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CAE speaking part 2 LONG RUN

3 minutes altogether (en tout)

You and your partner receive a set of three pictures
Candidate A. answers a question about the 3 pictures for 1 minute.
Candidate B. is asked a question about the three pictures (20 seconds)
Then you receive another set of three pictures
Candidate B. answers a question about the 3 pictures for 1 minute.
Candidate A. is asked a question about the 3 pictures (20 seconds)
How to do it ?
Choose two pictures. Talk about the general
theme. (you wont have time to describbe the
whole picture in detail)
Compare them : differences

Compare them : ressemblances


Answer the question printed on the set at the

Give reasons for the answer you give

Stop for a minute. The examiner will tell you

Ill focus on this picture and that one.

Here I can see
In this photo I can see
Someone is
There are
Unlike the picture at the top, at the bottom, on
the right, on the left, in the middle
On the other hand, the picture at the bottom
The situation in these pictures is completely
One difference between the pictures is that
In both pictures there are people eating.
These two persons are similar in age, about
This person looks as if shes hes
He seems to be
Perhaps they are
Maybe they are
Theyre probably
He could
He might be
I suppose they are
I daresay they are
The main reason for this is that
I think theyre enjoying themselves insofar
as theyre smiling.
I think theyre havig fun inasmuch as they
look excited and joyful.
Id say they are enthusiastic because of the
look on their faces.

thank you when you have to stop.

When your partner is talking, listen, but dont

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