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Age of Exploration Quiz #1 (a)

NAME _____________________________

1. All of the following were reasons for the successes of the European explorers except:
a. use of navigation instruments like the compass and the astrolabe.
b. the development of detailed and accurate maps.
c. seaworthy caravels with triangular sails that could tack into the wind.
d. their respect for non-European people and cultures.
2. Major motivations for European exploration of the world's oceans included all of the
following except
a. the search for wealth and glory.
b. the desire to spread democracy.
c. an interest in trading directly with Asian markets for spices and other goods.
d. the urge to convert non-Europeans to Christianity.
3. Christopher Columbus believed that by sailing west 2,500 nautical miles he would
a. reach the edge of the earth.
b. find a direct and profitable route to Asia.
c. discover a new continent and lost city of gold.
d. find a quick passage around Africa.
4. The Portuguese sailor who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and reached the Indian
port of Calicut was
a. Christopher Columbus
b. Vasco da Gama
c. Bartholemeu Dias
d. Ferdinand Magellan
5. In the Treaty of Tordesillas, Pope Alexander VI issued the Line of Demarcation, which
a. established boundaries between Europeans and Native Americans.
b. divided the world between Portugal and Spain.
c. separated the church's land and the emperor's land.
d. drew a line between English and French colonies.
6. The bloodthirsty Aztec god of the sun was called
a. Huitzilopochtli
b. Yikyak
c. Quetzalcoatl
d. Isis

Age of Exploration Quiz #1 (a)

NAME _____________________________

7. What was the capital of the Aztec empire?

a. Tenochtitln
b. Machu Picchu
c. Cuzco
d. Huitzilopochtli
8. Razor-sharp Aztec blades were made of
a. bronze
b. bone.
c. obsidian.
d. iron.
9. For the Aztecs, a Flower War was
a. a contest to see who had the prettiest garden.
b. an expression to describe the beauty that the Aztecs found in violence.
c. battle intended to gain sacrificial victims, not to kill enemy soldiers.
d. not a war at all, but a big party in celebration of spring.
10. The Incan quipu were
a. the Virgins of the Sun.
b. household gods.
c. complex knotted strings used for record-keeping.
d. highly-trained elite soldiers.
11. In contrast to the Aztecs, the Inca built their empire largely through
a. brutal conquest and tribute.
b. negotiation and diplomacy.
c. the expansion of trade.
d. ritual sacrifice.
12. Citizens of the Inca Empire were required to give tribute as mita, which was
a. a measurement of gold.
b. a form of currency based on knotted strings.
c. a measurement of grain.
d. mandatory labor in public service.
13. The main use of the vast Inca road system was
a. imperial communication.
b. trade and commerce.
c. to allow military movement.
d. All of the above

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