Korban Tamid Workshet

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The holidays are over, now what?

-What do holidays do for our schedules?

-How do holidays help us spiritually?
-Write in your blank schedule, every single thing that occupies your
days, on a normal day.
-Without a holiday, how am I supposed to derive inspiration, we
have so much going on!
Avraham, our forefather, was a busy guy. He was busy leading the world to
monotheism, and you know that isnt the easiest job. We know from the Torah that
Avraham was a very hospitable guy. One story that illustrates this was that 3
random people that were standing near his tent. The day was really hot, but
Avraham immediately noticed them, bowed to them in thanks for the opportunity
to host them, offered them water, gave them a place to wash their feet, and told
them to recline in the shade! Then him and Sarah immediately started preparing
food for them!
People though have offered hospitality in other places in the Torah, why does
Avraham stand out for it?
What stands out about this verse?

-He already saw them, why does he have to see them again?
-Inspiration is fleeting. Sometimes we are happy to jump and do a good deed,
especially after we are inspired, that was Avrahams first sight. He saw the
opportunity and jumped right on it!
-We know that although we can be pumped up for something, it can easily go
away. For Avraham though, he taught us that we have to continue on that
aspiration and SEE again the opportunity in front of us!
-Somehow we need to constantly hold onto inspiration. BUT HOW?
-What is the most all-encompassing line in the Torah?
-Some would say Shema, some would say love your neighbor as yourself, but
Shimon Ben Pazzai, a man from the Talmud says it is the Korban Tamid, the every
day and every night offering.
-The Maharal says that we need something inspirational to stabilize us everyday.
We need to constantly be able to start our day and end our day to love and serve

God in complete and total devotion. That is why the Korban Tamid is the most
important. (Maharal, Nesivos Olam).
-Why would we need to do this everyday?
We are humans; we dont have holidays every day, so we obviously need
reminders, because we can forget our inspiration. Today, we still are able to say
the words of this offering as if we are completing them. If that doesn't work for
you, try to find something in your schedule that can make sure you are reminded
of who you are and where you come from.
-Any ideas?
-My ideas- prayer, just talking to God in your own language in the morning and at
night, blessings before food, giving a small coin of charity every single day,
making sure to do a small nice thing for someone every day, the list goes on!
-Add it into your schedule now!

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