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Is There A True Zodiac

The Holy Tablets Ch.15 Tab. 3 vs 23-34

23 The Essenes were ascetic and advocated a vegetarian diet.

24 Some of the Essenes were astrologers.

25 Their system of astrology has passed on from the Ancient Mystic Order of Melchize-
dek, Of which they were a branch.

26 They were to log the birth of an individual.

27 This was called solar biology,

28 For you would not only be what sign you were born under,

29 But because your father was one sign and your mother another sign,

30 The 33 and 1/3rd chromosome that come through your father put his sign into you.

31 And the 33 and 1/3rd chromosome that come from your mother put her sign in you,

32 And then the 33 and 1/3rd that makes up the sign you were born with 3 signs equally
manifesting in their character.

33 The Essenes believed in selective birth for selected characters.

34 So the Essenes were holders of great mysteries within their order and much symbol-
ism was used within their community.

Ques: So who were the Essenes?

Answer: The Essenes by definition of their name the word is seir from where you get the
word Usir or where you get the word Sirius. The Essenes were astronomers not neces-
sarily astrologers but astronomers and the dealt with the science of tracking the star
systems to be able to determine the birth of individuals. They lived out in the Qumran
areas which would be the Jordan area of today in a region called Ammon today and you
know as an Egiptian or Tamarean you here the word Amon and you see the word in
there Amun as in Amun Re or the great deity of ancient Egipt the one who kept the se-
crets hidden. Now the Essenes themselves were disciples or students of the Ancient
Egiptian Order also known as the Ancient Mystic Order of Melchizedek or they were
disciples after or high priest after the Order of Melchizedek, and in the degree of Chris-
tianity as you’re reading from The Holy Tablets in the 15th chapter and that chapter is
called the Christians. That is a degree that is being given to you coming from The Dead
Sea Scrolls or The Tablets of Qumran, the Qumranian tablets that were found in Pales-
tine in the year 1947. So now these Essenes were actual spiritual masters or students
of the spiritual masters cause the masters the 24 elders from the 1st Akkatrial all the
way down to the 23rd Sandalfun. They set up various spiritual centers or schools on this
planet where their students were able to go to and study and be initiated into the greater
mysteries of Ancient Egipt. Now mind you in ancient Egipt there were two forms of mys-
teries or mystery schools, there were the lesser mysteries and the greater mysteries.
The greater mysteries were of course those things that were only given to a selected
few students which you find in a book written by The Master Teacher called The Science
of Healing where he explains the masters would come to their students in a vision state
or a dream state for lack of a better word, and in that state would convey certain pass-
words or certain things in the vision state that the individual would have to remember
when they would be awoken physically while awake and then they would be questioned
and if they could remember that information or those passwords or that information they
were given in that vision state then they were ready to be initiated into the greater mys-
teries. If they were not then The Supreme Grand Heirophant of the order or sacred mas-
ter would say they are not ready for initiation and they would be left to stay amongst
those who were only studying the lesser mysteries which was information available to
all. The Essenes were one of the sacred brotherhoods of ancient times don’t want to
say ancient but lets just say over the last 2 to 3000 years coming out of The Ancient
Egiptian Order.

Ques: O.K. can you explain what solar biology is?

Answer: O.K. solar biology and its very good that you asked that question because solar
biology, what often times what most Nuwaubians who have just started reading or
whatever the case maybe, when they hear solar biology they think that we’re talking
about astrology of today that you find so many people hooked into. No. Solar biology is
two words solar and biology. Solar dealing with the sun and biology bi, two dealing with
the two systems which is the circulatory system and respiratory system of the human
body, and how the sun which produces centripetal forces coming from the universe like
all great suns or stars produce and how that has an affect on the human species that’s
on the planet as well as the animals for that matter and how it affects nature and how
this whole system has been set up by The Great Source Alyuwn Alyuwn Al, known as
Re known as Anu and how these things coincide with one another. So solar biology it-
self is actually dealing with that system and how the universal forces, the nature forces
affect human beings, not to be confused with astrology, which is more of a pseudo-
science which The Master Teacher wrote a book on years ago called “ The Zodiac,
What’s Your Astrology Sign Brother”, and in there he gives a detailed explanation about
all the traps and pitfalls of astrology which we like to refer to today as “ Lunar Astrology”,
because there was solar biology then there’s lunar astrology. Lunar astrology coming
from the beings the Lunarians, those beings from Nirvana those East Indian Hindus de-
scendants who descended to this planet and the certain things that they brought here.

Ques: So if solar biology and lunar biology are two different things and you said that the
Essenes, they studied astronomy how did the zodiac come about?
Answer: O.K. so when you asked me how did the zodiac come about you have to re-
member that Tamare, known as Egipt, falsely called Africa today, that it is the home of
the original deities, that that continent called Africa today or what we know in ancient
times as Tamare it’s the birthplace of the zodiac. You overstand? Now often times you’ll
hear people use the phrase “ what’s your sign?” Now this is a phrase that’s used to start
conversations and its often done in attempts to see why a person does a thing or acts a
certain way. Bear in mind with this that the world your living in today has been filled with
an increased amount of negativity. The forces of demon man whether you want to call
him the white man or the black devils in black skin have been very successful today by
baiting so many people today into astrology. And they have done this by way of certain
souls like John Edwards, “Crossing Over” and all these different people where they
have these types of shows that make people say well maybe that is for me and you as a
Nubian or Nuwaubian or a black person or an African or a person of African descent,
once you get in there they are only going to take you down the wrong path towards fur-
ther enslavement of your soul and your mind. So now solar biology or what you’re ask-
ing about the zodiac, let’s bear in mind that the very word zodiac is two words zoe and
zu meaning animal and diac di = die and ac di diameter. Diameter deals with a circum-
ference a circle and ac deals with an arc. So when you speak of the zodiac so when you
speak of the zodiac you are speaking of the animal circle. And that animal circle is found
in ancient Tamare in the temples of the Egiptian deitess HatHor or called Hathor by the
greeks and when you get there you read and find on the walls of this temple of HatHor,
you find the temple of Dendera and you find the zodiac of Dendera and within the center
of it sits the Tamarean deitess known as Taweret, whose name has a symbolic meaning.
In time we will get into that. Now realize this the actual English word zodiac comes from
the greek word called zodiacuskiclus and that word means the wheel of the animals.
This is actually taken from the word golious which is another greek word that means
tower. Now the reason they took this from the word meaning tower was because in an-
cient times we had the BenBen or we had the Tekhenu as its called in Tamare or we had
the Minaret amongst our essene brothers called the shriners and they use to climb
these towers to be able to view these constellations by night and how they moved. They
realized now that this zodiac was a base actually on a band of constellations. Now lets
stop for a moment and give you what a constellation is as opposed to what a galaxy is.
A constellation is a grouping of stars that does not necessarily just have stars but actu-
ally forms pictures. So certain constellations where they say well that looks like a
woman or that looks like a dog call that the great dog called Canis Major the lower dog
smaller dog called Canis Minor. Then you have actual galaxies and galaxies themselves
are actually dealing with pictures that are not images like the milky way is just a spiral
galaxy they’ll say a cluster of stars, from the word galaxia meaning milk. So now the zo-
diac itself because you asked me where did the zodiac come from the origin of the zo-
diac is found in the Temple of Dendera as we said and that’s actually located today 37
miles north of the place in present day Egipt known as Luxor in a village there known as
Iunet or Eunet called by some. Now the origin of this zodiac is called dendera. The disc
of dendera itself was found on the ceiling as we said on the walls of the Temple of
HatHor. The disc itself was only 12 inches in diameter and it was there one of the tem-
ples of HatHor was found. There’s quite a few, and these temples were used as centers
where the priest would chart the constellations to determine when a couple should con-
ceive, how they should conceive, and who would be born and what type of character or
actually character adjustments that they were working on. To actually be able to breed
certain types of characters, certain types of mentalities. What your scientist are now do-
ing as genetic engineering where your ancient Tamareans or Egiptians or African ances-
tors did the same thing millions of years ago.

Ques: O.K. if I’m a certain sign and my husband is a certain sign should we breed at a
certain time to conceive a child to be born under a specific sign?

Answer: Well not just a specific sign because you have to remember that each of the
signs of the Tamarean zodiac called solar biology the Zodiac of Dendera or Iunet, each
of those months that a child is born in has a certain Tamarean or Egiptian deity that sits
over that month and that deity has a dual character. A masculine positive and a feminine
negative. Not masculine positive as in good or feminine negative as in bad but mascu-
line positive as in current or polarity and feminine negative as in current or polarity. You
call it today centripetal and centrifugal. Both of these polarities or character types are
necessary to determine your nature because both of them like the positive and negative
post in your automobile or car are necessary because without the positive post you cant
start your car and without the negative post being connected you cant start your car nor
if you plugged anything into the wall and if one of the prongs were missing, if you didn’t
get a negative current you couldn’t turn on the electrical object and vice versa. So we
recognize in Tamare that both of these natures, both of these sides, both of these polari-
ties were necessary because of the environment that you would be living in. This is not
something that we are making up because if you go into the Sacred Records of Atum
Re the 1st chapter tablet 4 in fact lets turn to it verse 118 and it reads here how impor-
tant is this? Very because this cycle is the main stay of physical life on earth. Without
these vital changes there would be no food for the beast animals and humans who for-
got that they too are part reptile, mammal, and deity which would make them a human
animal not a human being like many would like to think. Now why don’t humans realize
they are an animal? Because they move in to congested cities and isolate themselves
from animals and nature with the exception of a selected pets like a dog and cats today
that they domesticated to make themselves feel superior to nature. Yet if they return to
the rural life and have to survive without the amenities created by the tamperers of na-
ture (Ba Tuta, the Canaanite, the Caucasian , the devil in the flesh and his black devil
helpers) the children of destruction they would quickly remember their relationship to all
of the animals in this great chain of life. Now we witness this beauty of this aspect of
creation on the outskirts of the city, the countryside………………………..the Canaanite,
caucasian, the devil in the flesh refers to the big cities by names of fruit such as the big
peach and the big apple because he overstands that this implies that human beings are
worms and insects feasting away on their own source of existence until there is no
more. So all of these things have a relationship.

Ques: In astrology there are 12 astrological signs. How many are there in solar biology?
Answer: There are 12 solar biological signs because remember they stole it from us,
you overstand. They came in the greeks, the hyksos, ba tuta, the tamahu, those living
filth. They came in and they stole our principles but then overlayed it with greek philoso-
phies and lost hold or grips of the original intentions and they original ways and we have
to bring those things back in.

Ques: You said that it was Hathors temple?

Answer: It was dedicated to HatHor.

Ques: Is her temple, the temple of intoxication, intoxication and enjoyment?

Answer: Actually there were quite a few of them. They served as temples, fertility clinics,
observatories as well as hospitals for that matter. Now besides the Dendera Temple,
there’s also the, now remember there is the Dendera Temple in the village of Iunet out-
side of Luxor, there is also HatHor’s Temple at Pila they call it Pela today, there’s one at
Deer Al Madina, there’s one at Deer Al Bahri, there’s a Temple at Sordebid Al Khadum
where the so called Isralite story of leaving egipt and going up and creating this cow
goddess that they worshipped, that was at a place called Sordebid Al Khadim, and there
are those such as the one located at Abu Simbal in Nubia. We had many fertility clinics
because we as ancient Tamareans overstood that the whole concept of eternal life was
based on your progeny and your works. We didn’t have spookism. See spookism tells
you that your gonna be good. Your gonna live be a nice person pray to god or jesus or
Jehovah or allah or some other spook force and if you be real good you’re gonna die
and go to this place called never never land the land of far far away like you find in the
movie Shrek that most kids believe in. Another form of fairytales by now its for adults.
However that’s spookism. The ancient Tamareans or the ancient egiptians as we’re
known or the Africans and our cultures we all acknowledged that your works and your
progeny what things you did, how you stamped your works, the things that you taught,
the things you constructed, the books that you wrote, the events that you were involved
in, as well as your progeny because as long as your progeny or children were living
then your DNA was living and if your DNA was living then you were living threw your
DNA. That was our concept of eternal life. So the power of fertility or the power of pro-
creation is very important. However when this other group called the greeks or the hyk-
sos or the tamahu or the Canaanite or the Caucasian or yaquub’s grafted devil or the
devil in flesh. When he came in he had to figure a way because he has a problem pro-
creating. This is not something we’re saying, this is not something that The Master
Teacher Dr. Malachi Z. York is saying this is something that their own scientist are say-
ing. Caucasians have to fight to have to fight to have a child Nubians have children like
roaches or like little rabbits. They cant have children. They suffer because they lack the
salt the necessary salt like the egiptian deity called Shu whose the 11th deity who ties
into sodium. They lack the sodium in there reproductive fluids, which you find in The
Holy Tablets in chapter 7 tablet 4 where it talks about how the etherians work thru the
reproductive fluids of your DNA for the excretions of your seminal vesicles of the human
being the male and from the ovaries of the female. They lack that ability. So they had to
take you away from eternal life being based on children because if that was the reality
today then you would realize that was the reality today then you would realize that you
live on and they don’t, because the average Caucasian only has one or two children
and the average Nubian has 5, 6, 7 children. So if we have more children than they do
then we would of course have more eternal life than they would and they cant of course
have more Nubians or Tamareans or Egiptians or Nuwaubians or Africans or latinos if
you want to call yourself that or Jamaicans or Caribbeans. Whatever name people want
to grab on to today they can not have you realizing that fact so they took it away from
that. Now when you ask was her temple a temple of intoxication? When you say intoxi-
cation, yes its called a temple of intoxication by the greeks today but not intoxication in
the sense of going getting drunk and walking around having orgies. They named it the
temple of intoxication because when the greeks came in under the roman man called
mark Anthony and they went in and dealt with the Phoenician woman Cleopatra who
was 6ether herself, dark skinned with straight hair when they came in and started deal-
ing with her they brought in the whole concept of having orgies into egipt and that
wasn’t ancient Tamare that was egipt under the dynasties where the romans were start-
ing to rule as the hyksos dynasties. And the romans were coming in and Alexander the
greek was coming in they call him the great but he wasn’t great he was a greek and
they came in under certain spy systems, clandestine spy systems known as the illumi-
nati. And they came in and started to bring in this whole orgy concept of intoxication and
getting drunk and having these big ole parties and they associated hathor we being a
goddess of intoxication because that’s what they were bringing in and that’s how Cleo-
patra procreated with Mark Anthony and gave birth to that son named Jesus-Justus or
Cleophus and that’s how before that she procreated with Caesar and gave birth to a son
named Caesarian which the Tamareans did not accept but they had got pushed down
into nubia where you find today in the Deflorida region of Sudan where they are trying to
eliminate those blue black people the original Ptah-Deneg they’re trying to wipe them
out. They have been trying to wipe them out for thousands of years and chase them all
across the continent of Africa and that is also apart of what’s happening. So the zodiac
is very important.

Ques: That kind of answered my question because I was wondering if it was a house of
intoxication and I thought producing a child was a sacred ritual.

Answer: It is a sacred ritual.

Ques: I didn’t want to be confused and think it was a big orgy.

Answer: Right that’s what they brought in that was the greeks. Of course when you’re
talking about it they we’ll use certain things they say so those people who need to go
and check it out we see things and say well at least you saw it for yourself.

Ques: Does mixing your genes cause variations of your solar biological sign?

Answer: Mixing your seed according to the Holy Tablets chapter 10, tab.11, tab.12, and
tab.13 is an abomination to nature. When you mix your seed no other creatures in na-
ture that are considered the same species mix. Meaning lions, though they are of the
feline species do not mix with tigers. They do not mix with leopards. They do not mix
with cheetahs. They do not mix with panthers. Well mr. or mrs. Nubian you as a Nubian
or Nuwaubian should not be mixing your seed with other races because if we continue
to do that we will mongrelize the races and miscegenize the races and we will not be
who we really are and the children will suffer as a result because they will not be ac-
cepted by the Nubians nor by the Caucasians and any other group of people for that
matter. And then genetically like you’re asking about their signs, the child will be born
and flicker between the two signs. Lets say for example your father is German and your
mother is Jamaican. Well Germany by its location on the map and how far above the
equator its located and the weather that they have there and the foods that they eat like
potatoes and high beef intake and things of that nature, correct, meanwhile Jamaica
and the music they listen to in Germany its yodeling in Jamaica its Caribbeans, still
pans and drums and African drums

And jimbeys and talking drums and dreads and curry cooking and foods of that nature
and certain sorrows. That’s two different extremes. This child would be like a mixed dog
that’s not a pedigree. A pedigree dog is more balanced everyone knows that but when
you mix a dog and you have a mongrel dog the chances of having problems are greater
and that’s why so many of us as Nubians today are suffering because the Canaanite
knew this day would come when your solar biological signs would be important and be-
ing prepared for the elders and living Nuwaubu so he breed in during this kidnapping of
400 years here and the ones that took place in the caribbeans and the ones that took
place as apartied in Africa. He breed amongst us to be that gene inside of you that
would cause us to be self destructive towards our own cause and to not love self and
kind. So yes your signs mixing in does affect your personality and your personality, per-
son, personality, person personified is made up of 16 characteristics as the Master
Teacher Dr. Malachi Z. York has taught us. Two 180 yourself positive 180 yourself nega-
tive and then 14 other personalities going to back to your parents and their parents and
their parents going back four generations. This is why it is so difficult when I remember
we were talking to some sisters and some brothers and the sister asked a question well
what about the discerning of spirits that it mentions in the Holy Tablets. And I said well
the problem with the discerning of spirits as the Master Teacher has said many times
when you look into a Nubians eyes you don’t know which one of those relatives you are
talking to. Because of the flickering of the genes and breeding those different signs.
We’ve got to go back. We’ve all got that problem now. Whether breeding in mixing our
seed or breeding in having so many different signs so now we have to lock off and teach
our children solar biology so they will know about it and live by it like the ancient Esse-
nes and the ancient Tamareans and they’ll begin to live by it. And by living by it they will
bring it back in that system of living by our way of life which is Nuwaubu and then there
children will be born in accordance to certain signs and certain times and we will get our
genes back in order!

Ques: So in saying that how do we gain control of these conflicting genes?

Answer: Well you gain control of these conflicting genes by first recognizing that they
are there. Something the Master Teacher said many times in a book “Sayings of Dr.
Malachi Z. York”. He made the statement, “Label each side of your personality with a
color so that when it rises you will recognize it, if not it will seize you and control you”.
What is that to say? That is to say that each personality some of don’t know our great
grand parents or our grand parents by name, but you know that when you wake up in
the morning and you feel a certain way certain mornings label that characteristic with a
name or a color so when it rises up during the day and you feel it coming on the feeling
it gives you, you label it and you know who it is and you are able to control it to sup-
press it when it needs to be quiet or to utilize it when that side needs to come out in cer-
tain situations that you will be placed in living day to day in this world that we are living
in today!

Ques: You were talking about the zodiac so what is the real name of the zodiac what is
the true name of the zodiac?

Answer: The true name of the zodiac as taught by the Tamarean masters is Ba Mendela
Shil Iunet or Ba Mendela Shil Tentare or the term they call the Dendora today. Now that
is the is most ancient name the word Iunet. The zodiac of Dendera or Iunet or Tentare is
the very first map of the sky that actually displays all the constellations mind you. Not
just the 12 signs but those other pictographs that are in there are actually all the other
various constellations viewed from earth going out. The original inhabitants of the nile
river valley as well as the niger river valley, because there’s two river valleys. There’s
the nile river valley which is in east Africa and then there’s the niger or nigger river val-
ley in west Africa. And these people who lived there were called Tar-Deneg. They are
the original pygmies, ptathites tarites. And they developed the system of the Dendera.
They developed it to determine the system of the constellations which the Neteru or the
Guardians or the Angelic Host or the Annunaki or the Nommos or the different names
the Kachina the Ginwins the Shashukiy the Umarway from Illyuwn by way of Sahu
known as Orion, Septet known as Siris taught them about. You find it in the Holy Tablets
in the 1st chapter tablet 6 verse 49 The Orion is a constellation located on the celestial
equator east of Taurus. It is an oblong configuration with three stars in line near its cen-
ter, in the Orion belt, called Nebula. It is represented on pectorial charts as the figure of
Orion, it was called Sahu the soul of Usir, Osiris, Three bright stars represent his belt, 1.
Alnitak, 2. Alnilam, 3. Mintaka. This is the home of the agreeable Annunaqi, or Aluhum,
and the disagreeable 4 winds, which make up, 1. Betelgeuse, 2. Bellatrix, 3. Rigel, and
4. Saiph, under the watchful eye of Sept or Septet, also called Sothis where Nibiru took
residence. Now mind you notice we just read in the Holy Tablets Anitak, Alnilam, and
Mintaka which you say in your Ashutat when you’re saying the prayer of Usir. You’re ac-
knowledging that we were replicating heaven on earth, cause the heaven in Orion is a
place called Eridanos and this place Eridanos is where you get the word Eridu and
that’s where these elder gods like Osiris and Isis and them were from, where they lived
as certain events took place.
Ques: What does Mandela mean?

Answer: The word Mandela itself, there are those who when they hear it will say that,
that’s a Sanscrit word or that’s a Hindu word but however it is not. That is an actual
Tamarean word meaning “The Wheel of Life” or the Wheel of Law. The Sanscrit or the
Hindu their original word for that before they grafted the original word from Nuwaubic
into their Hindu, Sanscrit, they originally used the word Mindonna and that word Min-
donna is what they utilized. Now when they grafted Mandela from the Nuwaubic into
their language they did the same thing that the people of Tibet did with the word Tin-
dren. Now the Arabs in Arabic use the word Luga or Lutha meaning an almond and they
use the word almond because the shape of the almond that oblong configuration or
geometric shape which is symbolic of the cosmic, the cosmos. The latins grabbed it up
and they use the word mandorla meaning aerial or halo or circle in the sky from where
the bible grafts the word hawila where they say havila the people of havila where they
talk about the gold of that land was good in one place it was called havila. The word
havila is from the word hawila which is from the word hawwah and the word hawwah
means animals from the word hawat light or the circle of light. Hawila was a circle in the
sky because these ancient African people or ancient Tamarean people acknowledged
that that circle in the sky or zodiac in the sky actually controlled your very existence. A
Mandela is a circular image or carving much like your sun dials and zodiac disks of
Tamare. The Tamarean Mandela however bring things that appear chaotic they bring
them together. Things that appear complex they bring them to order. They bring a pat-
tern a wholeness a completion. A Mandela is also known by some as a magic circle, a
mystic square, a cube, an orb, which can be used in meditation as well as for healing.
Now in time these mandelas of Tamare gave birth to the rose windows that you find to-
day in the Christian or catholic cathedrals and the lotus symbol of ancient Tamare itself
was grafted as a plan of the nile and ended up in other rivers of Africa, got grafted into
islam as the symbol for their mystical sufi order which is nothing but the ancient Esse-
nes or Shriners that we of ancient Tamare no about. So all of these things when they
grab those languages, they grabbed our words they grabbed our culture, the great Mas-
ter Teacher Dr. Malachi Z. York said thru the years they grafted these things over into
their religion and that’s where things went wrong.

Ques: If a person has 16 personalities and you don’t know who you are looking at at the
time how does a person go about choosing a mate?

Answer: That’s why the Master Teacher taught us that 1st you have to ask about the
genetics of the individual. You have to know about the blood, remember in ancient
Tamare, like today when you go get a marriage license they do a blood test but they’re
not telling you why they just say to make sure there aren’t any diseases. In ancient
Tamare they would actually take your blood and put it in test tubes, the blood of the
mother or the male and female, and they would watch it for a certain period of time to
see if it separates, to see if it merges. They would look under a microscope to see the
actual antigens in the blood to see if they attacked each other, whether one blood with-
drew from the other. By way of doing this they would know if these two people were
compatible or if they would be constantly at odds. This was an actual science but today
they just say that they draw blood to make sure there are no diseases but in ancient
times they knew further. Now for you today this is why we are saying, what we are talk-
ing about now makes us realize that we are going to have to put a book out on this sub-
ject and we’re gonna have to address it in depth so that you’ll be able to study the book
because its very difficult in a 3 or 4 or 5 hour class or lecture or workshop to give you
everything on it but its gonna be a system and you’ll be able to study it and we’ll be able
to go even further in depth on how to choose a mate because the master has already
given us those things. You have to choose based on health, you have to choose based
on the ability to provide, you have to choose based on other things and we’re gonna tie
those things in. So just bare with us were just getting started.

Ques: So you have to choose a mate based on eugenics?

Answer: Eugenics is very, very important. It is found in The Holy Nuwaubian Family
Guide, and it means genetic breeding, breeding from genetic superiority, or mental su-
periority, or physical superiority. So that we will survive the other races, we will survive
the calamities and so that we will be able to bring the elders to this planet.

Ques: O.K. so what about people who say that that breeds racism?

Answer: No, people who say that that breeds racism are people who want to help keep
their race alive. We’re not concerned with hating anyone because no one wins the race
in racism, however we are concerned with the fact that because of breeding with those
outside of ourselves we have weakend our genes. Lions don’t say to panthers why don’t
you want to breed with me, isn’t that felinism? No! We have to start living in accordance
to the laws of nature, and if that sounds like racism then it is but its called right racism.
That which is right for the survival of our race, our progeny, and our way of thinking be-
ing namely Nuwaubu and this is something that the Master Teacher Dr. Malachi Z. York
from 1962 all the way to 1967 all the way up to 1970 officially as Amunnubi Raakhptah
taught that we’ve got to bring that back. If its racism then its called Right Racism.

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