Pekan Drvo

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, , 2014, . 109, .

BIBLID: 0353-4537, (2014), 109, p 33-48
Bobinac M., Perovi M. 2014. Pecan (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch) - a new species of
the allochthonous dendroflora in Serbia. Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry 109: 33-48.

UDK: 630*176.28 Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.)

K. Koch+630*27(497.11 Beograd)
UDK: 630*232.11:582.628(497.11 Beograd)

DOI: 10.2298/GSF1409033B

(Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch)

: Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K.
Koch, -, (Juglandaceae A. Richard ex Kunth) . ,
. 35 20 m,
6,0 m, 57 cm. ,
, .
: Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch, , ,
, ,
Pecan (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch) - a new
species of the allochthonous dendroflora in Serbia
Abstract: This paper presents the alien species Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.)
K. Koch, carya- pecan, (Juglandaceae A. Richard ex Kunth) that has not been
mentioned so far in the dendroflora of Serbia. One tree was recorded within the
first Serbian sugar factory in ukarica that is now a protected cultural property
in the City of Belgrade. The tree is about 35 years old and about 20 m high. The
length of the trunk without branches is 6.0 m and the diameter at breast height is
57 cm. Carya-pecan is a native species of the southeastern part of North America,
and is grown in Europe for edible fruits and quality wood. The recorded tree in
Belgrade is fruitful and characterized by good vitality and rapid growth. Due to
its special characteristics, it can have multiple practical application in the territory
of Serbia for decoration in urban areas, for forest plantations and in orchards.
Key words: Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch, allochtonous species,
introduction, dendroflora, Belgrade, Serbia
, ,
, ,



150 (J o v a n o v i , 1950). (Pe t r o v i , 1951;
Tu c o v i 1954, 1996; Tu c o v i i S t i l i n o v i , 1976; Vu e t i i Vr c e l j - K i t i , 1964;
J o v a n o v i , 1970, 1971 a, 1971 b, 1975, 1976; J o v a n o v i i Tu c o v i , 1962; P u r i ,
1969; P u r i - D a s k a l o v i , 1977 a, 1977 b, 1989/90; Vu k i e v i i u j o v i , 1971;
u j o v i , 1971; i j a k , 1984; C v j e t i a n i n , 1997a, 1997b; V i l o t i et al., 1999). , , (J o v a n o v i - J u g a , 1998)
- (Vu k i e v i , 1996;
J o v a n o v i , 2000; O c o k o l j i i N i n i -To d o r o v i , 2003; C v j e t i a n i n i Pe r o v i ,
, , 1874. ,
201 , 134 (J o v a n o v i - J u g a , 1998) 1956. , 242 , 146
(Vu k i n , 2010). (S o j i
et al., 2003; K a r a s et al., 2003, K a r a s , 2005).

, , Carya
illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch (Juglandaceae A. Richard ex Kunth), ,
, .
Juglandaceae (A. Richard ex Kunth)
(Ta t i i B l e i , 2002). Juglans L. Juglans regia L. i Juglans nigra L. (J o v a n o v i , 2000),
Juglans cinerea L. (J o v a n o v i i Tu c o v i
1962), Juglans manshurica Maxim. Juglans sieboldiana Maxim. (M a r k o v i i Va l i ,
1978). Pterocarya Kun. Pterocarya
fraxinifolia Spach (i j a k , 1984).
(S o j i et al., 2003, K a r a s
et al., 2003, K a r a s 2005),
(Vu k i n , 2010). Carya Nutt.
Carya tomentosa Nutt. (Vu k i n , 2010).
Juglans regia L. Juglans nigra L.,
(J o v a n o v i i C v j e t i a n i n , 2012) (J o v a n o v i , 2000)

(Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch) - ...

, Juglandaceae (A. Richard

ex Kunth) . M a r i (1933) Juglans cinerea, Pterocarya caucasica (Pterocarya fraxinifolia
Spach) Carya alba (Carya ovata /Mill./ K. Koch). ,
Pterocarya Kun. Pterocarya fraxinifolia Spach, Carya
Nutt. Carya ovata (Mll.) K. Koch Carya pecan Eng. et G r a e b n .
(syn. Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch) (J o v a n o v i - J u g a , 1998). 2013.
, , () Carya
illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch), -,
, ,
(Jova nov i, 1970; Jova nov i i Vu k i ev i, 1986; Jova nov i i C v je t i a n i n 2012).
- . , o , Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch, (J o v a n o v i i Va l i , 1969, Va k a n j a c ,
1983). Carya sp.
i Carya oliveformis (syn. Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch) (E t t i n g e r, 1892;
A n i , 1954; K a r a v l a , 1962; J u r k o v i , 1988), ( )
Pterocarya Kunht., Pterocarya fraxinifolia Spach
(V i d a k o v i , 1986, I d o j t i et al., 2010).
(B e i n r a u c h , 2010).
, ,

M a r i (1933) Aesculus hippocastanm, - var. flore pleno (syn. Aesculus hippocastanum L.,
Baumannii Schn.), . , o (d1,30 =100 cm)
, (d1,30 =57 cm i 72 cm) (B o b i n a c et al., 2010, 2012).
- (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch)
, , (***2010).

. .
- , - . 1900. .
(Vu o , 1974, P a n t i , 2003).
, 1984.
(D i m i t r i j e v i - M a r k o v i i S r e t e n o v i , 2008).
, ( ),
(Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch), .
, ( ) .
, , , - , Carya
illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch , , . ...
( , 1998).
, 2013. , , 2014.
Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch po H a r l o w et al. (1996) (K r s s m a n 1986).
(d1,3) ,
(ht) (hd) Vertex III. ()
2013. , , 100 ( )

(Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch) - ...

0,1 g.
() (d) , 0,1 mm.
2). :
(x), (sx), (cv%),
(min) (max) (v).
e , 20 .
, 1- 5-, VTA (. Visual Tree
Assessment), A n a s t a s i j e v i Vr a t u a (1999). ,
4. Carya illinoinensis
(Wangenh.) K. Koch
Carya Nutt. (Juglandaceae A. Richard ex Kunth) 20
(Ta t i i B l e i , 2002). , , , , , .
Carya Nutt. Juglans L. : , , ,
. : (sect. Carya)
(sect. Apocarya) (H a r l o w et al., 1996).
Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch, , 55 m,
2,1 m. ,
. , . , , , .
, , ,
- . 6-12 mm, ,
, . ,
. ,
, 30-50 cm , 9-17 , , . 5-18
cm, 2,5-7,5 cm, , . , , ,
; . .
(H a r l o w et al., 1996; W i l e y et al., 2008).

, (B u r n s et al., 1990). . , . 3-7 . ,

, , 2-10 () (Vu k i e v i , 1996).
, , 3-5 cm; , ; (H a r l o w et al., 1996).
, (Juglans regia L).
250 kg (J o v a n o v i et al., 1983).
, . 20. ,
. .
(), (B u r n s et al., 1990).
-, , , . ,
() ,
(Platanus occidentalis L.), (Liquidambar styraciflua L.), (Ulmus americana L.), (Quercus phellos L.), (Quercus nigra L.), (Diospyros virginiana L.),
(Populus spp.), (Celtis spp.), (Salix nigra Marsh.)
(H a r l o w et al., 1996).
. 1000 m , 600 m
(W i l e y et al. 2008).
, Carya Nutt,
. ,

(H a r l o w et al.; 1996, R u s s e l et al., 2007). . 760 mm,
2010 mm, 510 mm . 50 cm.
27C, 46C.
-1C 10C, -29C (B u r n s et al., 1990). ,
-20C (***2004). , . , Carya aquatica (Michx. f.) Nutt (B u r n s
et al., 1990).
. . , .
. 750 kgm-3. . , ,

(Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch) - ...

(Fagus sylvatica L). . , , .

. (Fraxinus sp.) (H e r m a n , 1971).
(B i s h o p , 2006).
. -
- (J o v a n o v i et al., 1983).
2013. ,
25. , ( ) 2014. 5.


(); -
() (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch,
, 10.05.2014)
Figure 1. T
 he leafing phenophase with male
tassels and terminal female flowers
(a) male tassels on the same stalk (b)
(Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K.
Koch, Belgrade, 10th May, 2014)

 (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch, ,
Figure 2. Appearance of the leaves (Carya
15th November, 2013)


, ( 1).
2013. , :
, , 40 cm , 6-10 ,
5 (7) mm, ,
. 5-15
cm, 2,5-4,0 cm,
, . , , , ( 2).
1), ,
6-12 (15) cm,
( 1).
2014. ,
10. . , 10.
1-2 cm,
(ht) 20 m,
(hd) 6,0 m,

(d1,3) 57 cm.


(Carya illinoinensis / Wangenh. / K. Koch, , 28.12.2013)
Figure 3. A
 ppearance of the trunk and main branches with visible breakages and pruning
scars (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K.
Koch, Belgrade, 28th December, 2013)

 (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch, , 15.11.2013)
Figure 4. A
 ppearance of the bark (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch, Belgrade, 15th
November, 2013)

(Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch) - ...

6 m, . (

, , ,

( )
. ,

( 4).
2013. illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch,
15. , , 15.11.2013)
Figure 5. A
 ppearance of the trunk in the phase
of colour change and the beginning
( 5).
of leaf-fall (Carya illinoinensis /
Wangenh./ K. Koch, Belgrade, 15th

November, 2013)
() , ,
(U n k a e v i , 1994).
30 ( 1).

, 35 . 2007. - 2009. 1986. - 1988. , 2,0-5,0 mm,
7,0-12,5 mm.
, ( ,
35 0,9 cm, id=1,58 cm,

irina goda

irina goda

1. -
Diagram 1. Radial increment of the carya-pecan tree in ukarica

ih= 0,57 m).

( ), 16
Magnoliophyta, (K a r a s , et al. 2003).

, ,
, ,
5.2. -

2013. 100 ( 1).


6.  (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch, ,

Figure 6. Appearance of fruits (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch, ,
25th November, 2013)

(Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch) - ...

, ,
50,5 mm 20,7 mm. 100 , , 690 g, 1 kg 145 .
20 , ,
, 18 (90%) , , (Juglans regia L), (10%)
Table 2. B
 imetrical characteristics of the fruits from 2013
/ Indicator

n [kom.]
x [mm]





sd [mm]





min [mm]





max [mm]





v [mm]





cv [%]





/ Legend: n / number of measured fruits, d - / fruit length,

1 2 - / cross measurements of the widest part
of a fruit, x - / fruit width, x - / arithmetic mean, sd
- / standard deviation, cv% - / coefficient
of variation, min / minimum size, max - /
maximum size, v - / variation width


, ,
- (Carya illinoinensis Wangenh. K.
( 4). ,
- ,
, 2013. .
35 , 20 m, 6,0 m, 57 cm. ,
, 50,5 mm 20,7 mm, 1 kg
145 . ,
, , (Juglans regia L).

, , , - , Carya illinoinensis
(Wangenh.) K. Koch , , .
Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.)
K. Koch ,
: ,
, ,
, .
20112014. .

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Martin Bobinac
Marko Perovi
Pecan (Carya illinoinensis /Wangenh./ K. Koch) - a new species of the
allochthonous dendroflora in Serbia
This paper presents the species Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch carya-pecan (Juglandaceae A. Richard ex Kunth) that has not been mentioned in the dendroflora of Serbia. The
distribution of pecan is mostly in the southeastern United States, from Iowa to northern Indiana in
the east, to Louisiana in the south and central Texas in the west and in addition, it is native in the
north of Mexico. The minimum amount of rainfall in the natural sites is 760 mm, and the maximum
rainfall amounts to 2010 mm. It is resistant to frost, but requires a long hot summer for the seed to
mature. It can stand minimum temperatures of up to -20 C. It grows on well-drained loamy soils,
and can be submitted to short-term flooding. Pecan achieves the largest dimensions among U.S.


carya species and reaches the height of up to 55 m, and the thickness of up to 2.1 m. In addition to
the quality of its wood, this species is important because of its edible fruit.
As a result of the individual collectors work within the First Serbian sugar factory in
ukarica, which is today a cultural monument of the city of Belgrade, a single tree of the North
American species carya-pecan (Carya illinoinensis Wangenh. K. Koch) was cultivated. The tree
is about 35 years old. In the site in Belgrade, which represents the transition between the former
habitat of mesophilic pedunculate oak forests and xero-thermophilous oak forests of the southern
rim of the Pannonian plain, the pecan tree had a rapid growth in height and thickness, and it produced fruit in 2013. Total height of the tree is 20 m, length of the trunk clear of branches is 6.0 m
and the trunk diameter at breast height is 57 cm. The fruits are elliptic, pointed at both ends with
an average length of 50.5 mm, an average width of 20.7 mm, and 1 kg has a total of 145 walnuts.
The First Serbian sugar factory as a heritage monument in ukarica and an integral part of
the cultural and historical site of Topider gets a new content which enriches this interesting tourist destination in Belgrade with the new species Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch that is
new to the allochthonous dendroflora of Belgrade and Serbia. The conservation of the determined
Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch tree is recommended by the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia. It is also recommended to enrich the collections of the allochthonous trees and
shrubs of the Arboretum of the Faculty of Forestry and the Botanical Garden Jevremovac with
this species that is promising for cultivation in the area of Belgrade and Serbia for the needs of
further education and monitoring of acclimatization. Due to its characteristics, this species may
have multiple practical application in the territory of Serbia as a decorative species in urban areas,
in forest plantations and orchards.


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