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Have you ever been to ?

Have you ever been to Chile?

Yes, I have, I liked it very much because it was very exciting to have met
other country, other different culture from mine. Many things were more
expensive over there but also the city was cleaner.

Have you ever been to Lima?

Yes, I have, It was interesting to be in the capital of Peru, in Lima there
are many things that are not in Moquegua, as the zoo Parque de las
leyendas, the number of megastores, but there are also a lot of crime.

Have you ever been to Loreto?

No, I have not, but I always wanted to go to Loreto for the jungle, for the
food, I would like to eat Paiche, I would like to know the jungle, I would
like to know culture and traditions.

Have you ever been to Arequipa?

Yes, I have, I loved it because Arequipa is a very commercial city, a
tourist city, and you can find things that are not in Moquegua, but the
weather is not very nice because the capital is located in highland, by
which it is rainy and it is very cold.

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