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Andy Owen


Outline of Proposed Research

The Standard Big Bang model of theoretical cosmology had dramatic success in
explaining the observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the
expansion of the universe, and the distribution of chemical elements in stellar
populations. Yet some very famous problems arose within the framework of this
model, such as the CMB radiation being in thermal equilibrium to one part in 105
between regions of space that have never been in causal contact.
Inflationary scenarios were proposed to alleviate the problems of the Standard
Big Bang model and yet, as I argued in my fourth year undergraduate research
paper A Critical Examination of Inflationary Scenarios (2003, unpublished),
these scenarios have no physical basis. In fact, they raise additional problems,
such as the creation of the infamous dark energy which acts to accelerate the
expansion of the universe.
Given that inflationary scenarios have so little net worth to cosmology
(notwithstanding their unfortunate popularity), my proposed avenue of research is
to investigate alternate solutions to the original difficulties in the Big Bang model.
This line of questioning has been largely ignored for the last two decades while
research has focused on finding a workable model for inflation. It is my hope that
the more recent observational data and advances in particle physics will allow
the difficulties to be alleviated without recourse to inflation.
Of course, not all of the problems with the Big Bang model can be tackled at the
Masters levelsome of them belong more properly to other areas of physics.
For example, particle physics predicts an observable density of magnetic
monopoles, and yet we observe none. I believe this to be a problem with the
Standard Model of particle physics, not a problem with cosmological theories.
Indeed, inflationary scenarios solve this problem only by lowering the predicted
density of monopoles to unobservable levelsa prediction which can never be
tested and one which is entirely unsatisfactory.
The problem that I would like to focus my research on is the thermal equilibrium
of causally disconnected regions in the CMB. My investigation will begin with the
possibility of non-local effects occurring due to an entanglement of states at the
quantum mechanical level. I will also attempt to consider whether a singularity is
necessary at the initial instant of the Big Bang, and whether information can be
passed through this initial instant, pushing back the beginning of the universe to
some unknown time in the past and allowing causal contact between the regions
of the universe in question.

Comment [PD1]: great first sentence

Comment [PD2]: I prefere
nonetheless, and famous is unusual - and
perhaps a bit specialty-centered

Comment [PD3]: I like this, but the

committee members might not have my
sense of humour - nonetheless, I'd keep it
- you want to stand out!
Comment [PD4]: you are pushing it

Comment [PD5]: .. is untestable and

unsatisfactory. Omit entirely anyway!

Andy Owen


Applicants Statement
Research Experience
During my undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto, I produced a
paper entitled A Critical Examination of Inflationary Scenarios as a fourth year
independent research project, supervised by Charles C. Dyer. The goal of the
paper was to show that the problems in the standard Big Bang model are solved
rather unsatisfactorily by inflationary scenarios, and that in fact these scenarios
have some very serious problems of their own. This experience served as an
excellent introduction to research in theoretical physics and prepared me for
more thorough research in a Masters program. It also allowed me to accumulate
the background knowledge necessary for me to approach my Masters research
in a more efficient and focused manner.
Relevant Activities
In my time as a Nuclear Operator at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, I
spent approximately three years as a Supervised Control Panel Operator. This
job involved, among other duties, the performance of a large variety of tests on
the reactor components and instrumentation. Communication and leadership
skills were of paramount importance to the execution of these tests. Each test
involved the coordinated activities of up to ten operators, mechanics and control
technicians, with the lead role assumed by myself. I had to ensure that each
person involved in the test understood their role precisely and was prepared to
follow my orders. Some of the more sensitive tests could have had extreme
adverse consequences both for reactor systems and for personnel safety, so it
was essential that my communication skills and leadership abilities be well
Research Career
In the short-term, I would like to see my Masters work carry on to the Doctoral
level. At this level I hope to expand my investigation into the nature of the
evolution of the universe, specifically aiming towards an understanding of
whether a singularity is necessary in a Big Bang model, or if there is an alternate
approach that is more fruitful. In the long-term, I would like to continue in the
same vein, as this is a subject that is clearly rich enough to dedicate ones entire
career to. I have a thirst for knowledge combined with a large dose of skepticism
that makes it very difficult for me to be satisfied with our current level of
understanding. I do not accept the popular theories of physics at face value, and
instead question their methods and assumptions until I am either convinced of
their validity or come to the conclusion that a better theory is necessary. This
passion for finding the best answers to the most difficult questions is the reason
that I feel I am suited for a career in research.

Comment [PD6]: omit

Comment [PD7]: omit
Comment [PD8]: was

Comment [PD9]: Among other

duties, I performed ..
Comment [PD10]: somewhat cliched
Comment [PD11]: I dont like
assumed by myself. How about I led and
coodinated the activities of ...
Comment [PD12]: use the adverb, if
you have to!
Comment [PD13]: I suggest finishing
more strongly - e.g. cut last sentence in
two, and make the last clause the final
sentence of the para.

Comment [PD14]: omit

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