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Grading Criteria: 100 points total

Clay Model Accuracy

Clay Model Appearance

Journal Information

Clay Model + Journal Cohesion

Clay skeleton is well organized

and all bones are visible and
clearly distinguishable. Bone
divisions are visible and bone
shape and articulation is accurate.
Max Points: 30
Clay skeleton is neatly sculpted.
Clay is smooth and properly
shaped. Skeleton should be
durable and sturdy. Though the
model is smaller, all bones of the
skeleton should be to scale.
Max Points: 10
Journal documentation should be
thorough and well researched. All
sculpted bones are listed,
organized by body part (ie:
sacrum, coccyx, vertebral discs
are listed under vertebral column).
For each bone, journal should
include specific articulations
(using landmarks and proper
anatomical directions), and the
planes in which they move
(sagittal, frontal, transverse). Any
specific functions each bone
performs should be listed as well.
Spelling in anatomy is
essential and will be graded.
Max Points: 40
Clay skeleton and journal
information should clearly
coincide. The journal should only
discuss the bones required for the
model. Any landmarks sculpted on
the model should be mentioned
and described in the proper
journal location. Likewise, do not
mention any landmarks in your
journal that are not visible on your
model. I should be able to read

your journal and immediately

locate the corresponding
bone/landmark without confusion.
(ie: lower limb- femur- greater
Max Points: 20

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