth in
creases & power decreases","As modulation index increases, bandwidth increases &
power increases","As modulation index increases, bandwidth & power increases","
As modulation index increases, bandwidth decreases & power increases",,"Modulati
on",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
318,"What is the relative amplitude of the third pair of sidebands of an FM sign
al with m=6?","0.11","0.17","0.24","0.34",,"Modulation",0,,"Problem Solving","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
92,"What is the reliable measurement for comparing amplifier noise characteristi
cs?","Noise factor","Thermal agitation noise","Noise margin","Signal-to-noise",,
"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4165,"What is the root meaning of the word ""dysprosium"", element 66?","Bad app
roach","Bad design","Bad element","None of the above",,"Navigational Aids and De
vices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4166,"What is the second largest segment of the three major fields of electronic
s?","Communications","Computer","Control","All of the above","","Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4167,"What is the sensitivity of a cellular receiver?","50 dB","40 dB","20 dB","
60 dB",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4168,"What is the signal propagation time between two ground stations in a synch
ronous satellite link?","270 ms","500 ms","540 ms","200ms",,"Satellite Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
93,"What is the signal-to-noise ratio for satisfactory telephone services?","50
dB","30 dB","40 dB","60 dB",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
94,"What is the signal-to-noise ratio if the signal voltage is +50 volts and the
noise voltage is 1.0 volt?","2500","2499.5","2500.5","2500.2",,"Noise",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4171,"What is the simple means of adjusting waveguide power level?","Slide screw
tuner","Directional coupler atenuator","Flap attenuator","Slotted line attenuat
or",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
319,"What is the source of sidebands in frequency modulation?","Baseband frequen
cy","Oscillator","Mixer","Carrier harmonics",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
4172,"What is the space wave radio horizon for an antenna whose height is 36 m?"
,"24 km","15 km","26 km","32 km",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
4173,"What is the specific path the light takes in an optical fiber, correspondi
ng to a certain angle and number of reflection?","Mode","Grade","Numerical Apper
ture","Dispersion","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4174,"What is the speech coding rate of GSM.","13 Kbps","14 Kbps","15 Kbps","12
Kbps","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
4175,"What is the speech frame of GSM.","20 ms/frame","10 ms/frame","15 ms/frame
","18 ms/frame","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
4176,"What is the stage of sand becoming a silicon?","Molten","Gas","Liquid","Ho
t",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4177,"What is the standard telephone bandwidth?","300 - 3400 Hz","0 - 4000 Hz","
0 - 3400 Hz","300 - 4000 Hz","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
4178,"What is the standard voice channel spacing?","4 kHz","44 MHz","40 kHz","40
MHz",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
4179,"What is the satellite delay transmission from earth transmitters to earth
receiver?","0.5 s","1 s","5 ms","0.25 ms","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4180,"What is the system capacity of AMPS?","100000","30000","60000","120000",""

,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

4181,"What is the telephone resistance?","600 ohms","200 ohms","300 ohms","900 o
hms","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4182,"What is the term for the ratio of actual velocity at which a signal travel
s through a line to the speed of light in a vacuum?","Velocity factor","Standing
wave ratio","Characteristic impedance","Surge impedance",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4183,"What is the term for the ratio of the radiation resistance of an antenna t
o the total resistance of the system?","Antenna efficiency","Effective radiated
power","Beamwidth","Radiation conversion loss",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
4184,"What is the theoretical gain of a Hertzian dipole?","1.76 dB","2.15 dB","3
dB","1 dB",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
150,"What is the thickest layer in the ionosphere which also the highest layer?"
,"F2 Layer","D Layer","E Layer","F1 Layer","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4185,"What is the thickest layer in the ionosphere?","F2 layer","F1 layer","D la
yer","E layer",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
4186,"What is the thickest layer of the ionosphere?","F2","F1","D","E",,"Radiati
on & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4187,"What is the total interlace scan lines in one complete frame of a NTSC US
TV signal?","525","262.5","480","625",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Q
4188,"What is the total sideband power when a 500 kW carrier is 1 100% AMplitude
modulated?","250 kW","125 kW","180 kW","375 kW",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
4189,"What is the total spectrum space allocated to Iridium by FCC?","5.15 MHz",
"11.3 MHz","10.5 MHz","7.35 MHz","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quim
4190,"What is the traffic model about blocked calls clear condition specified bl
ocking probability?","Erlang B","Erlang A","Poisson","Erlang C",,"Uncategorized"
,1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4191,"What is the transfer rate of GSM.","270 Kbps","300 Kbps","305 Kbps","385 K
bps","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4192,"What is the transmission bandwidth of telephone circuits?","About 300 to 3
000 Hz","About 0 to 3500 Hz","About 4000 to 8000 Hz","About 4 KHz",,"Wire & Wire
less Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4193,"What is the transmission rate of a GSM cellular system?","270 kbps","240 k
bps","128 kbps","64 kbps",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","Will
iam Quiming","NONAME",
4194,"What is the transmission rate of a system for transmitting the output of a
microcomputer to a line printer operating at a speed of 30 lines/minute? Assume
that the line printer has 8 bits of data per character and prints out 80 charac
ters per line.","320 bps","640 bps","800 bps","400 bps",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4195,"What is the transmission signal coding for T1 carrier?","Bipolar","Binary"
,"NRZ","Manchester",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Qui
4196,"What is the transmission speed of Group 4 fax?","56 kbit/s","4800 baud","1
92 kbits/s","9600 baud",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4197,"What is the transmit frequency of a cellular phone which is at channel 70?
","827.1 MHz","825.025 MHz","865.085 MHz","826.015 MHz",,"Wire & Wireless Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
320,"What is the type of emission used by standard AM radio broadcast?","A3","A5
C","A0","F3",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME","ECE Board
Exam November 1996"

4199,"What is the typical bandwidth of a satellite band?","500 MHz","40 MHz","70

MHz","36 MHz",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
4200,"What is the typical bandwith of a satellite band?","500 MHz","36 MHz","70
MHz","40 MHz","","Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
4201,"What is the typical number of bits in a static memory location?","8","16",
"2","1",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4202,"What is the typical power output of a cellular phone?","3 W","10 W","1 W",
"5 W","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
4203,"What is the unit of electric field strength?","V/m","V/m^2","V/cm^2","MV/W
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4204,"What is the usual sampling rate of a codec?","8 kHz","4 kHz","10 kHz","2 k
Hz","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4205,"What is the velocity factor for non-foam dielectric 50 or 75 ohms flexible
coaxial cable such as RG-8, 11, 58 and 59?","0.66","0.10","0.30","2.70",,"Trans
mission Fundamentals",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","NONAME",
4206,"What is the vertical blanking pulse rate?","60 Hz","30 Hz","15.75 Hz","120
Hz",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
152,"What is the visual carrier for channel 6?","83.25 MHz","82 MHz","82.25 MHz"
,"87.75 MHz","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4207,"What is the voted cellular digital standard at TIA?
","Digital AMPS","GSM","CDMA","TACS","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
154,"What is the wavelength of a deep violet light?","500 nmeter","100 nmeter","
200 nmeter","700 nmeter","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
4208,"What is the wavelength of a signal at 500 MHz?","60 cm","60 mm","60 m","60
km",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
321,"What is used by most PCM systems to handle conversion and companding?","Cod
ec","Filter","Combo chip","Compander","","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4210,"What is used to transmit more than one conversation over a path?","Multipl
exing","Hybrid","Tandem","None of the above","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4211,"What is used to transmit more than one conversation?","Multiplexing","Tand
em","Hybrid","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
4212,"What keeps the scanning process at the receiver in step with0the scanning
in the picture tube at the receiver?
","Sync pulse","Nothing
","Color burst","Deflection osc",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quimin
4213,"What kind of battery panels are used in some advance satellites?","Gallium
arsenide solar panel array","Gallium phosphate solar panel array","Germanium ba
sed panel","Silicon based panel",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
4214,"What kind of battery panels are used in some advanced satellites?","Galliu
m Arsenide solar panel array","Gallium phosphate solar panel rray","Germanium ba
sed panels","Silicon based panels","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
4215,"What kind of battery used by older satellites?","Hydrogen","Lithium","Lecl
anche","Magnesium",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
4216,"What kind of effect is referred to a varying light producing a varying vol
tage output of detector?","Photovoltaic effect","Voltage effect","Current effect
","Resistive effect",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4217,"What kind of receiver is used in conventional telephone handset?","Electro
magnetic","Ceramic","Carbon","Capacitor",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"O

bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4218,"What kind of topology does ESCON system uses?","Point-to-point","Star netw
ork","Mesh network","Tree network","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4219,"What law dos a light travelling in air optical fiber follow?","Snell's","M
illman","Maxwell","Huygen",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
4220,"What makes optical fibers immune to EMI?","They transmit signals in as lig
ht rather than electric current.","They are too small for magnetic fields to int
roduce current in them.","Magnetic fields cannot penetrate the glass of the fibe
r.","They are readily shielded by outer conductors in cable.",,"Fiber Optics",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4221,"What method allows large number of independent, selectable channels to exi
st on a single fiber?","Frequency Division Multiplexing.","Time Division Multipl
exing.","Analogue Modulation.","Phase Modulation.",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
4222,"What mode of transmission is being used when the communications is strictl
y one way?","Simplex","Semi simplex","Real-time","Duplex",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
322,"What modulation is normally used with digital data?","QPSK","AM","FM","SSB"
,"*","Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4223,"What multiplexing scheme is used by baseband transmission?","TDM","FDM","S
pace multiplexing","Statistical multiplexing",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
323,"What part of the carrier is varied by the intelligence during modulation in
an AM system?","Amplitude","Phase","Phase and amplitude","Frequency",,"Modulati
on",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
95,"What particular circuit that rids FM of noise?","Limiter","HPF","LPF","Phase
shifter",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4225,"What produces the sidebands on FM?","Baseband","Broadband","Carrier freque
ncy","Signal amplitude",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4226,"What propagation condition is usually indicated when a VHF signal is recei
ved from the station over 5000 miles away?","Tropospheric ducting","Faraday rota
tion","D-layer absorption","Moonbounce",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4227,"What quarter wave transformer will match a 100 ohms line to an antenna who
se value is 175 ohms?","132.29 ohms","150 ohms","16.58 ohms","137.5 ohms","Zo '
= (ZoZL)^0.5","Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
96,"What signal-to noise ration is required for satisfactory telephone service?"
,"50 dB","10 dB","20 dB","30 dB",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
97,"What signal-to-noise ratio is required for satisfactory telephone services?"
,"50 dB","20 dB","30 dB","10 dB",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
324,"What stage in a radio transmitter isolates the oscillator from the load?","
Buffer","Oscillator","Separator","Mixer",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Q
4231,"What technique is used to permit hundreds of TV signals to share a common
cable?","FDM","TDM","Mixing","Frequency modulation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
98,"What theorem sets a limit on the maximum capacity of a channel with a given
noise level?","Shannon-Hartley theorem","Nyquist theorem","Hartley theorem","Sha
nnon theorem",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4233,"What third symbol in emission designation indicates cellular voice transmi
ssion","E","B","A","D",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
156,"What third symbol in emission designation indicates cellular voice transmis
sion?","E","D","B","A","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA

158,"What type of antenna can be used to minimize Faraday rotation?","A circular

ly polarized antenna","An isotropic antenna","A log-periodic antenna","A parabol
ic antenna","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4234,"What type of cable would you choose if you wanted an inexpensive, long dis
tance, medium bandwidth transmission link where several circuit run in parallel?
","Quadded toll cable","Open wire","Quadded exchange cable
","Coaxial cable",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4235,"What type of circuit is used to modulate and demodulate color signal?","Ba
lanced demodulator","Phase-locked-loop","Differential peak detector","Quadrature
detector",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
325,"What type of circuit is used to stabilize an FM receiver's local oscillator
frequency?","AFC","Squelch circuit","PTT","AGC",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
4237,"What type of emission is FM ?","F3E","G3E","A3E","B3E",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
160,"What type of emission is produced when a frequency modulated transmitter is
modulated by a facsimile signal?","F3C","A3F","F3F","A3C","","Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4238,"What type of emission is produced when an amplitude modulated transmitter
is modulated by a facsimile signal?","A3C","A3F","F3C","F3F",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4239,"What type of fiber has the highest modal dispersion?","Step-index multimod
e","Graded index multimode","Step-index single mode","Graded index mode",,"Fiber
Optics",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4240,"What type of graphics are commonly transmitted by radio fax?","Satellite w
heather photos","Newspaper text","Architectural drawings","Cable movies",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
326,"What type of modulation is used on voice and video signals?","FM","AM","SSB
","QPSK","","Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
327,"What type of modulation is used when data pulses are transmitted over the t
elephone lines?","FSK","SSB AM","Vestigial sideband AM","PAM",,"Modulation",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4241,"What type of optical fiber would best be used in the Multiple Channel Arch
itecture (MCA)?","Graded-Index.","Step-Index.","Refractive-Index.","None of the
above.","C","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
162,"What type of propagation condition is usually indicated when VHF signal is
received from a station over 500 miles away?","Tropospheric Ducting","Superrefra
ction","Faraday Rotation","Intermittent Propagation","","Uncategorized",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4242,"What type of receiver is most commonly used in a conventional telephone ha
ndset?","Electrodynamic","Carbon","Electret","Ceramic","","Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4243,"What type of transmitter is most commonly used in a conventional telephone
handset?","Carbon","Electromagnetic","Electret","Ceramic",,"Wire & Wireless Com
munications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4244,"What was the original name of Boeing Satellite Systems?","Hughes Space and
Communications","Communication's Constellation","American Satellite System","Hu
ghes Network Systems","","Satellite Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quim
328,"What will be the percent modulation of an FM signal which is being broadcas
t in the 88-108 MHz band, having a carrier swing of 125 kHz?","83.3%","82.3%","8
5%","90%",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
329,"What will happen if the amplitude of the modulating signal of a direct FM t
ransmitter is increased?","Amount of frequency deviation will increase","Amount
of frequency deviation will decreased","Rate of frequency deviation will increas
ed","Rate of frequency deviation will decreased",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","W
illiam Quiming","NONAME",
164,"What will happen, if the diplexer of a television transmitter station is re
moved?","Power dissipation to both video and audio transmitted power could happe
n due to inter-feedback.","Audio signal will be transmitted and received at zero

to very minimal attenuation over video signal.","Video signal will be transmitt

ed and received at zero to very minimal.","No transmitted signal will be receive
d over the TV receiver.","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
4246,"What year did SDH has been standardized by ITU-T.","1988","1989","1898","1
889","","Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
4247,"When a beam of light enters one medium from another, which quantity will n
ot change?","Frequency","Direction","Speed","Wavelength","","Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4248,"When a cellular mobile telephone moves from one cell to another while a ca
ll is in progress","The system automatically transfers the call to another","The
call must be terminated, then initiated from the new cell","Ansmitter, and poss
ibly to another channel","The user must make arrangements with the telephone com
pany",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
4249,"When a line and a load are match the reflection coefficient is","Zero","Un
ity","Positive infinity","Negative infinity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4250,"When a microwave beam between two antennas is assumed to follow a line par
allel to that of the curvature of the earth. The equivalent earth radius is equa
l to","Infinity","0","2/3","4/3",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
4251,"When a multistage AMplifier is to AMplify DC signals, the one must use ___
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
4252,"When a particular mode is excited in a waveguide, there appears an extra e
lectric component, in the direction of propagation. The resulting mode is","Tran
c",,"Microwave Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4253,"When a quarter-wave section transmission line is terminated by a short cir
cuit and is connected to an RF source at the other end its input impedance is","
Equivalent to a parallel resonant LC circuit","Inductive","Capacitive","Resistiv
e",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4254,"When a quarterwave stub is used to match a 600 ohm antenna to a line of 52
ohms, the impedance of the matching stub must be:","176 ohms","200 ohms","150 o
hms","300 ohms",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4255,"When a secondary device is ready to send data, it must wait for ______ fra
me.","A poll","A SEL","An ENQ","An ACK",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
4256,"When a signal from a mobile cellular unit drops below a certain level, wha
r action occurs?","The unit is ""handed-off"" to a closer cell","The call is ter
minated","The MTSO increases the power level","The cell site switches antennas",
,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4257,"When a single antenna is intended to be used both for transmitting and rec
eiving, it is necessary to use a:","Duplexer","Diplexer","Multiplexer","Combiner
",,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4258,"When a single cell is subdivided into smaller cells the process is called"
,"Cell splitting","Cell division","Reuse","Cell sharing","","Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4259,"When a space-wave signal passes over a mountain ridge a small part of the
signal is diffracted down the far side of the mountain. This pheno menon is call
ed","Knife-edge diffraction","Discontinuity scattering","Tropospheric ducting","
Space-wave refraction",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME
4260,"When a transmission line uses ground return, it is called a/an ____ line."
,"William Quiming","NONAME",

4261,"When a vibrating object moves inward, it produces a:","Trough","Crest","Co

mpression","Rarefaction",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
330,"When an ASK signal is decomposed, the result is","An infinite number of sin
e waves","All of the above","Digital signals","Two sine waves with different amp
litudes",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4263,"When connector losses, splice losses, and coupler are added, what is the f
inal limiting factor?","Detector sensitivity","Source power","Fiber attenuation"
,"Connector and splice losses",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
4264,"When dark wavelengths are available, 10 Gigabit Ethernet can be transmitte
d directly across the optical infrastracture reaching distances ______________."
,"70 to 100 km","80 to 100 km","100 to 150 km","150 to 200 km","","Fiber Optics"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4265,"When data and acknowledgment are sent on the same frame, this is called __
____.","Piggybacking","Backpacking","Piggypacking","A good idea",,"Uncategorized
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4266,"When data are transmitted from device A to device B, the header from A's l
ayer 5 is read by B's _________ layer.","Session","Data link","Network","All of
these",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
99,"When dealing with random noise calculations it must be remembered that","Cal
culations are based on RMS values","All calculations are based on peak to peak v
alues","Calculations are based on peak values","Calculations are based on averag
e values",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4268,"When designing a TV antenna, a length of l/2 (lambda/2) is required. What
is the antenna length in centimeters required for a radio wave with frequency of
72 MHz?","208 m","215 m","200 m","210 m",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4269,"When did Iridium communications service launch?","November 1, 1998","Janua
ry 31, 1995","December 4, 1998","June 3, 1991","","Satellite Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4270,"When did the research for Iridium project begins?","1987","1985","1986","1
984","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
166,"When do you consider that there is a satellite pass, having reference from
the ground?","When satellite passes at its orbit at 90 degrees from its azimuth.
","When the satellite passes a point at maximum distance from the ground and wit
hin range.","When the satellite passes at a point in an orbit near the reference
ground station and within range.","When the satellite is located at very near t
he ground station at designated time of a day.","","Satellite Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4271,"When electromagnetic waves are propagated through a waveguide, they","Are
reflected from the walls but do not travel along them","Travel through the diele
ctric without touching the walls","Travel along the broader wall of the waveguid
e","Travel along all four walls of the waveguide",,"Microwave Communications",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4272,"When GOS is 0.19906 and the traffic intensity is 4 Erlang, what is the car
ried traffic system?","3.203","2.63","0.79624","3.8004",,"Wire & Wireless Commun
ications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4273,"When human voice and music are transmitted, the type of communication empl
oyed is known as","Radiotelephony","Wired radio","Audio frequency","Radiotelegra
phy","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4274,"When line is terminated in an open circuit load, the reflection coefficien
t is","Unity","Zero","Infinity","Negative unity",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
4275,"When load impedance equals to Zo of the line it means that the load ______
all the power.","Absorbs","Reflects","Attenuates","Radiates",,"Uncategorized",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4276,"When making the transition from one energy level to another, the atom abso
rbs a packet of energy called","Photon","Proton","Electron","Atom",,"Uncategoriz
ed",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

4277,"When maximum output level is required from a microphone","Crystal micropho

ne is often used","Capacitor microphone is often used","Carbon microphone is oft
en used","Ribbon microphone is often used",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
4278,"When microwave signals follow the curvature of theearth, this is known as"
,"Ducting","The Faraday effect","Troposheric scatter","Ionospheric reflection",,
"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
331,"When pulse carrier at the rate of 8,000 pulses per second is AMplitude modu
lated by an analog signal, this type of modulation is called","PAM","PPM","Pulse
digital modulation","Pulse analog modulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
4279,"When speaking of antennas, ____ is a section which would be a complete ant
enna by itself.","Bay","Image","Top loading","Quarterwave",,"Antennas",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4280,"When testing transmitter to prevent interfering with other stations, which
type of antenna must be used?","Dummy antenna","Void antenna","Hertzian antenna
","End-fire array antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
4281,"When the amber light flashes on the aircraft instrument panel, the plane i
s passing over the vicinity of the","Middle marker","Inner marker","Outer marker
","Runway",,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
4282,"When the AMplitude of pulses is varied to represent analog information the
method is called :","PAM","PCM","PPM","PWM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4283,"When the diameter of two conductors of a 2-wire transmission line is held
constant the effect of decreasing the distance between the conductors is:","Decr
ease the impedance","Increase the surge impedance","Increase radiation resistanc
e","Decrease the SWR",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William
4284,"When the elctric field is perpendicular to the surface of the earth, what
is the polarization of the elctromagnetic wave?","Vertical","Horizontal","Circul
ar","Elliptical",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4285,"When the electric field in a waveguide is perpendicular to the direction o
f wave propagation, the mode is said to be","Transverse electric","Transverse ma
gnetic","Vertical polarization","Horizontal polarization",,"Microwave Communicat
ions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
168,"When the electric field is parallel to the surface of the earth, what is th
e polarization of the electromagnetic wave?","Horizontal","Circular","Elliptical
","Vertical","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4286,"When the electric field is perpendicular to the surface of the earth what
is the polarization of the TEM wave?","Vertical","Horizontal","Circular","Ellipt
ical",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4287,"When the handset is in the on-hook condition, the capacitor blocks the flo
w of ___ but passes___.","Dc-ac","Ac-dc","Ac-ac","Dc-dc",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4288,"When the index of refraction is greater in Material 1 than it is in Materi
al 2, the velocity of propagation in Material 1 compared to Material 2 is :","Le
sser","Greater","Equal","Equal to or greater",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4289,"When the magnetic field is parallel to the surface of the earth what is th
e polarization of the TEM wave?","Vertical","Elliptical","Circular","Horizontal"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4290,"When the magnetic field is perpendicular to the surface of the earth what
is the polarization of the TEM wave?","Horizontal","Vertical","Elliptical","Circ
ular",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
332,"When the modulation index of an AM amplifier is 1 the amplitude of the carr
ier is ______ to the amplitude of the modulating signal.","Equal","Lesser","Grea
ter","Double",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
100,"When the power ratio of input to output is 1/100 the loss of the circuit in

dB is","-20","-10","200","3",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
4349,"Which frequency demodulator is considered the best over-all discriminators
?","PLL","Quadrature","Radio detector","Pulse-averaging discriminator",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4350,"Which function is not required in an integrated telephone circuit ?","Visu
al display","Dialer","Regulator","Speech network",,"Wire & Wireless Communicatio
ns",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4351,"Which if the following is not used in communication?","X-rays","Millimeter
","Microwaves",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4352,"Which if the following is used as an oscillator device in the SHF band?","
Tunnel diode and klystron tube","Thyratron tube","Tunnel diode","Klystron",,"Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4353,"Which input signal below represents the best receiver sensitivity?","0.5 u
V","1 uV","1.8 uV","2 uV",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Q
4354,"Which ionosphere layer has an average height of 225 km at night?","F2 laye
r","E layer","F1 layer","D layer",,"Radiation & Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
4355,"Which ionospheric layer is closest to the earth?","The D region","The A re
gion","The F region","The E region",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
4356,"Which is a non-resonant antenna?","Rhombic antenna","Folded dipole","End-f
ire array","Yagi-Uda antenna",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
4357,"Which is not a classification of signaling according to network","None of
the above","Subscriber line signaling system","Local network signaling system","
National netwirk signaling system","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4358,"Which is not a common LAN medium?","Twin lead","Twisted pair","Fiber-optic
cable","Coax",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
4359,"Which is not a substitute pattern used for B3ZS?","-0+","+0+","00-","-0-",
,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4360,"Which is not a type of conversation available under the
Coordinator","Memo","Promise","Request","What if",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
4361,"Which is not an example of data communication?","An automatic teller machi
ne checking account balances with the banks computer","A salesman telephoning or
ders to the office","A computer transmitting files to another computer","A telet
ype news bulletin",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quim
4362,"Which is not an optical interface layer of SONET?","End layer","Path layer
","Line layer","Photonic layer","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
4363,"Which is not an output device?","Punch card","Oscilloscope","Speaker","CRT
",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4364,"Which is properly terminated antenna?","Rhombic antenna","Hetrz","Marconi"
,"Dipole",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4365,"Which is the effective earth's radius when Ns = 300?","8500 km","7270 km",
"7950 km","6370 km",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
333,"Which is the first radio receiver?","Crystal radio receiver","Superheterody
ne receiver","TRF receiver","Heterodyne receiver",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4367,"Which is the local oscillator (mixer) frequency of the satellite with an u
plink frequency in GHz band?","2225 MHz","3500 MHz","4500 MHz","2555 MHz",,"Sate
llite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4368,"Which is the proper measurement of average power emitted by a pulsed laser
?","Pulse energy x repetition rate","Energy x time","Pulse energy / repetition r

ate","Peak power x pulse length",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin

4369,"Which kind of signals are transmitted on the local loop?","All of the abov
e","Tones","Pulses","Voice",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4370,"Which laser emits light in the visible range 400 to 700 nm?","Argon-ion","
m Quiming","NONAME",
4371,"Which light emitter is preferred for high-speed data in a fiber optic syst
em?","Laser","LED","Neon","Incandescent",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William
101,"Which lowest noise figure represents the lowest noise?","1.6 dB","2.1 dB","
2.7 dB","3.4 dB",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
102,"Which medium is the least susceptible to noise","Fiber-optic cable","Twin l
ead","Twisted pair","Coax",,"Noise",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4374,"Which microwave device that allows RF energy to pass through in one direct
ion with very little loss but absorbs RF power in the opposite direction?","Isol
ator","Wave trap","Circulator","Multiplexer",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
334,"Which modulation technique involves tribit, eight different phase shifts an
d one amplitude?","8-PSK","8-QAM","BPSK","QPSK",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4375,"Which network topology passes all traffic through all active nodes?
","Token ring","Baseband","Hub and spoke","Broadband",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
103,"Which noise figure represents the lowest noise?","1.6 dB","2.1 dB","2.7 dB"
,"3.4 dB",,"Noise",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
104,"Which noise is produced by lighting discharges in thunderstorms?","Atmosphe
ric noise","White noise","Extraterrestial noise","Industrial noise",,"Noise",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4378,"Which of following is not a basic SONET network element?","Service control
point","Switch interface","Digital loop carrier","Add/drop multiplexer","","Unc
ategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4379,"Which of the circuits is not typically part of every radio transmitter?","
Mixer","Carrier oscillator","Driver amplifier","Final power amplifier",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4380,"Which of the following antenna feedline can easiliy be buried underground
for a distance without adverse effects?","Coaxial cable","Waveguide","Ribbon cab
le","Microstrip",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4381,"Which of the following antennas is best excited from a wave guide?","Horn"
,"Biconical","Helical","Discone","Horn antennas can confined EM waves in just on
e direction.","Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4382,"Which of the following antennas with similar sizes has greatest gain?","Pa
rabolic reflector","Plane reflector","Corner reflector beams","All of the above"
,,"Antennas",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4383,"Which of the following are important for proper interface of a DTMF genera
tor to the telephone line?","All of the above","Impedance","Tone amplitude","Loo
p current","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
4384,"Which of the following are not a hybrid data?","Data Over Video (DOVID)","
Data Above Voice (DAV)","Data Under Voice (DUV)","Data In Voice (DIV)",,"Digital
& Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4385,"Which of the following are not included for the applications that can bene
fit from 10 Gigabit Ethernet?","All of the above","Remote back-up","Storage on d
emand","Streaming media",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
4386,"Which of the following best describes a single bit error?","A single bit i
s inverted per data unit","A single bit inverted per transmission","A single bit
inverted","Any of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",

4387,"Which of the following camera tubes uses lead oxide (PbO) for the photocon
ductive target plate?","Plumbicon","Vidicon","Saticon","Image orthicon",,"Broadc
asting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4388,"Which of the following can be classifed as high impedance microphone ?","C
rystal","Dynamic","Ribbon","Capacitor",,"Broadcasting",0,,"Objective","William Q
4389,"Which of the following can be determined from a frequency-domain graph of
a signal?","Frequency","All of the above","Phase","Power",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
335,"Which of the following can be used as a mixer?","All of the above","Balance
d modulator","Diode modulator","FET",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
4391,"Which of the following can transform information into signals?","Encoder",
"Decoder","Modem","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4392,"Which of the following cannot be provided in a broadband LAN?","Fiber Opti
c Transmission","Frequency agile modems","Closed-circuit TV","Voice circuits",,"
Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
170,"Which of the following cellular system is the only system allowed inside Un
ited States?","AMPS","GSM","TACS","NMT","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","comm_obj_004.rtf",
4393,"Which of the following cellular systems has the highest pages/hr which is
77 760?","AMPS","TACS","NMT 450","NMT 900",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","comm_obj_004.rtf",
336,"Which of the following circuit are not typically shared in the SSB transcei
ver?","Mixers","Crystal filter","Power supply","Local oscillator",,"Modulation",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
337,"Which of the following circuit is immediately feed into the discriminator o
n a frequency modulation receiver?","Final RF amplifier","Mixer","RF amplifier",
"Local oscillator",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4395,"Which of the following circuits is not typically part of every radio trans
mitter?","Mixer","Carrier oscillator","Driver amplifier","Final power amplifier"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4396,"Which of the following colors has the shortest wavelength?","Violet","Yell
ow","Red","Blue",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
172,"Which of the following communication receiver stage provides fidelity?","Au
dio Stage","Mixer Stage","Detector Stage","Speaker","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4397,"Which of the following components is used to produce AM at very high frequ
encies?","PIN diode","Cavity resonator","Varactor","Thermistor",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
174,"Which of the following condition can cause tropospheric ducting?","A stable
high-pressure system","Unstable low-pressure system","A stable low-pressure sys
tem","Heavy rainfall","","Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4398,"Which of the following conditions can cause tropospheric ducting?","A stab
le low-pressure system","Unstable low-prssure system","A stable high-pressure sy
stem","Heavy rainfalls",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4399,"Which of the following data communications functions is generally provided
for in a LAN ?","Data link control","Applications processing","Flow control","R
outing",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4400,"Which of the following described the very early standard that defines bina
ry digits as space/mark line conditions and voltage levels?","V.1","V.2","V.3","
V.4",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4401,"Which of the following describes a technique to achieve fault tolerance in
optical networks with minimum costs?","Topological reconfiguration.","Avoid the
usage of star couplers..","Duplication of system properties.","Bypassing active
elements.",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",

4402,"Which of the following determine whether a system is simplex, half-duplex

of full duplex ?
","Terminal characteristics","Terminal, modem and channel characteristics","Mode
m and channel characteristics","Transmission medium used",,"Digital & Data Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4403,"Which of the following devices increase the battery voltage on a loop and
extends its signaling range?","Loop extender","VF repeater","VF amplifier","All
of these","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
4404,"Which of the following do not belong to the OSI Layers?","Data Layer","Phy
sical Layer","Network Layer","Transport Layer",,"Digital & Data Communications",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4405,"Which of the following does not belong to OSI layer?","Transfer Layer","Da
ta Link Layer","Network Layer","Physical Layer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
4406,"Which of the following does not belong to SONET layer?","Session Layer","L
ine Layer","Path Layer","Photonic Layer.",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willi
am Quiming","NONAME",
4407,"Which of the following does not belong to the group?","PBX","PSTN","GSTN",
"PABX",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4408,"Which of the following does not belong to the hybrid data?","Data In Video
(DIV)","Data Above Voice (DAV)","Data Above Video (DAVID)","Data Under Voice (D
UV)",,"Digital & Data Communications",2,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4409,"Which of the following echo is completely out of control?","Singing","Feed
back","Reverberation","Worst echo","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4410,"Which of the following elements improves antenna directivity?","Director",
"Dipole","Reflector","Driven","The more director the greater the directivity.","
Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4411,"Which of the following emission type is the capture-effect most pronounced
?","FM","AM","CW","SSB",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4412,"Which of the following encoding methods does not provide for synchronizati
on?","NRZ-L","AMI","B8ZS","HDB3",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
4413,"Which of the following equipment is used in long loop design?","All of the
above","Voice repeater","Long range extender","Dial long lines",,"Wire & Wirele
ss Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4414,"Which of the following facts are needed to determine the time delay along
a transmission line?","Inductance, capacitance and length for each value","Capac
itance","Inductance","Inductance, capacitance and load impedance",,"Uncategorize
d",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4415,"Which of the following falls under the high frequency band of the radio sp
ectrum?","8.2345 MHz","150.50 MHz","35.535 MHz","2.4555 MHz",,"Uncategorized",1,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4416,"Which of the following features is not possible in a digital (data) PBX us
ing twisted pair transmission?","High-speed file transfers","Computer port conce
ntration","64 Kbps data ckts","Transmission up to several thousand feet",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4417,"Which of the following frequencies is not used as Supervisory Audio Tone (
SAT)?","6060 Hz","6000 Hz","6030 Hz","5970 Hz",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4438,"Which of the following is commonly used wire for subscriber loop design?",
"AWG #19","AWG #18","AWG #33","AWG #30",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4439,"Which of the following is considered the most commonly used measurable com
ponents of sound?","Particle displacement","Its temperature","Softness","Source"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4440,"Which of the following is designated as the international distress safety
and calling frequency for radio telephony for stations of the maritime mobile se

rvice when using frequencies in the authorized bands between 153 and 174 MHz?","
156.8 MHz","156.6 MHz","168.5 MHz","165.8 MHz",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4441,"Which of the following is determined by an OTDR?","All of these","Distance
to trouble","Length of fiber","Refractive index","","Fiber Optics",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
105,"Which of the following is most affected by noise?","ASK","PSK","FSK","QAM",
,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
338,"Which of the following is not a baseband signal of modulation?","RF carrier
","Video system","Audio signal","Binary coded pulses",,"Modulation",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
4443,"Which of the following is not a benefit of a cable TV?","Lower cost recept
ion","Greater reliability","Less noise, stronger signal","Premium cable channels
",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4444,"Which of the following is not a benefit of a toroid RF inductor","Self sup
porting","No shilding required","Fewer turn of wire","Higher Q",,"Uncategorized"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4445,"Which of the following is not a benefit of companding?","Minimizes number
of bits","Minimizes quantizing error","Minimizes bandwidth","All of the above",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4446,"Which of the following is not a benefit of speech-processing circuit","Lim
ited bandwidth","Improved frequency stability","Increased average output power",
"Prevention of over modulation",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
4447,"Which of the following is not a benefit of spread spectrum?
","Noise proof","Jam-proof","Security","Immunity to fading",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4448,"Which of the following is not a benefit of VSAT?","None of these","Availab
ility","Ease of implementation","Reliability","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
339,"Which of the following is not a characteristic of pulse code
modulation?","Minimize the effect of noise during transmission & provides coding
","Applicable to any signal waveform","Easily implemented in hardware & become w
idely used worldwide","Does not actually transmit D signal impressed on D modula
tion",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4449,"Which of the following is not a characteristic of satellite transmission s
ystems?","Long signal delays from sender to receiver","Affected by weather in th
e earth's surface","Vulnerable to the right galactic noise levels of space","Req
uire demand assignments schemes to achieve best use",,"Satellite Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4450,"Which of the following is not a common light detector?","Photovoltaic diod
e","PIN photodiode","Photodiode","Avalanche photodiode",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4451,"Which of the following is not a common microwave application?","Mobile rad
io","Radar","Data transmission","Space communications",,"Microwave Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4452,"Which of the following is not a common transmission line impedance?","120
ohms","50 ohms","75 ohms","300 ohms",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
4453,"Which of the following is not a commonly used method of error detaction?",
"Redundacy","Parity","BCC","CRC",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
4454,"Which of the following is not a data terminal equipment?","Modem","Compute
r","Telephone set","Printers",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
4455,"Which of the following is not a dedicated or circuit switched network","To
rn tape teletype","Point to point teletype circuit","Multipoint data terminal la
yer","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4456,"Which of the following is NOT a form of communications channel?","Complex"

4457,"Which of the following is not a function of a communications satellite?","
Provide high speed internet access using regular telephone lines","Takes very ac
curate pictures of the earth's surface","Sends and receives television signals",
"Observe the world's weather",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
4458,"Which of the following is not a function of the telephone set?","None of t
hese","Call the local exchange","Transmit and receive different tone signals","T
ransmit and receive speech","","Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4459,"Which of the following is not a hybrid data?","Data Under Video","Data Abo
ve Video","Data Above Voice","Data Under Voice",,"Digital & Data Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4460,"Which of the following is not a LAN?","Cable TV system
","PBX system","Hospital system","Office building system",,"Digital & Data Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4461,"Which of the following is not a low-impedance microphone?","Crystal","Cond
enser","Velocity","Dynamic",,"Broadcasting",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
4462,"Which of the following is not a major benefit of FM over AM?","Lower compl
exity and cost","Greater efficiency","Noise immunity","Capture effect",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4463,"Which of the following is not a major communication medium?","Water
","Free space","Wires","Fiber optics cables",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4464,"Which of the following is not a medium for digital transmission system?","
Free space","Coaxial cable","Fiber optic cable","Metallic wire repair",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4465,"Which of the following is not a message switched system?","SAGE","AUTODIN"
,"ARPANET","Telex",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4466,"Which of the following is not a motivation for digitizing a voice signal i
n the telephones of a digital PBX?","Lower cost telephones","Simplified control
signaling","Multiplexed voice and data channels","Fewer wire pairs",,"Wire & Wir
eless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4467,"Which of the following is not a part of the cell site?","Cross connect cab
inet","Cell site antenna","Controller","Cell site transceiver",,"Wire & Wireless
Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4468,"Which of the following is not a part of the cellular system?","Local loop"
,"Cell Site","Enhancers and converters","Switch",,"Wire & Wireless Communication
s",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4469,"Which of the following is not a possible factor in choosing a signaling sy
stem ?","Area characteristics (site location, distance, routing)","Maintenance r
equirement","Effects of equipment and circuit","Types of needed information",,"W
ire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4470,"Which of the following is not a reason to use fiber-optic cables for point
to point data transmission?","Data-transfer rates too low to use metal cables."
,"Avoidance of ground loops.","Need to assure data security.","Elimination of sp
ark hazards.",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
4471,"Which of the following is NOT a reason to use flexible optical circuits?",
"Small size.","Protection of fiber.","Low loss distribution.","Compact and bend
easily.",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
106,"Which of the following is not a source of noise?","Another commmunication s
ignal","Atmospheric effect","Manufactured electrical system","Thermal agitation
in electronic components",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4473,"Which of the following is not a typical FDM application?","Secure communic
ation","Telephony","Telemetry","Stereo broadcasting",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4474,"Which of the following is not a United States Satellite Company?","Superbi

rd","Teledesic","PanAmSat","GlobalStar","","Satellite Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4475,"Which of the following is not a useful property of a Manchester line code
for an Ethernet?","No signal change at a 1 to 0 transition","No dc component","C
ontinuous energy","Continuous clock transitions",,"Digital & Data Communications
",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
176,"Which of the following is not an advantage of fiver optic cable","Mobility"
,"Weight","Crosstalk","Band width","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4476,"Which of the following is not an advantage of geosynchronous orbit?","Shor
ter time propagation","Expensive tracking equipment is reduced","Negligible effe
cts of Doppler shift","No breaks in transmission",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective
","William Quiming","NONAME",
340,"Which of the following is not an advantage of PCM?","Transformer coupling c
an be used.","Line pulses are all the same amplitude","Signals can be regenerate
d at each other","Noise and crosstalk does not degrade the signals",,"Modulation
",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4478,"Which of the following is not an American domsat system?","Anik","Comstar"
,"Satcom","Telstar",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
4479,"Which of the following is not an ITU X-series for ISDN?","X.4","X.75","X.3
","X.1",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4480,"Which of the following is not and internetworking device?","Bridge","Gatew
ay","Router","All of them are",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4481,"Which of the following is not commonly used for impedance matching in a tr
ansmitter","Resistive attennuator
","Tranformer","L network","T network",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
341,"Which of the following is not commonly used modern modulation method?","8-F
SK","BPSK","4-PSK","8-QAM",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4482,"Which of the following is not included as segment of a GPS system?","Satel
lite segment","Control segment","Space segment","User segment",,"Navigational Ai
ds and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4483,"Which of the following is not one of the basic bit rates of PDH?","2.048 M
bps","8.448 Mbps","34.368 Mbps","12.464 Mbps","","Digital & Data Communications"
,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4484,"Which of the following is not part of the optical spectrum?","X-rays","Ult
raviolet","Visible color","Infrared",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","William Qui
4485,"Which of the following is not possible in a digital (data) PBX using twist
ed pair transmission?","High speed file transfers","64-kbps data circuits","Comp
uter port concentration","Transmission up to several thousand feet",,"Uncategori
zed",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4486,"Which of the following is not possible in token-passing
loop network?","In-service expansion","Unlimited number of stations","Unlimited
distances","Multiple time division channels",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4487,"Which of the following is not primarily a type of data communications?","T
elephone","Teletype","Telegraph","CW",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4488,"Which of the following is not the major benefit of FM over AM?","Lower com
plexity and cost","Greater efficiency","Noise immunity","Noise susceptibility",,
"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4489,"Which of the following is not TRUE about AM?","The carrier frequency chang
es","The carrier amplitude varies","The carrier frequency remains constant","The
information signal amplitude changes the carrier amplitude",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4490,"Which of the following is not true about cellular communications?","The ce

ntral base station of each cell is independent of other cells in the region.","A
s mobile users travel from cell to cell, their conversations are handed off betw
een cells to maintain seamless service.","A base station makes the area of cover
age uniform for all units.","Cellular systems allow many users to share the limi
ted number of frequency channels available in a region.",,"Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4491,"Which of the following is NOT true about digital signals used in fiber opt
ic transmissions?","It's more compatible with people.","It's much simpler to des
ign a circuit to detect the signal level.","There's less distortion in the signa
ls as it goes through a system.","Isn't difficult to differentiate the on from o
ff state even if the signal is not reproduced exactly.",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4492,"Which of the following is not usually a part of a transponder?","Modulator
","LNA","Mixer","HPA","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4493,"Which of the following is one of the bit rates of SDH?","155 Mbps","120 Mb
ps","2 Mbps","64 Mbps","","Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
4494,"Which of the following is possible in a token-passing bus network?","In-se
rvice expansion","Unlimited number of sections","Unlimited distances","Multiple
time divisions",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
342,"Which of the following is referred to as a radio emission without sidebands
.","Carrier","Analog","Voice","Data",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
178,"Which of the following is referred to as disadvantage of using a squelch ci
rcuit?","Very weak signal might not be received.","Effect of AGC is reduced for
strong signals.","Receiver sensitivity is reduced for strong signals.","Receiver
selectivity is reduced for strong signals.","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
180,"Which of the following is the best time for trans-equatorial propagation?",
"Afternoon or early evening","Night time","Noon time","Morning","","Radiation &
Wave Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
343,"Which of the following is the biggest disadvantage of PCM systems?","The la
rge bandwidth required","Not compatible with TDM","Inability to handle analog si
gnals","High error rate as a result of quantizing noise",,"Modulation",0,,"Objec
tive","William Quiming","NONAME",
4497,"Which of the following is the fastest light sensor?","Avalanche photodiode
","PIN photodiode","Photovoltaic diode","Phototransistor",,"Uncategorized",0,,"O
bjective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4498,"Which of the following is the first active satellite?","Sputnik I","Telsta
r I","Intelsat I","Echo I",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
4499,"Which of the following is the first commercial satellite?","Early Bird","T
elstar","Explorer","Courier",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William
4500,"Which of the following is the first component of any MATV system to receiv
e broadcast signals?","Antenna","LNA","Filter","RF amplifier",,"Antennas",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
112,"Which of the following is the hearing range of the human ear?","20 Hz to 20
kHz","10 Hz to 10 kHz","1 kHz to 4 kHz","1 Hz to 4 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
4501,"Which of the following is the most common application of satellites?","Com
munications","Surveillance","Military application","Newscasting","","Satellite C
ommunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
107,"Which of the following is the most reliable measurement for comparing AMpli
fier noise characteristics ?
","Shot noise","Noise factor","Signal-to-noise ratio","Thermal agitation noise",
,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4503,"Which of the following is the purpose of an optical scanner when used with
a point-of-sale (POS) terminal?

","To read labels","To verify that only authorized personnel","To scan and verif
y authenticity of money tendered","All of the above",,"Fiber Optics",1,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
4504,"Which of the following is TRUE about NE566 IC?","It is a VCO","Its output
is sinusoidal","It is an FM demodulator","All of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4505,"Which of the following is used to measure SWR?
","Refractometer","Spectrum Analyzer","Oscilloscope
","Multimeter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4506,"Which of the following items cannot be provided in a broadband LAN","Fiber
-optic transmission","Frequency agile modems","Closed-circuit TV","Voice circuit
s",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4507,"Which of the following LAN architectures can be expanded to the greatest t
otal system bandwidth?
","Digital PBX","CSMA/CD baseband system","Token-passing network","Broadband cab
le system",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NO
344,"Which of the following layers is responsible for the electrical characteris
tics, modulation schemes and general bit transmission and general bit transmissi
","Physical Layer","Transport Layer","Data-link Layer","Network Layer",,"Modulat
ion",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
108,"Which of the following low noise transistors is commonly used at microwave
4509,"Which of the following materials is sensitive to light?","Photoresist","Ph
otosensitive","Light sensitive","Maser",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William
345,"Which of the following modulation techniques are used by the modem?","All o
f these","16-QAM","FSK","8-PSK",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
4510,"Which of the following options is not a motivaton for digitizing a voice s
ignal in the telephone of a digital PBX?","Lower cost telephones","Simplified co
ntrol signalling","Fewer wire pairs","Multiplexed voice and data channels",,"Wir
e & Wireless Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4511,"Which of the following parts of the radio receiver represent the component
that extracts the desired RF signal from the electromagnetic wave?","Antenna","
AF amplifier","Detector","Crystal",,"Antennas",0,,"Objective","William Quiming",
4512,"Which of the following pieces of information would you not expect to find
in a packet header?","Message segment","Error-number
","Packet number","Routing information",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William
346,"Which of the following pulse modulation systems is analog?","PWM","PCM","Di
fferential PCM","Delta nodulation",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
109,"Which of the following reduces the quantization noise in a
PCM system?","Increase the number of quantizing levels in the system","Increase
the pulse width","Using limiters at the receiver","Decrease the number of quanti
zing levels in the system",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
347,"Which of the following referred to as a radio emission without sidebands.",
"Carrier","Analog","Data","Voice",,"Modulation",1,,"Objective","William Quiming"
4515,"Which of the following refers to a double sideband full carrier?","A3E","A
3J","F3","R3A",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4516,"Which of the following refers to full-duplex transmission?","Two-way simul
taneous transmission","Intermittent transmission","Two-way transmission medium",
"One-at-a-time transmission",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","
182,"Which of the following refers to the loudness or softness of a sound?","Sou

nd Intensity","Noise","Pitch","Frequency","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
4517,"Which of the following refers to the smallest beam of satellite antenna's
radiation pattern?","Spot beam","Zonal beam","Global beam","Hemispheric beam",,"
Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4518,"Which of the following refers to the video signal amplitude that determine
s the quality of the picture?","Contrast","Chrominance","Brightness","Luminance"
,,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
348,"Which of the following signals is suppressed by the balanced modulator?","C
arrier signal","1st IF signal","2nd IF signal","The harmonics",,"Modulation",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4520,"Which of the following statement about interconnection networks is true?",
"Diameter is the number of links in the largest path between any two nodes.","De
gree is the number of channels on a single fiber.","Point-to-point communication
connections are called switches.","The number of channels on a single fiber tha
t can transmit data simultaneously refers to the degree of simultaneity.",,"Unca
tegorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4521,"Which of the following statement about satellite is true?","An active sate
llite is capable of receiving, amplifying, and retransmitting information to and
from earth station.","A satellite in medium earth orbit (MEO) circles the earth
in 24 hours.","Satellites can be launched anywhere in the world.","The two type
s of communications satellites satellite are simple and complex.",,"Satellite Co
mmunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4522,"Which of the following statement is not true about the early concept of mo
bile communications?","It uses a large number of low-power wireless transmitters
.","To communicate over greater distances requires more power, larger antennas a
nd more sensitive receivers.","The range of communication is limited.","All of t
he above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4523,"Which of the following statements about cellular system is incorrect?","IM
TS features frequency reuse and based on the concept of large single cells.","Th
e NMT900 system is essentially an NMT450 system moved in frequency to 900 MHz.",
"Radiocom 2000 operates in the 200- and 450- MHz band that uses 256 channels.","
AMPS is not used for cellular communications in Europe.",,"Wire & Wireless Commu
nications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4524,"Which of the following statements about cellular system operation is wrong
?","When the mobile unit terminates a call, a special signal tone (30 kHz) is tr
ansmitted to the cell site to free the voice channel.","A mobile unit repeats th
e self-location procedure every 60 minutes.","If during the mobile-originated ca
ll stage, all the voice channels assigned to the nearest cell site are busy, the
n the mobile originated call is repeated every 100 ms.","Paging is needed at the
cell site because the MTSO does not know where the mobile unit is, due to the s
elf-location scheme being used by the mobile.",,"Wire & Wireless Communications"
,1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4525,"Which of the following statements about flat unpaired cable is not correct
?","Flat cable has a good adjacent pair noise immunity","Flat cable has poor imm
unity to noise indured by sources","Flat cable is widely used in data applicatio
nion","Flat cable is effective in crumpled locations re-round",,"Uncategorized",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4526,"Which of the following statements about GEO satellites is not correct?","O
ne GEO satellite can cover the globe, except for the parts at the North and Sout
h poles.","They appear fixed with respect to a given spot on earth.","They circl
e the earth in 24 hours.","Their signals can cover a large part of the planet.",
,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4527,"Which of the following statements about mobile subscriber units is not cor
rect?","One of its two types, the mobile unit are the one carried by users.","Th
e control unit is responsible for indicators and the appropriate antenna.","It i
s consists of transceiver, logic unit and control unit.","The logic unit handles
signal processes.",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4528,"Which of the following statements about time division multiplexing is not
true?","TDM is becoming less widely used as PCM systems are introduce","TDM is i

deal for data communication because the data are in digital form","TDM can use o
nly for several modulation schemes","TDM will probably coexist with FDM for many
years",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4529,"Which of the following statements are true?","All geosynchronous satellite
s are in equatorial orbit.","Angular velocity of the satellite is slowest at its
perigee.","The line joining the ascending and descending nodes is sometimes cal
led the line of apsides.","To provide coverage to regions of high altitude, incl
ined orbits are generally circular.",,"Satellite Communications",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
4530,"Which of the following statements fefers to a reason why intelligence sign
al cannot be transmitted directly on their frequency?","Their frequencies are lo
w and need very large antennas","Their frequencies are low and need very small a
ntennas","Their frequencies are high and are susceptible to noise","Their freque
ncies are high and need very large antennas",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wi
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4531,"Which of the following statements is incorrect?","Interference between cel
ls is proportional to the distance between cells not to the ratio of the distanc
e to the cell radius.","Co-channel interference can be decreased by replacing a
single omnidirectional antenna with several directional antennas.","Maximum traf
fic load occurs when the number of subscribers wishing to place a call at any gi
ven time equals the number of channels in the cell.","Segmentation and dualizati
on are techniques incorporated when additional cells are required within the reu
se distance.",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4532,"Which of the following statements is true ?","Noise in mixers is caused by
inadequate image frequency rejection","Random noise power is inversely proporti
onal to bandwidth","Flicker is sometimes called demodulation noise","A random vo
ltage across a resistance cannot be calculated",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
4533,"Which of the following steps is not included in the process of reception ?
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
184,"Which of the following system uses frequency band 825-645 MHz as receive ba
nd of its base station?","Advance Mobile Phone Service (AMPS)","Nordic Mobile Te
lephone (NMT)","Public Mobile System","Total Access Communications System (TACS)
","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4534,"Which of the following systems is least afffected by variations in the ref
ractive index of the layers of the earth's atmosphere?","Satellite Systems","Mic
rowave line of sight systems","HF radio systems","UHF radio systems",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4535,"Which of the following systems is not used in radio detection and ranging?
","Amplitude modulation","Frequency modulation","Pulse radar","Frequency shift",
,"Navigational Aids and Devices",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4536,"Which of the following systems is the most capable of servicing a wide ran
ge of applications?","Broadband cable system
","Digital PBX","CSMA/CD baseband system","Token passing network",,"Wire & Wirel
ess Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4537,"Which of the following systems provides the longest digital transmission d
istances ?","Voiceband modem","Local area network
","Digital PBX","Computer bus",,"Uncategorized",2,,"Objective","William Quiming"
4538,"Which of the following telecommunications media is MOST resistant to tappi
","Fiber optic","Shielded coaxial","Coaxial","Twisted pair",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4539,"Which of the following term best discribed the overload distortion?","Peak
limiting","Quantization noise","Granular noise","Slope distortion",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4540,"Which of the following term is used to describe the attenuation and phase
shift per unit length of a transmission line?","Propagation constant","Degree of
shift","Phase shift","Line constant",,"Transmission Fundamentals",0,,"Objective

","William Quiming","NONAME",
4541,"Which of the following terms is defined as the science of correct reasonin
g ?","Logic","Digital","Binary","Combinationals",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective"
,"William Quiming","NONAME",
4542,"Which of the following transmission media is not readily suitable for CSMA
operation?","Optical Fibers","Coaxial cable","Twisted pair","Radio",,"Fiber Opt
ics",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4543,"Which of the following transmission systems provides the highest data rate
to an individual device?","Computer bus","Voiceband modem","Local area network
","Digital PBX",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
186,"Which of the following type of radio emission is capture effect must be pre
valent?","FM","FSK","AM","SSB","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimin
4544,"Which of the following types of HPA is not used in earth stations?","Magne
tron","Transistor","Klystron","TWT",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
4545,"Which of the following uses the greatest number of layers in the OSI model
iam Quiming","NONAME",
4546,"Which of the folowing statement is true both for the series and parallel d
c circuit?","Powers are additive","Voltages are additive","Currents are additive
","Element have individual currents",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4547,"Which of the four patterns can be used to substitute eight consecutive zer
os using B8RZ?
","- + 0 + - 0 0 0","0 0 + - 0 + 0 0","+ - + 0 0 + 0 0"," 0 + 0 - 0 0",,"Digital
& Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4548,"Which of the reception problems below that is not due to multipath","Slow
fading","Rayleigh fading","Random Doppler shift","Delayed spreading",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4549,"Which of these Frequency demodulators requires an input?","Foster-Seely di
scriminator","Pulse-averaging discriminator","Quadrature detector","PLL",,"Uncat
egorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4550,"Which office class is the central office?","5","4","3","2","","Wire & Wire
less Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4551,"Which office class is the local central office?","5","3","4","2",,"Wire &
Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4552,"Which one converts acoustical energy to electrical energy?","Microphone tr
ansducer","Microphone","Electro-acoustic","Electric mic",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","NONAME",
349,"Which one is not an advantage of SSB over AM?","Better fidelity","Power sav
ing","Requires half the bandwidth","Wider area reception",,"Modulation",0,,"Obje
ctive","William Quiming","NONAME",
188,"Which one of the flowing is a type of an electronic circuit which is design
ed for an IF amplifier?","Class A","Hartley","Class AB","Class B","","Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4554,"Which one of the following emission transmit the lower sideband and half t
he upper sideband.","A3H","J3E","A5C","A3J",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Wil
liam Quiming","NONAME",
4555,"Which one of the following is considered to be a nonresonant antenna?","Rh
ombic antenna
","Folded dipole","Broadside array antenna","End-fire aray antenna",,"Antennas",
0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4556,"Which one of the following terms does NOT apply to the Yagi-Uda array?","H
igh gain","Good bandwidth","Parasitic elements
","Folded dipole",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4557,"Which one of the following waveguide tuning components is NOT easily adjus
table?","Iris","Stub","Screw","Plunger",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objectiv
e","William Quiming","NONAME",
4558,"Which organization consists of computer scientists and engineers and is kn

own for its development of LAN standards?","IEEE","ANSI","EIA","ISO",,"Telecommu

nications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
350,"Which oscillators are preferred for carrier generators because of their fre
quency stability?","Crystal oscillators","LC oscillators","RC oscillators","LR o
scillators",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4560,"Which part of the transponder coverts the received signal to another lower
lliam Quiming","NONAME",
4561,"Which pin (EIA-232) is used for secondary channel?","All of the above","13
","19","12",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
190,"Which position does a maritime ship main antenna have when it is connected
to the main transmitter and receiver?","Main Transmitter","AA-DF","Emergency Tra
nsmitter","Auxiliary Transmitter","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qui
4562,"Which region is the highest frequency in the light spectrum.","Ultraviolet
","Infrared","Visible","Radio waves",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4563,"Which region of the ionosphere is mainly responsible for long distance nig
ht time communication?","F layer","G layer","E layer","D layer",,"Radiation & Wa
ve Propagation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4564,"Which resolution produces the best quality fax?","400 lines per inch","96
lines per inch","150 lines per inch","200 lines per inch",,"Wire & Wireless Comm
unications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4565,"Which stage increases the selectivity of the circuit in an AM receiver?","
IF stage","Detector","Modulator","Mixer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
110,"Which standard is utilized in intermodulation noise rates on PCM audio chan
nels?","CCITT Rec. G.172","CCITT Rec. G.151","CCITT Rec. G.190","CCITT Rec. G.18
2",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4567,"Which standard recommends crosstalk limits?","CCITT G. 151","CCITT G. 150"
,"CCITT G. 152","CCITT G. 161",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming"
111,"Which stands for dB relative level?","DBr","DBrn","DBa","DBx",,"Noise",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4569,"Which statement below is not true?","8-PSK outperforms 8-QAM for transmitt
ing data efficiently","PCM makes it possible to make transmission line noise eff
ects low","PSK is often used in preference to FSK because it makes more efficien
t","NST defines the paramenters on which PCM is based.",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
351,"Which symbol in radio signal emission designation is referred to type of mo
dulation of the main carrier?","Second","First","Third","Fourth",,"Modulation",0
,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4570,"Which symbol indicates that only one sideband is transmitted?","H3E","A3E"
,"B8E","C3F",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4571,"Which test instrument displays the carrier and the sidebands amplitude wit
h frequency to frequency ?","Spectrum analyzer","Oscilloscope","Frequency analyz
er","Amplitude analyzer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONA
4572,"Which tester is used to measure SWR?","Reflectometer","Oscilloscope","Spec
trum analyzer","Multimeter",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
4573,"Which theory states that light wave behaves as if it is consists of many t
iny particles?","Quantum theory","Nyquist theory","Wave theory of light","Huygen
's theory",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4574,"Which topology requires a central controller or hub?","Star","Mesh","Bus",
"All of these",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming
4575,"Which topology requires a multipoint connection?","Bus","Ring","Mesh","All
of the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming"

4576,"Which transmission line has the lowest attenuation?","Twin lead","RG-11/U"
,"RG-59/U","RG-214/U",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
4577,"Which transmission media is not suitable to CSMA operation?","Optical fibe
r","Radio","Coaxial cable","Twisted pair",,"Fiber Optics",0,,"Objective","Willia
m Quiming","NONAME",
112,"Which two broad classifications of noise are the most difficult to treat ?"
,"Externally generated in the receiver","Noise generated in the receiver","Noise
generated in the transmitter","Internally generated noise",,"Noise",0,,"Objecti
ve","William Quiming","NONAME",
4579,"Which type of diode does not ordinarily operate with reverse bias?","Tunne
l","Snap-off","Varactor","IMPATT",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quimi
4580,"Which type of laser is the simplest to modulate directly by changing its e
xcitation?","Semiconductor","Nitrogen","Carbon dioxide","Nedymium-YAG",,"Uncateg
orized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4581,"Which type of microphone operated by electromagnetic induction that genera
tes an output signal voltage?","Dynamic","Carbon","Crystal","Condenser",,"Broadc
asting",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4582,"Which type of microphone operates on the principle that the electrical res
istance of carbon granules varies as the pressure on the granules vary?","Carbon
","Crystal","Dynamic","Ribbon-type",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Object
ive","William Quiming","NONAME",
192,"Which type of power amplifier used in radio transmitter is biased for purpo
ses of continuous conduction and where output is amplified linearly from its inp
ut?","Class A","Class AB","Class C","Class B","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
4583,"Which type of switching uses the entire capacity of a dedicated link?","Ci
rcuit switching","Datagram packet switching","Virtual packet switching","Message
switching",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4584,"Which type of terminal is always programmable?","Intelligent terminal","Re
mote job entry","Teletypewriter","Transaction terminal",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Obj
ective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4585,"Who developed the fixed length binary code for telegraphy?","Emile Baudot"
,"Samuel Morse","Alexander Graham Bell","Guglielmo Marconi",,"Uncategorized",0,,
"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4586,"Who profounded electromagnetic radiation theory?","James Clerk Maxwell","S
ir Edward Appleton","Christian Huygens","Sir Isaac Newton",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4587,"Who promulgate communications-related military standards (MIL-STD) ?","DCA
","DOD","DOD-STD","ANSI-MIL",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
4588,"Who suggested the name Iridium for the LEO mobile satellite phone system?"
,"Jim Williams","Arthur C. Clarke","John R. Pierce","Herman Potocnik","","Satell
ite Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4589,"Why are digital circuits simpler and easier to design than analog circuits
?","They are always made in the form of integrated circuits","They are more diff
erent kinds of circuits to choose from in digital area","None of the above","The
y are all within the same family using the same basic style",,"Uncategorized",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4590,"Why establish the 4 kHz channel as the basic building block of multiplex s
ystems?","Because s groups and m groups are formed using even multiple","Because
multiples of four make equipment design easier","Because it represents the widt
h of the voice channel and guard bands
","None of the above",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME"
4591,"Why is it impossible to use a waveguide at low radio frequency?","Because
of the size of the waveguide","Due to severe attenuation","Due to too much radia
tion","All of these",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming

4592,"Why is it necessary to use carrier in data communication?","Data signals c
an't be transmitted to destination without aid of carrier","It makes modulation
easier","Because multiplexing systems need carriers to function properly","All o
f the above",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","
194,"Why is it that coaxial cable is not used in microwave communication system?
","Because of high attenuation.","More expensive.","Lower bandwidth.","Lower spe
ed.","","Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4593,"Why is nitrogen used in coaxial cables or waveguides?","To keep it dry","T
o increase the electrostatic capacitance","To prevent it from collapsing","To lo
wer the voltage",,"Microwave Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","N
4594,"Why is open-wire line still found in many telephone system application?","
Because it is not economically sensible to replace it","Because it is economical
ly sensible to replace it","Because data signals travel better on open-wire line
","Because multiplexing systems need the bandwidth provided by open wire line",,
"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4595,"Why should we regularly clean, resolder and tighten all antenna connectors
?","To help keep their resistance at a minimum","To keep looking nice","To keep
them from getting stuck in place","To increase their capacitance",,"Antennas",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4596,"Why should you keep transmission short when using a repeater?","Repeaters
are used for emergencies","To see if the receiving station operator is still awa
ke","To keep long distance charges down","To maximize the bandwidth",,"Uncategor
ized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4597,"Widest bandwidth in a double tuned circuit is obtained with","Over couplin
g","Under coupling","Critical coupling","Optimum coupling",,"Uncategorized",0,,"
Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4598,"Width measured in degrees of a major lobe between the end of the lobe at w
hich the relative power is one-half (-3 dB) its value from the peak of the lobe.
","Beamwidth","Wavelength","Angle of elevation","Gain of a dipole",,"Uncategoriz
ed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4599,"With ______ it is possible to combine digitally encoded signals with FDM s
ignals and transmit them as one composite base band signal.
","Hybrid data","Hybrid coupler","Hybrid combiner","Hybrid circuit",,"Uncategori
zed",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4600,"With analog compression the compressor is installed","Before the sample an
d hold circuit","After the sample and hold circuit","At the final stage","After
the quantizer",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
352,"With linear PCM the SQR for lower-amplitude signal is_____ the higher-ampli
tude signal.","Less than","Greater than
","The same as","Equal to",,"Modulation",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAM
4602,"With modern T1 carrier, a technique called ____ is use to ensure that suff
icient transitions occur in the data to maintain clock synchronization.","B8ZS",
"B6ZS","B10ZS","B3ZS",,"Digital & Data Communications",0,,"Objective","William Q
4603,"With Non Return to Zero (NRZ) encoding, a long string of either logic 1s o
r logic 0s produces a condition in which a receive may lose its amplitude refere
nce for optimum discrimination between received 1s and 0s. This condition is cal
led _____.","Dc wandering","Alternate mark inversion","Amplitude falling","Zero
cycle",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4604,"With NRZ encoding","Long string of either logic 1s or logic 0s produces a
condition in which a receiver may lose its amplitude reference for optimum discr
imination between received 1s and 0s. this condition is called ___","Dc wanderin
g","Alternate mark inversion","Regenerative repeater",,"Digital & Data Communica
tions",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4605,"With this sequence of signal there is acknowledgement signal for each sign
al sent, and in some case the forward signal continuous until an acknowledgement

is received.","Semi-compelled","Non-compelled","Full-compelled","Compelled",,"U
ncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4606,"With which emission type is the capture effect most pronounced?","FM","SSB
","CW","AM",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4607,"With______, each subscriber line is equipped with a meter with a stepping
motor at the local exchange where calls are counted on the time basis.","Bulk Bi
lling","Detailed Billing","Prepaid Billing","Direct Billing",,"Wire & Wireless C
ommunications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4608,"Within each TDM frame, an additional bit called a ____ is added.
","Framing bit
","Parity bit","Zero bit","Sync bit",,"Uncategorized",0,,"Objective","William Qu
4609,"Within the total TDM frame, the PCM code for each channel occupies a fixed
time slot, called","Epoch","Subdivision","Channel time","Frame time",,"Digital
& Data Communications",1,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4610,"Writing a customized form of letter using a list of names and addresses is
a function known as
","Mail merge","The ""Dear John"" letter
","Boilerplate","""Shopping List"" processing",,"Uncategorized",1,,"Objective","
William Quiming","NONAME",
4611,"xDSL That is generally used as substitute for T1/E1.","HDSL","RADSL","SADS
L","ADSL",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NON
4612,"xDSL that uses CAP (carrier less amplitude and phase modulation) technique
.","RaDSL","MDSL","SDSL","HDSL",,"Telecommunications & ECE Laws",0,,"Objective",
"William Quiming","NONAME",
113,"You are measuring a voice channel at a -4 dB test point level, the meter re
ads -73 dBm (pure test tone) convert the reading into dBrnCO.","22","12","18","1
6",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
114,"You are measuring noise in a voice channel at 7 dB test point level. The me
ter reads -56 dBm (F1A weighted). What is the reading in dBrnC?","34","20","25",
"32",,"Noise",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","db001.rtf",
115,"You are measuring noise in a voice channel at a -4 dB test point level the
meter reads -73 dBm convert the reading into dBrnCO.","21","12","16","18",,"Nois
e",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
4616,"Zoning is used with a dielectric antenna in order to","Reduce the bulk of
the lens","Increase the bandwidth of the lens","Permit pin-point focusing","Corr
ect the curvature of the wavefront from a horn that is too short",,"Antennas",0,
,"Objective","William Quiming","NONAME",
1,"The ability to use the same frequencies repeatedly across a cellular system,
made possible by the basic design approach for cellular.","Frequency reuse","Fre
quency Hopping","Spread Spectrum","Code Division",,"Wire & Wireless Communicatio
ns",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","comm_obj_001.rtf",
2,"IEEE standards for wireless LANs with specs for 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 11Mbps, and 24M
bps.","802.11","802.5","802.4","802.16",,"Wire & Wireless Communications",0,,"Ob
jective","William Quiming","comm_obj_002.rtf",
3,"Enables you to restrict or bar certain or all types of calls to and from your
mobile phone, i.e. outgoing calls, outgoing international calls, incoming calls
.","Call Barring","Call Divert","Call Hold","Call Restriction",,"Wire & Wireless
Communications",0,,"Objective","William Quiming","comm_obj_003.rtf",
114,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb
er volume required is 570. cubic meters?"," 85.1 Hz"," 42.55 Hz"," 86.6 Hz"," 22
1.26 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf"
116,"A magnitude of 400 (52 dB) at 4 kHz decreases as frequency increases at -2
dB/octave. What is the magnitude at 13 kHz?","269","468","400","250",,"Acoustics
",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","octaves.rtf",
118,"What is the velocity of sound in dry air for a temperature change of 30 deg
ree centigrade?"," 349.19 m/s"," 2444.33 m/s"," 352.69 m/s"," 3352.224 m/s",,"Ac
oustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","soundvelocity.rtf",

120,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb

er volume required is 869. cubic meters?"," 74 Hz"," 37 Hz"," 75.5 Hz"," 192.4 H
z",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorption.rtf",
122,"What is the velocity of sound in dry air for a temperature change of 30 deg
ree centigrade?"," 349.19 m/s"," 2444.33 m/s"," 352.69 m/s"," 3352.224 m/s",,"Ac
oustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","soundvelocity.rtf",
124,"What frequency is 29 octaves above 209Hz?"," 112206020608 Hz"," 22441204121
6 Hz"," 56103010304 Hz"," 112206020608 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","Wi
lliam Quiming","octaves.rtf",
126,"What frequency is 21 octaves above 445Hz?"," 933232640 Hz"," 1866465280 Hz"
," 466616320 Hz"," 933232640 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quim
128,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 86 Hz."," 552"," 27
6"," 553.5"," 1435.2",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absor
130,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 126 Hz."," 176"," 8
8"," 177.5"," 457.6",,"Acoustics",1,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorp
132,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb
er volume required is 254. cubic meters?"," 111.4 Hz"," 55.7 Hz"," 112.9 Hz"," 2
89.64 Hz",,"Acoustics",1,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorption.rtf",
134,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 91 Hz."," 459"," 22
9.5"," 460.5"," 1193.4",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","abs
135,"Determine the neck radius, in centimeters, of a Helmholtz resonator if the
resonant frequency is 8.8 Hz when the volume is 5 cubic meter."," 7 centimeters"
," 6 centimeters"," 8 centimeters"," 9 centimeters",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Sol
ving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
137,"What frequency is 5 octaves above 192Hz?"," 6144 Hz"," 12288 Hz"," 3072 Hz"
," 6144 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","octaves.rtf",
139,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 99 Hz."," 367"," 18
3.5"," 368.5"," 954.2",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","abso
141,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb
er volume required is 597. cubic meters?"," 83.8 Hz"," 41.9 Hz"," 85.3 Hz"," 217
.88 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorption.rtf",
143,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb
er volume required is 955. cubic meters?"," 71.7 Hz"," 35.85 Hz"," 73.2 Hz"," 18
6.42 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorption.rtf",
145,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 96 Hz."," 393"," 19
6.5"," 394.5"," 1021.8",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","abs
147,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",0,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
149,"What frequency is 15 octaves above 138Hz?"," 4521984 Hz"," 9043968 Hz"," 22
60992 Hz"," 4521984 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","oct
151,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb
er volume required is 605. cubic meters?"," 83.4 Hz"," 41.7 Hz"," 84.9 Hz"," 216
.84 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorption.rtf",
153,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",1,,"

Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",

155,"An auditorium, with total volume of 967. cubic meters, has a reverberation
time of .4 seconds. Compute how many metric sabines are present in the auditoriu
m."," 399.55"," 199.775"," 401.05"," 1038.83",,"Acoustics",1,,"Problem Solving",
"William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
157,"Determine the neck radius, in centimeters, of a Helmholtz resonator if the
resonant frequency is 10.5 Hz when the volume is 4 cubic meter."," 8 centimeters
"," 7 centimeters"," 9 centimeters"," 10 centimeters",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem S
olving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
159,"What is the volume, in cubic meter) of a Helmholtz resonator if the resonan
t frequency is 8.8 Hz when the neck radius is 11 centimeters?"," 7.905 cu. m.","
6.405 cu. m."," 9.405 cu. m."," 10.505 cu. m.",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving
","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
161,"An auditorium, with total volume of 5,541. cubic meters, has a reverberatio
n time of 8.6 seconds. Compute how many metric sabines are present in the audito
rium."," 103.74"," 51.87"," 105.24"," 269.724",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving"
,"William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
163,"What is the volume, in cubic meter) of a Helmholtz resonator if the resonan
t frequency is 6.7 Hz when the neck radius is 5 centimeters?"," 6.101 cu. m.","
4.601 cu. m."," 7.601 cu. m."," 8.701 cu. m.",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving",
"William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
165,"What is the volume, in cubic meter) of a Helmholtz resonator if the resonan
t frequency is 9. Hz when the neck radius is 11 centimeters?"," 7.564 cu. m.","
6.064 cu. m."," 9.064 cu. m."," 10.164 cu. m.",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving"
,"William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
167,"An auditorium, with total volume of 5,519. cubic meters, has a reverberatio
n time of 8.3 seconds. Compute how many metric sabines are present in the audito
rium."," 106.89"," 53.445"," 108.39"," 277.914",,"Acoustics",1,,"Problem Solving
","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
169,"What frequency is 24 octaves above 732Hz?"," 12280922112 Hz"," 24561844224
Hz"," 6140461056 Hz"," 12280922112 Hz",,"Acoustics",1,,"Problem Solving","Willia
m Quiming","octaves.rtf",
171,"Determine the sound power in watts from a motor car whose SPL at a distance
of 17.6 m is 53 dB. Assume that it radiates sound equally in all directions.","
.7 Watts","2.4 Watts","4.3 Watts","10.5 Watts",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving"
,"William Quiming","spl.rtf",
173,"What frequency is 5 octaves above 754Hz?"," 24128 Hz"," 48256 Hz"," 12064 H
z"," 24128 Hz",,"Acoustics",1,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","octaves.rtf"
175,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 85 Hz."," 575"," 28
7.5"," 576.5"," 1495",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absor
177,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",1,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
179,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb
er volume required is 574. cubic meters?"," 84.9 Hz"," 42.45 Hz"," 86.4 Hz"," 22
0.74 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorption.rtf",
181,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 77 Hz."," 779"," 38
9.5"," 780.5"," 2025.4",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","abs
183,"Determine the neck radius, in centimeters, of a Helmholtz resonator if the
resonant frequency is 8.9 Hz when the volume is 7 cubic meter."," 10 centimeters
"," 9 centimeters"," 11 centimeters"," 12 centimeters",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem
Solving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
185,"What frequency is 15 octaves above 512Hz?"," 16777216 Hz"," 33554432 Hz","
8388608 Hz"," 16777216 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","

187,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb
er volume required is 687. cubic meters?"," 80 Hz"," 40 Hz"," 81.5 Hz"," 208 Hz"
,,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorption.rtf",
189,"An auditorium, with total volume of 8,727. cubic meters, has a reverberatio
n time of 3. seconds. Compute how many metric sabines are present in the auditor
ium."," 470.53"," 235.265"," 472.03"," 1223.378",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solvin
g","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
191,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb
er volume required is 210. cubic meters?"," 118.7 Hz"," 59.35 Hz"," 120.2 Hz","
308.62 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorption.rtf",
193,"Determine the sound power in watts from a motor car whose SPL at a distance
of 9.2 m is 102 dB. Assume that it radiates sound equally in all directions.","
2744.1 Watts","9604.5 Watts","17288.1 Watts","41985.4 Watts",,"Acoustics",0,,"Pr
oblem Solving","William Quiming","spl.rtf",
195,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",0,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
197,"Determine the neck radius, in centimeters, of a Helmholtz resonator if the
resonant frequency is 6.1 Hz when the volume is 6 cubic meter."," 4 centimeters"
," 3 centimeters"," 5 centimeters"," 6 centimeters",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Sol
ving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
198,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",1,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
200,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",0,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
202,"Compute the resonant frequency of a Helmholtz resonator whose volume is 6 c
ubic meter with a neck radius of 11 centimeters.","10.1 Hz","99.3 Hz","7.1 Hz","
60.3 Hz",,"Acoustics",2,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
204,"What is the velocity of sound in dry air for a temperature change of 30 deg
ree centigrade?"," 349.19 m/s"," 2444.33 m/s"," 352.69 m/s"," 3352.224 m/s",,"Ac
oustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","soundvelocity.rtf",
205,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 138 Hz."," 134"," 6
7"," 135.5"," 348.4",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorp
207,"What is the volume, in cubic meter) of a Helmholtz resonator if the resonan
t frequency is 11.8 Hz when the neck radius is 11 centimeters?"," 4.346 cu. m.",
" 2.846 cu. m."," 5.846 cu. m."," 6.946 cu. m.",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving
","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
209,"An auditorium, with total volume of 9,302. cubic meters, has a reverberatio
n time of 3.4 seconds. Compute how many metric sabines are present in the audito
rium."," 446.65"," 223.325"," 448.15"," 1161.29",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solvin
g","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
211,"Determine the neck radius, in centimeters, of a Helmholtz resonator if the
resonant frequency is 4.9 Hz when the volume is 7 cubic meter."," 3 centimeters"
," 2 centimeters"," 4 centimeters"," 5 centimeters",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Sol
ving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
213,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",0,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
215,"Determine the neck radius, in centimeters, of a Helmholtz resonator if the
resonant frequency is 6.8 Hz when the volume is 6 cubic meter."," 5 centimeters"
," 4 centimeters"," 6 centimeters"," 7 centimeters",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Sol

ving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
217,"Compute the resonant frequency of a Helmholtz resonator whose volume is 3 c
ubic meter with a neck radius of 6 centimeters.","10.5 Hz","103.7 Hz","7.4 Hz","
31.5 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
219,"Compute the resonant frequency of a Helmholtz resonator whose volume is 3 c
ubic meter with a neck radius of 5 centimeters.","9.6 Hz","94.6 Hz","6.8 Hz","28
.8 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
221,"Determine the sound power in watts from a motor car whose SPL at a distance
of 23.4 m is 65 dB. Assume that it radiates sound equally in all directions.","
40.3 Watts","141.1 Watts","254. Watts","616.8 Watts",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem So
lving","William Quiming","spl.rtf",
223,"An auditorium, with total volume of 3,088. cubic meters, has a reverberatio
n time of 1.7 seconds. Compute how many metric sabines are present in the audito
rium."," 284.97"," 142.485"," 286.47"," 740.922",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solvin
g","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
225,"What is the velocity of sound in dry air for a temperature change of 30 deg
ree centigrade?"," 349.19 m/s"," 2444.33 m/s"," 352.69 m/s"," 3352.224 m/s",,"Ac
oustics",2,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","soundvelocity.rtf",
227,"What frequency is 12 octaves above 492Hz?"," 2015232 Hz"," 4030464 Hz"," 10
07616 Hz"," 2015232 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","oct
229,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",0,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
231,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",0,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
233,"What frequency is 14 octaves above 121Hz?"," 1982464 Hz"," 3964928 Hz"," 99
1232 Hz"," 1982464 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","octa
235,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",0,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
237,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 86 Hz."," 557"," 27
8.5"," 558.5"," 1448.2",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","abs
239,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",0,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
241,"An auditorium, with total volume of 617. cubic meters, has a reverberation
time of 1. seconds. Compute how many metric sabines are present in the auditoriu
m."," 103.78"," 51.89"," 105.28"," 269.828",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","W
illiam Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
243,"What is the volume, in cubic meter) of a Helmholtz resonator if the resonan
t frequency is 9.2 Hz when the neck radius is 5 centimeters?"," 3.27 cu. m."," 1
.77 cu. m."," 4.77 cu. m."," 5.87 cu. m.",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","Wil
liam Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
245,"What frequency is 31 octaves above 70Hz?"," 150323855360 Hz"," 300647710720
Hz"," 75161927680 Hz"," 150323855360 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","Wil
liam Quiming","octaves.rtf",
247,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 80 Hz."," 693"," 34
6.5"," 694.5"," 1801.8",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","abs
249,"Determine the sound power in watts from a motor car whose SPL at a distance

of 50.2 m is 49 dB. Assume that it radiates sound equally in all directions.","

34. Watts","119.2 Watts","214.5 Watts","520.9 Watts",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem So
lving","William Quiming","spl.rtf",
251,"Determine the sound power in watts from a motor car whose SPL at a distance
of 45.2 m is 70 dB. Assume that it radiates sound equally in all directions.","
2643.6 Watts","9252.6 Watts","16654.6 Watts","40446.9 Watts",,"Acoustics",0,,"Pr
oblem Solving","William Quiming","spl.rtf",
253,"In reverberation chamber method, what volume, in cubic meter, of chamber is
required if the absorption coefficient is to be measured at 95 Hz."," 409"," 20
4.5"," 410.5"," 1063.4",,"Acoustics",1,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","abs
255,"Determine the neck radius, in centimeters, of a Helmholtz resonator if the
resonant frequency is 6.8 Hz when the volume is 6 cubic meter."," 5 centimeters"
," 4 centimeters"," 6 centimeters"," 7 centimeters",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Sol
ving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
257,"Determine the neck radius, in centimeters, of a Helmholtz resonator if the
resonant frequency is 7.9 Hz when the volume is 7 cubic meter."," 8 centimeters"
," 7 centimeters"," 9 centimeters"," 10 centimeters",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem So
lving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
259,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb
er volume required is 468. cubic meters?"," 90.9 Hz"," 45.45 Hz"," 92.4 Hz"," 23
6.34 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorption.rtf",
261,"Determine the neck radius, in centimeters, of a Helmholtz resonator if the
resonant frequency is 8.8 Hz when the volume is 5 cubic meter."," 7 centimeters"
," 6 centimeters"," 8 centimeters"," 9 centimeters",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Sol
ving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
263,"What frequency at which the absorption coefficient is measured if the chamb
er volume required is 930. cubic meters?"," 72.3 Hz"," 36.15 Hz"," 73.8 Hz"," 18
7.98 Hz",,"Acoustics",0,,"Problem Solving","William Quiming","absorption.rtf",
265,"Determine the neck radius, in centimeters, of a Helmholtz resonator if the
resonant frequency is 8.6 Hz when the volume is 3 cubic meter."," 4 centimeters"
," 3 centimeters"," 5 centimeters"," 6 centimeters",,"Acoustics",1,,"Problem Sol
ving","William Quiming","Helmholtz.rtf",
267,"A room has an internal volume of 2550 cubic meters. When it contains 186 me
tric sabines of absorption, compute its reverberation time in seconds."," 2.207
seconds"," 1.1035 seconds"," 3.3105 seconds"," 5.7382 seconds",,"Acoustics",0,,"
Problem Solving","William Quiming","reverberation.rtf",
4,"Determine the cutoff wavelength of a circular waveguide having an internal ra
dius of 10 cm, if the solution of a Bessel function equation is 3.83.","164 mm",
"168 mm","160 mm","190 mm",,,0,,"Objective","William Quiming","waveguide001.rtf"

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