I Have A Snout and A Curly Tail. I Swim Upright. What Am I?

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I have a snout

and a curly tail. I

swim upright.
What am I?

I am big and I
have very sharp
teeth. What am I?
I live in the ocean
and come to the

shore to lay eggs.

What am I?
I can swim and
breathe through
my gills. Humans

like to eat me.

What am I?

I walk sideways
and I have two

sharp claws.
What am I?
I have hard skin
and ten legs. I taste
good when cooked

in curry or butter.
What am I?

I have a soft body

and no bones. I

can squirt ink.

What am I?
I walk sideways
and I have two

sharp claws.
What am I?

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