Vital Capacity IRP

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Jocelyn Kuo

IB Biology HL Yr 1
Mrs. Soule
May 24, 2010
Independent Research Project: Vital Capacity


Aspect 1: Defining the problem and selecting variables


Vital capacity is the maximum volume of air that a

person can exhale after maximum inhalation. A person’s
vital capacity can be measured using device known
as a spirometer. A spirometer is an apparatus for
measuring the maximum volume of inspiration by the
lungs. The vital capacity of an individual is
measured through the process of exhalation. Air is
inhaled and exhaled into and out of the
lungs through the trachea, bronchi, and
bronchioles. The lung volume of an
individual often varies. The sex, height,
weight, and surrounding environment of a
person are all factors that could possibly
affect the vital capacity. For example,
men and taller people generally have
higher capacities compared to women and
shorter people, respectively. Also, factors
such as smoking or athletics can increase
or decrease the lung volume.

In Track and Field, there are a collection

of events such as sprinting, running,
throwing and jumping. Short distance
runners are categorized into sprints where
as long distance runners are categorized into middle distance and long distance events.
Examples of sprint events would be the 100 meter, 200 meter, and 400 meter events.
Anything over 400 meters would be considered a middle distance of long distance race. Long
distance running requires more endurance whereas sprinting relies on agility.

This lab will research the vital capacity of non-runners and runners, specifically long distance
runners and short distance runners.
Research Question

Do long distance runners have larger vital capacity than short distance runners?

The experiment of this lab will study the lung capacity of Varsity Track and Field runners in
International School Bangkok. The objective of this lab is to determine if a specific event in
Track and Field will have an effect on the vital capacity of an athlete.


Independent: Short distance runners and long distance runners

Dependent variable: The measure and average measure of vital capacity (cc) after 3 trials of
maximum exhalation into the spirometer

Controlled: Spirometer model, method, data collection

Aspect 2: Controlling the variables

Controlling the variables

Independent variable: The groups tested will be short distance runners and long distance
runners. Individuals on the Track and Field team will be asked what events they compete in
and then categorized into short distance or long distance.

Dependent variable: The capacity measure (cc) of each runner after 3 trials of maximum
exhalation into the spirometer is the dependent variable.

Spirometer model: In order to control the vital capacity, the same spirometer will be used
throughout the experiment. A different model of a spirometer could off set the accuracy of the

Method: In order to control the accuracy vital capacity, each participant will be required to
stand in the same position and to hold the spirometer in a specific way. The position or
posture such as sitting down or slouching could possibly prevent the lungs from inhaling and
exhaling at maximum volume. Every person will be asked to stand up straight and hold the
spirometer horizontally.

Data collection: In order to control the target for data collection, the amount of girls and boys
tested will need be equal. Males generally have higher lung capacities than females therefore
if more males were to be tested in one group than the other, the average would not be
Aspect 3: Developing a method for collection of data


• Spirometer
• 24 paper or plastic mouthpieces
• Towel paper
• Notebook
• Pen


1. Before beginning the experiment, make sure the spirometer is clean by unscrewing the
top and wiping it clean with a paper towel then screw the top back on
2. Reset the spirometer by twisting the top counterclockwise until the arrow indicates 0
3. Put the plastic or paper mouthpiece around the mouth area of the spirometer
4. Ask the participant to inhale at maximum volume and exhale into the spirometer as
hard as possible at a steady rate
5. Record the projected cc in notebook with the pen
6. Repeat the trial 2 more times for more accuracy
7. Record the highest cc after 3 trials
8. Before testing other participants, make sure to dispose the used mouthpieces and offer
new ones for other participants.
9. Clean the spirometer with a towel after testing other couple of people

Data Collection and processing

Aspect 1: Raw data

Table 1: Trial Vital Capacity of 1st Trial of Short Distance Runners and Long
Distance Runners on ISB Varsity Track and Field
# Short Distance Runners (±50 cc) Long Distance Runners (±50 cc)
1 1500 2200
2 2100 2900
3 2900 2500
4 1700 2400
5 2400 3000
6 2200 2400
7 2300 3700
8 2400 2200
9 3300 3300
10 1900 2800
11 2700 2400
12 3100 3600
Table 1: The vital capacity measure of 12 long distance runners and 12 short distance
runners of 1st trial were recorded

Table 2: Trial Vital Capacity of 2nd Trial of Short Distance Runners and Long
Distance Runners on ISB Varsity Track and Field
# Short Distance Runners (±50 cc) Long Distance Runners (±50 cc)
1 2500 2600
2 2600 3100
3 3300 3200
4 1700 2600
5 2650 2900
6 2500 2500
7 2400 3600
8 2600 2300
9 2900 3500
10 1900 2900
11 2600 2600
12 3100 3400
Table 2: The vital capacity measure of 12 long distance runners and 12 short distance
runners of 2nd trial

Table 3: Trial Vital Capacity of 3rd Trial of Short Distance Runners and Long
Distance Runners on ISB Varsity Track and Field
# Short Distance Runners (±50 cc) Long Distance Runners (±50 cc)
1 2600 2700
2 2200 3400
3 3300 3600
4 2000 2550
5 2700 2800
6 2500 2500
7 2400 3400
8 2600 2200
9 3300 3400
10 2000 2900
11 2800 2500
12 3100 3500
Table 3: The vital capacity measure of 12 long distance runners and 12 short distance
runners of 3rd trial
Table 4: Highest Vital Capacity of All 3 Trials of Short Distance Runners and Long
Distance Runners on ISB Varsity Track and Field
# Short Distance Runners (±50 cc) Long Distance Runners (±50 cc)
1 2600 2700
2 2600 3400
3 3300 3600
4 2000 2600
5 2650 3000
6 2500 2500
7 2400 3700
8 2600 2300
9 3300 3500
10 2000 2600
11 2800 2900
12 3100 3600
Table 4: The highest vital capacity measure of 12 long distance runners and 12 short distance
runners after 3 trials

Aspect 2: Processing raw data

Table 5: Vital Capacity Average of Non-Runners, Short Distance Runners, and Long
Distance Runners on ISB Varsity Track and Field

Table 5: The total of vital capacity was divided by the amount of runners surveyed in each
group to retrieve the average vital capacity. The average vital capacity difference of long
distance and short distance runners can be compared. The uncertainty is also shown by error
Aspect 3: Presenting processed data
Sample Calculations

A t-test can be used to find out whether there is a significant difference between the means of
two populations: short distance runners and longer distance runners. The larger the difference
between the two means, the larger t is.

Sample 1: Testing the difference between mean vital capacity of short distance runners and
long distance runners

Mean vital capacity of short distance runners= 2654.17

Mean vital capacity of long distance runners= 3033.33
Level of significance (P)= 0.0587
Degrees of freedom= 22
t= 1.9938

According to the table of critical values for t, the critical value can be found with the level of
significance (P) and degrees of freedom.

Critical value for t= 2.608

The calculated value of t is much larger than the critical value, so the difference between the
mean vital capacity of short distance runners and long distance runners is significant.
Conclusion and Evaluation

Aspect 1: Concluding
In conclusion, the average vital capacities of short distance runners and long distance runners
do differ. The average vital capacity of long distance runners is higher by almost 300 cc than
the average vital capacity of short distance runners. According to the t-test, the mean
difference of vital capacities between short distance runners and long distance runners is
significant. We can conclude that long distance runners develop higher capacities in Track in
Field. There is a correlation be between long distance and short distance events and vital
capacities – runners who run longer distances have higher capacities. The correlation is thus
positive. Therefore, long distance and short distance events in Track and Field do affect the
vital capacity of a runner.

Aspect 2: Evaluating procedures

1. The vital capacities of Trial 2 and Trial 3 of long distance runners and short distance
runners were mostly lower than the 1st trial. This could have resulted from tiredness.
The 3 trials were done consecutively with about a possible 30 second resting period in
between. The participants could have possibly felt tired or out of breath simply after 1
Trial thus affecting their later performance in Trial 2 and Trial 3.
2. The participants of this experiment were all tested during lunch period since that was
the time period where all individual were best accessible. Lunch period is often a
chaotic period where students are surrounded by their friends. When experimenting on
some individuals, the presence of their friends may possibly affect the results. Some
individuals could not perform at their fullest potential with the presence of their
friends because they wound up laughing

Aspect 3: Improving the investigation

1. The method could be improved by having longer resting intervals for the participants.
Instead of testing the same individual 3 consecutive times in a row, going to other
individual first then returning to the previous individual for a 2nd trial could provide
more accurate results.
2. Instead of testing the participants during lunch period or in a chaotic atmosphere,
testing the students in a calmer, isolated area could possibly improve the results since
there would be no distractions.

Works Cited

Allott, Andrew. Biology. 2001. Second ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

"Vital Capacity." Wikpedia. 29 Apr. 2009. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. 24 May 2009

"Table of Critical Values." Chart. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Emerald. 24 May
2009 <>.

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