Should / Shouldn'T 1. Match The Right Sentences

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1. Match the right sentences.

He's always tired.

Well, you should clean them.

What shall I wear for my interview?

Well, you shouldn't be late for work every day.

There are no clean plates.

You shouldn't play computer games all night.

I haven't got any clean clothes.

Well, he shouldn't stay up late every night.

My eyes hurt.

You shouldn't wear jeans.

Their bedroom's a mess.

They should tidy it up.

My shoes are dirty.

You should do the washing up.

My boss is always complaining.

Well, you should do some washing.

2. Use should or shouldn't.

1. I don't think you smoke so much.
2. You exercise more.
3. I think you ..try to speak to her.
4. You are overweight. You ..go on a diet.
5. Where .we park our car?
6. You never speak to your mother like this.
7. The kids spend so much time in front of the TV.
8. ..I tell her the truth or should I say nothing?
3. Use should or shouldn`t and the given words to make sentences.
1. use/bed language
2. make noise/the library
3. good marks/school


4. take photos/the museum

5. help the elderly/the street ..

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