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Ilirske gradine-tipologija (podjela prema namjeni)

1. Gradina refugium (predurbana faza)

-mjesto povremenog zaposjedanja u sluaju opasnosti, pribjeite
( ovdje se sklanjalo lokalno stanovnitvo u sluaju opasnosti)
-ima funkciju vie ili manje utvrenog sklonita, nije trajno naseljena
2. Gradina castellum (protourbana faza)
naselje-centar ue homogene zajednice, centar jedne rodovske
-jo uvijek selo tj. suprotno od grada ali na jednom viem stupnju;
Ima ulogu sredita koje okuplja nekoliko manjih zajednica
3. Gradina oppidum (urbana faza)
Naselje-centar vie homogenih rodovskih zajednica tj. plemena
-centar grada
prema karakteru: gradina refugium-pribjeite
gradina castelum-centar jedne rodovske zajednice
gradina oppidum-centar vie rodovskih zajednica
Ilirske gradine u ranom srednjem vijeku
-oivljavanje gradina u svrhu pribjeita-refugiuma

Tirint-izgraen oko 1500god pr.k

-izgraen je kao snana tvrava koja treba braniti Mikenu s morske

-u 14st pr k na najvioj koti utvrde sagraena je kraljevska palaa
-izrazita zatvorenost, tenja za monumentalnou
-zidine su vrlo masivne
-pristup tvravi omoguen je rampom koja vodi kroz gradska vrata
(koja su istih dimenzija i konstrukcije kao ona u Mikeni) te kroz
galeriju koja vodi do propileja=monumentalna vrata grkih svetita
-s prostrane terase ulazi se kroz propilon u unutarnje dvorite u
kojem dominira monumentalni megaron=rani oblik kue s
-1200 pr k pojaanje zidina , sjeverni nii dio grada takoer je
opasan novim zidom, taj dio grada sluio je kao refugium-zaklonite
za okolno stanovnitvo

- 9-11st. velika vanost samostanskih redova=batinici antike;

poljoprivrede i naseljavanje dotad pustih regija Francuske:a) naselja koja su spontano ili planski nastala uz samostane (vrsta povezanost
samostanom) Cluny, Saint Denis
b) naselja uz utvrene dvorce i citadele (uz utvrdu nalazio se i refungium za
stanovnitvo-kasnije se proiruje i prerasta u burgus tj bourg)
"The need for tactile experience, over
to that of an intellectual experience, "says Botta," could perhaps restore a
to the need of the body in addition to that of the mind "
We live a syncopated life
from an emotional point of view, "says Crepet. It's the price we pay for progress.
ease of travel offered by reduced costs generates more fragmented emotional
idea, more
short, then less intense. It is the emotional planning that is depressed, then that
is the
nature of desire.
Place of fulfillment can also be a work of art or architectural figure, when
reaches the maximum of the mystery, the point at which people start to identify
with it
and let himself be invaded by it. The architecture, detects Botta, interacts with
the communities within
which its forms are expressed. Its forms testify to the time of culture
before they are born, recounting the transformations of the territory on which and
for which they arise.
Nearby points of lost time, ie those spaces of time taken to any function
production or at each end precisely defined. "For grandparents places of Lost
were the spaces of storytelling, of remembering, of playing with the little ones,
the transmission
Memory grandchildren. In this sense the lost time was the time of real life,
as the time dedicated to love, to poetry " Botta believes that the time does not
exist, it is a pure convention. It considered necessary
retrieve the size of the "dolce far niente", positively considering the time
idleness which rich source of reflections. A difficult recovery for those who, like
him, is
almost totally absorbed by the flow of the hectic everyday life.

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