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Use and Importance of the

Different Types of Computers

Identify the different types of computers
Give the uses and importance of
Prepared by:
Teacher I
ESCES - Midsayap West

A computer is on electronic device

that helps people perform different
The four types of computers include:
1) Microcomputers or Personal
2) Mini Computers or Portable
3) Mainframe Computers

is generally a synonym for the more common term
personal computer or PC, a computer designed for
an individual. It uses microprocessor technology to
input, manipulate, store and output data,
Businesses use personal computers for word
processing, accounting and desktop publishing and
for running spreadsheet and database
management applications. At home, the most
popular use for personal computers is for playing

Two Classifications of
1. Personal Computer or PC
2. Portable Computer

Personal Computers
It have become widely popular
with people of all lifestyles
because they are powerful,
affordable and easy to use.
Personal 'computers are of various
sizes and design.

Portable Computers
These include laptop or sub-notebook,
tablet computer and personal digital
assistants. They are small enough 10
move easily from one place to another
and they can operate on batteries.
They are popular with people who
travel and need computing power on
the go.

Laptop / Notebook Computer

A small, portable computer - small enough
that it can sit on your lap. Nowadays, laptop
computers are more frequently called
notebook computers. Aside from size, the
principal difference between a notebook and
a personal computer is the display screen.
Notebook computers use a variety of
techniques, known as flat panel
technologies, to produce a lightweight bred
non-bulky display screen.

Tablet PC
This provides the full power and functionality of
today's notebook PCs. With a tablet PC, you can use
your computer more often and in more situations
than ever before - at your desk, in the hallway, in a
meeting room, on the manufacturing floor, in a
client's office or on room, Long battery life arid light
weight make the Tablet PC more mobile than
current notebook PCs. The streamlined designs
make the tablet PC less obtrusive to use when you
are in a meeting or working away from your desk.

Microsoft's Tablet PC
is a design for a fully-equipped personal
computer that allows a user to take notes
using natural handwriting on a stylus - or
digital pen-sensitive touch screen instead of
requiring the use of a keyboard. The Tablet PC
is similar in size and thickness to a yellow
paper notepad. It will run existing Windowsbased applications and is intended to be the
user's primary personal computer as well as a
note-taking device.

A midsized computer. In size and power,
minicomputers lie between workstations
and mainframes. In general, a
minicomputer is a multi-processing
system capable of supporting from 4 to
about 200 users simultaneously.

Mainframe Computer
A very large and expensive computer capable of
supporting hundreds or even thousands of users
simultaneously. In the hierarchy that starts with
a simple microprocessor at the bottom and
moves to supercomputers at the top,
mainframes are just below supercomputers. In
some ways, mainframes are more powerful than
supercomputers because they support more
simultaneous programs.

This is the fastest type of computer.
are very expensive and are employed for
specialized applications that require immense
amounts of mathematical calculations, For
example, weather forecasting requires a
supercomputer. Other uses of supercomputers
include animated graphics, fluid dynamic
calculations, nuclear energy research and
petroleum exploration.

When do we use microcomputers?

Mainframe computers?

How well did you learn?


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