Naturist Creep and Perv Alert

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Naturist Creep and Perv Alert

FKK is Issuing a A Nudist Creep and Perv Alert!

Pervert Alert!
Street Name : Googly Eyes
Sex: male
Age: 64
Weapon : small camera
Distinguishing marks/oddities : no arms or legs, has 1 foot
Wanted for : Gawking, covertly taking photos of bare girls, drug deals direct from his mobile
Naturist Creep and Perv Alert!
Onto much more serious matters
FKK could use your help!! As you know, we now have been placing a lot of time, money and
hard work into what we're doing. We have recently launched two new websites, and, and the smartphone app Our Bare World is experiencing
some crucial advancements. Though we now have come pretty far before year, there is so
much more we want to do in the nudist community and beyond! At present there is absolutely
no fee to be part of FKK, in our efforts to have the widest reach. Shortly there will be a little
fee to obtain The Bare Times.
Yet, we are running out of savings, and thus reaching out to this amazing community for
Any contribution, large or little, is enormously valued.
Click here to give.
Hopefully to continue with all our attempts, previous and future, in 2012, and let's work
together to get our movement grow and prosper!
And another (lastminute) nude casting call:
I received this e-mail and thought I would share the opportunity:
"Hi, we wish you all a happy unclothed' year! We're seeking open minded, daring people in
the naturist community for an arty project to be done on the evening of Monday, Jan. 30th.
This is a short video job; the assumption is an absurdist' art modeling session, wherein the
(female) model is completely clothed, but the artists (of both sexes) sketching her are all
unclad. There'll be no overtly sexual behavior, and it is going to steer clear of being
pornography'. We seek individuals of both genders, over 18, any ethnicity OK, to play the
artists (the model' character has been cast). We can offer a free screener' copy of the
finished product on DVD, along with screen credit (psuedonyms enabled). For more
information, please El nudismo es una forma de vida que es abrazado por un numero cada
vez mayor de la poblacion mundial. Muchos centros turAsticos y playas nudistas seran
exploradas en este Blog Nudista. La mayorAa de los sitios son orientados a la familia y
vigilan a todos los huespedes que se alojan en sus instalaciones contra la Ley de Megan. La
mayorAa de los centros vacacionales no permiten camaras o grabadoras de vAdeo en las
instalaciones, a menos que esten haciendo una sesion promocional. Algunas personas
pueden considerar la experiencia bAblica y relacionarla con la experiencia de Adan y Eva,
antes de que la gente tuviera conocimiento del bien y del mal. Estas characters simplemente

desean volver a la forma en que la naturaleza o Dios los entrego a La Tierra. Algunos
simplemente se sienten mas comodos al estar desnudos. En cualquier caso, estos
ambientes estan diseAados para permitir que los individuos se sientan comodos. at
two.loosescrews (at) Note the . after the two' in our addy.
Thanks, everyone, and we anticipate meeting some of you soon!"
Disclaimer: Though we've experienced touch by email, and I have no motive to discredit
them, I haven't met nor do I personally know the people of Two Loose Screws. Pursue at
your own discretion. (And allow me to know how it goes if you do! ;)
This Nudist Creep and Perv Alert Was Published By - Young Naturists And Naturists America
Tags: meme
Class: Felicity's Nudist Website
About the Author (Author Profile)
Writer of Nudist Site. Co founder of Naturist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader.
Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. When I'm not busy eating, I'm writing about naturism,
censorship, topfree equality, body image and other interesting subjects. I like feedback, so
plz leave a comment when Review Of My Daughter the Teenage Nudist Movie got something
to say!

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