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Evaluation by Cooperating Teacher

Directions: Please note candidates strengths or areas in which s/he can improve in each category below.
When possible, please provide specific examples or comments to support your view.
1. Conducts self in a professional manner (e.g., attendance, preparation, respect) (conceptualization,
communication, integrative interaction; WTS 9, 10)
Hannah always carried herself in a professional manner. She dressed professionally and treated students
and faculty with respect.

Encourages development of a positive self-image in learners (e.g., gets to know students,

positive interactions with students) (communication, integrative interaction; WTS 5, 6)

One of Hannahs strengths is that she was never afraid to put herself right in the middle of a group of
students. She took opportunities to speak personally with the kids and share her experiences with them.
3. Interacts effectively with students, colleagues, administrators, parents (integrative interaction,
communication; WTS 6, 10)
Hannah is a very personable woman. She makes others feel comfortable with her kind words and
cheerful smile.

Demonstrates effective preprofessional teaching skills (e.g., planning, implementing

lesson) (conceptualization, coordination; WTS 2, 5, 6, 7)

Hannahs lesson plans were thorough and addressed all components of a successful lesson. She submitted
them in advance for feedback, and took my thoughts into consideration.

Communicates effectively through speaking, writing, and listening modes (e.g., gives clear
directions, listens to students, uses media) (communication, integrative interaction; WTS 6)
Hannah gave extremely detailed and clear instructions to the students. She spoke slowly and defined words
for them as she went along. This was perfect for the student body here, as they are ELL students. Hannahs
lessons were engaging and involved an incredible use of technology. She is truly gifted in her ability to
create engaging lessons.
Final Comments/Suggestions for Candidate:
Hannah, you are a natural teacher. It was such a pleasure having you in class. Keep up the great
work! Your future students will be very lucky to have you!
Date: December 9, 2015

Candidate's Name: Hannah Weinberg-Kinsey

Grade/Subject: 8th grade ELA

Cooperating Teacher: Heather Bilda

School: St. Anthony Middle School





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