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Motivators for Continuous Adult Education

The first subproject deals with analyzing educational data sets to identify
motivators for continuous learning. The scope of this subproject is listed below:
- Analyze the entire data set and arrive at all designations where the annual
salary is above $60,000.
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output'
select occupation,annual_wage from motivators where annual_wage

- Arrive at the education level requirement for the above salary range.
create view view1 as select * from motivators where annual_wage <='$60,000';
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output/outA'
select * from view1;

- Arrive at the designations where the education level is High school diploma
or equivalent or less.
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output/out1'
select occupation,education_entry from motivators where education_entry =
'High school diploma or equivalent' or education_entry ='Doctoral or
professional degree';

- Analyze the average replacement needs for the salary range in step 1 for the
year 2012-2024.
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output/out2'
select AVG(job_opening) from motivators where annual_wage <= '$60000';

Occupations Poised for Growth

The next subproject is about identifying occupations poised for growth in over a
decade. The scope of this subproject is listed below:
- List all occupations that are expected to grow by over 20% by 2024.
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output1'
select m1.annual_wage,m2.replacement_need from motivators m1 JOIN
motivators1 m2 ON (m1.code == m2.code);

- List the education levels needed for such occupations.

create view A AS select occupation,code from motivators2 where
emp_percent<= 20;
create view B AS select education_entry,code from motivators;

insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output1/outA'

select m1.occupation,m2.education_entry from A m1 JOIN B m2 ON (m1.code
== m2.code);

- Identify and list all occupations where education is bachleor degree

insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output1/outB'
select COUNT(occupation) from motivators where education_entry =
"Bachelor's degree";
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output1/outC'
select occupation,education_entry from motivators where education_entry =
"Bachelor's degree";

Region-Wise Job Opportunities for Top Occupations

As the next step, you have to identify the regions (states) in which job
opportunities exist for the top occupations identified in the previous subproject.
The scope of this subproject is listed below:
- List all states where mean houlry wages is more than 70.00 for all the
jobs(occupation) lsited in the salary of the first subproject range.
create view view6 as select occupation,code from motivators where
annual_wage >= '$60,000';
create view view7 as select state,h_mean,occ_code from state_project1 where
h_mean >= '70';

create view view8 AS select m1.occupation,m2.state,h_mean from view6 m1

JOIN view7 m2 ON (m1.code == m2.occ_code);
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output2'
select m1.occupation,m2.state,h_mean from view6 m1 JOIN view7 m2 ON
(m1.code == m2.occ_code);

-find the number of occupation need for each stae whose hourly mean wages is
more than 70
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output2/outA'
select COUNT(occ_title),state from state_project1 group by state;
create view view9 as select state,occ_title from state_project1 where h_mean >=
select COUNT(occ_title),state from view9 group by state;

Financial Capacity of Consumers

As the next step, you have to identify the financial capacity of the regions
identified in the previous subproject. The scope of this subproject is listed

- Identify the industries and regions from the previous project.

create view view9 as select state,occ_title from state_project1 where h_mean >=
create table t1 as select view9.state,state.industry,state.area_type,state.avg_wage
from view9 join state on(view9.state == state.area);
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output3'
select view9.state,state.industry,state.area_type,state.avg_wage from view9 join
state on(view9.state == state.area);

- For the regions and industries listed in the previous step, identify the average
weekly wages.
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output3/outA'
select AVG(avg_wage) from state;
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output3/outB'
select AVG(avg_wage),Area_Type,Industry from state group by
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output3/outC'
select AVG(avg_wage),Industry from state group by Industry;
insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/project_output3/outD'
select AVG(avg_wage),Area_Type from state group by Area_Type;

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