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The Invader from Space Art guide and concept art

Authors: Andreas Sderberg, Michaela Sjstrm

Date: 06/04 2013
Version 1

Table of Contents

Concept Artp. 3
Style Guide...p.3-4
Cut scenes...p.9-10
Sound Effectsp.10-11
Cut scenes..p.12

Concept Art
The art and references illustrated in this part is to set a feeling of the game and the textures in
the game. The feeling of the big threat, which is a spaceship, from above and some early
concept art of the different characters: Both the evil and good ones.

Style Guide
Our game takes place in the future on a different but similar planet to our own. The big threat,
the characters , the environment, the weapons et cetera is mostly made of metallic materials
such as steel and iron, harder surfaces such as concrete and asphalt and decorated with strong
light sources in colours of red, blue, green and yellow nuisances, But also some fabric and
organic attributes in dull/less noticeable colours.
Because of the on-going war the city is not that rusty but instead dirty, a little bit steamy, and
broken: meaning broken walls, streets, buildings et cetera.

The war takes place in the city because of elements such as cannons and energy stations
which emits the lights in the city. The blue, yellow and less fearsome colours represent the
good side while red and green nuisances represent the aliens, and the greater force that is
trying to destroy your planet. Therefore the stronger colours represent each side of the war but
also make the game environment more interesting and futuristic.

The main characters in this case is a human like engineer, made for the purpose of fighting the
invasion with the help of the cannons. The characters main skill is to repair these cannons and
then use them to shoot down the enemy. Thats why the character need both a aim linked to
the cannons, but also something to repair the cannons with. Therefore we have been trying to
combine a human with mechanics, almost like a warrior engineer but not completely. The
characters will be separated with different colors, lights and logos. But the shape will still be
the same. The character also need some kind of glasses or goggles to be able to communicate
with others. The nuances of the character is mostly metallic colors combined with some
nuances of grey, black, leather texture, canvas in dull colors et cetera. The only thing that
sticks out is the light details in different colors except for red. This way the characters can
easily be separated from each other while the players play the game.
The mood board is to set the feeling and textures of the main character and the concept art is
some early ideas of it.

In the game there is also other kinds of characters such as the big threat/the ship, and the
drones/smaller enemies that it sends to you as a player. As described under Style Guide the
enemy will have more red and green light details. They will also have a more metal-isch look,
and mostly pretty clean with just a little dirt or scratches on them.
The mothership/the biggest enemy will have the feeling of being enormous and threatening
compared to the smaller drones. The part facing the planet will act as a shield and a weapon.
Like a real warrior ship. The drones on the other hand are like bugs, or smaller robots that
have at least one eye and can fly. They could be more like robots but also more organic. But
they still have the same concept: A furless beast combined with different kind of attributes
such as insects and reptiles.

The game take place in a future city that still have attributes that set the feelings of citys of
today. The buildings will be very simple with smaller decorations and because of the
ongoing war the city will be a little bit steamy and damaged/dirty. The city will have a good
combination of less alive plants, damaged streets and high buildings with broken glass and

walls. To separate the city from the big threat from above we will decorate it with yellow and
blue-isch lights.

Examples of details, short cuts and obstacles, but not limited to:
Different kind of buildings.
Tunnels under buildings
Shields against the drones

The most important equipment we will need in this game are the turrets in the city, but also
an aim and repair tool, aka Universal Repair Activation Targeting Tool: URATT, for the main
character. This will be a part of the main character's body, will be attached to the character.
Examples of the turrets:

Examples of the aim/repair part of the main character:

Sound effects
Sound effects in this game will be very important to set a feeling of the game. Its
based on time so we will need some sound effects to create more panic in the game.
Examples of sound effects is:
Big ship: heavy engines getting closer and closer
Big ship: warning sounds when releasing drones
Big ship: sound when loading lazer/attack
Big ship: sound when firing
Drones: mechanics, metallic sound
Drones(both robot or organic): flying sound
Organic drones: monster scream/sound
Drones: attack, electric sound or noise.

Main character shooting
Main character aiming
Main character loading weapon
Main character running, footsteps
Main character moving: armor: sound/metalic sound
Blipping (from drones and main character)
Main character: if you hit something
Main character: getting hurt
Cannon repairing
Cannon aiming
Cannon loading
Cannon shooting
Start menu: clicking button.

The music in this game will be a combination of electronic, maybe a little bit base/dubstep
and the kind of feeling you get in trailers/ more epic music.
Examples are:
-Resident Evil Movie Theme:
-Sad Piano Drum N Bass Remix:
-SamT Piano Dubstep:
-Im calling you-monster magnet:

Cut Scenes
Our game isn't depending on any cut scenes and thus we will keep it to a minimum.
The cut scenes we could use are:
The player exits a building and enters the streets. It will be seen in first-person.
The mother ship is destroyed. It's seen from street level.
The mother ship fires off its death ray. This is also seen from street level.

Menus, first perspective view, fonts et cetera need to have the same feeling as the rest of the

game: meaning environment, character and the overall feeling.

Example of first perspective view:

Example of how it looks when you are about to die:

The fonts should also match the concept of the game, with a more futuristic look and torn

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