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First, I would like gratitude to Allah SWT. Without His blessing and guidance, all of
my effort would be meaningless.
Secondly, I would like to thank my beloved parents; Abdul Muad Suleman and Yusi
Dasrita for all your love, support, and prayer for me, you two always support me and
pray for me no matter what. And also thanks to my brother and sister, Kevin Maulana
and Shania Amalia Putri, for all your love and support in my life.
Thanks also to my supervisor, Mrs Ana Noveria, for your kindness in guiding me to
finish my thesis and answering all of my confusion.
Special thanks to my full-time partner, Niki Febila, for your love, support, kindness,
presence, time, prayer, laughter, motivation, support, and everything you gave through
this hard time and good time in my life. The important thing is that you and me
always stick together as us no matter what happened and what weve been through.
And special thanks to Wisnu Bayuaji as my best friend/brother from another
mother/nigga/bro/mate for all the supports, time, and jokes since weve met.
And also special thanks to my thesis mate at The Anas Playground, Cahyo Utomo,
Auliana Purnama, Nalla Aflah, Kayom Mukti Nursalim, and Eka Puteri, for your
helps and support in finishing my thesis.
Many thanks for my most lovely people in my life,
Adika Narindra, Budi Istaprayojana Wiratama, Dibyanta Andika Satari, Priyo
Ajie Kusumo, Raiditya Priatama, Abindra Pradika, Nalla Krishna, Janaka
Indraputra, Kevin Dayandra, Bayu Ramadhan, Muhammad Ihsan, Thomas
Teguh, Franky Subiana, Sami Rachman, Dennis Wikabhara, Gilang Pangestu,
Anka Grahantio, Andyka Dimas, Ivan Gurhananda, Rahman Miladi,
Pramadipta anggana, Ichsan Kurnia, Erik Tobing as my bestfriend that giving
me support, prayer, jokes, and love in my life.
Marvin Ramaputra, Boris Adivarahman, Pak Sugeng and Lele from
My Kartipah mate, Fuckskill, Maghrib Band, Embun Pagi, Es Kering,
Tutorial 1C, Tutorial 1B, Tutorial 2D, Tutorial 3D, SBM 2013, Odang, Jajang,
and DJ RBAnanto
Last words, the author hopes that this paper can be useful for the further study about
financial performance in the future.
Bandung, September 2013

Abiyusar Waqas

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