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Various substances are used in the puja ritual with an objective of attracting
deity principles on a large scale and within a short period. Thus the worshipper is
maximally benefitted. However if all the substances are not available daily, there
is one ingredient which lets us receive all the benefits of a puja ritual and that is
Akshata. This is an important ingredient of puja material. Let us now know it in
This is an important ingredient of puja ritual which absorbs all the deity principles
in it. That is why it given a central place on the platter. Let us understand about
the subtle effect of akshata
Every grain of akshata has a capacity to attract chaitanya and shakti of all deity
It retains the Shakti and chaitanya
It emits shakti and chaitanya in all directions depending upon the requirement.
Unbroken rice grains when smeared with kumkum constitute akshata. When they
are offered to a deity, the frequencies of deity generate similar fequencies in the
akshatas. When any one of the two strings of a musical instrument having equal
frequencies is stretched then the vibrations generated in it induce exactly similar
vibrations in the other. In the same fashion when the akshatas are charged with
divine frequencies then similar vibrations are generated in the store of rice
grains in the house. Thus the rice which is charged with divine principle
frequencies can be consumed throughout the year as holy sacrament (prasad)
and thus can get benefit of frequencies of divine principles. You must have now
understood the reason behind keeping the rice grains offered to a deity or those
given as sacrament, in the grain store of the house.
Our purpose behind deity worship is to acquire sattva component therefore in
religious rituals like puja unbroken rice grains are used to attract frequencies of
deities and sattva component. The word akshata means where there is no
Symbolically, Akshata represents prosperity, fertility and bounty.
Akshata basically consists of uncooked rice which is mixed with turmeric. It is
used both as an offering to deity and also is used as a way to receive blessings.
It is also used to bless bride and groom during weddings. Akshata is also
sprinkled during other auspicious ceremonies. Symbolically, Akshata represents
prosperity, fertility and bounty.
Akshata means unbroken. Only unbroken rice should be used for the purpose.
When Akshata is offered to a deity, it is believed to be the finest offering that a
devotee can make. Akshata is believed to be equal to offering clothes, jewelry,
food, or any other offering.

It is usually thrown over the head of the devotees during pujas and during
functions like marriage and other auspicious events.
Akshata is always used dry - a small amount of rice is mixed with turmeric
powder or vermilion. In some regions, it is also mixed with ghee. Mixing unbroken
rice with turmeric symbolises auspiciousness.
Showering Akshata on the bridal couple is associated with fertility. Rice is a
symbol of fertility. Hence people bless the newly wed couple with healthy
children. As Akshata means unbroken, it is said to confer unbroken prosperity.
After the puja and ceremony, Akshata is cleaned from the floor and is deposited
in the garden or in a place where people will not step on it.
The akshata attract the subtle frequencies of five principal deity namely Shiv,
Shakti, Shri Ram, Shri Krishna and Shri Ganesh. Akshata is the central point of
puja plate. If the rice grains used for preparing Akshatas are broken then their
capacity to attract the principles of higher deities is automatically reduced. When
the akshtas are offered to a deity the energy of the deity is transferred in it and
favourable vibrations are generated in akshatas.

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