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** BillDesk Request page **

RU - Return URL
WO - Want Output
- "MType is used to moniter PG"
- "BilldeskPG" this is class used for PG
- "BILLDESK_WAP_RU" request URL page for billdesk.
- "BillDeskUrl" PG Url
- there two type of APP_TYPE given by PG are 1)WAP 2)WEB it is given by PG vendo
- "AddLogService" object is used for loging data in DB.
- "PortalCheckSum" Sevice is used for checksum(Security) PG
- "TransactionService" Service is used to save or update transaction detail in D
- Get Values from Previous Page assign to properties.
- Validated checksum for security purpose. eg-- Request.Form["txtPGCustCode"] =
oPortalCheckSumService.GetPortalCheckSum(oBilldeskPG.CUST_ID, oBilldeskPG.TXN_A
- Form Pipe Seprated string as per requirement of PG using method "GetBillDeskEn
Code Undestanding GetBillDeskEncodedString
- get value from config of BillDeskTypeField1,BillDeskTypeField2,BillDeskCurrenc
- get value of security Id and security Key.
- form pipe seprate string as per PG requirement.
- BILLDESK_WEB_KEY is added for security
- post pipe seprated string to PG DLL shared with us if it return true checksum
will be added to string.
- InsertBillDeskRequest by using this method data will be inserted in DB "common
- Finally request will be post to PG.
**BillDesk Responce page **
- "MType is used to moniter PG"
- We will recieve data in eg Request.Form["msg"]
- Assign value to properties from response "Msg"
- Get oldChecksum value by comparing "strArray.Length == 26" bcz in past msg len
gth was more than 26 so for safer side these check is added.
- Secret_Key is added accoding to merchant Id and then it is set in to string ar
- SI value "PGSI" is replace by 1 if present else 0 two array is maintain strPro
cessedMsg and strFinalMsg this array carry same data which is recieved from PG
- strFinalMsg array is used for checksum and processed array is send to portal
- Finally request will be post to Portal.
** BillDesk-SI Request page **

"MType is used to moniter PG".

"BilldeskPG" this is class used for PG.
get list of SI product from config eg.BILLDESK_SI_PRODUCT_LIST.
Get Values from Previous Page.
set merchantID accoding to productID if It contain SI opted.
Validated checksum for security purpose. eg-- Request.Form["txtPGCustCode"] =
oPortalCheckSumService.GetPortalCheckSum(oBilldeskPG.CUST_ID, oBilldeskPG.TXN_A

- Make Pipe seprated string eg.string BilldeskPipeString = oPortalCheckSumServic

e.GetBillDeskEncodedString(oBilldeskPG.APP_TYPE, oBilldeskPG.CUST_ID, oBilldeskP
- Get merchant-ID from string for logging purpose eg. oBilldeskPG.MID = strPipeA
- Bind URL to submit button
** BillDesk-SI Responce page **
- "MType is used to moniter PG"
- We will recieve data in eg Request.Form["msg"]
- Assign value to properties from response "Msg"
- Get oldChecksum value by comparing "strArray.Length == 26" bcz in past msg len
gth was more than 26 so for safer side these check is added.
- Secret_Key is added accoding to merchant Id and then it is set in to string ar
- SI value "PGSI" is replace by 1 if present else 0 two array is maintain strPro
cessedMsg and strFinalMsg this array carry same data which is recieved from PG
- strFinalMsg array is used for checksum and processed array is send to portal
- Finally request will be post to Portal.

** PayTm Request page **

- "MType is used to moniter PG" current not present
- check wheather request is come from old or new domain string RedirectFlag = ""
if (strPrevUrl.Contains("netinsure")) //netinsure.
RedirectFlag = "O";
RedirectFlag = "N";
- required configuration is read from web config
- Get Values from Previous Page
- Generated XMl for logging purpose
- Portal Internal CheckSum Validation
- Generate Paytm CheckSumHash
- Set Control Values for final posting data to PG
- Data will be post in form of "form".
- bind postback url to btnsubmit
- Finally request will be post to PG.
** PayTm Responce page **
- "MType is used to moniter PG"
- Paytm give fix response on PaytmResponse.aspx page.
- paytm give us response in form of post.
- Read Response Parameters
- create XML for logging purpose
- PORTAL_STATUS_TEXT,PORTAL_AUTH_STATUS set response as per portal requirement.
- CheckSum Verified - Now Check for Payment Status
- Generate pipe seprated string for response to portal using "GetPipeSeparatedRe
- Get product URL to send response eg.HSP,HSTOP,Travel
- final response to portal
** CSC Request page **
- "MType is used to moniter PG" current not present

- Class is intialized.
- catch data from previous page
- check EMIMode if null then add full EMIMode type
- check EMIMode if null then add full EMIMode type
- Validate CheckSum recived in request and generated using portal checksum servi

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