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Measurement Techniques

The purpose of this lab was to introduce the concepts of accuracy and precision of
measurements and to illustrate a variety of measurements techniques, including both direct and
indirect measurements, of varying accuracy and precision. The experiment was designed to help
students familiarize with some of the possibilities as well as some of the limitations of physical

Experimental Procedure
1. Measurements of Length

This part of the experiment began by measuring the size of the tabletop in centimeters using non-
ruled objects with in this experiment the hand span was used. Then the same tabletop’s length
was measured using a meter stick. Then the distance between two arrow points in Figure 1(of the
lab handout) was measured using a ruler and then again using vernier calipers. Finally the
distance was measured using a travelling microscope.

2. Measurement of Mass

The mass of “stepped cylinder” was estimated by “Ahand-comparing” it with known masses.
Next the electronic scale was used to measure the mass recording the mass with the appropriate
significant figures. An “inertia balance” is a device that can determine the mass of object without
any reference to gravitational force. The mass was determined by placing the mass in the pan of
the inertia balance and timing how long it took for the pan to complete 50 oscillations.

Mass (grams) Oscillations Time ( seconds) Frequency , f

100 50 15 3.33
200 50 20 2.50
500 50 30 1.60
1000 50 40 1.25

3. Measurements of Time

The first part of this experiment was to check the accuracy of the timing technique practiced
earlier. Without looking at the clock, the second counting partner announced the start and stop of
a 10 second interval. The other partner measured the actual elapsed time and this same exercise
was repeated for a period of 1 minute. Afterwards a pendulum was constructed and the length
string was adjusted until the bob swung past the vertical once each second. The other part of the
experiment was to measure reaction time by measuring the distance a ruler fell during the
reaction time. This was done by having one partner place their palm on the table with finger over
the edge and with the thumb and forefinger spread slightly apart. Then the ruler is dropped and
the partner tried to catch it as quickly as possible record how many centimeters the ruler fall
without being caught. Reaction time was again measured using the PASCO Data Studio program
and a pair of “photogates.” One partner passed their hand through the first photogate and then the
computer measured how long it took the second partner to react by passing their hand through
the second photogate.

4. Measurement of Angles

In this part of the experiment, a protractor was used to measure the angles in Figure 2 of the lab

1. Measurements of Lengths

The length of the tabletop using non-ruled object was estimated to be 180cm. After using a ruler
the length was 184.5cm. The main limitation here is that non-ruled measurements are not
accurate. Also like this experiment was done, one is likely to get different lengths each time they
use a non-ruled object.

The distance of the two arrow points in Figure 1 of the lab handout was found to be 4.75cm after
using a ruler. After using the vernier calipers the distance between the two arrows was 4.73 cm
and the same distance was 4.78 using the travelling microscope. The travelling microscope is
more accurate than the vernier calipers and has more significant figures and can be used to
measure very small distances. However they both give more precise and accurate answers.

2. Measurements of Mass

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