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Candidate:_Hannah Weinberg- Kinsey Assessor:__Pamela Lucas Advisor:_Aubry Vogel Date:__7/7/2016__
Grade/Subject: ELA Adult

Topic/skill taught:_ The House on Mango Street/Point of View_

School:___Miwaukee Achievers
Observation: (check one)
Completed by: (check one)

Cooperating teacher:__Holly McCoy

_X__ 1st observation

___ 2nd observation

___ Other (specify) ________________

___ Cooperating teacher __X_ Education supervisor ___ Candidate

Overall Performance: _____Inadequate



Planning (conceptualization/diagnosis/coordination)
1. Engages in pre-assessment
2. Demonstrates content knowledge (1.4) and content area learning
3. Designs instruction based on assessment of student strengths,
needs, learning styles, and learning differences (3.1, 4.1)


You engaged in pre-assessment to great depths.
The lesson plan is written in a clear concise manner that indicates that
you are very knowledgeable about the subject and the story that students
are working with.
The lesson is clearly structured to take advantage of students needs.

4. Coordinates resources to design effective instruction (9.4)

consults with cooperating teacher
uses print, audio-visual, and computer technology

You use old tech to facilitate the lesson (hand-outs, whiteboards, etc.)
You use this old tech very effectively.

5. Plans motivational instruction by relating lessons to student

interests, humor, provides student choice, questioning, and
investigation (1.1, 5.2)

The motivational activity is very creative. It is original and you use

students background knowledge to create an experience via role play
that really engages, rather, hooks the students into the learning activity.
Granted I think your audience is basically highly motivated on gp
(general principle). But you have contributed a great deal to motivating
the students by using such a creative activity.

6. Plans for differentiation

Plans stimulating, varied input (brain compatibility)
Use talents and students interest
Vary input strategies
Uses posters, ads, photos, multi-media
Provide for the use of manipulatives

The lesson plan is very well written. The assessments, standards,

learning activities, objectives are all well aligned to support the learning
of students. The lesson should go well. It is well designed to meet the
needs of adult learners. The context is very well described. I have a keen
sense of what to expect in this classroom. The plan uses a variety of input

Be alert to students styles and intelligences

Cooperative grouping
Marzanos Six Steps for vocabulary instruction
Plans for a variety of questions
Quality of Lesson Planed
Alignment of assessment, standards, learning activities,
o Pre, during , post
Context/setting described

strategies that engage students thinking on the topic. You ask a variety of
questions to guide thinking. Your plan is well organized in the format of
pre, during, and post activities. You plan on allowing the students to selfassess. You demonstrate that you have acquired an understanding of
literacy in the content areas and a way to mentor students into content
area experts by using meaning examples and setting up meaningful
learning activities.
I highly value the design of the interactive reading guide. It is designed
to make students really think about what you are trying to teach. They
all are very engaged, even the men .

Overall Performance
Inviting (communication/integrative interaction)
1. Contributes to a welcoming learning community
(learns student names, talks with students before and after
the lesson) (3.8)
2. Creates a safe, non-threatening environment (brain compatibility)
Empower learner with technology
Alert to student learning styles
Builds trust
Provide an advocate for every student
Provide an atmosphere of curiosity
Spark natural curiosity
Use unique student talents . . .
3. Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching and learning (1.3)
4. Recognizes the importance of verbal and nonverbal
communication in projecting a pleasant, professionally
engaging demeanor while interacting with the cooperating
teacher and students (effective use of inflection, volume, eye
contact, gestures, facial expression, body positioning,
movement in the classroom) (6.4)

_____Inadequate _____ Emerging_____Proficient ___XX__Distinctive

Overall Performance

_____Inadequate _____ Emerging ____Proficient _XX____Distinctive

The environment is very safe and energizing. Students are engaged. You
know the students by name.
It is clearly evident that you are enthusiastic about the students you are
teaching as well as what you are teaching. Your demeanor, your smiles,
your excitement when students are going down the right path is ever
present. Your energy is contagious. It affects even me. I will be picking
up this book and examining it to add as a choice in ED327 (Adolescent
Literature. . . I try to stay away from the classics that are taught in HS
because they are taught and taught and taught)

Teaching (communication/diagnosis/integrative interaction)

1. Sets context for the lesson (5.1)
2. Lesson plan implementation
Sensitivity to learning style, cultural differences
3. Creates active meaningful learning (brain compatibility)
Uses project based learning
Uses community learning
Gives students responsibilities
Have students create products/services
Have students work on teams, tasks forces, committees
Maintain high expectations
Marzanos Six Steps
Engages students in critical thinking/problem solving
5. Models and supports active listening, interactive discussion,
and thoughtful response in reading, writing, and other media
(2.3, 6.1, 6.2)
6. Uses different types of explanation, levels of questioning (text
explicit, text implicit, script implicit, literal, inferential, synthesis,
evaluation) and
discussion to challenge and support student thinking (3.2,
7. Uses literacy strategies to facilitate learning
8. Manages resources of time, space, activities, and attention to
engage students productively (5.3)
9. Classroom Management

You ask the students to tak out something that they can write on and to
clear the space so they will have somewhere to write. You give them a few
minutes to do this. You ask how they are doing with the immigration
project. Students seem satisfied. You explain that they will transistion to
working on the computer.
You go through the agenda for the evening.
Our focus for reading Sally is to look at point of view
You ask the student so define point of view, Seeing it from there own eyes
is the final statement that you ask.
This side of the room will be looking at a particular object. You distribute
identities to individuals and groups and tell them to write a sentence that
they can share with the class. You distribute situations to other students,
You allow students time to respond to the item. This is a great
motivational activity. It requires students to tap background knowledge,
and engage them in a discussion around point of view.
You debrief the activity with the students. Students are asked to tell what
the item is. You explain that point of view comes from a person. You
explain that this is what you will focus on later.
Next group that you have share has been given scenarios. Students report
of scenarios as they give their opinion on how to respond to the scenarios.
The groups were responding to someone stealing. One pair had to respond
to the person. The other pair was asked to respond via a journal entry.
Students flesh out how they would respond differently.
Thats talking to your audience: Am I talking or just writing. We are
going to respond to the section of The house on mango street dealing with
I really value this motivational activity. It puts students in a position to
easily understand point. It is very creative and serves the purpose of
motivating and tapping background knowledge very effectively.
You explain that they will do an interactive reading guide. You explain the
directions. You turn around and ask the students what the directions are
for the interactive reading guide. I value the use of the interactive reading
guide. As a reading strategy it is collaborative and gets the students
talking and writing about the book. (Question: One of the students
appears to have a visual impairment. Why not make the work print
larger for her to read? )
With one group you focus their attention on to how you want then to pick

Final remarks:
You performed in an outstanding manner. It is evident that you have thought about literacy and its strategies. You motivating activity
was outstanding. It really motivated students to think about and understand point of view. Your use of small groups and discussion
facilitated this lesson in effective ways. I am certain that they got the point. Keep it up. You have gone beyond just thinking about
literacy. I observed evidence in the design of the lesson that you understand literacy and its application in ELA.

LTM 621
Observation reflection questions
1. How did you incorporate strategies from LTM 621 in this lesson?
2. What knowledge, pedagogy, and dispositions from your work in either LTM 612 or LTM 631 did you bring to bear on this lesson in its
design and implementation?
3. How do the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and Alverno Graduate Education Abilities mesh in this lesson? You need only address two
standards and two abilities in your response.
Went well/didnt: The initial activity.
Improve: Reading/writing ask for evidence. Not everyone had convincing evidence Revisit the questions People wer engaged small
groups let me know.
Whats next: Finish reading. . . Write a vignette (Final project write a narrative. Analyze the text (The House on Mango Street) as a model
Diagnosis: Interactions with studentswhat comes next individual and groups. Work with student groups to deepen their understanding
Explicit modeling: Blooms Taxonomy. Intro sparked prior knowledge, tapped schema. To point of view their own writing was scaffolded for
the students.
Building on students: At the beginning there was a big discussion. Asked big questions. Students second guessed to get to higher levels lead
to construct meaning and develop skilss that helped them know they got it right.
MI Theory/Collaboration with Interactive Guide. Hands on activity. Fiere was encouraging students and empowering them. They will be able
to tell their own story.

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