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Scientific Evidence: Animal Extinction

Teacher Name
Subject Area

Miss Webb
Science 20
Unit C: The Changing Earth

Time: three classes

Grade 11

GLO 4: Students will analyze the evidence of, and assess the explanations for,
natural variations in Earths climate over the last two million years
Specific Learner
Taken from
Alberta Program
of Studies

SLO: 20-C4.3k explain, in general terms, how changes to Earths climate and how
mass extinctions could be caused by changes or variation in the following: Earths
orbit around the sun, the inclination of Earths axis, solar energy output, Earths
geography due to crustal movement, volcanic activity, ocean currents, atmospheric
composition or asteroid impact

What do you want
your students to

Students will evidence a thoughtful and deep understanding of how Earths climate
has lead to mass extinctions historically and today. This will occur through a selfdirected inquiry-based small-group project where students will create their own
Animoto to display their findings.

How will you know
your students
have learned?

Students will be formatively assessed through observation, discussion, and

questioning. While students work on their project in their small groups I will observe
and listen to questions, concerns and comments of students. Lastly, students will be
formatively assessed during this small-group project on their topic, material, and
presentation on Animoto- students will not present to the class.

What resources
will you need?




Individual laptops

I will introduce students to the self-directed project by giving them an overview of

how climate change has and is leading to extinction of some animals. I will explain
that this project will give them an opportunity to research extinctions today and the
role climate change played on them and present them through Animoto. I will then
explain the instructions and expectations, as well where to find resources I have
posted on our Edmodo page. Students will then be asked to form small groups (15
- Once students have formed their small groups they will begin the research
phase of their project. During this phase they will use Google and if they
choose the resources I selected for them. This will take all of the first class.
- The second class students will most likely be finishing up their research or
close to and beginning to formulate it on to a document before putting it on
Animoto, this will take most of the second class.
- The final class will be students finalizing their Animoto presentation and
adding any details they would like to. They will then submit them to me for
marking on Edmodo, as well as posting them on Edmodo for their
classmates to view.
I will close the project by having students share interesting facts they learned
throughout their research, information they did not know, where some of the
extinctions are occurring, and if it concerns them with the class and myself. I will

then discuss the next topic briefly and connect how such events effect them and
future generations dramatically. Students will then be dismissed (10 minutes)

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