Ananda Life Training Guide

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Ananda Life Training Guide

Many people ask what they should learn and do to embrace the path of Self-realization more fully. The
answer is not a short one. The teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and Nayaswami Kriyananda are rich,
deep, and varied, and touch on all aspects of life. We developed Ananda Life Training to give you a
complete view of the teachings of Ananda Sangha, and to help guide you in your choices of what you
want to learn and do.
Click on any category below to explore the books, online books, talks, video, streaming video, online and
onsite classes and courses, and other in-person experiences available to you. Many of the resources are
available online and many are free. Each resource is linked to where it is made available.
The Art and Science of Self-Realization
A New Dispensation
The Art of Discipleship
Meditation and the Path of Kriya Yoga
Raja Yoga and Yoga Philosophy
Keys to Your Inner Life
The Practical Expression of Spirituality in Your Daily Life
Spiritual Community
Health and Healing
Creativity and the Arts
Marriage and Relationships
Education for Life
Business and Prosperity

Check Boxes
Each item listed has a check box for your use so that you can keep track of what you have completed. To
take advantage of this feature, you will need to print this document and check off the items by hand.
The Ananda Life Training Guide can serve as your personal guide to explore the teachings, but you may
also want to use it to become certified in Ananda Life Training. To become certified in Ananda Life
Training you must complete all of the required items, indicated by the red checkbox (), and you must
also complete at least half of the remaining optional items, indicated by the black checkbox (), being
sure to complete at least some optional items in every category. This insures that you learn and
experience the breadth of the teachings.

Once you have completed all the required items, and at least half of the optional items, you can contact
Nayaswami Pranaba ( to complete your certification.
Ananda Minister Training
Certification in Ananda Life Training is a requirement for Ananda Minister Training. If you would like to
learn more about Ananda Minister Training, contact Nayaswami Pranaba (, for
more information.

A New Dispensation
Paramhansa Yogananda said he came to the West to show the essential unity between original yoga and
original Christianity, and to awaken in all men the knowledge of their unity with God. Yogananda called
his work a new dispensation not a new religion, not a new sect, but a new and reinvigorated
expression of the timeless and universal teachings at the heart of all religions and spiritual experience.
Autobiography of a Yogi
Available to you in multiple formats:
Book -- Autobiography of a Yogi, By Paramhansa Yogananda
Free Online Book -- Autobiography of a Yogi, By Paramhansa Yogananda
Audio Book -- Autobiography of a Yogi (Unabridged), By Paramhansa Yogananda, Read by
Swami Kriyananda
The New Path: My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda
Available to you in multiple formats:
Book The New Path: My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda, By Swami Kriyananda
Free Online Book -- The New Path: My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda, By Swami
The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita
Available to you in multiple formats:
Book The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, Explained by Paramhansa Yogananda as
remembered by his disciple, Swami Kriyananda
Audio Book The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, Explained by Paramhansa Yogananda as
remembered by his disciple, Swami Kriyananda
Free Streaming Videos The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, Taught by Swami Kriyananda (10
minutes each)
Part 1-20
1 Introduction
2 The Four Aspects of Mind

3 The Need for a Guru

4 The Source of All Suffering
5 The Saint is the Sinner Who Never Gave Up
6 Overcoming Bad Habits
7 Overcoming the Ego
8 The Inner Light
9 The Chakras: Seven Gates to Freedom
10 Awakening the Kundalini
11 Do the Right Thing
12 Yamas and Niyamas: Dos and Donts of the Spiritual Path
13 Patanjalis Eight-Fold Yoga Path
14 Sexuality and Self-Control
15 Being Twice-Born
16 Sometimes We Need to Trick the Mind
17 Dont Worry About Your Faults Love God
18 Self-Esteem is Built on Sand Know God
19 Learn a Meditation Technique
20 The Creation of the Universe
Part 21-40
21 Love God Through His Bliss
22 Drawing Inspiration at Will
23 Our Inner Champions
24 What is Extreme Dispassion?
25 Learn Contentment Through Meditation
26 Overcoming Our Negative Tendencies
27 Balancing Our Feminine and Masculine Natures
28 Can Reason Alone Lead to Truth?
29 True Meaning of the Caste System
30 Limitations of Freudian Psychology
31 One Religion
32 Reincarnation
33 Non-Violence
34 The Need for a Guru
35 Gods Smile in Your Heart
36 The Immortal Soul
37 Introspection
38 Be Even-Minded and Cheerful
39 What is Reality?
40 Why Did God Create Us? Part 1
Part 41-60
41 Why Did God Create Us? Part 2

42 Our Consciousness Determines Our Reality

43 The Trap of Self-Involvement
44 Act Without Attachment
45 The Final Exam
46 Loyalty: The First Law of God
47 Do Not Identify with Your Mistakes
48 The Immortal Soul
49 Space and Time Do Not Exist
50 Truth Cannot be Found Through Reason
51 Modern Physics and Vedanta
52 God is Hidden Behind Everything
53 Death: The Final Exam
54 The Battle for Truth
55 Our True Home is in God
56 Be Loyal to Your Experience, not Your Belief
57 You are Beyond Time and Space
58 Reason vs. Intuition
59 Why Fight Delusion?
60 Find Peace Through Detachment
Part 61-80
61 Death and Rebirth
62 Calm Feeling Leads to Objective Truth
63 A Saint is a Sinner Who Never Gave Up
64 To Die with Inner Freedom Is Victory
65 Enjoy All with the Joy of God
66 Shankhya, Yoga and Vedanta
67 Breath and the Energy in the Spine
68 Kriya Yoga and Pranayama
69 The Universal Truths of Yoga
70 All Success Comes from Higher Consciousness
71 God is Center Everywhere, Circumference Nowhere
72 Energy is the Basis for Yoga
73 Christianity vs. Churchianity
74 To Know Yourself is to Know God
75 Kriya Yoga: Raising the Energy in the Spine
76 Achieving Endlessness

Onsite Classes The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Revelations of Christ
Available to you in multiple formats:
Book Revelations of Christ: Proclaimed by Paramhansa Yogananda, Presented by His
Disciple Swami Kriyananda
Audio Book Revelations of Christ (Unabridged): Proclaimed By Paramhansa Yogananda,
Presented and Read by His Disciple Swami Kriyananda
Free Streaming Video Questions and Answers On Revelations of Christ, Swami Kriyananda
Christianitys greatest need today 3 minutes
The future of Christianity 2 minutes
How to commune with Christ 4 minutes
What did Jesus mean by Upon this rock I will build my church? 4 minutes
Do Christians follow the teachings of Krishna? 2 minutes
The true definition of a saint 3 minutes
The true meaning of Nativity 7 minutes
Who are false prophets? 2 minutes
Did Jesus take on the sins of the world? 6 minutes
Does Satan exist? 7 minutes
Why people turn away from formal religion 3 minutes
What is the Second Coming of Christ? 2 minutes
What is the Kingdom of God? 4 minutes
Does one need to accept Christ to be saved? 2 minutes
Why saints are true custodians of religion 3 minutes
What is the true meaning of Christianity? 2 minutes
Who is a true Christian? 1 minute
What did Jesus mean by Im the Truth, the Way, and the Light? 4 minutes
Can science and religion reconcile? 1 minute

Onsite Classes Revelations of Christ

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies, and at
Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Conversations with Yogananda

Book Conversations with Yogananda, By Paramhansa Yogananda
Free Streaming Video A Way to Awakening (Companion Talks to Conversations with Yogananda),
Taught by Swami Kriyananda (20 minutes each)
Part 1-20
1 Being at Peace with God & Yourself
2 Humility of the Master

3 Getting Beyond Ego

4 Science and Religion
5 Bringing Yoga Into All Aspects of Life
6 Developing Strength Through Spiritual Tests
7 Blessings of Life: Mysteries of Death
8 Unconditional Love
9 Gods Joy/Our Greatest Possession
10 The Importance of Having a Guru
11 In God Lies All Fulfillment
12 You Are the Center of the Universe
13 Choose to Be a Cause, Not an Effect
14 The True Spirit of Ahimsa
15 Sanatan Dharma The One True Religion
16 Experience: Basis of Religion
17 Communities for Individual Spiritual Growth
18 Continuous Receptivity to Gods Grace
19 Outward Circumstances Reflect Inner Attitudes
20 God is the Only Asset Needed
Part 21-40
21 Expansiveness
22 The Gunas
23 Qualities of Dwapara Yuga
24 Scientific Support for the Yugas
25 Seek God Alone
26 Attunement
27 Obedience
28 Overcoming Ego
29 Male/Female Energies
30 Overcoming Self-consciousness
31 Yoganandas Guidance
32 Yoganandas Discipline with Love
33 Yoganandas Disciplining Methods
34 Putting God First
35 The Inner Struggle
36 Spiritual Marriage
37 Building Community
38 Likes & Dislikes
39 Leadership: Cultivating Harmony
40 Love: Human & Divine
Part 41-60
41 Devotion Through Satsang

42 Conquering Temptation Through Divine Bliss

43 Sleep: Counterfeit Ecstasy
44 Positive Attitude: Raising Your Consciousness
45 No One Escapes Persecution
46 Desires Are the Greatest Obstacle
47 Discipline on the Path
48 Becoming a Master/Beyond Ego
49 On Samadhi
50 Blessings of Having a Guru
51 Be Open to Change: Science & Religion
52 The Test of Spirituality
53 Gods Playful Nature
54 Creations Dual Nature
55 On Faith
56 Paramhansa Yogananda: Not An Ordinary Saint
57 Putting God First
58 Inner Communion: The Goal of Life
59 Living in Solution Consciousness
60 Becoming Inspired At Will
Part 61-80
61 Renunciation with Calmness
62 Yoganandas Impersonal Love for All
63 We Are Not the Body
64 Intuitive Insight and Commonsense
65 Practical Faith, Not Presumption
66 Desire & Attachment/Bane of Contentment
67 God, Not Phenomena
68 Calmness: Pre-requisite to Superconsciousness
69 The Gurus Unconditional Love
70 The Need to Cultivate Love for God
71 God First, Above All Else
72 Importance of Communing With Aum
73 How to Change Yourself
74 On Right Attitude
75 Living From Your Center
76 Guru/Disciple, The Eternal Bond
77 Attunement with the Guru
78 The Importance of Spiritual Community
79 Live in the Thought of Your Own Inner Freedom
80 God is the Only Reality
Part 81-100

81 Gods Impersonal Love

82 The Nearness of the Astral World
83 Finding Joy in Suffering
84 Balancing Masculine/Feminine Energies
85 Be Strong in Yourself
86 What is a Master?
87 Why God Tests His Devotees
88 The Power of Truthfulness
89 Truth Alone Endures
90 The Transforming Power of Love
91 Lifes Tests Help Us Become Strong
92 Create Your Own Destiny
93 The Christ Center Seat of Will
94 Joy is Our Nature
95 God Never Judges
96 God Takes Care of Those Who Live for Him
97 Put Out the Maximum Effort to Find God
98 Dont Gossip
99 Drawing Inspiration While Lecturing
100 Give Your Mistakes to God
Part 101-120
101 Overcoming Moods
102 Limits of the Intellect
103 Role of the Guru
104 Renunciation of the Ego
105 We Must Help Others to Achieve Freedom
106 Be Loyal to Your Inner Higher Consciousness
107 The Path is a Balance Between Meditation and Activity
108 Habits can Be Changed in an Instant
109 Dont Define Yourself by Your Habits
110 Values Are Directional
111 The Importance of Satsang
112 Kundalini is not Awakened by Techniques
113 Organizations are a Necessary, but
114 Dont Seek Phenomena in Meditation
115 Trust Must be Beneficial
116 The Real Origin of the Caste System
117 The Vast Mission of the Great Masters
118 Each of Us Must make the Effort to Find God
119 How to Let Go of the Ego
120 You Can Learn to be Joyful Always

Part 121-140
121 Apply Common Sense to Your Intuition
122 How to Develop Intuition
123 Death: The Final Exam
124 Our Relationship with Divine Mother
125 Paramhansa Yoganandas Mission
126 We Live in Troubled Times
127 Humility is Attained When We Know God
128 Samadhi
129 Perfection Only Exists in God
130 The Consciousness of a Master
131 Humility
132 Importance of Energy
133 Love God in All
134 Ananda: East and West
135 The Importance of Individual Effort
136 Transforming Emotion into Devotion
137 True Renunciation
138 The Goal of Life: Final Liberation
139 The Importance of Attunement with the Guru
140 The Compassion of the Guru
Part 141-160
141 Unique Essence of Each Soul
142 Rama and Sita
143 World Brotherhood Colonies
144 Vibration Behind Words
145 The Importance of Spiritual Initiation
146 God is the True Healer
147 The Law of Karma
148 Be Loyal to Your Path
149 Enjoy Everything with the Joy of God
150 The Importance of Truthfulness
151 The World is Starving for Gods Joy
152 The Power of the Guru
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Explained
Book The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Explained, By Paramhansa Yogananda, edited by
Swami Kriyananda

The Essence of Self-Realization

Available to you in multiple formats:
Book The Essence of Self-Realization: The Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda, Recorded,
Compiled, and Edited by Swami Kriyananda
Audio Book The Essence of Self-Realization: The Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda
(Unabridged), Recorded, Compiled, Edited and Read by Swami Kriyananda
Bhagavad Gita and Bible Comparisons

Book The Promise of Immortality: The True Teaching of the Bible and the Bhagavad
Gita, By Swami Kriyananda

Book Rays of the One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the Bible and Bhagavad Gita, By
Swami Kriyananda
God Is for Everyone
Available to you in multiple formats:
Book God Is for Everyone: Inspired by Paramhansa Yogananda, By Swami Kriyananda
Free Online Book God Is for Everyone: Inspired by Paramhansa Yogananda, By Swami
Return to the beginning of A New Dispensation
Return to main menu

The Art of Discipleship

Swami Kriyananda, one of the few direct disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda still alive today, has
dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Among the most central
teachings he expounds upon is the art of discipleship. We live in a dynamic new age which requires a
dynamic new approach to discipleship. Outer form is of less importance than in the past. Living in
attunement with the consciousness of a Master is the essence of discipleship. Inner renunciation is the
The New Path: My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda
Available to you in multiple formats:
Book The New Path: My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda, By Swami Kriyananda
Free Online Book -- The New Path: My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda, By Swami


Swami Kriyananda
Faith is My Armor
Available to you in multiple formats:
Book Faith Is My Armor, By Devi Novak
Free Online Book Faith Is My Armor, By Devi Novak

Book Swami Kriyananda As We Have Known Him, By Asha Praver

Audio Book Swami Kriyananda As We Have Known Him, By Asha Praver

Book Two Souls: Four Lives, The Lives and Former Lives of Paramhansa Yogananda and
his Disciple, Swami Kriyananda, By Catherine Kairavi

Book Ananda Course in Self-Realization Step 3: A Handbook on Discipleship, By Swami


Book How to Be a True Channel, By Swami Kriyananda

Onsite Classes Discipleship

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Discipleship Initiation
The Discipleship Initiation can be done as a private, personal ceremony or it can be
performed for you by an Ananda Minister. The Discipleship Initiation ceremony is
frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies, and Ananda Churches and


Book A Renunciate Order for the New Age, By Swami Kriyananda

Book Sadhu Beware! A New Approach to Renunciation, By Swami Kriyananda

Onsite Classes Renunciation

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.


Return to the beginning of The Art of Discipleship

Return to main menu

Raja Yoga and Yoga Philosophy

Raja Yoga can rightly be described as the science of religion. Raja Yoga is made up of practices and
techniques that redirect ones life force and thought inward toward union or yoga with God. Raja
Yoga, and the complementary yoga philosophies that explain it, are Indias enduring spiritual gift to the
The Art and Science of Raja Yoga

Printed Course and Recorded Talks The Art and Science of Raja Yoga, By Swami

Recorded Talks The Art and Science of Raja Yoga Audio Companion Set, By Swami

Online Class The Art and Science of Raja Yoga

Onsite Classes The Art and Science of Raja Yoga
Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.


Book Chakras for Starters: Unlock the Hidden Doors to Peace and Well-Being, By Savitri

CD Chakras for Starters: Unlock the Hidden Doors to Peace and Well-Being, By Savitri

Workbook Chakras Workbook, By Savitri Simpson Email Savitri ( to

purchase the workbook.

Online Class Understanding the Chakras: An Inner Guide to Self-Realization, Savitri



DVD Yoga to Awaken the Chakras: Experience Energy, Rejuvenation and Higher
Awareness, Gyandev Rich McCord, PhD.

Onsite Classes Chakras

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Karma and Reincarnation

Book Karma and Reincarnation, By Paramhansa Yogananda

Book Two Souls: Four Lives, The Lives and Former Lives of Paramhansa Yogananda and
his Disciple, Swami Kriyananda, By Catherine Kairavi

Online Class Karma and Reincarnation

Onsite Classes Karma and Reincarnation
Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Yugas and Astrology

Book Religion in the New Age: and Other Essays for the Spiritual Seeker, By Swami

Book The Yugas: Keys to Understanding Mans Hidden Past, Emerging Energy Age, and
Enlightened Future, By Joseph Selbie and David Steinmetz

Book The Holy Science, By Swami Sri Yukteswar (Available in many bookstores or
through online book sites.)

Book Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual Guide, By Swami Kriyananda

Online Class The Yugas Webinar Series
Onsite Classes Yugas and Astrology
Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.


Out of the Labyrinth

Book Out of the Labyrinth: For Those Who Want to Believe, But Cant, By Swami
The Hindu Way of Awakening
Book The Hindu Way of Awakening: Its Revelation, Its Symbols: An Essential View of
Religion, By Swami Kriyananda
Return to the beginning of Raja Yoga and Yoga Philosophy
Return to main menu

Meditation and the Path of Kriya Yoga

Kriya is a technique of energy control, or pranayama. It is also a comprehensive spiritual path, which
includes additional meditation practices, right living, and a link to the enlightened Masters mentioned in
Autobiography of a Yogi. Ananda Sangha teaches the four techniques that encompass the Path of Kriya,
just as Yogananda taught them: the Energization Exercises; the Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration;
the Aum Technique of Meditation; and the Kriya technique.
Basic Meditation and the Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration

Book and DVD Ananda Course in Self-Realization Step 1, Lessons in Meditation, By

Jyotish Novak
Meditation for Starters
Available to you in multiple formats:
Book and CD Meditation for Starters, By Swami Kriyananda
Audio Book Meditation for Starters, By Swami Kriyananda
Free Streaming Video Meditation for Starters, By Swami Kriyananda

Book How to Meditate, By Jyotish Novak

Free Online Class Intro to Meditation

Onsite Classes How to Meditate and the Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.


Energization Exercises

Book and DVD Ananda Course in Self-Realization Step 1, Lessons in Meditation, By

Jyotish Novak

Chart Energization Exercises Poster

Onsite Classes Energization Exercises
Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Aum Technique of Meditation and Kriya Preparation

Onsite Classes The AUM Technique of Meditation

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.
Free Online Class Introduction to Kriya Yoga
Onsite Classes Kriya Preparation
Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Kriya Initiation

Kriya Initiation
Kriya Initiation is offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies, and Ananda Churches
and Centers. Check for schedule near you.

Inspiration for Meditation

Book Metaphysical Meditations, By Paramhansa Yogananda

CD Metaphysical Meditations: Guided Visualizations Based on the Poetry of

Paramhansa Yogananda, By Swami Kriyananda

DVD Meditation Therapy: Health and Healing, Relationships, Stress and Change, Jyotish


CD Meditations to Awaken Superconsciousness, By Swami Kriyananda

Meditation Support

Meditation with Others

Opportunities to meditate with others can be found all over the world at Ananda World
Brotherhood Colonies, and Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a location near you.

Online Meditation Support Articles, newsletter, help with common problems and
email support.
Return to the beginning of Mediation and the Path of Kriya Yoga
Return to main menu

Keys to Your Inner Life

Meditation naturally awakens inner awareness, which is the doorway to higher consciousness and divine
communion. Knowing what to expect and how to cooperate with your personal experiences will give
you a deep and expansive inner life. Understanding the nature of superconsciousness, intuition, and
devotion provides clarity and direction for how to achieve a balanced spiritual life.
Compilation of Yoganandas Teachings

Book How to Have Courage, Calmness and Confidence: The Wisdom of Paramhansa
Yogananda, By Paramhansa Yogananda

Book How to Be Happy All the Time, By Paramhansa Yogananda

Online Class How to Be Happy

Awaken to Superconsciousness

Book Awaken to Superconsciousness, By Swami Kriyananda

Audio CD Music to Awaken Superconsciousness, Swami Kriyananda

CD Meditations to Awaken Superconsciousness, By Swami Kriyananda



Recorded Talk Devotion and Spiritual Growth, Swami Kriyananda

Whispers from Eternity

Available to you in multiple formats:
Book Whispers from Eternity: By Paramhansa Yogananda, Edited by Swami Kriyananda
Audio Book Whispers from Eternity: By Paramhansa Yogananda, Read and Edited by
Swami Kriyananda

Onsite Classes Devotion

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.


Online Class Music and Consciousness Course

Audio CD Kriyananda Chants Yogananda, Swami Kriyananda

Audio CD Wave of the Sea, Ananda Kirtan

Book Wave of the Sea Chant Book: Chants of Yogananda, Kriyananda, and Ancient
India, Ananda Sangha

Book The Harmonium Handbook: Owning, Playing, and Maintaining the Devotional
Instrument of India, By Satyaki Kraig Brockschmidt

Onsite Classes Chanting

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.


Book Affirmations for Self-Healing, By Swami Kriyananda

Book Scientific Healing Affirmations, By Paramhansa Yogananda (Available in many

bookstores or through online booksites.)


Onsite Classes Affirmations

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.


Book Intuition for Starters: How to Know and Trust Your Inner Guidance, By Swami

Online Class Developing Intuition

Onsite Classes Intuition
Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Inspiration and Advice

Book In Divine Friendship: Letters of Counsel and Reflection, By Swami Kriyananda

Book Shaped by Saints: A Pilgrims Journey Through India, By Devi Mukherjee, Durga
Smallen and Swami Kriyananda

Book Religion in the New Age: and Other Essays for the Spiritual Seeker, By Swami

Book Living Wisely, Living Well By Swami Kriyananda

Return to the beginning of Keys to Your Inner Life

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Spiritual Community
Paramhansa Yogananda urged people of like mind and ideals to join together to form world
brotherhood colonies, intentional spiritual communities based, in his words, on simple living and high
thinking. In these colonies, truth seekers from all walks of life could live, work and seek God together,
creating a harmonious, uplifting environment that encourages the development of spiritual qualities,
and the awareness, as he stated, of the true kinship of all men as sons and daughters of the same, one


Hope for a Better World

Available to you in multiple formats:
Book Hope for a Better World! The Small Communities Solution, By Swami Kriyananda
Free Online Book Hope for a Better World! The Small Communities Solution, By Swami

Free Streaming Video Hope for a Better World, Swami Kriyananda

Free Online Class What is Ananda?

A Place Called Ananda

Available to you in multiple formats:
Book A Place Called Ananda: The Trial by Fire That Forged One of the Most Successful
Cooperative Communities in the World Today, By Swami Kriyananda
Free Online Book A Place Called Ananda: The Trial by Fire That Forged One of the Most
Successful Cooperative Communities in the World Today, By Swami Kriyananda

Book Cities of Light: What Communities Can Accomplish in the New Age, By Swami

Free Streaming Video Celebration of Anandas Worldwide Communities, Swami

Kriyananda and Ananda Ministers

Free Streaming Video The Importance of Spiritual Community, Swami Kriyananda

Onsite Classes Communities
Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Visit an Ananda Community

Onsite Experience An Ananda Community

Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies, and at Ananda Churches and Centers.

More On Ananda Communities

Free Online Article Ananda Through the Years: Honoring Its Principles, Ideals and
Commitments, By Jyotish Novak


Many Hands Make a Miracle

Available to you in multiple formats:
Book Many Hands Make a Miracle: A History of Ananda 1968-1976, By Sadhana Devi Helin
Email Savitri ( to purchase the book.
Free Online Book Many Hands Make a Miracle: A History of Ananda 1968-1976, By
Sadhana Devi Helin

Book Expanding the Light: A History of Ananda, Part II, 1977 to 1990 By Sadhana Devi
Helin Email Savitri ( to purchase the book.

Book Reflections on Living, By Sara Cryer

Book Good Morning Great Souls: Transformations in Community, By Gyandevi Fuller

Book Crystal Hermitage Gardens: A Photographic Pilgrimage to the Spiritual Heart of

Ananda Village, By Barbara Bingham
Return to the beginning of Spiritual Community
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Health and Healing

Paramhansa Yogananda presented a surprisingly complete and holistic approach to good health many
years before holistic became a popular concept. His emphasis was to work on every aspect of human
nature physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual all at the same time. None of these is to
be neglected; all should work together in harmony.
Principles of Health and Healing

DVD Meditation Therapy: Health and Healing, Relationships, Stress and Change, Jyotish

Onsite Classes Health and Healing

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Ananda Yoga

Book Ananda Yoga for Higher Awareness, By Swami Kriyananda


Printed Course and Recorded Talks The Art and Science of Raja Yoga, By Swami

DVD Yoga to Awaken the Chakras: Experience Energy, Rejuvenation, and Higher
Awareness, Gyandev Rich McCord, PhD

Onsite Classes Ananda Yoga

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Energization Exercises

Book and DVD Ananda Course in Self-Realization Step 1, Lessons in Meditation, By

Jyotish Novak

Chart Energization Exercises Chart

Onsite Classes Energization Exercises

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.


Book Affirmations for Self-Healing, By Swami Kriyananda

Book Scientific Healing Affirmations, By Paramhansa Yogananda (Available in many

bookstores or through online booksites.)

Onsite Classes Affirmations

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Yoganandas Healing Techniques

Book Divine Will Healing, By Mary Kretzmann

Healing Prayers

Free Streaming Video Healing Prayers at a Distance, Mary Kretzmann


Online Healing Prayer Support Healing Prayer Ministry

CD Healing Affirmations in Aum, Mary Kretzmann and Kent White

Ananda Yoga Teacher Training

Onsite Course Ananda Yoga Teacher Training

More Ananda Yoga

DVD Yoga to Awaken the Chakras: Experience Energy, Rejuvenation and Higher
Awareness, Gyandev Rich McCord, PhD.

Book Yoga Therapy for Headache Relief, By Dr. Peter Van Houten and Gyandev Rich
McCord, PhD.

Book Yoga Therapy for Overcoming Insomnia, By Dr. Peter Van Houten and Gyandev
Rich McCord, PhD.

DVD Yoga for Busy People: 3 Short Routines for Calmness, Vitality, and Harmony,
Gyandev Rich McCord, PhD and Lisa Powers

DVD Yoga for Emotional Health: Bringing Balance, Inner Peace, and Happiness Into Your
Life, Lisa Powers

DVD Yoga for Menopause: A Routine for Relaxation and Inner Expansion, Lennie Martin,
R.N. and Barbara Bingham
Diet and Cooking

Book Vegetarian Cooking for Starters: Simple Recipes and Techniques for Health and
Vitality, By Blanche Agassy McCord

Book Simply Vegetarian: Easy-to-Prepare Recipes for the Vegetarian Gourmet, By Nancy

Book Global Kitchen: Vegetarian favorites from the Expanding Light Yoga Retreat, By
Blanche Agassy McCord
Flower Essences

Book The Essential Flower Essence Handbook, By Lila Devi


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Creativity and the Arts

Music and the arts have a direct impact on our consciousness, and as spiritual seekers, we seek to
surround ourselves with art that helps us on our way not that which keeps us tied to matter
consciousness and delusion. Art in its highest expression is meant take one into states of calm feeling,
where intuition and other soul qualities such as bliss, love, power, calmness, peace, and wisdom can
blossom and grow. Furthermore, we use the arts to create inner and outer harmony, clarity of mind,
openness of heart, and attunement to divine Inspiration.
Meaning in the Arts

Book Art as a Hidden Message: A Guide to Self-Realization, By Swami Kriyananda

Book The Story Behind the Story: My Life of Service Through Writing, By Swami

Book Space, Light, and Harmony: The Story of Crystal Hermitage, By Swami Kriyananda

Onsite Classes Creativity and the Arts

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

CD Christ Lives: An Oratorio, Swami Kriyananda and World Brotherhood Choir

CD The Mystic Harp: Music in the Celtic Tradition, By Derek Bell and Swami Kriyananda
CD The Mystic Harp 2: Sailing the Blue Sea, By Derek Bell and Swami Kriyananda
CD Windows on the World, Swami Kriyananda
CD An Evening in Italy, Swami Kriyananda
Free MP3 Music Downloads Selections of Music by Swami Kriyananda


Onsite Performances Music

Music is frequently performed and sung at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies, and at
Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of performances near you.


Play The Peace Treaty: A Play in Three Acts, By Swami Kriyananda


Play The Land of Golden Sunshine: An Allegory of Soul-Yearning, By Swami Kriyananda

Play The Singer and the Nightingale, By Swami Kriyananda

Onsite Performances Plays

Plays are often performed at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies, and at Ananda
Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of performances near you.


Book Crystal Hermitage Gardens: A Photographic Pilgrimage to the Spiritual Heart of

Ananda Village, By Barbara Bingham
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Education for Life

Education for Life provides children balanced development of body, heart, mind and spirit. In addition to
learning the usual school subjects, students are taught cooperation, compassion and self-discipline. The
Education for Life system has been tested and proven for over three decades at the many Living Wisdom
schools located throughout the United States.
Education for Life
Available to you in multiple formats:
Book Education for Life: Preparing Children to Meet the Challenges, By Swami Kriyananda
Free Online Book Education for Life: Preparing Children to Meet the Challenges, By
Swami Kriyananda

Onsite Classes Education for Life

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

Education for Life Schools

Onsite Education Education for Life Schools

Ananda Sangha has developed several Education for Life Schools in the U.S. and India:
Ananda Schools


Onsite Education College of Living Wisdom

Ananda Sangha has developed the College of Living Wisdom near Ananda Village:
College of Living Wisdom

Additional Resources

Book Calm and Compassionate Children, A Handbook, By Susan Dermond (Available in

many bookstores and through online booksites.)

Book For Goodness Sake: Supporting Children and Teens in Discovering Lifes Highest
Values, By Michael Nitai Deranja

Book I Came from Joy! Spiritual Affirmations and Activities for Children, By Lorna Ann

Book Scary News: 12 Ways to Raise Joyful Children When the Headlines are Full of Fear,
By Lorna Ann Knox

Free Online Book Supporting Your Childs Inner Life, By Narani (Toby) Moorhouse

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Marriage and Relationships

Our love must not be limited to those who are near to us. The divine purpose of close relationships is to
expand that love. Nature breaks the ties of family life only to teach us that the love we give our family
needs to be extended also to our neighbors, our friends, our country and to all nations.
Paramhansa Yogananda, Spiritual Relationships
Spiritualize Your Relationships

Book Expansive Marriage: A Way to Self-Realization, By Swami Kriyananda

Book Spiritual Relationships: The Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda, By Paramhansa


Book 30-Day Essentials for Marriage, By Jyotish Novak

Online Class Spiritual Relationships


Onsite Classes Relationships

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

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Business and Prosperity

Prosperity should be sought on all levels. An abundance of joy, love, and peace are the hallmarks of a
truly prosperous person. Material abundance, by itself, is not necessarily a mark of a prosperous person.
But one who can manifest what is needed, as it is needed, who knows and freely works the laws of
abundance, is truly prosperous.
Inner and Outer Prosperity

Printed Course and Online Classes Success and Happiness through Yoga Principles,
By Swami Kriyananda

Online Class Six Weeks to Lasting Success and Happiness, Taught by Swami

Online Class Success and Happiness Webinar Series

Book The Art of Supportive Leadership: A Practical Guide for People in Positions of
Responsibility, By Swami Kriyananda

Book How to Be a Success: The Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda, By Paramhansa


Book Money Magnetism: How to Attract What You Need When You Need It, By Swami

Onsite Classes Business and Prosperity

Classes on this subject are frequently offered at Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies,
and at Ananda Churches and Centers. Check for a schedule of classes near you.

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