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Ethical Dilemma

(Films on Demand)
An Ethical Dilemma Paper

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Ethical Dilemma

We can ask ourselves whether ethics is still essential and if individuals around the globe
can concede to a center gathering of qualities that help them use sound judgment despite
troublesome predicaments. Information transfers have changed the rate and system for working
together around the globe and alongside this innovation come new difficulties in getting precise,
robust data from spot to place. Since organizations include a worldwide showcasing, social and
moral differences must be considered to guarantee business directed in a moral way for all
gatherings included. Some businesses tycoons in the whole world use unethical manner just to
run the system in their business smoothly in their hands. Unethical dilemmas of garment workers
are clearly evident in the Films on Demand, "Made in L.A."
Made in L.A. (Films on Demand)
I have seen a sample of Films on Demand entitled, "Made in L.A.," which discusses
about what happened to a garment factory, when there are three of the Latina migrants working
in a Los Angeles clothing factory, tired of its low wages and poor working conditions, started to
stand up. They have shared with the world how they are disheartened by the very long hours of
work with a very low wages. There was even a time when they were lock in just to finish neither
the quota with no recess nor comfort room time. Through an earth shattering legal claim and
customer blacklist, the ladies built a vital lawful and proper point of reference holding Forever
21, a famous American retailer, at risk for the work conditions under which its items are
fabricated. This system recounts their story, giving an insider's perspective into the battles of late
outsiders and into the arranging methodology itself: the excitement, demoralization, hard-won
triumphs, and extreme self-strengthening. Maria, Maura and Lupe these three ladies, alongside
other clothing workers, meet up at Los Angeles' Garment Worker Center to stand firm for their

Ethical Dilemma

rights. Despite seemingly insurmountable opposition, these apparently helpless laborers dispatch
a remarkably open test to one of the city's leader clothiers, pointing out the dim side of low-wage
work north of the U.S.-Mexico outskirt and uncovering the social issue lines of the new
globalization. As seen through the eyes of Maria, Maura, and Lupe, the laborers' battle for
essential financial equity and individual poise yields trust and development, yet it is additionally
loaded with disillusionments and risks. As the campaign delays for three long years, gatherings at
the Garment Worker Center get to be more antagonistic, and the ladies experience sensational
odds and ends of contention and disheartening. Also, then the story takes a shocking turn, and the
three women discover the quality and assets to proceed with their battle.
Moreover, clothing company like Forever 21 uses sweatshop labor to manufacture
clothing products that contribute to low pricing, and this is what the consumers want. A lot of
this operates around the world because they can do so much to lessen poverty, uphold economic
power, develop living standards, and make consumer products cheaper. However, when there are
advantages, there are also disadvantages and I am always going for human rights. Sweatshop is
a word that represents commissioning system in which the distributors earned proceeds from the
boundary between the amount they received for a contract and the amount they paid to the
workers. The said limit was said to be "sweated" from the workers because they received
minimal or low wages or salary for longer hours worked with unhealthy environment conditions.
Also, this kind of business is denoted to us as the "sweat factory" because it makes a dangerous
and a not healthy working environment for workers such as the exposure to harmful materials,
dangerous situations, extreme temperatures and abuse from employers. The sweatshop labor
explained in the Films on Demand, "Made in L.A." an ethical dilemma not just for the lives of

Ethical Dilemma

Maria, Maura, and Lupe, but to all workers working in this kind of business which showcases
unjust and unlawful system.
I understand that Forever 21 make our consumers satisfied because shoppers can also buy
affordable clothing. Perhaps, without these sweatshop factories, the consumers cannot buy
affordable tangible materials. Nevertheless, the shopping enjoyment of the customers with these
sweatshops will always reflect negatively to the workers who also need fair treatment from the
management. I can say that these pity workers are afraid to speak and do something against their
bosses because they are afraid that they will be terminated, and their job is important to them
economically. Even the United States America cannot control these sweat factories even though
it is the country that has a stronger labor laws. However, it is not yet too late to act on this. There
is still a lot of time to change it. Moreover, after 36 months of protest from the three ladies and
other factory workers, Forever 21 has arrived at a concurrence with the factory workers. A joint
articulation says workers ought to work in legal conditions and ought to be dealt with decently
and with poise. In addition, I believe that utilitarianism is one of the ethical theories that could be
a critical factor in having a good business. In the story of Maria, Maura, and Lupe, this showed
that the company Forever 21 lacks utilitarian discipline in their business. Companies should
show a kind of system which brings the best advantage and prosperity to the biggest number of
individuals or workers. The three ladies have shown a perfect display of virtue ethics; they are
great persons who tried to use sound judgment, in light of the fact that their character has been
formed in the right way. That's why, they have fought for their rights, and they won the battle.
There is no evil that will achieve triumph against good people.
For Lupe, Maura and Mara, the battle is a defining moment from exploitation to
strengthening, and every makes an extraordinary choice that they could never have imagined.

Ethical Dilemma

They have stood on what they believe that corporation, business or enterprise cannot stay forever
without their laborers. And they have created a significant change in the company Forever 21
that will be remembered by everyone forever. Doing business in ethical way, making an
allowance for the problem with moral standard and treat human beings fairly are the keys for
corporations to be successful. Good ethics was realized by Forever 21 when Lupe, Maura, and
Maria stand up for what is right based on the law of human rights.

Ethical Dilemma


Made in L.A. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2015, from

Made in L.A. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2015, from
"Made in L.A." Films Media Group -. Web. 4 May 2015. <
"Made in L.A. Documentary Film." Made in L.A. Documentary Film. 10 Dec. 2010. Web. 4 May
2015. <>.
Web. 4 May 2015. <>.

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