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Hi gi:
- What time is it?
- Its 9 oclock./ Its 10:30.
- What is the time? It is 10 oclock/ it is half past ten
(Half past : qua 30, gi ri/ a quarter past : qua 15/ a quarter to : km 15/
past : qua/ to : km)
Cch tr li:
+ gi ng : oclock
Eg: 8 gi : eight oclock
+ Gio hn : gi +pht
Eg: 8 gi qua 10 pht : eight ten/ ten past eight
- Pht + gi
8 gi ng : eight oclock
8 gi qua 10 pht : ten past eight
8 gi qua 50 pht( 9 gi km 10 pht) : eight fifty/ ten to nine
8 gi qua 15 pht : eight fifteen/ fifteen past eight/ a quarter past eight
8 gi qua 30 pht : eight thirty/ half past eight
8 gi qua 45 pht (9 gi km 15): eight forty-five/ fifteen to nine/ a quarter to
Bi tp v nh :
a. 1: 25= one twenty-five/ twenty-five past one
b. 2: 45=
c. 2:10=
d. 13: 40=
e. 9:00=
f. 10:10=
g. 23:56=
h. 9:39=
i. 9:30=
j. 9:15=
k. 20: 45=
l. 14: 30=
m. 15: 38=
n. 6: 34=
o. 7: 50=
p. 21: 35=


Hi - p v gi thc hin hot ng hng ngy: ... thc dy lc my gi...?... thc dy

- What time do you get up?
- I get up at six oclock.
- What time does she/ he get up? - He/ She gets up at six oclock.

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