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No C 226/ 18


Official Journal of the European Communities

3 . 8 . 96

Pre-normative research in support of the application of the pressure equipment directive (PED)
design by analysis of pressure vessels

Open procedure
(96/C 226/ 19 )

1 . Awarding authority: European Commission, Direc

torate-General for Industry (DG III/D2 ), for the
attention of Mr J. Putzeys, SC 15 3 / 156, rue de la
Loi/Wetstraat 200, B- 1 049 Bruxelles/Brussel.

2 . Category of service and description : Study linked to

the pressure equipment directive . The general
objective is to examine the use of 'design by analysis'
- methodology in featuring pressure equipment.
The work to be carried out should be conducted in 2

phases :

8.3 The documents will be dispatched free of

9 . Submission of tenders:

9.1 Final date for receipt of tenders : 27 . 9 . 1996.

9.2 Tenders should be sent to : see 1 .

9.3 Tenders are to be drawn up in triplicate in 1 of

the official languages of the European Union .

1 . Current status of the DBA methodology:

a) an extended review and state-of-the-art of the
design-by-analysis (DBA) methodology ;

b ) an extensive survey of the European pressure

equipment (PE) industry.

of the DBA

10 . Persons authorized to be present at the opening of

the tender:

10.1 One authorized representative of each tenderer

may attend the opening of tenders (proof of
identity must be presented).
10.2 The opening of tenders will take place at the

a ) Elaboration of initial guidelines for the

application of advanced DBA methodology ;
b ) Evaluation of the initial guidelines against a
number of existing pressure-system design
problems ;

c) Elaboration of enhanced guidelines for the

application of advanced DBA methodologies ;

d) Proposal for further work for

improvement of current rules for DBA.

address in 1 with indication of the reference

number of the call for tender.

8.2 Deadline for request of documents : 12 . 9 . 1996 .

Tel . (32-2 ) 295 59 56. Facsimile ( 32-2 ) 296 70 13 .

2 . Guidelines for the application

methodology :

8.1 The requests should addressed in writing to the

address in 1

on 4 . 10 . 1996 . Details will be

given in the specifications .

11 . Deposits and guarantees: Not applicable.

12 . Main terms concerning financing and payment: See
spcifications .
13 . Not applicable .


Further details are given in the specifications.

3 . Place of delivery: At the contractor's premises .

4 , a ) Not applicable .
b ) Not applicable : see item 14 .

14 . Selection criteria : See specifications .

15 . The offer shall remain valid for a period of 9 months
as from the date specified in 9.1 .

16 . Award criteria : See specifications .

17 . Other information : See specifications .

5 . Division into lots: Not applicable.

18 . No prior information notice has been published.

6 . Variants: See spcifications .

19 . Date of dispatch of the notice: 22 . 7 . 1996 .

7 . Contract duration : The study must be completed

20 . Date of receipt by the Office for Official Publi

cations of the European Communities: 22 . 7 . 1996 .

within 1 8 months from the date on which the

contract is signed .

8 . Request for spcifications:

21 . The market is covered by the WTO agreements on

public procurement.

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