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Red drops of rain

It was midnight,he was wearing a dark and old umbrella, the rain looked red, at least to him.
He saw red color in everything. People believe that red is color of love. So did he, Arnold,
boy tourhed by love. As he was walking, taxi driver apeared right in front of him,again he saw
a red, fresh painted car, but acutally car was yellow. A girl, very familiar to him, got out of the
taxy and walked towards him. 'Hey' she said, with a shy voice like all woman has when they
talk with someone they liked. Finaly he reconised her, Reachel, his oldest friend. They knew
each other since they were babies. Going through everything together made them closer more
thay anyone could imagine. He remembered that night, first time they got drunk together.
There was a party at the Lake, first party they visited acutally, and yet with so many bad
memories. That night, she said it.'Aronold, listen, I have to tell you, for the past 15 years, we
had something special, you know it, I know it, but I can't do it anymore, I can't lie my self
about my feelings. I love you Arnold!'. Shocked by what she said, he droped that glass of bear
all over her cloth.Everyone saw that and started laughting, Arnold still confused, without a
said word started running. Rached, embarased, started crying like a little baby, like someone
tooked a candy from her and didn't returned it. In wet cloth she layed on the grass, still crying
and feeling lonely feel aslepp.'Oh, hi', barely opened his mouth he said, with a quiet and
stuttering voice. 4 years passed since that horrible moment for her, Reachel made through a
rough time, and now she looks happier that even, you can't say that for Arnold. After that
night , months later, he felt bad, stomach butterflies surprised him, he realised, he was also in
love. It was late, she didn't want to see him, even though he cryed under her window, even
though he begged her, atleast to talk to him, but she didn't want him in her life anymore.''Long
time no see'', he finally said, now full of confidence, like he is the man. Reachel just
nodded.''Look, I'm really sorry about what I did'', said Arnold , I know I should not mention
this , after so many years but I still feel bad about what I did. Aperently he was still in love
with her, she couldn't know that, after all she was avoiding him for a long time. Whole the
time he was thinking: Why now? Why after 4 years? I know I still love her, but this is
strange.'Soo, what's going on in your life?'', asked Reachel, ''Did you miss me?''.He just stared
at her, how could she say something like that, she was the one avoiding me, he thought. 'Not
much, he said quickly, like he is rushing, so he did, he wasn't feeling normal about what was
happening. ''Easy there, nothing could compare with her smile at that very moment, he just
put a fake one, and looked at the ground. Aren't you gonna hug me, she asked, hesitantly he
approached. His hearth was beating like crazy, all of the good memories came back and stiked
him in his hearth, making him feel like he got the best birthday gift ever. Just before he put his
arms around her, the wind blow, it was the coldest wind that he felt in his life. There wasn't
nothing there, just air, he was hugging air. Like he was dreaming, at that point , the rain began
to fall even harder , forcing him to run to the taxi's car. As soon as he closed the door, she
apeared again, this time fainter , you could say transparent. Than he realised, she was a ghost,
all the the time, she was making him crazy, making him see red and lovefull sings in
everything, making him in love in a dead person. She conviced him that she didn't die that
day, by the lake, that she didn't died from to much bear in her liver, that it wasn't his fault even
though it was. Taxi driver asked him where he want's to go. His only words were, I'm sorry
Reachel, I'm sorry. Loud screams echoed through the tunnel trough whick the taxi driver
drove at the moment , disgusted and frightened taxi driver called the police right away ,
praying that the boy would survive. Arnold throat was cutted right in the middle, creating a
big hole, hole where we could see his soul was coming out, reaching towards the sky, joining
Reachel's. Even thoung police came in a matter of minutes, he was dead. Suicide over love,

you would never thought that someone would do that, but he wasn't like otheres, he was really
in love.
Luka Krsti

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