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Friday, July 22, 2016

5:00pm Registration Opens

7:00pm Welcome and Prayer
7:05pm Singing Begins
8:00pm Introduction for Evangelistic Works Update
8:05pm USA - James Ludecke
8:25pm Nigeria - Shawn Zybach
8:45pm India - Indian Brethren
9:05pm Dismissal & Prayer
***Youth Fellowship 9pm 11pm in Sheraton Courtyard. Food, Drinks & Fun Provided***
Saturday, July 23, 2016
8:00am Registration
9:00am Singing
9:10am Welcome and opening prayer
9:15am Introduction Tony Springer
9:20am Come Out from Among Them and Be Ye Separate Rusty Springer
9:55am Singing
10:05am A Church and the Civil State in 21st Century America Brent Benoit
10:40am Singing
10:50am A Religiously Relevant Church in 21st Century America Michael McCorkle
11:25am Prayer and Dismissal
11:30am 1:30pm Lunch Break On Your Own
1:30pm Singing and Introduction
1:45pm A Socially and Morally Relevant Church in 21st Century America Marlon Cole
2:20pm Singing
2:30pm Maintaining Our 1st Century Roots in 21st Century America Ty Fleming
3:05pm Dismissal, Song and Prayer
Sunday, July 24, 2016
10:30am Worship Service at Reed Center Pat Mannon (No services at Sooner East in AM)

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