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Maltego transforms
Default port when localsyncing
* = Done
- = Doing
x = No longer appropriate
1. Hardware
[-] XBee
[ ] GSM
[-] UAV - attach
[-] Test on N900
[*] Test on PwnPad
2. Software
Client Side:
[ ] Capture WPA handshake
[ ] ToR
[-] Maltego
-SSIDs around location
[-] Google map creation
[-] Google earth KML explorer
[x] Fix up get_ident code
[ ] sync module to handle server + client?
[-] web cmd shell (launch web cmd in new thread/process, with timeout)
[-] GZIP
[ ] Log file gets overwritten?
[ ] Migrate to Requests!
[ ] Modify BT plugin to keep queue
[-] Test GPS code - also write for N900
[-] Write XBee code
[ ] Incorporate RogueAP
[-] Cookie/web extractor
[*] Update Wigle plugin
[ ] GPS.... OpenBTS?
[ ] Extract WPA Key plugin
[ ] ARP plugin
[ ] mDNS plugin
[ ] Trilateration plugin.
[ ] Make Python setup file
Server Side:
[*] Flask + Apache
[ ] SSL - recheck with new server code
[-] Data exploration webUI
3. Testing
[ ] Determine range
[*] Unit tests
[*] Replay captured traffic tests from Heathrow
[ ] DB schema test - millions of rows?
4. Other
[-] Write documentation
[ ] Write paper - submit to academic con?

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