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Essay - My future husband

At a young age of 17, we are just a few years away from adulthood. It is only normal for
someone to picture their future life partner at this age. More and more divorces are
happening every year, therefore having in mind the kind of partner and the type of marriage
you want actually helps prepare you for the future.
Start of crap
Personally, I would prefer a muscular man. He must have siz packs, big biceps and also a
firm chest. This is so that I do not get bullied around him. He should also have broad
shoulders to protect and cover me in times of need. He must also be tall. The ideal height
would be above 180cm. He should also be handsome with sharp features. A sharp nose is a
big plus.
Apart from anything physical, he must be a Christian. He must be spiritually strong. I
believe a couple should not put all faith in each other to make a marriage work but faith
must be put in God to bless the marriage. He must be loyal and trustworthy. He would not
lie and definitely should not flirt with anyone. He must be hardworking and determined,
only then will he be rich enough to support me during shopping season.
Patience is very important. My future husband must be someone who would put up with my
rants and spend time with the kids. He should also be good in sports so that his evenings
would be spent playing football or basketball with the kids. He must be smart and have a
good sense of humour. He must be someone who will brighten up the mood at home.
He must be talented and interested in extreme sports. It would be best if he could sing,
breakdance and beatbox. He should also be supportive, caring and sociable. He must be
someone who can mix around at an event full of strangers easily. It would also help if he's a
worldwide famous billionaire.
These are the traits I want in my future husband but the most important trait my husband
should possess is to treat me like a princess and love me just the way I am.

My perfect future husband

Every woman has their own picture of an perfect and ideal husband
whether it is someone that is exactly what they look for or some of
the qualities they were searching for. When i was a little girl, like
many other little girls, I had dreams of marrying Prince Charming,
like becoming Cinderella and marry to a young prince and live
happily ever after . Now that Im older, though I would still like to
marry Prince Charming, I understand that it is not likely . Ill have
to face the reality and maybe I would accept the first and second
runners up. A perfect man or dream man is impossible to find, but
an ideal one may be easier if your target isnt that high .
Firstly, the most important quality to look out for is love,
compatibility and communication. I believe it is wrong if a man and
woman commit to marriage for reasons other than love, they will
immediately divorced and affect their future. In other words, it is
important for my future husband truly in love with me and truly
cherish and appreciate each other. We should also be able to talk
and share our thoughts in an honest way and not keeping secrets
with each other. Besides that, forgiving and taking care with each
other is also very important in our relationship bonding. If we dont
bare with each other, problems will not solve and we will argue all
day long for the same topic. Hence, instead of fighting whos the
winner in this argumentative topics, why not sit down and have a
chill talk or find ways to solve it.
Besides that, Trust is also play an important role in our marriage
life. My husband must have fully trust on me. If there is no trust in
between both of us, our relationship will not go on and there will be
no point to be with each other for the rest of our life. In my future,
husband will be my other half who would take care of me for the

rest of my life and be with him until you breathe the last breath. So,
trusting is so important that will built up our love bonding.
Apart from that, I guess every woman want their husband to be at
least 6 inch tall or maybe taller than herself. For me, i think my
husband must be at least taller than me and have the strong muscle
body to protect me. This is to protect you from injury and you feel
secure. If your husband is belong to a weak stage or having weak
body, I dont think they will have the ability and energy to protect
you and the other hand you will need to protect them.
Next, I would require my future husband to be a responsible young
man and good looking too . A man who understands and carries his
duties as a husband is one whom all woman desire and sought after.
This same goes for me. If my husband has proven himself
responsible and trustworthy, I can definitely rely on him to earn an
honest living, educate our children and remain loyal to our
marriage. He need to show his a responsible father to our children
and taking good care to them. Good looking young husband also a
must in my target but not too handsome or famous guy as they will
seek for other hot girls or maybe they will just fooling around with
your love.
I could go on and on about the many other great qualities which I
would love my future husband to be . However, in reality life, I do
not expect a lot in my future husband to be perfect or my dream
man. What really a true perfect husband is not what their looking or
other great qualities, but is what I love and adore about him and
the way he treat me. It is impossible to describe a future husband in
a few words but I am rest assured that he will be the man who will
willing to listen to the silliest things I have to say, understand when
I am feeling down in the dark side, love and cherish for who I am,
and always be by my side until I breathe my last breath. He will be
the most perfect in my eyes. <3

My thoughts on the qualities that my future spouse should have.

Although it is impossible to foretell what is going to happen in the future, there are some areas in which
we can lay the foundation of happiness. Good example of this is marriage. A Chinese saying states that
the worst thing a woman fears is marrying the wrong man. This is certainly very true. Thus, it is important
to ensure that we know what we are looking for in our future spouse.
The first quality that I would loo for is definitely dependability. If I were to share my life with a person, I
would definitely want to be sure that he is a trustworthy man who I can always turn to. If he was
irresponsible, it would be near impossible to try to build a life together.
I remember my neighbors in the last place my family lived in. Mrs. Lee was a wonderfully sweet lady who
juggled three jobs in a day to give her four children a decent life. Yet, she was ever burdened by her
drunkard of a husband who not only failed to keep a job but also turn to her for money shamelessly. In
such a case I cannot help but think that my future husband must be someone I can depend on.
It is also imperative that my future husband is an honest man. Honesty is especially vital in a relationship
because both parties must be sure that they are trusted and can trust the other person. Imagine a
situation where both parties are suspicious of each other and are constantly trying to spy on the other
person, it will certainly be a miserable relationship! After all, the social obligation and activities that we
have can necessitate both the husband and the wife having to spend time away from each other. If one
party feels that the other maybe up to something fishy, a lot of unpleasantness can result. It will be terrible
to life in a marriage where there is no honesty with each other.
By nature, I am a happy-go-lucky person who enjoys a good life once in a while. If I have to spend the
rest of my life with a man who finds it difficult to see the fun in life, then I would feel like a bird in an
extremely small cage being unable to unfurl my wings to fly. When I think of my future husband, I think of
someone with a quirky sense of humor and a ready laugh. It will be someone who will see the bright side
of matters instead of getting unnecessarily bogged down by problems. To me, a good sense of humor is
an essential ingredient in the recipe for a lasting marriage.
Of course, it must be noted that this criteria may change with time as I mature with the myriad of
experiences that is sure to come my way. in time to come, I am sure a me complete picture of my ideal
husband will emerge.

I remember when I was very young I used to dream that one day I would meet my
prince charming. That one day he would take me away, love me, spoil me and
grant every wish I had, and that we would live happily ever after.
I grew up on fairy tales and M&B novels!
It is everyones desire to have a life partner, a companion to share his/her
life, dreams, joy and sorrow with. And I was no different in nurturing this
desire. Every time I attended any wedding I used to wonder when it would be my
turn; when would I become a bride. Most importantly: where the hell is he, my
prince charming?
Time passed by and still there was no prince charming in sight! I resigned
myself to the bitter fact that I am doomed to spend the rest of my life alone,
without love. Being physically disabled I didnt want to be a burden on
anyone, especially as a financial burden. I threw myself in my career,
secretly holding on to the assumption that there is someone out there for
everyone. Besides, Allah in the Holy Quran says: Among His proofs is that He
created for you spouses from among yourselves, in order to have tranquility
and contentment with each other, and He placed in your hearts love and care
towards your spouses. In this, there are sufficient proofs for people who
think. [30:21]
There is someone out there for me also. My prince charming will come. When?
Then I met this falcon-eyed man with the most beautiful voice I had ever
heard. With just one meeting I had slipped, stumbled and fallen head over
heels in love with him! He was everything in a man that I wanted and much,
much more.
Here was this stranger, who for the first time in my life took me for myself.
He did not treat or consider me as a disabled person who is to be pitied. He
saw me for who I was and not what I was. He was really without any
reservations and without any fears with me as regards to my disability.
We both clicked instantly. I really liked him and would wait eagerly for his
call or a signal that I should call him. I was addicted to his voice. I would
get cranky if I didn't talk to him before going to work, at work and after
getting off from work. He was like an artificial oxygen cylinder that needed
be changed at regular intervals for survival.
We couldnt meet as I was based in the capital and he in Karachi. Long
distance romance can be frustrating. I thought about him all the time. I
didn't want to lose his friendship. I wanted to share his friendship,
thoughts, goof offs, and life. I wanted to be everything to him. We expressed
our growing feelings for each other and talked about the need to act
responsibly since we both had our families.

Finally I proposed and he rejected! I was determined to marry him, come hell
or high water. Every single person that I knew was opposed to our marriage. I
couldn't comprehend how come the people who I loved the most were so opposed
to us getting married. The only person that totally supported us from the
moment he heard we were getting married, was my eldest brother. There were no
objections to our marriage from Kawishs family.
We eventually married without the great pomp and fanfare and ostentatious
display associated with Pakistani weddings, which are mostly held as a show of
status, wealth and to increase ones prestige in the family instead of
blessing the couple. Alhamdolillah we have been married for almost 18 months
and not once in all this time have I regretted my decision to willingly marry
a man who was already married with children.
The characteristics that I looked for in my life partner did not hinge upon
his appearance or physical prowess but in his inner self. The qualities I
considered most important were honesty, loyalty, and kindness. I wanted a
companion who was honest about his emotions or feelings on a subject. I wanted
a mate who would tell me how he feels even if it might hurt my feelings. I
wanted a man who would be loyal to me, someone who would stick by me when my
beliefs were on the line even if it meant he would also be scorned by the
majority. I wanted a person who was the epitome of kindness; a person who
would go well out of his way to see a sick friend, help a person in need and
someone who would comfort a friend or a relative in their hour of tribulation.
Kawish is all this and much, much more. The more time I spend with him, the
more I look at him, his smile, the twinkle in his eyes, and every single small
and big thing he does, not just for me but for everyone close to his heart, I
fall in love with him more. Yes, it is possible to fall in love over and over
again when that person happens to be like my prince charming.
I know it sounds crazy but when I see him dealing and controlling his
children, I want to be a child so that I too can be the recipient of his
parental love. When he interacts with his friends and colleagues, I long to be
his friend and share that camaraderie that he has with his peers. And when I
see his easy friendship and loving brotherly care and affection for his
sister, I get jealous. Not in the negative sense, but in an unexplainable way
and automatically my heart whispers a prayer for their continuing love and
Most men consider it far beneath their dignity to help their wives in
household chores and play any sort of game with them, and their marriages are
the duller and poorer for it. Not so my Kawish. He helps me in my household
chores, and we even play games when there is time. At first I used to object
to his helping me with my chores, now my objection is just a token protest.
My husband is one of the most amazing people I know. After all, he puts up
with me! I couldnt ask for a more caring, loving man and for someone who has
such a desire to take care of me and just share life with me in general. He

holds me in such high esteem that sometimes I wonder what I did in my life to
deserve such a husband. Even when we were dating, technically speaking, he
had placed me on the highest pedestal and I was afraid that I might not live
up to his expectations and high regard. After our marriage his respect,
admiration, and esteem has not diminished one tiny bit. It has only increased
manifolds. His respect for my intelligence and understanding is also reflected
in his readiness to consult with me and respond to my advice.
I respect my husband not because I am afraid of him or out of hypocrisy, but
out of genuine admiration and love. I honestly dont know what Id do without
him. Its too scary to think about. Id die if anything ever happened to him.
I have spent the happiest years of my life with Kawish. I could not have
gotten a better and more loving husband. He is my husband, my best friend, my
confidant, and the person who allows me to be me. He is my soul mate. He is
the being I want to spend the rest of my life with. And also as his wife in
the Hereafter.
I am no poet who can write a love ode to my Kawish. I am just a simple
ordinary girl loving an extraordinary man. All I can do is write the lyrics of
Celine Dions famous song Because You Loved Me as this song just about says
how I feel about my husband and what Im because of him.

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