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Become a member and editor of POLESTAR (The Official

Student Publication of Polytechnic College of Davao del

FAQs. (Frequently asked questions)
Q: How can I join the POLESTAR staff?
A: We will conduct a selection screening for qualified students on the 20 th of July 1pm at the Conference room, Diamond
Building. Application forms is available at Administrative office (see Mr. Benjamin Arche)
Q: Do I need any previous experience?
A: No. POLESTAR is a school paper, and the adviser / moderator is ready and willing to help new staff members learn new
skills. He will teach you how to do anything on the paper that you want to learn how to do. If you worked for your high
school paper or another campus paper you can include some of those clips with your application, but it is not necessary.
All applicants will be asked to provide a sample of their work specific to the desks applied for, but it does not have to be a
published clip.
Q: What is the time commitment?
A: New staff members are asked to work one day per week, and more experienced staffers work two. Joining the
POLESTAR is something you can do in addition to other activities on campus. You will be able to choose your own work
days to fit the POLESTAR in with your class schedule. You are expected to update your editors on your story throughout
the day. Staffers are also required to attend Orientation, occasional meetings and at least four training workshops their
first semester.
Q: Can I join other groups?
A: Yes, as long as they do not violate the conflict of interest policy. You cannot be a member of Student Government, and
you cannot hold a top leadership position in any group. If you are involved in anything that you think might violate this
policy but is not explicitly listed in the policy.
Q: Is there an incentive for those who will be selected editors?

Become a member and editor of POLESTAR (The Official

Student Publication of Polytechnic College of Davao del
A: Not yet. The Student Affairs Director is currently negotiating the matter to the school administration.

Prepared by: OSA

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