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Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Homework: 12 February 2016

Hand in the question corresponding to the last digit of your student number. Students will be asked
randomly to present their solutions to the class during the lecture. It will add value if you try some of
the other exercises as well.





Use the control volume approach to derive the continuity equation in cylindrical
Show that the Navier-Stokes equations reduces to the Bernoulli equation for a steady,
incompressible flow if 0.
Derive the non-dimensional form of the Navier-Stokes equation for Re 0.
Starting from the Navier-Stokes and energy equations, calculate the velocity and
temperature profiles for laminar flow between two infinite plates. The upper plate has a
temperature and velocity of T1 and V1 respectively, whilst the lower plate is stationary, but
has a temperature of T0. Under what conditions will the temperature gradient be nonlinear?
Derive an expression for the velocity profile in a fluid trapped in the annulus between two
infinitely long concentric cylinders. The outer cylinder is stationary, whilst the inner cylinder
rotates a rad/s. Explain how this solution can be used to measure viscosity.
Find an expression for the velocity profile in an infinitely long circular pipe if the flow is
subject to a constant pressure gradient. Can you use this information to measure viscosity?
Water in a large, deep pond is initially at rest. It is suddenly subject to a wind shear at the
surface. Determine the time dependent temperature profile in the water.
Consider an oil film flowing down a rod with diameter D. If the volume flow rate is , what is
the film thickness if the flow is fully developed?
Water is condensing on a vertical aluminium plate of thickness t. Heat is removed at a
constant rate from the back of the plate. Calculate the film thickness and velocity profile
at a distance L from the upper edge of the plate.
A two-dimensional plane jet of air is released into a quite atmosphere. Assuming a top hat
velocity profile in the jet, and an entrainment rate of 10 %, derive and expression for the flow
outside the jet.

You may assume laminar flow and constant properties in all cases.

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