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5 responsibilities of Nonprofit in India

There are a wide variety of roles played by Nonprofit but these 5 are the most
1. Development and operation of infrastructure: - Nonprofit have to provide
and maintain infrastructures for public welfare for building purposes
2. Nonprofit used various means of communication by which they gain trust of
their community which also benefit them by the role Nonprofit can
communicate with each and every one they can know the capabilities lives
attitude and cultural characteristics of people. Nonprofit can facilitate
communication among both side from people to government or from
government to people. They maintain the strong network between different
3. Training Institution and different Nonprofit can develop technical assistance
and training capacity and use this to assist the government
4. Evaluation and research Innovative activities should be carefully documented
and effective participation share the result with the people as well as staff
5. Leaders for the poor Nonprofit presents the saying of poor as a leader to
influence government policies and ties to solve each and every problems
shared by them

5 Challenges of NGOs
There are lot of challenges face by Nonprofit at this period
1. First is the main problems which is related with the donor. As there is the lack
of potential donor Lot of money is needed for maintaining the Nonprofit while
most of it is used in maintaining the staff on payroll. Firstly the problems is in
funding as funding is not enough to maintain the services
2. People confuse donation with the waste disposal In spite of giving some
better quality material in donation they give worst quality products and cost
also involved in moving the supply to where demand is
3. Biggest challenge is mindset of people that is to face people who dont like
4. There is problems of social acceptance for the person working at Nonprofit
5. Nonprofit need money for operation there is no direct correlation with the
work and income. The people created Nonprofit to solve the problems and
now the focus is on doing thing to help raise money This leads to disconnect
between vision and work

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