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The problem that needs to be highlighted as we begin to remodel educational systems is the way
that our culture is revolutionizing and is embracing the skills that pertain to the hyper attention
cognitive mode.
Educational systems should model our present culture by embracing the skills that pertain
to hyper attention.

Proposition: Hyper attention is not something that should be feared but accepted and implemented
in educational institutions to further prepare students for their careers.
Imagine that you are an assistant manager, much like Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada.
Your boss calls you into his or her office to talk about upcoming events and things thats they need
you to prepare for. Suddenly you are pushed from concentrating on the details of the conversation
to having to note down everything your boss says and then having to go type it up into a google
document to then copy and paste it to a mass email and go through several ideas of marketing plans
that your boss sends to you all to be done within the hour. Suddenly your focus is on ten things at
the same time, the clock is ticking. Are you going to be able to get it done? Your focus is split and
you no longer can maintain going through every motion in a linear manner. Then your confronted
with ta situation that often times you weren't confronted with on a daily basis at school. Did they
really challenge your hyper attention ,which is the ability to focus on different tasks while your
brain streams in information from different sources?

Body Paragraph 1
Presently educational systems are having difficulty adopting hyper attention into there
every day curriculum. Educational institutions elaborate on deep attention skills but condemns
skills that pertains to hyper attention. As defined by N. Katherine Hayles in Hyper & Deep
Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes, deep attention is a cognitive style that
describes the ability to focus on one particular thing for an extended period of time. Recent
generations are moving away from deep attention and immersing into hyper attention. Educators
often blame the rise of hyper activity on the rise of technology and the explosion of media. They
often joke and suggest that students can not read a book cover to cover. Hyper attention carries a
negative weight, but it isn't all bad. Hayles argues that this generation is less capable of
maintaining deep attention than previous generations, but it also is important to note that students
are held at different standards by employers and the outside world. Educators emphasize that this
generation refuses to read Dickens cover to cover, but they fail to come to terms with the fact that
the message Dickens is attempting to convey does not always resonate with the advancements that
students are faced with in todays technologically driven society. In higher educational institutions,
professors are able to create an ambiance where students have to experience both deep and hyper
attention. They train minds into accepting the reality of both cognitive modes. Educators want to
engage students and reel them into course material but they also need to reform curriculum into
accepting hyper attention tasks as a method of preparing students for what employers demand.
Body Paragraph 2
Our culture embraces the concept of fast pace everything. Fast pace cars, food, music, and
technology. This has trickled down to impact the way that we, as individuals, take in information
and preform. A large disconnect exists between this culture that we have embodied and our
educational classrooms, especially those in grades K-12. The inability to focus on one thing at a time
and fully concentrate pushes students to use substances like Adderall. Adderall is a type of drug

Commented [1]:
use a direct quote

that those . Employers demand people that can dominate both the deep and hyper attention
cognitive modes to help them fulfill tasks. Employers demand that employees be able to shift from a
state of independent focus where there is only one stream of information but also to a state of mind
where they can handle multiple information streams where they are actively seeking a high level
of stimulation, and having a low tolerance of boredom. STEM fields require just that. They
demand to have researchers and engineers that can zero in and count small groups of bacteria and
pay close attention to the small changes that can occur on a petri dish or be able to understand the
mechanics behind building a robotic arm. But they also require that researchers and engineers
know how to code multiple things at the same, and connect research to multiple outlets, thus
shifting there focus back and forth in order to complete a lab or assignment in a timely manor.
Educators should be pushing students into developing and solidifying the skills needed to be an
essential part of the real world by strengthening hyper attention skills.

Commented [2]:
Insert quote that explains what aderral is here.

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