Digital Unit Plan Template

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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: The Skeletal System

Name: Emily Payan/Anderson

Content Area: Anatomy/Physiology

Grade Level: 11/12

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

HS-LS1-2. Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that
provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.
Big Ideas/Unit Goals:
Big Ideas:
1. The skeletal system plays a critical role in the protection of our internal organs.
2. The skeletal system is fundamental to our movement as individuals.
3. The skeletal system is one body system in a number of systems that works cohesively with other
systems to provide a variety of necessary daily functions such as blood cell production.
1. Students will gain a greater understanding of how the human skeletal system is constructed and how
its structure provides for the body's essential functions.
2. Students will be able to identify specific bones by name, bone groups, bone landmarks, their location,
and the axis plane in which movement occurs.
3. Students will understand how bone cells are created and destroyed, and under what circumstances the
skeletal system would demand growth and/or destruction.
4. Students will gain an understanding of how the skeletal system provides structure and function for the
other bodily systems. They will begin to see the body as a holistic organism rather than various
unrelated subsystems.
Unit Summary:
The skeletal system is a dynamic organ system that provides the human body with its basic structural
support and protection. Without our skeletons, we would be formless, bloodless, lumpy blobs. Attractive, huh?
In this unit we will be taking a closer look at the components of the skeletal system as well as the functions it
performs as a whole and within various bone groupings. We will memorize, label, connect, construct, and

develop throughout this unit. We will learn about bone cell production, blood cell production, and take a
closer look at the cross section of long bone anatomy. We will understand which bones protect which organs
and see how the bones uniquely provide for the functioning of other organ systems. We will stand high on
our phalanges, lift our mandibles toward the sky, and wave our metatarsals in the air like we just don't care.
See how much cooler I sound when I use anatomical terminology? I believe that understanding how your
body works is essential to lifelong health and wellness. So let us get started as we begin to examine the
deepest component of our bodies: the skeletal system.

Assessment Plan:
1. In Class Written Survey- (via
Survey Monkey on the website) to
gage students prior knowledge of
the skeletal system

Lesson 1
Student Learning
Students will gain an overall
understanding of the

1. Coloring/Labeling sheets(lower/upper limbs +
shoulder/hip girdles, skull +
spine, thorax)
2. Quiz- ID major bones of the
appendicular skeleton
3. Webercise- Have You Seen
Rupert? Bones of the
4. Mind Web- connecting organ

Acceptable Evidence
The guided notes provided for
students are filled in

1. Bone ID Rotational Examidentifying bones, their
names, their locations, their
landmarks and their
2. Clay Bodies Lab + Journalbuild a clay model of the
skeletal system and keep a
corresponding journal

Lesson Activities:
Students will view a Prezi presentation on the
skeletal system and use their guided notes to
follow along and challenge themselves on

structures and functions of

the skeletal system. Students
will be able to identify the
functions of bones and begin
identifying the names of
bones and the bone groups
they are part of.
Lesson 2
Student Learning
Students will be able to
identify the bones of the
cranium, key landmarks, and
understand the need for
cranial sutures. They will also
be able to link the structures
of the cranium to the human
senses and connect structure
and function.

Lesson 3
Student Learning
It is essential for students
to understand that the
skeletal system is only one
component (a very
important component

accurately. Students will be

able to spatially organize the
various components of the
skeletal system as well as
diagram the appropriate

naming the various bones of the bodies and

identifying functions of the system.

Acceptable Evidence:
Students are required to use
online resources to answer
questions regarding the
cranial bones. The worksheet
will be filled in appropriately
and questions will be
answered in a way that shows
contemplative thought and
curiosity. Students will
demonstrate their ability to
make connections via the
questions on the webercise.

Lesson Activities:
Have You Seen Rupert is a fun webercise
that allows students to investigate
information regarding the bones of the
cranium in order to help Rupert put his back
together. On this activity, students will fill in
anatomical information regarding the bones
as well as draw connections to the other
organ systems involved in the cranium, as
well as understand how the 5 senses function
based on the cranial structures.

Acceptable Evidence:
A comprehensive completion
of the mindmap,
demonstrating the
understanding of
connectedness of the organ
systems. The follow up class

Lesson Activities:
Students will create a mind map on Mindomo to
spatially organize the connections between
skeletal systems and 7 other organ systems. A
follow up class discussion will be held in order
for students to share the functions and
connections they arrived at due to their

nonetheless) in a working
of many components
(other organ systems)
whose functions together
serve the well-being of the
Unit Resources:

discussion with further allow

me to assess the overall
understanding of the skeletal
systems role in providing for
other organ systems.


Student Textbook
Student Handouts accessible on Skeletal System Unit Website: The Committee Sessions
Class Website: The Science Committee for information on the class, assignments, updates, etc
Zygote Body- digital tool to assist with identifying skeletal structures and functions
Inner Body 2D and 3D Skeleton- digital tool to assist with identifying skeletal structures and functions
Tips for Sculpting- tips and tricks to help with the clay bodies sculpting lab

Useful Websites:
Crash Course: Bones Part 1- introductory recap on the skeletal system youtube video
Crash Course: Bones Part 2- introductory recap on the skeletal system youtube video
Long Bone Anatomy- specific information regarding the anatomy of a longbone and the functions longbones
provide for the body

Anatomical Terms- better learn the terminology and planes for this unit of anatomy with this youtube video
LiveScience: Skeletal Fun Facts- want to pump up your excitement for the skeletal system? Look no further with
these fun facts!

FunTrivia Skeleton Trivia- some extra help/study aids to quiz your skeletal system knowledge
Biology Corner Flash Cards- use these flash cards to familiarize yourself with terms, functions, locations,
articulations, etc to help you study

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