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IPS Poster Award


The Hague, February 22 23, 2016

IPS Poster Prize

Proposed Process:
An IPS ExCo member attends IPSF Congress
selects best poster
speaks about an industrial pharmacy topic
Award consists of opportunity to present poster at next FIP Congress
incl 1,000 to support travel/accommodation
IPSF has budget for 2 nights and economy flight for attendance by the IPS
ExCo member
IPSF to determine which two days are being allocated for the poster
display, the judging, award presentation, and the giving of a lecture on an
industrial pharmacy topic

IPS Poster Prize

Name & Purpose
The Best Industrial Pharmacy Poster Prize YYYY (year of the congress)

To encourage pharmacy students/young pharmacists within the area of
Industrial Pharmacy to present their work during the IPSF congress and to
provide the opportunity for the winner to present the poster at one of the
following two FIP Congresses

IPS Poster Prize

Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility and restriction criteria:
Topic must be within the area of Industrial Pharmacy
The presenter should be the first or the second author of the abstract i.e.
the person having performed the work presented. Only one person (the
one who presents) per poster can win the prize.

The findings or activities presented in the poster should be less than 3

years old
Each poster can only compete once

Author can compete with more than one poster

Current IPS/IPSF ExCo members, Associate IPS/IPSF ExCo members and
members of the Award Committee are excluded from the competition

IPS Poster Prize

Selection Process
Selection process :
IPSF solicits (advertises) posters. The poster candidates (authors of their
posters) submit a poster abstract for consideration by IPSF/IPS.
An IPS ExCo member is nominated by IPS ExCo to evaluate the abstracts,
and can be assisted by others. (IPSF to send the abstracts)

IPS Poster Prize

Selection Criteria
Selection criteria: The Posters are displayed at the IPSF Congress and are
judged by the IPS ExCo member assisted by other judges appointed by IPSF

Posters of relevance for industrial pharmacy are eligible for consideration

for the IPS award and are judged on the following criteria:
Quality of the abstract (wording, clear summary etc.)

Quality of the poster (presentation, wording, pictures etc.)

Scientific value
Significance for industrial pharmacy application

Interaction with the author (availability when scheduled for being at the
poster, presentation skills, handling questions etc.)
The Award Committee reserves the right not to make an award if no poster
is considered suitable - The decision of the Award Committee is final

Nature of IPS Poster Prize

Presentation of Award:
The award is presented to the winner during the IPSF Congress. The winner
will also receive publicity in IPS newsletters and at the IPS business meeting.

Nature of Award:

The award consists of 1,000 to be used by the winner to defray travel

and participation costs in a FIP Congress being held in the year that the
award is presented or in the following year.
Award winner will display their poster at the FIP Congress they attend

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