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Oral speaking is delivering an information or ideas to a public audience verbally.

It is a
brief discussion of a defined topic delivered to a public audience in order to impart knowledge or
to stimulate discussion .We decided to choose oral speaking as our method to learn vocabulary
through song.
We found that this method is partially effective for us because every coin has two sides.
One of the strength by using this method is can attract us to learn english in interesting way. The
attractiveness of this learning method provide us with additional motivation to study English
vocabulary (Brooks&Wilson,2014). This method attract us successfully and enhance our desire
to learn more. We are enjoyed to explore new words in song and used in oral speaking. For
example, devine intention is one of the word we learn which means when the hand of God
reaches down and saves someone from a life threatening or dangerous situation(Im yours).
Moreover, we can easily memorize the vocabulary from lyrics by using oral speaking
compared with other vapid method. When we used the new words in oral speaking, we are
discussing with our audience and it can stimulate our brain. Therefore, we can remember the
lyrics and learn new word effectively. For instance, we used the word- contagious (smell like
teen spirit) in oral speaking , our audience ?
The weakness of this method is we may dont know the spelling of the words. Eventhough
this method help us to memorize the pronunciation of the word, yet we may faced difficulties or
failed to spell the word. For example, we can pronounce the new vocabulary immediately in
conversation, but we may need more time to get the correct spelling of the new words when we
are writing.
In a nutshell, oral speaking is a partially effective method for learning the vocabularly.
This learning method is very attractive, because this method is interesting compared with others.

Besides, oral speaking also help us to learn effectively. We can memorize the pronunciation of
the word within a short period competently. To overcome the weaknesses of this learning
method, we suggested to copy down vocabulary in the lyrics, therefore it can branded on our

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