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Song Service..
Opening Hymn
Scripture Reading.
Opening Prayer..
Superintendent..........Alonso Lopez
Lesson Study ......Justice and Mercy in the Old TestamentPart 2........Classes

WORSHIP HOUR - 11:00 am

Praise & WorshipTeam 1

Hymn of Praise...............Immortal, Invisible....................#1

Congregational Prayer....Elder Teresa Ferreira
Today praying for:
Hawaii/Micronesia, Salvation of loved ones,
Breaking down of Strongholds in families
Next week: Nevada Utah Conference, Grandparents and their
grandchildren, Pentecost Power for Witnessing, Pathfinders Elder
Clara Baptiste

Childrens Story.............Patricia Ferreira

Offering...Conference Advance................Lo Richards
Next Weeks Offering Canadian Native Ministries

Scripture.Romans 6:1-7....................Alisha Sealy

Special Music.........................

Pastor James Rooney

Dying for Freedom
Hymn of Consecration.........Sound the Battle Cry........#614
Benediction..Elder Sheldon Bailey

Sunset Today: 8:56p.m. Next Friday: 8:50 p.m.

1. Welcome to London SDA one of the original
congregations in Ontario. As we worship the
Lord today, may Gods Spirit fill each of you with
love and joy.
2. Sabbath School Council meeting today, at 2:00 pm.
All teachers and all others interested in Sabbath
School please attend.
3. VBS graduation today at 5:00 pm, all are invited.
4. Pathfinder club meeting this Sunday 10-12
for Camping preparation and drilling
practice. All pathfinders and parents should
be there.
5. Wednesday evening is a special
time! Join your church family and
bring a friend as we study, share and
pray beginning at 7:00 pm. This week,
Acts 12: Herod persecutes the church, and he pays
dearly for it!

6. London church team will meet Windsor and
Sarnia churches for a soccer tournament
at Edwards Soccer Pitch in Petrolia, (for
GPS: 4035 EDWARD ST, Petrolia, ON). On
August 21, 2016. Soccer practice this Sunday, at 6:00
p.m. at Deveron soccer field behind Food Basics. Please
contact Rixon Gultom if youre interested.
7. Church Campout August 26-28 at
Fanshawe Conservation Area. Cost:
$47 per night, up to 6 persons, and
one vehicle, additional vehicle $13 per
night. Day use $6.50 per vehicle,
preferably prepaid, or at the gate,
please let the attendant know that you are with the
Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pre-Registration
recommended, contact Don Topper for details.

8. September 16-18, 2016:

Regional Family, Women and
Youth Ministries Retreat in
Windsor. More details to follow
Facilitator Dr. O Samms Family Life Expert.
9. City-Wide Evangelism is coming to London,
Autumn of 2017! Each of the four congregations
in London is coming together, with special
assistance from the Ontario Conference, to embark
upon an exciting reaping event for our great
city. To start things off, we need your input! Every
reaping event has a theme. What should ours
be? Suggestions are welcome please forward
them to Pastor James via email or text. The
Steering Committee is meeting regularly, and you
will begin getting updates and information about
how you can become personally involved in this
vital initiative. Stay tuned!

Thought for the week:

Do not scrutinize so closely whether you are doing much or
little, ill or well, so long as what you do is not sinful and that
you are heartily seeking to do everything for God. Try as far
as you can to do everything well, but when it is done, do not
think about it. Try, rather, to think of what is to be done next.
Go on simply in the Lord's way, and do not torment yourself.
We ought to hate our faults, but with a quiet, calm hatred;
not pettishly and anxiously. --Francis de Sales

Should there be a medical emergency Health Care Personnel on Duty:

Mayfair Appiagyei/Esther Baah-Frimpong

Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY

9:00 p.m. to

Birthday Wishes for July

Jul 3 Carolyn Dowdell
Jul 8 Renate Weidner
Jul 9 Kasha Reid-Kindness
Jul 9 Matvey Pandaleke
Jul 9 Rachel Taylor
Jul 11 Cameron Munro
Jul 11 Kara Topper
Jul 12 Gene Bernardo
Jul 12 Jaiden Munro

Jul 12 Lucy Simoes

Jul 16 James Rooney
Jul 18 Jesse Reeve
Jul 18 Nigel Carter
Jul 20 Joaquino Sampaio
Jul 21 Marilyn Topper
Jul 21 Sam Stajfer
Jul 22 Jackie Lima
Jul 22 Viola Reeve

Jul 23 Pat Carter

Jul 24 Bradley Mashoko
Jul 25 Chris Paul
Jul 26 Julia Mahon
Jul 26 Sheldon Bailey
Jul 27 Johnathan Ruhinda
Jul 28 Akwasi BaahFrimpong
Jul 29 Doris VanLeeuwen
Jul 31 Larry Tait

Communication Card
In order for us to serve you better, please complete this
Communication Form, detach and give it to the Pastor or
place it in the Offering Plate.
Name: _________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
Email: _________________________________________

Is ill at home
Requests Visitation
I want to be baptized
Seeks transfer of membership
Is in ____________________ Hospital
Is interested in Bible Studies Has a Prayer Request
Other: _______________________________________

Whoever says to this mountain. Mark 11:23 NKJV
Does the problem youre facing seem like a mountain to you?
Jesus said: Assuredly whoever says to this mountain, Be
removed and cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his
heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he
will have whatever he says. Therefore whatever things you
ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will
have them. And whenever you stand praying, if you have
anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in
heaven may also forgive your trespasses. But if you do not
forgive, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses (vv.
22-26 NKJV). Here Jesus gives us three keys to answered
prayer. 1) Keep speaking Gods Word over your problem. My
word shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish
what I please, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it
(Isaiah 55:11 NKJV). 2) Keep feeding your faith and starving
your doubts. Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe
that you receive them, and you will have them (Mark 11: 24
NKJV). 3) Keep forgiving. Whenever you stand praying, if
you have anything against anyone, forgive him (v. 25 NKJV).
The mountain in your life cant be removed if youre
harbouring unforgiveness. Gods willingness to answer your
prayers depends on your willingness to forgive the person who
hurt you. So ask yourself: is it worth holding on to bitterness?
Bernard Meltzer says, When you forgive, you in no way
change the past, but you sure do change the future. Whether or
not you think your offender deserves to be forgiven, do it for
your own sake - so that the mountain can be moved. Source:
The UCB Word for Today


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