For Example: Suppose A Factory Has 8 Sewing Lines and Each Line Has 25 Machines. Total 200

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For Example: Suppose a factory has 8 sewing lines and each line has 25 machines.

Total 200
machines and working shift is 10 hours per day. Total factory capacity per day is 2000 hours
(200 machines * 10 hours). If factory is producing only one style (Shirt) of SAM 25 minutes and
used all 200 machines daily production capacity at 50%
= (2000*60/25)*50% Pieces
= (2000*60*50) / (25*100) Pieces
= 2400 Pieces
[Note: Production will vary according to the line efficiency and during learning curve or in the
initial days when style is loaded to the line]
Production (capacity) planning is normally done based on sewing capacity. Having knowledge of
the capacity in other processes (internal or external) is also very important. Otherwise planner
may fail and will not be able to meet the dead line. Other departments such as Cutting room
capacity, Finishing room capacity, Washing Capacity and capacity of the value added jobs.

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