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Programming Guide

ACC-911 Programming Software

Olympian Mobile Transceivers

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Conventions and symbols in this book

 This symbol marks a caution. Cautions are special notices which you should read and
follow carefully to avoid possible damage to your equipment and to avoid potential danger
to yourself or other people.

This symbol marks an important point. Important points are specific instructions which
should be followed closely for proper operation.

 This symbol marks a note. Notes are hints or tips which offer additional information to help you.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete, accurate, and
up-to-date. Midland Radio Corporation assumes no responsibility for the results of errors beyond its
control. The manufacturer of this equipment cannot guarantee that changes in the software and
equipment made by un-authorized persons will not affect the transceivers performance or functions.
This manual has been written for use by Midland Radio Corporation dealers and distributors as an aid in
programming the Olympian mobile transceivers. You should be familiar with conventional radio
systems, settings, and parameters as well as general PC operation.
This programming guide is subject to change without notice.

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

CONVENTIONS AND SYMBOLS IN THIS BOOK........................................................................................................................... 2
DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
INSTALLATION................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
GETTING STARTED......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
MENUS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
FILE MENU .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
New......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Open ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Save........................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Save As................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Print......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Print Preview........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Print Setup .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Recent Files ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Exit .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
EDIT MENU ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
PORT MENU .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
OPERATE MENU ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
HELP MENU .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
TOOLBAR BUTTONS...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
MAIN WINDOW TABS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
BANK TAB...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Bank channel capacity ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Bank scan selection ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Bank name.............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
CHANNEL TAB................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Bank selection......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Channel number column......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Channel enable/disable column.............................................................................................................................................. 8
Channel label .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Receive frequency column...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Receive CTCSS/DCS column................................................................................................................................................. 9
Transmit enable/disable column ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Transmit frequency column..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Transmit CTCSS/DCS column................................................................................................................................................ 9
Transmit power column........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Bandwidth column................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Mute rule column .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Clock shift column................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Scan enable column ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Busy lockout column ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Squelch level column ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Tone enable/disable column ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Receive 2-tone sequence column......................................................................................................................................... 10
PTT ID column ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Transmit 2-tone sequence column........................................................................................................................................ 10
2-tone call column................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Transmit DTMF sequence column........................................................................................................................................ 11

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

COMMON A TAB ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Backlight ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Lighting time.......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Beeps.................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Programmable keys .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Reverse Burst ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Sequential Acknowledge....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Scan List ............................................................................................................................................................................... 14
COMMON B TAB .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Time Out Timer ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
CTCSS User Frequencies .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Volume.................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Emergency............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Microphone Selection ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
Memory Channel................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Password .............................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Configuration......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Hook Enable ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
TONE TAB.................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
2-tone.................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
2-tone Beep Patterns ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
2-tone Other.......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
DTMF Output Code............................................................................................................................................................... 20
DTMF RX Code .................................................................................................................................................................... 20
DTMF Other .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
ADJUST TAB ................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
INFORMATION TAB ....................................................................................................................................................................... 22

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

The ACC-911 Programming Software allows dealers to program the Midland Olympian mobile
transceivers. In addition to the ACC-911 programming software, the ACC-2100 programming cable is
required to interface your transceiver to the PC serial port. A PDF version of this programming manual is
installed on your start menu by the software installation program, click to Start|Programs|Midland

System requirements
5 IBM compatible personal computer with a Pentium II or newer processor.
5 Windows 98 or newer operating sysem
5 2 MB of hard drive space
5 64 MB of RAM
5 RS-232 serial port
5 ACC-2100 programming cable

1. Insert the ACC-911 disk into the drive.
2. Select run from the Start menu, and type D:\Setup.exe where D is the drive containing the disk.
3. Follow the instructions to install the programming software. By default the program will be installed in
C:\Program Files\Midland Programmers\Olympian Mobile directory.

Getting started
1. From the Start menu select Programs|Midland Programmers|Olympian Mobile Programmer.
2. From the Port menu, select the serial communications port the ACC-2100 programming cable is
connected to.
3. Make sure the radio is off, and connect the ACC-2100 RJ45 plug to the radios microphone jack.
4. Turn the radio on.
5. Select Read from Radio from the Operate menu.
6. The radio should display PROG and the software will display the read progress bar.

 Once the radio configuration file has been uploaded it is prudent to save the file as a reference
before any editing is performed. Use the Save As function on the File menu to name and save
the file.
7. Use the row of on screen buttons (Bank, Channel, Common A, Common B etc.) under the toolbar as
tabs for the various configuration screens (pages).

 The Bank tab is used to enable and set the channel capacity for the radio banks (channel
groups). The Channel tab is used to program most of the basic per channel data. The Common A
and Common B tabs are used to program other system (radio wide) options. The Tone tab is
used to set-up 2-tone frequencies and timing. The Adjust tab is used to set radio alignment data
and enable hardware options. The Information tab provides version information. Please see the
appropriate sections of this manual for further explanations.
8. To write the edited data back into the radio, select Write to Radio from the Operate menu.
2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide


File Menu
A radio configuration file may be loaded from a previously saved file or uploaded from a radio.

To start a new configuration file select File|New. The New file function opens a default mo1008.mo2 file.
You may edit this or any other valid radio file and save it as mo1008.mo2 to create your custom default
file. However, the model information is embedded in the file and cant be edited. So the New file function
may only be used for one radio model.

! Certain model specific information is contained in the programming file, but can not be
edited. A default file for each model, (MO1008_NEW.mo2, MO1032_NEW.mo2,
MO1128_NEW.mo2, MO4008_NEW.mo2, MO4032_NEW.mo2 and MO4128_NEW.mo2) is
included in the install program. Please use these files when creating a new file from
scratch, or simply read the current configuration from your radio and edit it. Be sure to save
the edited file with a new file name for future reference.

To open a previously save file, select File|Open.

To save the file under the current file name, select File|Save.

Save As
To save a file under a new file name, select File|Save As. At the prompt to enter a new file name and
select the path to save the configuration file.

To print the configuration file to your default printer, select File|Print.

Print Preview
To preview the printout, select File|Print Preview.

Print Setup
To change the printer settings and selection, select File|Print Setup.

Recent Files
To load a recently used file, select it from the list on the File menu.

Select Exit from the File menu to close the ACC-911 programming software.

Edit Menu
Copy and Paste functions are available from the Edit menu.

Port Menu

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Select the communications port from the Port menu.

Operate Menu
Read from Radio and Write to Radio functions are available on the Operate menu. When writing to a
radio, the radio model must match the Model No on the Bank screen of the configuration file.

Help Menu
Select About PC Programming from the Help menu to view the software version.

Toolbar Buttons

The toolbar buttons provide the same functions as their corresponding menu functions.

Main Window tabs

Use the row of on-screen buttons (Bank, Channel, Common A, Common B etc.) under the toolbar as tabs
for the various configuration screens. There are six screens (tabs) of configuration data available for
editing. The seventh tab is an information only screen.

Bank tab

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Bank channel capacity

Enter the desired number of channels for each bank in the Num boxes. The total of all Num boxes must
be less than or equal to the radio models channel capacity.

Bank scan selection

Check the Scan box to add the bank to the scan list. Only the channels in the bank that are also in the
scan list will be scanned.

Bank name
Enter the desired display name for each bank in the Name boxes. Valid characters are 0-9 A-Z + - * and

Channel tab

Bank selection
Use the BANK Name drop box to select a bank of channels for editing.

Channel number column

The CH NO cell shows the channel corresponding to the row currently being edited.

Channel enable/disable column

Double click the CH E/D cell to enable or disable the channel. The first channel in the bank can not be
disabled. When checked, the channel is enabled. When unchecked the channel will be disabled, but all
programmed information will be retained.

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Channel label
Enter the desired display name for each channel in the CH Label cell. Valid characters are 0-9 A-Z + - *
and space.

Receive frequency column

Click the RX Freq cell and enter the desired receive frequency in megahertz. If the entered frequency is
invalid, it will be rounded to the nearest valid frequency.

Receive CTCSS/DCS column

Double click the RX CTC/DCS cell to pop-up the CTCSS/DCS decode selection dialog. Choose the
desired signaling type then use the drop list to select the frequency or code.

Transmit enable/disable column

Double click the TX E/D cell to enable or disable the transmission on the channel. When unchecked,
transmission will not be allowed on the channel.

Transmit frequency column

Click the TX Freq cell and enter the desired transmit frequency in megahertz. If the entered frequency is
invalid, it will be rounded to the nearest valid frequency.

Transmit CTCSS/DCS column

Double click the TX CTC/DCS cell to pop-up the CTCSS/DCS encode selection dialog. Choose the
desired signaling type then use the drop list to select the frequency or code.

Transmit power column

Double click the TX Power cell to toggle between high (H) and low (L) transmit power selection for the
channel. This will be the default power selection for the channel, but a TX Power programmable button
may also be used to toggle between high and low power.

Bandwidth column
Double click the Bandwidth cell to toggle between 25 KHz (W) and 12.5 KHz (N) channel bandwidth.

Mute rule column

Double click the Mute Rule cell to toggle the audio muting rule between AND logic and OR logic. This
selection is only possible when subaudible decode has been programmed for the channel. When OR is
selected, the subaudible decode must be valid or the programmed 2-tone/DTMF receive code must be
2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

decoded for audio to be passed to the speaker. If AND is selected, the subaudible decode must be valid
and the programmed 2-tone/DTMF receive code must be decoded before audio is passed to the speaker.

Clock shift column

Double click the Clock Shift cell to slightly shift the processor clock frequency. This may be used to
reduce clock generated frequency interference (beat frequencies).

Scan enable column

Double click the Scan Enable cell to add the channel to the scan list.

 The channel bank must also be included in the scan list before the channel will be scanned.
Busy lockout column
Double click the Busy Lockout cell, then use the drop list to select the desired busy channel PTT inhibit
conditions. Select BC to inhibit transmission while carrier is detected. Select BT to inhibit transmission
while the programmed subaudible decode is detected. Select O/R to inhibit transmission while when
carrier is detected and the programmed subaudible decode is not. Repeater override mode (O/R) is
sometimes referred to as marked idle and allows users to transmit during repeater hang time if the
subaudible decode is valid.

Squelch level column

Double click the SQL Level cell, then use the drop list to select the default squelch level for the channel.
A level of 0 will disable the noise squelch circuit.

 For proper scan operation, the squelch level should be set to at least 3. This will help ensure the
squelch hysteresis does not hinder squelch closing during priority lookback.

Tone enable/disable column

Double click the Tone E/D cell to enable or disable 2-tone or DTMF encode and decode for the channel.
When checked the selected 2-tone individual and group call (RX TTS1) or DTMF decode sequences
(DTMF RX Code) must be decoded to allow audio to pass to the speaker. This cell must also be checked
before the selected 2-tone encode sequence (TX TTS) or DTMF call (TX DTMF), may be sent using a
Call Send programmable button.

! The tone set must also be selected as 2-tone or DTMF. The DTMF option board must be
installed and enabled for DTMF decode functions.

Receive 2-tone sequence column

Double click the RX TTS1 cell, then use the drop list to assign one of the ten available 2-tone individual
and group call sequences to the channel.

PTT ID column
Double click the PTT ID cell to enable DTMF ANI for the channel. When checked, any programmed PTT
On ID (PTT pressed) or PTT Off ID (PTT released) will be sent when the radio transmits.

! The Tone E/D box must be checked, the DTMF IC (Adjust tab) must be enabled and the tone
type must be selected as DTMF (Tone tab).

Transmit 2-tone sequence column

Double click the TX TTS Type cell, then use the drop list to assign one of the ten available 2-tone
individual and group call sequences to the channel. This sequence is sent using a Call Send
programmable button.


2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

2-tone call column

Double click the TX TTS Call cell to toggle the assigned 2-tone transmit sequence between an individual
(IND) and group (GRP) type call.

Transmit DTMF sequence column

Double click the TX DTMF cell, then use the drop list to assign one of the four available DTMF call
sequences to the channel. This sequence is sent using a Call Send programmable button.

Common A tab

The LCD backlight may be set to always OFF, always ON, or to turn on for a programmed time after a
button is pressed.

Lighting time
If the backlight is selected as Timed, select the number of seconds the backlight should stay lit after a
button is pressed.

Check the boxes to enable the beep conditions.

Programmable keys
Use the drop lists to assign functions to each of the front panel buttons. All six front panel buttons are
2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved


Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Select none to disable the button.
Call Alert
This programmable button enables and disables the option connector Horn (Call) Alert output. When
enabled the display will show ALRT ON.

 The alert output is shared with the footswitch input (option connector pin 4). To use the alert output,
R1034 should be removed and R1035 installed. To use the footswitch input, R1035 should be
removed and R1034 installed. To use the Horn (Call) Alert, it must be enabled in the Hardware
configuration on the Adjust tab.
Call Reset
This programmable button will reset (mute) the receiver after it successfully decodes a 2-tone or DTMF
Call Send
This programmable button will send the current channels TX TTS Type sequence or the TX DTMF

 The channels Tone E/D should be checked and the desired Tone Type should be selected on the
Tone tab. For 2-tone encode, use the TX TTS Call cell to choose between an individual or group
type call.
Channel Down
This programmable button decrements the current channel selection.
Channel Up
This programmable button increments the current channel selection.
This programmable button selects the current channel bank (channel group). Press and release the bank
button then use the [a] and [b] keys to display the desired channel bank. Then press the [A], [B], [C] or
[D] keys to switch to the first channel in the selected bank.
A long press of the bank button will enter bank scan selection mode. Press the bank button for at least
two seconds. The current bank name will be displayed and an E or d will be appear in the upper right
corner of the display. Press the [A] key to toggle the bank in, E or out, d of the scan list. Use the [a]
and [b] keys to select the next bank for scan selection. Press the [B], [C] or [D] keys to exit bank scan

 Each channel also has a scan list selection. Enabling a bank for scan will only include channels
that are in the scan list. Both the bank and channel must be in the scan list.
This programmable button activates the programmed emergency response. Press the emergency button
for at least two seconds to activate the emergency function. The Common B tab includes set-up for the
emergency response which may include flashing display, beeps, horn output, receive restriction and
transmitting a DTMF sequence. If beeps or horn output are enabled, they will activate for the time
selected for Action in the emergency set-up.
Key Lock
This programmable button will lock all other front panel keys. Press the key lock button for at least two
seconds to lock the other front panel keys. Press again to unlock the keys.


2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Memory Channel 1 and 2
Enter the channel number of the desired channel presets. The Memory CH Select1 and Memory CH
Select2 programmable buttons will select the programmed preset channels. If User Assignable is
checked, the current channel can be memorized to the programmable button by holding the button
pressed for at least two seconds.
Monitor (Latched, Normal and Unsquelched)
One of three types of channel monitoring may be assigned to the programmable button. Latched monitor
must be toggled on and off using the programmed button. Normal monitor is activated by pressing the
programmed button, but will be turned off by pressing any button. Unsquelched monitor functions the
same as the Normal monitor button, but will also disable noise squelch when activated.
If the monitor button is pressed while scan is paused on a channel, the channel will be removed from the
scan list and scan will continue with the next channel in the scan list.

 The scan list will be restored to the programmed scan list when the radio is turned on.
Panel Display
This programmable button will turn off (blank) the LCD display. Press again to turn the display back on.
Public Address
This programmable button will enable the public address mode. When enabled the microphone audio will
be switched to the audio amp. The radio will display PA ON and will not receive or transmit while public
address is activated.

Public Address must be enabled in the Hardware configuration of the Adjust tab before this
function can be activated.

This programmable button toggles scan on and off. Press and release the scan button to turn scan on or
A long press of the scan button will enter channel scan selection mode. Press the scan button for at least
two seconds. The current channel name will be displayed and an E or d will be appear in the upper
right corner of the display. Press the [A] key to toggle the channel in, E or out, d of the scan list. Use
the [a] and [b] keys to select the next channel for scan selection. Press the [B], [C] or [D] keys to exit
channel scan selection mode.

 Each channel bank also has a scan list selection. The channel will only be scanned if it is in a
channel bank that is also included in the scan list. Both the bank and channel must be in the scan
Scan Escape
This button temporarily suspends scan and the radio switches to the last received channel. While the
radio is scanning, press and release the scan escape button to suspend scan and operate the radio on
the last received channel (or programmed revert channel if nothing has been received since scan was
started). Press and release the scan escape button to resume scanning while maintaining the previous
priority channel selections.
Scan Skip
This programmable button removes channels from the scan list. While scan is turned off, a press of this
button will remove the current channel from the scan list (NSC OFF is displayed), or add it back if it was
previously deleted (NSC ON is displayed). If pressed while scan is paused on a channel, the channel
will be removed from the scan list and scan will continue with the next channel in the scan list.

 The scan list will be restored to the programmed list when the radio is turned on.

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved


Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

This programmable button will select squelch level set mode. Press and release the squelch button, then
use the [a] and [b] keys to change the channel squelch level. Press the [A], [B], [C] or [D] keys to exit
squelch level mode.
Talk around
This programmable button will switch the transmit frequency to the programmed receive frequency. This
mode allows direct communication with nearby mobile and portable units without going through the
repeater. The talk around mode can also be selected as Reverse which will switch the receive frequency
to the programmed transmit frequency.
Transmit Power
This programmable button will switch between high and low transmit power.

Reverse Burst
When using CTCSS signaling, the Reverse Burst phase shift can be selected as 120 or 180 degrees.
Selecting - will disable reverse burst.

Sequential Acknowledge
Check the Sequential Ack Enable box to enable the radio to reply with the Ack Code after successfully
decoding an individual DTMF call.

Scan List
The scan list is created by selecting the channel bank(s) to be included in the scan list (Scan check
boxes on the Bank tab), then selecting the channels to be scanned in each bank (Scan Enable column on
the Channel tab). For a channel to be scanned, the bank and channel must be included in the scan list.
Priority Channel one
Enter the channel number of the desired high priority channel in the Priority CH 1 box. This channel will
be made every second channel in the scan list (or every fourth channel in the case of dual priority
channels). Additionally this channel will be checked for activity while scan is paused on any other
channel, at the programmed Lookback interval. If Channel Select Priority is chosen, the Priority CH 1 one
entry box will be grayed out and the channel selected when scan is started will be assigned as Priority
CH 1.
Priority Channel two
If a second priority channel is desired, enter the channel number in the Priority CH 2 entry box. This
channel will be scanned every fourth channel in the scan list. Additionally, this channel will be checked for
activity while scan is paused on a non-priority channel, at the programmed Lookback interval.

 This second priority channel may be used to create a dealer assigned priority channel when using
Channel Select Priority scan.
Scan Revert Channel
Enter the desired Revert CHannel for the radio to transmit on if PTT is pressed while the radio is
scanning. The revert channel will also be the channel normally displayed while the radio is scanning. If
Scan List Top is selected, the channel selected when scan was started will be assigned as the scan
transmit channel. If Pri CH 1 is selected, the radio will normally transmit on the programmed priority
channel one (or scan start channel when using Channel Select Priority). If Pri CH 2 is selected, the radio
will normally transmit on the programmed priority channel two. If None is selected, the radio will not allow
transmission while it is scanning.

 If Talkback is enabled the radio will allow transmission on the receive channel, while scan is
paused on a channel, regardless of the Revert CHannel selection.


2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Scan Lookback Time
Enter the time in milliseconds for the priority Lookback interval. This is the interval between checks of the
priority channel while scan is paused on a non-priority channel. The priority Lookback interval range is
250 to 10000 milliseconds in 250 millisecond increments.
Scan Hang Time
Enter the time in milliseconds for the scan Hang Time interval. This is the time scan will remain paused
on a channel after loss of receive signal or PTT release. The scan Hang Time range is 0 to 10000
milliseconds in 250 millisecond increments.
Scan Start Beep
Check the Start Beep box to enable a high pitched single beep when scan is activated. This beep
overrides the Key Operation (normal button press) beeps. If the scan start beep is disabled you may still
hear the normal Key Operation beep, if enabled.
Priority Stop Beep
Check the Pri Stop Beep box to enable a double beep when the radio receives a signal on a priority
Scan Hook
Check the scan Hook box to cause the radio to cease scanning when the microphone is removed from
the hanger (the microphone hanger button is no longer grounded).

! The microphone Hook Enable box must be checked, and the correct Hook Logic polarity
selected on the Common B tab when using this function.
Depending on the Talkback enable, the radio may switch to the programmed revert channel (Talkback
disabled), or remain on the scan pause channel (Talkback enabled), when the microphone is removed
from the hanger. The radio will resume scanning once the microphone is placed back on the hanger and
the scan Hang Time has expired. While off-hook, the scan icon will be steadily illuminated (scan is
paused) and the dot to the right of the scan icon will be displayed (microphone is off-hook). While scan is
activated and the microphone is off-hook the channel may be changed using the up and down keys but
only to channels programmed in the scan list.
Scan Talk About
Check the scan Talk About box to cause the radio to cease scanning whenever it receives a signal. When
Talk About is enabled, the scan button must be pressed to re-activate scanning each time the radio stops
on a channel.
Scan Kill Restart
Checking the Scan Kill Restart check box will make the radio resume scanning when it receives the
Resurrection Call Code DTMF sequence.

! The DTMF option board must be installed and enabled for DTMF decode functions.
Scan Talk Back
Check the scan Talk Back box to allow users to reply to non-priority conversations by pressing PTT while
scan is paused on the channel. If scan Talk Back is enabled the radio will transmit on the programmed
Revert CHannel while scanning, but transmit on the received channel while scan is paused.
Channel Select Priority Scan
Check the Channel Select Pri box to allow the user to assign the Priority CH 1. When channel select
priority scan is enabled, the channel selected when scan is started will be assigned as the Priority CH 1.
If the scan Hook feature is also enabled, the user may change the channel and reassign the Priority CH 1
while the microphone is off-hook. If the channel up or down buttons are not pressed while the microphone
is off-hook, the priority channel will remain unchanged.
2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved


Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Common B Tab

Time Out Timer

The time out Timer is enabled by checking the time out timer Enable box. Three timers are associated
with the time out timer and should be set as desired. The main Timer is the maximum allowed continuous
transmission. The time out timer will generate a single beep ten seconds before the Timer expires and a
double beep when it shuts off the transmitter. The time out Timer can be set from 0 to 600 seconds in five
second increments.
The Release Timer is the minimum time PTT must be released before the main time out Timer is reset.
For example, set the time out Timer for 60 seconds and the Release Timer for 5 seconds. If PTT is
pressed for 40 seconds, released for three seconds, then pressed again; the time out timer is not reset
and the maximum transmission time for the second transmission will be 20 seconds. The Release Timer
range is 0 to 120 seconds in one second increments.
The Penalty Timer is started when the time out Timer expires and is the length of time before the user will
be allowed to transmit again. Pressing PTT while the Penalty Timer is active will generate a double error
beep only. The Penalty Timer range is 0 to 120 seconds in one second increments.

CTCSS User Frequencies

Up to three custom CTCSS frequencies may be programmed in the radio. The frequencies entered here
will appear at the bottom of the CTCSS drop list on the Channel tab. The valid frequency range is 65 to
255 hertz.

 Normal EIA designated frequencies are chosen to eliminate CTCSS falsing. Using frequencies
other than these will increase the likelihood of falsing.

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

The relative levels of the microphone, speaker minimum, beeps and sidetones may be set using the drop
Check the DTMF Speaker Output to allow the user to hear the encoded DTMF or 2-tone sequences over
the speaker. The relative volume may be selected in the Sidetone drop box. The Sidetone range is 0 to 3,
zero is the lowest volume.
The Microphone level drop box adjusts the gain of the microphone circuit. The range is 1 to 8, one is the
most sensitive.
The Speaker Min drop box sets the minimum audio gain to the speaker. The range is 0 to 3, zero is the
lowest minimum level.
The Beep drop box sets the relative level of all radio beeps into the speaker. The range is 0 to 3, zero is
the minimum beep level. Many of the beeps can be individually disabled using the check boxes on the
Common A tab.

The desired emergency response may be configured using the options in the Emergency frame. The
emergency function may be activated by a long press of an Emergency programmable button or using
the option connector footswitch input. The emergency function requires a two second press of the
emergency button or footswitch to activate.

 The Horn (Call) Alert output is shared with the footswitch input (option connector pin 4). To use the
Horn (Call) Alert output, R1034 should be removed and R1035 installed. To use the footswitch
input, R1035 should be removed and R1034 installed. Additionally, the Footswitch input must be
enabled in the Hardware configuration on the Adjust tab.
If the DTMF option has been enabled, the radio will also send the programmed DTMF Emergency Code.
If the DTMF option has been installed and enabled, the programmed emergency response may also be
activated if the DTMF Emergency Call Code is decoded.
Emergency Action Time
Enter the desired emergency function activation time. The range is 0 to 600 seconds in one second
Emergency Beep
Check the emergency Beep box to enable continuous beeps while the emergency function is active.
Uncheck the box for a silent emergency function.
Emergency Indication
Check the emergency Indication box to make the radio display flash EM when the emergency function
is active. Uncheck the box for a non-visible emergency function.
Emergency Receive Restriction
Check the emergency Rx Restrict box to disable the radio receiver while the emergency function is
active. This will prevent subsequent broadcasts from being heard over the radio speaker while the
emergency function is active.
Emergency Horn Alert
Check the emergency Horn Alert box to enable the horn (Call) alert output on the option connector while
the emergency function is active. Emergency Horn Alert output is not available when using the footswitch
input, since they share the same pin on the option connector.

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved


Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Microphone Selection
Use the Mic Input drop box to select either the front panel (Internal) microphone input or the option
connector (External) microphone input. Use the Hook Input drop box to select either the front panel
(Internal) or option connector (External) hook switch input.

Memory Channel
Enter the initial channel number for direct access to a channel using a programmed button. These
correspond to the Memory CH Select1 and Memory CH Select2 programmable button assignments made
on the Common A tab. Check the User Assignable box to allow the user to assign a different channel to
the programmed memory channel function button. The new channel is memorized by selecting the
desired channel, using channel up and down, then holding the memory channel function button pressed
for two seconds.

Use the Password drop boxes to select the desired keypress sequence. Check the Enable box to turn on
password protection. When enabled, the user must enter the programmed four keypress sequence each
time the radio is turned on, before it may be used.

Check the Public Address box to enable public address mode each time the radio is turned on. The radio
will not receive or transmit while the Public Address mode is active. Usually a programmable button
should be used to toggle the public address function on and off.

! Public Address must be enabled in the Hardware configuration on the Adjust tab.
Check the Hook Alert box to enable the hook alert function. This function will activate the horn (Call) alert
output when the hook input is active (off-hook). The appropriate hook input and polarity must also be
selected and enabled. The horn alert output will activate (switch to ground) for the programmed Horn
Alert Time.

! The Horn (Call) Alert output must be enabled in the Hardware configuration on the Adjust
Check the Volt Alert box to enable the radios low voltage alert function.

Hook Enable
Check the microphone Hook Enable box to use the microphone hook switch input. While the microphone
is off-hook, sub-audible and 2-tone signaling programmed for the channel will be defeated. The polarity of
the hook switch input should also be programmed. Select Normal in the Hook Logic box for an open for
tone defeat hook function (grounded when on-hook). Select Invert for a ground for tone defeat hook
function (grounded when off-hook).


2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Tone tab

2-tone and DTMF sequences and timing are configured on the Tone tab. 2-tone encode and decode are
standard features of the MO-series radio, but DTMF requires an optional decoder. Only one tone type
may be selected for the radio. To enable 2-tone encode and decode, select 2-tone in the Tone Type box.
If the DTMF IC is enabled on the Hardware configuration on the Adjust tab, DTMF may be selected for
the Tone Type.

! The Tone E/D box must be checked (Channel tab) and the DTMF IC option (Adjust tab) must
be enabled for DTMF encode functions. The DTMF option must also be installed for DTMF
decode functions

The frequencies and timing for ten 2-tone sequences are programmed on the 2-Tone Sequences frame,
then one of the ten sequences is assigned to the channel on the Channel tab. Double click the RX TTS1
cell for the channel to assign a 2-tone decode sequence to the channel. Double click the TX TTS Type
cell for the channel to assign a 2-tone encode sequence to the channel. Double click the TX TTS Call cell
to toggle between an individual and a group encode call. Valid 2-tone Frequency range is 282.5 Hz to
3487 Hz. The individual Tone Durations are programmable from 25 milliseconds to 10 seconds in 5
millisecond increments. The Group Duration is programmable from 100 milliseconds to 10 seconds in
100 millisecond increments. The tone Gap Time is programmable from 0 to 10 seconds in 5 millisecond
increments. The Tone E/D box must also be checked for each channel that uses 2-tone.

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved


Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

2-tone Beep Patterns

Enter a beep time duration in the Generating Time box for each of the five available beep patterns. The
valid range is 100-10000 milliseconds in 100 millisecond increments. Then select a beep pattern for
individual calls and group calls in the Individual Beep and Group Beep drop boxes. Selecting 0 will
disable the beep tones for that type call.

2-tone Other
Check the Voice Message box to automatically shorten any programmed beep generating times so that
the voice message may be heard. The receiver may be programmed to automatically mute again after it
has been opened by a 2-tone call. Otherwise a Call Reset button must be used to mute the receiver after
a 2-tone call has been decoded. To program an auto reset time, enter the desired unmuted time in the
Auto Reset Time box. The valid range is 0-255 seconds in one second increments. Entering 0 will
disable the auto reset timer.
The frequency bandwidth tolerance of the two-tone decoder can be adjusted by selecting narrow (NRW),
mid-range (MID) or wide (WID) bandwidth in the 2tone DET BW box.

DTMF Output Code

Enter the desired DTMF encode sequences. The maximum sequence length is 22 digits. Enter E to
encode a DTMF * and F to encode a DTMF #.

Enter the desired DTMF decode sequences. The maximum sequence length is 22 digits. Enter E to
decode a DTMF * and F to decode a DTMF #.

DTMF Other
Enter the DTMF digit time and the pause time between digits in the Digit Time and Inter Digit Time boxes.
Valid range is 10-1000 milliseconds in ten millisecond increments. Enter the desired delay before sending
PTT ID codes in the ANI Fast Tone Delay box. The range is 100-10000 milliseconds in fifty millisecond
increments. After a DTMF sequence is encoded or decoded, the receiver will be unmuted for the
programmed Call Timer. The Call Timer range is 0-3600 seconds in one second increments. The call
timer is reset by each valid call encode/decode event.


2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Adjust Tab

The Adjust tab provides software adjustment of frequency, transmit power, modulation limiting and allows
certain hardware features of the radio to be enabled and disabled.

! The case sensitive password MidlandMO is required to enter the adjustment screen.
Please refer to the adjustments section of the service manual before attempting any
adjustments to the radio. Improper adjustments can be detrimental to radio performance.

2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved


Olympian Mobile Programming Guide

Information Tab

The Information tab allows viewing of certain information embedded in the radio software. This includes
version information, serial numbers, the configured hardware and the radio band stops.


2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved

Olympian Mobile Programming Guide


2005, Midland Radio Corporation; all rights reserved



PHONE: (816) 241-8500, FAX: (816) 241-5713
Revised July 2005

Printed in USA

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