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Hexagram 14

D Yu
Great assets


Great assets. Eminent - expansion

The great image says:
Fire high in Heaven: great assets.
The noble one by terminating evil raises
by yielding to Heaven relaxes in fate.

day 12 of a yang

There is a higher purpose behind your abilities, behind all gifts from
Heaven. And there is a desire to respond to that higher purpose. Talents
derive their value from the target they are used for.
If you use every talent you have as best you can, then you will attract
the blessings from Heaven. Dont expect Heaven to carry you though, its
gifts come with the condition to use them and also use them free from
egoism. The talents for living and loving are the really big ones. But
small ones can also achieve a lot.

DA YOU. The upper character is a grown up man: big or great. The lower one
is a hand: to have, to be, there is, to be rich, offer. Later a piece of meat was
added (3), to emphasize possessing. According to others it is the moon, which
resembles 'meat' very much, but the little diagonal lines are straight in the
moon, and in meat they are not.
In former times YOU also meant a good harvest, and DA YOU 'best year' or
'best harvest'. According to Wieger the oldest meaning of 3 was eclipse or
phase of the moon, but the oldest form of you (2) does not have the moon (or
D: great, big, tall, large, much, very, extremely, eldest, senior, an adult, to
make large.

YOU3: To possess, to have, to exist, there is, to acquire, to get, again.

9 at 3: A Gong sacrifices to the Son

of Heaven. Small people are not
able to.
Give in a way that accords with your
ability to give. Too much and too little
are both wrong. But make your gift
warm and sincere, dont use it for
showing how great you are
yourself. It is not the gift, which
matters, it is the mind of the giver. A
great mind gives a worthy sacrifice, a
small mind cannot give, no matter
how much he presents.
(Changes to hex.38)

9 at 2: A great chariot for loading.

Proceed probing. Nofault.
Use and show your talents in a way
that fits with you, and according to
reality. Please don't underestimate
yourself! Then you can accomplish
good and great things and they will
be seen. Making too much noise
creates destruction and disbelief.
(Changes to hex.30)

Initial 9 : Avoid intercourse with

harm. Without fault. A difficult
principle, no fault.
In a time of great possession,
material or mental, it is easy to forget
carefulness. Avoid trouble and don't
become the problem yourself. It may
be tempting to meddle in affairs, but
weigh whether your efforts make

Above 9: From out Heaven

blessed. Auspicious. There will be
Spiritual talents decide your value not worldly accomplishments. They
cause intangible blessing, spiritual
blessing. Man's real rank in life is
according to his spirit.
(Changes to hex.34)

6 at 5: His truth is then

associating, then awesome
(impressive). Auspicious.
A strong character is authorative
when that is necessary, but just as
easy he can be nice and
sympathizing. For both one needs
strength, and even more so for
changing at the right moment.
(Changes to hex.1)

9 at 4: Not at all sounding one's

drum. Avoid faults.
Every time one brags about a force,
that force loses part of its genuine,
natural power. It goes to your mind
and leaves your soul, and by doing so
it becomes limited. The mind is like a
demanding boss for it, believing in

progress or problems.
(Changes to hex.50)

matter and facts, the soul is like a

nurturing mother, trusting heaven.
(Changes to hex.26)

The Sabian Symbols for the hexagram-lines

9 at 3 corresponds to 3: An
evening lawn party
One gives a party for all, one makes a
show for oneself.
9 at 2 corresponds to 3: A Topsy
saucily asserting herself
You're the one who has to do it, so do
it good.
Initial 9 corresponds to 12: A flock
of wild geese

Above 9 corresponds to 12: 12

People on stairs, graduated upwards

6 at 5 corresponds to 3: A flag that

turns into an eagle that crows

9 at 4 corresponds to 12: Miners

emerging from a mine
Real treasures are found in the

For the meaning of Eminent - expansion. Harvest determination click HERE

Line 3. Gong is the highest one of the 5 titles of nobility in Zhou time. See
hex.6. The character for sacrificing is the same one as 'expansion'.
Line 5. "Truth" is most of all the confidence one inspires in others.
See Harmen's article. 14.5: He inspires confidence which connects and creates
reverence: the quality of fu enables the king to connect with his people and
make them stand in awe with respect and trust.

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