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THE Pres.


(PSOHSAAI) SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM is an undertaking that helps indigent,
but deserving students of the Pres. SERGIO OSMEA HIGH SCHOOL thru
financial assistance.
Who are the persons in charge of its operation?
A specific group of officers or members of the PSOHSAAI known as the
Scholarship Management Group (SMG) will operate and administer the
Program. They will be in charge of the selection and monitoring of the
They will also be in charge of the management and
disbursement of the fund to the beneficiaries. The treasurer and auditor of
the PSOHSAAI are automatically involved in the SMG.
Who are the beneficiaries?
Bonafide, non-transferee, indigent but deserving students of the school
can benefit from the program, provided that they pass the qualifying exam
and interview conducted by the SMG.
They must have an average of 82% in their last Grade level with no failing
grade in any subject.
Recommendations from the teachers of the School are highly regarded.
In the duration of the Program the beneficiaries must maintain the
same grade in all subjects they are taking. They must also conduct
themselves as scholar students or good standing if not outstanding students
provided in the rules and regulation of the school. They must not have any
case of misbehaviour and most importantly the must have utmost respect to
their teachers and school officials. Otherwise their benefits will be revoked
upon proper investigation.
What are the benefits?
Qualified scholars are to receive a stipend of One thousand pesos (Php
1,000.00) per month for the period covered by the Program.
They will undergo short seminars on Good Study Habits, Confidence
Building, Goal Setting and such that will help them be better achievers.
Where will the fund come from?
The funding for this program will come from solicitations by the
PSOHSAAI from its members and other personalities or institutions. Fund
raising projects can also be arranged to assist in maintaining the fund.
All collections for this endeavour will have an official receipt and
deposited in the PSOHSAAI bank account exclusively maintained for this
Scholarship Program.
The head of the SMG and the treasurer with the help of the Auditor of
the PSOHSAAI will provide bimonthly reports in the duration of the program,
or when asked for by the officers of the PSOHSAAI.

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