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Lesson Plan Format

NAME: Hannah Weinberg-Kinsey

Lesson Title: Migrant Connections and Disconnections

Grade level: 8

Total Time:
# Students: 25
Learning Goal:
Target Goal or Skill:

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.3 Write narratives to develop real and

imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant
descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

Essential Question(s):

How do the migrants Americans celebrate each Thanksgiving (the

Pilgrims) connect or disconnect to major migrations (Latinos and
Syrians) happening today? How can narrative explore empathy?
How can creative writing facilitate our understanding of history and
the world today?

Topical question(s):

How can writing a letter to and from a migrant of yesterday or

today help us understand the world around us?
1) Read, watch, and explore online information about the
Pilgrims, Latino migration, and the Middle Eastern
2) Write a letter from the perspective a historical or current
migrant to a different historical or current migrant.
Formative Assessment:
Evaluate letters shared orally at the end of class or personally when
they finish the assignment.


(Criteria / Look Fors/
Performance Tasks)

Write a creative letter taking on a fictional persona

Summative Assessment:
Future creative writing projects or writing standardized tests.
Needs Represented
Accommodations and/or

Hispanic population. ADHD.

Instructional Procedures
(including specific times)

7:40Introduction (Ive never been introduced to this class.)

7:45Lesson Agenda, Objectives, and Expectations
7:50Lesson Introduction and Website demonstration on a

On task time chart: Students work at their own pace during this
lesson, but I will provide a break down of the steps and time
available so students can manage their time.

(including motivational
hook where applicable)

Learning Activities:


Language Demands:
5 Questions (Blooms or

Curriculum (APA)

projector. Show students the blog I created make the following

expectations clear: Click on the links provided and digest
information on that webpage.
(The following will be the time management chart written on the
white board.)
8:00 Explore the Pilgrims migration (3 Links)
8:10 Explore Latino Migration (Video 6:27)
8:20 Explore Middle East Migration (Video 2:10)
8:30 Begin to write (20 minutes)
8:50 Wrap up writing
8:55 Share out in small groups.

Comparing historical and current migrations.

General subject vocabulary (links to definitions (migration and
refugee on blog).
Organizing thoughts into a fictional letter. Must know letter format.
Fictional letters will be shared. Discourse between students and
teacher allowed with cognizance of voices as a disruption to others.
Webbs DOK
1. What are specific details about the lives of historical or
current migrants (ie mode of transit)?
2. How do those details differ or connect to the lives of other
3. What does it mean that one migration (the Pilgrims) is
celebrated and accepted in our culture, while the other two
remain controversial?
4. What should Americans think about migrants and how could
you be apart of this cultural shift?
Connecting to previous unit on narrative.

Investigations in
Number, Data, and
Space. (2012).



Writing notebooks and pencils/pens.
Concluding questions to guide concluding comments
1. How can creative writing facilitate our understanding of
history and the world today?
2. What does it mean that one migration (the Pilgrims) is

celebrated and accepted in our culture, while the other two

remain controversial?
3. What should Americans think about migrants and how could
you be apart of this cultural shift?

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