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United We Stand

I could here the footsteps of the invigilator as he was just about to enter the room. I tried harder
and harder but I was unable to fold the piece of paper in my hand. I couldn't get rid of it because it
was my only hope to pass the exam. The invigilator , not very suddenly , entered the room and
started distributing the papers. I couldn't afford to be caught so I had to eat the paper which was my
When the question paper reached me , I started shivering. I kept it aside and started wondering ,
Why do I always fail ? Why can't I fold a piece of paper ? Who am I ? Who are we ? . The next
moment I found myself flying out the window and behind me was the invigilator. The invigilator
was hesitating as he didn't want to allow other children to cheat. To hide I entered a large blue full
of prisoners. I felt no harm because the prisoners seemed to be at hibernation mode.
The van began to move but when stopped I found myself in the most peculiar place that I have
seen in my life. Some people were like me and there was another species. I had never heard about
them but they were talking in English. When I was exploring around I found an animal committing
suicide. When he saw me run towards him he screamed No , don't stop me. Let me die ! I don't
want to become like you. I immediately stopped and thought about what he said. He closed his
eyes and raised his gun. His eyes were wide open again when I asked him What does 'die' mean ?
He knew I was clueless about the world.
In 2015 we , humans developed a technology which can make us immortal. When we become
old , doctors take out our brains and put them in robots. Our brains control the robots and hence the
system is called an Android or a Hetero sapien. Since so many people became old in this
millennium , we found that the robots were being overpopulated. We started sending the robots to
different islands and then to different planets. The exploited Android turned against us and revolted.
Humans thought that all the Androids will turn against us , to stop that they started erasing their
memory. When half the Androids lost their memory , the other half declared a war. They didn't have
much ammunition so only one tenth of them fought. There was no one to provide ammunition and
unit the Androids from different planets and hence they lost the war you should read William
Shakespeare's 'As You like It' which will tell you more about us and 'The Rise Of The Human Race'
If you want to know more about yourself. Now if you don't mind , I have to kill myself ?
The man kept his finger on the trigger and pointed the gun at his head. Why are you killing
yourself , what's wrong in being an Android ? I asked. The man didn't keep the gun down and
answered I don't want to serve the humans all my life. There is an intergalactic war taking place
on 1st June. I think all the Android will die that day so I would rather die today. Saying that he shot
himself and I could hear people yelling Help , call the ambulance. The place was suddenly
crowed. I hide in the same van that got me there. I downloaded the books he told me about. Like
always , I wasn't able to read anything. Different Androids were accompanying me this time.
When I reached the school I saw my grumpy looking friends waiting for me. I told them about
my adventure and obviously they didn't believe me. I am very talented in making up weird stories.
But they believed me when I transferred the books lying in my head. I was still connected to the
human library. They read the books and decided something had to be done. They tried to connect
their system with every Android but they failed. Humans didn't allow access to them. That was the

first time my dyslexia made me proud. Humans were unable to secure their network from a
different brain. I could easily get access.
On the bottom left of my vision I could see '86,722,955,279,006' users connected. The people
began speaking 'who is this ? How is this happening ? Why is this happening ?' I just told who was I
am and why I was trying to communicate with them. I transferred them the books and asked them if
they wanted to unit and fight against the humans. They were saying many things but most of the
sentences included 'yes'. A war planning team was setup. They were the same people who were
making the strategy in the intergalactic war.
The strategy wasn't hard to implement Eat Mercury , drink Mercury and reach Earth on 25th of
May 3014. They told us that the plan was only for the people outside the Earth and hence the had
nothing to do. Many people asked them about the ammunition and a backup plan , but the planning
team stayed silent. The planning team also said Each one of you should come for the war and if we
lose it we lose our lives in the Intergalactic war. Don't worry about the ammunition we have
Mercury. The whole idea of the Intergalactic war was crazy. Humans were trying to conquer
planets for oil and gas. It could ruin the galaxy and even the whole universe.
On 24th May , a day before the arrival , the humans the able to detect the Androids coming
towards them. The humans prepared themselves to fight back. There were missiles pointing at the
sky , each man was given a gun and each gun was as big as a tree. By night the sky was completely
covered with silver metal. We could sense that they were about to land. And then like meteoroids
they crashed into the surface of the Earth. The lithosphere was shaken and then it was flooded by
the expanded Mercury. None of them were harmed by any missiles and when the humans attacked
us by bullets , surprisingly the bullets were unable to travel more than a meter. The Androids and
the mercury made the earth heavy and hence its force of gravitation increased. The humans couldn't
even raise there arms to stab us.
We didn't have any ammunition so we were harmless to humans. But we had a very unique
weapon and that was the moon. The moon was getting attracted to earth because of the increase in
the gravitational force. A boy who was trying to eat a melted ice-cream , was the first one to see the
moon coming. He was trying to finish he ice-cream before collision but before he could even have a
lick. In seconds the moon was seen touching the earth's surface and great a amount of dust was
erupting from the point of collision. There was something coming and it was surely worse than the
The boy's ice-cream again started freezing. The layer of dust in the atmosphere was stopping the
sun rays which brought a minor ice age. The land was still roaring because of the earthquake.
Humans got there lower body stuck as the mercury became solid. As the temprature decreased the
humans started looking blue. Maybe all this was the reason why they couldn't see the next danger
The boy's ice-cream and the Mercury again started melting. The Earth became heavier when the
moon crashed and hence its gravitational force again increased. The Earth was becoming red and
bright as it was falling into the sun. We finally left the earth and saw it fall into the sun. Some of us
fled to Mars and the humans there didn't seem to welcome us but now they had no control on us.
The Intergalactic war never took place and unfortunately my maths teacher found me. Still I
enjoyed life and lived happily were after.

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